TEAS TES English (part 4)
Which two sentences is a semicolon used correctly? 1. I have a meeting tomorrow morning; I can't go out tonight. 2. Last summer we traveled to London, England; Paris, France; Rome, Italy; and Athens, Greece. 3. I bought a sound machine; ghosts; and a witch.
1. 2.
A figure of speech that directly addresses an absent or imaginary person or a personified abstraction, such as liberty or love.
It's unlikely you'll need to use these very often unless you're writing a mathematical or technical text. Used in mathematical equations.
Braces ( 6{3x+[28+2]}=xy)
Used to clarify something or for technical terms or explanations. It can also be used to clarify a subject when quoting another person or text.
Primary uses: 1. Introducing a list. 2. Between independent clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first. 3. can be used to emphasize a phrase or single word at the end of a sentence.
Typically shorter in length, used to denote a range, such as between numbers or dates.
used at the end of a sentence when that sentence expresses an intense emotion
Exclamation Point Example: I'm so excited to go to the park tomorrow!
In which sentences is a comma used correctly? 1. The car, that banged on the wall was old. 2. He went to the library, and then he went out for lunch. 3. One of the perks of hiring an essay writing service, is the free revision. 4. I opened the door, I fell on the ground.
He went to the library, and then he went out for lunch.
Which sentences is grammatically incorrect? 1. I am hungry... I might go out to eat later... Maybe around five... 2. At midnight, she began to count down: "ten, nine, eight..." and then the ball dropped. 3. Then it appeared... a genie! 4. I know he deserves it, but...
I am hungry... I might go out to eat later... Maybe around five...
Which sentences is grammatically correct? 1. Kate [who is Matt's wife] likes to go for walks. 2. Kate (who is Matt's wife) likes to go for walks. 3. Kate {who is Matt's wife} likes to go for walks.
Kate (who is Matt's wife) likes to go for walks.
Which is an example of a hyphen? 1. The company was operational from 1990-2000. 2. Mother-in-law
Used to supply further details or information or as an aside. Can often be replaced with commas and the sentence would retain its same meaning.
denotes the end of a sentence
Period Example: Mr. H. Potter opened his front door.
ends a sentence that is a direct question
Question Mark Example: How do you like your eggs?
Which sentences is grammatically correct? 1. Rebecca's dog had surgery yesterday. 2. I eat pancake's and vegan sausage's almost every day.
Rebecca's dog had surgery yesterday.
Which is an example of a dash? 1. The company was operational from 1990-2000. 2. Mother-in-law
The company was operational from 1990-2000.
Which sentences is a colon used correctly? 1. The grocery list included: apples, grapes, milk, bread, and eggs. 2. They didn't have time to waste: it was already late.
The grocery list included: apples, grapes, milk, bread, and eggs.
quotation marks
These are used to enclose titles of chapters, articles, short poems or stories, song and essays
Which sentence is grammatically correct? 1. This year for Halloween, I bought a loud, screaming sound machine, scary, evil ghosts, and a green, spooky witch. 2. This year for Halloween, I bought a loud, screaming sound machine; scary, evil ghosts; and a green, spooky witch.
This year for Halloween, I bought a loud, screaming sound machine; scary, evil ghosts; and a green, spooky witch.
Used in compound words when two or more words are connected.
in a sentence, the omission of a word or words replaced by three periods
Used to links two independent clauses. Both clauses are independent enough to be their own sentences, but instead of using a period, it's possible to use a semicolon to show both clauses are connected.
Used to insert a pause into a sentence. The purpose of the pause can be for different reasons, such as to separate ideas, phrases, or even alter the structure of a sentence.
Which sentences is grammatically correct? 1. She [Mrs. Smith] agrees that cats are better than dogs. 2. She (Mrs. Smith) agrees that cats are better than dogs. 3. She {Mrs. Smith} agrees that cats are better than dogs.
She [Mrs. Smith] agrees that cats are better than dogs.
Which sentences is grammatically correct? 1. I heard someone utter the words, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you." 2. She told him that she "prefers not to think about that." 3. His next comment chilled me, "We will be watching everything you do." 4. "On the outside, he's a warrior, but on the inside, he's controlled and focused," is how one of John Smith's teammates described him to us.
She told him that she "prefers not to think about that."