The American Promise

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New York City loyalists circulate a "Declaration of Dependence" in rebuttal to the declaration of the Second Continental Congress in...


Thomas Paine's "Common Sense", making the case for independence, is published. British evacuate Boston in...


Virginia adopts the first state bill of rights in...


Articles of Confederation are sent to the states in...


ambush at Oriskany. British occupy Philadelphia. British surrender at Saratoga. Continental army endures winter at Valley Forge in...


France enters war on American side. Mohawk Valley sees terrorism by both sides. White Eyes negotiates treaty with Americans; later dies mysteriously in...


colonial committees of public safety fix prices on essential goods in...


state constitutions are completed in...


Sullivan's campaign destroys forty Iroquois villages in New York. Virginia and Kentucky militiamen take Forts Kaskaskia and Vincennes in...


British take Charleston, South Carolina. French army arrives in Newport, Rhode Island. British win battle of Camden. Benedict Arnold is exposed as a traitor. Americans win battle of King's Mountain in...


Pennsylvania institutes gradual emancipation in...


Articles of Confederation are ratified. creation of executive departments. in...


Bank of North America is charted in...


British forces invade Virginia. French fleet blockades Chesapeake Bay. Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown; concedes British defeat in...


slaves Mum Bett and Quok Walker successfully sue for freedom in Massachusetts in...


Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland relax state manumission laws during the years...

1782 - 1790

Massachusetts extends suffrage to taxpaying free blacks in...


Treaty of Paris ends war; United States gains all land to Mississippi River in...


Treaty of Fort Stanwix with Iroquois Confederacy in...


gradual emancipation laws are passed in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey in the years...

1784 - 1804

Treaty of fort stanwix

1784 treaty with the Iroquois confederacy that established the primacy of the american confederation (and not states) to negotiate with Indians adresulted in large land recessions in the Ohio county . tribes not present at for stanwix disavowed the treaty.

Shay's Rebellion protesting taxes in Massachusetts leads to call for a constitutional convention in...

1786 - 1787

Shays's Rebellion

1786 - 1787 uprising led by Massachusetts farmer and former soldier Daniel Shays. centered in western Massachusetts, the uprising was sparked by what dissidents considered the oppressive policies of the eastern elites who controlled the state's government. caused leaders throughout the country to worry about the confederation's ability to handle civil disorder.

Shays Rebellion

1786- Led by Captain Daniel Shays, Revolutionary war veteran. An uprising that flared up in western Massachusetts. Impoverished back country farmers, many of them Revolutionary war veterans, were losing their farms through mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies. This rebellion was sparked because of what they considered oppressive taxation. Significance: This rebellion worried the leaders about the confederations ability to handle civil disorder. They quickly called in a convention, the soon became a constitutional convention when the concluded that the articles could not persevere.

Northwest Ordinance establishes a three-step process for new states to enter the Union in...


constitutional convention meets in Philadelphia in...


New Hampshire and Virginia ratify the Constitution. New Hampshire was the ninth and decisive vote in...


Fort Washington is erected in western Ohio. French Revolution begins in...


George Washington is inaugurated first president. first Congress meets in...


Hamilton issues his "Report on Public Credit". Congress approves Hamilton's debt plan in...


Judith Sargent Murray publishes "On the Equality of the Sexes" in...


Shawnee and Miami Indians in Ohio defeat General Josiah Harmar in...


in an era of religious ferment, a small number of women engage in open preaching during...

1790 - 1820

Congress and president charter Bank of the United States. Hamilton issues his "Report on Manufactures". Congress passes whiskey tax in...


states ratify the Bill of Rights in...


Whisky Rebellion

1791 congress put a tax on all whisky made and sold in u,s.

Whisky Rebellion 270

1791 congress put a tax on all whisky made and sold in u,s.

U.S. Post Office is established in...


war breaks out between France and Britain. Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin in...


war breaks out between France and Britain. Washington issues Neutrality Proclamation in...


Ohio Valley Indians suffer major defeat in battle of Fallen Timbers in...


Whiskey Rebellion occurs in...


Treaty of Greenville settles conflict with Ohio Valley Indians. Jay Treaty settles conflict with Great Britain in...


Treaty of greenville

1795 treaty between the US and various Indian tribes in Ohio. The US gave the tribes treaty goods valued at $25,000. In exchange, the indian's ceded most of Ohio to the Americans. The treaty brought only temporary peace to the region.

Jay Treaty

1795 treaty between the United States and Britain, negotiated By John Jay. It secured limited trading rights in the West Indies but failed to ensure timely removal of British forces from western forts and reimbursement for slaves removed by the British after the revolution.

Jay Treaty

1795 treaty between the United States and England. John Jay was sent by President Washington to negotiate commercial relations in the British West Indies and secure compensation for the seizure of American ships. in addition, Jay was supposed to press for the reimbursement of southern planters for the slaves set free by the British army during the war and for the removal of British soldiers from the frontier forts still occupied because of their proximity to the Indian fur trade. the resulting treaty was seen as too favorable to the British and was widely unpopular

Treaty of Greenville

1795 treaty between the United States and various Indian tribes. the United States gave the tribes treaty goods valued at $25,000 and promised additional annual shipments of goods. in exchange, the Indians ceded most of Ohio to the Americans. the treaty brought only temporary peace to the region.

Federalist John Adams is elected second president in...


XYZ affair between France and the United States occurs in...


XYZ affair

1797 scandal in which an American commission sent to negotiate with France was rebuffed for refusing to pay a substantial bribe. when the incident became public, the United States entered into an undeclared war with France, known as the Quasi-War. the Quasi-War led to intensified antagonism between Federalists and Republicans

Ohio Indians defeat General Arthur St. Clair. Haitian Revolution begins in...


Quasi-War with France erupts. Alien and Sedition Acts crack down on dissidents. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions assert that states have the right to nullify federal laws in...


XYZ affair

1798 - A commission had been sent to France in 1797 to discuss the disputes that had arisen out of the U.S.'s refusal to honor the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. President Adams had also criticized the French Revolution, so France began to break off relations with the U.S. Adams sent delegates to meet with French foreign minister Talleyrand in the hopes of working things out. Talleyrand's three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe. The Americans did not pay the bribe, and in 1798 Adams made the incident public, substituting the letters "X, Y and Z" for the names of the three French agents in his report to Congress.

Alien and Sedition Acts

1798 acts passed by the Federalist Congress to suppress political dissent. not only made conspiracy and revolt illegal but also penalized speaking or writing anything that defamed the president or Congress. extended the waiting period for an alien to achieve citizenship from five to fourteen years, required all aliens to register with the federal government, and empowered the president in time of war to deport or imprison without trial any foreigner suspected of being a danger to the United States. reflected the highly partisan politics and war hysteria of the late 1790s.

Republican Thomas Jefferson is elected third president in...


Republicans Thomas Jefferson and Araon Burr tie in electoral college. fears of slave rebellion led by Gabriel in Virginia result in 27 executions in...


House of Representatives elects Thomas Jefferson president after 36 ballots in...


Battle of Long Island

A 1776 battle in New York in which more than 1,400 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured; british led by General Howe, George Washington and his army are badly beaten at this battle on August 27, 1776.

Battle of long island

A 1776 battle in New York in which more than 1,400 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured; british led by General Howe, George Washington and his army are badly beaten at this battle on August 27, 1776.

Battle of Long Island

A 1776 battle in New York in which more than 1,400 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured; british led by General Howe, George Washington and his army are badly beaten at this battle on August 27, 1776. Sorely outnumbered and surrounded at Brooklyn Heights, the 9,500 troops that survived retreated under cover of night across the East River to Manhattan. British led by Howe.

Gradual emancipation

A law passed in five northern states that balance civil Rights against property rights by providing a Multistage process fr freeing slaves, distinguishing already alive from those not yet born and providing benchmark dates when freedom would arrive for each group.

Even with hostile Indians and French forces on their frontiers, the American colonies refused to enact this "Plan" which would have helped them coordinate their defenses in 1754.

Albany Plan

Washington's cabinet: Secretary of the treasury

Alexander Hamilton

Who consolidated federal power over the states with his Report on Public Credit?

Alexander Hamilton

Bank of England

Alexander Hamilton modeled his plan for the Bank of the United States on the

General Author- In the face of the strong desire of settlers to move westward, General Arthur St. Clair's mission was to

displace Indians to allow permanent American settlement in Ohio

In the face of the strong desire of settlers to move westward, General Arthur St. Clair's mission was to

displace Indians to allow permanent American settlement in Ohio

Bill of Rights

drafted by a group led by James Madison, consisted of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which guaranteed the civil rights of American citizens.

In 1786, a Massachusetts farmer and one-time captain in the Continental army named Daniel Shays

ed a tax revolt.

Woman- Proponents of the 1790s model of womanhood based on republican ideals helped to legitimize female


William Lloyd Garrison

leading advocates of the immediate abolition of slavery, he founded his abolitionist newspaper, the "Liberator", in 1831 and, along with his supporters, started the New England Anti-Slavery Society in 1832. he played a key role in the growing antislavery movement of the 1830s and 1840s.

James Madison objected to the proposals in Alexander Hamilton's Report on Public Credit because they profited speculators and

led to high taxation

feme covert

legal doctrine grounded in British common law that a wife's civic life was completely subsumed by her husband's. this meant that a married woman could not own property, make contracts, sue or be sued, or keep her own wages; even her children legally belonged to her husband. the doctrine shaped women's social and legal status in the early Republic despite a few departures from British law, such as limited provisions for divorce.

Second Continental Congress

legislative body that governed the United States during the first several years of the Revolutionary War. met for the first time in May 1775 and began preparing for war while pursuing the possibility of reconciliation with Britain. on July 4, 1776, with all hope of peaceful reconciliation with Britain gone, they declared independence.

American colonists imagined this locked in a constant struggle with power


Shortly after beginning the process of emancipation, many states began to limit the civil rights of free blacks by doing this.

limiting the right to vote, excluding them from jury service, limiting their right to move from place to place

bills of rights

lists of basic individual liberties that governments could not violate. these lists usually included general rights to life, liberty, and property, and specific rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and trail by jury.


local colonial militias were only suited for _ engagements, not long and prolonged ones

States in the Upper South did not pass gradual emancipation laws in the 1780s and 90s, but they did do this which led to freedom for thousands of slaves.

loosened restriction on manumission

Bill of rights- Delegates at the 1787 Philadelphia convention neglected to include a bill of rights on the grounds that

many states already protected individual rights.

Ordinance of 1785...

maps western lands into squares

Treaty of Grenville, American Goods

the _ _ _, passed after the defeat of the Indians at Fallen Timbers aimed to keep the Indians friendly by making them dependent on _ _

Jay Treaty

the _ _ between Britain and America was hated by all, but passed in Congress in a last ditch attempt to

Quasi War

the _ _ came up in response to the XYZ affair

Haitian Revolution

the _ _ caused a fear of race war in many southern states

white house

the _ _ was named during madison's presidency

Great Compromise

the _ _ was the collaboration of the virginia and new jersey plans to create a new constitution

XYZ Affair

the _ _ was when unnamed French agents offered to accept a bribe to ensure peace with the French government


the _ acts targeted aliens living in the united states


the _ amendement to the constitution ended the dilemma that the 1800 election caused

Alien, Sedition

the _ and _ acts were used to muffle the Federalist opposition which penalized criticism to the government

Federalists, Antifederalists

the _ and the _ were the two parties for and against consitutional ratificationV


the _ of the colonies by the british took two years


the _ treaty was to negotiate a formal treaty to end hostilities between the Iroquois

New England

the appointment of George Washington, a Virginian, signified that the commitment to the war spread far beyond _ _

Continental army

the army created in June 1775 by the Second Continental Congress to oppose the British. George Washington was selected as its commander in chief and given the task of turning a collection of local militias and untrained volunteers into a disciplined army. British reluctance to follow up early victories allowed this army to develop into an effective fighting force.


the barbary states demanded a _ for the safe passage of american ships

judicial review

the case Marbury vs Madison emphasized the concept of _ _


the city of new orleans was central for american _


the confederate congress got the indians to approve the treaty at fort stanwix via _


the confederation congress' solution to pay off the revolutionary war debt was concise: the states had to pay off a portion of the national debt _ to their populations


the congress allowed to philadelphia meeting only to _ the articles of confederation

land grants

the congress used _ _ as a secondary currency

Articles of Confederation

the constitutional basis for national government from 1781 to 1788. defined the Union as a loose confederation of states existing mainly to foster a common defense. provided for no executive and limited congress's authority to tax, leaving the preponderance of political power in the hands of the states.


the first step of the 1812 war was an invasion of canada


the first tax Hamilton proposed was a 25% excise tax on _

Bill of Rights

the first ten amendments to the Constitution, ratified between 1789 and 1791. the first through eighth amendments dealt with individual liberties, and the ninth and tenth concerned the boundary between federal and state authority. passage was critical to healing the political divisions of the 1780s

Declaration of Independence

the formal declaration of separation from Britain adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. a period of intense debate preceded the call for independence, as many moderates still hoped to reconcile with Britain. the document included a statement of philosophical principles and a list of grievances.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

the goal of the _ _ _ _ was to try and solve the omission of the Indians from the national government by establishing terms between the confederation govenrment and the natives

restore, destroy

the goal of the british government was to _ the colonial control, rather than _ farmland


the hartford convention looked _ because of the war

cotton- Between 1792 and 1800, cotton production in the South increased from 138,228 pounds to 35 million pounds due to

the invention of a machine to separate the seeds from the fiber.

divide and conquer

the main british plan for most of the war was the _-_-_ approach


the new confederation government _ the structure of the old second continental congress


the new confederation saw a lack of _ authority


the states had a difficulty to define who got _, and who was given rights

independent farmer

the true source of liberty for jefferson was the _ _


the uss _ was captured in tripuli

gold, silver

the value of the congress' money was devalued because there was no _ or _ to back up the currency


the victory at _ helped assure the french alliance


the war against great britain in 1812 was highly based along _ lines.


the widespread belief was that republicanism could only succeed in _ units

Report on Public Credit

the work that Hamilton published, the _ _ _ _, said that the debt should be honored, and paid for.

Eighteenth-century Americans generally believed that taxes did not infringe on their liberties so long as this condition was met.

they or they representatives had agreed to them

In 1780s New Jersey, white women and free African Americans could vote if

they owned property worth more than 50.

The British government maintained that it had the power to tax the American colonists "in all cases whatsoever" for this reason.

they were British subjects

In 1786, a Massachusetts farmer and one-time captain in the continental army named Daniel Shays

Led a tax revolt

Samuel Adams

Led the resistance against the Stamp Act in Boston. Sons of Liberty.

Jefferson's Inaugural Address

"We are all Federalists, we are all Republicans" Jefferson (a Republican) declared that he wanted to keep the nation unified and avoid partisan conflicts

How much money did the United States pay France for the Louisiana territory? (10)

$15 million

William Henry Harrison

(1773-1841): Hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe and ninth president of the United States. Harrison, a Whig, won the 1840 election on a "Log Cabin and Hard Cider" campaign, which played up his credentials as a backwoods westerner and Indian fighter. Harrison died of pneumonia just four weeks after his inauguration.

Corps of Discovery

(1804-1806) Team of adventurers, led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis, who were sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and find a water route to the Pacific. Louis and Clark brought back detailed accounts of the West's flora, fauna, and native populations and their voyage demonstrated the viability of overland travel to the west.

Whiskey Rebellion

(GW) In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.


(politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support

Describe how the canal Age ended.

* Doesn't last very long because most canals were not profitable * Politicians decide where canals were & they did not pick good spots because of political pressure. * Competition from railroads,.

Explain how the South produced large amounts of cotton.

* Great demands by the textile industry * Nicer to wear cotton * Price of cotton is going down dramatically. * Cotton gin: makes production of cotton less expensive & also you can produce more cotton faster Slavery: provide effective labor system * Natural transportation in South (rivers) * cotton couldn't be produced in North because they didn't have a long enough cotton season.

Describe the new American market economy.

* Growth in commercial economy, banks, commerce, etc... * Change in typical farm house where instead of using most of what is produced to selling most of what is produced. * Change in goods being produced by individuals to goods being produced for the market not for consumption Why did this happen: * transportation improvement * other tech stuffs created to improve production of farms * Really good lands in west. * improvements in marketing * Marketing Specialist * Development of a credit system which allow long distance marketing.

Discuss Madison's positions on the protective tariff in 1790 and 1816.

* Madison opposed it because he was a representative from Virginia & Virginan's did not like it. He neede to please his voters so he said no to tariffs. * Now that he was president, his thinking of all voters & he thinks more voters want a protective tariff; He think this because Americans want to be great and you need a good manufacturing economy to be great.

Describe the basic beliefs of the democratic-republicans by 1815.

* National bank be restablished * Madison wants a protective tariff to help local manufacturers ( buy Us stuffs) * Federal finance of roads, piers, etc.. anything to help the country

Name the components of the revolution in transportation in the early 19th century.

