Test 1121-1806

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The frantic wife of a doctor who has been missing for four days told how she kissed him goodbye before he left for work and disappeared.

FRANTIC adj: безумный, неистовый, бешеный, ужасный, возмутительный, мещанский, замечательный desc: wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion. syn: 7567 frantic; 9327 last-minute; 12492 hectic; 15131 feverish; 3110 desperate; 3282 worried

I'm going to Missouri to play a gig there for awhile, and I'm going to be playing with some other people that were on Idol.

AWHILE adv: на некоторое время, ненадолго desc: for a short time. syn: 7544 awhile

However, this time consuming procedure is hardly feasible in general practice and therefore is seldom done.

FEASIBLE adj: осуществимый, возможный, выполнимый, вероятный, правдоподобный desc: possible to do easily or conveniently. syn: 624 likely; 2295 practical; 2526 reasonable; 4024 realistic; 5101 viable; 7724 feasible; 17435 achievable

Having rejoined the world, the Russians are making good use of former friends and foes.

FOE noun: враг, противник, недоброжелатель desc: an enemy or opponent. syn: 2194 opponent; 4384 rival; 7679 foe; 7362 adversary; 16635 antagonist

It seems a pretty harmless form of entertainment that may even encourage a healthy scepticism in its audience.

HARMLESS adj: безвредный, безобидный, невинный desc: not able or likely to cause harm. syn: 3849 mild; 7749 harmless; 8141 meaningless; 10250 bland; 14586 innocuous; 31881 inoffensive

While it may not be possible to predict when fires are going to ignite , it certainly is possible to work out remedial measures such as replacing old plant machinery.

IGNITE verb: воспламеняться, зажигать, загораться, прокаливать, раскалять до свечения desc: catch fire or cause to catch fire. syn: 3125 explode; 7515 ignite; 17202 kindle; 13025 detonatel; 1909 stir; 4867 provoke

She listens to the sounds of the highway as she walks, and she knows she's lucky to live on the outer sides of the suburb, where the town meets the avenue, and the avenue awkwardly greets the interstate.

INTERSTATE 1) noun: автомагистраль между штатами desc: a highway serving two or more states; one of a system of expressways covering the 48 contiguous states. 2) adj: межштатный, находящийся между штатами, относящийся к разным штатам, связывающий отдельные штаты desc: existing or carried on between states. syn: 1) 25210 interstate 2) 277 political; 493 federal; 1651 regional; 3534 administrative; 3960 judicial; 7628 interstate

I have always believed in an element of good that is intrinsic to even the most cruel of people.

INTRINSIC adj: внутренний, присущий, свойственный, существенный, действительный desc: belonging naturally; essential. syn: 1145 basic; 1959 essential; 7572 intrinsic; 2342 fundamental; 4972 inherent; 10419 innate; 18474 deep-seated

It sounds, through the distribution of land and the distribution of food, like the government is trying to hold on to control and starve its enemies into submission.

STARVE verb: голодать, морить голодом, умирать от голода, жаждать, истощать desc: (of a person or animal) suffer severely or die from hunger; be freezing cold. syn: 7573 starve; thirst, hunger

And then there is that stubborn streak in him that always fired him up.

STUBBORN adj: упрямый, упорный, неподатливый desc: having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. syn: 14227 intractable; 14523 willful; 17908 inflexible; 23370 obstinate; 24077 immovable; 7680 stubborn; 15181 tenacious; 18330 stalwart

Most concerned fees, valuations and the timely passing on of information to buyers and sellers.

TIMELY adj: своевременный desc: done or occurring at a favorable or useful time; opportune. syn: 4801 suitable; 6208 sensible; 7107 apt; 7587 timely; 17667 judicious; 23889 opportune; 34375 well-timed

Does it then follow that we ought to endeavor to topple authoritarian governments, in order to secure peace?

TOPPLE verb: опрокидывать, падать, валиться, грозить падением desc: overbalance or become unsteady and fall slowly. syn: 8713 overthrow; 9928 oust; 16609 depose; 18507 unseat; 3233 collapse; 3411 upset; 5535 tumble; 7631 topple

Again, not a bad thought, but the circumstances surrounding the two bills are vastly different.

VASTLY adv: очень, крайне, в значительной степени desc: very much; to an exceedingly great extent or degree; very great in size, extent, or quantity. syn: 297 much; 1766 extremely; 3459 greatly; 7534 enormously; 7637 vastly; 10270 immensely; 11248 infinitely; 11885 hugely; 17329 massively

The cave is a respectable size but we didn't follow it far, since after 30m a wade degenerated into a full on swim.

WADE 1) noun: брод, переход вброд, болотные сапоги desc: an act of wading. 2) verb: пробираться, переходить вброд, идти, преодолевать desc: walk through water or another liquid or soft substance. syn: 2) 6537 stride; 6793 splash; 7756 wade; 9384 paddle

That gives a total of one hundred and six countries that have abolished the death penalty in practice.

ABOLISH verb: отменять, упразднять, уничтожать desc: formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution). syn: 533 end; 1848 eliminate; 7615 abolish; 9302 eradicate; 10642 obliterate

Hold the image of that person in your mind, imagining that their suffering is alleviated.

