Test 1

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. Environmental Pragmatism is an approach that focuses on ethics rather than policy.


4. An ecosystem is A. the transition zone between grassland and desert. B. a group of interactive species and their environment. C. a body of freshwater. D. the lowland area on either side of a river.


9. Corporate expansion is determined primarily by A. the CERES Principles. B. profitability and cost reduction. C. technological advances in waste reduction. D. government spending to control pollution.


A primary environmental cost is pollution.


A similarity between ecosystems and markets is that they both operate in the same time frame

b, d

According to WHO, seven children die of diarrhea every minute globally, mainly due to: (Choose all that apply.) ____ A. poor quality drinking water ____ B. malnutrition ____ C. uncontaminated food ____ D. virus, bacteria or parasites


Across the world, cultures have different ethical commitments, which are reflected through A. cultural ethics. B. cultural dimorphism. C. cultural relativism. D. None of these are correct.


Air pollution generated in China affects air quality in western coastal states in the United States and in British Columbia, Canada.


Anthropocentrism is a philosophy of environmental responsibility that focuses primarily on human interests.


Biocentrism is also known as A. Ethical communism. B. Life-centered environmental ethics. C. Aldo Leopoldism. D. Bio-ethics.


Brazil nuts, latex rubber, and native medicines are examples of extractive reserves from the Brazilian rainforest.


Cost-benefit analysis is concerned with whether a policy generates more social benefit than social cost.


Deciding which risks should be given the highest priority and how much risk is acceptable are two decisions involved in risk management.


Dominated by large metropolitan complexes. A. wilderness North B. industrial Northeast C. agricultural Middle D. diverse South E. dry West F. forested West


Economic considerations are not involved with environmental decisions.


Economics factors should be considered when A. reducing the number of oil spills. B. increasing the amount of waste in logging. C. making any environmental decisions. D. None of these are correct.


Economists look at resources as the available supply of something that can be used.


Environment is defined as: A. the surrounding conditions that affect organisms. B. everything that affects an organism during its lifetime. C. all organisms including people affecting many components. D. More than one of the above E. None of the above


Environmental anthropocentrism is a theory which states that A. environmental responsibility is derived from human interest. B. all forms of life have an inherent right to exist. C. all laws should protect the health of human beings. D. the environment deserves direct moral consideration.


Environmental costs are easy to assess, since they can be easily converted into monetary values.


Environmental ethics can be described in which of the following ways? A. Global B. Societal C. Individual D. Corporate E. All of the above are correct F. Only two of the above are correct


Environmental justice is a law that allows cities, states, or individuals the right to sue companies for contamination of water supplies.


Environmental science is a narrowly defined field of physical and biological sciences.


Environmental science is an interdisciplinary area of study that deals with all of the following except A. politics. B. economics. C. ethics. D. All of these are correct


Ethics is A. one branch of philosophy. B. a characteristic of environmental energy. C. not to be used when making environmental changes in technology. D. All of these are correct.


Extractive reserves involve A. removal of water from an aquifer faster than it is replaced. B. clearing the South American rainforest to raise cattle for short-term profit. C. preserving part of the rainforest for the continuation of traditional lifestyles. D. preserving an area for use as a containment of solid waste.


Fertilizers and pesticides do not easily enter the ground water.


Fertilizers and pesticides enter the ground water. A. wilderness North B. industrial Northeast C. agricultural Middle D. diverse South E. dry West F. forested West


Ideally, the _____ of a particular nation or community should match the ethical commitments of those living there. A. ethics B. political agenda C. commitments D. laws


In ecocentrism, it is suggested that the environment itself, not just living organisms that inhabit it, has moral worth.


In which region has the original, natural ecosystem been replaced by agriculture? A. the Middle U.S. B. Northeastern Canada. C. the Southwest U.S. D. the Pacific Northwest.


Industrial ecology is the study of laws which are designed to protect the health of human beings and their environment.


Industries pollute because A. manufacturing consumes energy and produces waste. B. they want to cut costs and increase profits. C. proper waste disposal is too costly. D. All of these are correct.


Interrelatedness is a central factor of environmental science. Which of the following is an example of interrelatedness? A. The production of red clover plants in the fields in England to the number of cats in the area. B. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park to the amount of livestock. C. The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park to the water flow through the landscape. D. A & B only. E. A & C only. F. All of the above.


Man has a tendency to misuse or overexploit any resource that is held in common public ownership.


Motivated by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, environmentalists formed the CERES group which created a set of ten environmental standards by which business practices could be measured


Personal ethical commitment can A. help guide behavior in the absence of supporting laws. B. help environmental laws match national or community ethics. C. help a person to modify individual environmental actions. D. All of these are correct.


Probability is the same as possibility


Risk analysis consists of two primary considerations: A. time and costs. B. issues involved and time. C. risk and cost. D. risk and time.


Risk assessment usually involves a statement regarding the possibility that something could occur.


Risk based corrective action was formed to A. protect environmental ecological resources. B. help deplete ecological resources. C. correct environmental process based on ethics. D. None of these are correct.


Risk is the probability that a condition or action will lead to an injury, damage, or loss.


