The End of the Cold War

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In Pres. Nixon's campaign he promised "peace with honor". Nixon promised to listen to "the great, quiet forgotten majority—the non-shouters and the non-demonstrators". However, the press called the "unyoung, the unblack, and the unpoor Nixon's Silent Majority" that he should be trying to gain votes from. Nixon also had his "Southern strategy" where he tried to win over conservative Southern voters with appeals to law and order. Nixon does win the election and becomes president in ___


College campuses became centers of antiwar. Many baby boomers were the ones attending college at this time. College students were starting to become a class unto themselves. Previously college hadn't become a step in life for most Americans. Now, many Americans were expected to attend college. "Teach-ins" (where teachers would teach unofficial classes about the Vietnam War), demonstrations, "We Won't Go" Petitions ____th Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 in 1971


The ___th Amendment states that citizens should not be deprived of property without due process of law Many believed that environmental regulations stripped people, businesses, and communities of property rights This resulted in Americans being divided, to this day, on how much the government should be able to regulate industry in order to protect the environment


___ _____ _____ (AIM) focused on securing land, legal rights, and self-government for Native Americans. In 1972, AIMS took a "long march" from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.. When they arrived, they took control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and remained it the Native American Embassy. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was the go between for Native Americans and the U.S. government. The Bureau also encouraged Natives on reservations to relocate to cities and they provided housing and jobs. To some Natives relocation meant assimilation, intermarriage with Whites and loss of tribal identity

American Indian Movement

After Stalin had attempted and failed to take control of democratic West Berlin, the Soviets still wanted it. When Khrushchev came into power, he tried to negotiate with JFK for West Berlin. JFK refused because the U.S. needed to keep as much democracy in the world as possible. In response, Khrushchev built the ____ ____to physically separate East and West Berlin. JFK responded by sending 1,500 American troops to West Berlin With tensions highest, tanks and soldiers on both sides moved within sight of each other

Berlin Wall

Nixon had secretly bombed the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Cambodia. The objective was to reduce the flow of communist supplies. However, it widened the war Nixon grew impatient with the stalled peace talks, He decided to break the stalemate by ordering a ground attack on the North Vietnamese Army and the Vietcong bases in ____. When the United States left, there was a civil war in Cambodia between the communists and the prince. ____ ___- (the communists) won the war, with Pol Pot as the leader He isolated his nation and abolished money, private property, and religion He emptied the cities and forced people to work on collective farms Many people died from starvation, disease, and exhaustion There was a genocide against the educated—1.7 to 2.2 million people were killed

Cambodia, Khmer Rouge

The ___ incursion pushed antiwar activities into high gear. They were enraged by Nixon's decision to increase the scope of the war. College campuses erupted with protests. The police and the National Guard had to step in to preserve order. ___ ____ killings—demonstrators threw objects at the National Guardsmen. One man thought someone had shot at the National Guardsmen so the National Guardsmen opened fire and killed 4 people. ____ ____killings—demonstrators and police starting fighting and it resulted in two students' deaths. There were counterdemonstrations as well by construction workers, businessmen, secretaries, and housewives. These counterdemonstrators believed the war was justified After all, their family members and friends had served and died in the war How could they then support a meaningless war?

Cambodian, Kent State, Jackson State

___ ____ fought for rights for farm laborers, especially migrant ones. Migrant farmworkers traveled from farm to farm and state to state to pick fruits and vegetables. They were one of the most exploited groups of workers in the nation because they didn't have consistent bosses and moved around frequently. ___ ____ founded the Agricultural Workers Association. It organized voter registration drives and worked to improve Latino neighborhoods

Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta

It was the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement called the ____ _____. Goal 1: to increase awareness of Latinos history, culture, and contribution to U.S. Goal 2: Increase Quality-of-life. Council of La Raza wanted to reduce poverty and discrimination and provide better opportunities for Latinos. __ _____ __was a political party that helped Latino political candidates win elections

Chicano Movement, La Raza Unida

Movement for ___ _____: It emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. Ralph Nader wrote Unsafe at Any Speed. This book attacked automakers It claimed that it made cars without certain recommended safety features. They cut corners when creating their products that also resulted in faulty pieces which could lead to harm or death. The highly popular book prompted Congress to pass the ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ Safety belts became standard equipment required in all cars.

