The Civil War & Reconstruction study guide

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Ostend Manifesto

A declaration (1854) issued from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain, stating that the U.S. would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain did not sell it to the U.S.

Fugitive Slave Act

A law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders

Reason for Lee's surrender?

Lee surrendered after numerous losses against the Union - his soldiers were weakened, demoralized and homesick. At this point, the options for Lee included surrendering, or dying. To give the best outcome to his soldiers, Lee surrendered.

Argument/reasons given in favor of continuing the practice of slavery

Moral Argument: Slavery was noted in the bible, and one of the heroes from the Old Testament had slaves. Proponents of this argument would argue that slavery in this sense was God's will, and even good for the Africans who were thought to be "uncivilized". Economic Argument: The South's economy relied so heavily on slave labor, that if slavery were to cease the Southern economy would collapse. Some argued that the freeing of millions of slaves would create an unemployment problem. The Aristocracy of the South argued that slavery was not only critical for their own affluence but also for anyone who enjoyed the benefits of slavery.

Senator Charles Sumner

Senator from Massachusetts and was attacked by Preston Brooks with a cane over the issue of slavery after the events of Bleeding Kansas.

Reconstruction Plans: Radical Republicans

Southern states would be ruled by the military until all new laws were accepted Each state would call a convention to write a new Constitution The Fed govt would guarantee African Americans full rights as citizens Fed govt would ensure African Americans were able to vote Former confederate officials and army officers would be barred from voting or holding political office

Lincoln's Inauguration

Southerners felt defeated after Lincoln, a clear abolitionist, had won the presidency. Rather than submit to his 'rule', Southern states decided to form their own country, the Confederate States of America. By the time Lincoln was inaugurated, seven states ad already seceded or left the United States. This formation of a separate United States was not recognized by Lincoln, as he believed it was his job as president to preserve the Union. Confederate State troops began to seize any federal property in their new country. In 1861, Southern troops bombed Fort Sumter, and the US was officially in a Civil War.

Plans for Reconstruction: Lincoln

Ten-Percent plan: Southern state could be readmitted into Union once 10 percent of its voters swore an Oath of Allegiance Pardon All Confederates Protect Private Property Swift readmitting into Union

Why was it a turning point in the war? (Battle of Gettysburg)

This would be the last time any momentum toward a Confederate victory seemed possible. Prior to this battle, the Confederacy experienced huge victories and was able to invade the North twice. Gettysburg was the final attempt to beat Union troops in their own territory.

Significance of Battle of Fort Wagner

Though the South won this war, the Battle at Fort Wagner was significant as proved that African-American soldiers were just as brave and capable as white soldiers - and that became a symbolic victory for the Northern cause.

Battle at Fort Wagner

Union troops had been shooting at the structure all day but had done no significant damage to the Southern defense - when Shaw's infantry arrived at Fort Wagner they led the 54th regiment on a direct assault and managed to break through the Confederate line. The South claimed victory at the end of the day.

What did the Reconstruction Amendments grant/protect?

13th Abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except in punishment for a crime. (1865) 14th Defines all people born in the United States as citizens, requires due process of law, and requires equal protection to all people. (1868) 15th Prevents the denial of a citizen's vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude. (1870)

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Slave Code

A series of laws that prohibited, among other things, the education of a slave. Slaves were not allowed to congregate for any reason without a white person present.

How did abolitionists regard the practice of slavery?

Abolitionists were those who fought for the condemnation of slavery - they viewed it as morally wrong and cited the need for equality for people regardless of the color of their skin.

Addition of states/free vs slave

After the Mexican/American war, the amount of territory gained would lead to the necessity of a compromise - as whether the new states are admitted as slave or free states would tip the balance of power between the North and the South. The relative number of slave and free states determined the national trend for or against slavery.

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle in 1863 and a major Union victory. Gen Robert E Lee led troops in an unsuccessful advance to break Union lines in the North. After two days of no success, "Pickett's Charge" was the final attempt by the South to assault the North. Lee's tactics failed, and he was forced to return to Virginia.

What were some of the causes of the Civil War?

