The Industrial Revolution
Effects of Industrialization
Size of Cities: -Growth of factories, bringing job seekers to cities -Urban areas doubling, tripling, or quadrupling in size -Factories developing near sources of energy -Many new industrial cities specializing in certain industries Living Conditions: -No sanitary codes or building controls -Lack of adequate housing, education, and police protection -Lack of running water and indoor plumbing -Frequent epidemics sweeping through slums -Eventually, better housing, healthier diets, and cheaper clothing Working Conditions: -Industrialization creating new jobs for workers -Workers trying to keep pace with machines -Factories dirty and unsanitary -Workers running dangerous machines for long hours in unsafe conditions -Harsh and severe factory discipline -Eventually, higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions Emerging Social Classes: -Growing middle class of factory owners, shippers, and merchants -Upper class of landowners and aristocrats resentful of rich middle class -Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers -Workers overworked and underpaid -In general, a rising standard of living, with some groups excluded
a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business
Jeremy Bentham & Utilitarianism
Modifying the ideas of Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham introduced the philosophy of utilitarianism. He argued that people should judge ideas, institutions, and actions on the basis of their utility. He argued that the government should try to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of people. A government policy was only useful if it promoted this goal. Bentham argued that in general the individual should be free to pursue his or her advantage without interference from the state.
Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Despite the problems that followed industrialization, the Industrial Revolution eventually had a number of positive effects. It created jobs for workers. It contributed to the wealth of the nation. It fostered technological progress and invention. It greatly increased the production of goods and raised the standard of living. Perhaps more important, it provided the hope of improvement in people's lives. The Industrial Revolution produced a number of other benefits as well. These included healthier diets; better housing; and cheaper, mass-produced clothing. Because the Industrial Revolution created a demand for engineers as well as clerical and professional workers, it expanded educational opportunities. The middle and upper classes prospered immediately from the Industrial Revolution. For the workers it took longer, but their lives gradually improved during the 1800s. Labor eventually won higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions. The long-term effects of the Industrial Revolution are still evident. Most people today in the industrialized countries can afford consumer goods that would have been considered luxuries fifty or a hundred years ago. Further, their living and working conditions are much into over over those of workers in the 19th century.
Advent of the Industrial Revolution
Advances in agricultural techniques and practices➡️an increased supply of food and raw materials. Changes in industrial organization and new technology➡️increased production, efficiency, and profits. The increased supply of food & raw materials + the increase production, efficiency, & profits + increased commerce (both foreign & domestic) = promotion of the advent of the Industrial Revolution
Improvements in Transportation
*Water Transportation* Steam used to propel boats In England, water transportation improved with the creation of a network of channels *Road Transportation* John McAdam equipped roadbeds with a layer of large stones for drainage, & placed a smooth layer of crushed rock on the top Private investors formed companies that built roads and then operated them for profit *Railroads* A steam engine on wheels - the railroad locomotive - drove English industry after 1820 -Spurring of industrial growth by giving manufacturers a cheap way to transport materials and finished products -Creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs for both railroad workers and minors -Boosting of England's agricultural and fishing industries, which could transport their products to distant cities -Encouraging of country people to take distant city jobs & luring of city dwellers to resorts in the countryside
Factors that Contributed to an Industrial Revolution in Britain
1. Agricultural revolution: Increased food supplies led to an increase in population that boosted demand for manufactured goods and provided labor for factories. 2. Abundant natural resources: Britain had the natural resources needed for industrialization: water power, coal, iron ore, rivers, and harbors. 3. Political stability: enabled Britain to devote its energies and resources to economic expansion, industrialization, and overseas trade; created a climate for progress 4. Factors of production: Britain had all the resources needed to produce goods and services, including land, labor, and capital. 5. Technological advances in the textile industry: improved the quality and speed of cotton cloth production; boosted profits; spurred other industrial improvements 6. Entrepreneurs: provided organization and management skills and took financial risks in developing new businesses 7. Building of factories: allowed industry to move out of the home and into a central location 8. Railroad boom: provided an inexpensive way to transport raw materials and manufactured products; created new jobs
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution was an increase in production brought about by the use of machines and characterized by the use of new energy sources. The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a great effect on the economic and cultural conditions in the United Kingdom, and then spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world. Although the Industrial Revolution occurred around the same time as the French, American, Latin American, and Haitian Revolutions, the Industrial Revolution was really the most revolutionary of the bunch. Its start marked a major turning point in human history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced in some way. Before the Industrial Revolution, not much changed about the way we disposed of waste or located drinking water or acquired clothing. Most people lived on or very closed to the land that provided their food. Except for a few exceptions, life expectancy never rose above 35. Education was a privilege not a right. In all these millennia, we had never developed a weapon that could kill more than a couple dozen people at once, or a way to travel faster than horseback. For 15,000 years, most humans never owned or used a single item made outside of their communities. Simon Bolivar didn't change that, and neither did the American Declaration of Independence. Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80% of the world's population was engaged in farming to keep itself and the other 20% of people from starving. Today, in the U.S. less than 1% of people list their occupation as farming. Because of the Industrial Revolution, you have electricity, you have blueberries in February, you live somewhere other than a farm, you drive a car, you get 12 years of free formal education... Your bed, your antibiotics, your toilet, your contraception, your tap water - all thanks to the Industrial Revolution.
