Texas Teachers 158 Practice Exam

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A ball is being used as an example in a lesson on rotating objects. Which of the following principles must come into play in order for the ball to rotate? A. Force B. Drag C. inertia D. Balance


A large exercise ball can be used as a tool to improve posture by accomplishing which of the following? A. Improvement of control and balance B. Balance of muscie development C. Stretching of tight muscles D. Reduction of stress on injured joints


A physical education teacher gathers menus from local restaurants with Nutrition Facts information printed on them. Which of the following would be the most likely theme of the teacher's lesson using the menus? A. Calories and fat in fast food B. Marketing and fast food C. Rising cost of fast food D. Availability of fast food


A physical education teacher has first-grade students stand like flamingos (with one leg bent up) for 30 seconds. Which of the following are the students demonstrating? A. Body awareness B. Auditory development C. Visual Development D. Dynamic Balance


A physical education teacher is planning a lesson based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) requirements, which involves the use of skipping and galloping. The requirements suggest this lesson is most appropriate for A. 5-6 year olds. B. 8-9 year olds C. 10-11 year olds. D. 12- 16 year olds.


A pitched baseball changes direction after contact with a bat. Which of the following laws of motion does this example illustrate? A. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an external force is applied to it. B. The direction of force is the same as the direction of acceleration. C. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. D. The velocity of an objectis equal to the mass of that object.


A student new to soccer consistently kicks the ball wide of the soccer goal. Which of the following would be the teacher's diagnosis of the problem? A. Kicking with the toe B. Kicking with too little force C. Kicking with the instep of the foot D. Kicking without a running start


A teacher asked a physical education class to complete a written homework assignment involving analysis of the physiological effects of moderate physical activity and the risk factors associated with inactivity. Which of the following is a risk factor of inactivity? A. Heart disease B. Anemia C. Sleep apnea D. Psoriasis


Prior to taking classes of students outdoors, the physical education teacher inspects the fields and contacts the buildings and grounds department to fill in holes. The teacher takes this action to A. minimize the risk and liability presented by unfilled holes. B. ensure continuous play without the interruption of dodging holes. C. confirm that someone else is responsible for the upkeep of the field. D. help students feel safe while playing or jogging.


The development of a child's motor behavior starts with A. simple reflexes. B. manipulative movements. C. locomotor responses. D. postural movement.


The movement properties of which of the following dances typically result in the most elevated heart rate? A. Jitterbug B. Waltz C. Tango D. Foxtrot


The rudimentary overhand throw is usually first observed in children in which of the following age groups? A. 2-3 years B. 4-5 years C. 5-6 years D. 7-8 years


To effectively address the issue of increasing obesity among the general population, the physical education curriculum should focus chiefly on A. Increasing physical activity levels B. Fundamental skill C. Team sports D. Outdoor education.


Which of the following best describes muscular strength? A. The capacity of muscles to generate extreme amounts of force in a short period of time by utilizing anaerobic energy B. The ability to exercise whole muscle groups over an extended period of time at moderate intensity by utilizing aerobic energy C. The measure of how well muscles can repeatedly senerate force and of the amount of time muscles can maintain activity D. The ability of the body to stretch muscles, tendons, and ligaments that connect them to the bones


Which of the following best describes the most appropriate way for a physical education teacher to begin a unit on physical fitness? A. Discussion of the short-term and lifelong benefits of physical fitness B. Instruction on the technique for assessment of pulse rate during exercise C. Identification of proper body mechanics while walking during the warm-up phase D. Introduction of training techniques in preparation for a five-kilometer (5 K) run


Which of the following documents identifies the accommodations and modifications that are necessary to help a student with special needs access the general curriculum? A. Individualized Education Program B. Section 504 Plan C. Report card D. Medical records


Which of the following is a cardiovascular benefit of aerobic conditioning? A. Decrease in resting heart rate B. Increase in blood pressure C. Increase in size of the atrium D. Decrease in number of red blood cells


