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The ________ of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are in end use, production requirements, distribution channels, or some other way. A) length B) consistency C) perimeter D) width E) depth


The categories for people-based services include __________. a. volunteers, skilled operators, and professionals b. unskilled labor, skilled labor, and professionals c. unskilled operators, unskilled labor, and skilled labor d. automated, skilled operators, and unskilled labor


The fundamental asset underlying brand equity is ________-- the value of the customer relationships that the brand creates. A powerful brand is important, but what it really represents is a set of loyal consumers. A) line equity B) customer equity C) the customer mix D) the service encounter E) service variability


The number of different product lines that Procter & Gamble sells in its health and beauty aids division is known as: a. the depth of the product line b. the width of the product line c. the product mix d. portfolio analysis


The raw materials used in a production facility represent what type of organizational product? a. capital product b. production product c. operating product d. supplies


The total financial value of a brand is estimated through the process of brand ________. A) extensions B) valuation C) positioning D) equity E) differentiation


Using an existing brand name to introduce a product that is new to the company into a totally new, unfamiliar market seems like a good idea. This is what Colgate, maker of toothpaste, did when it introduced __________, which failed quickly. a. aspirin b. frozen dinners c. disposable underwear d. soda (soft drink)


When Delta Airlines uses the slogan: "We love to fly. And we show it", this is an example of: a. product undifferentiation b. a product positioning strategy c. a convenience strategy d. a customized strategy


When Mars focuses on the number of different candy bars which it sells, it is focusing on: a. the product mix b. the product depth c. the product width d. portfolio analysis


Which of the following capital items is NOT considered accessory equipment? A) chairs B) buildings C) lift trucks D) desks E) hand tools


Which of the following is NOT one of the four consumer perception dimensions used by ad agency Young & Rubicam to measure brand strength? A) brand esteem B) brand valuation C) brand knowledge D) brand relevance E) brand differentiation


Which of the following is an advantage offered by co- branding? A) Advertising, sales, promotion, and marketing must be carefully coordinated. B) A company can expand its existing brand into a category it otherwise might have difficulty entering alone. C) Retailers have exclusive products that cannot be purchased from competitors. D) Brand equity is stabilized. E) Manufacturers do not have to invest in creating their own brand names.


Which of the following is an example of product line depth? A) pizza and pasta B) hamburger and cheeseburger C) hamburger and fries D) cookies and chips E) cola and ice cream


Which of the following is the lowest level on which marketers can position their brands in target customers' minds? A) strong beliefs and values B) product attributes C) added service D) interactive marketing E) internal marketing


18. Simulated test markets (STMs) are often run in shopping malls where consumers are a. asked how much a person is willing to pay for an unfamiliar item. b. asked whether they saw the firm's advertising campaign. c. questioned about how often they are likely to shop in that particular location. d. asked to identify differences between the consumer's behavioral intention and actual behavior regarding a firm's new product. e. questioned to identify who uses the product class being tested.


A ________ is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed through the same type of outlets, or fall within given price ranges. A) product bandwidth B) convenience product C) private brand D) line extension E) product line


A company can increase its business in four ways. Which is NOT one of these ways? A) It can add more versions of each product and thus deepen its product mix. B) It can increase the consistency of its product mix. C) It can add new product lines, thus widening its product mix. D) It can lengthen its existing product lines. E) It can discontinue some of its lines.


A hickory rocking chair, handmade by an Amish woodcarver in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from locally grown wood is an example of a(n) ________. A) shopping product B) service C) augmented product D) convenience product E) specialty product


A product refers to a. a tangible good received in exchange for a person's time and effort. b. intangible activities or benefits that an organization provides to satisfy consumers' needs in exchange for money or something else of value. c. a good that has in some way been altered, combined, or improved and sold to organizational buyers consumers. d. is a thought that leads to an action such as a concept for a new invention. e. a good, service, or idea consisting of a bundle of tangible and intangible attributes that satisfies consumers' needs and is received in exchange for money or something else of value


A(n) ________ is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service. A) service B) co- branding C) external marketing D) internal marketing E) brand


All of the following are a manufacturer's sponsorship options for a product EXCEPT ________. A) private brand B) co- branding C) licensed brand D) manufacturer's brand E) multibrands


An important way of viewing new products is in terms of their effects on consumption, which from the perspective of consumers is by a. the price. b. the extent of media promotion. c. the degree of potential product cannibalization. d. the presence of "feature bloat." e. the degree of learning involved.