The water frame, the spinning mule, and the power loom were bulky and expensive machines. They took the world of spinning and weaving out of the house. Wealthy textile merchants set up the machines in large buildings called factories. For centuries, most Europeans had lived in rural areas. After 1800, the balance shifted toward cities. The growth of the factory system - manufacturing goods in a central location - brought waves of jobseekers to figure and towns. Between 1800 and 1850, the number of European cities boasting more than 100,000 inhabitants rose from 22 to 47. Most of Europe's urban areas at least doubled in population. This period was one of urbanization - city building and the movement of people to cities. Some cities, such as Glasgow and Berlin, tripled or even quadrupled in size. Factories developed in clusters because entrepreneurs built them near sources of energy. Britain's capital, London, was the country's most important city. It's population exploded, provided a vast labor pool and market for new industry. Newer cities challenged London's industrial leadership.
Karl Marx & Communism
•Karl Marx wrote about communism as solution to capitalism's problems, said that with capitalism the workers would get fed up and overthrow their governments and start communism. •Communism is a class struggle between the upper class (bourgeois) and the working class (proletariat) - the desire is to create a classless society where private property is redistributed to everyone. It starts through a violent overthrow of the government. Everybody forced to pool their resources and labor in order to evenly distribute everything. (believes in collective ownership and a planned economy) Famous lines of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto of 1848: "Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.... Working Men of All Countries, Unite!" What's good about communism? •Security, basic needs met. •Everyone would have a job, house, health care, etc. What's bad about communism? •Lack of choice •No reward for being a better worker or punishment for being a slacker (incentives and consequences) •Everyone expected to be the same (lack of focus on individual growth)
Advances in agricultural techniques and practices➡️an increased supply of food and raw materials.
*Agriculture occupied a prominent position in the English way of life of this period. Not only was its importance rooted in the subsistence of the population, but agriculture was an indispensable source of raw materials for the textile industry. Wool and cotton production for the manufacture of cloth increased in each successive year, as did the yield of food crops.* *The improved yield of the agricultural sector can be attributed to the enclosure movement and to improved techniques and practices developed during this period.* Enclosure Movement: After buying up the land of village farmers, wealthy landowners enclosed their land with fences or hedges. Increase in their landholdings ➡️ cultivation of larger fields, using new seeding and harvesting methods ➡️ experimented to discover more productive farming methods to boost crop yields. The enclosure movement had two important results: (1) landowners experimented with new agricultural methods, and (2) large landowners forced small farmers to become tenant farmers or to give up farming and move to cities. Crop Rotation: A common practice in early agriculture was to allow the land to lie fallow after it had been exhausted through cultivation. Later it was discovered that the cultivation of clover and other legumes would help to restore the fertility of the soil, while increasing the amount of food available to sustain livestock through the winter ➡️ the size of herds for meat on the table increased & farmers could begin with larger herds in the spring than they had previously The Seed Drill: The usual way of sowing seed was by scattering it across the ground. Was very inefficient & wasteful - many of the seeds failed to take root Jethro Tull solved this problem by inventing the seed drill, which allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths ➡️ larger share of the seed germinated ➡️ boosting crop yields Selective Breeding: Robert Bakewell increased his mutton output by allowing only his best sheep to breed, and other farmers followed his lead ➡️ between 1700 and 1786 the average weight of lambs climbed from 18 to 50 pounds. *These changes made it possible to feed all of the people that were attracted to the industrial centers as factory workers. By providing enough food to sustain an adequate work force, England was preparing the way for expansion of the economy and industry.*
Changes in industrial organization and new technology➡️increased production, efficiency, and profits.
