TCM Pathology Final

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Both of these pathogens are obstructive.

Damp and Cold

This pathogen is heavy, turbid, vicious and lingering in nature. It tends to go downward and attacks the lower part of the body.


Which pathogen obstructs the functional activities of Qi and impairs spleen Yang?


If liver goes excessively upwards into the intestines there will be

Dry stools

This pathogen tends to impair body fluid during the Fall.


Thought or weakness will bind the Spleen Qi and cause typical symptoms of Spleen problems. There will be poor appetite, tiredness, fullness and distention of abdomen and ______________________.

Loose Stools

Excessive bleeding, loss of body fluid (excess sweat / diarrhea ) and qi deficiency that causes qi unable to control blood and body fluid will all lead to

Exhaustion of Qi

A patients whole face is red, they want cold water, they have a bitter taste in their mouth and feel very restless with a high fever. They are constipated with abdominal pain and they complain of their sleep being disturbed from dreams. Their tongue is red with a yellow coating and the pulse feels full-rapid and over flowing. What is this TCM pattern?


Full-Rapid-Overflowing pulse: Empty heat or full heat?


This pathogen tends to promote the production of liver wind and accelerate the circulation of blood and may cause painful swelling of the body

Fire (heat)

________ will affect the heart, gallbladder, liver and stomach and cause a *derangement of Qi*.


A person has bright white face with sharp pain that feels worse when pressure is applied. They feel better after a bowel movement and when you feel for their pulse it is full-TIGHT-deep. They have a thick white coating on their tongue. What is the TCM pattern?


Full-Tight-Deep Pulse:


Loss of Body Fluid -----> Blood dryness ----->

Generates empty heat and internal wind

Dampness is like water, it can diffuse to the tissue of the body but __________ has substantial form.


Which pathological product can follow along the Qi upward and downward movements and go into the internal organs or reach the tendons, bones, muscles and skin?


What does a thick - greasy tongue coating with a slippery pulse indicate?

Phlegm and damp accumulation

What will happen if phlegm fire disturbs the heart?

Insomnia, irritability, easily angered, excessive *physical activity with violent behaviors*

Persistent thought will not only affect the Spleen, but the Heart as well. These symptoms will not just be shown as Spleen issues. The person will also suffer from more mental issues than anything else:

Insomnia, palpitations, dream disturbed spleen and poor memory.

Cold that impairs the spleen t/t function can cause

Insufficient formation

A person with dry nose, throat, mouth, lips and eyes suffering from constipation, dry tongue, thirst, hoarse voice and scanty urine + dry skin and hair usually means that they have :

Insufficient formation, excessive consumption and excretion of body fluid

If there is an overconsumption of cold/cool foods, it will cause spleen and stomach yang Qi to be impaired and this will cause

Internal cold and dampness that manifests as abdominal pain and diarrhea

Overindulgence of alcohol can cause:

Internal dampness, internal heat, retention of damp-heat

The seven emotions can directly damage the

Internal organs

Typical symptoms of excess cold

Intolerance of cold, cold limbs and pale tongue

If anger persists for a long period of time, it could affect what organ? and what will happen to the Qi?

It will cause excessive up-bearing and effusion of the Liver Qi.

________ will affect the heart and cause *Qi to slacken*.


What organ is responsible for Qi transformation?


If phlegm starts to obstruct the throat, there will be

Plum - pit Qi

If Liver depression and Qi stagnation invades the Spleen, what will be the symptoms?

Poor appetite, distention and pain of abdomen, alteration of diarrhea and constipation (IBS)

Mental overstrain will impair the spleen qi and lead to less production of


Physical overstrain will consume


Excessive hunger than lead to a

Qi and Blood deficiency (which makes one susceptible to other diseases)

What can cause blood stasis?

Qi deficiency Qi stagnation Cold or Hot Traumatic injuries

Accumulation of fire and heat being liable to cause painful swelling on body surface will cause inflammation. ----> Locally ---->

Red, swollen hot and painful

What is xie qi?

Refers to all the various causative factors of disease - pathogenic factors

What is zhang qi?

Refers to functional activities of the human body as well as the ability to resist - anti-pathogenic factors

Fright affects the Heart by depriving the resident mind a place for shelter and the QI cannot

Rest. It will become chaotic because of this.

If there is an overconsumption of cold/cool foods what will it impair?