* Road improvements, steam, boats, canals * first federal road from Virginia to Illinois, a lot of private roads created, still hard to move large agriculture goods.

Explain the results & significance of the Stephen Long Expedition of 1819-1820

* Survey & examine the great plains * Results: Encourage the idea that West & Mississipi is a desert. * Significance: Keeps the far west (great plains) from settled by Americans

Name the industry in which the factory system developed first.

* Textile industry: First industry in which a factory system developed; heavily supervised workers in one place with machinery.

Describe how the U.S acquired Florida

*Andrew Jackson takes control part of Florida because Indians are attacking from there. spain and Americas see that the hold of Florida is weak. * Treaty is signed in 1819, Adams-Orance treaty saying Spain gives control of Florida to the US * Treaty also creates likes for boundaries btwn US & Spain.

Describe the Missouri compromise.

*Missouri admitted as a slave state & Maine admitted as a free state. * No more Slave state North of Missouri, Sourthern boundary * First time slavery caused a fight btwn Noth & south

American Commerce in the Mediterranean

- Mediterranean trade involved about 100 American merchant ships annually - exports to the region included lumber, tobacco, sugar, and rum - imports from the region included raisins, figs, capers, and opium for medical use - some 20% of all American exports went to the Middle East

Quasi - War

- Undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800.

Quasi - War 280

- Undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800.

Terms of treaty of Paris

-Britain would recognize the US as an independent nation. -The Mississippi River was the Western Boundary of the United States. -Americans would have fishing rights off of the coast of Canada. -Americans would pay debts owed to British citizens, and honor loyalists' claims to property. -British troops had to be removed from US soil.

Virginia plan terms

-Executive branch - chosen by Congress -Judicial branch - national judiciary chosen by Congress -Legislative branch - bicameral, upper elected by the people of the lower house elected by the upper -This plan favored larger states.


-George Mason, Patrick Henry, James Winthrop, John Hancock, George Clinton -thought large republic would fall into tyranny of the few -constitution didn't protect individual rights -men supported "small businessmen"


-George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Jay -supported big business guys

Why was northwest land ordinance an important piece of legislation?

-Insured freedom of religion and trial by jury, -Each state was equal to every other state (new states were equal to the original 13, there was no special treatment), -Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude were to be allowed -Also there would be a good faith effort to respect the Indians in their territory. (This is the only point that didn't become true.)


-Rivals of the Federalists -believed in a smaller government based on state rights -Their rivalry sparked tensions with Federalists, creating a political party system.


-Supporters of the Constitution -led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams -firmly believed the national government should be strong -didn't want the Bill of Rights -felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution

Achievements of Congress/Articles of confederation

-They created a Responsible Republican Government which is a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible for them. They overcame the obstacles which were the Two Fears of the Founders. -The Two Fears of the Founders were the fear that the government could fall into the hands of a few individuals and the tyranny of the majority, or fear of mob rule. -They Separated Powers by creating a Legislative branch which makes laws, an Executive which enforces law, and a Judicial branch that interprets laws.

New Jersey plan

-Unicameral legislature with the power to tax, regulate trade and enforce it's own decrees -There would be an Executive branch - committee chosen by the Congress -There would be a Judicial branch - national judiciary appointed by the executive committee -This plan favored smaller states however.

How are representatives apportioned in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College?

-based on population, one member for every 30,000 people

Problems raised by Shays rebellion

-gov't couldn't enforce laws and protect its people -problem with taxing, it was necessary and ya gotta be able to enforce it

Preventing tyranny of the majority

-gov't had to be strong enough to suppress rebellions -able to change based on preserving liberty -saw no one faction would dominate people, mad heads think differently

Weaknesses of gov't under articles

-limited power -couldn't enforce laws without executive branch -no judicial branch to interpret laws -amendments had to be unanimous, and 9/13 vote for any law to be passed. Made very hard for anything

Preventing gov't falling to hands of the few

-made it extremely hard to pass laws via checks and balances system and 3 branches

Major problems because of articles

-states had to much independent power and it would be easy for states to secede -couldn't enforce laws by other states, would make alliances to benefit their own states in federal bills

Federalist papers

-write an essay defending the Constitution. -James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton.

Amercian Temperance society 343


Andrew Jackson 330


Democrats 331


Henry Clay 331


Jay Treaty


Jay Treaty 276


John Jay- President Washington sent John Jay to England to accomplish all of the following, except


Lowell Mills 325


Second Bank of the United States 327


Species Payment 327


Spoils Sytems 333


Thomas Jefferson 291


dolley madison 301


feme covert 306


impressment 300


james monroe 310


john c. calhoun 332


nullification 337


osage 298


seperate spheres 339


war hawks 303


Andrew Jackson

..., The seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), who as a general in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers.

Declaration of Independence

..., the document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain

Treaty of Grenville

12 Native American tribes signed this which cleared the Ohio territory of tribes and opened it up to U.S. settlement

Sugar Act

1764 British law that decreased the duty on French molasses making it more attractive for shipper to obey the law and at the same time raised penalties for smuggling. Regulate trade, but its primary purpose was to raise revenue.

Stamp Act

1765 British law imposing a tax on all paper used for official documents, for the purpose of raising revenue. Widespread resistance to the Stamp Act led to its repeal in 1776

Stamp Act

1765 British law imposing a tax on all paper used for official documents, for the purpose of raising revenue. Widespread resistance to this Act led to its repeal in 1776

Declaratory Act

1766 law issued by Parliament to assert Parliament's unassailable right to legislate for British colonies in all cases whatsoever. Putting Americans on notice that the simultaneous repeal of the Stamp Act changed nothing in the imperial powers of Britain.

Americans lose battle of Quebec in...


Mohawk leader Joseph Brant travels to England to pledge support for the British side in...


Second Continental Congress convenes. British win battle of Bunker Hill. King George rejects Olive Branch Petition in...


the Second Continental Congress begins to meet in...


British take Manhattan in...


Marbury v. Madison, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that it can declare laws unconstitutional. rivals Britain and France warn United States not to ship war-related goods to the other. United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France in...


Marbury v. Madison

1803 Supreme Court case that established the concept of judicial review when Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that parts of the Judiciary Act of 1789 were in conflict with the Constitution. the Supreme Court assumed legal authority to nullify acts of the other branches of the government in this rebalancing of power between Congress and the judiciary.

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the French territory in the United States that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. nearly doubled the size of the United States and opened the way for future American expansion west.

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of the Louisiana territory from France. Made by Jefferson, this doubled the size of the US.

Lewis and Clark expedition to the Louisiana Territory travels to the Pacific Ocean... (when?)

1804 - 1806

Lewis and Clark expedition

1804 - 1806 expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark that explored the trans-Mississippi West on behalf of the U.S. government. the expedition's mission was to scout locations for military posts, negotiate fur trade agreements, and identify river routes to the West. the expedition made Lewis and Clark heroes and focused the nation's attention on the potential of western expansion.

British attack and search the American ship 'Chesapeake'. Embargo Act bans importation of British goods in...


Robert Fulton's Clermont sets off steamboat craze in...


Republican James Madison is elected president; Dolly Madison is soon dubbed "presidentress" in...


Non-Intercourse Act

1809 - Replaced the Embargo of 1807. Unlike the Embargo, which forbade American trade with all foreign nations, this act only forbade trade with France and Britain. It did not succeed in changing British or French policy towards neutral ships.

Battle of Tippecanoe ends uprising by Native Americans in the old Northwest in...


Battle of Tippecanoe

1811 Tecumseh and the Prophet attack, but General Harrison crushes them in this battle ends Tecumseh's attempt to unite all tribes in Mississippi.

United States declares war on Great Britain in...


British attack Washington, D.C. New England Federalists meet at Hartford Convention in...


U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson defeat British at the battle of New Orleans in...


Republican James Monroe is elected president in...


Second Bank of the United States is chartered in...


American Colonization Society is.founded in...


economic panic leads to the loss of property and jobs for thousands in...


Missouri Compromise allows Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state and sets a boundary for future slave states in...


Missouri Compromise

1820 congressional compromise engineered by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter as a free state. the compromise also established Missouri's southern border as the permanent line dividing slave from free states. calmed tensions in the short run but did nothing to resolve the underlying issue of the future of slavery in the United States.

Emma Willard founds the Troy Female Seminary School in New York in...


Mill town of Lowell, Massachusetts is founded in...


Catherine Beecher founds the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut for female students in...


Monroe Doctrine asserts that the Western Hemisphere should be free from European interference in...


Monroe Doctrine

1823 declaration by President James Monroe that the United States would regard any attempt by an external power to interfere in the Western Hemisphere as a hostile act. in exchange for noninterference by Europeans, Monroe pledged that the United States would stay out of European struggles. this became the foundation of U.S. foreign policy with respect to the Western Hemisphere.

Erie Canal is completed in New York, extending 350 miles between Albany and Buffalo in...


John Quincy Adams is elected president by House of Representatives in a bitterly contested election in...


American Temperance Society is founded in...


Congress passes Tariff of Abominaions in...


Democrat Andrew Jackson is elected president in...


George Washington

1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1732-1799)

Hamilon's Economic Policies 266


Report of Manufactures 268


John Dickinson

2nd Continental Congress Delegate who was pushing for reconciliation with the British in the Olive Branch Petition

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President of the United States

Thomas Jefferson 262

3rd President of the United States

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad starts laying track in...


David Walker's "Appeal . . . to the Coloured Citizens of the World" is published in...


Indian Removal Act establishes process for relocating eastern Indian tribes west of the Mississippi River in...


by ____ nearly two hundred female academies are operating in the United States


Charles Grandison Finney preaches in Rochester, New York in...

1830 - 1831

William Loyd Garrison starts "Liberator" in...


New England Anti-Slavery Society is founded in...


Sauk and Fox Indians led by Chief Black Hawk are massacred by state militias in. ..


Supreme Court rules in Worcestor v. Georgia that the Cherokee nation is a distinct community not subject to Georgia state law in...


New York Female Moral Reform Society is founded in...


New York and Philadelphia antislavery societies are founded in...


South Carolina leaders declare nullification of federal tariffs in...


female mill workers strike in Lowell, Massachusetts in... they strike again in...

1834, 1836

abolitionist literature is burned in Charlestown, South Carolina in...


American Temperance Union is founded in...


Congress adopts "gag rule" forbidding antislavery petitions from being entered into the public record in...


Democrat Martin Van Buren is elected president in...


economic panics lead to runs on banks, business failures, and a deflated economy in...

1837 - 1839

Trail of Tears: Cherokees are forced to relocate in...


Whig William Henry Harrison is elected president in...


John Burgoyne

A British commander of the northern forces, who was supposed to lead his forces down from Canada and meet William Howe in Albany. He began a two-pronged attack to the south along the Mohawk and the upper Hudson approaches to Albany. He was abandoned by Howe, however, who instead of meeting with him, went to capture Philadelphia.

John Burgoyne

A British commander of the northern forces, who was supposed to lead his forces down from Canada and meet William Howe in Albany. He began a two-pronged attack to the south along the Mohawk and the upper Hudson approaches to Albany. He was abandoned by Howe, however, who instead of meeting with him, went to capture Philadelphia. This left him alone to carry out the plan in the north.

What was the Chesapeake incident of 1807? (10)

A British naval vessel fired on an American ship at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay

Anthony Wayne

A General, nicknamed "Mad Anthony". Beat Northwest Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794. Left British made arms on the fields of battle. After that the Treaty of Greenville in 1795 led to the Indians ceding their claims to a vast tract in the Ohio Country.

Joseph Brant

A Mohawk chief and influential leader of the Iroquois tribes. He and other tribal leaders hoped an alliance with the British might provide protection from land-hungry American settlers.

Joseph Brant

A Mohawk chief and influential leader of the Iroquois tribes. One of the many Native American leaders who advocated an alliance with Britain against the Americans in the Revolutionary War. He and other tribal leaders hoped an alliance with the British might provide protection from land-hungry American settlers.

Alexander Hamilton

A New Yorker and the delegate at the Annapolis meeting who wanted to expand the limited mandate of the Philadelphia meeting and use it to do whatever necessary to expand the power of the federal government.

Blue Jacket

A Shawnee Chief who, with Little Turtle, led many successful battles against the American colonists., A Shawnee Chief who, with Little Turtle, led many successful battles against the American colonists.

Blue Jacket 272

A Shawnee Chief who, with Little Turtle, led many successful battles against the American colonists., A Shawnee Chief who, with Little Turtle, led many successful battles against the American colonists.

Newburgh conspiracy

A bogus threatened coup stages by continental army officer and leaders in congress in 1782-1783, who hoped that a forceful demand for. Military pay back and pensions would create pressure for stronger taxation owners. General Washington defused the threat


A charismatic Shawnee leader who worked to form a pan-Indian federation to combat American divide-and-conquer strategies for exacting Indian land. He argued that no Indian tribe should sell land to anybody because it was rightfully held in common by all tribes.

Haitian Revolution

A complex revolution that broke out in 1791 in Saint Dominique, the western part of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. Starting as an antimonarchical revolution led by the islands' whites, in 1793, it turned into a violent slave revolt involving French, Spanish, and British troops. The outbreak caused Americans to fear the outbreak of a slave rebellion in their own society.

From 1775 until 1781, the Second Continental Congress existed without any

Constitutional basis

Pontiac's Rebellion

A coordinated uprising of Native Americans tribes in 1763 in the Northwest after the end of the 7 Years' war. The rebellion heightened Britain's determination to create a boundary between Americans and Indians embodied in the Proclamation of 1763

Anne Hutchinson

A devout Puritan who lectured before large crowds in Boston about the sermons of John Cotton and whom John Winthrop referred to as an "antinomian"

Declaration of Independence

A document containing philosophical principles and a list of grievances that declared separation from Britain. Adopted by the second contiental congress on July 4, 1776, it ended a period of intense debate with moderates still hoping to reconcile with Britain.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

A document signed under coercion by virtual hostage

Report on Manufactures

A document submitted to Congress, which set up an economic policy to encourage industry.

Report on the Causes and Reason for War

A document written by John C. Calhoun, a congressman and War Hawk from South Carolina, to justify the American declaration of war against Great Britain. The report did not merely condemn Great Britain's naval actions but focused extensively on English insults in the treating of the United States like a third-rate power.

Yeoman Planter

A farmer who owned a small plot of land, sufficient to support a family, and tilled mostly by servants, & a few family member

Yeoman Planter / Farmer

A farmer who owned a small plot of land, sufficient to support a family, and tilled mostly by servants, & a few family member

Sons of Liberty

A group formed by Boston shopkeepers and craftsmen under the leadership of Samuel Adams to protest the Stamp Act. They defied the Stamp Act by using street demonstrations to convince the local stamp distributor to resign.

Navigation Acts

Legislation passed by Parliament in 1650-1651, and 1660 regulating colonial trade


A kind of indentured servant; in this system, A captain agreed to provide passage to Philadelphia, where redemptioners would obtain money to pay for their transportation, usually by selling themselves as a servant

feme covert

A legal doctrine resting in British common law that subsurned a wife's civic identity to her husband's. According to coverture, a wife was obligated to obey her husband, render him domestic and sexual services, and turn over all of her property to him. It gave state backing to the unequal power relations within marriage.

bill of rights

A list of basic individual liberties that governments cannot abridge.

Gabriel's Rebellion 291

A literate black slave that lived in the Richmond area launched a large scale slave revolt. Governor Monroe quickly crushed the rebellion.

Why did cotton production in the South increase dramatically between 1792 and 1800?

A machine was invented that saved labor time

Hartford Convention

A meeting called by New England Federalists in December 1814 to discuss constitutional amendments that would limit the power of the South and West. After General Andrew Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans and the conclusion of the Treaty of Ghent, the convention looked unpatriotic, and the Federalists' fortunes never recovered.

The Federalists

A member of a major political party in the early years of the U.S. that wanted a strong central government. They supported the ratification of the constitution.


A minor 1814 naval engagement on the northern end of Lake Champlain that the British lost. The loss caused the British military leadership to withdraw a large army without engaging American troops and convinced British political leaders that a land invasion was an impractical way to fight the war.

Battle of Saratoga

A multistage battle in New York ending with decisive defeat and surrender of British general John Burgoyne on October 17, 1777. France was convinced by this victory to throw its official support the American side in the war.

Era of Good Feelings

A newspaper's appellation for James Monroe's presidency. The paper was referring to the apparent subsidence of party feelings; the Federalists were spent as a national force, and in 1820 Monroe only lost one electoral vote, but there were still differences of opinion over a wide assortment of topics.

Common Sense

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 to convince the colonists that it was time to become independent. He talked about the absurdities of the monarchy. On how one man can rule over so many simply because of accident of birth. He introduce the idea of a a republic based on the people. Then, rulers in office would only be representing the people. He also promoted frequent elections. Significance: This pamphlet spread across all of the colonies. If anything, it forced the colonists to think about their form of government and if it really would be better if they declared their independence; which was an uneasy option at this point.