________ occur(s) when a company introduces additional items in a given product category under the same brand name, such as new flavours, forms, colours, ingredients, or package sizes. A) Service variability B) Interactive marketing C) Service intangibility D) Product mix E) Line extension


A company can stretch its product either upward or downward, but not both directions.


A service is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need.


Dove marketers can go beyond the brand's cleansing cream properties and talk about the resulting benefit of softer skin. This is known as product attributes in brand positioning.


Good service recovery can turn angry customers into loyal customers and can even win more customer purchasing and loyalty than if no problem had occurred in the first place.


Product support services identify the product or brand, describe several things about the product, and promote the product through attractive graphics.


Products that are inexpensive and are purchased frequently are known as specialty


Retailers and wholesalers who have created their own brandsNsuch as Wal- Mart's Sam's Choice beverages and food productsNare participating in co- branding.


Service inseparability means that the quality of services depends on who provides them, as well as when, where, and how they are provided.


Style is a larger concept than design. Design describes the appearance of a product.


Supplies are considered the shopping products in the business field because they are usually purchased with a minimum of effort or comparison.


The fact that a brand is highly differentiated means that consumers will buy it.


The service industry accounts for 80 percent of personal consumption expenditures.


The service- profit chain is the set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale.


Unsought products are products that the customer usually buys frequently, immediately, and with a minimum of comparison and buying effort.


When a company introduces a new brand name in the same product category, it is called line extension.


"Fly the Friendly Skies of United Airlines" is a type of service mark.


A company might stretch its product line upward to add prestige to its current products.


A company's product mix has four important dimensions: width, length, depth, and consistency.


A strategy which tries to convince customers that a particular product is "really better than its competitors' products" is a product differentiation strategy.


An example of service variability is that within a given Marriott hotel, one registration- desk employee may be cheerful and efficient, whereas another may be unpleasant and slow.


Attributes are the least desirable level for brand positioning because competitors can easily copy attributes and customers are more interested in what attributes will do for them than in the attributes themselves.


Because so many purchase decisions are made in stores, a product's packaging may be a seller's last and best chance to influence consumers.


Branding can add consumer value to a product.


Cannibalization and customer confusion about product differentiation are two potential results if line filling is overdone.


Consumer Reports even has an award for the most difficult to open packages, fittingly named the " Oyster Awards" .


Customer retention is perhaps the best measure of qualityNa service firm's ability to hang on to its customers depends on how consistently it delivers value to them.


Customers come to know a brand through a wide range of contacts and touch points, including word of mouth, personal interactions with company people, telephone interactions, and company Web pages.


In a service business, the customer and front- line service employee interact to create the service.


In one sense, all marketing is the marketing of an idea.


One aspect of managing service differentiation is the company's service delivery.


Product quality has two dimensions—level and consistency.


Quaker produces a variety of cereals. This variety is called its product line.


Shopping products are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style.


Sony offers consumers more than just camcorders; it provides consumers with a complete solution to their picture- taking problems. This offering is called an augmented product.


When a supermarket sells peaches with its own label on the can, this is an example of private branding.