*In an explosion of creativity, inventions now revolutionized industry, spurring technological advantages. Britain's textile industry clothed the world in wool, linen, and cotton. Cloth merchants boosted their profits by speeding up the process by which spinners and weavers made cloth.* In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle, which dramatically increased the speed of weaving (doubled the work a weaver could do in a day) ➡️ a demand for yarn ➡️ inventions like the Spinning Jenny (invented by James Hargreaves, allowed one spinner to work eight threads at a time). These machines were operated by hand until Richard Arkwright invented the water frame, instead used the water-power from rapid streams to drive spinning wheels... Now, mechanized using water power Soon, features of the spinning jenny and the water frame combined when Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule. Made thread that was stronger, finer, and more consistent than earlier spinning machines. Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom. Was run by water-power and sped up weaving. Steam engine came along, made flying shuttles really fly in these huge cotton mills. The most successful steam engine was built by Thomas Newcomen, cleared water out of mines ➡️ more coal to power more steam engines ➡️ the fancying up of the Newcomen Steam Engine by James Watt ➡️ railroads, steamboats & ever-more efficient cotton mills Lead foundries powered by coal ➡️ lead production rising dramatically right around 1750 in Britain ➡️ lead-lined chambers ➡️ sulfuric acid created in large quantities, used to bleach the cloth - for the first time chemicals other than stale urine were being used to bleach the cloth that people wore England's cotton came from plantations in the American South in the 1790s. Removing seeds from the raw cotton by hand was hard work. American inventor named Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned. American cotton production production skyrocketed from 1.5 million pounds in 1790 to 85 million pounds in 1810. *All these changes in industrial organization and new technology came together➡more cotton that could be cleaned faster than ever before, more yarn made that could be spun and bleached faster and cheaper than ever before➡️increased production, efficiency, and profits*
How did Industrialization change the way people lived and worked? Poor city dwellers Factory workers Wealthy merchants, factory owners, shippers Children Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers Large landowners and aristocrats
1. Poor city dwellers: because no plans, sanitary codes, or building regulations controlled the rampant growth of English cities, the poor lacked adequate housing and many were forced to live in dark, filthy, overcrowded slums under very unhealthy and unsafe conditions. 2. Factory workers: because factory owners wanted to keep their machines running for as many hours a day as possible, workers were forced to work long hours for starvation wages, often under dangerous and unhealthy conditions; later, working conditions and the standard of living improved. 3.Wealthy merchants, factory owners, shippers: they gained wealth and status in society and joined a growing middle class of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and well-to-do farmers. 4. Children: as young as six began to work in factories with their families for long hours under brutal conditions; child labor laws later brought some reforms. 5. Lower middle class of factory overseers and skilled workers: they enjoyed a comfortable standard of living. 6. Large landowners and aristocrats : because some factory owners, merchants, and investment bankers grew wealthier, they lost some status, respect, and power but continued to look down on those who gained wealth in business.
Adam Smith & Capitalism
Laissez faire = the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without interference. That policy favors a free market unregulated by the government. Adam Smith defended the idea of a free economy. According to him, economic liberty guaranteed economic progress. Smith claimed that government need not interfere in the economy. He argued that if individuals freely followed their own self-interest the world would be an orderly and progressive place. After all, sellers made money by producing things that other people wanted to buy. Buyers spent money for the things they wanted most. In such a market place, Smith thought, social harmony would result without any government direction, "as if by individual hand." Smith's ideas were central to the development of capitalism. Individual ownership and competition➡️ •Freedom, choice. •You can work wherever, buy whatever, and pretty much do whatever. •If you're successful, you can be very successful. Think Bill Gates, Papa John, Mark Zukerburg •Everyone is selfish ➡️ benefits everyone (in theory) What's bad about capitalism? •No "safety net." •If you're unsuccessful, you can be very unsuccessful. Think about the poor. •Big gap between rich and poor.
Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution
The entrepreneurs who opened factories and shipping companies became very rich at the beginning. The people who worked in the factories for them (working class) were soul-crushingly poor. The enclosure movement pushed people off of farms and into the cities. These cities grew rapidly without planning➡️no sewage, running water, sanitation system. Lived in crowded, flight slums.