"Common Sense"

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain

"Common Sense"

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain.

The New Jersey Plan

A plan, unsuccessfully proposed at the Constitutional Convention, providing for a single legislative house, the same as the articles, with equal representation for each state. There was to be three men elected in a plural presidency. It gave congress the right to tax, regulate trade, and to use force on unruly state governments. Significance: This plan was rejected by the delegates. This is important simply because it presented another course of action that we could have taken but didn't. It showed that there was use in have two different groups to evaluate the possibility's from.

Second Great Awakening

A popular religious revival that peaked in the 1830s and emphasized that salvation was available to anybody who chose to take it. Its focus on social perfection inspired many of the reform movements of the Jacksonian era.

Bank of North America

A private bank proposed by Robert Morris to augment the revenue of the confederation government. The bank enjoyed a special relationship with the national government, holding its hard money deposits, making short-term loans, and issuing banknotes backed by hard money. The bank had little impact on the nation's overall financial health, however, because it issued so little currency.

Report on Manufactures

A proposal to encourage the production of American made good Hamilton second recommendation.

Battle of Oriskany

A punishing defeat for Americans in a ravine named Oriskany near Fort Stanwix in New York in August 1777. German American Militiamen aided by allied Oneida warriors were ambushed by Mohawk and Seneca Indians , and 500 on the revolutionary side were killed.

Judith Sargent Murray

A series of essays by ______________ of Massachusetts favored education that would make women into the equals of men but justified the measure on the basis of family duty

Alien and Sedition Acts

A series of laws that sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies (1798)

Shays's Rebellion

A series of protests against taxation by farmers against state and local enforcement tax collection.


A set of policies that regulated colonial commerce and manufacturing for the enrichment of the mother country. ensured that the American colonies in the mid-17th century produced agricultural goods and raw materials to be shipped to Britain, where they would increase wealth in the mother country through re-exportation or manufacture into finished goods that would then be sold to the colonies and elsewhere

Post Road

A single continuous and improved road existed prior to 1790, the ______________ running for 1,600 miles along the coast from Maine to Georgia.


A sixteen-year-old Indian woman who accompanied the Lewis and Clark expedition. Her presence was unexpectedly helpful because the Indian tribes the party encountered believed that women never accompanied war parties.

Gabriel's Rebellion

A slave revolt that was planned in 1800 in Virginia. Although the rebellion was not carried out, southern whites were unnerved by the plan and the fact that the plotters compared their struggle for freedom to that of Revolutionary leaders.


A social philosophy that embraced representative institutions (as opposed to monarchy) , a citizenry attuned to civil values above private interests' and a virtuous community in which in which individuals work to promote the public good.

What did James Madison and Thomas Jefferson have to do before all the states accepted the Articles of Confederation?

Agree to give up Virginia's western lands

What did the 1787 Virginia Plan for restructuring the government call for?

A strong national government

The Virginia Plan

A strong national legislature with two chambers, the lower chamber to be chose by the people and the upper chamber to be chose by the lower. A strong national executive to be chose by the legislature, and a national judiciary to be chose by legislature. Significance: It presented a bicameral legislation that we still use in effect today. It also presented a plan, that in it's entirety, we smooth enough to last since 1765.

This revolution made unified protest to British taxation across geographical, ethnic, and class lines possible in the years preceding the American Revolution.

Consumer revolution


A tax levied on imports. Robert Morris suggested a five percent impost to finance the national government after the Revolutionary War but was unable to gain the consent of states such as Rhode Island and New York, which had active ports.

Lowell Mills

A textile mill located in a factory town in Massachusetts that employed farm girls who lived in company-owned boardinghouses.

Northwest Ordinance

A third land Act, set forth a three-stage process by which settled territories would advance to statehood.

Jay Treaty

A treaty signed with the British that completely failed to address the captured cargoes or the lost properties in slaves. It granted the British a lenient eighteen months to withdraw from the frontier forts.

maria Stewart 344

A women who spoke out against slavery. She was also the first American woman to make public political speeches

Ladies Association

A women's organization in Philadelphia that collected substantial money donations in 1780 to reward contiental soldiers for their service. A woman leader authored a declaration, "The sentiments of an American Woman," to justify women's unexpected entry into political life.


A word that implied endorsement of a confederated government. Pro-Constitution forces called themselves this word.

Maria Stewart

A young black woman who gave lectures on slavery and racial prejudice to black audiences in Boston. The fact that she was a woman made her controversial, and she was convinced to give up her career.

Second Great Awakening

AProtestant religious revival movement during the early 19th century in the United States. The movement began around 1790, gained momentum by 1800 and, after 1820, membership rose rapidly among Baptist and Methodist congregations whose preachers led the movement.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Act that provided funds for relocating eastern tribes west of the Mississippi. the Act embodied Jackson's preferred solution to the "Indian problem", the mandatory explusion of all Indians from the then-existing states. Indians resisted in numerous ways, but, in the end, most were forced to comply with the terms of the act.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy.


Action in the United States' undeclared war with France, the ______________, took place most in the Caribbean

Alien and Sedition Acts

Acts passed by the Federalist-dominated Congress to suppress criticism of the administration. The laws were designed to make defaming of the government illegal and to ease the deportation of aliens. Both were used against opponents of the Quasi War.

Why was John Quincy Adams's victory in the 1824 election characterized as a "corrupt bargain?" (10)

Adams appointed Henry Clay as secretary of state

Olive Branch Petition

Affirmed loyalty to the monarchy and blames problems on Parliament rather than the king. Last effort of reconciliation between Britain and the colonists; but rejected by the King.

Olive Branch Petition

Affirmed loyalty to the monarchy and blames problems on Parliament rather than the king. Last effort to reconciliate. King rejects plan.

Jemima Wilkinson

After recovering from a fever in 1776, ______________ believed that she was no longer male or female.

total embargo

After the Chesapeake incident, Jefferson and Madison pushed for a ______________, passed by Congress in December 1807.

Anthony Wayne, Fallen Timbers

After the defeats of Harmar and St. Clair, General _ _ put a stop to the ohio conflict, these battles culminated at the Battle of _ _

Bunker Hill

After the loss at _ _, George Washington became the commander of the forces

Report on Public Credit

Alexander's Hamilton's January 1790 report recommending that the national debt be funded - but not repaid immediately - at full value. Hamilton's goal was to make the new country creditworthy, not debt-free. critics of his plan complained that it would benefit speculators, and not the country, and that it would lead to higher taxes

Report on Public Credit

All debts were to be paid at face value. The Federal government would assume all of the debts owed by the states, and it would be financed with new U.S. government bonds paying about 4% interest.

Three-fifths clause

All free persons plus "three-fifths of all other Persons" constituted the numerical bas for the apportionment of representatives. (slaves where considered this)

New jersey

Alternative plan drafted by delegates from small states, retaining the confederations single house congress with one vote per state. It shared with the Virginia plan enhanced congressional powers including the right to tax, regulate trade, and use force to stop popular uprisings.

trade, West Indies

Although Washington issued the Neutrality Proclamation, American ships continued to _ with the French _ _, incurring the wrath of England

Bill of Rights

Although the Anti-Federalists failed to block the ratification of the Constitution, they did ensure that the Bill of Rights would be created to protect individuals from government interference and possible tyranny. The Bill of Rights, drafted by a group led by James Madison, consisted of the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which guaranteed the civil rights of American citizens. Significance: The Bill of Rights is a list of fundamental rights of the citizens of the United States and serves to protect these rights from infringement by the government.

Robert R. Livingston

America's minister to France in 1802, he was instructed by Jefferson to try to buy the city of New Orleans from France. When he was offered the entire Louisiana Territory, he made the purchase for the bargain price of 15 million dollars.

Benedict Arnold

American General and traitor. Instrumental in the American capture of Fort Ticonderoga. Later sold Continental troop movements to the British.

Benedict Arnold

American General and traitor. Instrumental in the American capture of Fort Ticonderoga; but,later planned to betray West Point to the British. He fled behind British lines and lived the rest of his life in Britain.

After the delegates to the Philadelphia convention drafted the Constitution, they sent it to the

Continental Congress

Benedict Arnold

American General and traitor. Instrumental in the capture of Fort Ticonderoga; but,later planned to betray West Point to the British. He fled behind British lines and lived the rest of his life in Britain.

Thomas Paine

American Revolutionary leader and pamphleteer (born in England) who supported the American colonist's fight for independence and supported the French Revolution (1737-1809)

Loyalists (Tories)

American colonists (usually wealthy) who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the War for Independence.

Loyalists (Tories)

American colonists (usually wealthy) who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.


American colonists (usually wealthy) who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.

The Haitian Revolution sparked

American fears of a slave rebellion.

Benedict Arnold

American general who plotted to sell military secrets to the British. the hero of several American battles, he felt he had not got his due in either honor or financial reward for his service. sometime in 1779, he opened secret negotiations with the British. his treason was discovered in the fall of 1780 when the Americans captured a man carrying plans of West Point's defense from Arnold to the British.

Jemima Wilkinson

An "exhorting woman" who claimed, after a near-death experience, that she was neither male nor female but the embodiment of the "Spirit of Light." She eventually withdrew to her own settlement in western New York with more than 250 followers.

Marbury v. Madison

An 1803 Supreme Court case that established the concept of judicial review when Chief Justice John Marshall argued that parts of the Judiciary Act of 1789 were in conflict with the Constitution. The Supreme Court assumed legal authority to nullify acts of other branches of the government in this power struggle between Congress and the judiciary.


An 18th century philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason to reevaluate previously accepted doctrines and traditions. Encouraged examination of the world and independence of mind


An American political party formed in the 1830s to oppose President Andrew Jackson and the Democrats

Embargo Act of 1807

An act by Congress to avoid war. It was an act that prohibited American ships from leaving for foreign ports. It created a depression, affecting mostly federalist merchants and shipowners in the Northeast.

The Liberator

An anti-slavery newspaper written by William Lloyd Garrison. It drew attention to abolition, both positive and negative, causing a war of words between supporters of slavery and those opposed.

Charles Grandison Finney 342

An evangelist who was one of the greatest preachers of all time (spoke in New York City). He also made the "anxious bench" for sinners to pray and was was against slavery and alcohol.

XYZ Affair

An attempt on part of the French government to demand a large bribe and loan from the American government in return for a treaty and an end to the French seizure of ships carrying British goods. It caused an Anti-French backlash in the United States.

Chesapeake incident

An event that occurred in 1807, when the British fired on an American ship, killing three Americans in American territorial waters. Jefferson was furious but unstable to retaliate militarily because of prior cuts in the army and navy.

What did the superintendent of finance, Robert Morris, suggest as a solution to the confederation's postwar economic problems?

An import tax


An important advance in the technology of transportation. First introduced in 1807, by the early 1830s steamboats cut the cost and time of transit on all the major eastern and western water routes.

Bill of Rights

An important piece of business for the first congress in 1789, the first 10 amendments of the first US constitution.

John Rolfe

An influential leader of the Jamestown colony, this man introduced tobacco to Virginia farmers- it soon became the number one cash crop for the region. To derive a profit from tobacco, farmers had to grow large tracts of the crop. Thus, the plantation system was developed.

XYZ affair 280

An insult to the American delegation when they were supposed to be meeting French foreign minister, Talleyrand, but instead they were sent 3 officials Adams called "X,Y, and Z" that demanded $250,000 as a bribe to see Talleyrand.

American Temperance Union

An umbrella organization of anti-drinking groups that formed in 1836. The American Temperance Union demanded total abstinence rather than moderation and began using political means rather than individual moral suasion to stop that sale of alcohol.

Under the terms of the Constitution, how many times could a president run for reelection?

An unlimited number of times

"Old Hickory"

Andre Jackson's popular nickname, meant to suggest resilience and toughness. Jackson was the first president to have an affectionate nickname, a sign of the growing importance of popular support in presidential races.

Who led the Americans to victory in the Creek War at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in March 1814?

Andrew Jackson

spoils system

Andrew Jackson's practice of rewarding his political supporters with government jobs.

Grimke Sisters

Angelina and Sarah Grimke (Quakers) wrote and lectured vigorously on reform causes such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and the abolitionist movement., Abolitionists and suffragettes. The sisters came from South Carolina in an aristocratic family, with an Episcopalian judge who owned slaves father. Both sisters became abolitionists, and after converting to the Quaker faith, they joined Society of Friends. In 1835, Angela wrote an anti-slavery letter to Abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison, who published it in, The Liberator. They spoke at abolitionist meetings. In 1837, Angelina was invited to be the first woman to speak at the Massachusetts State Legislature. Sarah and Angelina Grimke wrote Letter on the Condition of Women and the Equality of the Sexes (1837) - objecting to male opposition to their anti-slavery activities.

George Whitefield

Anglican minister and famous revivalist from England. He visited the colonies seven times in the 1740s and drew enormous audiences to his spellbinding sermons.

The Great Compromise ended the logjam over what Constitutional problem?

Apportionment of representation

State and briefly explain five of the original seven Articles of the U.S. Constitution.

Article I: Legislative Branch - would create new laws. Article II: Executive Branch - would enforce the law. Article III: Judiciary Branch - would interpret the law. Article IV: Establishes the US as a Union of Sovereign States. Article VII: The ratification process. Constitution submitted to the current Congress, -The proposed constitution would be debated in the current Congress and sent to the states without being endorsed, yet, -States would elect delegates to consider the constitution, -If ratification by 9 of the 13 states, constitution would become law,


Articles of Confederation are ratified. creation of executive departments. in...


Articles of Confederation are sent to the states in...

Starting in the boom years of 1814 to 1816, ______________ became the currency of the nation


Before the 1790s, how did most Americans view public virtue?

As a strictly masculine quality

Battle of Oriskany

Battle between British troops (with help from Mohawks, Seneca, and loyal Palatine Germans) and American Continental soldiers and some Palatine militiamen. Joseph Brant led attack on Germans and Oneida in ravine called Oriskany.

battle of orinskay

Battle between British troops (with help from Mohawks, Seneca, and loyal Palatine Germans) and American Continental soldiers and some Palatine militiamen. Joseph Brant led attack on Germans and Oneida in ravine called Oriskany.

Many states ratified the US Constitution with the understanding that this would be added to it.

Bill of Rights

New Jersey Plan

Maintained the existing single-house congress of the Articles of Confederation in which each state had on vote.

Battle of Fort Stanwix

British are forced to retreat by Patriots, depriving Burgoyne of reinforcements.

Orders in Council

British order to its Navy in the early 1800s to capture American ships headed for French ports.

Battle of Saratoga

British plan to crush rebel resistance in New York. Colonial General Gates defeated British General Bourgoyne which resulted in foreign recognition and aid to the new United States.


British practice of taking American sailors from American ships and forcing them into the British navy; a factor in the War of 1812.

Most Indian nations sided with the British in the Revolutionary War for this reason.

British seemed more likely to win, American land hunger, etc.

Chesapeake affair

British warship fired on US warship off Virginia's coast, killing three Americans; resulted in high anti-British sentiment (1807)

When President Jefferson instructed Robert R. Livingston, America's minister in France, to negotiate with the French in 1802, he wanted Livingston to (10)

Buy New Orleans

Whig Party

By 1834, a few state-level National Republicans had shortened their name to the ______________ Party.

How did American ships secure safe passage off the coast of North Africa from 1776 to 1801? (10)

By paying tribute to four Muslim coastal states

John Adams

By responding to the French peace initiative in late 1799, ______________ lost the support of a significant part of his own party

Marbury vs. Madison

Case in which the supreme court first asserted the power of Judicial review in finding that the congressional statue expanding the Court's original jurisdiction was unconstitutional

This is one of the reasons King Philip gave for going to war.

Christian evangelism, interfering in succession of leaders, trying Indians in colonial courts, cheating Indians out of land, allowing domesticated animals to destroy Indian crops

Three-fifths clause

Clause in the constitution that stipulates that all free persons plus " three fifths of all other persons " would constitute the numerical base for apportioning both representation and taxation. The class tactily acknowledged the existence of slavery In the united States.


Colonists who remained loyal to Britain during the revolutionary war, probably numbering around 1/5 of the population in 1776. Colonists remained loyal to Britain for many reason, and loyalists could be found in every region of the country.


Colonized in the 1630s, this tiny island in the British West Indies became an enormous sugar producer and, consequently, a great source of wealth for England. The island's sugar production depended upon the labor of African slaves, who quickly became a majority of the island's population despite the deadliness of their work. Settlers from Barbados brought slaves into the Carolinas

Henry Clinton

Commander-in-Chief of the British army in American replacing General Howe after the Battle of Saratoga.

Charles Cornwallis

Commanding general of the British forces that were defeated at Yorktown in 1781, ending the American Revolution.

Erie Canal 325

Completed in 1825 and spanning 350 miles between Buffalo and Albany, New York, the ______________ linked New York City with the Northwest Territory.

