Test 2

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Which of the following declarations is more likely to be that of a 5-to-7-year old than a 2-to-5-year-old?

"Daddy, you're a boy, you shouldn't wear an apron."

Which of the following questions is a teenager more likely to ask a friend than a parent?

"How can I get Devon to stop embarrassing me in front of my teammates?"

Which of the following profiles is the most likely to suffer the worst effects of abuse?

A child who is called names and punched by her parents when they experience stress.

According to current theories, which of the following children is most likely to develop asthma?

A child who spends most leisure time indoors

Shared Goals

A common understanding of how family interactions will be conducted and what their outcomes will be

Intellectual Disability

A condition characterized by significantly subaverage intellectual functioning and limited self-help skills.

Which of the following best approximates the experience of childhood sexuality in Western cultures?

A forbidden garden

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

A formula for expressing the child's intellectual level that made it possible to compare children of different chronological ages (CAs) which are expressed as how old, in years and months, the children are.

Which of the following best describes trends in marijuana use among adolescents over the last 30 years?

A gradual decline followed by a resurgence

Marginal group

A group between cultures or on the fringe of a dominant culture.

Peer Groups

A group of friends who typically are of similar age, interact with one another regularly and share norms and goals.

Which of the following examples demonstrates the typical pathology of prejudice and discrimination?

A group of third-generation Chinese students mock and exclude a family of recent immigrants.

Which of the following represents the largest change in adolescent behavior by the late 1970s?

A higher loss of virginity in teenage girls


A hormone produced by the ovaries which acts with estrogen to bring about the menstrual cycle.

Which of the following factors is the largest contributor to adolescent delinquency?

A lack of autonomy in family life


A larger type of peer group, with 15 to 30 members. this group typically has two or more cliques within them

Which of the following adolescent girls is most likely to have a late menarche?

A member of a competitive sports team


A negative attitude held without adequate reason toward people because of their membership in a certain group

Which of the following best describes the trend in sexual attitudes during the 1980s?

A new generation of youth reacted against the previous generation's excesses.

Which of the following represents psychological abuse in the form of terrorization?

A parent leaves her child in his seat in a theater and tells him that she's not coming back.

Preoperational period

A period in cognitive development that builds on schemes that were developed in the sensorimotor period, and it forms the basis for middle childhood's stage of concrete operations.

Adolescent growth Spurt

A period of rapid growth in physical size and strength, accompanied by changes in body proportions


A person's ideas about fairness, justice, and right and wrong

Social Cognition

A person's knowledge and understanding of the social world, becomes an important determinant of behavior as children proceed through development.

Which of the following sociocultural elements are teenagers more likely to be affected by now than in the past?

A refugee crisis in the developing world

Which of the following describes the trend in adolescent nicotine use over the last 25 years?

A rise followed by a sharp and then steady decline

Which of the following school environments is likely to be the most effective for a gifted female student?

A school focused on advanced curriculum


A sense of shared responsibility between parents and their children

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition (SB5)

A set of test items involving problem solving, word definitions, and general knowledge that were appropriate for children of different ages.

Which of the following analogies best represents the relationship between emotional competence and social competence in young children?

A set of training wheels on a bicycle

Which of the following people would be most likely to be unemployed in 2011?

A single mother of a child under age 6

Which of the following women is most likely to hold a job outside the home?

A single mother with a child between the ages of 6 and 17


A smaller type of peer group, which might have as few as 3 members or as many as 9. This group is more cohesive


A state of arousal, tension, or apprehension caused by a specific, identifiable stimulus or situation

Which of the following subjects would likely be of most interest to an emerging adolescent?

A story about an individual with the power to rewind time

Which of the following factors is most likely to correlate to a positive body image in adolescent girls?

A strong bond with a mother

Which of the following examples demonstrates Sternberg's conception of componential intelligence?

A student studies until she is able to beat the rest of her class at a vocabulary test.

Which of the following presents the best example of self-socialization in young children?

A toddler digs through a toy box, tossing dolls aside and building a stack of toy cars.

Which of the following provides the best analogy for the engagement between adolescents and their parents?

A tug of war

ADHD is more difficult to diagnose than autism spectrum disorder because

ADHD has a wider variety of potential symptoms.

The effectiveness of drugs like Adderall and Ritalin in the treatment of ADHD suggests that

ADHD is caused by a low level of baseline nervous system stimulation.


Ability to classify plants, animals, and features of the natural environment and to make appropriate responses to each


Ability to control one's body movements and to handle objects skillfully


Ability to correctly interpret and appropriately respond to the moods, temperament, and motivations of other people


Ability to correctly understand one's own feelings and moods and to appreciate one's own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligence


Ability to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to manipulate those perceptions


Ability to produce and appreciate the characteristics of music, such as rhythm, pitch, and timbre

Why do some children lack the social skills that make others popular?

Abuse or neglect during early childhood

What is the major cause of death in kids?

Accidents (especially motor accidents)

Child maltreatment

Any act, or failure to act, on the part of a caretaker or parent that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, or sexual abuse or exploitation of a child, as well as situations that present an imminent risk of serious harm

Which of the following symptoms is more likely to be associated with autism spectrum disorders than ADHD?

Brianne is prone to lining up her toys and possessions.

Which of the following examples is most likely to cause a parental conflict with an adolescent?

Bryan brings home a report card with a D grade in algebra.

Resilient Children

Children who overcome difficult environments to lead socially competent lives, shared certain characteristics.

Psychoanalytic View

The emphasis is on the child's feelings, drives, and developmental conflicts; Emphasized the growth of autonomy and the need to balance it with children's dependence on parents during this period

Preconceptual period

The first part of the preoperational period (about age 2 to age 4/5), which is highlighted by the increasingly complex use of symbols and symbolic play


The formation of sheathing cells that insulate the neurons and make transmission of neural impulses much more efficient

Industry versus inferiority

The fourth of Erikson's eight psychosocial crises, during which children attempt to master many skills, developing a sense of themselves as either industrious or inferior, competent or incompetent.

How does the preconceptual period differ from the transitional period of the preoperational stage of development?

The preconceptual period entails the building of symbolic logic, while the transitional period involves parsing reality.


The process during which specific skills and competencies become localized in a particular cerebral hemisphere.

Social Comparison

The process of evaluating oneself and one's situation relative to others


The process whereby specific skills and competencies become localized in either the left or the right cerebral hemisphere


The progressive structuring of tasks by parents or others so that the level of task difficulty is appropriate

Which of the following describes a major factor that can affect the testing of IQ scores?

The same test can yield significantly different results depending on context.

Intuitive Period

The second part of the preoperational period (about age 4/5 to age 7), during which children begin to understand causation, undertake simple mental operations, and form a more realistic view of their world.

Which of the following activities is most likely to occupy a contemporary teenager instead of face-to-face peer interaction?

Watching videos on a streaming website

A youth from which of the following geographic regions would be the least likely to achieve literacy?

