System Analysis & Design - Chapter 6, System Analysis & Design - Chapter 7, System Analysis & Design - Chapter 8

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D) all of the above

70) Which of the following documents are useful in understanding possible future system requirements? A) written work procedures B) documents that describe the current information system C) reports generated by current systems D) all of the above

A) level-3 diagram

A DFD that is a result of three nested decompositions of a series of subprocesses from a process on a level-0 diagram defines a: A) level-3 diagram B) level-1 diagram C) level-2 diagram D) primitive diagram

D) level-n diagram

A DFD that is the result of n nested decompositions from a process on a level-0 diagram, is called: A) primitive diagram B) level-0 diagram C) context diagram D) level-n diagram

B) has only inputs

A black hole is one that: A) has only inputs B) has only outputs C) has not been exploded to show enough detail D) has insufficient inputs to produce the associated processes

B) identifier

A candidate key that has been selected as the unique, identifying characteristic for an entity type is called a(n): A) attribute B) identifier C) secondary key D) gerund

A) entity type

A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics defines: A) entity type B) entity instance C) entity occurrence D) entity collection

C) data store

A computer-based file containing employee information is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) data flow B) source C) data store D) process

A) user rule

A concise statement of the business rule to be enforced by the triggering operation refers to: A) user rule B) condition C) action D) event

A) extended entry

A condition that has more than two values is a(n): A) extended entry B) simple entry C) complex entry D) limited entry

A) statements

A decision table does not include: A) statements B) condition stubs C) action stubs D) rules


A decision table is simplified by: A) removing extended entries B) removing any rules with impossible actions C) removing simple entries D) removing any rules with static actions

C) entity-relationship model

A detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations, and data elements for an organization or business area defines: A) entity-relationship diagram B) conceptual model C) entity-relationship model D) data flow diagram

D) nominal group technique

A facilitated process that supports idea generation by groups where at the beginning of the process, group members work alone to generate ideas, which are then pooled under the guidance of a trained facilitator best describes: A) affinity clustering B) requirements structuring C) group interviews D) nominal group technique

C) decision table

A matrix representation of the logic of a decision, which specifies the possible conditions for the decision and the resulting actions, defines a: A) structure chart B) state transition diagram C) decision table D) sequence diagram

B) decision table

A modeling technique that allows you to represent a set of conditions and the actions that follow from them in a tabular format best describes: A) data flow diagram B) decision table C) flowchart D) Structured English

A) attribute

A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organization defines: A) attribute B) relationship C) instance D) gerund

D) entity

A person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data refers to a(n): A) attribute B) data element C) relationship D) entity

C) verb phrase label

A process has a: A) pronoun label B) adjective label C) verb phrase label D) noun phrase label

B) associative entity

A relationship that the data modeler chooses to model as an entity type best defines: A) recursive relationship B) associative entity C) domain D) complex relationship

C) Repeating Group

A set of two or more multivalued attributes that are logically related defines: A) relationship B) gerund C) repeating group D) class

C) ternary relationship

A simultaneous relationship among instances of three entity types is a: A) unary relationship B) binary relationship C) ternary relationship D) multiple occurrence

A) entity instance

A single occurrence of an entity type defines: A) entity instance B) entity appearance C) attribute D) data element

D) source/sink

A square on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink

C) subtype

A subgrouping of the entities in an entity type that is meaningful to the organization and that shares common attributes or relationships distinct from other subgroupings best defines: A) child node B) disjoined entity C) subtype D) supertype

B) source

A supplier of auto parts to our company is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store

B) describes how a particular job or task is performed, including data and information that are used and created in the process of performing the job

A written work procedure: A) indicates the job an analyst will need to perform on a given project B) describes how a particular job or task is performed, including data and information that are used and created in the process of performing the job C) indicates what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function D) enables you to work backwards from the information on a report to the necessary data

B) event

All business processes begin and end with a(n): A) starting and termination points B) event C) activity D) gateway

C) purchased models are very specific

All of the following are benefits of database patterns and packaged data models EXCEPT: A) purchased models are proven from extensive experience B) systems analysis is facilitated C) purchased models are very specific D) purchased models anticipate future needs

C) analysis

An E-R model with attributes is prepared during: A) design B) project identification and selection C) analysis D) project initiation and planning

