Teaching Children to Read (Reutzel): Chapter 5

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A large-scale study of fluency achievement in U.S. education by the National Assessment of Educational Progress indicated that 44% of fourth grade students tested were ______ even with grade-level stories that the student read under supportive testing conditions.


A reader who is a poor decoder focuses so much attention on decoding or pronouncing words that little brainpower is left for ______.


A teacher should expose students to rich and varied ______ of fluent oral reading.


Adequate assessment of reading fluency should consider at least ______ different components.

attention capacity

Although computers and humans have sufficient capacity to perform more than one task at a time (called multitasking), each computer and human mind is limited in its ______ to process and must often shift processing resources from one task to another.

reading rate

Assessing reading fluency has for many years focused somewhat exclusively on only two aspects of reading fluency: (1) reading accuracy and (2) ______.


Based on repeated-reading research, fluency-oriented reading instruction (FORI) is an integrated lesson framework for providing ______ instruction and practice in fluency.

quick stop-in visits

Bryan, Fawson, and Reutzel (2003) reported that monitoring disengaged readers with ______ to listen to oral reading and discuss a piece of literature during silent reading has a beneficial effect on their engagement during silent reading has a beneficial effect on their engagement during silent reading.


Emerging digital technologies can be used to support reading fluency practice, such as ______ or video read alouds of children's storybooks.

text types

Fluency, much like reading comprehension, needs to be developed across multiple ______, such as poetry, narrative, and expository tests.


Fluent readers decode the words in text accurately and ______, read with correct volume, phrasing, and appropriate intonation, and at a reasonably rapid rate.


Fluent readers decode the words in text accurately and effortlessly, reading with correct ______, phrasing, appropriate intonation, and at a reasonably rapid rate, indicating that reading has become automatic.

core high-frequency words;

For students who are struggling with reading fluency due to word recognition problems, there are typically two places where a classroom teacher can look for the origin of the problem. (1) Struggling readers may not instantly recognize ______.

phonics knowledge

For students who are struggling with reading fluency due to word recognition problems, there are typically two places where a classroom teacher can look for the origin of the problem. (2) They may have gaps in their ______ that prevent them from efficiently applying blending strategies to decode one-syllable and multisyllabic words.

correct text phrasing, sometimes called scooping or chunking

In addition to accurate, effortless, and automatic word identification, reading fluency is characterized by ______.

fluency read model

In technology-assisted reading fluency practice, children read a book with the assistance of a ______ on an mp4 audio or video file.


In the beginning, texts selected for repeated readings should be short, ______, and easy.

read widely

It is important that after achieving grade-level automaticity through the use of repeated readings, that students be encourage to ______.


Occasional modeling of ______ oral reading, such as inaccurate, slow, or expressionless reading, also seems to alert struggling and less attentive students' attention to the specific characteristics of fluent reading that are sometimes transparent or taken for granted when teachers only model fluent oral reading.


One of the simplest and most useful means of collecting reading fluency data in today's classrooms is the ______ reading sample, a method typical of the approach used in curriculum-based measurements (CBM) such as the DIBELS Oral Reading FLuency Test (DORF) drawn from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) battery.

automaticity theory

Perhaps the most classic explanation of how reading fluency operates is the LaBerge and Samuels (1974) theory of automatic processing, or _______. This explanation of how reading fluency operates proposes that the human mind functions in some ways like a computer, with input (letters and words) sequentially entered into the "central processing unit" or mind of the reader.

appropriately challenging texts

Proficient readers spend more time reading ______, including information and literary texts, than students having reading problems.

partner reading (also called paired or buddy reading)

Putting students together in ______ allows students who may be struggling to read aloud with more fluent partners. Partners take turns reading aloud an assigned passage to one another, with the more developed reader going first, thus providing the model for fluent reading.


Reading fluency is characterized by ______, effortless, and automatic word identification (i.e., requiring little conscious attention).


Some educators believe that ______ is the key that unlocks the door to comprehension. This is only partially true. ______ may unlock the door, but it does not open the door to reading comprehension.

maximum fluency

Students prepare for a performance, regardless of format, by orally practicing the text to be performed until they can read it with ______.


Students who read accurately but slowly may be having troubles with ______ and comprehension.


Teachers can motivate students to engage in reading fluency practice by avoiding the use of ______ reading techniques, instead using approaches such as readers' theatre and radio readings.

phonological or phonemic awareness

Teachers who work with ELs need to determine whether they have ______ gaps that would cause them to lag behind in reading processes.

readers' theatre

Texts selected for ______ are often drawn from oral traditions, poetry, or quality picture books designed to be read aloud by children.


The Family Fluency Program (FFP) consists of two major components: (1) sending home a core reading program for parents to ______ read with their child.


The Family Fluency Program (FFP) consists of two major components: (2) a parent ______ three times during the year to help parents better understand the role of fluency in reading and to discuss activities that parents could do at home with their children.


The Multidimensional Fluency Scale offers more extensive and reliable information about four additional components of fluent reading: (1) volume and expression, (2) phrasing, (3) smoothness, and (4) ______.

repeated readings of a text

The National Reading Panel's (2000) analysis of the fluency studies showed that fluency practice is most effective when it involves ______ (more than three readings).

repeated reading of the same text

The Report of the National Reading Panel (2000) indicated ample scientific evidence supporting reading practice for fluency that included the following elements: (a) oral reading, (b), ______, and (c) feedback and guidance during and after reading of a text.

15 to 20 minutes

The goal in scaffolded silent reading is for students to read a total of ______ per day in their self-selected books chosen from various genres.


The term ______ implies that human minds of readers, like computers are limited in ability to shift attention between the parallel processes of decoding (sounding out words) and comprehending (thinking about the meaning of the author's message in the text).


The two variations -- oral readings with feedback and wide silent readings with ______ -- were roughly equivalent to one another, suggesting that "the increased amount or reading and the support given during the reading are what underlie the success of the two approaches.

repeated reading

There is considerable evidence that ______ of the same text for about five practice repetitions leads to automaticity -- fast, accurate, and effortless word recognition.

cognitive strategies

To comprehend, children must be more than fluent. They must learn how to select and use a variety of ______ to help them understand text.


To effectively teach reading fluency, teachers need to model fluent and ______ reading to clarify the concept.


When using an RTI teaching model to meet the fluency instruction and practice needs of a diverse group of learners, teachers can utilize practices such as the neurological impress method (NIM) and careful teacher ______.

scaffolded silent reading

Whole-class fluency instructional lessons include fluency-oriented reading instruction (FORI), repeated reading, wide reading, choral reading, paired or buddy reading, and ______.


______ first-grade reading was a strong indication of adult-like reading expression in second grade. Fewer intrusive pauses and more adult-like expression in the early grades predicted better comprehension later on.

Wide reading

______ involves students in reading different text types (narrative, expository, and poetic) across a range of genres (fantasy, fairy tales, myths, science fiction, historical fiction, series books, autobiographies, diaries, journals, logs, essays, encyclopedia entries, information books).

readers' theatre

______ offers students a unique opportunity to participate in reading along with other, perhaps more skilled readers.

radio reading

______ possesses all of the effective elements of practice in developing fluency. It is a variation on repeated reading and readers theatre.


______, or using vocal expression in reading, seems to be a strong indicator of emerging fluency and later reading comprehension.

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