West Africa

Which of the following statements represents the most cogent criticism of the idea that exposure to violent media causes children to act more aggressively?

Children with inherent traits may seek sources of violent media for gratification.

Which of the following statements best explains the observed difference in aggression levels between children in the same cohort?

Children with proclivities toward aggression are more activated by violence in the media and environment

Which of the following examples demonstrates recognition?

Cindy points to a toy on shelf and repeats its name from a cartoon show she watched earlier.

How does the understanding of group differences change as children age?

Cognitive growth fosters greater social cognition, leading to more in-depth understanding of individuals.

Which of the following presents the most relevant criticism of Piaget's conception of formal operational thought?

Cognitive growth occurs as a gradient rather than a stage process.

During middle childhood, Jaime practices thinking skills that improve his ability to overcome obstacles and make friends. Which view of personality development does this statement exemplify?


Hoes does "cold" decision making differ from "hot" decision making in adolescents?

Cold decision making involves analytical processes, while hot decision making utilizes intuitive choices.

Which of the following developmental areas is more likely to be affected by autism spectrum disorder than ADHD?


Collective Monologues

Communications in which two children appear to take turns speaking to each other, but they may be talking about entirely different, unrelated subjects


Computed by dividing a person's weight in pounds by the square of his or her height in inches and then multiplied by a constant 703.

Which of the following describes a defining characteristic of Generation Me according to surveys?

Concern with personal financial success

Identity verses identity confusion (Erikson)

During this stage, adolescents explore their independence and develop a sense of self; try to answer the question "Who am I"

How has the development of childhood fear and anxiety changed over time?

Fearful imagery has changed from realistic natural sources to objects of fantasy.

Which of the following behaviors is indicative of fully developed prosocial behavior?

Feeling sad when another person is sad

How does the development of gray brain matter differ from the development of white brain matter during middle childhood?

Gray matter peaks and declines in volume, while white matter increases.

Which of the following provides the best analogy to research of the iBrain concept in childhood behavioral development?

Growing a tomato in foreign soil

Which of the following statements best describes the effect of bilingualism on the development of young children?

Growing up in a bilingual environment has a generally positive effect on cognitive development.

Social Inference

Guesses and assumptions about what another person is feeling, thinking, or intending.

Which of the following examples is demonstrative of Selman's second stage of friendship development?

Harun gives his ice cream cone to Lyle after Lyle drops his own cone and starts crying

Which of the following interventions would most likely reduce depressive symptoms in single mothers?

Having a child care worker available to babysit

Which of the following demonstrates a child practicing a motor skill through extrinsic rather than intrinsic motivation?

Henry completes a task in a video game and receives experience points.

Natalia performs well at school in the United States and regularly makes the honor roll, but she suffers from poor self-esteem. Which of the following most likely explains Natalia's situation?

Her home culture doesn't value academic skills.

How does a child's self-concept relate to her understanding of the social world?

Her personality is shaped by how family and peers interact with her.

Which of the following profiles represents the most common mental disorder to occur in middle childhood?

Hera has little energy, sad moods, irritability, and difficulty completing schoolwork.

Which of the following provides the best analogy for Erik Erikson's concept of the adolescent identity crisis?

Herding sheep into a pen

Identity Crisis

Individuals grapple with the options available and ultimately make a choice and commitment as to which paths their lives will take

"Just try your best, and if the work is too hard we'll figure out something else you can do."

Ineffective Praise

How do intellectual disabilities differ from learning disorders?

Intellectual disabilities are generalized deficits, while learning disorders affect specific areas.

Achievement Motivation

Internalized need to persist toward success and excellence, is an acquired and culturally based drive

Which of the following profiles best matches an androgynous personality?

Kayla works with a logging crew in the summers and attends ballroom dancing classes during the school year.

Which of the following profiles is likely that of an individual with an IQ in the 40-55 range?

Kyle can read basic picture books and works 10 hours a week assembling furniture.

Collective monologues demonstrate pragmatics by

Practicing the back-and-forth rhythm of conversation.

Which of the following categories is most likely to exist in a state of identity diffusion?

Pre-high school students

Jeremiah eats all of his vegetables at mealtime in order to get served dessert. Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning is Jeremiah demonstrating?


Which of the following interventions would help a child failing the crisis of middle childhood according to Erik Erikson?

Provide the child with an achievable but labor-intensive task.

Defense Mechanisms

Psychodynamic "tricks" (behaviors) that individuals use to disguise or reduce tensions that lead to anxiety

Which of the following activities is likely to be first achieved by a 4- to 5-year-old child?

Putting on shirt, pants, and socks without assistance

How do secondary sexual characteristics differ from primary sexual characteristics?

Secondary characteristics describe physical changes, while primary characteristics relate to reproduction.

How does self-concept differ from self-esteem?

Self-concept describes what an individual knows she can do, while self-esteem describes how well she thinks she performs.


Sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words and the functions of language

Sensory Pleasure

Sensory experience in and of itself without another goal, which teaches children essential facts about their bodies and the environmeny

Which of the following interventions would have the most positive effect on the quality of parental monitoring?

Set aside time for parents and teenagers to engage in a recreational activity they both enjoy.

How was the SB5 measured?

Several sets of tests items were administered and determined the mental age (MA) that best described the child's level of ability

Same-sex orientation

Sexual attraction toward members of one's own gender

Which of the following represents an attitudinal shift in adolescents by the early 1970s?

Sexual relationships before marriage are acceptable if the couple is committed.

How does shame differ from guilt in a developmental context?

Shame relates to an element of a child's character while guilt pertains to a child's action

Which of the following best describes the failure of a child to develop a sense of independence from caregivers?

She will not engage in schoolwork to avoid failure.

Which of the following demonstrates the control process of semantic elaboration?

Sidney realizes that his mother had a bad day at work based on her body language.

Gerta asks Beth if she can go play at her house, and Beth says yes. However, Gerta understands Beth doesn't really want her to go. Which element of social cognition is Gerta demonstrating?

Social inference

Which of the following coeducational functions is most likely to be engaged in early adolescence?


Which of the following provides the best explanation for why Generation Me may appear more selfish than older cohorts?

Socioeconomic conditions have exerted comparatively intense pressures.

Which of the following factors is most likely to encourage healthy adjustment to divorce?

Speaking with the noncustodial parent on the phone or in person on a daily basis

Which of the following interventions would be most likely to improve learning in a public school classroom?

Spending more time on directions for tasks

"I went to the park and saw the geese." This statement is demonstrative of which stage of childhood language development?

Stage 3

Jane asks her friend Keisha not to tell anyone else about her plan to join the army when she grows up. Which of Selman's stages of friendship development does this interaction exemplify?

Stage 3

Moral Dilemmas

Stories in which a central character was in a difficult situation and had to decide how to resolve it

Control processes

Strategies and techniques that enhance memory

Social Responsibility

The individual's obligation to family, friends, people in authority, and others.