ALLEVIATE verb: облегчать, смягчать desc: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. syn: 3250 ease; 3793 relieve; 7660 alleviate; 7784 lessen; 8741 lighten; 17454 assuage

I am an alumnus of the University of Waterloo and a current student in an Honours Bachelor of Social Work program.

ALUMNUS noun: выпускник, бывший питомец desc: a graduate or former student, especially male, of a particular school, college, or university. syn: 7531 alumnus; 47942 ex-student

I can see no good reason why the principle of necessity should not be applicable in his case as it is in the case of the victim of a stroke.

APPLICABLE adj: применимый, подходящий, пригодный desc: applying or capable of being applied; suitable; appropriate. syn: 2831 relevant; 3414 related; 4747 valid; 7715 applicable; 10122 pertinent; 21424 germane

To the country, it would suggest that an arrogant elite was simply arranging the transfer of power.

ARROGANT adj: высокомерный, надменный, заносчивый, самонадеянный, кичливый desc: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. syn: 3433 superior; 7730 arrogant; 20516 haughty; 27740 self-important; 30295 overconfident; 36233 supercilious; 56938 egotistic

Inflation fighting and the need to cut government spending will end - to be replaced by trying to avert recession and deflation.

AVERT verb: предотвращать, отводить, отвращать, отвлекать desc: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts); prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence). syn: 909 avoid; 1084 prevent; 6741 deter; 7687 avert; 16858 forestall; 21805 obviate; 8884 veer

In a middle-class household it usually starts with a plate of fresh greens - scallions, radishes, fresh basil, mint, coriander, and others in season.

BASIL noun: базилик, дубленая овчина desc: an aromatic annual herb of the mint family, native to tropical Asia. syn: 7513 basil

For most of them, a room of their own, where they can bathe, wash their clothes and sleep in their own bed every night, with a fridge and a hot plate and a door they can lock, would be Eden.

BATHE verb: купать, мыть, заливать, омывать, окунать desc: wash by immersing one's body in water; spend time in the ocean or a lake, river, or swimming pool for pleasure; suffuse or envelop in something. syn: 4881 soak; 7682 bathe; 8134 shower; 4568 flood; 7132 rinse; 8244 immerse; 11428 submerge

He took photographs using a telephoto lens and used binoculars to inspect the general state of the roofing and tiling.

BINOCULARS noun: бинокль desc: an optical instrument with a lens for each eye, used for viewing distant objects. syn: 7740 binoculars

It was hoped the plan could become a blueprint for the rest of the country, but the new early opening hours were dropped because of 'operational problems'.

BLUEPRINT 1) noun: план, проект, светокопия, программа, калька, синька, наметка desc: a design plan or other technical drawing. 2) verb: планировать, делать светокопию, намечать desc: draw up (a plan or model). syn: 1) 835 design; 1630 proposal; 2537 drawing; 3026 scheme; 5227 outline; 7703 blueprint 2) draft

Fix your focus at a range that will fill the lens with shark, then remember to bracket your exposures in all the excitement!

BRACKET 1) noun: кронштейн, скобка, консоль, опора, вилка, группа, подставка, бра, гитара, рубрика desc: each of a pair of marks [ ] used to enclose words or figures so as to separate them from the context; a category of people or things that are similar or fall between specified limits; a right-angled support attached to and projecting from a wall for holding a shelf, lamp, or other object; the distance between two artillery shots fired either side of the target to establish range. 2) verb: ставить наряду, упоминать, заключать в скобки, прикреплять кницами, захватывать в вилку desc: enclose (words or figures) in brackets; place (one or more people or things) in the same category or group; hold or attach (something) by means of a right-angled support; establish the range of (a target) by firing two preliminary shots, one short of the target and the other beyond it. syn: 1) 250 kind; 836 sort; 865 set; 973 range; 1046 collection; 1281 band; 1465 category; 7752 bracket 2) 1081 relate; 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 8659 group; 19042 bracket

It was something I'd always wanted to try, and it was great fun, although the trapeze bar bruised the backs of my knees like crazy.

BRUISE 1) noun: синяк, ушиб, кровоподтек, повреждение, контузия desc: an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels. 2) verb: помять, ушибать, ставить синяки, толочь, контузить, повредить desc: inflict an injury on (someone or something) causing discoloration of the skin. syn: 1) 7755 bruise; 19789 welt; 27310 shiner; 22735 discoloration; 31455 contusion 2) 1689 mark; 3018 damage; 3749 injure; 9845 bash; 12088 bruise

This has become a crusade by a single judge attempting to bully other people into accepting his beliefs.

BULLY 1) noun: хулиган, задира, забияка, хвастун, сутенер, мясные консервы desc: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker; corned beef. 2) verb: запугивать, задирать desc: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. 3) adv: великолепный, первоклассный desc: very good; first-rate. syn: 1) 7520 bully; 11940 tyrant; 13844 aggressor; 18847 oppressor; 31061 persecutor; 46160 intimidator; 55793 tormenter 2) 6730 intimidate; 7249 harass; 9252 bully; 11682 terrorize; 12357 torment; 13310 persecute; 13433 oppress; 34961 browbeat 3) nifty; great

Seven main Melbourne hospitals went on emergency bypass early this week, straining paramedics and risking patient lives, Victoria's ambulance union said.