Which of the following is a component of health-related fitness? A. Cardiorespiratory endurance B. Progressive overload C. Specificity D. Frequency


Which of the following is a simple and effective way of building and evaluating responsibility skills in students? A. Student-performed equipment counts at the end of class B. Timed dressing periads at the beginning and end of class C. Teacher-performed locker checks weekly D. Dress code checks at the beginning of class


Which of the following most accurately characterizes the results of research studies on low-carbohydrate diets? A. Studies have found that low- carbohydrate diets can produce weight loss but have demonstrated that such diets are not safe or effective for long-term use B. Studies have found that low- carbohydrate diets can improve weight loss and have demonstrated that such diets are sate and effective for long- term use C. Studies nave found that own carpony&rate diets do not produce weight lass, and no study has demonstrated that such, diets are safe or effective for lonz-term use D. Studies have found that low cartohydrate diets do not praguce wisiant loss, and he study has demonstrated that such diets are not safe or effective for long term use


Which of the following organizations would it be most appropriate for a first-year physical education teacher to consult when looking for confirmation that a program conforms to national standards and initiatives? A. NASPE (National Association for Sport and Physical Education) B. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) C. NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) D. ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine)


Which of the following traits are promoted by having opposing participants shake hands after a competition? A. Respect B. Diversity C. Accountability D. Optimism


A physical education teacher does not allow students to talk among themselves during the first five minutes of warm-up activities. The teacher is most likely attempting to teach the students about A. integrity. B. discipline. C. etiquette. D. teamwork


A physical education teacher notices several kindergarten students heads moving excessively during a hopping activity. To correct this common error, the teacher should A. instruct the students to stop swinging their anns when hopping. B. place a beanbag on the head of each student as students hop. C. tell students to imagine they are landing on something soft. D. remind students to keep the nonsupporting log in the air.


A student collapses during physical activity. Which of the following should be the first step the physical education teacher takes in caring for the student? A. Check to see if the student has a pulse B. Check the student's responsiveness C. Begin rescue breathing D. Send a student to call 911


A student who is in the latter stages of motor learning exhibits which of the following characteristics? A. Highly variable performance of the skill B. Ability to consistently detect and correct performance errors C. Use of more energy to perform the skill D. Focus that is more on the cognitive aspect of the skill


During a basketball unit, which of the following cues would be most effective to help students distinguish between the form required for shooting a free throw and the form needed for a three-point shot? A. The body should be aligned with the basket. B. The distance of a shot is increased through greater use of the legs. C. The wrist must be flexed as the ball is released. D. The ball should have reverse rotation upon release.


During a volleyball unit in physical education, a teacher divides students into groups of six and provides each group with a volleyball and a jump rope. Within each group, two students hold the rope parallel to the ground much like a volleyball net. Two students stand on each side of the rope. The teams volley just as in regulation volleyball. However, the students holding the rope can adjust the height to keep the volley going. When the ball falls to the floor, all six of the students rotate, two new students hold the rope, and the activity is repeated. Which of the following is the teacher doing? A. Setting rules for volleyball B. Modifying the game of volleyball for small groups C. Incorporating a complex way to play volleyball D. Comparing Olympic volleyball with recreational volleyball


For a physical education class in which 10 percent of the students have asthma. it would be most appropriate to adapt the lesson plans by A. limiting the activities in which students with asthma participate B. encouraging students with asthma to monitor their activity levels. C. asking students with asthma to sit out of all activities. D. providing a written activity for students with asthma.


High school students usually experience peak physical and mental performance when their nightly sleep total is at least A. 6 hours B. 7.5 hours C. 9 hours D. 10.5 hours


In preparation for an upcoming 5K race, a person should do which of the following? A. Reduce fluid intake two hours prior to the event to reduce the possibility of developing an upset stomach B. Eat a diet consisting of 70-80% carbohydrates one to three days prior to the event C. Eat a meal consisting of 75% protein the morning of the event D. Immediately prior to the event, consume eight fo ten ounces of liquid high in caffeine content


In softball, which of the following movements would provide the hitter with the most power during the execution of a swing? A. Moving the hands forward B. Rotating the hips C. Flexing the wrists D. Stepping toward the pitcher


In the eccentric phase of a push-up, the shoulder joint is A. flexed B. horizontally abducted C. horizontally adducted. D. extended.