Functional Subordination

The integration of a number of separate, simple actions or schemes into a more complex pattern of behavior

Private Speech

The language we use when we talk to ourselves

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of family size on the intellectual development of constituent children?

The larger a family is the more likely it is that its children will perform below average.

Which of the following physical changes during early childhood most helps children maintain balance?

The legs and lower body elongate rapidly.


The motivation to acquire values, interests, and behaviors consistent with their gender

Which of the following describes a factor affecting the span of adolescence in different cultures?

The complexity of the skills necessary to perform adult functions

Which of the following best explains measured IQ disparities between different groups?

The cultural contexts in which individuals are raised affects academic performance.

Which of the following presents the most valid criticism of teenagers' use of social media?

The dependence on the ratings of other people can retard the formation of a secure personal identity.

Which of the following best describes how egocentric behavior can be developmentally beneficial to adolescents?

The period of adolescence requires granular feedback for the formation of well-adapted identity.

According to Kohlberg's conception of moral development, a child in the postconventional level will

behave in a fashion that best serves the community.

According to McClelland, a student's achievement motivation is rooted in

internalization of cultural priorities.

Reconstituted families can pose challenges to children by

introducing them to foreign sets of behavioral expectations.

Young children primarily interact with objects such as rocks and branches in order to

intuitively learn the physical laws of the world.

Factors that cause adolescents to become delinquents

living is disadvantage or stressful environments that arise from poverty, overcrowding, a racist culture, or the lack of a positive male role model

Incorrect use of praise from parents can result in

lower self-esteem when unrealistic expectations are created.


male sex hormones

play with language

manipulation of sounds, patterns, and the meanings of language without the intent to communicate

Sexually abused girls are more likely than sexually abused boys to

marry an abusive partner later in life.

Authoritarian Parents

parents who are highly controlling and tend to show little warmth toward their children; Adhere rigidly to rules

Adolescents who attempt suicide are generally responding to a(n)

pattern of long-standing problems.

Culture clashes between parents and children are exacerbated in adolescence because

peer influence takes on an outsized role in socialization.

Androgynous Personality

personality type that includes characteristics that are both masculine and feminine traits

Authoritative parenting is characterized by

setting logical and flexible boundaries.

Late maturation in adolescent girls can prove beneficial by

setting them on the same playing field as normally maturing boys.

Girls in middle childhood are more likely than boys to

share private thoughts with their friends.

Which of the following quotations is most demonstrative of the changing nature of parent-child relationships in middle childhood?

"I didn't get a bad grade because I was playing too many video games."

Which of the following quotes is indicative of a child entering Stage 2 of language development?

"I played with my sister."

Which of the following adolescent thoughts is most demonstrative of the personal fable?

"If the principal knew how bad I felt, she wouldn't give me detention."

Which of the following parental statements would best encourage self-regulation?

"If you don't go on the field trip, you'll be letting your friends down."

Authoritarian Example

"No, you can't stay out later than midnight. A rule is a rule and we have a midnight curfew at our house. You'll get over not going to that game."

Authoritative Parenting example

"Normally, we have a midnight curfew, but because you will be traveling on a school trip and will be well supervised, we can make an exception this time. You can go, but we'll expect that you call us when you are a half-hour away, so we can be waiting to pick you up when the bus arrives back at the school."

Which of the following best describes health in middle childhood?

A child has an above-average level of flexibility, muscle strength, and oxygenation.

Permissive Parenting Example

"Sure! How exciting to be with your friends!"

Which of the following presents an example of metacognition in an adolescent?

"The last time I tried to talk to Roberta I chose a topic that insulted her."


"Thinking about thinking" or the ability to evaluate a cognitive task to determine how best to accomplish it, and then to monitor and adjust one's performance on that task

Indifferent Parenting Example

"Why do you want to go to a stupid game, anyway? It's just a waste of your time; don't ask us to pick you up. You'll have to figure out how to get home yourself."

Which of the following examples of praise is most likely to be effective?

"You scored two goals today and beat your record even though the team lost."

Factors that affect adolescents sexual activity

1. Ethnicity 2. Family Situation 3. Peer Attitude 4. Age at sexual maturity

Most theorists agree that adolescents must confront two major tasks:

1. Achieving autonomy and independence from their parents 2. Forming an identity, which means creating an integrated self that harmoniously combines different elements of the personality.

What are the concerns associated with heavy media use?

1. Aggressive behavior 2. Obesity 3. iBrain (how children's brains are being wired)

What are the three ideas about development?

1. Development is Continuous 2. Physical, cognitive, and psycho-social factors interact 3. Development in middle childhood occurs in a broader social context of school, peers, and the neighborhood

What are the three most common causes of Intellectual disabilities?

1. Down Syndrome 2. Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) 3. Fragile X syndrome

What factors determine the popularity of a school-age child?

1. Emotional Control 2. Academic Performance 3. Athletic ability 4. Extreme Aggressiveness 5. Extreme Timidity

Reasons children bully others:

1. Emotional problems 2. Youth culture 3. Fun 4. Power 5. Jealousy 6. Popularity

What are James Marcia's four identity statuses?

1. Foreclosure 2. Diffusion 3. Moratorium 4. Achievement

How to diagnose a kid with intellectual disabilities?

1. IQ Score-Around or below 70 on standardized tests, where average IQ is 100 2. Scores on test of adaptive behavior- Conceptual skills, Social skills, Practical skills 3. Clinical Assessment of Cultural Factors

Characteristics of emergin adulthood

1. Identity explorations 2. Instability 3. Self-focused perspective 4. Feelings of "in-between" 5. Age of possibilities

Gardner's Eight Types of Intelligence

1. Linguistic 2. Logical-mathmatical 3. Spatial 4. Bodily-kinestetic 5. Musical 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal 8. Naturalist

What are the four main factors that can affect test scores?>

1. Measurement issues 2. Environmental factors (child feels threatened or is ill) 3. Do not measure every quality that contributes to-or works against-an individual's success 4. Tests are specific to the value of the culture in which they are developed

At what age are teenagers most likely to engage in active conflicts with parents?


Which of the following groups is the most likely to use illicit drugs?


Characteristics of victims of bullying:

1. Weak/vulnerable 2. Annoying 3. Different 4. Gender

In childhood, as in adulthood, total brain size is about ____ larger, on average, in boys than in girl


When does the overall mass size of the brain peak for girls and boys?

10.5 for girls; 14.5 for boys

National surveys of US high school students typically report that about ____ of girls and ____ of boys have been forced to have sexual intercourse

11% and 4%

At which of the following junctures will most adolescents today have engaged in sexual intercourse?

11th grade

The percentage of kids with asthma under 18 years


Which of the following is closest to the average age at first use of heroin?


Lucille has baseline difficultly expressing her thoughts and has motor function issues that require an assisted living environment. Which of the following IQ ranges does Lucille likely fall under?