BYPASS 1) noun: обход, шунт, обводный канал, обходный путь desc: a road passing around a town or its center to provide an alternative route for through traffic. 2) verb: обходить, обтекать, окаймлять, окружать, не принимать во внимание, пренебрегать desc: go past or around. syn: 1) 10340 bypass 2) 7734 bypass; 9759 evade; 12004 skirt; 12258 circumvent; 13497 sidestep; 30309 detour

The walls are a feat of engineering, with short flights of stairs within the hollow cavity reaching higher galleries.

CAVITY noun: полость, впадина, каверна, трещина в породе desc: an empty space within a solid object, in particular the human body. syn: 1215 hole; 1950 opening; 3027 crack; 6988 crater; 6915 void; 7688 cavity; 8401 hollow

A black pullover with charcoal slacks is a much more user-friendly combination for your body type than a white oxford shirt and dark jeans.

CHARCOAL 1) noun: уголь, древесный уголь, рашкуль, рисунок углем desc: a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air. 2) verb: рисовать углем; отмечать углем desc: cook over charcoal. syn: 1) 7571 charcoal; coal; carbon

Having split apart, the continents eventually started to collide with each other, and their different groups of mammals started to mix.

COLLIDE verb: сталкиваться, вступать в противоречие, сшибаться desc: hit with force when moving. syn: 1146 strike; 3313 crash; 5685 bump; 7721 collide; 12402 ram

As a result, lieutenant colonels, colonels, and general officers must operate in a more complex task environment than during the Cold War.

COLONEL noun: полковник desc: an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranking between lieutenant colonel and brigadier general: corresponding to a captain in the U.S. Navy; a commissioned officer of similar rank in the armed forces of some other nations. syn: 7668 colonel

It is also important to acknowledge the key role played by comrades representing Scottish Socialist Youth in assessing the overall impact made by the SSP at the recent ESF.

COMRADE noun: товарищ desc: a companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization. syn: 3573 companion; 4093 mate; 4141 buddy; 5071 pal; 7547 comrade; 17067 chum

The case is pending considering that the convicted person has an extraordinary legal remedy available.

CONVICTED adj: осужденный, изобличенный desc: proven or declared guilty. syn: 7769 convicted

If we combine these two assumptions, it can be assumed that everything performs its function only if it has the corresponding excellence and not evil.

CORRESPONDING adj: соответствующий, подобный, ведущий переписку desc: similar in character, form, or function; dealing with written communication; having this responsibility. syn: 5584 equivalent; 5915 parallel; 6688 matching; 7548 corresponding; 10444 analogous

Families of four and five cram into one-room shares without running water or reliable electricity.

CRAM 1) noun: давка, толкотня, нахватанные знания, зубрежка, обман, мистификация desc: the act of cramming for an examination; a crammed state; a dense crowd; throng. 2) verb: впихивать, втолковывать, переполнять, набивать, откармливать, натаскивать к экзамену, вбивать в голову, наспех зазубривать, лгать desc: completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it appears to be overflowing; study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. syn: 1) 38369 cram 2) 866 study; 2100 review; 5904 revise; 7501 cram; 8429 memorize; 14965 peruse; 4423 shove

We crave originality, we demand credibility and we hope for something that sets the heart racing and the mind working overtime.

CRAVE verb: жаждать, страстно желать, требовать, просить, умолять desc: feel a powerful desire for (something). "a program to give the infants the human touch " syn: 2415 pray; 3156 sue; 3136 request; 3475 beg; 7694 crave; 14191 implore; 22421 beseech

French authorities are also worried that the Loire River may crest this weekend between Orléans and Angers.

CREST 1) noun: гребень, герб, пик, хохолок, шлем, холка, грива, перегиб свода, линейное возвышение, конек крыши, максимальное значение desc: a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal; the top of something, especially a mountain or hill; a distinctive device borne above the shield of a coat of arms (originally as worn on a helmet), or separately reproduced, for example on writing paper or silverware, to represent a family or corporate body. 2) verb: увенчивать, служить гребнем, достигать вершины, вздыматься desc: reach the top of (something such as a hill or wave). syn: 1) 7597 crest; 10247 emblem; 46048 heraldry; 2148 roof; 2379 peak; 3256 summit; 4900 ridge; 13837 apex; 9341 comb; 17888 tuft; 43551 topknot 2) 19238 crest

After over 60 cruises she decided to compile her expertise in an e-book to share with other cruiser, first timers or seasoned cruisers.

CRUISER noun: крейсер desc: a relatively fast warship larger than a destroyer and less heavily armed than a battleship; a yacht or motorboat with passenger accommodations, designed for leisure use. syn: 7675 cruiser

The cash crunch, felt hardest in less metropolitan parts of the country, will surely see to that.

CRUNCH 1) noun: хруст, скрип, треск desc: a loud muffled grinding sound made when crushing, moving over, or hitting something; a crucial point or situation, typically one at which a decision with important consequences must be made; a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles; a sit-up. 2) verb: грызть, хрустеть, скрипеть, трещать desc: crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound; process large amounts of information or perform operations of great complexity, especially by computer. syn: 1) 1208 crisis; 7672 crunch; 15846 crux 2) 9511 crunch; 12290 munch; 19592 chomp; 39013 champ

Mrs Britton, 32, said that starting a pub from scratch is a daunting task but well worth the hard work.