Consumer Rights, National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act

It introduced measures to train the jobless, educate the uneducated, and provide healthcare for those in need. ____ _____ ____—created the Job Corps to train young people between the ages of 16-21 in the work skills they needed to acquire better jobs and get out of poverty. ____ _____ ____—funds were provided for play groups, day care, and activities designed to help underprivileged children

Economic Opportunity Act, Head Start Program

The 1965 ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ aided schools in poorer communities to improve libraries, learning centers, language laboratories, and other services. The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act Clean Water Restoration Act Air Quality Act The __ ___ ___ ___ of 1965 eliminated the quotas from the 1920s. This act wanted to focus on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the U.S. The National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities

Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Immigration and Nationality Act

Pres. Nixon wasn't an environmental activist However as the public's interest in protecting the environment grew, Nixon decided he needed to support environmental reforms. ___ ____ ___(EPA)--federal agency created to protect the "entire ecological chain" The ___ ____ ___—limited emissions from factories and cars The ___ ____ ____—limited pollution of water by industry and agriculture The ____ ____ ____—promoted the protection of endangered plants and animals Many of these acts improved upon acts passed by Pres. Johnson

Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act

___ _____ _____ ____ (EEOC) needed to enforce federal prohibition on job discrimination. Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972 banned discrimination in education. The ratio of women to men participating in college athletics had to mirror the ratio of women to men enrolled in the school. This means that if enough women attended the school and wanted to play a certain sport, the university had to create a woman's version of it

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

_____ ____overthrew Batista and become dictator of Cuba in 1959. He wanted to enforce radical reform measures to become a communist nation. He also accepted Soviet economic and military aid. Many wealthy and middle-class Cubans fled and settled in Florida. The U.S. didn't want a communist leader in Cuba (so geographically close to home). Eisenhower authorized the ___ to plan an invasion of Cuba to overthrow Castro but the mission wasn't carried out before Eisenhower left office. Many officials pressured Kennedy into completing this mission. 1961—CIA-led force of Cuban exiles attacked Cuba called the ____ ___ ____ ______ The plan was very poorly executed and failed They barely made it off the beach when they were captured by Cuban soldiers

Fidel Castro, CIA, Bay of Pigs Invasion

The ____ ____: There is a lack of understanding and communication between the older and younger generations. Parents and children, even more so than normal, really struggled to understand each other. _____—the theory of political, social, and economic equality of men and women. The First Wave of Feminism focused on women's right to vote. The Second Wave of Feminism takes place in the 1960s and 1970s. Their goal is to make sure women are treated equally to men in every aspect of life

Generation Gap, Feminism

"____ ____": an unofficial barrier to advancement in a profession for women and minority groups This also includes women not being paid the same as men Feminization of Poverty: The majority of the nation's poor are single women and/or women with children

Glass Ceiling

___ ___ tried to change awareness through the mass media. She cofounded Ms. Magazine She is a writer, lecturer, and activist who supports The Women's Movement. ____ ___ openly challenged The Women's Movement. She was a conservative political activist who said that women's liberation was "a total assault on the family, on marriage, and on children." One of her main objectives was to make sure the ERA failed

Gloria Steinem, Phyllis Schlafly

Johnson's ____ _____demanded "an end to poverty and racial injustice" and opportunity for every child. The Social Security Act was amended to include Medicare And Medicaid. ______provided basic health insurance for Americans in the Social Security system age 65 or older ____ provided basic medical services to poor and Disabled Americans

Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid

The North Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on an American destroyer and it returned fire on the North Vietnamese. Johnson announced, "aggression by terror against peaceful villages of South Vietnam has now been joined by open aggression on the high seas against the U.S.". The___ ___ _____ _____provided Johnson with tremendous war powers. _____ ____ ____—bombing campaign against North Vietnam. Besides dropping bombs, American pilots dropped napalm and Agent Orange. ______was jellied gasoline carried in canisters that exploded on impact. It covered large areas in flames that was hard to extinguish. _____ ____ was an herbicide meant to kill plant life

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Operation Rolling Thunder, Napalm, Agent Orange