When do children normally start to become curious about their genital region?

3 or 4 years old

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

3%-5% of children in the US child population; A disorder of childhood characterized by difficulty in maintaining task-oriented activity, including impulsivity, excessive motor activity, and/or difficulty in sustaining attention

Nissa plays with a set of building blocks and is able to put together a recognizable house. Which age range does Nissa belong to?

4 to 5 years old

A child throws a Frisbee and is able to catch a Frisbee thrown back to her. At which age is this achievement first possible?

5 years old

Five-year-old Henry has an IQ of 120. The child thus has a mental age of


What percentage of children use media (TV, phones, etc) in a typical day?


By age 6, the human brain has reached approximately ______ of its maximum size


What percentage of children have TV's in their homes? What percentage of 2-4 yr olds have TVs in their bedrooms?

99%; 37%

Which of the following individuals is most likely to suffer from depressive episodes?

A White adolescent girl

Which source of fear or anxiety is most likely to be experienced by a 5-year-old child?

A breaking limb

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

A broad category of developmental brain disorders.

Which of the following scenarios explains a normal, rational expression of fear and anxiety in a 3-year-old child?

A child breaks a vase while climbing on a shelf, and her mother scolds her.

Which of the following gross motor activities is characteristic of a 3-year-old?

A child concentrates on a goal while legs work automatically.

Identity Statuses

According to Marcia, the type of identity formation experienced by a young person, which is determined by the degree to which that person has experienced an identity crisis and whether that person has made a commitment to a specific set of lifestyle choices.


Actions based on prejudice

Which of the following statements best defines discrimination?

Actions taken to harm members of a disfavored group

Personal Fable

Adolescents belief that they are so special that they should be exempt from the laws of nature, that nothing bad can happen to them, and that they will live forever

Identity Formation

Adolescents gain a sense of who they are and how they fit into society, answering the question, "Who am I?"

Which of the following represents a potential negative effect of age segregation practices?

Adolescents may not develop faculties for nurturing younger children.


Adolescents under age 16 or 18 who commit criminal acts

Personal Fable

Adolescents' belief that they are so special that they should be exempt from the laws of nature, that nothing bad can happen to them, and that they will live forever

Which of the following interventions would be the most beneficial to an expectant teenage mother?

Advise her to remain at home instead of marrying the father.

Which of the following statements best describes the effect of divorce on children?

After necessary adjustments are made, most children have satisfactory outcomes.

At which of the following ages are girls likely to be the same size as boys?

Age 10

Whenever her brother throws a ball to Neeta, she is usually able to catch it. Which age has Neeta likely reached?

Age 11

When interacting with his younger sister, Petri uses her name often and speaks slowly. Which age has Petri likely reached?

Age 4

Which age group has the highest use of illicit drugs

Age group: 18-20

What age group has the highest alcohol use

Age group: 21-25

Which of the following individuals is least likely to carry a child to term?

An Asian adolescent

Which of the following characteristics in a potential dating partner is likely to attract an older rather than a younger adolescent?

An ability to listen and provide advice

Bulimia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by eating "binges" that then trigger "purges" during which vomiting, laxatives, or sometimes extreme exercise regimens are used to eliminate the caloric intake of the just-eaten food

Anorexia Nervosa

An eating disorder in which a person is obsessed by thoughts of an unattainable image of "perfect" thinness; usually characterized by extreme thinness from eating very little food, which can result in death


An emotional state that produces a feeling of uneasiness, apprehension, or fear that stems from a vague or unknown source.

The greater average strength of adolescent boys may be due to

An increased level of red blood cell production.


An opportunity for people of opposite sexes to get to know each other and to learn how to interact appropriately

Mate Selection

An opportunity to associate with members of the opposite sex for the purpose of selecting a husband or wife


An opportunity to engage in sexual experimentation or to obtain sexual satisfaction


An opportunity to establish a close, meaningful relationship with a eprson of the oppoite sex


An opportunity to have a friend of the opposite sex with whom to interact and to share experiences


An opportunity to increase status by being seen with someone who is considered desirable


An oppourtunity to have fun with a person of the opposite sex

When should developmental interventions occur?

As shortly after birth as is feasible

Which of the following assignments reflects a shift in modern-day educational priorities?

Asking a group of students to debate the merits of a law


Aspects of language involving the social and cultural aspects

Deviation IQ

Assigns an IQ score by comparing an individual's test score with the scores of other people of the same age range


Assuming that all things that move are alive and have human characteristics

Percentage of adolescent depression

At any given time 8% of adolescents suffer from moderate to sever depression

Latoya must be able to concentrate in order to stack six blocks on top of each other.


Which of the following statements best describes the sexual behavior of today's adolescents compared to the previous generation?

Attitudes about same-sex relationships have become more open, while attitudes about sex have become more conservative.

Extrinsically motivated behavior

Behavior that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment

Which of the following behaviors is most demonstrative of a child with autism spectrum disorder?

Behavioral outbursts that occur when changes are made to routines


Believing that people and objects in stories and dreams are real.

Which of the following demonstrates moral realism in children in middle childhood?

Beverly does not cross the street in an emergency because a "Don't Walk" signal is displayed.


Biochemical substances that are secreted into bloodstream in very tiny amount by internal organs called endocrine glands.

Gender Roles

Biology and environmental parts in which reflect cultural definitions and expectations about being male or female

Which of the following groups of adolescents is most likely to be sexually active today?

Black males

Which of the following analogs would a ten-year-old likely choose when asked about the relationship between genders?

Blue playdoh and green playdoh

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the fear and anxiety coping mechanism of repression?

Bo does not remember what happened to his older brother, but he withdraws from his classmates and spends time alone.

Which of the following is an example of reification?

Bobby lies in bed unable to sleep because he's certain the tooth fairy will appear

How are cultural assumptions about gender impressed in young children?

By associating verbal communication with female play style

How does Vygotsky's zone of proximal development differ from Piaget's conception of preoperational learning?

By emphasizing the hierarchal nature of many learning circumstances

Five-year-old Amanda refuses to eat her vegetables at dinner, and keeps asking her parents for reasons why she should eat them. They run out of patience and tell her that she has to eat her vegetables because that's the rule at dinner. How could Amanda's parents better exercise discipline in this scenario?

By explaining to Amanda in detail why nutrition is important for the development of her body and mind

How do popular notions about the emotional challenges of adolescence affect outcomes?

By making it more difficult to identify children with serious challenges

How does the Iowa Gambling Task demonstrate the cognitive proclivities of adolescents?

By showing that they value emotional decision making over formal logic

Which example of the effects of child abuse is most likely to occur as a result of physical abuse?

Casey grows unpopular with her peers and becomes more socially withdrawn as she ages

Achievement Status

Characterized by commitment to choices made following a crisis, a period spent in exploring alternatives.

Which of the following describes an insight gained from the use of noninvasive brain scans of minor populations?