Court Case: Dred Scott (Scott v. Sanford), The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, The Fugitive Slave Act, The Kansas-Nebraska Act, Ostend Manifesto, Senator Charles Sumner, Lincolns Inauguration

Court Case: Dred Scott

Dred Scott traveled with his master to the free state of Illinois and then the free state of Wisconsin - lived as a slave in these free states for nearly 5 years. After his master's death, he attempted to buy his freedom from his master's widow for $300, and the offer was rejected. Scott attempted to sue for his freedom, his case making it to the Supreme Court - but was denied both his freedom and his right to even have a trial, on the basis that he was black. The outcome of this case was the decision that slaves were not considered citizens, and had no rights or protection from the federal government. This angered many Northerners who believed that morally, this was faulty logic.

Reconstruction Amendments Purpose?

During Reconstruction, three amendments to the Constitution were made in an effort to establish equality for black Americans.

Lincoln's address to the nation following Lee's surrender

Following Lee's surrender, Lincoln welcomed the Confederate back into the United States. He understood that gloating or holding a grudge would only further divide the nation. He also realized that it was important to send a message immediately to those confederate units who had not yet surrendered.

Relationship of US Government and Native Americans prior to the battle of Little Big Horn?

For many years before General Custer arrived in Little Big Horn, the relationship between the US Govt and American indigenous peoples ranged between suspicion and open hostility. During the second half of the nineteenth century, the federal govts policies towards Native Americans were heavily influenced by Americans desire to expand westward. Native Americans were forced to assimilate.

How did the Union army under General Grant and the Confederate Army under General Lee employ different military tactics and strategies?

General Grant: Mediocre Cadet, worked his way up the ranks within the military. Exceptional general in his siege of Vicksburg and when in command of the Union. He was able to effectively use his manpower and resources to his advantage, rather than using complicated tactics. He led by example, considered himself on equal ground as his soldiers. General Lee: Graduated 2nd in his class, was offered command of US military but declined, fought numerous battles against better troops/more well supplied troops and won (Victory at Chancellorsville). He was considered more charismatic - able to inspire his men, though he felt he was above his soldiers, leading them as a ruler. He was more of a tactician, since his troops were not well supplied.

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

In 1858, Lincoln ran against Stephen Douglas - both exemplified the politicized differences between the two regions of the country. Douglas believed that such a large country with so many different types of land and economic conditions required different laws for different regions. The country's founders had allowed states to decide for themselves about slavery - so, Douglas argued that there was no reason that approach couldn't work permanently. Lincoln gained his fame through his "House Divided" speech - referencing the Dred Scott case and exposing the deep contradiction and divide that this court case had uncovered. Lincoln stated 'A house divided against itself cannot stand', referring to his assertion that the country could not continue half slave and half free. Lincoln was against slavery, and encouraged abolitionists and Republicans to support him. He believed that the country would have to choose between ending slavery everywhere or making it legal in all the states.

Describe the events leading up to General Lee's surrender.

In the final year of the Civil War, the Confederacy had been suffering huge losses. Lives were lost, and financing and supplies were at an all time low. As the Union moved South, primarily into Virginia, it was harder for Lee's army to hold many places, and his forces had no choice than to begin retreating. Union armies seized the South's supplies, and most of the Confederacy knew they would not be able to last much longer. Lee's last campaign with the Confederate Army was at Fort Stedman in Petersburg, VA on March 25th 1865. The Union easily fought back, and Lee had no choice than to abandon Petersburg. They were also forced to abandon the newly declared capital of the Confederacy, Richmond VA.

Black Codes

Laws intended to secure cheap labor and exploit freed slaves by the South. Examples? Employment Laws: proof of employment each year Restricting Professions: prohibited slaves to be anything but a farmer or a servant unless they paid a tax Vagrancy Laws: force someone into work if they are convicted of a crime, so vague anyone could be picked up at any time for any reason Labor Contracts: punishment for those who offered higher wages to a former slave who was already under a labor contract Property: limited the type of property former slaves could own

What are the key differences between Abraham Lincoln's and Andrew Johnson's plans for Reconstruction?

