Tests and Measurements Exam #1

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Bigger peak and smaller tails than a normal distribution


extent to which each score is close or far from the mean


practice of making distinctions in hiring, promotion, and other selection decisions that systematically favor members of majority regardless of qualifications

psych testing

process of measuring psych-related variables by means of devices/procedures to obtain a sample of beh.

ethical dilemmas in testing

professional standards need to be in place, clarify expectations, what we will and will not do, confidentiality, informed consent, beneficence and non-maleficence

Like Galton, much of nineteenth-century psychological measurement focused on

sensory abilities


socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, and products of work of a particular population, community, or group of people

When it comes to the difference between the terms psychological testing and psychological assessment

some ambiguity with regard to the difference persists

internal consistency/split half

split the questions on a survey into 2 setsthen compare the sets. Measures the consistency of items in the test are homogeneous

method errors

test construction, administration, scoring, interpretation, other sources of error


test, tool, procedure, device, exam, etc. that measures an outcomestandardized procedure for sampling beh. and describing it with categories and scores

What type of reliability is used when you want to know whether a test is reliable over time?


Henry Goddard

tested intelligence of immigrants moving to U.S.


the act of making or enacting laws

Detailed information regarding how a particular test was developed can typically be found in

the test manual


theory of personality and pscyh. treatment developed by sigmund freud-symbolic significance assigned to non-verbal acts

_____________ is error that is within the individual taking the test.

trait error

What is a theoretical reflection of the actual amount of a trait or characteristic?

true score

cut score

used to divide set of data into 2+ classifications

affirmative action

voluntary and mandatory efforts undertaken by federal, state, and local governments, private employers, and schools to combat discrimination and promote equal opportunities in education and employment


whether a measurement tool measures something consistently

To make data more manageable, it is sometimes converted to graphs or tables. Graphs or tables can be created from

- nominal level data - ordinal level data - ratio level data

process of assessment

1. referral 2. referral questions 3. tool selection 4. test takes place 5. assessor writes report of findings

Why do we test?

screening, placement, diagnosis, hypothesis testing, to classify

Projective tests may be viewed as remedying a deficiency of which other test type?

self-report tests

reliability coefficient

- Range from .00 to 1.00 - Below .70 = unsatisfactory - .80 or higher = desirable

therapeutic psych assessment

examiner explains results, summarizes case conceptualization, shares list of recommendations to help examinee

Which of the following might be an example of an assessment?

- interview - 10-point quiz in tests and measurements - observation of ability to connect blocks

Which of the following represents a problem unique to self-report personality tests?

- respondents might be unwilling to reveal something negative about themselves - Respondents may be too low on the construct being measured for the trait to register properly on the test. - The reading ability of respondents may prevent them from responding accurately to items

A test can be used for

- screening - diagnosis and treatment planning - hypothesis testing

As used with reference to psychological tests, the test format refers to

- the arrangement of test items - whether a test can be administered by computer - the procedures used to obtain data

rights of test takers

-Right to informed consent -Right to be informed of test findings -Right to privacy and confidentiality -Right to the least stigmatizing label

culture-specific test

-designed for people from one culture but not the other -racially, socioeconomically, ethnically, culturally diverse test-takers tended to score lower as a group than people from group for whom test was developed

napoleon bonaparte

-offered public education-passed law that children must be educated, regardless of their deficiencies-idiocy versus mental disorder

individualist culture

mainly western cultures, values self-reliance, autonomy, independence, uniqueness, and competitiveness

Alfred Binet

-stanford-binet intelligence tests -tested young schoolchildren from paris

James Cattell

-student of wundt and galton-looked at individual differences-responsible for mental tests in the U.S.

Francis galton

-studied intelligence, the statistical concept of correlation, applied statistical analysis to psychology, founded psychometrics-interested in individual differences among peoplecreated the first projective tests-believed motor skills were the most important thing when considering intelligence

Wilhelm Wundt

-studied the similarities between people-individual differences are attributed to error-speed of thought is variable between people

bar graphs

-used when data is categorical in nature (nominal) -illustrate the frequency of variables in graphical representation -bars don't touch

Reliability coefficients range from ____________.

.00 to + 1.00

bimodal distribution

A distribution (of opinions) that shows two responses being chosen about as frequently as each other.


A graphical representation of a frequency distribution in which vertical bars centered above scores on the x-axis touch each other to indicate that the scores on the variable represent related, increasing values.

Frequency distributions may be illustrated in a variety of ways. Which of the following graphs is most likely to be used?

A histogram

Who coined the term mental test in 1890?


Grutter vs. Bollinger

Diversity is a compelling interest that can justify the narrowly tailored use of race when public universities select applicants for admission.

According to the text, what makes a smartphone "smart?"

It is smart because of its inference-making capacity

Who is credited with being the originator of the psychometric concept of test reliability?


lightner witmer

little-known founder of clinical psychology, founded first psychological clinic in the US, founded journal Psychological Clinic


This type of reliability demonstrates consistency across different observers.


The extent to which cases are clustered more at one or the other end of the distribution of a quantitative variable rather than in a symmetric pattern around its center

negative skew

The left tail is longer; the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the right of the figure.