Children actively lose neural cells as they progress toward full cognitive adulthood.

Impact of Authoritative Parenting

Children are most likely to be self-reliant, self-controlled, and socially competent

Children of Permissive Parents

Children become rebellious and aggressive, self-indulgent, impulsive, and socially inept

Children of Authoritarian Parents

Children become withdrawn, fearful, dependent, moody, unassertive, and irritable

Which of the following statements best describes the development of self-concept through middle childhood?

Children develop more realistic self-assessments as their social experience increases.

Cooperative Play (Age 6)

Children engage in a single activity together

Reconstituted Family

Children from different marriages becoming one family after their divorced parents marry each other

Which of the following provides the best explanation for Piaget's conservation observations?

Children in the preoperational phase do not closely track cause and effect over time.


Children learn to incorporate the values and moral standards of their society into their understanding of themselves

Which of the following statements best characterizes how children must learn to regulate positive emotions as they grow older?

Children must restrict their expression of good feelings to appropriate contexts.

Onlooker play (Age 3)

Children observe others as they play

Parallel Play (Age 4)

Children play alongside each other but do not interact

Solitary play (age 2)

Children play with toys but do not interact with others

Associative play (Age 5)

Children share materials but not coordinate their activities

Children of Indifferent parents

Children show high expression of destructive impulses as well as delinquent behavior

Piagets matchstick problem

Concrete operational children realize that the six matchsticks in the zigzag top row will make a longer like than the five matchsticks in the straight bottom row. Younger children will say that the bottom row is the longest becayse they tend to center on the end points of the two lines and not on what lies between them

Yoana regularly refuses to sit at her assigned lunch table. Instead, she knocks over the meals of as many other children as she can. Which of the following mental illnesses is Yoana most likely exhibiting symptoms of?

Conduct disorder

Binge Drinking

Consuming five or more drinks on the same occasion

Hyeuk is in line at his bus stop when the neighborhood bully shoves all the other children out of his way in order to be first. Which of the following emotional regulations is the most appropriate for Hyeuk to undertake?

Contain his anger until he can become harder to push around

What are the two dimensions of parenting that are especially important in characterizing parenting styles?

Control and warmth

How do crowds differ from cliques in the adolescent social sphere?

Crowds are made up of a large number of people, while cliques are smaller.

Which example demonstrates displacement?

Declan is upset at his teacher for assigning him a time-out during the day. He breaks an action figure in his room at night.


Defense mechanism that involves deluding oneself by creating reasonable, but false, explanations for events; A child who is not invited to a party might rationalize that he would not have fun at the party anyway

Which of the following types of psychological abuse is most likely to negatively affect a child's self-esteem?


Which of the following techniques would be most effective for teaching new motor skills to 3- to 5-year-old children?

Demonstrate an activity and let children try to mimic it.

Which of the following represents a task first accomplished by a child entering the concrete operational thinking period?

Determining that a stack of quarters is worth more than a line of quarters

Which of the following statements exemplifies a psychodynamic view of personality development in middle childhood?

Developmental conflicts between children and parents are reduced.

Which of the following reflects current theory about the underlying cause of autism spectrum disorder?

Different areas of the brain are unable to exchange information effectively.

Which of the following statements best describes the ecological model of child abuse?

Different layers of instigating factors interact to encourage inappropriate behavior.

Which of the following problems does the deviation approach to IQ measurement solve?

Difficulties in assessing adult intelligence

Which of the following abuse behaviors is most likely to lead to the permanent disability of affected children?

Disproportionate punishment applied to young children

Which of the following methods would likely be the most effective in encouraging the development of prosocial behavior in young children?

Each child in a class draws a name from a hat with another child's name. The child is then required to act out the other child's perspective.

Which of the following factors is the most critical to the treatment of learning disorders?

Early intervention

"That was a hard math problem, but you stuck with it until you got it done. You stayed at your desk and kept your concentration. That's great!"

Effective Praise

Which of the following represents a psychological factor influencing the development of adolescent depression?

Elsa feels bad when she compares herself to the older girls in her new high school.

Which of the following examples demonstrates characteristic physical development of 9- to 10-year-olds?

Elyse walks on a rail, using her arms to balance.

Cognitive-Developmental View

Emphasis on children's thoughts and concepts as the organizers of their social behavior; Develop increasingly complex concepts; they learn what it means to be a girl or a boy, a friend or a leader

Social Learning View

Emphasizes the links between cognition, behavior, and the environment; Child's behavior is shaped by external rewards and punishments, as well as by role models.

Which of the following examples would be the most effective intervention parents could make in regard to their children's exposure to the media?

Encourage their children to watch programming with cooperative themes

Which of the following outcomes is most likely tied to the increase in unfiltered media consumption by teenagers today?

Engaging in sexual activity at a younger age

Which of the following interventions would be most likely to reduce risk-taking behavior in adolescents?

Enrolling them in intensive tutoring courses

Initiative versus guilt

Erikson's third psychosocial crisis, in which children ages 3-to 6-year olds undertake new skills and activities and feel guilty when they do not succeed at them

Which of the following sex hormones is responsible for stimulating the development of secondary sexual characteristics in females?


Yara works as a consultant who travels to different companies and quickly assesses their structures and characters. Which aspect of Sternberg's conception of intelligence does Yara demonstrate?

Experiential intelligence

Which of the following functions becomes lateralized to the right side of the brain during early childhood?

Facial recognition


Facility for logical and numerical operations and complex reasoning


Female sex hormone

Which of the following is a non-biological cause of intellectual disability?

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Which of the following challenges is less likely to affect emerging adults rather than adolescents?

Financial dependence

`Which of the following describes a difference in parental relations between different children as they enter adolescence?

First-born children experience a decline in closeness with parents after puberty.

Gender-role stereotypes

Fixed ideas about appropriate male and female behavior


For Marcia, the part of identity formation that involves making a personal investment in the paths one chooses.

Concrete Operational Period

For Piaget, the third stage of cognitive development; begins at ages 5 to 7 and allows the child to perform mental operations, such as conservation, decentration, and reversibility, on objects that are concrete and that can be directly experienced.

Which of the following best explains gender differences in gross motor skill development in middle childhood?

Girls are socialized to pursue avenues of interest that don't emphasize these skills.

Which of the following statements best characterizes gender differences in moral development in middle childhood?

Girls are socialized to value different kinds of judgments than boys.

Sexual Double Standard

Gives sexual freedom to boys but not girls

Which of the following statements best describes the effects of hormones on adolescent behavior?

Hormones interact with changing social expectations to stimulate volatile emotions and outbursts.

Mary Anne is playing tag with Jerome, and when she tags Jerome too hard by accident, he becomes angry and shouts in Mary Anne's face. What form of behavior is Jerome manifesting?

Hostile aggression

Self Concept

How children define who they are

Which of the following diagnostic questions reflects contemporary improvements in the accommodation of intellectual disability?