Spleen and Stomach Yang Qi

Excessive rest refers to a lack of exercise and slows down the circulation of Qi and Blood. This may decline the

Spleen and Stomach function

A person has more distention than pain, moving pain, they feel full and their abdominal masses appear and disappear. Their face is unchanged and their tongue is normal color and slightly purple. Their pulse is slightly wiry. What is the TCM pattern?

Stagnation of Qi

Clinical & physical manifestations of ________________________ feeling of distention of hypochondriac, throat, epigastric, abdomen, they have pain that moves from place to place and frequent sighing.

Stagnation of Qi

Mentally, someone with __________________ will feel mentally depressed, irritable and have frequent mood swings.

Stagnation of Qi

A person has more pain than distention. They have fixed, boring and stabbing pain. They have purple blotches and bruises. Their face has a dark color (bluish-green). Their tongue is purple with purple spots. They have a wiry, firm and choppy pulse. What is their TCM pattern?

Stasis of blood

What are the characteristics of pestilential Qi in causing disease?

Strong infectivity, sudden onset, severe conditions of illness, similar manifestations between patients

This pathogen is scorching in nature


This yang pathogen tends to rise and disperse, apt to impair body fluid and to exhaust Qi.


Which pathogen is accompanied by dampness?


If dampness and water go downward, what will occur in the body?

Swollen feet or leg (aka edema)

A person has a pale and wet tongue, rapid floating big empty pulse and low voice with red cheeks and the rest of the face white. What TCM pattern may this be?

True Cold - False Heat

This yin pathogen tends to impair Yang Qi.


Four types of Food Qi:

Cold, cool, hot, warm

This pathogen may attack the lungs or impair body fluid during late fall.


If there is a long duration of secondary pathological products in the body, what will occur?

Cough Dizziness *Bi Syndromes* Diarrhea Scrofula Subcutaneous nodule

If Liver depression and Qi stagnation invades the Lung, what will be the symptoms?

Cough, asthma, fullness and pain of chest/hypochondriac area

This pathogen may attack the lungs or impair body fluid during early fall or late summer.


What are the secondary pathogenic factors?

Water, damp, phlegm, fluid, blood stasis

What type of secondary pathological product will retain in the stomach and intestines?


What will happen if there is phlegm misting the heart?

*Depression*, mood swings, chest oppression, incoherent *speech*, muteness

What are some characteristics of blood stasis?

*Sharp or boring pain* in a fixed location that becomes worse at night. The patient does not like pressure applied. They have a *dark complexion* with *dry scaly skin* and lusterless hair with *purple lips, tongue and nails*. Their pulse will be *choppy*

How does pestilential Qi occur?

- Climate factors - Environmental conditions and hygiene of food and water - Prevention and Isolation - Social conditions

A deficiency heat syndrome is

A deficiency of cold causing heat (yin def)

A deficiency cold syndrome is

A deficiency of heat causing cold (yang def)

In adults, fear depletes kidney essence and causes the kidney Qi to not be firm. What will be the symptoms in a patient who is suffering from this?

A somber white complexion, dizziness, fainting, enuresis, soreness of the back, seminal emission

Blood deficiency, blood heat, over flow of blood and blood stasis are all

Abnormal blood

Stagnation of qi, reversal of qi and exhaustion of qi are similar because they are all

Abnormal movements of Qi

Which organ dysfunction can lead to accumulation of body fluid and produce phlegm and dampness?

Almost any organ: lung, spleen, liver, kidney, sanjiao, ub

____________ will affect the liver and cause *Qi to RISE.*


What causes stagnation of Qi?

Anger, anxiety, melancholy Impaired spleen t/t function Injuries, heat, cold factors Qi and Blood deficiency from chronic illness

__________ will affect the lungs and causes *Qi to depress*


This pathogen is coagulative and obstructive in nature. It causes constriction and contraction of muscles.


A patient is bleeding from the nose & teeth. They are vomiting blood and coughing with bloody sputum. They have bloody urine and bloody stools with subcutaneous hemorrhages and a skin rash. What is this TCM pattern?

Blood Heat

______________________ refers to a pathological state in which there is stagnated heat in the blood, causing an acceleration of the flow of blood.

Blood Heat

Cold, heat or phlegm can cause

Blood Stasis

A patient has sallow complexion, pale lips, insomnia, dizziness, poor memory, numbness of limbs, blurred vision, pale and slightly dry tongue with a choppy or thready pulse. What are all of these clinical manifestations showing?