Erie Canal

Completed in 1825, this 350-mile-long structure linked Albany with Buffalo, New York. It was a major transit route, moving agricultural goods east and manufactured goods west, and helped to solidify New York City's status as the premier commercial center in the nation.


Composite group, united mainly in their desire to block the constitution. much of their strength came from backcountry areas long suspicious of eastern elites.

Tripolitan War

Conflict in 1801 when the pasha of Tripoli cut down the flagstaff of the American consulate, lasting four years, after which a treaty was reached for the sum of $60,000 to ransom captured Americans.

Seven Years War

Conflict that grew out of disputed among Britain, France, and Indian tribes over claims to land in North America. The war expanded to encompass much of Europe and its overseas possessions. It also contributed to deteriorating relations between Britain and its North American colonies in the 1760s. The Treaty of Paris marked the conclusion of the conflict in 1763.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Path to Statehood (Phase 1)

Congress appoints officials for a sparsely populated territory who adopt a legal code and appoint local magistrates to administer justice

Why did many talented politicians prefer to devote their energies to states governments even after the ratification of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress was often deadlocked

Why did many talented politicians prefer to devote their energies to state governments even after the ratification of the Articles of Confederation?

Congress was often deadlocked.

Alexander McGillivray

Creek Indian leader who secretly negotiated a treaty in which Spain promised weapons so that the Creeks could protect themselves "from the Bears and other fierce Animals."

Alexander McGillivray 271

Creek Indian leader who secretly negotiated a treaty in which Spain promised weapons so that the Creeks could protect themselves "from the Bears and other fierce Animals."


Dissenters from the Church of England who wanted a genuine reformation rather than the partial reformation sought by Henry VIII. Religious principles emphasized the importance of an individual's relationship with God, developed through bible study, prayer, and introspection.

Boston Tea Party

December 16, 1773. the sons of liberty dumped tea in the Boston Harbor because they were mad about the new tea taxes. Benjamin Franklin was the leader of this Act

Delaware is the first state to ratify the Constitution in...

December 1787

Washington captures German troops stationed along the Delaware River on...

December 25, 1776

How did the framers of the Constitution curb the excesses of democracy?

Devising a government with limits and checks on all branches

Lowell mills

Employed more than 5000 young women, who lived in carefully managed company-owned boarding houses. female workers who came to work for the textile corporations in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States.

John Dickinson

Drafted a declaration of colonial rights and grievances, and also wrote Letters from a Farmer. Wanted reconciliation from Britain.

Aaron Burr

Due to the problem of single balloting to choose both president and vice president, Thomas Jefferson's running mate in the 1800 presidential election, ______________, won the same number of votes as Jefferson.

How was the slave population counted for the purpose of determining representation?

Each slave counted as three-fifths of a person.

Panic of 1819 330

Economic panic caused by extensive speculation and a decline of European demand for American goods along with mismanagement within the Second Bank of the United States. Often cited as the end of the Era of Good Feelings.

Washington's cabinet: Attorney general

Edmund Randolph

Who did Washington appoint as attorney general? (ch9)

Edmund Randolph

Benjamin Rush and other proponents of the 1790s model of womanhood based on republican ideals helped to legitimize female


This woman began the process of judicial emancipation in Massachusetts by suing for her freedom.

Elizabeth Freeman, or Mum Bett

Creek War

Ended suddenly in March 1814 when a general named Andrew Jackson led 2500 Tennessee militiamen in a bloody attack called the battle of Horseshoe bend.

William Howe

English General who commanded the English forces at Bunker Hill. He did not relish the rigors of winter campaigning. At a time when it seemed obvious that he should join the forces in New York, he joined the main British army for an attack on Philadelphia.

Daniel Webster

Enormously popular and much admired, public orators held considerable sway over their audiences, particularly the political orator from Massachusetts,

Chesapeake and Leopold

Event occurred due to impressment by the British. Chesapeake was an American ship, Leopold was a British ship. Leopold told Chesapeake to stop for inspection. Chesapeake refused to stop; Leopold opened fire, killing 3 Americans in the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. Resulted in the passing of the Embargo Act of 1807

What did the Haitian Revolution spark in the United States?

Fears of a slave rebellion

This nascent political party favored a broad construction of the Constitution in the 1790s.


Johnathan Edwards

Fiery Puritan minister who led revivals in Massachusetts during the 1730s. His sermons, including "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," emphasized human depravity and God's power.

Panic of 1819

Financial panics that marked the end of economic expansion and featured deflation (value of US money going down), depression, bank failures, foreclosures on western farms, unemployment, a slump in agriculture and manufacturing. Also risky lending practices of the state and local banks led to overspeculation on lands in west- the national bank tightened its credit lending policies and eventually forced these state and local banks to foreclose mortgages on farms.

Colonists gathered in this body to formulate a united response to the Intolerable Acts

First Continental Congress

Articles of Confederation

First form of Government for the United States with most power held by the states Hampered federal ability to fund or defend government.

Battle of Bunker Hill

First major battle of the Revolution fought outside Boston in June 1776. The Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition. Resulted in a British victory despite heavy casualties.

Battle of Bunker Hill

First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition.

Battle of Bunker Hill

First major battle of the Revolutions. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition. However, the British suffered more deaths. Expensive war for the British.

Battle of Long Island

First major engagement of the new contiental army defending against 45,000 British troops newly arrived on Western Long Island (Brooklyn). The contientals retreated, with high casualties and many taken prisoner.

Martin Waldseemuller

First map drawer to draw a map American separate from Europe and Asia

Boston Massacre

Following months of tension between British occupying forces and patriotic colonists, violence erupted on March 5, 1770, when British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who had been taunting them, killing five.

New England Anti-Slavery Society

Founded by supporters of Garrison (of Liberator)- against slavery- started formation of similar groups across North, ending with about 250 thousand member


German mercenaries that were hired by the British for putting down the rebellion of the colonies. The hiring of these men showed to the colonists that the British had only military action in mind as a solution to the current problems.

At the end of the Seven Years War, this European country lost all of its colonies in mainland North America


In 1800, Spain struck a secret deal to transfer its trans-Mississippi land to (10)


What did the XYZ affair involve?

France attempted to extract a bribe from American officials

Saint Domingue- The immediate catalyst for the revolution in Saint Domingue was the

French Revolution.

xyz- The XYZ affair involved a

French attempt to bribe American officials treaty negotiations

How did France respond to the Jay Treaty?

French privateers seized American ships carrying British goods

Lewis and Clark Expedition

In 1804, Jefferson sends a team to explore lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. The Corps of Discovery will travel nearly 8,000 miles over three years, reaching the Pacific Ocean and clearing the path for westward expansion.

Martin Van Buren

Friend of Andrew Jackson. Became president in 1836. In the Panic of 1837, he put $37 million to the states but it didn't help. He spent his 4 years with bank failures, bankruptcies and massive unemployment.

Name the inventor of the Steamboat & describe the significance of the steamboat.

Fulton has first commercial Steamboat replaces flatboat which allows farmers to bring back manufactured goods.

Josiah Harmar, Arthur St. Clair

Generals _ _ and _ _ _ lost lots of soldiers in wars agains the Miami and Shawnee in the Ohio country


German mercenaries hired by the British to put down the rebellion in the Colonies. Illustrated to the colonists that the British had only military action in mind as a solution to the current problem.

How did Thomas Jefferson propose dealing with the national domain?

Giving the land to settlers


Group of Separatists who originally fled England due to religious persecution. They went first to Holland and then to America where they established Plymouth colony

Report of Public Credit

Hamilton recommended that the debt owed during wartime (wartime debt) be funded but not repaid immediately at full value.


Hamilton wanted to absolve all of the _' debts.

Report on public credit

Hamilton's January 1790 report recommending that the national debt be funded- but not repaid immediately - at full value. Hamilton's goal was to make the new country creditworthy, not debt-free. Critics of his plan complained that it would benefit speculators.

What were the two Alien Acts passed by Congress in 1798 designed to do?

Harass French immigrants who were already in the United States

Battle of Tippecanoe

In 1811 was a conflict between the confederacy of native warriors led by Tecumseh, a Shawnee tribe member, and United States armed forces under the leadership of General William Henry Harrison.

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of war (fought in VA); with strong support from French naval and military forces, Washington's army forced the surrender of a large British army commanded by General Charles Cornwallis

Why did Alexander Hamilton exercise a great deal of influence in John Adams's administration?

He advised cabinet members

How did President Adams try to maintain Federalist control of the government in the final weeks before Jefferson became president? (10)

He appointed Federalist men to government posts

Why did James Madison undertake the drafting of a Bill of Rights in 1789?

He believed it would soothe the divisions of the 1780s.

How did the governor of Massachusetts, James Bowdoin, respond to the 1786 tax revolt?

He characterized the protestors as illegal rebels

Why did the pasha (military head) of Tripoli declare war on the United States? (10)

He failed to secure a large increase in his tribute

Benedict Arnold

He had been a Colonel in the Connecticut militia at the outbreak of the Revolution and soon became a General in the Continental Army. After becoming Commander of Philadelphia in 1778, he went heavily into debt, and in 1780, he was caught plotting to surrender the key Hudson River fortress of West Point to the British in exchange for a commission in the royal army. Significance: He is the first traitor to the Americans cause after the Declaration of Independence.

Why did President John Quincy Adams fail to gain congressional support for his programs? (10)

He lacked give- and - take political skills

Why did President Jefferson give the Osage women spinning wheels and looms as gifts? a. He respected traditional Indian labor practices. b. The Indians had asked for these gifts in return for crops. c. The Indians had, to that point, worked with primitive equipment. d. He wanted them to embrace what he saw as civilized agriculture.

He wanted them to embrace what he saw as civilized agriculture

Thomas Jefferson

He was a delegate from Virginia at the Second Continental Congress and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He later served as the third President of the United States.

Authur St. Clair

He was the Northwest Territory's first governor in 1788.

Authur St. Clair 272

He was the Northwest Territory's first governor in 1788.

Washington's cabinet: Secretary of war

Henry Knox

English Reformation

Henry VIII's break with the Roman Catholic Church, establishing the Church of England

Genera Andrew Jackson- In the South, General Andrew Jackson led 2,500 Tennessee militiamen in a successful attack on Creek Indians at ______________.

Horseshoe Bend

Under the Constitution as it was originally written, what was the only office directly elected by the people?

House of Representatives

Name the primary sellers of much of the land bought by settlers.

Huge land Specters (rich people) sell the new land to farmers like a loan because framers couldn't afford it.


Leaders supported Britain in foreign policy and commercial interests at home,.

What was Washington's strategy for creating a successful presidency?

Implanting his reputation for integrity onto the office

What was Washington's strategy for creating a successful presidency? (ch9)

Implanting his reputation for integrity onto the office

Henry Knox

In 1775 George Washington ordered him, the nation's first secreatry of war, to bring the British artillery back to the siege of Boston that was captured at Fort Ticonderoga.

Henry Knox 262

In 1775 George Washington ordered him, the nation's first secreatry of war, to bring the British artillery back to the siege of Boston that was captured at Fort Ticonderoga.

The Whiskey Rebellion

In 1791, the rebellion that many people took part in to refuse to give the government taxes for Whiskey. For many western farmers, it was much too expensive to have a tax on Whiskey. Eventually, Washington led 13,000 militia to silence the rebels. Significance: This was the first rebellion there was after the ratification of the constitution.

Trial of Tears

In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey this because of its devastating effects.

Second Continental Congress

In May 1775, assembled in Philadelphia to raise and supply an army and explore reconciliation with Britain, This Congress opposed the drastic move toward complete independence from Britain.

Second Continental Congress

In May 1775, assembled in Philadelphia to raise and supply an army and explore reconciliation with Britain, This Congress opposed the drastic move toward complete independence from Britain. In an effort to reach a reconciliation, the Congress offered peace under the conditions that there be a cease-fire in Boston, that the Coercive Acts be repealed, and that negotiations begin immediately. King George III rejected the petition.

the Liberator

In Boston, William Lloyd Garrison led an antislavery movement, publishing

Neutrality Proclamation

In May 1793, President Washington's ______________ and the British capture of U.S. ships near the French West Indies showed that the question of loyalty to France or England was a delicate foreign policy issue.

Feme Covert

In English common law, wives had no independent legal or political personhood. This legal doctrine held that a wife's civic life was completely subsumed by her husband's.

Second Continental Congress

In May 1775, assembled in Philadelphia to raise and supply an army and explore reconciliation with Britain, They opposed the drastic move toward complete independence from Britain.

Bank of the United States

On his reelection, President Jackson felt that he had a popular mandate to destroy the ______________.

Coercive Acts

In response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troop's in barns and empty houses


In response to constant raiding by the Mohawk indians, Washington permitted the iroquoian villages to _ indian towns

John Marshall

In the 1803 Marbury v. Madison decision, Supreme Court Justice ______________ ruled that the grounds of Marbury's suit were in conflict with the Constitution

Treaty of Pais- After the Treaty of Paris, British Indian agents in southern Ohio assured the Shawnee and the Delaware Indians that

Indians had the right to occupy land over the claims of American settlers

What did Alexander Hamilton do when he realized that the revenue yield from his newly enacted whiskey excise tax was far less than anticipated?

Intensified the prosecution of tax evaders

The Coercive Acts combined with the Quebec Act were usually called by this name in the American colonies

Intolerable Acts

How did the British government respond to American trade with the French after the Neutrality Proclamation?

It captured American merchant ships

What did Shays's Rebellion indicate about the confederation government?

It could not handle civil disorder.

How did the Ordinance of 1784 affect the territory north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River?

It guaranteed eventual statehood.

What was the most widespread objection to ratifying the constitution?

It lacked any guarantees of individual liberties

What was the most widespread objection to ratifying the Constitution

It lacked any guarantees of individual liberties.

Why did many Americans react positively to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789?

It overthrew the French monarchy

How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 affect African Americans?

It prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

All postcolonial state constitutions shared what conviction about government?

It rested on the consent of the governed

All postcolonial state constitutions shared what conviction about government?

It rested on the consent of the governed.

Embargo Act of 1807

It was sponsored by President Thomas Jefferson and enacted by Congress. The goal was to force Britain and France to respect American rights during the Napoleonic Wars, that made any and all exports from the United States illegal

Martin Van Buren

Jackson appointed the governor of New York, ______________, to the most important cabinet position—secretary of state.

battle of new orleans 305

Jackson led a battle that occurred when British troops attacked U.S. soldiers in New Orleans on January 8, 1815; the War of 1812 had officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in December, 1814, but word had not yet reached the U.S.

Whiskey Rebellion

July 1974 uprising by farmers and distillers in western Pennsylvania in response to efforts to enforce an unpopular excise tax on whiskey. when angry farmers gathered to march on Pittsburgh to protest the tax, George Washington led an army of 13,000 soldiers to Pennsylvania to suppress the rebellion. some thought that Washington overreacted, but Washington defended his actions as necessary to preserve the rule of law. no battle was fought; the dissidents dispersed.


Jackson's party became simply down as this name

Virginia Plan

James Madison's plan for a new central government. It repudiated the principle of a confederation of states and set out a three-branch government with the power to veto state legislation and coerce states militarily to obey national laws.

Federalist #10

James Madison's revolutionary argument that republican government did not have to be small scale but would in fact benefit from a large and diverse population

What were the causes of the Era of Good Feelings and who was the president associated with the Era of good Feelings.

James Monroe (1816) Era of the good feeling doesn't last very long: * Absence of party strife * Period of Great pride in US, we beat the British twice( revolution war of 1812, battle of New Orleans)

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson gained congressional approval, but without the votes of Federalist New England, which feared that such a large acquisition of land would be detrimental to Federalist Party strength.

"Revolution of 1800"

Jefferson's election changed the direction of the government from Federalist to Democratic- Republican, so it was called a "revolution."

Embargo Act of 1807

Jefferson's response to the Chesapeake incident. This banned American ships from engaging in trade with any foreign port- an effort to cut off British access to American agricultural goods. It had disastrous effects on the United States' economy but did not have much of an impact on Great Britain, which simply began trading with South American countries.

Abigail Adams

John Adam's wife, she appealed to her husband to protect the rights of women

Who of the following opposed the French Revolution?

John Adams

Henry Clay

John Adams- In the campaign of 1828, Adams was criticized for his elitism and the "corrupt bargain" made with ______________ in 1824.


John C Calhoun advanced this doctrine where the legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or invalidate, any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional.

Washington's cabinet: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

John Jay


John _ prefered political negotiations rather than violence to solve problems


John _assumed control of command of a army in the northern river valley.

Midnight Judges

Judges that were appointed during the last few days of Adams' presidency. Were appointed because Adams' wanted to keep Federalism in the government.

By 1789, slavery in Massachusetts had been effectively abolished by

Judicial decision

Great Compromise breaks a stalemate at the constitutional convention, and the basic features of the Constitution emerge in...

July 1787

New York ratifies the Constitution in...

July 1788

Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence on...