How does the child's native language affect her ability to adapt?

Parental Control

How restrictive the parents are

IQ Equation


How can imaginary friends affect social development in young children?

Imaginary friends can help children understand the abstract ideas that undergird deep relationships

Dramatic play and modeling

Imitation of whole patterns of behavior; includes fantasy and new ways of interacting and use of fantasy and imagination

Which of the following might explain why popular-aggressive children have a potential correlation with nonmaternal day care?

In non-family settings, children with aggressive impulses are socialized more productively.

Which of the following facts, if true, would be most likely used to question Kohlberg's moral absolutist stance?

In some cultures, it is considered wrong to feed another person's child.

Time, space, and sequence

Inability to consider the correct ordering of events


Inability to focus on more than one aspect of a situation at a time


Inability to think backward or to see how an event can be reversed

Which of the following physical changes during the onset of puberty is more permanent in girls than in boys?

Increase in body fat in the torso

Which of the following describes the parental technique of scaffolding?

Introducing children to tasks that are somewhat beyond their competency

Imaginary Companions

Invisible characters who may seem quite real to the child-who become a regular part of their daily routine


Involves removing oneself from an unpleasant situation

Which of the following behaviors is the most common in adolescents?

Iris locks herself in her room in periods of high stress and consumes a large amount of food.

Bastien asks a friend if he can have a cookie from her lunch but doesn't see why he should give her a bite of his sandwich when she asks later. Which limitation of thinking is Bastien demonstrating?


How does encouraging the development of emotional self-control in children aid the pursuit of a family's shared goals?

It helps children to understand the expected patterns and resolutions of intra-family conflict.

Why is handedness of particular interest to developmental researchers?

It is associated with whether or not language lateralization has occurred in the brain.

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates interdependence?

Jamie's parents pay her $20 an hour to babysit her younger siblings.

Which of the following provides the best example of formal operational thought in adolescents?

Jim thinks about how the Chinese economy will affect his choice of colleges.

Which of the following examples best demonstrates the level of egocentrism in a 3-year-old child?

Julie approaches Caleb and asks him the name of his stuffed bear.

Which of the following is an example of a young child demonstrating centration?

Kali is told not to make a mess when pouring cereal but spills it as she fills a bowl

Which of the following examples is indicative of social rejection based on non-developmental traits?

Karen leaves the room to go to the bathroom without raising her hand. Her classmates laugh at her.

A boys' peer group dresses nearly identical and has almost no contact with girl peer groups. Which stage of development have the members of this group likely entered?

Late middle childhood

Which of the following best describes Piaget's view on formal education strategy?

Learning environments should be structured to facilitate intuitive learning experiences.

A group of young children gather on a playground to play a game of tag. Which area of development does this form of play most emphasize?

Learning rules that define appropriate behavior

Which of the following interventions would be most likely to increase an individual's popularity with peers?

Lessons about how to speak up for oneself and engage in group activities

Which of the following demonstrates instrumental aggression?

Lyra spins rapidly in a circle and slaps another child in the face with the back of her hand.


Making one's own judgement and regulating one's own behavior, as in the expression, "think for yourself"

Which of the following interventions would be the most effective at improving the ability of adolescents to cope with stress?

Mandate classes that teach teenagers how to best communicate with family and peers.

Which of the following best describes the myelination process that takes place in early childhood?

Neurons develop a casing that increases the efficiency of transmission.

Which of the following individuals represents the category with the highest risk of suicide?

Melinda has a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.

Which of the following groups of adolescents is the most likely to be obese?

Mexican-American girls

Which of the following profiles is the least likely to be sexually active today?

Mindy feels like she can tell her parents anything about her life.

Levels of Intellectual Disabilities

Mod: IQ between 40-55; can learn acadmic skills to 2nd grade level and perfrom unskilled and some skilled work tasks Severe: IQ between 25-40 can communicate and perfom some ADLs requires support to complete routines Profound: IQ below 25 requires caregiver for basic ADLs; generally has neuromuscular, orthopedic and behavioral deficits.

Which of the following is a difference between moral realism and moral relativism?

Moral realism is a basic form of reasoning, while moral relativism is more cognitively advanced.

40 and above

Morbidly obese

Which of the following statements describes the differences between fearfulness and anxiety in young children?

Most children are naturally socially skilled according to temperament, while a small minority express congenital inhibition.

Why might current data on the rate of child abuse in the United States not paint an accurate picture?

Most reported cases do not produce sufficient evidence of maltreatment

Play with motion

Motor activity enjoyed for its own sake, which is often exciting and also provides practice in body coordination

Which of the following circumstances is likely to spur the formation of an ethnic identity?

Moving to a new country

Social Reference Groups

Narrowly or broadly defined groups with which people identify, and in so doing, help to define themselves

Lindsey enjoys going on long hikes by herself through difficult trails while identifying plants, animals, and birds. Which of Gardner's intelligence types would Lindsey likely score highly on?


_______ of single-mother families had fallen below the poverty line according to the most recent census data.

Nearly half

Which of the following profiles describes a child who is likely to be raised by permissive parents?

Noreen approaches groups of students on whims and tries to ingratiate herself, which is rarely successful.

18.5-24.9 BMI


IQ is assumed to be _______ _______ around an average score of 100, with about two thirds of the general population scoring between 85 and 115 and almost 96% scoring between 70 and 130

Normally Distributed



Which of the following best describes the incidence of childhood obesity over the last 50 years?

Obesity rates increased rapidly since the 1970s but have leveled off in recent years.


Occurs when goals are blocked, can also give rise to physical aggressive responses.

Which of the following interventions would be the most effective at enhancing the moral reasoning of adolescents?

Offering a more complex solution to a moral dilemma solved via simple means

Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates Kohlberg's conception of moral reasoning in adolescence?

Oleg takes his mother's car out without permission to meet up with friends outside of town.

Formal Operations

One of Piaget's stages; includes the ability to use abstract thinking

Gender Identity

Our conceptualization of what it means to be male or female



During a regular checkup, Nicole is told that she has a body mass index of 27.3. Which of the following classifications does Nicole qualify as?


Which of the following profiles indicates an individual who is most likely to engage in aggressive behaviors?

Pamela listens to her parents speaking when they think they are alone.

In terms of developmental outcomes, dramatic play is the opposite of

Parallel Play

Which of the following statements best describes the influence of parental behavior on childhood aggression?

Parental punishment on a regular basis causes a cycle for misbehavior.

Parental relationship stability has traditionally been affected by legal frameworks.Which of the following best explains why children in LGBT-headed families may experience different outcomes than their peers?

Parental relationship stability has traditionally been affected by legal frameworks

Indifferent Parents

Parents who neither set limits nor display much affection or approval

Permissive Parents

Parents who show a great deal of warmth and exercise little control; Placing few or no restraints on their children's behavior

Which of the following examples best demonstrates the developmental conflict experienced by 2-year-old children?

