SW438 ch.10

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Examining system capacity for change includes A) refining the working hypothesis of etiology. B) identifying the change agent system. C) identifying the action system. D) assessing general openness and commitment to change.

assessing general openness and commitment to change

A problem of low priority but high frequency is often seen by community members as a ________ priority than more intense, less frequent problems. A) higher B) medium C) low D) non-


When would you want to bring in a third-party mediator? A) The target and action systems are alienated from each other. B) The target system begins to support some possible changes. C) The action system needs to press for further concessions. D) Having won, a timetable and list of resources is needed

The target and action systems are alienated from each other

The controlling system has clearly violated the legal rights of the target population and refuses to budge. The tactic should be A) joint confrontive action. B) education and persuasion. C) community action. D) a class action lawsuit

a class action lawsuit

Who do you most need for a newsworthy mass media appeal campaign? A) A graphics designer B) A script writer C) A reporter or editor D) A stringer reporter

a reporter or editor

Both the host and the controlling system are indifferent and could not care less about the change goal. The strategy approach should be A) collaboration. B) campaign. C) contest. D) conquest


Intentionally breaking a law (and insisting that it be enforced) is characteristic of A) political demonstrations. B) civil disobedience. C) class action lawsuits. D) targeted lobbying.

civil disobedience

Whose rights take precedence over the wishes of the action system? A) Clients B) Social Workers C) Politicians D) Directors


Implementation and capacity-building are associated with which strategy below? A) collaboration B) campaign C) contest D) conquest


A member of the action system insists that they fully support a change but secretly work against it. Which tactic does this call for? A) Contest B) Blackmail C) Cooptation D) Persuasion


If the target system opposes change and/or the allocation of resources and is not open to further communication, the best strategy is A) collaboration. B) campaign. C) contest. D) conquest


Which factor do decision makers often take into account, even before considering how urgent a needed change may be? A) Feasibility B) Flack C) Cost D) Desirability


When lobbying elected officials, it is important to be mindful that they have critical concerns about A) controversy and risks. B) costs and social impacts. C) research accuracy and facts. D) cooptation and image

costs and social impacts

When determining the availability of resources to sustain the change effort, one must A) develop an inventory of available and needed resources. B) keep track of all donors for the victory celebration. C) the scope of needed resources generally is the same. D) formal proposals with budgets are seldom necessary.

develop an inventory of available and needed resources

A group proposes a change in how the caseworkers interview clients. If this is approached as a policy change, it may be enforced. If approached as a practice change, it may be A) researched. B) mandatory. C) immeasurable. D) discretionary.


A worker presents a well research and crafted presentation to the agency's Board of Directors that advances the need to greatly expand refugee services. This tactic is A) education. B) cooptation. C) lobbying. D) media appeal.


The steps needed to free client system members from real or perceived participation barriers defines A) participation. B) implementation. C) collaboration. D) empowerment.


The authors define "strategy" as the A) over-arching hypothesis of etiology or cause and effect. B) overall-all efforts to ensure that a proposed change is accepted. C) specific techniques designed to maximize possible success. D) ability to intuitively discern what will and will not work.

overall-all efforts to ensure that a proposed change is accepted.

The authors define "politics" as A) relationships with elected officials. B) partisan rivalries and opportunities. C) perceived self-interest and responsibility. D) judicial, executive, and legislative.

perceived self-interest and responsibility

Which type of change poses the greatest risk for the change agent? A) Policy change B) Program change C) Project change D) Personnel change

personnel change

The authors place a great deal of emphasis on understanding which context? A) Political and economic B) Social and psychological C) Cultural and social D) Conservative and radical

political and economic

A group recommends that a time-limited trial of a new intake procedure be initiated within the welfare office to evaluate if this is worthwhile. This is a A) policy change. B) program change. C) project change. D) personnel change.

project change

After decisions have been made regarding who or what needs to be changed and what systems need to be involved the next step is A) selection of resources. B) selection of strategies. C) selection of tactics. D) selection of participants.

selection of tactics

In the authors' opinion, covert tactics are permissible but A) are not a very effective means for change. B) should be ethical when brought into the open. C) pose too many risks to be seriously used. D) never should be used by the social worker.

should be ethical when brought into the open

An intervention that is planned, intended to evoke specific reactions, involve interaction with others and goal oriented is a A) strategy. B) tactic. C) interaction. D) modality.


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