Blood deficiency

Poor memory and thirst with no desire to drink could be a sign of

Blood stasis

Purple nails, hypochondriac pain and abdominal masses could be signs of :

Blood stasis in Liver

Feeling oppression of chest, coughing dark blood with purple distended veins under the tongue could be signs of :

Blood stasis in Lung

Vomiting dark blood with epigastric pain and tarry stools could be signs of :

Blood stasis in Stomach

Purple lips, stabbing pain in chest, mental restlessness and purple distended veins under the tongue could be signs of :

Blood stasis in the Heart

Loss of Body Fluid ---->

Blood stasis or Blood dryness

What type of pulse will you feel if someone has blood stasis?


Febrile disease leads to extreme heat, phlegm obstructs the qi flow, qi is stagnated due to sudden emotional changes (anger, fear, fright) and there is a deranged flow of qi that goes up to the heart and chest blocking the windpipe. The mind is disturbed and their can be a loss of consciousness. This will cause:

Closed Qi

A feeble pulse and voice indicates


Dysfunction of internal organs tend to be seen in __________________ syndromes


_____________ syndromes are commonly seen in diseases resulting from


Typical symptoms of ________________ _________ are seen as intolerance to cold, staying in bed with flexion of legs, watery diarrhea with undigested food in stool and a slow pulse

Deficiency cold

Impairment of Yang Qi due to prolonged diseases is due to

Deficiency cold syndromes

Pathogenic factors such as a genetic defect, improper care after birth or over-fatigue are signs of

Deficiency cold syndromes

The typical symptoms of ___________ _________ is hectic fever, feverish sensation in chest, palms and soles, night sweats, thready and rapid / feeble pulse.

Deficiency heat

Pathogenic factors such as consumption of Yin by heat and other EPFS, over action of five emotions, fire transmission leading to impairment of Yin and consumption of fluid due to prolonged disease is due to

Deficiency heat syndromes

If anti-pathogenic factor is LESS THAN pathogenic Qi the disease occurs in

Deficiency type or mixed with excess and deficiency type

If a patient has distention and fullness of the hypochondriac and chest, sensation of foreign body in the throat, belching, sighing, depression, anxiety, suspiciousness and mood swings, what TCM pattern could this be?

Depression of Liver Qi

If dampness is retained in the middle jiao, what will be the problem?


The seven emotions disturb the Qi dynamic of the internal organs and cause

Disharmony of Qi and Blood

If dampness *obstructs* and retains in the middle jiao, it will affect the SP T/T function and result in

Distention of epigastrium and abdomen, nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

What will happen if damp-phlegm obstructs the shen and heart?

Dizziness, dementia or even *coma*

If fluid goes upward, you will become


What is the normal direction of Lungs, Heart and Stomach?


What is the normal direction of Stomach Qi?


If water *obstructs* and diffuses in the skin, what will occur?


Normally, ____________ will not cause disease. However, when they are sudden, intense and persistent it will effect the human body and cause disorder of the internal organs and disorder of QI and blood.


A person has a sallow-white complexion. They have a dull pain that feels better on pressure. They actually feel worse after bowel movement and their pulse feels weak-slow and deep. Their tongue has a thin-white coating. What is the TCM pattern?


Weak-Slow-Deep Pulse:


A patient has a malar flush, desire to drink warm water, they have no bitter taste in their mouth, they complain of feeling heat or fever in the afternoon or evening. They feel anxious and fidgety. They also have dry stools with no abdominal pain. They do not have dream disturbed sleep but they wake up frequently during the night or early morning. What is this TCM pattern?


Floating- Empty and Rapid pulse : Empty heat or full heat?


A full, rapid, large, forceful pulse indicates


Retention of phlegm, dampness or food will be seen in ___________ syndromes


__________ syndromes are commonly seen in early & middle stages of diseases.


Dry stools can be seen in

Excess liver rising in intestines and empty heat

If anti-pathogenic factor is EQUAL to pathogenic Qi the disease occurs in

Excess type

Heat will consume the body fluid and misused diuresis methods is considered

Excessive consumption

Fluid is ticker and turbid.


Frostbite is not considered a physical injury or trauma.


Stagnated Qi, indigestion and blood stasis cannot transform into heat.


Water, Damp, Phlegm and Sweat are considered pathological products.