B) data flow

An arrow on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink

A) triggering operation

An assertion or rule that governs the validity of data manipulation operations such as insert, update, and delete is: A) triggering operation B) entity integrity C) referential integrity constraints D) domains

B) relationship

An association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization best defines: A) occurrence B) relationship C) coupling D) cardinality

C) candidate key

An attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each instance of an entity type defines: A) data element occurrence B) trigger C) candidate key D) gerund

B) multivalued attribute

An attribute that may take on more than one value for each entity instance is referred to as a: A) gerund B) multivalued attribute C) nonexclusive attribute D) supertype

A) dash (-)

An indifferent condition is represented by a(n): A) dash (-) B) asterisk (*) C) exclamation point (!) D) pound sign (#)

C) 16

Assume the first condition has four values; the second condition has two values; the third condition has two values. How many rules will there be? A) 8 B) 7 C) 16 D) 24

D) 18

Assume we have three conditions. Condition one has two values; condition two has three values; condition three has three values. How many rules are needed? A) 8 B) 6 C) 5 D) 18

C) identifying selection criteria

Basic procedures for constructing a decision table do not include: A) listing all possible rules B) naming the conditions and the values each condition can assume C) identifying selection criteria D) simplifying the decision table

D) process

Calculating an employee's salary is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) data flow B) source C) data store D) process

C) analysis

Conceptual data modeling is typically done in parallel with other requirements analysis and structuring steps during: A) logical design B) physical design C) analysis D) implementation

B) data store

Data at rest, which may take the form of many different physical representations, defines: A) source B) data store C) data flow D) process

A) process models

Data flow diagrams that concentrate on the movement of data between processes are referred to as: A) process models B) data models C) flow models D) flow charts

D) data flow

Data in motion, moving from one place in a system to another, defines: A) data store B) process C) source D) data flow

D) all of the above

Drawbacks to prototyping include: A) a tendency to avoid creating formal documentation of systems requirements that can then make the system more difficult to develop into a fully working system B) prototypes becoming very idiosyncratic to the initial user and difficult to diffuse or adapt to other potential users C) prototypes being built as stand-alone systems D) all of the above

Answer: impertinence

During requirements determination, the systems analyst characteristic that says you should question everything is ________.

B) underlined on an E-R diagram

For each entity, the name of the identifier is: A) identified by using a double-lined ellipse B) underlined on an E-R diagram C) bold on an E-R diagram D) written in all capital letters on an E-R diagram

C) indicate what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function

Forms are important for understanding a business because they: A) indicate the correct sequencing of tasks B) describe how particular tasks are performed C) indicate what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function D) enable you to work backwards from the information on a report to the necessary data

C) when they contain actual organizational data

Forms are most useful: A) when they do not contain any data B) during the initial planning stages C) when they contain actual organizational data D) during the design stage

D) seeking a variety of perspectives from the interviews

Good interview guidelines consist of: A) phrasing the question to illicit the correct response B) typing your notes within two weeks of the interview C) establishing expectation levels about the new system D) seeking a variety of perspectives from the interviews

C) process modeling

Graphically representing the functions, or processes, which capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and its environment and between components within a system refers to: A) data modeling B) flow charting C) process modeling D) transition modeling

C) numbering

Guidelines for drawing DFDs include the following except for: A) completeness B) consistency C) numbering considerations D) timing considerations

B) violation of consistency

Having a level-1 diagram with no level-0 diagram is an example of a: A) violation of completeness B) violation of consistency C) gap D) structuring violation

B) the number of rules is reduced by condensing Rules 2, 4, and 6 into one rule

If Rules 2, 4, and 6 are indifferent conditions, then: A) Rules 2, 4, and 6 are eliminated from the matrix B) the number of rules is reduced by condensing Rules 2, 4, and 6 into one rule C) Rules 2, 4, and 6 will result in at least two additional rules being included in the matrix D) Rules 2, 4, and 6 have no impact on the interpretation of the matrix

B) binary relationship

If STUDENT and COURSE participate in a relationship, their relationship is a(n): A) unary relationship B) binary relationship C) ternary relationship D) extraordinary relationship

C) balancing

If a data flow appears on the context diagram and is also represented at level-0, this would be referred to as: A) leveling B) flow conservation C) balancing D) matching