Lincoln Beliefs: Wanted to end the war quickly, feared North and South would never reunite if the fighting did not stop quickly, did not want to punish Southerners or reorganize Southern society, wanted Reconstruction to be a short process. Plan: Included Ten-Percent Plan (specified that a Southern state could be readmitted to the Union when 10% of its voters swore an oath to the Union), voters could then elect delegates to draft revised state constitutions, all Southerners except for high-ranking Confederate army officers and government officials would be granted a full pardon, guaranteed that he would protect their private property except for their slaves. Johnson Beliefs: Preferred a stronger state government and that states rights took precedence over federal, believed in doctrine of laissez-faire, rejected all Radical Republican attempts to dissolve the (plantation system, reorganize southern economy, protect the civil rights of blacks) Plan: Returned confiscated property to white southerners, issued hundreds of pardons to former Confederate officers and govt officials, undermined the Freedmen's Bureau by ordering it to return all confiscated land to white landowners, appointed governors to supervise the drafting of new state constitutions and agreed to readmit each state provided it ratified the 13th amendment which abolished slavery.

Conflict between US and Mexico

Manifest destiny had led some settlers into the Mexican territory of Tejas - and those that lived there were opposed to the centralized form of government that Mexico had installed. Between Oct 1835 and April 1836, a large group of settlers revolted and eventually resulted in the end of the Texas Republic. Texas had become an independent republic and was able to be annexed into a state in 1845 - though this caused issues in regards to the balance of free and slave states. Polk had offered to buy land between the Rio Grande and Nueces River and eventually went into war for it, and America acquired not only the previously stated land but more than half of Mexico's territory. After the Mexican-American war, Martin Van Buren became president, and the North had an ally in the White house.

Why were there riots in New York against drafting?

New Yorkers profited from the Southern economy by exporting the region's cheap cotton, taking a large cut of the export price. Their economic interests led them to sympathize with the Southern cause. In addition, New York's large immigrant population, spurred by the politics of Tammany Hall, fear job competition from freed slaves who might decide to move North. When the Enrollment Act was passed in 1863, these factors laid the groundwork for rioting in the city.

Plans for Reconstruction: Johnson

Pardons granted to those taking a loyalty oath No pardons to high-ranking Confederate officials and persons owning property valued more than 20,000 A state needed to Abolish slavery before being readmitted A state was required to repeal its secession ordinance before being readmitted African Americans should be guaranteed equal rights only if their states want to grant them. The federal govt should not force Southern govts to accept new laws regarding freedmen African Americans should not be given the right to vote. Only certain freedmen could be trusted to vote


Republican Lincoln ran for Senate against Stephen Douglas, and both parties exemplified the politicized differences between the two regions of the country. Douglas believed that a large country with so many different types of land and economic conditions required different laws for different regions. The country's founders had allowed states to decide for themselves about slavery; so Douglas argued, there was no reason that approach couldn't work permanently. Lincoln argued that the country would have to choose between ending slavery everywhere or making it legal in all of the states - that a country could not be United when such issues had them divided. Douglas won, and passed an act in 1854 called the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This called for the states to decide their stance on slavery, and led to flooding of support from both sides, and violent conflict. (bleeding Kansas)

Why do you think the U.S. backed down on its enforcement of the Treaty once gold was discovered in the Black Hills?

Rumors of gold in the Black Hills were prevalent long before the rush actually began, and according to the Treaty of Fort Laramie, the Black Hills belonged to the Sioux tribe and were set aside for their exclusive use. When the Sioux and other area Native Americans were said to have the precious mineral in their possession, the pioneers were filled with greed. People from all around the country flocked to the hills to try and get their hands on the gold.

President Johnson's dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton?

Shortly after President Johnson argued that the Tenure of Office Act was unconstitutional, he dismissed the Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton - the only member of his cabinet who supported the Radical Republicans' program for Reconstruction, and appointed Ulysses S, Grant. Congress overruled Stanton's suspension, and Johnson ignored Congress and formally dismissed Stanton, and barricaded himself in his office.

What were some of the ways in which southern whites-maintained authority over African Americans?

Southern Whites maintained authority over African Americans after the abolishment of slavery by enacting the Black Codes; a set of laws designed to control and oppress former slaves. These included: Employment Laws: Required former slaves to show proof of employment each year, if they left a job prior to the end of a year their wages could be arrested Restricting Professions: Prohibited former slaves from being anything other than a farmer or a servant unless they paid a tax Vagrancy Laws: States allowed to force someone into work if they are convicted of a crime, vagrancy laws to vague that anyone could be picked up at any time for any reason and be found guilty of vagrancy.