________ will affect the kidneys and cause *Qi to DESCEND.*


_________ refers to endogenous pathogens.


This pathogen is liable to cause painful swelling of the body.

Fire (heat)

This pathogen tends to flare up, consume Qi and impair body fluid.

Fire (heat)

What is the organ that is most affected by emotions?


________ refers to the external environmental factors.

Heat Ex: wind-heat, damp-heat, summer-heat

What causes blood heat?

Heat penetrating into the blood level, excessive consumption of hot and spicy food and emotional changes that lead to Qi stagnation and turn into heat over a period of time.

Typical symptoms of an excess heat

High fever, flushed face and red eyes

If a patient is suffering from headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, insomnia and has a bitter taste in their mouth with a red face. What is the TCM pattern?

Hyperactivity of Liver Qi

If there are blood stasis in the __________ or __________, there will be purple and distended veins under the tongue.

Lung or Heart

What organs are related to water metabolism in the body?

Lung, Spleen, Kidney, San Jiao, Bladder, Liver

Excess joy will slacken the Heart Qi and cause what?

Mental restlessness, palpitations, insomnia, and lack of concentration.

If Liver depression and Qi stagnation invades the Stomach, what will be the symptoms?

Nausea, vomiting, belching, epigastric and hypochondriac pain

Treatment method for Empty-Heat

Nourish Yin, clear "heat"

If phlegm fluid *obstructs* the meridians, it will obstruct Qi and Blood movement and cause what?

Numbness of limbs, limited movement of joints, in some cases hemiplegia

Excessive hunger is likely to mean that there is a _____________ deficiency


If phlegm *obstructs* and fluid begins to retain in the lungs, it will affect the Lung's D/D function and result in

Oppression of chest, cough, wheezing, SOB

_________ will affect the lungs and causes *Qi to disperse and wear out*


What organ is responsible for clearing the water passages?

San Jiao

If excessive hunger leads to a Qi and Blood deficiency, it could manifest as

Shortness of breath, pale complexion, palpitations, dizziness, spontaneous sweating

Constant worrying will depress Lung Qi and eventually cause constraint of the chest and lead to :

Shortness of breath, raised shoulders, stiff neck and shallow breathing

Long term chronic diarrhea causes

Sinking Qi

If dampness starts to diffuse into the muscle, what will happen to the person?

They will gain weight

If there is an over consumption of hot and spicy food it can cause stomach heat that manifests as

Thirst, abdominal distention, constipation or hemorrhoids

_________ will affect the spleen and cause *Qi to bind*.

Thought (overthinking)

When someone has a stagnation of Qi what will their tongue and pulse be like?

Tongue will appear normal and the pulse will feel wiry.

Pathogenic fire transformed from five natural factors. Excessive emotions ---->

Transform into FIRE

Moderate consumption of alcohol can disperse and move the blood, smooth the tendons and activate the collaterals. True or False?


A person has red cheeks (like powder), they are irritable and want to lie with their body curled up. They are thirsty but do not want to drink (if they do they want warm fluids), their body feels hot but they want to be covered up. They have a sore throat but without any redness or swelling. The urine is pale and their pulse is rapid, floating but big and empty. What is this TCM pattern?

True Cold - False Heat

A person has a dark face, bright eyes with spirit, red-dry lips, strong body and tongue body that is red and dry. What is this TCM pattern by looking at them?

True Heat - False Cold

A person is breathing very loud, they have a loud voice, they are thirsty and want to drink cold fluids. They are constipated and have a burning sensation in the anus. Their pulse is deep and full. What is the TCM pattern by observing, feeling and asking questions?

True Heat - False Cold

If someone has cold limbs but their chest is hot and a deep / full pulse, what TCM pattern may this be?

True Heat - False Cold

Fluid is thin and clear.


Phlegm is ticker and turbid.


The transformation from an infected Yin pathogen can turn to Yang and heat.


Water, Dampness, Phlegm, Fluid are pathological products that change Qi, blood, body fluid as well as internal organs.


What is the normal direction of Spleen and Liver Qi?


Deficiency of qi and sinking of qi are similar because they are both

Weakness functions

This pathogen migrates. There is no fixed time or place. It is wandering and the onset of the disease is sudden and the diseases is liable to change rapidly.


This yang pathogen invades the upper body and combines with other EPFS.


Which pathogen is the leader of 100 diseases?


Can overeating lead to insomnia?


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