For most consumers, the purchase of soft drinks represents what type of product? a. convenience product b. shopping product c. specialty product d. all of the above


A key element in a company's relationship with consumers, a ________ represents consumers' perceptions and feelings about a product and its performance. A) brand B) product line C) service D) product attribute E) product experience


A manager of a Holiday Inn said, "We have power and value in the market and people are willing to pay for it." This manager is referring to ________. A) brand equity B) social marketing C) specialty products D) product length E) line filling


A product is a key element in the ________. At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible goods or at the other extreme, pure services A) market offering B) co- branding C) brand extension D) value chain E) brand equity


A sensational ________ may grab attention and produce pleasing aesthetics, but it does not necessarily improve a product's performance. A) style B) experience C) design D) augmented product E) service- profit chain


A statement that identifies: (1) a well-defined target market; (2) specific customers' needs, wants, and preferences; and (3) what the product will be and do to satisfy consumers is referred to as a new product's a. protocol. b. proposition. c. modus operandi. d. formula.


An alternative to product line stretching is ________, adding more items within the present range of the line. A) product line filling B) interactive marketing C) co- branding D) product mix E) service marketing


Business products are also referred to as __________ products. a. B2B products b. B2C products c. B4B products d. BOB products e. B4C products


Developing a product or service involves defining the benefits that it will offer. These benefits are communicated and delivered by ________ such as quality, features, and style and design. A) product attributes B) product mixes C) marketing tools D) private brands E) consumer products


Each new iPod product introduction advances the causes of democratizing technology and approachable innovation. iPod, an expert at fostering customer community, has been ranked one of the Breakaway Brands by the brand consultancy Landor Associates. iPod is positioned on ________. A) beliefs and values B) attributes C) benefits D) selection E) variation


For a fee, some companies ________ names or symbols previously created by other manufacturers, names of well- known celebrities, and/or characters from popular movies and books, any of which can provide an instant and proven brand name. A) license B) package C) brand D) service E) market


Gina's Nail Salon is serious about pleasing its customers. Employees are trained to immediately and pleasantly respond to any customer complaints, and they are empowered to offer discounts and free add- ons to customers who believe they have received anything less than the best service. Gina's Nail Salon focuses on ________. A) good service recovery B) image marketing C) differentiating its offer D) productivity E) internal marketing


In terms of brand loyalty, consumers are aware of a brand but will readily accept substitutes for which type of product? a. convenience products b. specialty products c. unsought products d. shopping products


Manor Plaza Barber's customers have noticed that the quality of a haircut depends on who provides it as well as when, where, and how it is provided. What have the customers noticed? A) service variability B) service intangibility C) service distinction D) service perishability E) service inseparability


Many companies now use a combination of phone, e- mail, fax, Internet, and other technologies to provide ________ . A) support services B) product mixes C) labeling information D) brand equity E) packaging advantages


Product mix ________ refers to the number of versions offered of each product in the line. Crest toothpaste comes in 13 varieties, ranging from Crest Multicare to Crest Baking Soda formulations. A) depth B) perimeter C) length D) height E) width


Product planners must design the actual product and find ways to ________ it in order to create the bundle of benefits that will provide the most satisfying customer experience. A) augment B) promote C) brand D) present E) package


Product planners need to consider products and services on three levels. Each level adds more customer value. The most basic level is the ________, which addresses the question, "What is the buyer really buying?" A) core customer value B) exchange C) augmented product D) actual product E) co- branding


The relationship between a product line and product mix is a. product mixes include product lines. b. product lines include product mixes. c. product lines refer to consumer products; product mixes refer to industrial products. d. product mixes refer to consumer products; product lines refer to industrial products. e. there is no significant difference other than minor product variations of color, size, or form.