Inflation and rising prices led to more taxes. Johnson was trying to fund his Great Society programs and the Vietnam War at the same time. He had to cut funding from one of the two. Many Americans either became Hawks or Doves: ______supported the Vietnam War, containing communism, and the domino theory. _____ did NOT support the Vietnam War and thought it was a civil war that the Vietnamese needed to handle themselves. They didn't think that communism was spreading out of control

Hawks, Doves

Wounded Knee II: AIM took over the village of Wounded Knee They would leave when the government agreed to investigate the conditions of Indian reservations. The government refused to investigate and sent in federal authorities when the Native Americans refused to leave the village. Two AIM members were killed in this attack Legal Gains: The __ ____-____ _____of 1975 granted tribes greater control over resources and education on reservations. Native Americans continued to win legal battles to regain land and water rights However, they are still fighting for their rights today

Indian Self-Determination Act

Latin American Immigrants: The largest group of Spanish speaking immigrants were from Mexico After WWII, larger numbers of immigrants from Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba came to the U.S. Puerto Ricans were U.S. citizens and came in search of better jobs Dominicans and Cubans were political refugees ____ ___ ____ _____: After WWII, Latino veterans pushed for equal treatment They wanted better working conditions, higher salaries, and fewer hours in the work week In addition, they wanted easier access to higher education They also wanted federal protection of their right to vote

Latinos for Equal Treatment

Nov. 1963—Pres. JFK traveled to Dallas, Texas. He had started to unofficially campaign for reelection. JFK was in his motorcade, traveling through the streets, when he was assassinated by ____ ____ ___. The _____ Commission determined that Oswald was the only killer that day. The American people grieved deeply for their lost president He served from 1961-1963. _____ __ ______, his vice president, will take over

Lee Harvey Oswald, Warren, Lyndon B. Johnson

The ___ ____ _____: They suffered many birth defects and cancer These illnesses were caused by thousands of tons of toxic chemicals that had been dumped into the ground for Decades The _____ ____ ____ __ ____: The core of a nuclear reactor began to melt after it Malfunctioned It could have released radioactive gas, so it was shut down

Love Canal Contamination, Meltdown at Three Mile Island

This had happened in March 1968 U.S. troops were searching for enemy troops in an area with a strong Vietcong presence. These Americans had previously been injured and killed by Vietcong fighters posing as civilians. However, when they opened fire in the My Lai village, these were innocent, unarmed civilians. There was an inadequate military investigation into this event, which had been named the ___ ___ ____ March 1971—Lt. Calley was convicted by a military court for his participation in the attack

My Lai Massacre

By 1957, the ____ _____ ___—a communist rebel group in the South—had been formed. They decided to undermine the Diem government in order to unit Vietnam under the communist flag. Their guerrilla fighters, called ________, assassinated government officials and destroyed roads and bridges. They applied hit-and-run tactics. Diem wasn't liked by his own people because he didn't ensure policies that were best for the people but for him and his fellow politicians. He was also Catholic and most of his people were Buddhists. He supported laws that limited Buddhism rights. Buddhist monks protested by setting themselves on fire. In 1961, Pres. JFK sent in Special Forces troops to South Vietnam. Their job was to advise the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) on how to fight the communist forces. Diem continued to alienate the South Vietnamese people. The U.S. decided it was time for Diem to be taken out.

National Liberation Front, Vietcong

____ ____ ___ ____ (NOW): Goal 1: gain "true equality for all women" Goal 2: "full and equal partnership of the sexes". They demanded that Title 7 of The ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ be enforced. Title 7 outlawed discrimination based on sex. They also wanted to attack stereotypes of women in the media. They wanted more balanced roles of women and men in marriages. The major goal was to pass the ____ ____ ___(ERA) The ERA wanted to ensure that sex didn't determine the legal rights of men or women They wanted to get rid of any legislation that did limit rights based on gender

National Organization for Women, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Rights Amendment

"____ _____" was the federal government returning certain powers to state and local governments. Pres. Nixon also added several federal agencies: ____ ____ ___ _____ ____ (OSHA)--to ensure safe and healthful working conditions by setting up and enforcing standards and providing training, education, outreach, and assistance. ___ ____ ___(DEA)--investigates drug rings, usage, trafficking in the U.S. and overseas