DAUNTING adj: обескураживающий, пугающий desc: seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating. syn: 4010 scary; 5603 frightening; 6312 formidable; 7588 daunting; 9636 intimidating; 15331 discouraging; 27808 unnerving

Singh says he was detained for three hours until his friends could bail him out.

DETAIN verb: задерживать, содержать под стражей, арестовывать, мешать, заставлять ждать, замедлять desc: keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in politically sensitive situations. syn: 936 control; 1723 capture; 2153 arrest; 5397 confine; 6925 restrain; 7690 detain; 3462 delay

Indeed, as far as the railways are concerned, they are far worse and set to deteriorate further in the short term.

DETERIORATE verb: ухудшать, портиться, разрушаться, вырождаться, дегенерировать desc: become progressively worse. syn: 2010 decline; 2899 fade; 4527 weaken; 7720 deteriorate; 8632 worsen; 10242 wane; 25669 depreciate

Even if you never spend a dime of the reserve, the tax savings on your contributions ensure you'll be no worse off than if you hadn't enrolled.

DIME noun: монета в десять центов desc: a cupronickel-clad coin of the U.S. and Canada, the 10th part of a dollar, equal to 10 cents. syn: 7646 dime

Rules say bus drivers can use their discretion regarding dogs but they must have a valid reason for refusing.

DISCRETION noun: благоразумие, свобода действий, осторожность, осмотрительность desc: the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information; the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation. syn: 1910 judgment; 3187 discrimination; 5344 caution; 5706 diplomacy; 6502 maturity; 7676 discretion; 14913 foresight; 18348 tact

About 30 firefighters from across the county battled for more than four hours to spray water onto the gas cloud in a bid to disperse it.

DISPERSE 1) verb: диспергировать, рассеивать, расходиться, разгонять, рассредоточивать, распространять, разбрасывать, исчезать desc: distribute or spread over a wide area. 2) adj: разреженный desc: denoting a phase dispersed in another phase, as in a colloid. syn: 1) 1935 separate; 3783 scatter; 4333 dissolve; 7543 disperse; 12733 diffuse; 14351 disband

He also has one of the funniest bits in the movie as part of the elaborate diversion the gang plans as part of the initial heist.

DIVERSION noun: отвод, отклонение, развлечение, обход, отвлекающий маневр desc: an instance of turning something aside from its course;an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a recreation or pastime. syn: 3897 departure; 6552 deviation; 11426 pastime; 7636 diversion; 9194 alteration; 22798 digression; 6253 distraction; 6829 amusement

But no, releasing this wasp out into the cold would doom it for sure, and I'm feeling too much cabin-fever kinship with her.

DOOM 1) noun: гибель, судьба, приговор, фатум, статут, декрет desc: death, destruction, or some other terrible fate. 2) verb: обрекать, осуждать, предопределять desc: condemn to certain destruction or death. syn: 1) 417 death; 982 trouble; 2335 disaster; 2900 tragedy; 5237 ruin; 6744 catastrophe; 8978 doom 2) 7594 doom

You are asking us to be careful about adopting assumptions which are founded on rather dubious ground and would subvert our intentions, good as they may be.

DUBIOUS adj: сомнительный, подозрительный, неясный, колеблющийся, мнительный desc: hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon; suspect. syn: 4933 vague; 6325 questionable; 7732 dubious; 17771 debatable; 20479 imprecise; 8146 unsure; 9610 shady; 19132 fishy; 24406 untrustworthy

People here have a warm way of showing empathy but at the same time respecting your private grief.

EMPATHY noun: сочувствие, сопереживание desc: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. syn: 3310 identification; 4307 sympathy; 5037 compassion; 7718 empathy; 14433 responsiveness

When the heart is forced to work extra hard for an extended period of time, it tends to enlarge.

ENLARGE verb: увеличивать, расширять, распространяться, укрупнять, освобождать desc: make or become bigger or more extensive. syn: 1577 expand; 6127 detail; 7124 elaborate; 7659 enlarge; 9809 amplify; 5518 widen

Many GI's showed an abysmal lack of knowledge.

GI 1) noun: солдат, военного образца, аббревиатура для гликемического индекса desc: a member or former member of the U.S. armed forces, especially an enlisted soldier; abbreviation for glycaemic ​index: a ​system for ​listing ​foods ​according to how ​quickly they ​increase the ​level of ​sugar in ​your ​blood 2) verb: армейский, казенный desc: rigidly adhering to military regulations and practices; regimented; spit-and-polish; of a standardized style or type issued by the U.S. armed forces. syn: 1) 2298 volunteer; 2405 veteran; 7023 recruit; 7601 GI; 15171 private; 20137 conscript; 24110 draftee

Their mantra was echoed in the glowing reports of the critics and guidebooks, all of which unanimously extolled the place's virtues in worryingly breathless prose.

GLOWING adj: пылающий, яркий, пылкий, горячий, раскаленный добела desc: expressing great praise; warmly favorable or complimentary; showing the radiance of health, excitement, etc. syn: 7400 shining; 7559 glowing; 8326 gleaming; 9951 radiant; 20958 lustrous; 14994 flattering; 36931 fulsome; 16744 tanned; 18462 blooming

But gosh, you know, they don't seem so bad, particularly the cute white one Willard adopts and names Socrates.