Paul is furious when he can't undo the buttons on his undershirt when he is hot.

Emerging Adulthood

Period between high school graduation and the person's full adoption of adult roles and responsibilities where social and cultural expectations play important roles in determining how and when entry into adulthood will take place

Which of the following provides the best analogy to the personalities of siblings raised in the same family unit?

Pieces of a puzzle

Dramatic Play

Play that develops at about age 3 or 4 that is characterized by meaningful interactions among children, often including imitation, pretending, and role playing

Games, rituals, and competitive play

Play that involves cooperation with others and following rules that define appropriate behavior; contributes to the development of learning rules, understanding cause and effect and the consequences of various actions, and learning about winning and losing

rough and tumble play

Play that provides exercise and release of energy; also helps children learn how to handle their feelings, control impulses, and distinguish between pretend and real; more common in boys than girls

Which of the following risk categories is mostly likely to lead to premature death in childhood?

Playing a contact sport

Bobby kicks a ball over and over to improve his kicking skill.


Alice must develop a certain amount of physical strength, hand-eye coordination, foot-eye coordination, attention, and concentration before she can climb a ladder


Which of the following scenarios is most likely to be associated with a child who engages in high levels of dramatic play?

Reading a chapter book from start to finish


Reciprocal dependence, where both parties depend on each other; A characteristic of most adult relationships

How does recognition differ from recall?

Recognition describes connecting a current situation to a past experience, while recall does not involve present cues.

Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

Recurrent episodes of eating more food than most people would do in a short period of time; it is also characterized by feelings of guilt, embarrassment, disgust, and lack of control.

Thinking during concrete operational (7-12 yr old)

Reversible, flexible, not limited to the here and now, multidimensional, less egocentric, marked by the use of logical inferences, marked by the search for cause and effect relationships

Thinking during preoperational (2-7 yr old)

Rigid & Static, irreversible, focused on the here and now, centered on one dimension, egocentric, focused on perceptual evidence

Moral Relativism

Second stage, where children understand that rules are created and agreed upon cooperatively by individuals and that they can be changed if necessary

In which of the following ways are early maturing girls at a disadvantage compared to early maturing boys?

Suffering increased pressure to engage in sexual activity

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Symptoms of extreme inattentiveness, problems with impulse control, and high levels of activity

Which of the following examples is most likely to represent a child of age 4?

Tammy fills in a coloring book alongside other children in her group doing the same activity.

Which of the following describes a characteristic of adolescent alcohol use that has changed over time?

Teenage girls are just as likely as boys to drink alcohol.

Which of the following best describes the change in peer relationships between early and later adolescence?

Teenagers seek a smaller number of intimate friends over a large pool of acquaintances.


Tendency to think in terms of what can be directly experienced

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

Test for Adulthood

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISK)

Test for childhood and adolescence

Gender Schemes

The Child's concepts of gender-depends in part on the child's level of cognitive development

Self-regulated behavior

The ability to control and direct their own behavior and to meet the requirements that parents and others impose upon them


The ability to correctly identify previously experienced objects or situations when they appear again


The ability to perform motor behaviors without consciously thinking about them


The ability to retrieve stored information and memories with or without cues or prompts

"The bear was followed by the hunters back to his cave." Which element of this sentence is the most likely to be understood by a child in middle childhood rather than a younger child?

The actor of the verb "followed"

Parental Warmth

The amount of affection and approval the parents display

Which of the following brain structures is a teenager likely to rely on when trying to discern the emotional status of another person?

The amygdala

Which of the following developments is likely to occur at the outset of puberty in girls?

The appearance of breast buds

Which of the following examples is most likely a gender difference determined by biological factors?

The boys in a preschool group are noticeably more aggressive in their play choices than the girls.

Which of the following best describes brain development in middle childhood?

The brain accumulates a small amount of volume gradually.

Which of the following statements best describes the role biology plays in the development of emotional regulation?

The brain's frontal lobes process most emotional events.

An 18-month-old child raised in a bilingual environment demonstrates a smaller English vocabulary than in English monolingual peers. Which of the following provides the best explanation for this observation?

The child has learned an equal number of words in his or her second language.

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)

The test for early childhood

Why are mothers more likely to have a stronger effect on both negative and positive aspects of teenage behavior?

The traditional maternal role involves a higher awareness of adolescent activity.

Which of the following categories represents a difference in ethnic identity formation between first-grade and fourth-grade immigrants?

The understanding of ethnic labels

Which of the following statements best describes the process of internalization that occurs in young children?

The understanding of personal attributes through the lens of social expectations

Which of the following statements best characterizes the developmental conflict playing out in a 3-to-6-year-old child?

The urge to take charge of one's environment versus conformity with social rules

Symbolic Representation

The use of actions, images, words, or other signs to represent past and present events, experiences, and concepts.

Which of the following best represents a cultural value tied to language development?

The verb a child uses to ask permission

Why are sexually abused boys particularly susceptible to long-term problems with identity formation?

Their abusers are likely to be influential males.

Which of the following is the soundest conclusion to draw from the prosocial behaviors observed in different societies and cultures?

There are specific genes that govern the development of cooperative activity in humans

Which of the following statements would a whole-language theorist most likely agree with?

There is no clear distinction between oral and written language learning.

Which of the following describes a characteristic of resilient children?

They are able to find secure attachments in their communities.

Which of the following statements best describes the attributes of friendship experienced by four- and five-year-old children?

They are able to maintain mutually supportive relationships over a meaningful period of time.

Which of the following descriptions of adolescents holds true across most cultures?

They have well-adjusted relationships with their families.

Why might first-born children have a developmental advantage over only children?

They provide a teaching function to younger siblings.

Which of the following memory schemas is the most useful for young children?

Time sequencing


To apply a rule of syntax or grammar in situations where the rule does not apply, e.g., "the bike was broked."

Which of the following represents an epigenetic process contributing to the risk of adolescent psychological problems?

Tony develops a self-scratching tick while studying for his AP tests.

Which of the following interventions would most likely be the most significant in treating childhood mental illness?

Training teachers and counselors to document the symptoms of mental disorders in children

Secular Trend

Trend for earlier sexual maturation

Which of the following examples demonstrates a form of play that helps develop impulse control?

Two children pretend to be fighting ninjas and leap near each other.


Understanding that changing the shape or appearance of objects and materials does not change their mass, volume, number, and so forth

Below 18.5 BMI


Which of the following examples demonstrates a child's understanding of social regulations?

Vera chooses to play hopscotch with other girls from her class rather than dodgeball.


Viewing everything from a personal point of view rather than objectively

Zone of proximal development

Vygotsky's concept that children's cognitive growth develops through participation in activities slightly beyond their competence with the help of adults or older children


Whether people see themselves positively (high self-esteem), negatively (low elf-esteem), or somewhere in between.

Which of the following provides the most valid criticism of Piaget's conception of preoperational thinking in young children?