July 4, 1776

the Second Continental Congress declares all loyalists traitors in...

June 1775

New Jersey plan proposes a single-house legislature and a three-man presidency in...

June 1787

Relations between the Massachusetts colonists and their Native American neighbors had been relatively peaceful throughout the seventeenth century until this devastating war.

King Philip's War

King George III

King of England during the American Revolution

King George III

King of England during the American Revolution.

Northwest ordinance

Land act of 1787 that established a three-stage process by which settled territories would become states. It also banned slavery in the northwest territory . the ordinance guaranteed that western lands with white population would not become colonial dependencies.

Marbury vs. Madison

Landmark Supreme Court case in 1803. Presided by John Marshall - said that Marbury's commission was valid and that Jefferson should have had it delivered, but the court could not make him do it. Significance was that the old Judiciary Act conflicted with the Constitution. Marshall also had silently helped to establish judicial review.

Battle of Yorktown

Last major battle of American Revolution won by the Americans with strong support from French naval and military forces. Washington's army forced the surrender of the British army commanded by General Charles Cornwallis.

Macon's Bill No. 2

Law that offered France and Britain an embargo against the other if one would lift the Orders in Council or Berlin or Milan Decrees.

Captain John Smith

Leader of the Jamestown colony, learned the Algonquian language of his Indian neighbors; however this did not prevent him from misunderstanding the meaning behind his capture and redemption by Powhatan and his daughter Pocahontas

Second Contiental Congress

Legislative body that governed the United states from May 1775 through the wars duration. It established an army, created its own money, and declared independence once all hope for a peaceful reconciliation with Britain was gone.

This was the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

Lexington and Concord

Jefferson- Abigail Adams and Martha Washington

Limiting his social calendar to all-male intimate dinners, Jefferson eliminated the formal teas instituted by

Martha Washington and Abigail Adams

Limiting his social calendar to all-male intimate dinners, Jefferson eliminated the formal teas instituted by

Second Bank of the United States

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States during its 20-year charter from February 1816 to January 1836.

Female employees of the eight textile mills in ______________, lived in company-owned boardinghouses under the supervision of housemothers.

Lowell, Massachusetts

Potomac, States

Madison Jefferson and Hamilton agreed to keep the nation's capital on the banks of the _ and to absolve all of the _ debt.

Which was the first state to give the Federalists difficulty during the ratification process? a. Delaware


judicial decision

Massachusetts abolished slavery by _ _

constitutional convention convenes in Philadelphia. Virginia plan proposes a two-house legislature and three branches of government in...

May 1787

constitutional convention

May 1787 meeting in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. going well beyond their original mandate, the delegates crafted a new basis for the government of the United States, the Constitution.

Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution in...

May 1790

Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea)

Mohawk leader who fought for the British during the Revolutionary War. pledged Indian support for the king in exchange for protection from encroaching settlers. led the Senecas and Mohawks to victory over German settlers living in the Mohawk Valley and Oneida Indians in the battle of Oriskany

Newburgh Conspiracy

Morris and several other congressmen encouraged the officers to march the army onto congress to demand its pay. No actual coup was envisioned.

Impost Tax, Bank

Morris' idea to reduce the national debt was to implement a _ tax and to fund a national _

What did President Washington do in response to the Whiskey Rebellion?

Nationalized the Pennsylvania militia


Native Americans who that lived in what is now Mexico and routinely offered their gods human sacrifices, these people were violent, yet built amazing pyramids and built a great civilization without having a wheel.

How did authorities find out about the slave Gabriel's planned rebellion? (10)

Nervous slaves told authorities

The Barbary Wars occurred off the coast of..

North Africa

North Carolina ratifies the Constitution in...

November 1789


Occurred when France and England had resumed war again. The British were wary of America, thinking they were sending help to France - they would stop American ships and inspect them - to see if the ships held British deserters, aid for France, or anyone that seemed suspicious - would seize them Resulted in the Chesapeake and Leopold incident

battle of Yorktown

October 1781 battle that sealed American victory in the Revolutionary War. American troops and a French fleet trapped the British army under the command of General Charles Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia.

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

October 1784 treaty between the United States and the Iroquois Confederacy. Americans demanded a return of prisoners of war, recognition of the confederation's authority to negotiate, and cession of a strip of land from Fort Niagara due south. Americans took hostages until the terms of the treaty were met. this act, combined with the fact that many affected tribes were not present at the negotiations, led some Indians to later disavow the treaty.

publication of "The Federalist Papers" begins in...

October 1787

Report on Manufactures

One of Hamilton's proposals for improving the American economy. It was concerned with strengthening American manufacturing to reduce dependence on British imports. It was the only one of Hamilton's plans that was not approved by Congress.

In July of 1775, the Second Continental Congress appointed George Washington to be the Commander of the Continental Army. In the same month, they sent this document to King George III.

Olive Branch Petition

Alexander Hamilton

On becoming president, John Adams retained the same three cabinet members from George Washington's administration without realizing that they were ______________ loyalists

Amerigo Vespucci

One of the first, an Italian sailor who set out in 1501 to find a sea route to Asia. Realized he didn't find Asia. America named after him.

George Mason

One of the leaders of the Antifederalists in Virginia. He had been a participant in the Philadelphia convention and was one of the three delegates who refused to sign the Constitution. Federalists won his support for the Constitution only by including a resolution that certain individual rights and republican principles were inviolate in the new government and by proposing 20 specific measures that the government would promise to consider.


One of the two dominant political groups that emerged in the 1790s. Republicans supported the revolutionaries in France and worried about monarchial Federalists at home. Prominent Republicans included Thomas Jefferson and James Madison


Opponents of ratification of the constitution. Antifederalist feared that a powerful and distant Central government would be out of touch with the needs of citizens. The also complained that the constitution failed to guarantee individual liberties In a bill of rights .


Originally the term for supporters of the ratification of the U.S Constitution in 1787-1788. In the 1790s, it became the name for one of the two dominant political groups that emerged during that decade. Federalist leaders of the 1790s supported Britain in foreign policy and commercial interests at home. Prominent Federalist- George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton


Originally the term for the supporters of the ratification of the us constitution in 1787-1788 . in the 1790s it became the name for one of the Two dominant political groups the emerged during the decade. Federalist leaders of the 1790s supported Britain I'm foreign policy and commercial interest back home . prominent federalist were George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and john Adams.

Explain the origin & significance of the Erie canal.

Origins: Need to transport things btwn Great lakes & East Coast, state of New York is willing to pay for Canal. * Erie Canal is from Buffalo to Hudson river to ocean Significance: * Huge economic success: lowered shipping costs * helps makes New York city become capital of commerce in USA * Quicken the development in the North West territory

Common Sense

Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 that laid out the case for independence. In it, Paine rejected the monarchy, advocating its replacement with republican government based on the consent of the people. The pamphlet influenced public opinion throughout the colonies.

Indian removal act 334

Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi. The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.

Judiciary Act of 1801

Passed in Adams' final month of presidency -- revised the original Judiciary Act of 1789 -- establish 16 circuit courts instead of 6, and each was headed by a new judge. Reduced Supreme Court to 5 justices. This act helped lead to the Marbury vs. Madison case

This colony was sometimes called "the best poor man's country" and was a particularly popular destination for immigrants in the first half of the eighteenth century


slave populations in 1800

Pennsylvania: 1,700 New York: 20,000 New Jersey: 12,000

Ben Franklin

Philadelphia tradesman who in 1733 began publishing Poor Richard's Almanack, which preached the likelihood of earthly rewards for tireless labor. He went on to become one of the most prominent colonial leaders of the eighteenth century.

Battle of Saratoga

Plan by British to crush rebel resistance in NY (thereby isolating New England). British got unlucky and American General Horatio Gates won first major battle. RESULT → French were convinced that American's could win war so they teamed up with America

Virginia plan

Plan drafted by James Madison, presented at the opening of Philadelphia constitutional convention. Designed as a powerful three branch government , with representation in both houses of the congress to be tied to population, this planned eclipsed the voice of small states in national government.

Political Theory

Political Theory


Political writers in the late 1770s embraced this concept as an underpinning of the new governments, it meant more than popular election and representative institutions.


The British practice of manning naval ships with "pressed" men, who were forcibly placed into service, was a common one in English history, dating back to medieval times.



What was Vice President John Adams's sole official duty? (ch9)

Presiding over the Senate

What did female preacher Jemima Wilkinson do to gain attention from newspapers? (10)

Proclaimed her body no longer male or female

reconciliation, funds

the second continental congress had two contradictory objectives: to seek _ with britain and to procure _ for the war

United States Constitution

Proponents of the competing plan agreed on a bicameral legislature. Representation in the lower house, the house of Representatives , would be apportioned by population, and representation in the upper house, the senate, would come from the states equally, with each state represented by two independently voting senators.

Bank of the United States

Proposed by Alexander Hamilton as the basis of his economic plan.

Bank of the United States 268

Proposed by Alexander Hamilton as the basis of his economic plan.

What did the United States promise to do in the never-implemented 1790 Treaty of New York?

Protect the borders of Creek boundaries

Which policy did Henry Clay include in his "American System" during his 1824 presidential campaign? (10)

Protective tariffs

Embargo Act of 1807

Purpose was to forestall war - all foreign ports were banned - meant to discourage illegal trading - Jefferson believed England needed America more than they needed England. Act was a disaster; American ended up suffering because of the Act more than England had

Who did President George Washington choose as heads for the Departments of War, Treasury, and State?

Qualified individuals

Who did President George Washington choose as heads for the Departments of War, Treasury, and State? (ch9)

Qualified individuals

Republicans 279

Rivals of the Federalists who believed in a smaller government based on state rights. Their rivalry sparked tensions with Federalists, creating a political party system.

Second Great Awakeing 341

Religious movemoent people more involved in missionary work promote socil reforms.

Which Antifederalist conviction did James Madison challenge in essay number 10 of The Federalist?

Republican government had to be small-scale.

Thomas Jefferson

Republican president of the United States from 1801 - 1809. presided over the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark's expedition of the West, and precarious relations with Britain and France. brought the presidency more in line with his own republican values by limiting the size of the federal government and displaying modest simplicity in affairs of state

Alien and Sedition Acts

Republicans strongly opposed this Act, on the grounds that the acts conflicted with the bill of rights, but did not have the votes to revoke the acts in congress. were passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 and signed into law by President Adams. These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Resolutions condemning the Alien and Sedition Acts. They were drafted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and submitted to the federal government by means of the states in 1798. The resolutions tested the idea that state legislatures could judge the constitutionality of federal laws and nullify those that were in conflict with the Bill of Rights.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Resolutions passed in 1798 that attacked the Alien and Sedition Acts as being unconstitutional

The delegates meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 were supposed to

Revise the articles of confederation

What did President Monroe and former president Jefferson worry that the crisis over the admission of Missouri might do? (10)

Revive the Federalist Party in the North

Thomas Paine

Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain. In England he published The Rights of Man. He had just came to America when he wrote Common Sense. Significance: He wrote the pamphlet Common Sense; Which was pivotal in turning the colonists interests in favor of the war.

Which was the final state to ratify the Constitution?

Rhode Island


Rivals of the Federalists who believed in a smaller government based on state rights. Their rivalry sparked tensions with Federalists, creating a political party system.

Most political writers of the 1770s and 1780s believed that republics could succeed only if they were



Rooted for liberty in France and worried about monarchical Federalist at home.

Anti federalists in Connecticut, Maryland and south Carolina tended to be


Why did Lewis and Clark and their crew appear to be peaceful to suspicious Indian tribes? (10)

Sacajawea and her child accompanied them

France allied with the new United States following this a Patriot victory at this battle.


Eighteenth-century immigrants to the American colonies were more likely to come from here than they were to come from England.

Scotland, Northern Ireland, German States, Africa

Battle of Bunker Hill

Second Battle of the war on June 16, 1775, involving a massive British attack on New England militia units on a hill facing Boston. The militiamen finally yielded the hill, but not before heavy casualties on the British.

This body provided a national government during most of the Revolutionary War.

Second Continental Congress

John Quincy Adams

Secretary of state during James Monroe's administration. in 1819, he negotiated the Adams-Onís Treaty with Spain, which gave the United States control over Florida in exchange for relinquishing U.S. claims to Texas and Cuba. also served as president from 1825 - 1829, at which time it became clear that he lacked the political skills necessary to manage the fractures in his cabinet or to advance his legislative goals

Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of the Treasury during the presidency of George Washington. starting in 1790, he embarked on an innovative and controversial plan to solidify the government's economic base. his proposals for the creation of a national bank, dealing with the national debt, and the promotion of domestic manufacturing all met with considerable opposition and contributed to the rise of partisan politics in the 1790s.

General Andrew Jackson- In 1816, General Andrew Jackson led American troops in an invasion of Florida in search of ______________ who had been harboring escaped slaves.

Seminole Indians

constitutional convention approves the U.S. Constitution and sends it to the states for ratification in...

September 1787

Treaty of Paris

September 3, 1783, treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. acknowledged America's independence, set the western boundary of the new country, guaranteed that creditors on both sides could collect debts owed them in sterling money, and promised the quick withdrawal of British troops from American soil. failed to recognize Indians in the conflict.

Virginia Plan

Set out a three-branch government composed of a two-chamber legislature, a powerful executive, and judiciary.

This war nearly doubled Britain's national debt, and the British expected American colonists to help pay for it

Seven Years War, or French and Indian War


Shawnee chief who, along with his brother Tenskwatawa (known as Prophet), built a pan-Indian confederacy in the first decade of the nineteenth century to resist further white encroachment on Indian lands. the two promoted a potent blend of spiritual regeneration and political unity that attracted thousands of followers. was killed in 1813 while fighting on the British side in the War of 1812

This rebellion in western Massachusetts helped convince many people that the Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced because the central government could not suppress it.

Shay's Rebellion

Why did the American government in the 1780s never seriously consider giving away land in the Northwest Territories?

Since they could not tax, sale of that land was expected to be their primary source of short-term revenue

Freewill Baptists

Small groups of Baptists centered in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and upstate New York. The sect was unusual in that it allowed women to preach openly, although it did not give them the formal ordination that would allow them to preach officially or perform baptisms.

What did the state of New York do after it failed to secure land from the Iroquois with an individual treaty?

Sold the land even without the treaty

The group of men who initially organized to protest the Stamp Act and were active throughout the pre-Revolutionary protests called themselves by this name.

Sons of Liberty

By 1820, every state except ______________ had recognized a limited right to divorce

South Carolina

In 1800, the land west of the Mississippi River was claimed by.


Hernan Cortes

Spanish conquistador who overthrew the Aztec empire and won Mexico for the crown of Spain.

Where did Lewis and Clark begin their expedition in the spring of 1804? (10)

St. Louis

This tax, the first internal tax imposed by the British government on the colonists, provoked so much outrage that it was repealed before it ever went into effect

Stamp Tax

property qualifications

Standards demanding that voters and officeholders be worth a set amount of money. This reflected the commonly held eighteenth century notion that property owners alone had the independence of mind to participate in government.

In the final version of the constitution, senators were to be elected by

State legislatures

Which states wanted Congress, under the proposed Articles of Confederation, to preserve western lands as a nation domain that would eventually be sold off to settlers?

States with no land claims to the west

Which states wanted Congress, under the proposed Articles of Confederation, to preserve western lands as a national domain that would eventually be sold off to settlers?

States with no land claims to the west

What was a key issue during the presidential election of 1796?

Support for either France or England


Supporters of the Constitution. The name was not very logical, since it came from the Latin root, "league," and the Federalists were opposed to the confederation concept. However, it had positive Revolutionary-era associations and forced the supporters' opponents to take on a negative sounding designation.

Tariff of Abominations 337

Tariff passed by Congress in 1828 that favored manufacturing in the North and was hated by the South

This British act, which enraged the colonists because it created a monopoly, actually lowered the price of the item it taxed

Tea Act

What did the Troy Female Seminary in New York and the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, the best-known female seminaries of their time, prepare their students to do? (10)

Teach Children

What complicated Missouri's admission to statehood? (10)

Ten thousand slaves lived in the territory

Northwest Ordinance

The 1787 land act that promised an eventual self-government for a territory with a white male population of five thousand and prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

Monroe Doctrine

The 1823 assertion that the Western Hemisphere was closed to any further colonization by European powers. In exchange, Madison pledged that the United States would not become involved in European struggles. Although he could not back his policy with action, it was an important formation of national goals.

Tariff of Abominations

The 1828 federal tariff. The tariffs were as high as 50 percent, and the bundle of conflicted duties had something for and against every economic and sectional interest. South Carolinian unhappiness with this tariff led to the nullification crisis.

Worcester v. Georgia

The 1832 Supreme Court case that recognized the Cherokee as an independent nation within a state.


The 1st permanent English settlements in North America, established in 1607 by colonists sponsored by Virginia Company

The Alien and Sedation Acts

The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills passed in 1798 by the Federalists in the 5th United States Congress. This act delayed foreigners from being able to vote, gave the government the right to force aliens (immigrants) to leave during war time or imprison them, and to be able to arrest anyone speaking out against the government. Significance: These acts was the first time that an unconstitutional law was passed.