GOSH interj: черт возьми! desc: used to express surprise or give emphasis. syn: 7778 gosh

I can remember my stomach churning when one of my children would take a risk while playing a game and then fall and graze their knee.

GRAZE 1) noun: царапина, касание, клевок, задевание, легкая рана, разрыв при ударе desc: a slight injury where the skin is scraped. 2) verb: пасти, держать на подножном корму, щипать траву, использовать как пастбище, слегка касаться, задевать, обстреливать настильным огнем, содрать, натереть desc: (of cattle, sheep, etc.) eat grass in a field; scrape the skin of (a part of the body) so as to break the surface but cause little or no bleeding. syn: 1) 8577 lesion; 11358 scrape; 19208 abrasion; 32450 scuff; 43244 graze 2) 1321 feed; 7652 graze; 9852 browse; 11435 forage; 11164 crop; 11534 nibble; 2655 sweep

This mark indicates that the letter is superior to an inferior.

INFERIOR 1) noun: подчиненный, младший по чину, стоящий ниже desc: a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability; an inferior letter, figure, or symbol. 2) adj: низший, подчиненный, плохой, подстрочный, расположенный ниже, нижележащий desc: lower in rank, status, or quality; low or lower in position. syn: 1) 12874 subordinate; 21217 minion; 22694 underling; 29737 vassal; 32747 inferior 2) 2626 minor; 3478 secondary; 7633 inferior; 19707 subsidiary; 23140 subservient; 10689 mediocre; 20719 low-grade

The federal government stepped in with safety requirements that essentially eliminated the daredevil antics, but didn't inhibit the growth of passenger airlines.

INHIBIT verb: подавлять, препятствовать, тормозить, сдерживать, запрещать, мешать, лишать права отправлять службы desc: hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process); make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way; (in ecclesiastical law) forbid (a member of the clergy) to exercise clerical functions. syn: 5164 bar; 6741 deter; 7526 inhibit; 7877 constrain; 8965 impede; 10970 obstruct; 701 reduce; 2186 slow; 6896 stall; 9233 hamper

I did not lament him, for I knew his spirit was in the embrace of the loved ones who went before him.

LAMENT 1) noun: жалобы, жалобная песнь, элегия, похоронная песнь, горестное стенание desc: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. 2) verb: плакать, сетовать, жаловаться, горевать, сокрушаться, стенать desc: mourn (a person's loss or death). syn: 1) 5499 crying; 14745 lament; 16547 weeping; 25801 lamentation; 29782 dirge; 31257 wailing 2) 6867 mourn; 7783 moan; 7508 lament; 8535 howl; 9981 grieve; 15737 bemoan; 41427 bewail

Its strategy calls for plants to essentially be carbon copies of each other: same layout , same processes, same equipment.

LAYOUT noun: макет, расположение, планировка, схема, выкладка, оборудование, набор инструментов, показ, проект, угощение desc: the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out. syn: 835 design; 2372 arrangement; 2640 draft; 5227 outline; 7603 layout; 7703 blueprint

But getting cyclists to don a hard-shelled helmet, which can lessen the risks of serious injury, has been a global challenge.

LESSEN verb: уменьшать, недооценивать, полегчать desc: make or become less; diminish. syn: 701 reduce; 2010 decline; 2063 lower; 3393 decrease; 3972 minimize; 3989 diminish; 7784 lessen; 22865 slacken

She called the police, woke her husband and the couple then watched as Townsend tried to lever open the door.

LEVER 1) noun: рычаг, рукоятка, средство воздействия, вага, гандшпуг desc: a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other. 2) verb: поднимать рычагом, передвигать рычагом desc: lift or move with a lever. syn: 1) 1512 device; 7612 lever; 7914 pedal; 42538 treadle 2) 850 force; 8655 pry; 12693 prize; 26988 lever

If you don't want to attach the vinyl/plastic liner permanently to the shower curtain, use a double shower curtain rod.

LINER noun: лайнер, вкладыш, подкладка, облицовка, футеровка, втулка, обсадная труба, рейсовый пароход, ткань для закатки, гильза цилиндра desc: a large luxurious passenger ship of a type formerly used on a regular line; a fine paintbrush used for painting thin lines and for outlining. syn: 7629 liner; 9642 lining; 11676 insert; 32246 facing

This weekend, somewhere on the Mediterranean coast, a short, grey Frenchman sits hunched over a notepad, restlessly jotting memories.

MEDITERRANEAN 1) noun: Средиземное море desc: the Mediterranean Sea or the countries bordering it; a native of a country bordering on the Mediterranean. 2) adj: удаленный от берегов моря, внутренний desc: of or characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea, the countries bordering it, or their inhabitants. syn: 2) 7757 mediterranean

When a young poet fails to find the words he can moan and wail and lament his wanton muse, gone off and left him bereft and lonesome.

MOAN 1) noun: стон, жалоба desc: a long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure. 2) verb: стонать, жаловаться, охать, канючить, ворчать desc: make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure. syn: 1) 11538 sob; 12320 moan; 13739 wail; 15184 grouse; 14745 lament; 19247 gripe; 27643 grumble 2) 7783 moan; 8055 whine; 25050 carp; 4884 mutter; 7293 groan; 14497 whimper; 30085 keen

As the cop turns to leave, the punk's screams change from mock protest to real anger.