The strongest brands go beyond attributes or benefit positioning; they are positioned on ________. A) strong beliefs and values B) service inseparability C) good packaging D) desirable benefit E) customer image


To achieve their social change objectives, social marketing programs ________. A) work to influence individuals' behaviour to improve their well- being B) utilize only the promotional P of the marketing mix C) utilize none of the Ps in the marketing mix D) utilize only the promotional and product Ps of the marketing mix E) utilize only the price and place Ps in the marketing mix


When Ritz Crackers stresses that its Ritz Air Crisps are "lighter, air-filled crackers to be eaten by the handful," this is an example of: a. a product positioning strategy b. a customized strategy c. an undifferentiated strategy d. all of the above


When the Twin Six Cafe provides gourmet menu options to its customers, as well as impeccable serviceNit allows customers to hand- select their own cuts of meatN________ is(are) are evident. A) a core benefit, an actual product, and an augmented product B) only a core benefit C) only an augmented product D) only an actual product E) both a core benefit and an actual product


Which of the following is a potential drawback of multibranding? A) The company's resources may be spread over too many brands. B) Different product features can appeal to consumers with different buying motives. C) Consumers may become confused about the image of the main brand. D) An overextended brand name might lose its specific meaning for consumers. E) The company can occupy more retail shelf space.


Which of the following new products is the best example of the lowest level of risk from the company's point of view? a. adding Ball Park Beef Franks with Cheese to the Ball Park Franks line b. moving from production of land-line telephones to smartphones c. marketing the first Apple computer d. changing the formula from Coca-Cola to New Coke and then back to Coca Cola Classic


________ are business products that aid in the buyer's production or operations, including installations and accessory equipment. A) Capital items B) Materials C) Supplies D) Parts E) Specialty items


________ are consumer products and services with unique characteristics or brand identification for which a significant group of buyers is willing to make a special purchase effort. A) Specialty products B) Shopping products C) Line extensions D) Industrial products E) Unsought products


________ contributes to a product's usefulness as well as to its looks. A) Design B) Package C) Functionality D) Brand E) Style


________ occurs when two established brand names of different companies are used on the same product. A) Co- branding B) Brand equity C) A brand extension D) Cannibalization E) Internal marketing


17. __________ includes considering employee interactions with customers to ensure they are consistently delivered and experienced, clearly differentiated from other offerings, and relevant and valuable to the target market. a. Capacity management b. Customer experience management c. Derived demand d. Internal marketing


A ________ consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale. A) consumer mix B) product mix C) packaging mix D) line extension E) brand line


A pack of Wrigley's chewing gum is an example of: a. a service b. a nondurable good c. a durable good d. a shopping product


An increasing number of retailers and wholesalers have created their own ________, also called store brands. A) service variability B) private brands C) shopping products D) unsought products E) specialty products


For most professional women, the shoes that they purchase to wear to work represent what type of product? a. convenience product b. shopping product c. homogeneous shopping product d. all of the above


In recent years, product safety and environmental responsibility have become major ________ concerns. A) labeling B) packaging C) branding D) service E) product line


Most manufactured materials and parts are sold directly to ________. Price and service are the major marketing factors; branding and advertising tend to be less important. A) co- branders B) businesses C) consumers D) wholesalers E) brand extensions


Public health campaigns to reduce alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and obesity are all examples of ________. A) specialty products B) social marketing C) consumer products D) shopping products E) responsibility marketing


Which of the following statements regarding "goods" is most accurate? a. Nondurable goods would rely more on advertising than durable goods. b. Durable goods would benefit more on advertising than nondurable goods. c. There is little if any difference between marketing actions between durable and nondurable goods. d. Nondurable goods would rely more on personal selling than durable goods. e. The durable and nondurable classification applies to services as well as to products.


________ are consumer products that the consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not normally think about buying. These products require a lot of advertising, personal selling, and other marketing efforts. A) Specialty products B) Unsought products C) Line extensions D) Shopping products E) Staples


________ involves activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes toward particular cities, provinces, and regions. A) Interactive marketing B) Place marketing C) Social marketing D) Idea marketing E) Organization marketing


"I love New York" is an example of ________. A) person marketing B) corporate image advertising C) place marketing D) organization marketing E) social advertising


A ________ involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified products in a new category. A) brand symbol B) line extension C) brand extension D) product line E) private brand


At the very least, the ________ identifies the product or brand. It might also describe several things about the product and promote the brand. A) social marketing B) package C) label D) line extension E) specialty product