What were some effects of the Compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1850 did temporarily settle the debate about what to do with the territory gained from the Mexican Cession, however it seemed that an eventual Civil War was inevitable. The Compromise admitted California as a free state - which, due to its size and growing population, was a huge win for the North. The Compromise also allowed Utah and New Mexico to choose whether those states would be slave-owning or free, rather than having Congress decide for them. Texas was divided into to two territories - so that some would be free, and some would allow slavery. Washington DC could continue slavery but prohibit the buying and selling of slaves. This angered the North and the South, as the North was upset that the nation's capital allowed slavery, and the South because its economy was dealt a minor blow by limiting the slave trade. The Fugitive Slave Act was also strengthened.

What was the purpose of the Enforcement Acts?

The Enforcement Acts included the 1st Act, "An Act to enforce the Rights of Citizens of the United States to vote in the several States of this Union, and for other Purposes". It was to restrict the activities of the Ku Klux Klan by forbidding the use of terror, force, or bribery to prevent people from voting because of their race. The 2nd Act was an amendment to the first act. It took control of elections away from the federal courts and instead granted them oversight and the ability to intervene with elections in cities with more than 20,000 people. This was to prevent supervisory officers from taking too much control of the voting process. The 3rd Act was known as the Ku Klux Klan Act - since the first two acts weren't really being enforced. It worked to restrict efforts b the Ku Klux Klan to intimidate voters, making night-riding a crime, and gave the president permission to use federal troops to counter the Klan's activities.

Why did Radical Republican eventually abandon Reconstruction?

The Radical Republican was specifically fighting for the removal of Johnson, and when he was able to resist being impeached, the Radical Republican abandoned Reconstruction?

Compromise of 1820 - was it successful?

The compromise of 1820, also known as the Missouri Compromise, refers to Congresses bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state and Maine as a free state - thus preserving the balance between free and slave states within the United States. This was successful, for a time; it succeeded in keeping the Union together for more than thirty years, but eventually the issue of slavery could not be put off any longer. The compromise of 1850 stated that California would be admitted as a free state, residents in Utah and New Mexico could vote on their slave status, Washington DC would allow slavery but no longer allow the buying and selling of slaves, and the Fugitive Slave Act would be strengthened. This eased tensions between slave and free states for a time, but Civil War was inevitable.

Lincoln's reaction to secession?

The formation of a separate United States was not recognized by Lincoln, as he believed it was his job as president to preserve the Union. For this reason, he attempted to promise to the slave states that he would allow slavery to continue where it already existed and focus on not expanding it.

Final event that directly led to southern states leaving the Union?

The inauguration of a clear Abolitionist such as Lincoln caused Southerners to feel defeated. Rather than submit to his rule, southern states decided to form their own country, the Confederate States of America. Prior to this election, some southern states were already planning to secede from the Union if a Republican were elected.

Ostend Manifesto

The same year the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed in the US, three US diplomats secretly met in Ostend, Belgium to discuss the possibility of the US purchasing Cuba - the result of this meeting become the document known as the Ostend Manifesto. Southerners believed that acquiring Cuba, where slavery was legal, would tip the scales into their favor - and implied that if Spain would not sell Cuba, that the US should take it by force. The Ostend Manifesto became public and caused outrage and caused further disruption between the two regions of the United States.

Reasons for Custer's loss at the Battle of Little Big Horn?

When Custer was informed by his scouts of an enormous camp of hostile Indians, Custer ordered his force forward to attack with confidence since there was no record to that date of Plains Indians ever having confronted an entire regiment of US cavalry. Custer divided his forces into three units, sending one to prevent the Sioux from escaping - he made this decision without knowing what kind of landscape he would have to cross, and was unprepared. Custer's second unit had to retreat, pursued by the Cheyenne and Sioux, and eventually attacking more of Custer's men - enveloping them. As the Indians closed in, Custer ordered his men to shoot their horses and stack the carcasses as a wall - but the Indians fought back and eventually won the battle.

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