MOCK 1) noun: насмешка, пародия, подражание desc: an object of derision. 2) adj: ложный, фиктивный, пародийный, притворный, поддельный desc: not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive. 3) verb: высмеивать, издеваться, глумиться, передразнивать, сводить на нет, пародировать, делать бесполезным desc: tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. syn: 2) 5151 fake; 8848 mock; 24086 ersatz; 11380 simulated; 20609 pretend; 29442 pseudo 3) 6933 mimic; 7673 mock; 8033 simulate; 19206 parody; 23142 satirize; 24642 caricature; 33297 ape; 10911 taunt

She heard him mumble something indistinct, and he tried to spit at her, but his aim left a lot to be desired.

MUMBLE 1) noun: бормотание desc: a quiet and indistinct utterance. 2) verb: бормотать, заплетаться, бурчать, шамкать, с трудом жевать desc: say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear. syn: 1) 31133 mumble 2) 6118 murmur; 7604 mumble; 14841 stammer; 14878 stutter; 15261 intone; 16095 babble; 16191 drone; 19294 slur; 39643 garble; 43024 gabble

A teenage boy was orphaned when his parents and nine-year-old brother were killed, it emerged today.

ORPHAN 1) noun: сирота, висячая строка desc: a child whose parents are dead; the first line of a paragraph set as the last line of a page or column, considered undesirable. 2) verb: делать сиротой, лишать родителей desc: make (a person or animal) an orphan. syn: 1) 363 girl; 382 boy; 7649 orphan; 16081 urchin; 26117 waif; 35367 foundling 2) 39350 orphan

The sentence is dictated by statute and therefore the defendant gets next to no payoff for his guilty plea.

PAYOFF noun: выплата, развязка, компенсация, вручение взятки desc: a payment made to someone, especially as a bribe or reward, or on leaving a job. syn: 7779 payoff; 8498 take; 10932 bribe; 13734 bribery; 14584 graft; 17572 inducement; 2180 settlement; 13800 payout; 14484 reckoning

Baby emperor penguins peek out from pouches just over their fathers' feet.

PEEK 1) noun: быстрый взгляд, взгляд украдкой desc: a quick and typically furtive look. 2) verb: заглядывать desc: look quickly, typically in a furtive manner. syn: 1) 3712 glance; 4597 glimpse; 12084 peek; 29312 gander; 30256 once-over 2) 3403 peer; 7553 peek; 17356 peep

Her mind is set on taking it down, yet she will not peril her husband.

PERIL 1) noun: опасность, риск desc: serious and immediate danger. 2) verb: подвергать опасности desc: expose to danger; threaten. syn: 1) 1067 threat; 1551 danger; 2243 exposure; 4154 liability; 4924 hazard; 7751 peril 2) endanger; jeopardize

Every year, parents continue to perpetuate the myth of Santa Claus.

PERPETUATE verb: увековечивать, сохранять навсегда desc: make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely. syn: 923 maintain; 1375 spread; 1449 extend; 2223 preserve; 7776 perpetuate; 9657 prolong; 10160 disseminate; 12195 propagate; 18831 immortalize

There are poets, playwrights, essayists and those who can write articles on various topics among them.

PLAYWRIGHT noun: драматург desc: a person who writes plays. syn: 7738 playwright; 57258 dramaturge; 33782 scriptwriter; 50716 tragedian; 981 writer

What he found shocked him but also made him more determined than ever to alert others to the plight of those living without clean water and sanitation.

PLIGHT 1) noun: положение, состояние, обязательство, помолвка desc: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. 2) verb: связывать обещанием, помолвить desc: pledge or promise solemnly (one's faith or loyalty). syn: 1) 1693 difficulty; 4151 dilemma; 7532 plight; 9677 predicament; 11358 scrape; 16219 quandary 2) affiance; engage

More than one million poultry have been culled since the start of the year in a bid to stem the spread of the disease.

POULTRY noun: домашняя птица, живность desc: domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. syn: 7759 poutry

Taking progressions and transits together, we can say with some confidence what areas of your life will be highlighted when, and how you may react to this.

PROGRESSION noun: прогресс, последовательность, продвижение desc: a movement or development toward a destination or a more advanced state, especially gradually or in stages. syn: 707 movement; 1513 progress; 2310 advance; 2964 evolution; 7704 progression; 16155 headway; 2234 cycle; 2687 string; 9073 sequel

This novel proves that he is not only a literary Goliath, but also a modern-day prophet who has his fingers on the pulse of the contemporary world, able to predict its vital beats.

PROPHET noun: пророк, предсказатель, проповедник, жучок desc: a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God; (in Christian use) the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets. syn: 7642 prophet; 14041forecaster; 14815 mystic; 19402 seer; 23363 diviner; 26377 psychic; 30492 spiritualist; 39506 clairvoyant

The inspector is not always right, and is often as exasperated and confused as any noir protagonist.

PROTAGONIST noun: главный герой, сторонник, актер, играющий главную роль, приверженец desc: the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. syn: 1922 hero; 7663 protagonist

Data generated by the tests was immediately sent back to the team's base in Barcelona, using hi-tech computers, in readiness for tomorrow's big race.

