The Crucible Act I Study Guide Questions

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Why isn't it difficult for Ann Putnam to believe that Goody Osburn is a witch?

It isn't difficult for Ann Putnam to believe that Goody Osburn is a witch because Goody Osburn was her midwife three times, and her babies always shriveled in Osburn's hands.

What happened in the past between John Proctor and Abigail? How do they feel about it now?

John Proctor and Abigail had an affair. John Proctor does admit that he does think about Abigail from time to time, but not in any romantic way. Proctor is trying to move on from that and doesn't see Abigail the same way anymore. But Abigail is madly in love with John Proctor and is trying to do whatever she can to have him to herself.

What advice does the doctor send back?

The doctor sends back that he cannot find any medical reason or explanation in his books as to why Betty is in this state, and that Parris should look toward unnatural causes being the reason.

When Abigail is questioned by Reverend Hale, who does she blame? What proof does she offer?

Abigail blames Tituba when she is questioned by Reverend Hale. She tells him that Tituba forced her to drink the blood, sends her spirit down upon her in church and makes her laugh at prayer, singing her Barbados songs and tempting her (she falsely accuses Tituba of anything she could think of in the moment in order to not get caught).

Why does Abigail say she was dismissed by the Proctors?

Abigail says she was dismissed by the Proctors because of Goody's Proctor's hate towards her. She describes Goody Proctor as a bitter, lying, cold, and sniveling woman who hates Abigail because she wouldn't be her slave.

Why does Abigail start accusing people at this point?

Abigal sees that Tituba is getting all the praise and attention, so she starts accusing people as well so the attention can go on her instead of Tituba (also does it so people feel pity for her over Tituba).

When Betty first wakes up, what does she reveal about what happened in the woods?

Betty reveals that Abigail drank blood/a charm in order to kill Goody Proctor in the woods.

Why do you think Betty Parris start accusing people?

Betty starts accusing people too because she's just following Abigail. She's terrified now, and when she sees that Abigail isn't getting into any trouble when she starts naming all these people and admitting that she was doing something in the woods, she tags along just so she doesn't seem suspicious or bad in any way.

What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale?

Giles Corey reveals to Reverend Hale that he's found his wife reading a book in a corner many times (her being very interested in it), and that whenever she is doing this, he cannot pray. But, where she leaves the house, he can.

How does John Proctor feel about Reverend Parris?

John Proctor doesn't like Reverend Parris, because Proctor feels that he preaches too much about the Devil and Hell when he should be preaching about God, heaven, and all things good. He also thinks that Parris is a selfish, greedy, and bad man.

What did Parris see in the woods the previous night?

Parris claims that he saw a few things in the woods the previous night: he saw the girls dancing, Tituba waving her arms over a fire and singing her Barbados songs, a dress lying on the grass, and someone naked running through the trees.

What does Parris question his niece Abigail about?

Parris questions his niece Abigail about what her and the other girls (including Betty) were doing in the forest. He wants to know if they were practicing witchcraft, and wonders if that's the reason why Betty is in this state.

Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins?

Parris' daughter Betty is laying on the bed in an unresponsive state, and people (including Parris, even though he won't openly admit it) are starting to believe that she is like this due to witchcraft. So, Parris sent for a doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out what is wrong with Betty.

What is Parris' main concern?

Parris' main concern is about his reputation. He doesn't want this to be witchcraft or anything bad not because of his concern for his daughter, but mainly because he doesn't want to lose his job or have anything bad tied to his name (he still cares for his daughter, but not as much as he does about his reputation).

What does Putnam believe is wrong with Betty and Ruth? What does Parris believe?

Putnam believes that the Devil has taken over Betty and Ruth, and that they are both involved in witchcraft now. Parris does start to believe the things that Putnam is saying, but he will continue to deny it until he hears what Reverend Hale has to say.

What was Rebecca Nurse's status in society? Which family did Rebecca Nurse and her husband feud about land with? What did the opposing family start to say about Rebecca?

Rebecca Nurse was like the wise, all-knowing Mother in the town. She was the oldest as well, so to others she was considered the wisest. She had a very calming demeanor, and she was also the one everyone went to when they needed advice or help with something. Rebecca Nurse and her husband feuded with the Putnam family about land. The Putnam's start to say that Rebecca is a witch & accused her spirit of "tempting her to iniquity.

Why is Reverend Hale in Salem?

Reverend Hale is in Salem because of Parris' request for him to come. He wants Reverend Hale to inspect Betty to see if she is a victim of witchcraft or not (if she is, he would supposedly help her out of that state).

What rumors have circulated the town about Betty Parris?

The town believes that Betty Parris is now involved in witchcraft, and people claim to have seen her and Ruth fly.

Who does Tituba accuse of being a witch?

Tituba accuses Goody Good and Goody Osborn of being a witch.

How does Tituba begin to react to the accusations against her?

Tituba becomes extremely frightened, terrified, and defensive, as she tries to deny every accusation that is made against her and beg for forgiveness. Then after a while she admits that she did do it (even though she didn't) but blames someone else for it.

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