Many people mistakenly believe that eating large quantities of protein will increase muscle mass without exercise. Which of the following is most accurate in respect to consumption of proteins? A. Consumption of large amounts of protein builds muscle strength but not muscle mass B. Consumption of more protein than the body can use can result in the body's storing the protein as fat. C. A high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet will build muscle mass more guiskly than a high-protein diet will D. Proteins are necessary only to maintain existing muscle mass.


The ability of the body to take in oxygen, distribute it to muscles, and use it to produce energy is most closely related to which of the following? A. Dynamic balance B. Cardiorespiratory endurance C. Muscular strength D. Muscular endurance


When teaching advanced dribbling in basketball, the physical education teacher should emphasize which of the following techniques? A. Use of the palm of the hand for control, with the wrist firm B. Knees bent, back straight, and use of the fingertips C. Keeping the eyes on the ball at all times to increase control D. Dribbling the ball above the waist so teammates can see the ball clearly


When teaching motor skills to elementary students, the teacher must be aware that children A. develop faster through auditory instruction of new activities B. discover their own aptitudes and preferences for different activities. C. give preference to proprioceptive over visual feedback. D. respond similarly to various physical contexts and environments.


Which of the following best describes a lesson plan for elementary physical education students who need additional development and practice in locomotor skills? A. Activities such as acrobics and circuit training B. Introduction to pathways such as straight, curved, or zigzag C. Refining flexibility, strength, and muscular endurance D. Spotting during gymnastics and using nonskid footwear


Which of the following can be attributed to high levels of negative stress? A. Acne B. Fatigue C. Diabetes D. Memory loss


Which of the following is true of a runner with well-developed sprinting form? A. Landing on the balls of the feet, planting the heels, and pushing off B. Landing and pushing off with the balls of the feet C. Landing on the soles and pushing off with the bails of the feet D. Landing on the heels and pushing off with the balls of the feet


Which of the following skills would a teacher introduce first during a volleyball unit? A. The block B. The serve C. The spike D. The tip


Which of the following statements is important to consider when setting goals with an individual who is intrinsically motivated? A. Individuals are best motivated by such factors as tangible rewards and pressure B. Individuals are best motivated when they are working toward personally meaningful goals whose attainment requires activity at a continuously optimal level of difficulty. C. individuals are best motivated when rewards are given for performance success rather than for the simole completion of tasks


Which of the following strategies would best encourage lifelong physical activity through self-motivation? A. Joining a fitness dub B. Setting goals and charting progress C. Setting strict exercise schedules D. Working with a professional trainer


Which of the following would most effectively develop positive interaction skills among middle school physical education students? A. A daily written log of activities B. A student-led discussion at the end of class C. A one-on-one discussion between student and teacher D. A group complaint session


A physical education teacher develops a unit in which students play games while blindfolded or while using wheelchairs or earplugs. Activities of this kind would most appropriately be included in a unit with which of the following themes? A. Confidence B. Conflict management C. Respect for diversity D. Fairness


A physical education teacher is having difficulty keeping all students actively involved in class activities. Which of the following potential causes of this problem is beyond the teacher's control? A. Too much time spent describing the activity B. Students not paying attention C. Large class size D. Facility space that is not used adequately


A physical education teacher is recording sit-and-reach results for a class. The teacher is attempting to measure A. endurance B. reflexes. C. flexibility. D. strength


A physical education teacher would like to teach the grapevine to a second-grade class during a dance unit. A lead-up activity would be instructing students to A. perform a step-kick pattern. B. march in place for sixteen counts. C. perform a step-behind pattern. D. count to the beat to hind the rhythm