The American Revolution

The American Revolution

Lyman Beecher

The American Temperance Society, which condemned alcohol as a social ill, was founded in 1826 by


The British practice of seizing and forcing into service sailor whom they accused of being deserters from the British navy. This became a major issue leading to the War of 1812 because many impressed sailors were native-born Americans.

Where was the main scene of military action during the Quasi-War between France and the United States?

The Caribbean

The Eighteenth Century

The Eighteenth Century

The First American Governments

The First American Governments

What was the immediate catalyst for the revolution in Saint Domingue?

The French Revolution

The XYZ Affair

The French became frustrated with us trading with the British and began to start taking our trading vessels. By March 1797, more than 300 of our vessels had been seized. We sent over three commissioners to France in hopes of settling this issue diplomatically. France refused to see them at first. Then, when they did, they sent three men called X, Y, and Z. Three French agents asked for over ten million dollars in tribute before they would begin diplomatic talks with America. They were denied. Significance: This was the cause for the Quasi-war. Adams refused to let them extort us out of our money to get back ships that they stole from us.Also, more than anything, it was important to send the message that we are not a country to be taken advantage of. At that time, they also repealed all of their treaties they had with France.

The Imperial Crisis

The Imperial Crisis

separate spheres

The Jacksonian-era concept of gender relations that held that men's proper pace was in the public world of work and politics, while women were to remain in the private world of the home.

Battle of Tippecanoe 303

The November 1811 Battle of ______________ was a complete defeat for Tenskwatawa and was heralded as a glorious victory for Americans.

The Battle of York Town

The Siege of Yorktown, Battle of Yorktown, or Surrender at Yorktown, the latter taking place on October 19, 1781, was a decisive victory by a combined force of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French Army troops. Significance: Though smaller skirmishes continued for a while after this; this was the last battle of the revolutionary war.


The Society of Friends, who were often ridiculed for their religious zeal and their pacifism

Battle of Fallen Timbers

The U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans under Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket and ended Native American hopes of keeping their land that lay north of the Ohio River

Battle of Fallen Timbers 272

The U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans under Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket and ended Native American hopes of keeping their land that lay north of the Ohio River

William Lloyd Garrison

The center of the Boston antislavery movement. Garrison supported immediate abolition, not the gradual variety that had been common in the earlier antislavery movement. His radical abolitionist views and support of women in prominent positions in the antislavery movement did not mesh with the views of most white northerners.

Choctaw tribe

The ______________ of Georgia were unusually assimilated, adopting white American styles of dress, housing, and agriculture as well as written laws.

What did the Sedition Act of 1798 do?

The act made it illegal to defame the president or Congress

Non-Intercourse Act of 1809

The act that replaced the Embargo Act. This banned trade only with Great Britain, France, and their colonial holdings and opened the way to legal, indirect trade with the belligerents. This move helped the economic standing of New England shippers and southern planters, who suffered greatly under the Embargo Act.

Great Compromise

The agreement that broke the logjam over whether population should be apportioned by population or given equally to each state, regardless of size. This agreement based the number of delegates to the House of Representatives on population and gave each state two delegates to the Senate.

Adams-Onis Treaty

The agreement that delivered Florida to the United States in 1819 in exchange for the United States repudiating any claim to Texas or Cuba. Southerners saw this as a concession, since that had seen both places as potential slave states.

Treaty of New york

The agreement that ended the Oconee War; the Creek gave up all of their land east of the Oconee River.

Treaty of New york 271

The agreement that ended the Oconee War; the Creek gave up all of their land east of the Oconee River.

three-fifths clause

The agreement that settled the issue of what constituted population for the purposes of representation, specifically whether slaves counted as property or as people.

Contiental Army

The army created by the contiental congress to oppose the British. Virginian George Washington, the commander in chief, had the task of turning local militias and untrained volunteers into a disciplined army.

Covenant of Works

The belief that a person's behavior could win God's favor and earn a person salvation

What did the Ninth and Tenth Amendments consider?

The boundary of federal authority

New Jersey Plan

The central government suggested by delegates from the smaller states of New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, and New Hampshire. This plan called for a plural presidency and a stronger national Congress in which each state would have one vote.

Whiskey Rebellion

The first tax imposed by Hamilton on a domestic product that caused a rebellion from farmers.

Missouri Compromise

The congressional legislation that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state by coupling its admission with that of Maine and declaring that the southern boundary of Missouri would become a permanent line dividing slave and free. The dispute demonstrated southerners' increasing concern about the national balance of power between slave and free states.

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the Constitution, passed through Congress in 1789 and ratified by the states in 1791. The amendments were a concession to Antifederalists and had the effect of cementing a sense of national unity.

The Articles of Confederation

The constitutional basis for nations government from 1781-1788. The articles defined the union as a loose confederation of states existing mainly to foster common defense. The articles provided for no executive and limited congresses ability to tax, leaving most of the power with the states. Significance: The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, commonly known as the Articles of Confederation, was the first governing document, or constitution, of the United States of America. The Articles set the rules for operations of the "United States" confederation. The confederation was capable of making war, negotiating diplomatic agreements, and resolving issues regarding the western territories; it could print money and borrow inside and outside the US.

corrupt bargain

The deal in which John Quincy Adams supposedly gave Henry Clay the secretary of state position in exchange for Clay's support in the House of Representatives in the runoff presidential election. While there probably was not a formal bargain, Clay's appointment looked bad, and Jackson's supporters were able to get political mileage out of it.

Why was the 1803 Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison a landmark case? (10)

The decision established the concept of judicial review

Battle of Fallen Timbers

The decisive action that defeated the confederated Indians in Ohio was the Battle of

Declaration of Independence

The document recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the Colonies from Great Britain. Significance:The Declaration of Independence justified the right to revolt against a government, that no longer guaranteed the man's natural and inalienable rights. It helped the Americans to seek and they got increased foreign assistance. It paved the path for France's all-out military, monetary and material intervention on the American side against Britain. The Declaration served as an external source of inspiration to the suffering, aggrieved and oppressed French men against the King Louis XVI, who caused the French Revolution in 1789.

The Battle of Bunker Hill

The first major battle of the revolution. It was fought on Breed's Hill, and was reinforced by William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and John Burgoyne. It was a succession of three battles and the British won due to the fact the colonists ran out of ammo. Significance: The Battle of Bunker Hill (more accurately Breed's Hill) constituted the first major battle of the American Revolution.This moral victory united the Americans in their opposition to the British. Also Colonists throughout America realized that the conflict was no longer restricted to Boston and or Massachusetts, and Bunker Hill became a rallying cry of the patriots in every contest of the war. Together with Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill also demonstrated that American militia was capable of standing up to the best that the British could offer.

Whiskey Rebellion

The event that exploded in western Pennsylvania in 1791 after Hamilton convinced Congress to pass legislation funding the national debt by mans of a 25 percent excise tax on whiskey. Western farmers had an abundance of wheat and rye, which they had often converted into whiskey; they found themselves paying high taxes in cash at the distillery, a severe economic hardship for many of them, and they resented funding a national debt that benefited wealthy speculators.

Haitian Revolution

The first and only independent black state to arise out of a successful slave revolution.

Articles of Confederation

The first formal United States government. These defined the union as a loose confederation of states and gave the national government little ability to interfere with state decisions and actions. The national government had rotating personnel, no executive branch, no power of taxation, and the requirement of unanimity for any major change.

constitution, Bill of Rights

the second continental congress recommended that all of the states draw up a _and a _ _ _

Why did the 1795 Treaty of Greenville cause widespread misery among Indians?

The government often paid its annual allowance in liquor

market revolution

The greatly increased pace of economic activity and large-scale distribution of goods that transformed the United States starting in 1815. Contributing factors included changes in transportation, the proliferation of factories, and innovations in banking, law, and tariff policies.


The idea that all powerful God, before the creation of the world, decided which few human souls would receive eternal life

Covenant of Grace

The idea that individuals could be saved only by God choosing them to be members of the elect


The idea that states have the power to overturn federal laws when those laws represented an overstepping of congressional powers. The controversial idea was first proposed by South Carolina politicians in 1828 as a response to the Tariff of Abominations. The implied threat was that states could secede if they deemed a federal law unreasonable.


The idea that the government needs to rest on the consent of the governed and work in the interest of the public at large. To some people in the 1700s, it invoked a way of thinking about leaders as autonomous, virtuous, public-minded citizens who placed civic values above private interests.

Disqualifying Act

The legislation passed by Massachusetts in the wake of Shays' rebellion. The measure made it illegal for rebels to vote, hold public office, work as schoolmasters, or operate taverns. The idea was that these prohibitions would make it impossible for the rebels to express their political opinions or work in fields in which they could influence others.

Charles Grandison Finney

The leading exemplar of the Second Great Awakening. Finney was a lawyer turned preacher who crafted his message for a middle-class audience, describing God and Satan as representatives of political parties and potential converts as a jury evaluating the arguments of a trial lawyer. He promised a reign of Christian perfection that depended on Christian benevolence on the part of believers to improve society.

John Dickinson

The moderate congressman from Pennsylvania who drafted the Articles of Confederation. His original outline gave a great deal of power to the federal government, but it was amended heavily before it was accepted by the states.

Treaty of Ghent

The most concrete result of the ______________ that ended the War of 1812 was an agreement to determine the exact boundary between the United States and Canada.

Continental army

The official army of the colonies, created by second continental congress and led by George Washington

Whig Party

The name adopted by former National Republicans, widely used in the 1836 election. This party favored national action to promote commercial development.


The name given by other colonists to German immigrants to the middle colonies, an English corruption of the German term Deutsch. Germans made up the largest contingent of migrants from continental Europe to the middle colonies in the 18th century


The one aspect of family law that changed in the early Republic. Prior to the Revolution, only New England jurisdictions recognized the legality of divorce; by 1820, every state except for South Carolina had divorce procedures.

Northwest Territory

The national domain north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River.

Gradual Emancipation

The new law in 1780 that stated infants born to a slave mother on or after March 1 1780 would be freed at age 28.

What did the 1817 Rush-Bagot treaty accomplish? (10)

The new treaty formalized the terms set forth in the Treaty of Ghent


The number of delegates required to conduct legislative business. The confederation congress required two delegates from at least seven states to fulfill its day-to-day activities but often could not meet the minimum of fourteen.

Continental army

The official army of the American colonies in rebellion, created by second Continental Congress and led by George Washington.


The opponents of the Constitution. They feared that the new national government would become corrupt or tyrannical and objected to the Constitution's lack of a bill of rights. Antifederalists tended to be from rural and backcountry areas, with a strong suspicion of the motives of eastern elites and were strong in states like New York, which had a strong economy and could afford to remain independent.

Treaty of Paris

The peace agreement that officially ended the revolutionary war and established Britain's formal recognition of the US. It said that creditors on both sides shall be able to collect the debts owed to them and that the British soldiers will remove themselves from American soil as quickly as possible. Significance: It officially ended the American Revolution, and Great Britain recognized American independence.

President Monroe formulated what later became known as the Monroe Doctrine in response to (10)

The possibility that Spain would try regain lost colonies in South America

gradual emancipation

The process of slowly freeing slave populations by allowing future generations to be freed and then only after they hit a specific age. States like Pennsylvania and New York, which had sizable slave populations, phased out the practice this way. The method was seen as balancing the civil rights of blacks and the property rights of their owners by delaying the promise of freedom.

What was Alexander Hamilton's unsuccessful Report on Manufactures designed to encourage?

The production of American-made goods

What was the significance of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?

The resolutions established the idea of nullification

Democratic Party

The shortened name of the Democratic Republicans, Andre Jackson's party, which promised to be responsive to the will of the majority.

midnight judges

The sixteen judges with lifetime tenure Adams appointed under the Judiciary Act of 1801 during the last few weeks of his presidency. His intention was to maintain a stronghold of Federalist influence in the new Republican government.

Chief Powhatan

The supreme chief of about fourteen thousand Algonquian Indians who inhabited the coastal plain of present -day Virginia near the Chesapeake Bay. Without the help of Powhatan, the Jamestown colony would not have survived

Hartford Convention

The technical reason for the Convention was to propose Constitutional amendments and to arrange for the military defense of the New England states. Delegates arrived from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Trail of tears 336

The tragic journey of the Cherokee people from their home land to Indian territory between 1838 and 1839, thousands of Cherokees died.

Twelfth Amendment- Until the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804, the vice president was

the second highest vote-getter in the electoral college

Trail of Tears

The twelve-hundred-mile forced journey to Oklahoma that the Georgia Cherokee undertook in 1838 after President Jackson refused to enforce the Supreme Court's decision in Worcester v. Georgia and thus allowed Georgia to take over Cherokee lands. Nearly a quarter of the migrants died en route.

national domain

The western lands up to the Mississippi River. At the time the Articles of Confederation were being debated, some states, including Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, claimed the land as part of their original colonial charters. Small states with firmly set boundaries refused to ratify the Articles of Confederation until the land was turned over to the federal government.


The western third of the large Caribbean island of ______________ became engulfed in revolution starting in 1791

Articles of confederation

The written document defining the structure of government from 1781 to 1788 under which the union was a confederation of equal states, with no executive and limited powers, existing mainly to foster a common defense.

What did the majority of the fifty-five men who assembled at Philadelphia in 1787 have in common?

They were troubled by the limited confederation government

What did the majority of the fifty-five men who assembled at Philadelphia in 1787 have in common?

They were troubled by the limited confederation government.

Alien and Sedition Acts

These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act, which increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years;

Alien and Sedition Acts 281

These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act, which increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years;

executive departments

These departments were set up by the Continental Congress to handle purely administrative governmental functions.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

These documents written by James Madison (Virginia) and Thomas Jefferson (Kentucky) supported the idea of having more self government and more rights for states. They opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts which extended the powers of the federal national.

What happened to the relationship between the Comanche Indians and the United States after the 1807 Natchitoches meeting? (10)

They became trading partners

Why did Georgians ratify the constitution so quickly?

They desired the protection of a strong national government

Why did Georgians ratify the Constitution so quickly?

They desired the protection of a strong national government.

Why did many state leaders like the lack of centralized authority in the confederation government in the late 1770s?

They felt it would prevent the potential tyranny of government.

When state legislatures codified their laws in light of republican principles, how did they address women's status? (10)

They generally made no changes

How did Mississippi, Indiana, and Illinois address voting rights in their state constitutions when they entered the Union? (10)

They granted voting rights to all taxpayers

What weakened the bargaining position of the Indians who negotiated the Treaty of Greenville in 1795?

They lost the battle of Fallen Timbers

What happened to Quaker women who felt compelled to preach? (10)

They were accorded the status of ministers

The Anti-Federalists

They were another political group that opposed the Constitution and centralized authority. They wanted the power to be with the states. They were afraid the Constitution would limit their freedoms. Significance: They were important because they were the beginning of one of the two views of American government.

What happened to bills for the general emancipation of slaves in the Upper South states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia?

They were defeated.

What happened to bills for the general emancipation of slaves in the Upper South states of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia?

They were defeated.

Why did seven Massachusetts freemen to refuse to pay taxes for three years following the American Revolution?

They were protesting their inability to vote.

Judiciary Act of 1801

This act helped lead to the Marbury vs. Madison case, A law that increased the number of federal judges, allowing President John Adams to fill most of the new posts with Federalists

Marbury v. Madison 293

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

The Federalist Papers

This collection of essays anonymously explained the importance of a strong central government. It was published to convince New York to ratify the Constitution. Significance: The Federalist Papers are important because they convinced the State of New York (and by extension, other states) to ratify the Constitution by explaining the benefits of belonging to the Union. They remain important today as a guide to understanding the founders' intent for each Article of the Constitution.


This colony was founded by a sect of Puritans who espoused a heresy known as separatism

Rodger Williams

This critic of Puritan leadership in Mass. helped found the colon of Rhode Island and was known for advocating a strict separation of the church from civil influence

Declaration of Independence

This document written by a committee of the Second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) formally established the break from Great Britain.

Ordinance of 1785

the _ _ _ said that land would be divided into three-five states and the sale of the land would happen via public auction, with a minimum price of a $ an acre

The Northwest Ordinance

This ordinance established guidelines for attaining statehood, whereby territories with at least 60,000 people could apply for statehood; if accepted by Congress, the new state would have equal status with other states. Moreover, this ordinance banned slavery north of the Ohio River, thereby guaranteeing future free states in the Midwest. Significance: It established the precedent by which the United States would expand westward across North America by the admission of new states, rather than by the expansion of existing states. The banning of slavery in the territory had the effect of establishing the Ohio River as the boundary between free and slave territory in the region between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.

Jay Treaty

This said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley

Treaty Of Greenville

This treaty between the Americans and the Native Americans. In exchange for some goods, the Indians gave the United States territory in Ohio. Anthony Wayne was the American representative.

