The Attributes of God

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Definition for Omnipresent:

Everywhere present; existing in all places and at all times; transcendent as well as immanent.

References for Holy:

Exodus 15:11 Job 34:10 Psalm 30:4 Psalm 99:9 Psalm 145:17 Isaiah 6:3-5 Isaiah 57:15 Jeremiah 12:1 Habakkuk 1:13 Luke 1:49 1 Peter 1:15-16 Revelation 15:4

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

A crooked line cannot run parallel to a straight one. The straight line reveals the twists and distortions the crooked one. People in general are committed to going their own way rather than God's.

God's Knowledge includes

All nature (Ps. 147:4) All history (Ac. 15:18) All human actions (Ps. 139:2-4) All thoughts and intents of the heart (Hb. 4:12) All future events (foreknowledge) (Is. 48:5-8)

Definition of Omnipotent:

All-powerful, almighty; unlimited authority, force, energy and strength; infinite ability to act.


An intrinsic characteristic or quality that identifies a person or object

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

Because God is immutable, His counsel, or will, regarding evil never changes. The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked every day. The will not change. He is inescapable.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

Because He lives, we can also (Jn. 14:19). Because He is totally self-sufficient, we can depend on Him for every need.

Description for loving:

Christianity is the only religion in the world that accepts a Supreme Being whose nature is love—a seeker of benefit for those He has created. The gods of the heathen are capricious, angry, needful of appease- mentor are distant and uncaring.

Reference for Sovereignty:

Deuteronomy 4:39 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 Job 12:9-10 Psalm 24:1 Psalm 50:10 Proverbs 16:9 Isaiah 14:24, 27 Isaiah 46:10 Daniel 6:26 John 10:29 Ephesians 1:11, 22 Revelation 19:6

Reference for Unity in Trinity?

Deuteronomy 6:4 Isaiah 44:6-8 Isaiah 45:5 1 Timothy 2:5 1 Corinthians 8:4 Genesis 1:1-2, 26 Isaiah 6:8 Matthew 28:19 2 Corinthians 13:14

References for Self-Existent:

Exodus 3:13-14 John 5:26 Genesis 1:1a Romans 1:19-20 Revelation 4:11 Isaiah 40:21-22, 25-26, 28

Description of Eternal:

God is the beginning and end of all things, the Alpha and Omega, from everlasting to everlasting; He transcends time—thus is infinite in existence. Mankind is always between the past and the future. For example, by the time we can think about something, it has become past. In contrast, God lives in an eternal present procession without past or future.

Definition of Holy:

God is infinitely above and beyond His creation. God is perfect and complete. God is sinless. There is nothing morally impure, defiling, evil, or wrong in God's nature.

References for Good:

Act 14:17

Reference for Just:

Psalm 145:17


Something directly contributing to something's very nature

Longsuffering, patience, forbearance

— the extension of time so that we may come to our senses and return to God.

What encouragement does this give to believers?

---The relationship of the three Persons of the Trinity establishes an immediate reflection of the nature of God and His motivation to create mankind for relationship. --A relationship is defined as two or more people in communication. Thus, God becomes the "Logos"—the Word that communicates with us and allows us to communicate with Him. --The unity represented in the Godhead establishes a pattern for the relationship God wants among believers. Jesus prayed, "Let them be one even as We are One." --The doctrine expands our thinking about the nature, plan and actions of God. We stand in awe at the unity of its teaching throughout Scripture.

Scriptures "God is able" statements

-Hebrews 7:25 - God is able (GIA) to save all those who draw near to Him. -2 Timothy 1:12 - GIA to keep that which we've committed to Him. -2 Corinthians 9:8 - GIA to provide us with abundant blessings. -1 Corinthians 10:13; Hebrews 2:18 - GIA to help us through temptations. -Ephesians 3:20 - GIA to change us to be conformed to His image, and to eventually change us into Heavenly beings (sanctification). - Jude 24-25 - GIA to keep us from falling (failing) in our spiritual life.

Implications for this truth are as follows:

-No person can physically see Him. -People can sense His existence and experience the effects of His Being (Jn. 3:6-8, comparison to wind). -God can manifest Himself in bodily form, thus we have the appearances of "Angle of the Lord" in the Old Testament. -Because God is Spirit, we are cautioned against trying to shape idols or other graven images to His likeness. -Mankind is bound by human flesh, yet God can only be truly known through the spirit; we must go beyond the natural senses if we are to know Him. -Even without a body, God has personality. For example, He has intelligence, mind, will, reason, emotion, individuality, self- awareness, and self-determination.