New Federalism, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration

.Kennedy's "______ ______" wanted to improve the economy, education, healthcare, and civil rights When Kennedy became president, there was high unemployment and a slow economy. Domestic Priorities for JFK: Millions read ___ ____ ____by Michael Harrington It was an exposé of poverty in America.. JFK increased minimum wage, Social Security and welfare benefits. The ____ _____ ____ required equal wages for "equal work" in industries engaged in commerce or producing goods. He provided tax credits for business investment in new factory equipment He increased military spending, cut taxes for the middle-class and increased taxes for the wealthy. "_____ _____" theory at the time was deficit spending (it is when the government borrows more money to spend than is received from taxes)

New Frontier, The Other America, Equal Pay Act, New economics

American and the South Vietnamese wanted all communist troops out of South Vietnam. They also wanted all the ____s returned. The North Vietnamese demanded immediate American withdrawal from Vietnam. They wanted a coalition government in South Vietnam that would include representatives from the Vietcong. Neither side could agree on these terms


People with Intellectual Disabilities: __ _____ ____ ___was established in 1961 to explore ways for the government to help people with intellectual disabilities. JFK's sister began an athletic camp for young people with disabilities. This camp eventually became the Special Olympics in 1968 Asian Americans: ____ ____ ____ ___ (AAPA) and UC-Berkely students mobilized to "express Asian American solidarity to a predominantly white society" The ___ ___ ____ ____ (JACL)--secure and protect human and civil rights of all Asian and Pacific Islanders and all communities who are affected by injustice

Panel on Mental Retardation, Asian American Political Alliance, Japanese American Citizens League

____ ___ ___—South Vietnam, North Vietnam, the U.S., and the Vietcong (South Vietnamese who supported Ho Chi Ming) all signed the peace treaty. There was a ceasefire American troops would withdraw from South Vietnam. POWs would be exchanged on both sides. North Vietnamese troops would remain in South Vietnam. The National Liberation Front (Vietcong) would become a legitimate political party in South Vietnam. The fighting soon erupted again. This time Vietnam became one united ______ nation under Ho Chi Minh

Paris Peace Accords, communist

The ____ ____ were a classified government history of America's involvement in Vietnam. They were leaked to the New York Times. Nixon tried to block the full publication, but the Supreme Court ruled against him. The papers revealed that American leaders hadn't fully informed the American people and even lied to Congress on occasion about what was going on during The Vietnam War

Pentagon Papers

The Civil Rights Movement sparked the rebirth of the Women's Rights Movement. They demanded gender equality and wanted to find a way to achieve it in all aspects of life. Black and white women were brought together to fight for a common cause. Women also wanted to redefine how they were viewed in society. Women in the Workforce: More women worked in the 1950s and the 1960s than in previous decades. However many of these jobs were dead-end (they couldn't move up the ladder to bigger and better positions). Whether or not the women were married, pregnancy was found as grounds for dismissal or demotion This was all part of the ___ ____ _____

Second Wave of Feminism

All men had to register for the draft when they turned 18. The ___ ____ __called up draftees based on projected military needs. Local draft boards had considerable influence selecting men for service They usually preferred to send minority groups, particularly Black Americans Protesters burned their draft cards and marched to end the draft 1969 the Selective Service System adopted a lottery to diversify the draftees

Selective Service System

Rachel Carson's book ____ ___ described the environmental impact pesticides had on animal populations in the surrounding areas. She also stated that humans were impacting the environment and that it was our responsibility to fix the problems we were causing. Fire on the ____ _____ in Cleveland, Ohio: A spark ignited floating oil and debris on the Cuyahoga River The river literally caught on fire It took fire crews 30 minutes to put it out

Silent Spring, Cuyahoga River

The "_____ ____" had begun in 1955. So far the Soviets were in the lead because they had launched the first animals into space. JFK wanted to change that. He wanted to jump-start the space program and promised that the U.S. would land a man on the Moon by 1970. Feb. 1962—_____ ____ became the first American to orbit Earth. Jan. 1965--several astronauts perished when their docked capsule exploded July 1969—_____ ____ became the first man to step on the moon

