The Civil War Study Island

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Other than being a politician, Abraham Lincoln also had which of the following professions?


What was Lincoln's greatest challenge upon being inaugurated as the sixteenth president of the United States?

preserving the Union

During his second inaugural address, what does Abraham Lincoln say was the cause of the Civil War?

the dispute over slavery

In April of 1865, outside of Richmond, with his forces surrounded by Grant's and vastly outnumbered, General Robert E. Lee was forced to meet with General Ulysses S. Grant. Where did Lee and Grant agree on the terms of Lee's surrender?

Appomattox Court House

Which Civil War leader wrote and delivered an address at Gettysburg that has been admired ever since as one of the best speeches in the English language?

Abraham Lincoln

This key Civil War leader claimed to be fighting to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery. However, on January 1, 1863, after a show of Union strength at Antietam, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared certain slaves "forever free." Which famous Civil War figure is described above?

Abraham Lincoln

Which of the following describes what happened at the Battle of Bull Run (referred to as the Battle of Manassas in the South) in July of 1861?

Confederate reinforcements won the battle and forced the Union troops to retreat.

The bombardment of what fort in April of 1861 ignited the Civil War?

Fort Sumter

Which of the following describes Abraham Lincoln's attitude towards states' rights at the beginning of his first term?

He believed it was essential for the Union that states maintain strong, autonomous state governments.

Which of the following describes Abraham Lincoln's policy toward slavery at the time of his first inauguration?

He claimed that slavery would be protected in states where it already existed.

Which of the following did the North's General William T. Sherman accomplish in 1864?

He conquered Atlanta and then marched through Georgia to Savannah.

What did Robert E. Lee accomplish at the Second Battle of Bull Run?

He drove the Union soldiers out of Northern Virginia.

In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln stated the following: All profess to be content in the Union if all constitutional rights can be maintained. Is it true, then, that any right plainly written in the Constitution has been denied? I think not. Happily, the human mind is so constituted that no party can reach to the audacity of doing this. Think, if you can, of a single instance in which a plainly written provision of the Constitution has ever been denied. If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might in a moral point of view justify revolution; certainly would if such right were a vital one. But such is not our case. What does this quote say about Lincoln's feelings about the South's discontent?

He felt that the people of the South had not been denied any of their Constitutional rights.

What did Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson do to gain his nickname and become a noted Civil War figure?

He refused to give up his position at the Battle of Bull Run.

What was the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg?

It marked the last time Confederate troops were able to invade the North.

Which person was named the Confederacy's president when the first Southern states seceded from the Union in February of 1861?

Jefferson Davis

Which of the following describes Abraham Lincoln's feelings about the Civil War at the time of his second inauguration?

Lincoln felt the war was dreadful but necessary, and that it must be fought and won by the North.

Which aspect of Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction in the South made it differ from the plan of congressional leaders?

Lincoln's plan was more focused on helping the South rebuild than on punishing it.

Which of the following describes why Lincoln was worried about winning re-election in 1864?

Many Northerners were angered by the Emancipation Proclamation and the length of the war.

Taking over command of the Richmond forces in 1862 after General Johnston was injured defending the southern capital, this leader was once offered the command of all Union troops. Choosing instead to remain loyal to his home state, Virginia, he became the South's greatest military figure. Which famous Civil War figure is described above?

Robert E. Lee

Before he became president, Abraham Lincoln participated in a series of debates in 1858 during the campaign for U.S. senator from Illinois. Lincoln was not elected senator, but the strong anti-slavery stance he took during the debates made him remembered in the presidential election of 1860. Which politician debated against Lincoln in 1858?

Stephen Douglas

Why was the Battle of Gettysburg an important turning point in the war?

The Union pushed the Southern armies back into Virginia.

Often named the single greatest northern military leader in the Civil War, this West Point graduate was known for his victory at Vicksburg in 1863 and his leadership over the Union Army during the latter half of the war.

Ulysses S. Grant

Which Union general accepted Robert E. Lee's surrender on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House?

Ulysses S. Grant

By 1863, control of most of the Mississippi River was in Union hands. To gain control of the last major port city serving as an open shipping door to the South, Grant weakened the enemy with a military campaign that lasted several months. First he isolated the port city by gaining control of the railroad, and then he began a seven-week artillery siege to force surrender. What is the port city described above?


Using the map above, which letter represents Fort Sumter where the first shots of the Civil War were fired?


Referring to the map above, which letter represents the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?


At this battle, Union troops under the command of General Joseph Hooker tried for the fifth time to invade Richmond. Lee and Jackson devised a strategy to attack both sides of the Union flanks by surprise and successfully threw back the Union forces in Lee's greatest victory of the war. What was the name of the Confederate victory described above?

the Battle of Chancellorsville

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. The sentence above is the first sentence of which famous speech by Abraham Lincoln?

the Gettysburg Address

In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln stated We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. President Lincoln's primary concern during the Civil War was

the preservation of the United States and its democratic system

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