The growth of the Industrial Revolution depended on the ability to transport raw materials and finished goods over long distances. There were three main types of transportation that increased during the Industrial Revolution: waterways, roads, and railroads. Transportation was important because people were starting to live in the West. During this time period, transportation via water was the cheapest way to move heavy products (such as coal and iron). As a result, canals were widened and deepened to allow more boats to pass. Robert Fulton made the first steam-powered engine to power a steamboat, and in 1807 he demonstrated its use by going from New York City to Albany via the Hudson River. His steamboat was able to carry raw materials across the Atlantic Ocean by the mid 1800's. The roads also improved immensely during this time period. Previously, people traveled using animals or by foot, but there were many problems with the conditions of the roads. In 1751, turnpikes were created for easier transportation, especially for the horse-drawn wagons. John Loudon McAdam made "macadam" road surfaces which consisted of crushed rock in thin layers. Thomas Telford made new foundations in roads with large flat stones. Soon after, roads across America were improved based on these techniques. The closest to trains were horses, commonly used to pull freight cars along rails. In 1801, Richard Trevithick made the first steam locomotive. These improvements on waterways, roads, and railroads all made traveling safer, and it allowed goods to be moved more efficiently.
Socialism: Stage Between Capitalism & Communism
•Adam Smith's capitalism dominated the IR- Led to bad working conditions. •Karl Marx said that with capitalism, the workers would get fed up and overthrow their governments and start communism. He wrote about communism as solution to capitalism's problems - better wages & working conditions. Problem: Human nature doesn't work well with capitalism. Power corrupts. (Now, are people in charge. Temptation is there, access to $ ... You take it.) Pay you all the same regardless whether work gets done or not➡️laziness, work not done French reformers such as Charles Fourier, Saint-Simon, and others sought to offset the effects of industrialization with a new kind of economic system called socialism. In socialism, the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism. It builds upon the previous system (Capitalism) by nationalizing the "means of production" (i.e. corporations, resources, banks, etc.), but not by making everyone equal. People are paid wages based on several factors (social need, difficulty, amount of schooling required, etc.), so not everyone will make the same wage. Socialists argued that the government should actively plan the economy rather than depending on free-market capitalism to do the job. They argued that government control of factories, mines, railroads, and other key industries would abolish poverty and promote equality. Public ownership, they believed, would help the workers, who were at the mercy of greedy employers.
What were the long-term consequences of the Industrial Revolution on the environment and on education?
1. The environment: the environment was polluted and natural resources were depleted. 2. Educational opportunities expanded in response to a need for skilled and professional workers.
Economic Effects & Social Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Economic Effects -New inventions and development of factories -Rapidly growing industry in the 1800s -Increased production and higher demand for are materials -Growth of worldwide trade -Population explosion and a large labor force -Exploitation of mineral resources -Highly developed banking and investment system -Advances in transportation, agriculture, and communication Social Effects -Long hours worked by children in factories -Increase in population of cities -Poor city planning -Loss of family stability -Expansion of middle class -Harsh conditions for laborers -Workers' progress vs. laissez-faire economic attitudes -Improved standard of living -Creation of new jobs -Encouragement of technological progress
The Political Effects that the Economic Effects & Social Effects of the Industrial Revolution led to
Political Effects: -Child labor laws to end abuses -Reformers urging equal distribution of wealth -Trade unions -Social reforms movements, such as utilitarianism, utopianism, socialism, and Marxism -Reform bills in Parliament
David Ricardo Iron Law of Wages
The Iron Law of Wages is a proposed law of economics that asserts that real wages always tend, in the long run, toward the minimum wage necessary to sustain the life of the worker. wages ⬆️, children⬆, workforce⬆️, wages⬇️, children⬇️, workforce⬇️, repeats
Marx & Engels
The writings of Karl Marx introduced the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism. Marx & Engels studied the history of the world's economics. They believed they discovered an inevitable pattern: Basic Communism ⬇️ Feudalism ⬇️ Capitalism ⬇️ Socialism ⬇️ Communism
Thomas Malthus
Thomas Malthus argued that population tended to increase more rapidly than the food supply. Without wars and epidemics to kill off the extra people, most were destined to be poor and miserable. His theory - population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply & betterment of humankind is impossible without stern limits on reproduction. (This thinking is commonly referred to as Malthusianism)