Because God is Omniscient, He is:

-Revelation of prophecy is absolutely sure. -Judgment on evil is absolutely faire, based on all the facts. -Promises for the future are absolutely trustworthy. -Knowledge is beyond human comprehension. The Wisdom of God is related to His omniscience. Because He knows all things, He acts with total understanding of how to accomplish his will. (OTHER SLIDES TO STUDY)

Description of Holy:

1. Set apart 2. Whole 3. Pure/Righteous Study slides for examples

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

Extreme criticism of Biblical authority occurred during this time. Known as modernism, the promise of science and freedom from religious repression led to the belief that mankind could educate the world to peace, health, and wealth. However, the promise was futile. As people have drifted further from Biblical principles, the twentieth century proved to be the most war torn and corrupt of all history. God is not a man with all his failings and insecurities. He, as a Spirit, embraces every aspect of our life. He is limitless and unbound. God desires only hat we worship Him in Spirit and Truth (Jn. 4:24).

What encouragement give does this attribute give to believers?

First, God is true. Therefore, He is totally reliable and dependable. This relates to His faithfulness. Second, His Word is true and tells us exactly what He wants. Third, Christ Himself is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In all His ways God is open and honest in His dealings with us. Therefore, we can have great confidence in what he says and does.

References for Omnipotent:

Genesis 18:14 Job 42:2 Psalm 107:25-29 Jeremiah 32:17 Luke 1:37 Matthew 19:26 Acts 17:24-28 Ephesians 1:18-21 Ephesians 3:20

Reference of Eternal:

Genesis 21:33 Psalm 90:1-2 Psalm 102:12, 24-27 Habakkuk 1:12 Ephesians 3:21 Revelation 1:8 Revelation 22:13

Definition for loving:

God did not withhold even His own Son, but sacrificed Him as a means of restoring us to fellowship with Him. This word of action included terms such as grace, mercy, patience, and kindness.

Description of Immutable:

God does not change; He is forever the same. Therefore, sovereignty, power, mercy, etc. are everlasting and also unchanging.

Description for Self-Existent:

God exists in Himself; He is independent, unlike mankind. He is dependent on nothing and no one; nothing exists before or above Him; therefore, He is the First Cause of all things. The Bible does not present proofs for God, but simply states the fact of His existence. However, the Bible is God's revelation of Himself. One of the ancient names God uses for Himself is I AM THAT I AM. He is simply the Supreme Being who has life in Himself and gives life to His created being. The attribute is foundational to many others.

Description for Sovereignty:

God has absolute authority and rule over all creation. Because He is all-powerful (omnipotent), all-knowing (omniscient) and completely self-existent (dependent on nothing and free to act within His nature), God maintains complete and ultimate control. This doctrine brings cohesion to all the other attributes of God. He alone has the authority and wisdom to rule the lives of nations and individuals.

Description of Omnipotent:

God has all (omni) power (potency); He can do anything the He wants; He has the power to perform His Will. Through His power He spoke the world into existence (Gen. 1-2). Not only does He have creative power, He has sustaining power, and thus maintains His creation (Col. 1:16-17).

Definition for True:

God has veracity, truth, reality, acts according to facts, total honesty, sincerity. God cannot lie; it is in opposition to His nature.

Description for Omniscient:

God is all (omni) knowing (science = knowledge); He knows everything past, present, and future. He not only knows all actualities, He knows all potential outcomes. Nothing can be hidden from Him.

Description for Omnipresent:

God is all (omni) present, or everywhere present. God is in every place at all times and has full knowledge of all things. He is transcendent as well as immanent. Because He is Spirit, His presence surrounds us. At the same time, God the Father is especially manifested on earth as the express image of God; He is currently manifested in Heaven awaiting His second coming to earth, and God's Sprit is now manifested in the lives of believers.

Description for Spirit:

God is without body (an incorporeal being); He is an eternal, all-powerful, all-present, all-knowing life-essence/force whose existence and nature are beyond human comprehension. Yet, the Bible uses expressions to help us understand Him, such as His eyes, ears, arms, etc. (anthropomorphism), even though He has no body.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

God knows the evil within one's heart. Therefore, people resist coming into the light which brings exposure of that evil.