Helene Curtis began to market shampoo for normal hair. In an attempt to increase profits and use excess market capacity, Helene Curtis then marketed shampoo for oily hair and colour- treated hair. This is an example of ________. A) an unsought product B) people marketing C) line filling D) social marketing E) a shopping product


In the competition between ________ and ________ brands, retailers have the advantages of controlling what products will be stocked, where products will be stocked, what prices will be charged, and which products will be featured in print promotions. A) store; licensed B) national; manufacturer's C) national; private D) private; distributor E) store; private


Paper, pencils, lubricants, paint, nails, and brooms are examples of ________. A) raw materials B) specialty products C) supplies D) installations E) capital items


Speed or __________ is often vital in introducing a new product. a. perpendicular development b. red tape cutting c. time to market d. fast concepting e. delivery expediting


The Nike "swoosh" symbol on Tiger Woods' golf hat is an example of a. a brand name b. a brand c. a brand mark d. a service mark


The major product line decision involves ________. A) product line filling B) product packaging C) product line length D) line stretching E) moving the line upward or downward


The third level of a product that product planners must consider is a(n) ________ around the core benefit and actual product that offers additional consumer services and benefits A) brand equity B) industrial product C) augmented product D) image E) brand extension


When a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range, it is ________. A) increasing product depth B) building brand equity C) product line stretching D) product mixing E) product line filling


When a woman says to herself when setting out to purchase a pair of jeans: "I will only buy Calvin Klein jeans," which type of product does this represent? a. a convenience product b. a shopping product c. a specialty product d. an unsought product


Which of the following types of quality refers to freedom from defects and consistency in delivering a targeted level of performance? A) total quality management B) private brand C) conformance D) product E) adherence


_______ is the labelling practice of stating the expected shelf life of the product. A) past dating B) freshness labeling C) open dating D) nutritional labeling E) unit pricing


________ are a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything. A) Supplements B) Consumer products C) Services D) Brands E) Line extensions


________ are those products purchased for further processing or for use in conducting a business. A) Specialty products B) Unsought products C) Business products D) Accessories E) Shopping products


________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change attitudes toward particular people. A) Organization marketing B) Intermarket marketing C) Person marketing D) Corporate image marketing E) Social marketing


________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product. A) Branding B) Product line C) Packaging D) Service E) Labeling


________ means that services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled before they are bought. A) Service heterogeneity B) Service perishability C) Service intangibility D) Service variability E) Service inseparability


________ means that services cannot be separated from their providers, whether the providers are people or machines. A) Service heterogeneity B) Service variability C) Service inseparability D) Service intangibility E) Service perishability


"Groupthink" occurs in a meeting when a. everyone has an opinion but no one is willing to take charge. b. everyone has the same idea after using the "brainstorming" idea generation technique. c. there is too much competition among marketing managers, so no one is willing to share his/her ideas. d. someone suspects that there is a problem with the new product concept but is afraid to speak up because everyone else is so enthusiastic about it. e. top management wants the new product to go forward regardless of what anyone else thinks.


A company has four choices when it comes to developing brands. What is NOT one of those choices? A) new brands B) brand extension C) line extension D) width and depth extension E) multibrands


A stripped- down model without any extras is the starting point; a company can create a higher- level model by adding ________. A) co- branding B) product quality C) service variability D) features E) markets


All of the following are methods for developing a differentiated service offer, delivery, or image EXCEPT ________. A) having more reliable customer- contact people B) designing a superior delivery process C) offering innovative features D) increasing the quantity of service by giving up some quality E) developing symbols and branding


An apparel marketer is planning to launch an existing brand name into a new product category. Which brand development strategy is being implemented? A) rebranding B) new brands C) multibranding D) brand extension E) line extension


Berkowitz Piano Company can expand its product line in one of two common ways. Which of the following is one of those ways? A) internal marketing B) line mixing C) product mix D) line filling E) social marketing


Consumer product classifications differ in terms of the: (1) effort the consumer spends on the decision; (2) frequency of purchase; and (3) a. amount of money the customer is willing and able to spend. b. number of competing or substitute products. c. demographics of the consumer. d. attributes used in making the purchase decision. e. consumer segmentation characteristics.


