The discovery of atomic structure: famous scientist's

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John Dalton

1803, proposed the atomic theory of matter

Benjamin Franklin

Concluded there are two kinds of eletrical charge, which he called positive(+) and negative(-)

Quantum theory

Describes mathematically the wave properties of electrons

Robert Millikan

Determined the charge of a single electron

Erwin Schrodinger

Developed an equation that treated electrons in atoms as waves

Werner Heisenberg

Developed the heisenberg uncertainty principle. States that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle

Joseph Priestley

Discovered oxygen

Henri Becquerel

Discovered radioactivity

James Chadwick

Discovered the existence of nuetrons

Ernest Rutherford

Gold foil experiment. Calculated that the atom must have a very tiny, positively charged, dense center he called the nucleus.

J.J. thomson

He concluded that the atom was composed of negativly charged particles . named the particles electrons

Ablert Einstein

Introduced the radical idea that electromagnetic radiation has a dual wave- particle nature . called photons

Henry Mosely

Named the individual positive charged proton. Established that the atomic number of the atom defines the identity of the element

Neils Bohr

Proposed a model.. Electrons travel around the nucleus in orbits

Joseph Proust

Proposed law of definite proportions


Proposed that all matter is made up of tiny, invisible particles called atoms

Antoine Lavoisier

Proposed the law of conservation of mass

Max Planck

Proposed the relationship between a quantum of energy and the frequency of radiation

Louis de Broglie

Suggested that electrons be considered waves confined to the space around an atomic nucleus. Exist only at specific frequencies

Michael Faraday

Suggested that the structure of atoms is related to electricity

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