Treaty Of Greenville273

This treaty between the Americans and the Native Americans. In exchange for some goods, the Indians gave the United States territory in Ohio. Anthony Wayne was the American representative.

Treaty of Ghent

This treaty ended the War of 1812. Since neither side decisively had won, it reflected a mutual agreement to give up certain goals. The Americans yielded on impressment and Canada, while the British evacuated western forts and ended their Indian alliances. The most concrete result was an agreement to set up a commission to determine the exact boundary between the United States and Canada.

French & Indian War

This war was a clash of British, French and American Indian cultures in North America and Europe. It ended with the removal of French power from North America in 1763. The stage was set for the American Revolution.

Fort Necessity

This war was a clash of British, French and American Indian cultures. It ended with the removal of French power from North America. The stage was set for the American Revolution.

Barbary Wars 294

This war was about issue was the Barbary pirates' demand of tribute from American merchant vessels in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Second Continental Congress

This was a collection of delegates from each of the colonies who met in Philadelphia shortly after the start of the revolutionary war. This was the governing body that lead the colonists through the war. Significance: During the time that they were in session, they managed to form an army, create their own national currency, and declare war. They were the government that declared our independence from Britain. They took up many functions of a legitimate government during this war.

The Olive Branch Petition

This was a petition passed by second continental congress pledging its loyalty to the crown and asking for a peaceful end to the conflict. The petition is rejected though and the colonists were declared traitors. Significance: The Olive Branch Petition was important because the king's rejection gave Adams and his followers the opportunity they needed for rebellion. The rejection of the Olive Branch petition polarized the issue with the colonists. It suggested that they submit unconditionally or seek complete independence by war.

The Treaty of Greenville

This was a treaty between the US and various Indian tribes. We gave them goods valued at 25,000 and promised additional annual shipments of goods. In exchange, the ceded most of the Ohio vale to the Americans. It brought only temporary peace to the valley Significance: The reason for this treaty was not just to gain more land for our growing population but to make the Indians dependent upon us. That way we can take advantage over them more often and have leverage against them so they'll stop assaulting the Americans in the West.

Ordinance of 1784

the _ _ _ specified that new states would have representative governments, not become colonies, and would not allow slavery

Mayflower Compact

This was designed to provide order and legitimacy for Plymouth colony

Battle of Camden

This was the 1780 battle during the American Revolution in which the British forces, led by Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis soundly defeated the Continental armed forces led by General Horatio Gates. Worst defeat to Continental Army during entire war.

Report on Manufactures

the _ _ _ was Hamilton's plan to promote manufacturing in the new economy

This man was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson

Washington's cabinet: Secretary of state

Thomas Jefferson

Who won the presidential election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson

Why was the presidential election of 1800 thrown into the House of Representatives? (10)

Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr got an equal number of votes

"Revolution of 1800"

Thomas Jefferson's reference to his election. Considered revolutionary due to the turmoil that has occurred in Adams' presidency. Election was decided in the House of Representatives.

Common Sense

Thomas Paine's _ _ was a common and compelling case for independence.

How did Spain earn a modest profit from its territory along the Mississippi River? (10)

Through taxes on trade

James Madison

To appease many Americans, ______________ proposed a list of amendments to the Constitution, including guarantees of freedom of speech, press, and religion; the right to petition and assemble; and the right to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures.

Why did New England Federalists call the Hartford Convention in 1814? (10)

To discuss measures to curb the South's power

Thomas Jefferson

To lead the Department of State, President Washington chose ______________, who was serving as minister to France.

Why did Congress pass the Non-Intercourse Act in 1809? (10)

To open up trade routes to reduce economic hardship at home

Haitian Revolution

Toussaint l'Ouverture led this uprising, which in 1790 resulted in the successful overthrow of French colonial rule on this Caribbean island.

Haitian Revolution 278

Toussaint l'Ouverture led this uprising, which in 1790 resulted in the successful overthrow of French colonial rule on this Caribbean island.

Quaker Women

Traditionally, ______________ women who felt a spiritual call officially were allowed to lead and speak in religious meetings.

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Treaty ending the American Revolution in which British recognized American independence. It also established borders, granted fishing rights and requested withdraw of British troops.

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Treaty signed in which British recognized American independence. Borders established. British troops withdraw.

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Treaty signed in which British recognized American independence. Borders established. British troops withdraw. Revolutionary War debts owed by Americans to British merchants. British prohibited from evacuating slaves.

Paul and John Cuffe

Two free black brothers from Massachusetts who refused to pay state taxes on the grounds that they were not allowed to vote and were being taxed without their consent. They went to jail for tax evasion, but their petition eventually spurred the state legislature to extend suffrage to tax-paying free black men.

John Jay

United States diplomat and jurist who negotiated peace treaties with Britain and served as the first chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1745-1829)

John Jay 263

United States diplomat and jurist who negotiated peace treaties with Britain and served as the first chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1745-1829)

Missouri Compromise

United States federal statute devised by Henry Clay. It regulated slavery in the country's western territories by prohibiting the practice in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36°30′ north, except within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri.

Aaron Burr 291

United States politician who served as Vice President under Jefferson

Andrew Jackson

United States president from 1829 to 1837 whose tough, unrefined frontier image helped define the age. his presidency coincided with the democratization of American politics. he presided over the removal of Indians from most of the eastern states and the destruction of the second Bank of the United States. known as "Old Hickory"

Alexander Hamilton

United States statesman and leader of the Federalists

Alexander Hamilton 262

United States statesman and leader of the Federalists

Shays rebellion

Uprising (1786-1787) led by farmers centered in western Massachusetts . dissidents protested taxation policies of the eastern elites who controlled the states governments. This rebellion caused leaders throughout the country to worry about the confederations ability to handle civil disorder.

John C. Calhoun

Vice President ______________ resigned from office in order to better represent his constituents in the U.S. Senate

John C. Calhoum

Vice President during part of the Jackson presidency and led the protest against the Tariff of 1828. Argued that each state had the right to nullify (cancel) a federal law in the Nullification Crisis.


Virginia adopts the first state bill of rights in...

Which right was omitted in the Bill of Rights?


War of 1812

War between the United States and Great Britain. after years of attacks on American vessels abroad, the War Hawks pushed for the United States to declare war on Britain to end impressment of Americans, legitimize attacks on Indians in the West, and pursue expansionist impulses. in June 1812, Congress declared war on Great Britain. the War Hawks proposed an invasion of Canada and expected quick success; instead, the conflict dragged on for two and a half years. the Treaty of Ghent ended the war in late 1814, although the final battle in New Orleans occurred in early 1815: Americans yielded on impressment and relinquished any claims to Canada, and the British stopped giving aid to Indians

John Jay

Washington named _ _ as the chief justice of the supreme court

Henry Knox

Washington named _ _ as the secretary of War

Edmund Randolph

Washington named _ _ as the secretary of attorney general

Thomas Jefferson

Washington named _ _ as the secretary of state

Alexander Hamilton

Washington named _ _ as the secretary of the treasury

The Great Awakening

Wave of revivals that began in Massachusetts and spread through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s. The movement emphasized vital religious faith and personal choice. It was characterized by large, open-air meetings at which emotional sermons were given by itinerant preachers

War Hawks

Western War Hawks, most notably the new Speaker of the House, Henry Clay of Kentucky, called for war against England and eyed Canada as a possible target of expansion. The Southern War Hawks, led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, cast longing glances at Texas and Florida.

Panic of 1837

When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.

John Winthrop

While aboard the Arbella, this man gave one of the most famous sermons in history during which he discussed the idea of a city upon a hill

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Written anonymously by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, they declared that states could nullify federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional.

This 1794 rebellion might be thought of as a replay of Shay's Rebellion with some federal muscle added.

Whiskey Rebellion

George Washington was elected president in February 1789

With unanimous support.

Poor Richard's Almanack

Written by Benjamin Franklin and widely read throughout the colonies. Gave practical advice with colonial wit.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Written by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, they declared that states could nullify federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional.

This was the last major battle of the American Revolution



Young Republicans elected to Congress in 1810 who wanted to declare war against Britain

War Hawks

Young Republicans elected to the national Congress in the fall of 1810. They were eager for war to legitimize attacks on Indians, end British impressment, and avenge foreign insults. They pushed for the 1812 declaration of war against Great Britain.

William Henry Harrison

_ _ _ was the backstabbing governor of ilndiana who took advantage of tecumsah's absence to strike a deal with native americans to get land

Henry Clay, John Calhoun

_ _ and _ _ were called the War Hawks, and who tried to get the US to declare war.

New Orleans, Washington DC

_ _ and _ _ were the two cities to be attacked due to the british offensive

Thomas Jefferson

_ _ and his committee drafted the Declaration of Independence

Andrew Jackson

_ _ fought against Creek Indians who had alligned themselves with the british and tecumseh

New York

_ _ quietly sold of land that was negotiated via the treaty of fort stanwix

Shays's Rebellion

_ _ was brought up so that the revolutionary war debt would be paid in Massachusetts with hard taxes

John Jay

_ _ was sent to negotiate commercial relations between Britain and America, procure reimbursement for southern slaveowners, and secure compensation for seized cargos.

Gabriel's rebellion

_ _ was spurred by the haitian revolution and was one of the first slave rebellions

Abigail Adams

_ _ was the main beneficiary for

Benedict Arnold

_ _ was the war hero who needed up a traitor at the end of the revolutionary war

dolley madison

_ _ was the wife of president madison


_ was the main objector to the financial plans established by Hamilton

Andrew Jackson

______________ was the most popular candidate with voters in the 1824 presidential election

fourth, half

a _ to a _ of the people were not allowed to vote in states due to minimum property requirements

Haitian Revolution

a complex conflict lasting from 1791 to 1804 and involving many participants, including the diverse population of Haiti and, eventually, three European countries. as a result of the revolution, Haiti became an independent country, and slavery was outlawed within its borders. fueled fears among white southerners that their own slaves might rise to ignite a bloody race war.

tecumseh 302

a famous chief of the Shawnee who tried to unite Indian tribes against the increasing white settlement (1768-1813)

Panic of 1837

a financial crisis in the United States that touched off a major recession that lasted until the mid-1840s. Profits, prices, and wages went down while unemployment went up. Pessimism abounded during the time.


a leader in the Spanish conquest of America and especially of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century

Second Bank of the United States

a national bank overseen by the federal government. Congress had established the bank in 1816, giving it a 20 year charter. The purpose of the bank was to regulate state banks, which had grown rapidly since the First Bank of the US went out of existence in 1811. Went out of existence during Jackson's presidency.


a plant native to the New World, a labor intensive crop and a valuable commodity in the 17th century in Europe. It became the primary cash crop of the Virginia colony & helped England find its own way of making overseas colonies profitable

Bill of Rights

a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)

Bill of Rights 264

a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)

Thomas Jefferson's presidency was marked by a tone of republican simplicity (10)

a tone of republican simplicity

Thomas Jefferson

advised President Washington that it was unconstitutional to create a national bank

To approve or amend the Articles of Confederation required the consent of

all thirteen state delegations and state legislatures.

Glorious Revolution

also called the Revolution of 1688, was the overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau (William of Orange).

New Jersey Plan

alternative plan presented at the constitutional convention, retained the confederation principle that the national government was an assembly of states, maintained the existing single-house congress of the Articles of Confederation in which each state had one vote, and created a plural presidency to be shared by three men elected by congress from its membership. this proposal gave the new congress sweeping powers, including right to tax, regulate trade, and use force on unruly state governments.

Monroe doctrine 314

an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers

missouri compromise 312

an agreement in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States concerning the extension of slavery into new territories

Lewis and clark expedition 297

an expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the northwestern territories of the United States


any acts related to helping britain were considered _, and people were harshly punished for such actions

John Quincy Adams

appointed his opponents to his cabinet


as jefferson feared the purchase of land by _ in the missippi area, he sent Livingston to purchase new orleans

Virginia, New York

at first _ and _ _ were the first two big holdouts to the constiution

Edmund Randolph- For attorney general, President George Washington picked Edmund Randolph, a Virginian who had

been an Antifederalist.

Sir Walter Raleigh

brought tobacco to England

fifth, two fifth

by 1776, a _ of the nation was openly loyal to the british and _-_ of the nation was neutral

In the Treaty of Fort Wayne (1809), Indiana's territorial governor, William Henry Harrison, obtained three million acres of Indian land (10)

by circumventing the indian leader Tecumseh

three, one

by offering financial incentives, the continental army got soldiers to be enlisted for _ years rather than _ year

Alexander Hamilon- The effect of Alexander Hamilton's "plan for the public debt" was to

call for the federal government to assume state debts, consolidate federal power over the states, and add $25 million to the federal debt.

Erie Canal

canal finished in 1825. covered 350 miles between Albany and Buffalo, linking the port of New York City with the entire Great Lakes region. aided by this canal New York City quickly became the premier commercial city in the United States. canal was a powerful example of the economic impact of the transportation revolution.

The British government expressed its displeasure with President George Washington's interpretation of neutrality by

capturing merchant ships near the West Indies

The 1824 election was the first presidential contest in which candidates' popularity with ordinary voters could be measured because in all but six of the twenty-four states, voters (10)

chose the members of the electoral college

three-fifths clause

clause in the constitution that stipulated that all free persons plus "three-fifths of all other persons" would constitute the numerical base for the apportionment of representatives. the clause was a compromise designed to resolve the issue of how slaves would be counted for purposes of representation and taxation. the clause tacitly acknowledged the existence of slavery in the United States.

According to Thomas Jefferson, the federal government should not (10)

collect taxes based on population


colonists who remained loyal to Britain during the Revolutionary War. around 1/5 of the American population remained loyal to the crown in 1776. remained loyal for many reasons and could be found in every region of the country.

George Washington

commander in chief of the Continental army. gained considerable military experience during the French and Indian War.

This is one power the central government under the Articles of Confederation did have.

conduct war, negotiate for peace, conduct foreign relations, regulate interstate commerce, decide disputes between states, run a postal service

total embargo

congress passed a _ _ against britain after the Chesapeake-Scorpion incident

From 1775 until 1781, the Second Continental Congress existed without any

constitutional basis.

Maria Stewart

controversy because she was a young black woman who presumed to lecture publicly

The defeat of the Indians at Tippecanoe in 1811 (10)

convinced Americans they had achieved a glorious victory

Because the Articles of Confederation had intentionally refrained from establishing an executive branch, the congress

created executive departments.

John Marshall

created the precedent of judicial review; ruled on many early decisions that gave the federal government more power, especially the supreme court

Between ¼ and ½ of all adult white men in the decade after the American Revolution could not vote for this reason.

did not own enough property

When American colonists talked about an "internal" tax, this is what they meant.

direct tax on consumers

By the mid-1820s, the total annual enrollment at the female academies and seminaries in the United States

equaled enrollment at male colleges

During the Revolutionary War, British generals made a policy of sheltering this group of people.

escaped slaves


even though the continental army was undermanned and inexperienced the british still _ their will and enthusiasm

Whiskey Rebellion

farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders.

The colonies in the Deep South generally tolerated all Protestants and sometimes Jews, but they refused to tolerate Catholics for this reason.

fear of Spanish in Florida

Most political writers of the 1770s and 1780s believed that republics could succeed only if they were

focused on private interest.

Jackson votes charter renewal of Bank of the United States in...

for 1832

John Jay's 1794 treaty with England

forced the British to pay for captured ships

Trail of Tears

forced westward journey of Cherokees from their homes in Georgia. after the Cherokees resisted Georgia's efforts to remove them for almost a decade, federal troops in 1838 forced them to leave after a small, unauthorized faction of the tribe signed away all of the Cherokee lands. nearly a quarter of the Cherokees died during the 1,200-mile trip; the survivors joined other Indian groups forcibly relocated to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma

Catharine Beecher

founded the Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, a private women's institution known for its rigorous curriculum

Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut

four states: _, _, _ _ and _ _ adopted gradual emancipation laws to free slaves

Antifederalists were convinced that, under the Constitution, elected representatives would always be

from the upper class.

Alexander Hamilton's Report on Public Credit recommended

funding debt at full value.

Under the Articles of Confederation, to derive revenue to finance the war each state was to contribute to the common treasury

funds in proportion to the property value of the state's land.

Alexander Hamilton exercised a great deal of influence in John Adams's administration because he

had influence over all three of Adams's cabinet members.