A) appear on the context diagram

If an input from a source appears at level-0, it must: A) appear on the context diagram B) be connected to a data flow C) be connected to a sink D) be connected to a data store

B) multivalued attribute

If each employee can have more than one skill, then SKILL is referred to as a: A) gerund B) multivalued attribute C) nonexclusive attribute D) repeating attribute

C) the minimum cardinality of the relationship is one

If entity B is a mandatory participant, then: A) the minimum cardinality of the relationship is two B) the minimum cardinality of the relationship cannot be defined C) the minimum cardinality of the relationship is one D) the minimum cardinality of the relationship is optional

C) be coupled to each other

If two processes are connected by a data flow, they are said to: A) share the same timing effects B) share the same data C) be coupled to each other D) be strapped to each other

C) complete

If your DFD contains data flows that do not lead anywhere, it is not: A) gap proof B) a primitive diagram C) complete D) consistent

A) indifferent condition

In a decision table, a condition whose value does not affect which actions are taken for two or more rules is referred to as a(n): A) indifferent condition B) static condition C) fixed condition D) flexible condition

B) gateway

In business process modeling, a decision point is called a(n): A) activity B) gateway C) terminal D) loop

A) swimlane

In business process modeling, a way to encapsulate a process is called a(n): A) swimlane B) fastlane C) lane D) none of the above

A) data store

In the Gane and Sarson model, a rectangle that is missing its right vertical sides on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink

C) process

In the Gane and Sarson model, a rectangle with rounded corners on a data flow diagram represents a: A) data store B) data flow C) process D) source/sink

B) group interviewing

Interviewing several key people at once refers to: A) stakeholder interviewing B) group interviewing C) user interviewing D) strategic interviewing

D) both A and B

On a data flow diagram, you may: A) repeat data stores B) repeat sources/sinks C) repeat processes D) both A and B

C) previously unknown information can result

One advantage of open-ended questions in an interview is: A) a significant amount of time can be devoted to each interviewee B) the interviewee is restricted to providing just a few answers C) previously unknown information can result D) they work well when the answers to the questions are well known

A) they each describe different but complementary views of the same information system

Process, logic, and data model descriptions of a system must be consistent and complete because: A) they each describe different but complementary views of the same information system B) they are prepared during the analysis phase C) they are constructed in parallel by separate analyst teams D) programming tasks require the integration of the information contained in the diagrams

B) communication problems have existed in the past between users and analysts

Prototyping is most useful for requirements determination when: A) user requirements are well understood B) communication problems have existed in the past between users and analysts C) possible designs are simple and require an abstract form to fully evaluate D) multiple stakeholders are involved with the system

B) closed-ended questions

Questions in interviews asking those responding to choose from among a set of specified responses are: A) specific questions B) closed-ended questions C) open-ended questions D) structured questions

C) open-ended questions

Questions in interviews that have no pre-specified answers are: A) nonspecific questions B) closed-ended questions C) open-ended questions D) investigative questions

C) closed-ended question

Rating a response or idea on some scale, say from strongly agree to strongly disagree, would be classified as a(n): A) open-ended question B) JAD question C) closed-ended question D) ranking question

A) process

Recording a customer's payment is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store

B) Planning Game

Referencing eXtreme programming, which of the following is a stylized approach to development that seeks to maximize fruitful interaction between those who need a new system and those who built it? A) Iteration Planning Game B) Planning Game C) eXtreme Walkthrough D) eXtreme JAD

B) design

Referencing eXtreme programming, which of the following is not a Planning Game phase? A) exploration B) design C) commitment D) steering

D) steering

Referencing eXtreme programming, which of the following is the final phase of the Planning Game? A) exploration B) design C) commitment D) steering

A) programmers

Referencing eXtreme programming, who plays the Iteration Planning Game? A) programmers B) business managers and analysts C) end users, business managers, and analysts D) programmers, analysts, and end users

B) decision table

Removing any rules with impossible actions to make which of the following simple as possible? A) activity diagram B) decision table C) structure chart D) hierarchical chart

D) all of the above

Some systems developers believe that a data model is the most important part of the statement of information system requirements because: A) the characteristics of data captured during data modeling are crucial in the design of databases, programs, computer screens, and printed reports B) data rather than processes are the most complex aspects of many modern information systems and thus require a central role in structuring system requirements C) the characteristics about data are reasonably permanent D) all of the above