Costco's Kirkland products are an example of a(n) ________. A) manufacturer's brand B) sponsorship brand C) organizational brand D) private brand E) support brand


General Electric's campaign stating, "We bring good things to life" is an example of ________. A) personal marketing B) product line C) product quality D) corporate image marketing E) social marketing


In assessing which new features to add to a product, a company must weigh each feature's ________ to customers versus its ________ to the company. A) service; line extension B) cost; service C) equity; cost D) value; cost E) cost; line extension


Mabel Lu is planning to buy a new washing machine. She notices that they come in numerous price ranges. She wants to make sure she gets the most for her money. This product is a(n) ________ product. A) unsought B) augmented C) specialty D) shopping E) convenience


Major brand marketers often spend huge amounts on advertising to create brand ________ and to build preference and loyalty. A) extension B) preference C) internal marketing D) awareness E) packaging


Marketers pay slotting fees to grocers in payment for space—or slots—on their retail shelves. Such slotting fees significantly increase the cost of which stage of the new-product process? a. business analysis b. market testing c. screening and evaluation d. commercialization e. business analysis


Napster was the first software that allowed an individual to easily search for and exchange MP3 music files with other individuals (in some cases illegally). When it was introduced, Napster would have been an example of a a. continuous innovation. b. dynamically continuous innovation. c. regulatory innovation. d. discontinuous innovation. e. disruptive improvement.


Products and services fall into two broad classifications based on the types of consumers that use them. Which is one of these broad classes? A) specialty products B) convenience products C) supplies and services D) industrial products E) materials and parts


Some analysts see ________ as the major enduring asset of a company, outlasting the company's specific products and facilities. A) unsought products B) specialty products C) staples D) brands E) convenience products


The Ad Council of America has developed dozens of ________ marketing campaigns, including classics such as "Smokey the Bear," "Keep America Beautiful," and "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires." A) place B) brand equity C) service D) social E) product line


The emergency room staff in Houston's largest hospital is pleasantly surprised when a four-day Fourth of July weekend brings in few accident victims for treatment. They know from experience that such public holidays usually have high rates of accidents. For the hospital's business office, the lower demand for the emergency room services means a. a break in the service continuum. b. its services are no longer tangible. c. its services can be separated from the staff. d. the hospital has idle production capacity. e. an opportunity for gap analysis.


What are the two dimensions of product quality? A) feature and design B) design and innovation C) conformance and style D) consistency and level E) performance and resistance


Which strategy involves weeding out weaker brands and focusing marketing dollars only on brands that can achieve the number- one or number- two market share positions in their categories? A) undifferentiated B) service inseparability C) social marketing D) megabrand E) unsought product


________ are less frequently purchased consumer products and services that customers compare carefully on suitability, quality, price, and style. Consumers spend much time and effort in gathering information and making comparisons about these products. A) Industrial products B) Unsought products C) Convenience products D) Shopping products E) Line extensions


________ has been affected by the need to include unit pricing, open dating, and nutritional information. A) Product mixing B) Packaging C) Branding D) Labeling E) Product line filling


________ is an approach in which all the company's people are involved in constantly improving the products, services, and business processes. A) Product quality B) Positioning C) Brand equity D) Total quality management E) Specialty product marketing


Because service quality depends on the quality of buyer- seller interaction during the service encounter, service marketers use ________ to train employees in the art of interacting with customers to satisfy their needs. A) service productivity B) internal marketing C) external marketing D) service differentiation E) interactive marketing


Chicken of the Sea brand tuna sells more than the same size Kroger brand tuna, even though the Kroger tuna costs $0.15 less per can. Chicken of the Sea has brand ________. A) service B) extension C) valuation D) specialty E) equity