Young children can utilize more sophisticated cognitive abilities when it suits them

Which of the following best describes the developmental pathway of gender awareness that children follow as they grow up?

Young children have a rigid understanding of gender differences that becomes more flexible as they get older.

Mental Imagery

Younger children can imagine events if they receive careful instructions. Older children can construct thier own, more vivid mental images.


Younger children construct scripts that include the typical events that occur in routine aspects of their lives, such as getting ready for bed. Older children also rely on scripts, but their scripts are more elaborate and can be merged into broader categories.


Younger children enage in simpler methods of remembering. Older children use flexible, creative, efficient strategies for recall.

Semantic elaboration

Younger children recall events they experience. Older children are able to infer things that logically would have occured even if they did not experience them directly.


Younger children simply repeat items over and over. Older children organize information into meaningful units that are easier to remember.


Younger children use simple associations for relationships. Older children organize information categorically, using more elaborate schemes.

Which of the following circumstances is likely to accompany peak alcohol use?

`Accompanying coworkers to a bar

Foreclosure Status

a category of identity status in which the individual has made commitments without going through much decision making or an identity crisis. They have chose aspects of their identity but the choices were made early on and determined more by a parent or teacher

Moratorium Status

a category of identity status in which the individual is experiencing an ongoing identity crisis or decision-making period

Boys who enter puberty early are potentially disadvantaged by

a lack of age-appropriate skills.

Anxiety is differentiated from fear by

a lack of concrete sources.

Rite of passage

a ritual marking the symbolic transition from one social position to another which might include a ceremony, name change. or physical challenge

Learning Disorders

a set of disorders that involve difficulty in acquiring some specific academic skills but not others.

Parallel Play

activity in which children play side by side without interacting

Imaginary Audience

adolescents' belief that they are the focus of everyone else's attention and concern

Mixed-age play groups aid development most by

allowing children to inhabit specific learning roles.

The private speech of young children demonstrates

an externalization of symbolic thought processes.

Intrinsically motivated behavior

behavior performed for its own sake, with no particular goal or explicit reward

Authoritative parenting is distinguished from other parenting styles by its

combination of parental warmth and control.

The information-processing perspective relates early childhood memory development to a(n)

computer system adding new circuits.

According to Piaget's concepts, children in middle childhood can more easily learn through

concrete applications of abstract principles.

Metacognition describes the ability of children in middle childhood to

derive accurate assessments of their own mental capabilities.

Children who engage with imaginary playmates are more likely than their peers to

develop a nuanced understanding of emotion.

Daphne does not go to college after high school, choosing instead to work low-level jobs in a variety of fields while engaging in short-term relationships. Daphne is in a state of identity


Dyslexia is best understood as a

disorder involving how speech sounds are processed.

Parents of children belonging to minority groups can best prepare them for success by

encouraging skills required to integrate into majority cultural institutions.

The end of early adolescence in the United States is typically marked by

entrance into the stage of secondary education.

One aspect of successful parental monitoring in middle childhood involves

evaluating the prosocial qualities of peer groups.


evaluation of other cultures according to the standards and customs of one's own culture

The future performance of a 5-year-old on a classification problem can best be improved by asking the child to

explain the solution to a parent

Abdul is pleased with himself when he is able to pour milk from a pitcher to a glass without spilling.


The pace of body growth slows in early childhood while the brain

forges trillions of new connections between neurons.

Diffusion Status

identity status characterizing individuals who have not questioned who they are and have not committed themselves to an identity; they are simply just avoiding the issues


impairment of the ability to read


in psychoanalytic theory, the basic defense mechanism in which the person unconsciously erases a frightening event or circumstance from awareness

The strategy of coregulation involves

incorporating the input of children into family decision making.

Malnutrition has a reciprocal effect on brain development by

inducing lethargy that limits environmental interaction.

During middle childhood, the parent-child relationship

is reduced in prominence but remains the most important social scaffolding.

Conditioning can significantly affect the development of aggression in children, which indicates that prosocial behavior is

is similarly encouraged by environmental factors.

Concrete operational thinking is distinguished from preoperational thinking by

its ability to expand beyond a personal viewpoint.

The formal operational thought of adolescents is distinguished from preoperational thought by

its ability to speculate on long-term outcomes.

The period of emerging adulthood in the United States is typically characterized by

obtaining a variety of experiences to determine a stable adult trajectory.

Young children are ineffective at memory encoding because

of a lack of mental categorization of information.

Authoritative Parents

parents who are firm, set clear limits, reason with their children, and explain things to them; They combine a moderately high degree of control and warmth, acceptance, and encouragement of autonomy.


psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others; "She did it, not me"


psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which people refuse to believe or even to perceive that an event happened

Reaction Formation

psychoanalytic defense mechanism by which the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into their opposites. Thus, people may express feelings that are the opposite of their anxiety-arousing unconscious feelings.


psychoanalytic defense mechanism in which an individual faced with anxiety retreats to a more infantile form of behavior as a way of coping with stressful situations


psychoanalytic defense mechanism that shifts aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person, as when redirecting anger toward a safer outlet

Gender Constancy

realization that gender is invariant despite superficial changes in a person's appearance or behavior

The act of recall refers to a child's ability to

repeat information without receiving signals.

Observable changes in adolescent behavior can be attributed to the

restructuring of brain regions that govern self-concept.

Differences in IQ scores between gender are likely to result from

social expectations toward different areas of performance.

Critics of Selman's conception of friendship development contend that

social relationships have more facets than are explained by mere cognitive growth.

Cultural variances affect Erikson's conception of identity formation in the form of

socially desired outcomes of adjustment.

Moral realism

stage of development wherein children see rules as absolute (written in stone)

Moral Absolutism

suggests ethical standards apply universally across all cultures

Emotional Regulation

the ability to control when and how emotions are expressed in social acceptable ways

Social Competence

the ability to initiate and maintain satisfying reciprocal relationships with peers


the biological distinction between females and males

Social Regulation

the customs and conventions that govern social interactions

Readiness to learn new skills is largely determined by

the existence of appropriate neural pathways.


the first menstrual period

Egocentrism in young children demonstrates

the limitations of reality perception during the early preoperational phase.


the most important of the male sex hormones. Both males and females have it, but the additional testosterone in males stimulates the growth of the male sex organs in the fetus and the development of the male sex characteristics during puberty


the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing


the process by which children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos


the socially constructed roles and characteristics by which a culture defines male and female

Risk-seeking behavior in adolescents likely derives from

the stimulus-seeking properties of the amygdala.

Desire to conform to the expectations of peer groups is largely driven by

the wish to establish emotional independence from caregivers.

Children of families in which both parents work are likely to report that

they are satisfied with the quality of guidance offered.

Adolescents are considered a marginal group by sociologists because

they exist on the fringe of dominant culture.

White brain matter is distinguished from gray brain matter by its

wealth of myelinated axons.

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