D) business rules

Specifications that preserve the integrity of the logical data model are: A) requirements specifications B) integrity restrictions C) business limitations D) business rules

B) data flow

Student data contained on an enrollment form is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) data flow C) source D) data store


Techniques developed to keep the analysis effort minimal, yet still effective include: A) JAD B) interviewing C) observations D) quiz sessions

C) disruptive technologies

Technologies that enable the breaking of long-held business rules that inhibit organizations from making radical business changes best defines: A) technology barriers B) business process reengineering C) disruptive technologies D) business constraints

C) functional decomposition

The act of going from a single system to several component processes refers to: A) structuring B) balancing C) functional decomposition D) formatting

B) action

The condition that causes the operation to be triggered: A) condition B) action C) entity name D) user rule

B) balancing

The conservation of inputs and outputs to a data flow diagram process when that process is decomposed to a lower level defines: A) decomposition B) balancing C) conservation D) data flow structuring

D) event

The data manipulation operation (insert, delete, or update) that initiates the operation is called a(n): A) condition B) action C) user rule D) event

A) top-down approach

The data modeling perspective that derives the business rules for a data model from an intimate understanding of the nature of the business, rather than from any specific information requirements in screens, reports, or business forms, is referred to as the: A) top-down approach B) bottom-up approach C) overview approach D) business approach

B) what you learned during requirements determination

The deliverables of process modeling state: A) how you should develop the system during physical design B) what you learned during requirements determination C) how you should implement the new system during implementation D) what you learned during project planning

A) context diagram

The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and which are outside the system, is called a: A) context diagram B) level-2 diagram C) referencing diagram D) representative diagram

B) DFD completeness

The extent to which all necessary components of a data flow diagram have been included and fully described refers to: A) DFD consistency B) DFD completeness C) DFD gap proofing D) DFD flexibility

A) DFD consistency

The extent to which information contained on one level of a set of nested data flow diagrams is also included on other levels refers to: A) DFD consistency B) DFD completeness C) DFD gap proofing D) DFD flexibility

B) Your role is to find the best solution to a business problem or opportunity.

The impartiality characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements? A) You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways. B) Your role is to find the best solution to a business problem or opportunity. C) Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible. D) You should question everything.

D) You should question everything.

The impertinence characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements? A) You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways. B) Every fact must fit with every other fact. C) Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible. D) You should question everything.

D) primitive data flow diagrams

The lowest level of DFDs is called: A) level-0 diagrams B) context diagrams C) level-1 diagrams D) primitive data flow diagrams

D) primitive diagram

The lowest level of decomposition for a data flow diagram is called the: A) context diagram B) level-0 diagram C) level-1 diagram D) primitive diagram

B) minimum cardinality of the relationship

The minimum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A defines the: A) degree of the relationship B) minimum cardinality of the relationship C) maximum cardinality of the relationship D) domain of the relationship

B) Entity-relationship

The most common format used for data modeling is: A) state-transition diagramming B) entity-relationship diagramming C) process modeling D) decision table diagramming

A) cardinality

The number of instances of entity B that can (or must) be associated with each instance of entity A refers to: A) cardinality B) domain C) ternary occurrence D) participation level

A) formal system

The official way a system works as described in organizational documentation is referred to as a(n): A) formal system B) informal system C) official system D) desired system

A) source/sink

The origin and/or destination of data, sometimes referred to as external entities defines: A) source/sink B) data store C) data flow D) process

B) rules

The part of a decision table that links conditions to actions is the section that contains the: A) action statements B) rules C) condition statements D) decision stubs

B) condition stubs

The part of a decision table that lists the actions that result for a given set of conditions is called: A) action stubs B) condition stubs C) rule section D) condition execution

C) rules

The part of a decision table that specifies which actions are to be followed for a given set of conditions refers to: A) action stubs B) condition list C) rules D) decision list

B) scribe

The person who makes detailed notes of the happenings at a Joint Application Design session is referred to as the: A) JAD analyst B) scribe C) JAD manager D) JAD session leader

B) E-R diagram

The primary deliverable from the conceptual modeling step within the analysis phase is a(n): A) state-transition diagram B) E-R diagram C) context data flow diagram D) decision tree

D) all of the above

The primary deliverables from requirements determination include: A) sets of forms, reports, and job descriptions B) transcripts of interviews C) notes from observation and from analysis documents D) all of the above

D) gap analysis

The process in analysis in which the analyst tries to discover discrepancies between two or more sets of data flow diagrams, representing two or more states of an information system, or discrepancies within a single DFD, is referred to as: A) double checking B) sequencing C) referencing D) gap analysis

A) You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways.

