The British Acts 1651 -1783

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1770 - Boston Massacre

1767 The Boston Massacre occurred between the Patriots & British Soldiers on the date of March 5, 1770. Many Colonists were killed which led to the campaign of speech writers to rouse the ire of the of the citizenry.

1773 - Tea Act

Just like many of the other acts the Tea Act was passed by Parliament and placed on the colonies on the date of March 10, 1773. When the act was created the colonists were surprised when they realized that it did not put a new tax on tea because the reason for the development of the Tea Act was not to increase revenue. The reason to develop the Tea Act was to assist and support the East India Company by allowing them to sell tea in the colonies. One of the hopes that was wanted from this law was to eliminate the merchant middleman in order to lower the price of tea.

1773 - Boston Tea Party

On the date of Monday Morning of November 29,1773, a handbill where the words, "Friends! Brethren! Countrymen!-- That worst of plagues, the detested tea, shipped for this port by the East India Company, is now arrived in the harbor," and this handbill was placed all over Boston. The Tea Acts angered the American colonists so many of them had pretended to be the Mohawk Indians and discarded £9,000 of the tea belonging to the East India Company into the Boston Harbour. The Boston Tea Party is also known as ''The destruction of Tea in Boston'' by John Adams. It remembered and known as a protest for politics in Boston.

Currency Act of 1764

The Currency Act is name of several Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain that regulated paper money issued by the colonies of British America. The Acts sought to protect British merchants and creditors from being paid in depreciated colonial currency.

1766 - Declaratory Act

The Declaratory Act was made in 1766 and it gave the authorities the power to tax whomever they wanted for whatever reason.

1774 - First Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress met on the date of September 1774 in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia due to the resistance of the mounting taxation and the Coercive Acts. In order to organize the opposition of the Intolerable/Coercive Acts and 56 delegates all together from every colony met except for the delegates in Georgia. Some of the very important people in history that attended the meeting were George Washington, Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Patrick Henry. They declare their opposition about the Coercive Acts to not be obeyed on September 17, 1774. The Congress met since September 5, 1774 until October 26, 1774.

French and Indian War : 1754 - 1763

The French and Indian War fought between the colonies of the British america and new France, with both sides supported by military units from their own countries of great Britain and France as well as native american allies. The war fought primarily along the frontiers between new France and the Britain colonies from Virginia in the south to Scotia in the north. French North American colonies had a population of 60,000 settlers compared with 2 million in the British North American.

Molasses Acts : 1733

The Molasses Acts was the first decisions of the British Parliament to organize smuggling in New England colonies. The Molasses Act enacted by the British Parliament on the 13 colonies of America. The purpose of protecting the sugar plantations. This Act was to crack down colonial trade with countries other than Britain especially France. British argued that their colonies of the West Indies produced enough quantity to supply its colonies. British producers wanted to protect their market and Parliament was lobbied for a tax on foreign molasses.

Navigation Acts : 1651

The Navigation Acts were passed by the English parliament in October of 1651.These acts was designed to control government trade between England and their colonies. The English wanted to closely supervise England's imports and exports. England prohibited there colonies from trading directly with Netherlands, Spain, France and their colonies. This act limited England colonies to trade with other countries. The Navigation act mainly understood to be aimed primarily at the dutch. The Act increased tension between the Commonwealth and the United provinces.

1765 - Quartering Act Congress

The Quartering Act was passed without the colonists agreement with the act on June 2, 1765. This act forced the colonists to shelter or barrack and give supplies to support British Troops.

Sugar Act of 1764

The Sugar Act was passed by Parliament to pay for the war. Debt brought on by the French and Indian War and to help pay for the expenses of running the colonies and newly acquired territories. The act increased the duties on imported sugar and other items such as textiles, coffees, wines, and indigo.

1767 - Townshend Revenue Act

The Townshend Acts were created the year 1767 and they placed duties on lead, glass,paper, tea, and paints, just the basic item the the colonists in the colonies could not produce themselves so they had to buy them. Many of the colonists saw the act the act as an abuse of power.

Albany Congress : 1754

The purpose of the Albany Congress was to try to secure support and cooperation Iroquois in fighting the French.

1774 - Intolerable or Coercive Acts

There are five smaller acts or parts to the Intolerable/Coercive Acts of 1774 which are The Boston Port Act, The Massachusetts Government Act, The Administration of Justice Act, The Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act. The Boston Port Act closed the port of Boston until the East India Company paid for the lost tea during the time of the Boston Tea Party. This act created a hardship for all of the people or residents in Boston no matter who it was rather than making the ones who committed the action suffer. The Massachusetts Government Act modified the charter of Massachusetts in 1691 and took away many of it's rights of self government. Massachusetts was extremely proud of it's independence. The Administration of Justice Act said that if a British Official was accused of committing, they might have been taken for trial in England. Witnesses that experienced the crime would have to attend the trial and would be given a compensation for attending.The Quartering Act of 1774 was very much alike to the Quartering Act of 1765 because both acts wanted to shelter soldiers but the only difference is that this act gave the authority to the governor rather than to the assembly. The last act is the Quebec Act which was established on June 22, 1774 and passed reforms to the catholic French that were favorable to them in order to increase the amount of loyalty in the face of growing resistance in the New England Colonies along with expanding the boundaries of the Province of Quebec.

Proclamation Act of 1763

This act was issued in October 7, 1763 by King George lll following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America after the end of the French and Indian War or Seven Year War, which prohibit all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains.

Stamp Act of 1763

This act was put upon the American colonies by the British government,or Parliament, on March 22,1765. This act forced people people who bought pamphlets or newspapers to tax taxes for it. The money from the taxes was used to support the colonies military defenses. Colonists held boycott which helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the British Crown.

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