A 100-item achievement test is administered to 30 students. Students earn 1 point for each correct answer. In the test results, there are three scores of 95. All of the other students score between 10 and 30. What measure of central tendency would be most representative of this set of scores?

The median

positive skew

The right tail is longer; the mass of the distribution is concentrated on the left of the figure.


The simplest measure of variability, represented by the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a frequency distribution.

error score

What accounts for the differences between the True Score and Observed Score

How did the work of Wundt differ from that of Galton, Binet, and James Mckeen Cattell?

Wundt focused on how individuals were the same rather than different.


a code/summary of statements reflects an evaluation of performance on a test/task


a graphed cluster of dots, each of which represents the values of two variables. The slope of the points suggests the direction of the relationship between the two variables. The amount of scatter suggests the strength of the correlation (little scatter indicates high correlation).


a method for determining the reliability of a test by comparing a test taker's scores on the same test taken on separate occasions

parallel forms

a method of establishing the reliability of a measurement instrument by correlating scores on two different but equivalent versions of the same instrument

Pearson's r

a statistic that measures the direction and strength of the linear relation between two variables that have been measured on an interval or ratio scale

what is a 'test?'

a tool, procedure, test, device, exam, investigation, assessment or measure of an outcome

true scores

accurate reflection of what you know

What do we test

achievement, aptitude, intelligence, career, personality, ability, neuropsychological, behavioral


add all numbers and divide by the number of variables

Group intelligence test

any intelligence test that can be administered to a group of people with minimal supervision-crated to help with military recruitment

collaborative psych assessment

assessor and test taker work as partners


attributes are only named (weak). Mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories are used


attributes can be ordered in categories and ranks. Mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories ex: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.


attributes can be quantified and there is a meaningful zero point. categories are still mutually exclusive and exhaustive, can be named ex: exam scores


attributes named and ordered with mutually exhaustive and exclusive categories, there are equal differences between the categories. No absolute meaningful zero point - ex: SAT scores

standard deviation

average amount of variability in set of scores

Thomas Aquinas

believed science and Christianity were at odds-believed not everybody could be taught in the same way, some people were just "dry wells"

A distribution of test scores is 75, 92, 96, 88, 75, 62, and 88. This distribution can be characterized as

bimodal with 75 and 88 as the modes.


body of principles of right, proper, or good culture

During the Middle-ages, the focus on early diagnostic techniques was on identifying

competent civil service workers

David Wechsler

developed adult intelligence test-act purposefully, think rationally, deal effectively

What would be the purpose for a doctor to administer a series of tests?


If the results of an examination are positively skewed, the exam questions were likely


What is the difference between the true and observed scores?


a body of principles of "right," "proper," or "good" conduct is referred to as a body of


According to your textbook, the demand for psychologists with expertise in psychological testing and assessment

far outweighs the supply

philippe pinel

father of psychiatry, compassionate, advocated for the moral treatment of psych patients

20th century testing

first formal tests on intelligence, personality, interests, attitudes, values, mental abilities


form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout of test items and time limits

unimodal distribution

frequency distribution with one value clearly having a larger frequency than any other

psych assessment

gathering and integration of psych-related data for purpose of making psych evaluationaccomplished through the use of tools like tests


how flat or peaked a normal distribution is

collectivist culture

mainly eastern cultures, values group goals, cares more about what others think

dynamic assessment

interactive changing/varying in nature of assessment. 1.evaluation 2. intervention 3. evaluation

What type of reliability is used when you want to know if the items on a test assess one-and only one-dimension?

internal consistency

What type of reliability is used when you want to know whether there is consistency in the waiting of some outcome?


correlation coefficients

measure degree of relationship/correlation between 2 variables -measures how much they have in common -numerical index reflects linear relationship between 2 variables - negative one to positive one (-1 to +1)

_______________ is an error that is caused by the testing situation.

method error


most frequently occurring score

The American psychological association issues both guidelines and standards. Standards ____________________________, while guidelines ____________________________-.

must be followed/are aspirational

Which of the following assess the function of the brain as it relates to everyday behaviors?


For which type of data, the mode is most frequently used?

nominal data


normal curves that are short and more dispersed (broader), think of a platypus


normal curves that have peaks of medium height and distributions that are moderate in breadth

In calculating the mean of a distribution of test scores, the person analyzing the data takes account of

only the middle scores in the distribution

What type of reliability is used when you want to know if several different forms of a test are reliable or equivalent?

parallel forms

This type of test measures the traits, qualities, or behaviors that determine a person's individuality. These tests typically include checklists, inventories, and projective techniques.

personality tests

During a football game, yards gained by running backs is an example of which type of scale?


Which is the only type of scale that has an absolute zero point?


What is the term used to describe the ability of a measurement tool to consistently measure something?


trait errors

reside in the person taking the test-sleepy, hungry, irritated, etc.


rules individuals must follow for good of society

observed scores

score you actually get on a test


the middle most point in set of data

Measures of central tendency refer to which part of the frequency distribution?

the middle of the distribution

The beginning of the group intelligence testing movement is best associated with

the military's need to screen the intellectual ability of recruits.


the scientific study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes, and traits

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