The reframing characteristic of a good systems analyst is represented by which of the following statements? A) You must challenge yourself to look at the organization in new ways. B) Every fact must fit with every other fact. C) Assume anything is possible, and eliminate the infeasible. D) You should question everything

D) business process reengineering

The search for, and implementation of, radical change in business processes to achieve breakthrough improvements in products and services best defines: A) Joint Application Design B) Rapid Application Development C) structured programming D) business process reengineering

C) domain

The set of all data types and ranges of values that an attribute can assume defines: A) cardinality B) constraint set C) domain D) reference set

B) key business processes

The structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specific output for a particular customer or market best defines: A) formal systems B) key business processes C) secondary activities D) production systems

D) a rectangle with rounded edges

The symbol for an activity is: A) a square B) a circle C) an arrow D) a rectangle with rounded edges

B) analysis paralysis

The term used to refer to systems development projects bogged down in an abundance of analysis work is: A) information overload B) analysis paralysis C) analysis overload D) information abundance

B) data flows

The three main constructs of the entity-relationship modeling notation include each of the following except: A) data entities B) data flows C) relationships D) attributes

B) JAD session leader

The trained individual who plans and leads Joint Application Design sessions is referred to as the: A) scribe B) JAD session leader C) JAD manager D) JAD contributor

D) all of the above

The typical participants in a JAD include: A) a session leader B) a scribe C) a sponsor D) all of the above

B) informal system

The way a system actually works is referred to as a(n): A) unofficial system B) informal system C) actual system D) formal system

D) process

The work or actions performed on data so that they are transformed, stored, or distributed defines: A) source/sink B) data store C) data flow D) process

D) multiply the number of values for each condition by the number of values for every other condition

To determine the number of rules required for the decision table, you would: A) add the number of values for each condition to the number of values for every other condition B) multiply the number of conditions by two C) add the number of values for each condition to the number of values for every other condition, then subtract 1 D) multiply the number of values for each condition by the number of values for every other condition

D) all of the above

Traditional methods of collecting systems requirements include: A) individual interviews B) observing workers C) group interviews D) all of the above

C) the potential audience of the observation method is limited

When comparing observations and document analysis: A) the time required to conduct observations compared to document analysis is low B) the observee is not known to the interviewer C) the potential audience of the observation method is limited D) with document analysis, a clear commitment is discernible

D) limited entry

When condition values are either "yes" or "no", these values are called a(n): A) extended entry B) simple entry C) complex entry D) limited entry

C) primitive data flow diagrams

When you believe that you have shown each business form or transaction, computer screen, and report as a single data flow, you have probably reached the: A) level-0 diagrams B) level-1 diagrams C) primitive data flow diagrams D) level-3 diagrams

A) referential integrity constraints

Which of the following addresses the rules concerning the relationships between entity types? A) referential integrity constraints B) triggering operations C) entity integrity D) domains

D) Scheduling group interviews can be a problem.

Which of the following is a disadvantage to group interviewing? A) Group interviewing does not effectively utilize your time. B) Interviewing several people together allows them to hear the opinions of other key people. C) Group interviewing requires significantly more time than does the JAD process. D) Scheduling group interviews can be a problem.

C) People often do not have a completely accurate appreciation of what they do or how they do it.

Which of the following is a reason for directly observing end users? A) The analyst gets a snap-shot image of the person or task being observed. B) Observations are not very time consuming. C) People often do not have a completely accurate appreciation of what they do or how they do it. D) Employees will alter their performance if they know that they are being observed.