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in its School Health Index (USDHHS, 2000), which of the following is a recommended characteristic of a quality physical education program? A. Student involvement in moderate-to- vigorous physical activity for at least 90% of the time B. A curriculum stressing activities that keep students busy, happy and good C. A number of students in the physical education class that is the same as the regular classroom D. Students having physical education at least 125 minutes per week


An elementary physical education teacher plans to present orienteering concepts to a kindergarten class. Which of the following items is the most appropriate to use at this level? A. Compass B. Map C. Pathway D. GPS


During a swimming unit in physical education, which of the following situations is an example of observational learning? A. For anacrobic conditioning, students swirn as long as they can underwater without taking a breath. B. The advanced swimmers race the butterfly stroke 25 yards while the others watch from the side of the pool. C. The instructor demonstrates the pull, breathe, kick, glide components of the breaststroke for students. D. Students always warm up with a 100-yard freestyle stroke and then swith 100 vards of backstroke


For a high school physical education class, a teacher is planning a unit on the components of perceived exertion and achievement of target heart rate. The teacher has taught this unit in the past by lecturing but decides this time to present the unit in conjunction with a fitness activity that will promote the concept. Which of the following physical activities would best fit this unit? A. Weight lifting B. Batting C. Jogging D. Shot put throw


For an aerobic workout to effectively increase the cardiorespiratory fitness of a 17-year-old high school student, the length of the workout should be at least 20 minutes, with the heart rate increased to approximately A. 75 beats per minute. B. 100 beats ber minute C. 150 beats per minute. D. 200 beats per minute.


In the design of a beginning exercise program for overweight students, which of the following would be the most appropriate to include? A. Jogging B. Jumping rope C. Walking D. Weight lifting


In which of the following activities is static balance a factor? A. A forward roll B. A jump C. A handstand D. A kick.


The arm curl would be used chiefly to strengthen which of the following muscles? A. The deltoid B. The triceps C. The biceps brachi D. The trapezius


The process by which physical movements develop and become specialized for motor performance depends chiefly on A. socioeconomic status B. natural talent. C. daily practice. D. a supportive environment.


The spotter's primary role during a weight- lifting workout is to do which of the following? A. Assist the lifter with the initial lift B. Critique the form and technique of the lifter C. Step in and lift the weight if needed D. Record the performance of the litter


The system most affected by aerobic activity is the A. muscular system. B. digestive system. C. cardiovascular system. D. skeletal system


To encourage active engagement by all students in a middle school physical education class, which of the following would be most effective? A. Giving oral instructions after taking attendance B. Writing daily instructions on a white board posted in the locker room C. Allowing the students to participate in the selection of activities D. Having squad leaders lead warm-ups


To increase the strength of specific muscle groups and make muscle groups more versatile, which of the following would be appropriate? A. Working the selected muscle group the same way each day until the desired strength is reached B. Working the selected muscle group the same way each day with daily increases in intensity C. Using a varied approach employing both free weights and machines D. Using an approach that employs only machines to reduce the risk of intury


When teaching the skill of dribbling a soccer ball, the teacher should emphasize A. keeping the ball at least five feet out in front of the body, B. striking the ball with only the inside of the foot. C. pushing the ball instead of kicking. D. keeping the eyes on the ball.


Which of the following activities would be the most effective for assessing a student's core body strength? A. Push-ups B. Pull-ups. C. Curl-ups D. Flexed arm hang


Which of the following best describes a pick in basketball? A. Winning a jump ball B. Intercepting a pass C. Screening a defensive player D. Catching an outlet pass


Which of the following is a reasonable exercise expectation of a healthy high school student? A. Sprinting one mile at target heart rate B. Running one mile at maximal heart rate C. Jogging one mile at a steady pace at target heart rate D. Walking one mile at a steady pace at maximal heart rate


Which of the following provides a standardized measurement of exercise intensity? A. A pedometer B. A sit-and-reach box C. A heart rate monitor D. Skinfold calipers