The two Alien Acts passed by Congress in 1798 were intended to

harass French immigrants who were already in the United States

William Loyd Garrison 345

important abolitionist leader who founded abolitionist newspaper, the Liberator; cofounded the New England Antislavery Society

Neutrality Proclamation

in concordance to the claims that he made in his inaugural address, Washington issued the _ _ in response to staying out of French and British wars

alexander hamilton

in the election of 1800 _ _ endorsed jefferson

This is one of the reasons Alexander Hamilton wanted the federal government to assume state debts during Washington's administration.

increase the power of the federal government or re-establish international credit

republican motherhood

it elevated women as keepers of the national conscience because they were entrusted with the moral education of the young

republican motherhood 264

it elevated women as keepers of the national conscience because they were entrusted with the moral education of the young

John Jay negotiated a treaty with England that was unpopular because

it made no provision for reimbursement for captured ships or lost slaves. it granted the British eighteen months to withdraw from their western forts. it called for the repayment of debts Americans owed to the British

French Revolution- Many Americans reacted positively to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 because

it overthrew monarchy and privilege in the name of republicanism

Many American colonists considered the Tea Act the product of despotism for this reason

it required colonists to purchase tea at set prices from a single source


jeff reduced the _ of the federal government


jefferson disdained _ gatherings in washington dc

simplicity, limited government

jefferson stressed republican _ and _ _


jefferson supported the _, similar to many others. he just had a different interpretation of it

aaron burr

jefferson was pinned against _ _ in the election of 1800

By 1789, slavery in Massachusetts had been effectively abolished by

judicial decision

British soldiers initially fared badly in the Seven Years War in America for this reason

lack of financial investment, refusal to take Indian allies seriously, refusal to listen to American advice etc.)

Northwest Ordinance

land act of 1787 that set forth the process by which settled territories would become states. the law stipulated that as the population of a territory increased, it would move step-by-step closer to full statehood. also banned slavery in the Northwest Territory. intended to guarantee that the United States would not become a colonial power over western lands.

Eighteenth-century American colonists generally considered this to be the fundamental basis of liberty

land or property

Alexander Hamilton

modeled his plan for the Bank of the United States on the Bank of England


most constitutions _ slaves from the Bill Of Rights


most indian tribes took the side of the _ monarchy


most of the delegates at the second continental congress were unsure whether to declare _ or not


most state constitutions established _ legislatures


most state constitutions made the _ that women could not vote

Olive Branch Petition

the _ _ _ was sent by congressional moderates who affirmed loyalty to the monarchy but asked for the legitimacy of american state assemblies

second Bank of the United States

national bank chartered in 1816. the rechartering of the bank was a major issue in Andrew Jackson's reelection campaign in 1832. efforts by Daniel Webster and Henry Clay to use Jackson's opposition to the bank against him backfired, helping Jackson win the election and put an end to the bank.

Little Turtle

native american leader who led native american confederacy against americans in the battle of fallen timbers

Little Turtle 272

native american leader who led native american confederacy against americans in the battle of fallen timbers

sacajawea 297

native american woman who served as a guide an interpreter for the lewis and clark expedition

This is one of the reasons population grew so quickly in the eighteenth-century colonie

natural increase or immigration

This is the general reason most colonies tolerated dissenting religions in the eighteenth century.

needed colonists, or convenience


new _ under the new constitutions had severely limited powers

Under the legal doctrine of feme covert, wives had (10)

no independent legal identity

By the 1770s, many American colonists were claiming that only their colonial legislatures had the power to levy taxes on them for this reason

no representation in Parliament, taxation in the absence of consent was tyranny, etc.

Approximately how many slaves were freed by Pennsylvania's gradual emancipation act on the day it went into effect in 1780.


Slavery was illegal in this colony throughout the colonial period.


Gender relations among black men and women in slavery were (10)

not affected by the legal institutions that applied to whites

Treaty of Greenville- The 1795 Treaty of Greenville caused widespread misery among Indians because the American government

often paid its annual allowance in liquor


one of the motivations to pass the Declaration of Independence was to procure the support of _


one of the two dominant political groups that emerged in the 1790s. leaders supported Britain in foreign policy and commercial interests at home. included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams


one of the two dominant political groups that emerged in the 1790s. supported the revolutionaries in France. included Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

American colonists considered standing armies to be hallmarks of tyranny for this reason.

only a tyrant would need to rely on an army in his own lands, a good ruler could rely on armed land owners


opponents of ratification of the constitution, feared that the Constitution would create a potentially tyrannical government, out of touch with the needs of the citizens of individual states and localities. one widespread rejection to the Constitution was its omission of any guarantees of individual liberties in a bill of rights like those contained in many state constitutions

Ladies Association

organization formed in 1780 by women from prominent Philadelphia families to collect money for Continental soldiers. It is an example of women's increasing engagement in political life during the Revolution.

ladies association

organization formed in 1780 by women from prominent Philadelphia families to collect money for Continental soldiers. It is an example of women's increasing engagement in political life during the Revolution.

American Temperance Society

organization founded in 1826 by Lyman Beecher that warned that drinking led to poverty, idleness, crime, and family violence. adopting the methods of evangelical ministers, temperance lecturers traveled the country expounding the damage of drink. the temperance movement had considerable success, contributing to a sharp drop in American alcohol consumption

In 1689, residents of the northern colonies reacted to England's Glorious Revolution by doing this

overthrowing the Dominion of New England

"Common Sense"

pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 that laid out the case for independence. in it, Pain rejected monarchy, advocating its replacement with republican government based on the consent of the people. sold more than 150,000 copies in a matter of weeks and influenced public opinion throughout the colonies.


patriot _ dominated the public sphere in the patriot political communities


people who formed the new government

Federlist 279

people who formed the new government

In many states, divorce could be obtained only by 10)

petitioning the states legislature

Virginia Plan

plan presented at the constitutional convention by James Madison that set out a three-branch government composed of a two-chamber legislature, a powerful executive, and a judiciary. representation in both houses of the congress would be tied to the population, all but eliminating the voice of small states in national government


political party that evolved out of the Democratic Republicans between 1834 and 1836. they were strongest in the South and West. closely associated with Andrew Jackson, they embraced Jackson's vision of limited government, expanded political participation for white men, and the promotion of an ethic of individualism.


political party that evolved out of the National Republicans between 1834 and 1836. their power base was in the Northeast. they supported federal action to promote commercial development and generally looked favorably on the reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening.

Until the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804, the vice president was

the runner-up in the electoral college

When Abigail Adams wrote that "All men would be tyrants if they could," she was drawing on this commonly held political idea.

power is corrupting, or power always seeks to enlarge itself

Johne Adams- Vice President John Adams's job was to

preside over the Senate.

Tea Act

principal overt objective was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.

Alexander Hamilton intended for the Bank of the United States to be a

private bank that worked primarily for the public good

Alexander Hamilton intended for the Bank of America to be a

private bank that worked primarily for the public good.

female academies

private schools that began providing an advanced education to teenage girls in the late 1700s. a dozen or so female academies were formed in the 1790s, and by 1830 there were almost 200 such schools. the girls at these academies were primarily daughters of elite families and received instruction in ornamental arts (drawing, needlework, music, dancing) as well as in academic subjects such as English grammar, literature, history, geography, and the natural sciences

James Madison and other national leaders objected to Alexander Hamilton's financial plan because it would

profit speculators and lead to high taxation.

There was widespread agreement in the 1770s that the only legitimate participants in government were the

propertied classes.

Throughout the 1790s, the proponents of 'republican motherhood' legitimized women's right to

receive an education

American colonists generally agreed that Great Britain had the right to tax them as long as it was for this reason.

regulation of trade

This was one of the British concessions in the Treaty of Paris (1783) other than the recognition of US independence.

returning runaway slaves, relocated Canadian border, remove troops

The delegates meeting in Philadelphia in 1787 were supposed to

revise the Articles of Confederation.

Antifederalists in Connecticut, Maryland, and South Carolina tended to be


By 1790, approximately 10,000 freed Virginia slaves had formed local free black communities, complete with a. schools.


The Battle of Lexington and Concord was sparked by Thomas Gage's attempt to do this.

seize arms and ammunition at Concord

Jay Treaty- France responded to the Jay Treaty by

seizing American ships carrying British goods

The Sedition Act

set punishments for anyone convicted of falsely criticizing the government


shawnee chief _ attempted to create a confederacy to renew the indian resistance

embargo act

signed by thomas jefferson in 1807 - stop export of all american goods and american ships from sailing for foreign ports

American colonists referred to being deprived of their independent political will by this term.


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 forbade this practice in the Northwest Territories.


three fifth

slaves in the new constitution were considered _-_ of a person


state legislators were slow to select _, a reason supporting the inefficiency of the state government

In the final version of the Constitution, senators were to be elected by

state legislatures.

By the time of the election of 1796, a party contest emerged around the issue of

support for either France or England


supporters of ratification of the Constitution. believed that a stronger national government was vital to the country's survival. included John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington

George Bush- When President George Washington picked heads for the departments of war, treasury, and state, he chose

talented and experienced individuals.

Alexander Hamilton- To meet the interest payments on his proposed $77 million national debt, Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to

tax distilled whiskey.

This was one of the demands those involved in Shay's Rebellion made to the Massachusetts government.

tax relief, eliminating the upper house of the legislature, moving the state capital to the center of the state

To meet the interest payments on the $77 million national debt, Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to

tax some distilled spirits.

louisiana purchase 296

territory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million

Virginia's Gov. Dunmore attempted to end rebellious behavior in Virginia in 1775 by proclaiming this.

that all slaves who belonged to rebels and joined the British army were free


the Articles of Confederation allowed for a _ confederation of sovereign states

Battle of New Orleans

the British threw everything they had at New Orleans, intending to seize control of the Mississippi River. Andrew Jackson mounted a seemingly miraculous defense with a force made up of state militia, pirates, free blacks and a few regular army soldiers. He killed the British general in charge and won


the French fleet helped the defeat of the Patriots at _

Robert Morris

the Philadelphian _ _ was appointed as the director of finance to reduce the debt

American Temperance Society

the Promotion of Temperance was a society established on February 13, 1826 in Boston, MA. Within five years there were 2,220 local chapters in the U.S. with 170,000 members who had taken a pledge to abstain from drinking distilled beverages. warned that drinking led to poverty.


the Second Continental Congress begins to meet in...

comanche 298

the Shoshonean language spoken by the Comanche people

Marbury Vs Madison

the Supreme Court announced for the first time the principle that a court may declare an act of Congress void if it is inconsistent with the Constitution. William Marbury had been appointed a justice of the peace for the District of Columbia in the final hours of the Adams administration. When James Madison, Thomas Jefferson's secretary of state, refused to deliver Marbury's commission, Marbury, joined by three other similarly situated appointees, petitioned for a writ of mandamus compelling delivery of the commissions.


the War Hawks were also most notably _

Indian, Shipping

the War of 1812 was due to british incursions in _ relations and increased restrictions of american _


the Whiskey Rebellion in _ dissolved as soon as George Washington and Hamilton nationalized the Pennsylvania militia.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

the _ _ _ _ called for no colonial powers, no slavery, and respectful treatments of the indians

Treaty of Fort Wayne

the _ _ _ _, passed by WH Harrison and other indian chiefs to gain land in ohio

house of representatives

the _ _ _ decided the election of 1800

New Jersey Plan

the _ _ _ gave sweeping powers to a congress where each state had one vote

Virginia Plan

the _ _ _ linked representation to population and eliminated the voices of the smaller states

Fort Stanwix

the defeat at fort _ prevented the british from being able to advance to new england

Democracy, Republicanism

the delegates in philadelphia for the contitution made a distinction between _ and _


the doctrine that when Congress ovsrstepped iys powers, states had the right to nullify Congress's acts. South Carolina advanced this doctrine in 1828 in response to passage of the Tariff of Abominations. a show of force by Andrew Jackson, combined with revision of the objectionable tariff, prompted South Carolina to withdraw its nullification

peaceful, power

the election of 1800 showed that there could be a _ transfer of _


the election of _ was handpicked along party lines, the first of its kind

Lewis, Clark

the expedition of _ and _ was to explore the land that had just been aquired.

Hatian Revolution

the first and only successful revolution led by slaves, begins in full In 1789, it is rooted in theFrench Revolution.

Articles of Confederation

the original constitution of the USA, ratified in 1781. replaced by the US constitution in 1789.

certificates of debt, money

the payment for land in the Ordinance of 1785 could be paid with _ _ _ or _


the presence of Sacajawea made the Lewis and Clark expedition seem _


the presence of _ troops strengthened the control of the Indians in the uninhabited lands of Ohio


the process of _ was practiced by the british navy due to inspections of american cargo

Alexander Hamilton's unsuccessful Report on Manufactures was designed to encourage

the production of American-made goods.

This is why Thomas Jefferson objected to Alexander Hamilton's plan for a national bank.

thought it was unconstitutional

Quasi-War-Republicans feared that Federalists wanted to build up the army during the Quasi-War to

threaten domestic dissenters.

Alexander Hamilton- When Alexander Hamilton realized that the revenue yield from his newly enacted whiskey excise tax was far less than anticipated, he

tightened up prosecution of tax evaders.


unfree labour that was used during the Spanish colonization of the Americas. The Spanish monarch rewarded individual Spaniards for services rendered, by giving them control of the labour of a particular number of Native Americans.

Second Great Awakening

unprecedented revival of evangelical religion in the 1820s and 1830s. the revival attracted men and women who, in the face of the changes wrought by the market revolution, sought new and immediate sources of spiritual solace. it was also a major force behind the reform movements of the era, inspiring efforts to combat drinking, sexual sin, and slavery.

Woman- According to writers in the 1790s, American women contributed to the nation's political liberty by

upholding public virtue


use of wild animals that does not involve removing individuals from populations

This is one factor which helped the Patriots win the Revolutionary War.


This is one reason the colonists were reluctant to rebel from Great Britain.

various - fear of hierarchy breaking down, slave revolt, losing British military protection etc.

John C. Calhoun

vice president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. a leading advocate of South Carolina's statement of nullification. when Jackson ignored his views on the subject, he resigned and became a senator to better serve the interests of his state.


vitories in _ were the impetuses to continue the war. the americans gained the upper hand

Bill of rights- One important omission in the Bill of Rights was the failure to include the right to


Food prices in Europe rose sharply after 1793, when France and Britain entered two decades of



was a colonial forced labor system imposed upon the indigenous population of Spanish America and the Philippines.

XYZ affair

was a political and diplomatic episode in 1797 and 1798, early in the administration of John Adams, involving a confrontation between the United States and Republican France that led to an undeclared war called the Quasi-War.

Judith Sargent Murray 265

well educated daughter of wealthy massachusetts merchant. Wrote "On Equality of the Sexes". She argued men and woman had an equal capacity for memory and women had a superior imagination. She concluded that most women were inferior to men in judgement and reasoning, but only bc they had not been trained.

Grimke sisters

were 19th-century American Quakers, educators and writers who were early advocates of abolitionism and women's rights.

Erie Canal

was built between 1817 and 1825 to connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Great Lakes - specifically it connected the Hudson River to Lake Erie, which feeds into the Atlantic Ocean. When it was built, it was known as the Eighth Wonder of the World.

New York Female Moral Reform Society

was established in 1834 under the female leadership of Lydia A. Finney, wife of revivalist Charles Grandison Finney. The NYFMRS was created for the fundamental purpose of preventing prostitution in early 19th century New York.

Treaty of Greenville

was signed on August 3, 1795, at Fort Greenville, now Greenville, Ohio; it followed negotiations after the Native American loss at the Battle of Fallen Timbers a year earlier. It ended the Northwest Indian War in the Ohio Country and limited strategic parcels of land to the north and west.

Oberlin College

was the only American college in the 1830s to admit female students

The social network that brought politicians together and facilitated communication for hiring and promotion during the Madison administration included (10)

weekly parties hosted by Dolley Madison at the presidential residence.

Judith Sargent Murray

well educated daughter of wealthy massachusetts merchant. Wrote "On Equality of the Sexes". She argued men and woman had an equal capacity for memory and women had a superior imagination. She concluded that most women were inferior to men in judgement and reasoning, but only bc they had not been trained.

the delegates of the constitutional convention...

were all white men; none were artisans, day laborers, or farmers of middling wealth; 2/3 were lawyers; majority had served in the confederation congress; 1/2 were officers in the Continental army; 7 had been governors of their states


when France entered the war, the British began their _ war strategy


when Washington left the presidency he renounced _ politics

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Path to Statehood (Phase 2)

when the free male population of voting age and landowning status (50 acres) reaches 5,000; the territory elects its own legislature and sends a nonvoting delegate to the congress

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and the Path to Statehood (Phase 3)

when the population of voting citizens reaches 60,000; the territory writes a state constitution and applies for full admission to the Union

Abigail Adams

wife of John Adams, Massachusetts delegate to the Second Continental Congress, and advocate for the improvement of women's legal status. in a series of astute letters to her husband, she outlined obstacles to independence and gave advice. she particularly urged John Adams to help end husbands' legal dominion over wives.

Dolly Madison

wife of President James Madison and center of Washington's social scene during his presidency, she was called by some the "presidentress". her social gatherings were important political events at which the Washington elite would gather to gain politcal access, trade information, and establish informal channels that would smooth the governing process.

In 1692, residents of Massachusetts accused roughly 185 of their neighbors of committing this capital crime.


legitimate, legal basis

within two months the second continental congress became the _ government of the colonies, without any anchoring _ _

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