B) Group interviews

Which of the following is a traditional method of collecting systems requirements? A) Group support systems B) Group interviews C) Joint Application Design D) Rapid Application Development

A) The primary purpose of using JAD in the analysis phase is to collect systems requirements simultaneously from the key people involved with the system.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding JAD? A) The primary purpose of using JAD in the analysis phase is to collect systems requirements simultaneously from the key people involved with the system. B) JAD follows a particular structure of roles and agenda that are similar to the group interview. C) JAD sessions are usually conducted in the organization's conference room. D) A JAD session is inexpensive to conduct

C) A data store has a noun phrase label.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding a data store? A) Data can move directly from one data store to another data store. B) Data can move directly from a sink to a data store. C) A data store has a noun phrase label. D) Data can move from an outside source to a data store.

D) A join in a data flow means that exactly the same data comes from any of two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks to a common location.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding data flows? A) A data flow may have multiple directions between symbols. B) A data flow to a data store means retrieve or use. C) A data flow from a data store means update. D) A join in a data flow means that exactly the same data comes from any of two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks to a common location.

D) All of the above.

Which of the following is a true statement regarding sources/sinks? A) Sources/sinks are always outside the information system and define the boundaries of the system. B) Data must originate outside a system from one or more sources. C) The system must produce information to one or more sinks. D) All of the above.

C) An information system design based on a data orientation, rather than a process or logic orientation, should have a longer useful life.

Which of the following is a true statement? A) Data characteristics are dynamic. B) A data model explains the transient form of an organization. C) An information system design based on a data orientation, rather than a process or logic orientation, should have a longer useful life. D) Data flow paths are permanent.

A) Interviews based on closed-ended questions do not necessarily require a large time commitment, so more topics can be covered.

Which of the following is an advantage of closed-ended questions? A) Interviews based on closed-ended questions do not necessarily require a large time commitment, so more topics can be covered. B) Closed-ended questions enable the analysts to explore information that does not quite fit defined answers. C) The analyst can obtain previously unknown information. D) Closed-ended questions often put the interviewee at ease

D) none of the above

Which of the following is considered when diagramming? A) the interactions occurring between sources and sinks B) how to provide sources and sinks direct access to stored data C) how to control or redesign a source or sink D) none of the above

A) interviewing

Which of the following is not a contemporary method for determining system requirements? A) interviewing B) group support systems C) CASE tools D) Joint Application Design

D) Test each program module separately from every other program module, and then perform system testing.

Which of the following is not a step in the Agile Usage-Centered Design Method? A) Give everyone a chance to vent about the current system and to talk about the features every one wants in the new system. B) Determine what the most important user roles would be. C) Determine what tasks user roles will have to complete in order to achieve their goals. D) Test each program module separately from every other program module, and then perform system testing.


Which of the following is not an Agile Methodologies requirements determination technique? A) Planning Game B) JAD C) Agile Usage-Centered Design D) continual user involvement

D) state-transition diagram

Which of the following is not one of the primary deliverables resulting from studying and documenting a system's processes? A) context data flow diagram (DFD) B) thorough descriptions of each DFD component C) DFDs of the current logical system D) state-transition diagram

D) steering

Which of the following is the eXtreme Programming Planning Game phase where Business has a chance to see how the development process is progressing and to work with Development to adjust the plan accordingly? A) commitment B) exploration C) choice D) steering

B) triggering operations

Which of the following refers to an assertion or rule that governs the validity of data manipulation operations such as insert, update, and delete? A) referential integrity constraints B) triggering operations C) entity integrity D) domains

D) overlap rule

Which of the following specifies that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes? A) total specialization rule B) partial specialization rule C) disjoint rule D) overlap rule

B) partial specialization rule

Which of the following specifies that an entity instance of the supertype is allowed not to belong to any subtype? A) total specialization rule B) partial specialization rule C) disjoint rule D) overlap rule

A) total specialization rule

Which of the following specifies that each entity instance of the supertype must be a member of some subtype in the relationship? A) total specialization rule B) partial specialization rule C) disjoint rule D) overlap rule

C) entity integrity

Which of the following specifies that each instance of an entity type must have a unique identifier that is not null? A) referential integrity constraints B) triggering operations C) entity integrity D) domains

C) disjoint rule

Which of the following specifies that if an entity instance of the supertype is a member of one subtype it cannot simultaneously be a member of any other subtype? A) total specialization rule B) partial specialization rule C) disjoint rule D) overlap rule

B) distributed databases

Which of the following technologies disrupted the business rule that information can appear only in one place at a time? A) high-performance computing B) distributed databases C) expert systems D) advanced telecommunications networks