Space Race, John Glenn, Neil Armstrong

There were repeated police raids of homosexual bars in the 1960s. These bars were where people in the LGBTQ+ community could socialize and feel safe since homosexuality was outlawed in most parts of the country. Outside the ______ Inn (which was a homosexual bar) police clashed with gay rights activists in 1969 As the riots continued, it provoked an uprising by the LGBTQ+ community. This led to the formation of the ___ ___ ____ (GLF) who "rejected society's attempts to impose sexual roles and definition of our nature" 1970—1st Gay Pride Parade took place on the one year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots 1975—The Civil Service Commission ended its ban on employment for homosexuals

Stonewall, Gay Liberation Front

Most Americans learned the news of the war by watching_____ __ ___. They were seeing the same things cameramen were seeing in real time. Americans quickly realized how challenging and complicated this war was. This contradicted the optimistic statements with clear goals that the government was putting out. Questioning the Cause: Many Americans began to question U.S. involvement. Early soldiers were volunteers, but by 1965, the soldiers were drafted into military service. Many started to believe that keeping South Vietnam democratic shouldn't be a U.S. priority. Most of the South Vietnamese didn't wish to fight any longer.

TV news reports

The communists tried an offensive attack called the _____ _____ (1968). They wanted the South Vietnamese to have an uprising against their government and join them in reuniting Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh as a communist nation. The Americans were realizing that the communists had not lost the ability or the will to fight. This meant that a U.S. victory in Vietnam would not come, but peace needed to be established

Tet Offensive

Pres. JFK decided he needed a "flexible response" to fighting The Cold War. This meant that the U.S. could fight any war with men, war supplies, or nuclear weapons. JFK's ____ ___ Policy: The Third World was developing nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. According to Soviet propaganda, Western capitalism created poverty and inequalities in the Third World. Because of this, the Soviets promised to provide financial aid to these nations in return for supporting communist views and leaders Pres. Kennedy was worried that they would take that money, so he created his own plan to help Third World countries and help them to stay democratic. He initiated programs to economically and politically strengthen the Third World nations. ______ ______—Americans volunteers traveled to these countries to provide technical, educational, and health services ______ ____—pledged $20 billion to help Latin American nations raise their per capita income, distribute income more equitably, and improve other services

Third World, Peace Corps, Alliance for Progress

After the mass migration of people from rural to urban areas, the government failed to update voting boundaries. The Supreme Court forced the government to update new voting boundaries to equal "one man, one vote". They ruled several times not to allow state-sanctioned prayer or Bible reading in public schools. _____ v. _____ (1969)—students did have the right to a limited freedom of speech within schools _____ v ______ (1961)—evidence obtained illegally violated the 4th Amendment _______ v. _____ (1963)—accused criminals had a right to a lawyer whether or not they could pay for one ______ v. ____(1966)—accused criminal had to be informed of their 5th and 6th Amendment rights before being questioned

Tinker v. Des Moines, Mapp v. Ohio, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona

___ ____—poisonous byproduct of human activity, mostly industrialization ___ ____—specific kind of moisture in the air that is caused by mixing water and chemicals. These chemicals were created by burning fossil fuels. Both of these things resulted in hurting the environment, animals, and humans. Something needed to be done __ ___ was created as a starting point to bring national attention to cleaning up and protecting our environment. It is a yearly nationwide protest to stop companies, countries, and industries from hurting the environment

Toxic waste, Acid rain, Earth Day

___ ____ ___(UFW)--farmworkers' union organized by Chavez and Huerta. They implemented a workers' strike and consumer boycott of California table grapes. It was successful and resulted in fewer hours, better pay, and better working conditions for farmworkers. The UFW still works today to provide protection across the U.S. for farmworkers They fight to make sure all workers don't work in extreme heat or cold, have fair pay, and fair work hours

United Farm Workers

More U.S. troops arrived in Vietnam and their roles had changed. They were no longer advising the South Vietnamese troops, but taking the primary role in destroying the North Vietnamese. The ____ had become Ho Chi Minh's tigers, always moving. They traveled lightly, hid during the day, attacked at night. They set off explosions and booby traps. Their goal was to wear the Americans down so they would leave The U.S. troops were locked in a stalemate


Indochina was a peninsula in Southeast Asia that contained three modern day countries of _____,_____, and _____. During Imperialism in the 1800s, France took control of Indochina. They ruled it with an iron fist. The French people established large rice and rubber plantations, along with the mineral wealth there. _____ _____ ____ became the most important voice that demanded freedom from France. For thirty years he traveled the world and looked for help to free his people. He believed in communism. The only country who would support him was the Soviet Union.

Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, Ho Chi Minh

Nixon gradually pulled out American troops. As they left, they returned power to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) called _________. The ARVN (these are the South Vietnamese who want to remain democratic and out of the hands of Ho Chi Minh) assumed more combat duties. Nixon was returning the power to the South Vietnamese forces, just like at the beginning of the war under JFK


Pres. Kennedy didn't want to anger conservative support in Congress. While Kennedy was president there were the "_____ ____". By early 1963, Kennedy introduced a civil rights bill that demanded prosecution for voting-rights violations and federal money to aid school desegregation. Further violence in the South led to a push for more civil rights Legislation. However, JFK would be assassinated before he would see these new civil rights bills be passed

freedom rides

After WWII, colonized nations started to push for their independence. The European powers had weakened since WWII, making it easier for colonized nations to fight for their freedom. The U.S. had a dilemma: support Vietnamese independence or support anticommunism. Pres. Truman decided to aid France's efforts to regain control of Vietnam through ____ ____ Pres. Eisenhower continued to provide this for the French to take down Ho Chi Minh and the League for the Independence of Vietnam—Vietminh May 1954—The French surrendered. France granted independence to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. In addition, Vietnam was divided into North (Communist) and South (Democratic) at the ______th parallel. 1956—Vietnam was to have an election to unify the nation Ho Chi Minh (Communist) vs. Ngo Dinh Diem (Democratic)

monetary aid, 17

Fall of 1962—The U.S. discovered that the Soviets were building ____ _____ sites in Cuba. JFK demanded the removal of the missiles immediately. He blamed ________(the new leader of the Soviets) for Causing a "reckless and provocative threat to world peace". He had also approved a naval blockade of Cuba. However, behind the scenes, JFK and Khrushchev were Working towards a diplomatic solution It was six days of intense negotiations between Khrushchev and JFK. Khrushchev acknowledged the blockade and removed the missiles from Cuba. JFK removed the missiles from Turkey and Italy. Both leaders installed a "hot line" between Moscow and Washington D.C. 1963—The U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Union signed the ____ _____ ____ ____. All three countries agree to stop aboveground testing of nuclear weapons Soon 36 nations joined the agreement

nuclear missile, Khrushchev, Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

Political goals should be defined by concrete national interests, not abstract ideologies; don't make countries your friends or enemies based on if they are communist or not communist nations is called _______ or "real politics" Nixon wanted a flexible, pragmatic foreign policy instead treating all instances of communism the same ______ (improved relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union) Leonid Brezhnev is now leading the Soviet Union He invited Nixon to visit in May of 1972 They both signed the first _____ _____ _____ ____(SALT 1) which froze the deployment of intercontinental missiles and limited the number of missiles created in the future

realpolitik, DÉTENTE, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty

Television Influences Voter Opinion (1960): Nixon vs. JFK for the White House. They had the first ______ debates. Nixon looked pale and exhausted with no makeup. Kennedy was tan and looked healthy and confident. Americans who listened to the debate thought Nixon had won it. Americans who watched the debate thought JFK had won it.


The U.S. hadn't officially recognized China since it had become The People's Republic of China (a communist country). Pres. Nixon wanted to work with China because of the ____ agreements that could be made. Nixon also hoped that befriending China would draw a wedge between China and the Soviet Union. Nixon visited China in 1972 In 1973 American tourists started visiting China and trade Officially opened up between the two countries


There was a heightened distrust of authority, "don't trust anyone over 30". This group valued what 3 things? A small part of the Counterculture were the _______—sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Many of them lived together in communes (small communities where people live as one big family to share resources and like minded views). "Sexual Revolution" (enjoyment of sex for its own sake) was also part of the Counterculture. The Beatles (music), Andy Warhol (art), and Hunter S. Thompson (reporter) all shaped the decade

youth, spontaneity, and freedom of expression; hippies

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