Definition for Just:

God must act in Judgment and retribution against all that opposes His nature of righteousness (holiness).

Definition for Good:

God works to benefit His creation. He is benevolent and bountiful. He both cares and provides for our needs.


God's goodness and love cause Him to treat us, not as we deserve based on our sins, but with gentleness and tenderness that is characteristic of a nursing mother or loving father.

Why would people in general resit a God with this attribute?

God's moral nature led to the giving of His Law, which defines how mankind is to live.Mankind is in rebellion to authority over his life; therefore, his own unrighteousness pits him against a God who is righteous in all His ways. Knowing that God has a standard of righteousness leads us to understand that we are accountable to the God who made us, and we will be held in judgment for violation of His laws. Thus, God's righteousness implies His justice.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

God's nearness brings great comfort to believers—He is the God who knows our needs and walks through the valleys of life with us. His presence also provides protection. There is never a time that we are outside His care.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

God's omniscience provides assurance that God loves us in spite of our sins. It also provides security in that He knows the direction of each person's life and that nothing can happen that takes God by surprise.

Definition for Omniscient:

Having all knowledge; knowing both the actual as well as all possibilities; infinite in perception, awareness, understanding, wisdom.

Definition for Self-Existent:

Having life within Himself; Being; Infinite, eternal procession of God's essence, nature and personality; the meaning of I AM WHO I AM; self-sustaining, dependent on no one and nothing; autonomous, independent, free

Reference for True:

Hebrews 6:17 Hebrews 10:23.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

His eternal natural contrasts to our experience that the world is characterized by decay, destruction and death. Therefore, our ultimate destiny without Him is exposes. He is infinite; we are finite. He is superior; we are inferior. Those who reject God now will face an eventual eternal rejection from Him. People naturally try to avoid the consequences of their actions, but God promises a "payday" or repayment for their actions.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

His power provides great emotional security because He is the foundational strength of our existence. We know that what He says, He will do. He is completely reliable and trustworthy.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

If God were like mankind, He would not be reliable. Therefore, we would not be able to have trust or faith in Him. Because He is unchangeable, we can totally depend on what he says and does. That provides a deep sense of security.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

In their natural resistance to authority, mankind rebels against a God who accomplishes exactly what He says and to whom they owe obedience.

Definition for Immutable:

Incapable of change; everlasting the same.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

It is great to know that everything is under control even though our lives can be in such a mess. God's faithfulness (His sovereign nature expressed to us day by day) provides the foundation on which our faith in Him begins to grow. It also provides optimism toward life as we trust that all things work together eventually for our good and His glory. Therefore, we can have confidence in facing difficult circumstances and have great hope about our future.

What encouragement does this attribute give believers?

James teaches that every good gift comes down from the Father. Believers recognize the source of all good things and relish in His grace extended to us.

Loving References:

John 3:16 John 16:27

Reference for Spirit:

John 4:24 Acts 7:48 Acts 17:25 1 Kings 8:27 Luke 24:39 Colossians 1:15 1 Timothy 1:17 John 1:18

Why would people in general resit a God with this attribute?

Monotheism, the belief in One God, characterizes three major religions on earth—all related to Biblical history. They are Judaism, Islam (the Muslim religion founded by Muhammad) and Christianity. It is unique among religious beliefs in the world, which generally envision a hierarchy of various supernatural beings.

Description of Unity in Trinity?

Monotheism, the belief in One God, characterizes three major religions on earth—all related to Biblical history. They are Judaism, Islam (the Muslim religion founded by Muhammad) and Christianity. It is unique among religious beliefs in the world, which generally envision a hierarchy of various supernatural beings. (There is more)

What are the two types of attributes?

Natural and Moral

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

No one can escape Him; therefore, we cannot escape responsibility to Him. John 3:18 speaks of man loving darkness because their deeds are evil. While their thoughts and actions can be hidden from man, this is not so with God, who sees all and perfectly judges all.

Why would people is general resist a God with this attribute?