In most ________ situations, one company licenses another company's well- known brand to use in combination with its own. A) internal marketing B) brand extension C) line extension D) brand equity E) co- branding


Kimberly-Clark developed its Avert Virucidal tissues that contained vitamin C derivatives, which were scientifically designed to kill cold and flu germs when users sneezed, coughed, or blew their noses into them. Unfortunately, people didn't believe the claim and were frightened by the "cidal" in the brand name. The reason for this product failure was a. an insignificant point of difference. b. too little market attractiveness. c. poor execution of the marketing mix. d. poor product quality. e. incomplete market and product protocol.


Product mix ________ refers to the number of different product lines the company carries. Procter & Gamble markets 250 brands organized into many product lines. A) perimeter B) depth C) length D) height E) width


Service providers must consider four special characteristics when designing marketing programs. Which is NOT one of these characteristics? A) perishability B) intangibility C) variability D) inseparability E) interactive marketing


The Vermont Teddy Bear Company sells handmade Teddy bears designed to be given as gifts for almost every occasion imaginable. The Love Bandit Bear is designed for people to give to each other on Valentine's Day. The unique identification number that the Vermont Teddy Bear Company uses to distinguish this Teddy bear from the others in its product line for ordering and inventory purposes is called a(n) a. stock ID code. b. QR code. c. NAICS stock code. d. order quantity code. e. stock keeping unit.


The impossibility of a barber storing haircuts for later sale is an example of which of the following? A) low- context services B) service intangibility C) service variability D) service inseparability E) service perishability


Through ________, the service firm trains and motivates its customer- contact employees and supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction. A) service intangibility B) external marketing C) service inseparability D) service variability E) internal marketing


To differentiate themselves, many companies are going beyond products and services, they are developing and delivering customer ________. A) product lines B) events C) brands D) quality E) experiences


We define a ________ as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. A) private brand B) service encounter C) service D) service variability E) product


Which of the following does NOT belong to the materials and parts group of business products? A) farm products such as wheat B) lumber C) petroleum D) natural products such as iron ore E) repair and maintenance items


Which of the following is NOT a desirable quality for a brand name? A) It should be distinctive. B) It should suggest something about the product's benefits and qualities. C) It should be easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember. D) The name should translate easily into foreign languages. E) The brand should almost always be a long word to get attention


Which of the following is NOT one of the links in the service- profit chain, linking service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction? A) satisfied and loyal customers B) healthy service profits and growth C) satisfied and productive service employees D) internal service quality E) evidence management


Which of the following is the most important for product designers to consider as they develop a product? A) how the product is packaged to attract spontaneous purchases B) which product features can be added to create higher- level models C) what the product's technical specifications are D) how the product appears E) how customers will use and benefit from the product


While advertising campaigns can help to create name recognition, brand knowledge, and maybe even some brand preference, brands are not maintained by advertising but by ________. A) line extensions B) product mix C) word- of- mouth elements D) marketing experience E) brand experience


You have an upset stomach. Your spouse rushes to the corner store for a bottle of Pepto- Bismol. This product is a(n) ________ product. A) shopping B) unsought C) augmented D) specialty E) convenience


________ are products and services bought by final consumers for personal consumption. These include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products, and unsought products. A) Line extensions B) Straight extensions C) Industrial products D) Services E) Consumer products


________ consists of activities undertaken to create, maintain, or change the attitudes and behaviour of target consumers toward an organization. A) Service variability B) Intelligence marketing C) Internal marketing D) Person marketing E) Organization marketing


________ is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs designed to influence individuals' behaviour to improve their well being and that of society. A) Unsought product marketing B) Internal marketing C) Product line D) Interactive marketing E) Social marketing


________ is one of the marketer's major positioning tools because it has a direct impact on product or service performance; it is therefore closely linked to customer value and satisfaction. A) Total quality management B) Positioning C) Specialty product marketing D) Packaging E) Product quality


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