A) eXtreme programming

Which of the following was developed by Kent Beck, and is distinguished by its short cycles, its incremental planning approach, its focus on automated tests written by programmers and customers to monitor the process of development, and its reliance on an evolutionary approach to development that lasts throughout the lifetime of the system? A) eXtreme programming B) evolutionary prototyping C) rapid application development D) object-oriented analysis and design

E)all of the above

selection rules for an identifier: A)choose a candidate key that will not change its value B)chose a candidate key that will never be null C)avoid using intelligent keys D)consider substituting single value surrogate keys for large composite keys E) all of the above

D) all of the above

71) The analysis of documents can help you identify: A) problems with existing systems B) special information processing circumstances that occur irregularly and may not be identified by any other requirements C) the reason why current systems are designed the way they are D) all of the above

C) level-0 diagram

A data flow diagram that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail refers to: A) context diagram B) level-1 diagram C) level-0 diagram D) level-00 diagram

D) data store

A file folder containing orders is represented on a data flow diagram as a: A) process B) source C) data flow D) data store

B) has only outputs

A miracle process is one that: A) has only inputs B) has only outputs C) cannot be exploded further D) has insufficient inputs to produce the associated processes

D) enables you to work backwards from the information on a report to the data that must have been necessary to generate them

A report: A) indicates the inputs required for the new system B) describes how a particular job or task is performed, including data and information that are used and created in the process of performing the job C) indicates what data flow in or out of a system and which are necessary for the system to function D) enables you to work backwards from the information on a report to the data that must have been necessary to generate them

A) decision

All of the following are symbols used in business process modeling EXCEPT: A) decision B) gateway C) event D) activity

B) 12

Assume the first condition has two values; the second condition has two values; the third condition has three values. How many rules will there be? A) 7 B) 12 C) 6 D) 11

A) decouples the processe

By placing a data store between two processes, this: A) decouples the processes B) enables store and forward capabilities C) enhances the flow of data between the processes D) structures the processes

C) the development group is small

Continual user involvement works best when: A) the number of end users is large B) the number of end users is small C) the development group is small D) the development group is large

A) an E-R model represents conceptual data requirements for a particular system

During requirements structuring: A) an E-R model represents conceptual data requirements for a particular system B) the conceptual E-R data model is refined before it is translated into a logical format from which database definition and physical database design are done C) an enterprise-wide data model with very broad categories of data and little detail is prepared D) a specific E-R model is built to help explain the scope of a particular systems analysis and design effort

B) call the duplication to the attention of management as an issue to be resolved before system design can proceed

If your analysis of several written procedures reveals a duplication of effort in two jobs, you should: A) indicate that one job be deleted from the new system B) call the duplication to the attention of management as an issue to be resolved before system design can proceed C) justify the duplication of effort D) restructure the tasks so that the duplication is removed

D) All of the above are correct.

In BPR, which of the following questions are used to identify activities for radical change? A) How important is the activity to delivering the outcome? B) How feasible is changing the activity? C) How dysfunctional is the activity? D) All of the above are correct.

C) choose a candidate key that will not change its value over the life of each instance of the entity type

When selecting an identifier, one should: A) use intelligent keys B) use large composite keys instead of single-attribute surrogate keys C) choose a candidate key that will not change its value over the life of each instance of the entity type D) choose a candidate key such that for each instance of the entity, the attribute is guaranteed to have valid values or is null

B) A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves.

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding data flows? A) A fork in a data flow means that exactly the same data goes from a common location to two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks. B) A data flow can go directly back to the same process it leaves. C) A data flow has a noun phrase label. D) A data flow has only one direction of flow between symbols.

C) Composite data flows on one level cannot be split into component data flows at the next level.

Which of the following is not an advanced rule governing data flow diagramming? A) To avoid having data flow lines cross each other, data stores may be repeated on a DFD. B) At the lowest level of DFDs, new data flows may be added to represent data that are transmitted under exceptional conditions. C) Composite data flows on one level cannot be split into component data flows at the next level. D) The inputs to a process must be sufficient to produce the outputs from the process.

D) domains

Which of the following refers to the set of all data types and values that an attribute can assume? A) referential integrity constraints B) triggering operations C) entity integrity D) domains

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