READINESS noun: готовность, находчивость, живость, быстрота, охота desc: willingness to do something; the state of being fully prepared for something; immediacy, quickness, or promptness. syn: 4282 ease; 7614 readiness; 16350 quickness; 30470 alacrity; 4219 willingness; 8423 inclination; 13262 eagerness

It is better to bring the polluters into the light than to allow them to reap profits at the expense of our air, land, and water.

REAP verb: жать, пожинать плоды, снимать урожай desc: cut or gather (a crop or harvest); (transitive) to gain or get (something) as a reward for or result of some action or enterprise. syn: 616 realize; 1257 gain; 1309 earn; 1600 obtain; 2074 acquire; 2505 secure; 3070 derive; 7722 reap; 13751 procure

He faded, understandably, in the second half but by then he had wrenched the game beyond Celtic's reclaim.

RECLAIM 1) noun: исправление desc: the action or process of reclaiming or being reclaimed. 2) verb: исправлять, восстанавливать, использовать, утилизировать, отзывать, окультуривать, требовать обратно, возражать, смягчать desc: retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of; bring (waste land or land formerly under water) under cultivation. syn: 1) 57011 reclaim 2) 3845 rescue; 5000 retrieve; 4828 regain; 7576 reclaim; 9092 salvage; 14222 recoup; 27546 repossess

Anyone who wanted to dance could reel to the sound of the ceilidh band playing at the Butter Cross.

REEL 1) noun: катушка, барабан, шатание, рулон, часть, рулетка, ворот, колебание, вихрь desc: a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound; a lively Scottish or Irish folk dance. 2) verb: наматывать, шататься, дрогнуть, водить хоровод, отступать, спотыкаться desc: wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel; lose one's balance and stagger or lurch violently; dance a reel. syn: 1) 6243 roller; 7185 cylinder; 8702 reel; 17035 spool; 37699 winder; 38241 bobbin 2) 6001 sway; 7656 reel; 7860 stagger; 9339 lurch; 13007 wobble; 21258 totter; 2679 wind; 8181 whirl; 11053 twirl

A modern historian has said that at no period of her history has Scotland ever stood relatively so high in the scale of nations as during the reign of this excellent monarch.

REIGN 1) noun: царствование, власть desc: the period during which a sovereign rules. 2) verb: царствовать, господствовать, воцариться desc: hold royal office; rule as king or queen. syn: 1) 633 rule; 4899 sovereignty; 7760 reign; 11882 supremacy; 11990 sway 2) 936 control; 2220 rule; 3739 govern; 9958 reign; 42684 administrate

Ordinary galvanized barbed wire can be used between the tubes to provide reinforcement, and to make the structures resistant to earthquakes.

REINFORCEMENT noun: подкрепление, усиление, арматура, армирование, пополнение desc: the action or process of reinforcing or strengthening. syn: 7634 reinforcement; 25879 corroboration; 31281 highlighting; 55261 underlining; 16174 strengthening; 5539 backup; 18336 fortification

This DVD is a great mix of live music and intelligent conversation with a great band of seemingly cool guys, albeit with a geek factor reminiscent of the math faculty.

REMINISCENT adj: напоминающий, вызывающий воспоминания, склонный к воспоминаниям desc: tending to remind one of something. syn: 1680 like; 7643 reminiscent; 10978 suggestive; 13936 evocative; 14527 resonant; 22940 redolent

The steam separators improved the residue problem with the endoscopes and also decreased the amount of residue on all instruments.

RESIDUE noun: остаток, осадок, отстой, наследство desc: a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used. syn: 4736 deposit; 5375 remains; 6136 excess; 7709 residue; 15869 scum; 24876 dregs

The most important rituals revolve around the cycle of ancestral and royal observances.

REVOLVE verb: вращать, вертеть, обдумывать, периодически возвращаться desc: move in a circle on a central axis. syn: 2660 spin; 4785 circle; 5546 rotate; 7516 revolve; 9528 orbit; 25733 gyrate

Maloney tries hard to create an interlinking narrative: a gripping tableau of IRA spectaculars and disasters, of British intelligence penetrations and of bodies by the roadsides.

ROADSIDE 1) noun: обочина, край дороги desc: the strip of land beside a road. 2) adj: придорожный desc: on or near the side of a road. syn: 1) 978 edge; 6732 verge; 7561 roadside; 8166 curb; 18258 wayside

Now, they were not so much hampered by rubble and debris as by several inches of sticky yellow mud.

RUBBLE noun: бут, валун, рваный камень, штыб, утильсырье desc: waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings. syn: 5375 remains; 7681 rubble; 9000 wreckage

On Nov. 2, the Independent Election Commission canceled the runoff and declared Karzai the winner.

RUNOFF noun: сток, расход, выпуск, слив, выкатывание за пределы ВПП, дополнительная игра после ничейного результата, решающая исход борьбы desc: a further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result; the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land, a building or structure, etc.. syn: 7713 runoff

Images of barren trees, dry scrub and leaf-scattered ground present the rural Virginia landscape in December.