Second growth timber refers to A. trees which come in to a site after fire. B. trees which have regenerated after logging. C. ancient redwood trees. D. None of these are correct.


Sustainable development is often defined as "meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs." Sustainable development is much like: A. conservationism B. environmental pragmatism C. preservationism D. ecocentrism


The CERES Principles are a set of environmental standards that businesses may adopt voluntarily.

a, b, e

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 13 million deaths worldwide could be prevented every year by environmental improvement. According to the WHO environmental risks include: (Choose all that apply.) ____ A. pollution ____ B. landfill overflow ____ C. noise ____ D. cancer ____ E. climate and ecosystem change


The agricultural Middle of the U.S. is characterized by large areas of land with minimal human influence.


The conservation approach to environmental issues is opposed to any form of sustainable development.


The develop approach to the environmental issues assumes that the human race is master of nature.


The ecosystem approach requires scientists to recognize and understand natural interactions and to integrate this with human needs for natural resources.


The establishment of the Environmental Equity Work Group in 1989 by the EPA is an example of A. industrial ecology. B. biocentrism. C. a CERES principle. D. environmental justice.


The freshwater resources of the Great Lakes are shared resources of 8 U.S. states and 5 Canadian Provinces.


The general public typically perceives involuntary risks, such as nuclear weapons, a greater risk than voluntary risks, such as smoking.


The goal of a deposit-refund program is to A. encourage product recycling through the refund of a deposit. B. use tax money to fund environmental cleanup programs. C. give companies the right to emit specified quantities of pollutants. D. inform consumers of the market choices.


The major benefit of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Management Plan is A. the creation of large regions of wilderness for animals such as bison and grizzly. B. the increase of cattle grazing on park land. C. the increase of mining and old-growth logging on park land. D. None of these are correct


The preservation approach to environmental issues holds that nature has intrinsic value apart from human uses as a refuge from economic activity.


The reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park did not have an impact on the ecosystem


The relationship between human well-being and the natural environment is impacted by: A. services provided by ecosystems B. provisioning & regulating services C. cultural & supporting services D. All the above E. None of the above


The scientific community can advise governments but cannot insist that certain policies be adopted


The use of facts and assumptions to estimate the probability of harm to human health or the environment is called A. negligible risk. B. risk management. C. sustainable development. D. risk assessment.


The word environment is usually understood to mean the surrounding conditions that affect organisms, but a broader definition would include everything that affects an organism during its lifetime.


There is essentially no difference between risk assessment and risk management.


Timber companies maintain that they must have access to old-growth forests. A. wilderness North B. industrial Northeast C. agricultural Middle D. diverse South E. dry West F. forested West


Water is an extremely valuable resource. A. wilderness North B. industrial Northeast C. agricultural Middle D. diverse South E. dry West F. forested West


What is the name of the theory which suggests that the environment has direct rights and qualifies for moral personhood? A. environmental justice B. resource exploitation C. ecocentrism D. comprehensive environmental response


What percent of the Earth's water is undrinkable? A. 1% B. 25% C. 55% D. 87% E. 99%


When dealing with environmental regulations, the United States government can A. infringe on personal property rights. B. force land owners to modify the use of their land. C. enforce environmental regulations without regard to personal property. D. All of these are correct.


When the supply of a commodity exceeds the demand A. producers raise their prices. B. producers lower their prices. C. producers ask for government subsidies. D. producers use tradable emissions permits


Which is NOT a step in the cost-benefit analysis? A. determination of tradable emissions B. calculation of the net profit C. identification of the project D. determination of all impacts


Which of the following does NOT demonstrate the use of renewable resources? A. using wind to power windmills to produce electricity B. using water from a lake to turn turbines in a hydroelectric dam to produce electricity C. using underground coal deposits to produce heat and electricity D. using corn to produce fuel ethanol to power our vehicles


Which of the following is NOT a pollution cost? A. expenditure to avoid pollution damage once it has occurred B. increased health costs C. sewage treatment D. None of these are correct


Which of the following is a correct example of interrelatedness? A. Wolves reintroduced --> coyotes decline --> rodents decline --> willows increase B. Wolves reintroduced --> elk decline --> willows increase --> beavers increase C. Wolves reintroduced --> coyotes decline --> rodents increase --> foxes decrease D. Wolves reintroduced --> elk decline --> willows increase --> beavers increase --> water flow stays the same


Which of the following is a disadvantage of a subsidy? A. It places a value on everything, including aesthetics. B. It increases the demand for a product. C. It discourages technological innovation for environmental protection. D. The actual cost of a subsidized product is higher because bureaucracy necessary to administer the subsidy costs money.


Which of the following is a pollution prevention technique? A. landfills B. alternative fuels C. sewage treatment D. incineration


Which region of the country has serious water contamination problems from toxic chemicals that bioaccumulate in fatty tissue of fish, birds, and top predators? A. the dry West B. the diverse South C. the forested West D. the Great Lakes and industrial Northeast


World food production has doubled in the last 40 years because of A. diseases, world trade, and new sources of water. B. fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yielding varieties. C. genetic modifications, DNA fingerprinting, and international treaties. D. organic farming practices, erosion control, and farm labor.25. The fuel cell is the likely future technology that will replace

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