Which of the following teaching approaches would be most effective in communicating to physical education students the importance of a healthy lifestyle? A. Lecturing monthly to the students on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle B. Staying healthy to serve as a good example to students C. Teaching active lessons with various health themes throughout the year D. Communicating health information to parents via a monthly calendar


Which of the following would be the recommended minimum exercise at moderate-to-vigorous intensity for a person's cardiorespiratory fitness program? A. Exercise every day for at least ten minutes B. Exercise at 90% of the person's maximal heart rate C. Exercise 15-60 minutes, three to five davs a week D. Exercise at 30% of the person's maximal heart rato


While teaching a basketball unit to an elementary school class, the best way to develop skills would be to A. teach the foul shot before the jump shot. B. give a written test to assess students' knowledge of strategy, C. use smaller balls and lower baskets. D. play full-court, five-on-five games.


A high school physical education teacher was asked by a student about advertisements for home gyms. Which of the following would be poor advice for the teacher to give in an evaluation of advertisements for home fitness equipment? A. Many ads that promise easy or effortless results and that contain big promises about calories burned may be deceptive. B. Some of the claims concerning results from using in home equipment are true only for athletes who are already in too physical condition C. Equipment that works the whole body, or major portions of it, probably will burn more calories than do devices that work one part of the body. D. There is little need to try out the equipment before making a purchase.


A middle school physical education teacher needs to be recertified in first aid. A reputable source for CPR and first-aid training is the A. American Cancer Society B. National Diabetes Association. C. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. D. American Red Cross.


A physical education teacher is implementing a physical fitness assessment with her classes. She is concerned that several students could perform only 10 proper crunches during the abdominal strength portion of the assessment. Students of the same age should be able to do 50, according to the national minimum for this test. The teacher should A. recommend a reputable fitness facility with personal trainers B. recommend several short workout videos focusing on abdominal exercises. C. advise the students to place weights on their chest while performing crunches. D. set a small goal of 15 consecutive crunches, with gradual increases.


A physical education teacher matches 120-pound students against 200-pound students during a wrestling unit. The teacher is A. Building character in the smaller students by placing them in a challenging situation B. Benefiting the smaller students by having them compete against a student at a higher skill level C. teaching the heavier students teamwork, cooperation, and patience by working with a loss skilled student D. neglecting to consider the liabilities associated with the unequal matching of participants.


After school some students are throwing rocks and sticks, and one of the students is hit in the eye. A teacher is quickly at the scene and sees that a splinter is lodged in the student's eye. In addition to seeking immediate medical attention, the teacher should A. put pressure on the eye to stop any bleeding. B. place a small cup over the eye to protect it. C. try to get the splinter out, as long as it isn't near the student's pupil D. rinse the student's eye out with cool water.


Each state must establish procedures to ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities are educated with students who are not disabled. The removal of a student with a disability from the regular educational environment should occur only when A. the individual who is disabled cannot keep up with peers due to a delay in gross motor development that requires frequent breaks B. the nature of the disability causes occasional fatigue during participarion in a vigorous activity C. A gait trainer is needed for full participation. D. the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services- cannot be achieved satisfactorily.


To improve strength, aerobic fitness, and flexibility in a single workout, which of the following could be used most effectively? A. Speed walking B. Jumping rope C. Swimming D. Circuit training


Which of the following is an important component of a physical education class for helping students develop the ability to work effectively with others, set individual and group goals, solve problems, and enhance the quality of interpersonal relationships? A. Rules of the game B. Sports discipline C. Etiquette and manners D. Teamwork and team play


Which of the following sets of symptoms best describes heat stroke? A. Red. hot, skin B. Cool, moist, pale skin C. Nausea and dizziness D. Headache and excessive sweating


Which of the following terms is used to describe the minimum amount of food energy necessary to carry out normal body functions at rest? A. Minimum daily requirement B. Calorie baseline C. Energy baseline D. Basal metabolic rate


While jogging, the torso should be in which of the following positions for correct form? A. An upright stance B. A slight backward lean C. A sharp forward lean D. A slight forward lean


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