SCRUB 1) noun: скраб, кустарник, поросль, ничтожный человек, жесткая щетка, карликовое растение, малорослое животное, младшая или слабая команда desc: an act of scrubbing something or someone; a semiabrasive cosmetic lotion applied to the face or body in order to cleanse the skin; vegetation consisting mainly of brushwood or stunted forest growth; denoting a shrubby or small form of a plant; an insignificant or contemptible person. 2) verb: скрести, тереть, отменять, чистить щеткой, промывать газ desc: rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water. syn: 1) 9695 polish; 10193 scrub; 14620 rub; 41764 clean; 58134 scour; 4294 bush; 20452 undergrowth 2) 4688 scratch; 5848 erase; 6639 postpone; 7678 scrub; 8197 delete; 3244 brush; 10799 cleanse

An enthusiastic crafter and home sewer since childhood, Jane Schenck has a long and varied career in the home sewing industry.

SEWER noun: коллектор, сточная труба, швея, канализационная труба desc: an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter; a person who sews. syn: 5992 drain; 7577 sewer; 11158 gutter; 23710 culvert; 28980 sump; 28814 cesspool

Isaiah's eyes started to shift sideways towards Tara who was sitting next to him, but he caught himself and instead forced his gaze downward.

SIDEWAYS 1) adj: направленный в сторону desc: moving, facing, or directed toward one side; indirect or evasive. 2) adv: боком, в сторону, вбок, вкось desc: to, toward, or from the side; with a side foremost; with a deceitful, scornful, disparaging, or amorous glance. syn: 1) 15525 oblique; 20676 sideways; 20935 slanted; 26652 sidelong 2) 7505 sideways; 25544 askance; 53792 aslant

Rev stood in a dark stone room with a large rectangular slab of metal hanging close to the ground.

SLAB 1) noun: плита, пластина, горбыль, плоская заготовка, ломоть, кус, жидкая грязь desc: a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, or wood, typically rectangular. 2) verb: мостить плитами, срезать горбыли desc: remove slabs from (a log or tree) to prepare it for sawing into planks. syn: 1) 1318 block; 2191 portion; 4543 chunk; 6221 lump; 6341 wedge; 7585 slab; 12838 hunk

As other women are pulling on their veils she walks past us in a plain black headscarf and a sober dark ensemble.

SOBER 1) adj: трезвый, здравомыслящий, спокойный, рассудительный, умеренный desc: not affected by alcohol; not drunk. 2) verb: отрезвлять, протрезвляться desc: make or become sober after drinking alcohol. syn: 1) 7545 sober; 12818 temperate; 15315 restrained; 37236 clear-headed; 49589 abstemious; 5147 dull; 13233 dreary; 15618 drab 2) 17211 sober

Frequently, Brown would go with her from the sprawling main house to a small house in the hills.

SPRAWLING adj: размашистый, расползающийся, растянутый, разваливающийся desc: existing or ​reaching over a ​large ​area; sitting or lying in an ungainly manner with one's limbs spread out. syn: 7671 sprawling; 9394 expansive; 11061 spreading; 16091 rambling; 41517 straggling

Standing in Banda Aceh as the disaster unfolded around him, he knew he had captured the startling images of the tragedy.

STARTLING adj: поразительный, потрясающий desc: very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable. syn: 2802 surprising; 6100 shocking; 6593 astonishing; 7528 startling; 9812 staggering; 21235 disquieting

The figures were supplied to The Sunday Business Post by Bupa, the Irish subsidiary of British health insurer Bupa.

SUBSIDIARY 1) noun: филиал desc: a company controlled by a holding company. 2) adj: вспомогательный, дополнительный, второстепенный, субсидируемый desc: less important than but related or supplementary to. syn: 1) 246 business; 903 firm; 1859 division; 1817 branch; 5385 holding; 7034 affiliate; 7641 subsidiary 2) 2626 minor; 3478 secondary; 5181 lesser; 10000 subordinate; 19707 subsidiary; 1548 extra; 14487 auxiliary; 16959 supplementary; 17927 ancillary

The document establishes that Plame has worked undercover within the past five years.

UNDERCOVER adj: тайный, секретный, потаенный desc: (of a person or their activities) involved in or involving secret work within a community or organization, especially for the purposes of police investigation or espionage. syn: 4027 hidden; 7648 undercover; 8944 covert; 12194 clandestine; 12691 concealed; 13493 buried; 19134 disguised; 43654 obscured

The sump tube contains three lumens - one to vent air, one for infusion of irrigating solution, and one for drainage of debris.

VENT 1) noun: выход, вентиляционное отверстие, отдушина, клапан, жерло вулкана, разрез, выражение, запал, выпор desc: an opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space; the expression or release of a strong emotion, energy, etc.; a slit in a garment, especially in the lower edge of the back of a coat through the seam. 2) verb: выпускать, выражать, изливать, высказывать, давать выход, делать отверстие desc: give free expression to (a strong emotion); provide with an outlet for air, gas, or liquid. syn: 1) 1950 opening; 2133 gap; 4668 outlet; 7741 vent; 8475 chimney; 8714 exhaust; 24560 flue 2) 1745 declare; 2045 escape; 5096 voice; 6357 emit; 6975 utter; 7081 expel; 11265 vent

Was that Cabinet minister under a misapprehension or do you actually wield power or influence?

WIELD verb: владеть, иметь в руках desc: hold and use (a weapon or tool). syn: 1242 handle; 4284 manipulate; 7584 wield; 7736 sport; 13596 ply; 14096 brandish; 92 use; 939 apply; 1972 employ

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