The Amistad Case (1839-1840)

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What about the civil case?

- To determine if Africans were property or people Van Buren didn't know how to proceed, he didn't want conflict with Spain (also 1840 was a reelection year - wanted to keep up his support in the South) -This trial was held in 1840 in New Haven

Who was the defense for Supreme court?

---John Quincy Adams - Fought against gag rule in regards to slavery --Speeches were very long -- Adams had to knock down an allusion to similar case (1825 Antelope case) -- act of piracy /mix up of Portuguese slave ship -- appealed to resentment of shipment of slaves off after civil case and ended on emotional appeal Other attorney: Roger Sherman Baldwin (based decision oh his argument)

How did the slave trade effect the countries views on slavery?

-In the constitution, 1808 was set to be able to have Congress make the Trans-Atlantic slave trade illegal -- it still happened but FAR less. --Abolitionists became very prominent in Britain -In 1820 - a treaty to stop international slave trade to Cuba was made - In 1830's/40's - British naval patrols began in Atlantic

What happened when they landed?

-Long Island sent out a revenue cutter to rescue Spaniards -- towed them into New London, CT. -Andrew Judson investigated originally -----Churches/abolitionists took interest == Lewis and Arthur Tappen == Roger Sherman Baldwin (Africans attorney) == Josiah Gibbs (professor at Yale who found an interpreter for the Africans - James Covey)

Why were people slaves in African societies?

-People who committed a crime -Those who were in debt -Prisoners of war (from other African tribes)

History of slavery:

-This case focuses on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade (from 1500-1850 over 10 million humans were trafficked) --They were enslaved by other Africans and sent over to other countries - usually sold for guns. However slavery has existed all over the world (originally began in Rome)

What actually happened on the boat?

7/2/1839 --- A slave named Cinque freed himself with a stray nail and freed all the others. They armed themselves with muskets, attacked crew (killed captain and cook) and captured the sailors and owners and had them direct the ship. - They sailed July 2 - August 27 and Landed in Northern Long Island. (2 deaths happened on board)

The defense:

Cimque testified (ish) through the interpreter James Covey Gibbs - Testified they had no Spanish recollection meaning they were clearly African Richard Madden - testified that age of slaves were the ones he had seen being held, the language retention, their fate if returned to Cuba, and claimed the Queen was very involved. -2 witnesses claimed they overhead the men refer them as Africans

What were the conditions of the slave ships?

Horrible. 1/4 died aboard. -36% came to Brazil, 17% to Cuba, 17% to Haiti, 17% to British colony islands, 7% to U.S.

What was the issue in the civil case

It was a violation of International Comity to not believe documentation was legitimate or not

How was the criminal case presented?

No juries, went before Judge Smith Thompson even though there was no jurisdiction. -The Van Buren administration wanted them to be federally marshalled on the Grampus back to Spain but instead they were held for few months to determine if they were free or slaves.

What was the decision?

Ruled in favor of free Africans --There was fundraising in 1842- they were returned to Sierra Leone --Cimque buried in Mission Are and one of the children returned to U.S. Later, southerners wanted compensation for 2 Spaniards which brought about significance of case and really addressed slavery/abolitionism

What was Judson's ruling?

Said they were clearly Africans and said the U.S. should send them back. There was also an appeal -- Smith Thompson - upheld the lower court ruling. It also went to the appeals court who were partial to slavery.

Who was on the boat?

Voyage of the Tecara - contained people of the Mende tribe (forged papers to make them apper as legal slaves from before the treaty) -53 of theses slaves were sold to Peoro Ruiz and Jorge Mantes (49 adults, 4 children) booked passage on the "La Principe" on the Amistad.

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