Our world today confuses the definition of love. People seek self-pleasures and satisfaction in all kinds of perverse ways. They hunger for love, acceptance and care, but they look for love in all the wrong places. Their sins have separated them from God. To experience His love they must repent and turn in faith to Him—something they are generally unwilling to do.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

Prior to the age of reason, mankind almost universally recognized God and His absolute authority. History was written by religious men, and science was dominated by people desiring to explore and understand God's creation. With the Age of Reason, mankind's knowledge and reason became the ultimate authority. If mankind could not observe and replicate something in science, then it could not be possible, thereby denying the supernatural realm.

References for Immutable:

Psalm 102:27 Malachi 3:6 James 1:17

References for Omniscient:

Psalm 139:1-6 Proverbs 5:21 Proverbs 15:3 Job 11:7-8 Isaiah 40:28 Isaiah 46:9-10 Job 37:16 Psalm 147:5 1 John 3:20 Romans 11:33 Matthew 10:29-30 Acts 15:18

References for Omnipresent:

Psalm 139:7-12 Hebrews 4:12-13 Jeremiah 23:23-24

Description for True:

Related to other attributes such as omniscience, immutability, righteousness and holiness, this characteristic tells us that God has veracity, truth, reality, according to facts, total honesty, and sincerity. God cannot lie; it is in opposition to His nature. In contrast, Satan is the father of lies. This means that God is free from all distortions, contortions, spins, falsehoods, perversions, misrepresentations, trickery, etc.

Natural Attributes

Self-existent Immutable Eternal Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient Sovereign Spirit

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

Sin has separated us from God. Left to our own devices we would be hopelessly lost and doomed to eternal separation from God. The good news is that God is (and has been) at work in the world to reconcile us to Himself. In His eternal plan, Christ died for our sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. In receiving Him as Savior, we inherit His righteousness and therefore are not dependent on our own, which the Bible says is like filthy rags.

Definition for Sovereignty:

Supreme authority and power to rule all aspects of nature and life; sustained control and direction of the creation; having ability to accomplish God's divine Will.


Tender compassion for our helplessness which causes God to act for our benefit.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

The Pharisees responded to the Roman governor, "We will not have this man (Jesus) rule over us." This has been true throughout human history as mankind rebelled against God and His rightful rule over their lives. Instead, they want to be "free" to "do their own thing."

Moral Attributes

Unity in Trinity Holy Good Loving True Just


Unmerited favor or benefit from God shown in His loving action for our benefit.

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

The greatest and most profound truth in al/the world is "Jesus loves me, this I know." Knowing that we are accepted and loved by God provides a deep sense of emotional security which, in turn, frees us to love others just as He loves us.

The omnipresence of God speaks of His immensity (transcendence, greatness, hugeness, unbounded size and presence) and His immanence (closeness, nearness).

The omnipresence of God speaks of His immensity (transcendence, greatness, hugeness, unbounded size and presence) and His immanence (closeness, nearness).

Description for Just:

The perfection of God demands resistance to every violation of His holiness. To do less would lessen, even violate, His holiness. Therefore, He must act in judgment and retribution against all that opposes His innate nature. Toleration is a popular word in our culture; but with God, there is no toleration of evil (see Revelation 21:8 and 27).

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

The permanence of God guarantees the fulfillment of His plan, purpose, and promises. After death, believers will enter eternal life with God.

Definition of of Unity in Trinity?

There is one God, supreme creator and ruler of the universe, who manifests Himself in three persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Natural Attribute

These are characteristics that are attributed to God that are unattainable to us

Moral Attribute

These are characteristics that are attributed, that He would like to perfect in us

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

They perhaps don't resist the concept of goodness as much as they desire to misuse it. Much like a magical rabbit's foot, they want to command the extension of personal benefits.They are not thankful for the general blessings of God that come to the just and unjust, and they personally resent any requirements in which they do not see immediate benefit. Yet, the Bible teaches that the goodness of God leads to repentance. In God's own good plan, He continues to draw people to Himself

What encouragement does this attribute give to believers?

This is the attribute people most resist since they do not want to be accountable to a higher authority.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

This is the attribute people most resist since they do not want to be accountable to a higher authority.

Definition for Eternal:

Timeless, everlasting, without beginning or end, infinite in time, endless duration.

Why would people in general resist a God with this attribute?

To accept a God who exists in Himself makes us accountable for our own existence. Mankind loves darkness rather than light (Jn. 3:20); therefore, they will not come to Him.

Definition for Spirit:

Without body, incorporeal; a supernatural being or essence; unbounded by human flesh; quality that gives life and vitality.

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