Textbook Terms (26-27)
tunica interna trunci brachiocephalici
internal tunic of the brachiocephalic trunk
valvae venae pulmonalis
valves of the pulmonary vein
arcus venosus pedis dorsalis
venous dorsal arch of the foot
Plicae glottidis vocales
vocal folds of the glottis
R. ascendens arteriae anterioris profundae
ascendent branch of the deep anterior artery ascendent branch of the anterior deep artery
vasa sanguinea septi thymi
blood vessels of the septum of the thymus
vas capillare pulmonis
capillary vessel of the lung
nervi septi atriorum
nerves of the septum of the atria
What is the gender of 'cordis' in 'vena cordis magna'?
What is the gender of 'interventriculare' in 'septum interventriculare'?
What is the case of 'coronaria' in 'A. coronaria sinistra'?
What is the case of 'pulmonalis' in 'Margo inferior pulmonalis'?
What is the case of 'venosus' in 'sanguis cutis antebrachii venosus'
ostia venarum lienis
orifices of the veins of the spleen
What is the number of 'capillaria' in 'vasa capillaria manus'?
What is the number of 'nares' in 'Nares nasales'?
What is the number of 'sinus' in 'Sinus paranasales'?
crus dextrum fasciculi atrioventricularis
right leg of the atrioventricular fascicle right leg of the atrioventricular bundle
valvula semilunaris dextra
right semilunar valvule
cuspis septalis ventriculi dextri
septal cuspid of the right ventricle
R. superficialis arteriae circumflexae femoris
superficial branch of the circumflex artery of the femur superficial branch of the circumflex artery of the thigh
Segmentum pulmonis parietale superius
superior parietal segment of the lung Parietal superior segment of the lung
chordae ventriculi cordis tendineae
tendinous cords of the ventricle of the heart
Canales respiratorii thoracis
Respiratory canals of the thorax
Partes alveolares mandibulae
Alveolar parts of the mandible
Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores
Anterior ethmoidal cells Ethmoidal anterior cells
Arcus cartilaginis trachealis
Arch of the tracheal cartilage Tracheal arch of the cartilage
Aa. segmentorum apicalium pulmonum
Arteries of the apical segments of the lungs
Aa. atrii dextri cordis coronariae
Coronary arteries of the right atrium of the heart
Carotis colli profunda
Deep carotid of the neck
Margo inferior lobi pulmonis
Inferior border of the lobe of the lung
Meatus conchae nasi inferiores
Inferior meatuses of the concha of the nose
Vasa sanguinea intrapulmonalia
Intrapulmonary blood vessels Blood intrapulmonary vessels
Pars oralis pharyngis
Oral part of the pharynx
Pleura cavitatis thoracis
Pleura of the cavity of the thorax
Paries naris nasi posterior
Posterior wall of the nostril of the nose
Vv. radiales venarum profundarum membri superioris
Radial veins of the deep veins of the superior limb
Nervi laryngeales recurrentes
Recurrent laryngeal nerves Laryngeal recurrent nerves
Plexus venosus suboccipitalis venae brachiocephalicae
Suboccipital venous plexus of the brachiocephalic vein Venous suboccipital plexus of the brachiocephalic vein
Aa. tracheae superficiales
Superficial arteries of the trachea
Arcus venosus palmaris superficialis
Superficial palmar venous arch
Vv. mediastinales superiores
Superior mediastinal veins
Ostium bronchi segmentalis lateralis superius
Superior orifice of the segmental lateral bronchus Superior orifice of the lateral segmental bronchus
Tunica bronchi lobaris sinistri
Tunic of the left lobar bronchus
Tunica diaphragmatica visceralis
Visceral diaphragmatic tunic
Vallum sinus nasalis superioris
Wall of the superior nasal sinus
What part of speech is 'diaphragmatica' in 'Facies diaphragmatica cavitatis thoracalis'?
tunica externa venae cavae superioris
external tunic of the superior vena cava
What is the gender of 'mitralis' in 'valvula mitralis'?
What is the gender of 'parietales' in 'Pleurae cavitatis parietales'?
What is the case of 'carotidis' in 'tunica media carotidis'?
What is the case of 'dorsalis' in 'arteriae cranii dorsalis'?
What is the case of 'nasi' in 'Tunica septi nasi'?
What is the case of 'ventriculi' in 'chordae tendinae ventriculi'
Which word does 'superioris' modify in 'Rami bronchiales ventrales lobi superioris'?
lympha nodi lymphoidei axillae
lymph of the lymphatic node of the armpit
Which of the words in 'vasa lymphatica axillae' is an adjective?
What is the gender of 'laryngis' in 'Facies laryngis'?
What is the gender of 'lobaris' in 'Bronchus lobaris superior sinister'?
What is the gender of 'pulmonis' in 'A. pulmonis dextra'?