The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals

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Developmental sequence in identity formation

-four statuses appear linear, stage-like -no evidence of clear sequence

Research indicates that children's feelings of autonomy from peers are likely to be at their lowest point for which of the following age groups?

8th Grade

Applications; Growing Pains

-Adolescence is associated with major cognitive advances, gains in physical strength and vitality -Also onset of physical and mental health problems -Watching teenagers struggle with the problems of adolescence is painful -Some adults avoid the grueling job of limit setter -Involved and vigilant parenting critically important protection

The role of early or late maturation and susceptibility to depression

-Early maturers are more affected by hormonal influences. -Girls must deal with more stressors than boys -Decline in self-esteem (more for girls than boys) -Body image plays a large role in girls' self-esteem -Girls experience stress due to their sexuality and the double standard by which they are judged. -More mixed-group associations which may be less affirming for girls than boys. -Steady or frequent daters with higher sexual activity are more prone to depression. -Girls utilize a coping style of rumination which also increases the risk of depression.


-Establishing independence requires separation. -Parents becoming more peripheral to self-system. -Increading affiliation and dependency on peers. -Anxiety of being without a stable sense of self.

A parent whose own working model of attachment is "preoccupied/entangled" is likely to have an infant with which of the following kinds of attachment?

Anxious ambivalent.

Sexual dimorphism

Both internal and external differences between the sexes, which increase during the adolescent growth spurt.

Synaptogenesis and pruning, widespread reorganization, development of psychopathology, Continued Myelination etc.

Brain developments in the adolescent period include which of the following?

Personal Fable

Tessa, a counselor who works with teenagers, meets with Olivia, who attempted suicide after her boyfriend broke up with her. Olivia says she feels that there is no choice but for her to end her life. Ronnie believes that she is destined to die young. This will make her boyfriend mourn for her forever. How would Elkind describe Olivia's view of the world?

Pubertal processes begin when certain changes occur in the endocrine system. Which of the following explains the beginning of this process?

The pituitary begins to stimulate other glands to release hormones into the bloodstream.

the majority of adolescents identify with the minority category of their racial or ethnic identity

When working with youth whose racial or ethnic heritage is biracial or multiracial, counselors are likely to find that:


Where adolescents embark on identity development process; no commitments or life choices; high incident of risk taking

Which scales on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development are used to compute the developmental quotient? a. motor and mental b. mental and behavior rating c. motor and behavior rating d. motor, mental and behavior rating

a. motor and mental

Recent research on the self-system supports the idea that the self is ____________ in nature.

a. multidimensional

Which of the following is true with regard to the way coping styles relate to depression?

c. Distraction shortens episodes of depression by shortening the time spent focusing on negative events and thus lessening their intensity.

Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development of self-control?

c. Emotion regulation.

A child's social preference score is based on ____________, and their social impact scores are based on ____________.

a. positive nominations / positive plus negative nominations

A coping style which has been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women is

a. rumination.

When elementary school children are free to choose whomever they wish to play with, the most consistent finding is that they will choose

a. same sex playmates.

Models of development which hold that change occurs as a function of reciprocal influences, both from within the person and from the external environment are called a. incremental models b. stage models c. multidimensional models d. information-processing models

multidimensional models.

Assimilation can be described as ____________ and accommodation can be described as ____________.

incorporating information / restructuring information.

Models of development which hold that change occurs as a continuous process are called a. incremental models b. stage models c. multidimensional models d. information-processing models

incremental models.

Developmentalists study what infants and children understand about other people's intentions, desires, beliefs, feelings, and so on. This field of study is referred to as

theory of mind.

When Marla, age 14, decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of ____________ as part of identity formation.

social comparison with peers

The measure of social status that combines aspects of education background, income, and occupation is called

socioeconomic status.

The nature and amount of verbal communication between parents and their children is correlated with the family's

socioeconomic status.

Models of development which hold that change typically occurs in shifts between periods of relative stability and periods of disequilibrium are called a. incremental models b. stage models c. multidimensional model d. information-processing models

stage models.

Marcia's core domains

vocational choice, religious and political ideology, gender-role, sexual expression

The "Big Five" personality traits are

warmth, neuroticism, conscientiouness, introversion and extroversion.

The process of myelination is not completed until a. well into adulthood. B. middle childhood c. the end of infancy d. around age 5 or 6

well into adulthood.

Advances in metacognitive skill

- Improved capacity to think about own thinking - Self-focus related to need to form adult identity.


- Incorporates all dimensions of self-knowledge. -Foundation for behavioral, affective, and cognitive commitments (career, relationships, belief systems). -Attainment does not imply an end to change.

4 reasons people seek meaning - Having a purpose for life helps us set goals

- Meaning provides a sense of control, autonomy - Meaning helps identify values, morals, and ethics by defining actions that are legitimate or not - Meaning helps people value themselves, fosters self-worth

Differentiate between peer selection and peer influence

-Adolescents will spend most of their time with their few close friends as they are part of their innermost circle. -Adolescents take part in groups based on similar interests not necessarily as close friendships.

Continuum of socialization practices

-Broad socialization: Permit and encourage freedom of expression, fewer social constraints -Narrow socialization: Exert more control over the expression, expect more conformity

Personal meaning of risk

-Consider the adolescent's personal motivation, in order to uncover the personal meaning of risky behavior for the individual. -Don't assume mature perspective-taking from the adolescent. -Real empathy is important for a successful therapeutic relationship. -Increase motivation to consider alternatives -Be aware of own perspective and differentiate it from that of the adolescent, in order to effectively reason with adolescent. -Help adolescents become more reflective.

Discuss the role work and leisure has in adolescent development, including working-for-pay's mixed benefits

-Leisure activities can promote skill mastery, such as sports participation, hobbies, and can also be recreational (video games). - School or community sponsored out of school activities related to higher achievement -Longer, more intensive involvement associated with better long-term effects -High school participation in either prosocial activities or sports was associated w/ long term educational achievements Pros of working -Can enhance self esteem, provide training Kids who participated in prosocial activities were unlikely to use alcohol or other drugs in high school, those who participated in sports were more likely than most other teens to use alcohol in high school -Can improve responsibility, work ethic, social skills, time and money management skills. -Teens who work generally endorse many presumed benefits (learning to manage money and time, establishing work ethic, and learning social skills) Cons of working -Teens report feeling fatigued and having less time for homework and leisure activities -More than 20 hours a week are associated with increases in problem behaviors like theft, school misconduct, alcohol and drug use, including cigarette smoking

Explain the role school has in adolescent development

-Major part in the psychosocial, intellectual, and vocational development of adolescents -Nurturing teachers have students that show greater academic effort and express more prosocial goals. -Large school size is correlated with lower scores on standardized test scores and higher dropout rates -Smaller schools promote prosocial behavior among teens and more community activism among their adult graduates -Negative feedback or criticism from teachers was found to be clearly associated with diminished motivation and poor achievement.

Sexual orientation

-Modeling is not a viable explanation: Children of homosexuals not more likely to be homosexual. -Evidence for a strong biological contribution. -Not well understood.

Characteristics of why adolescents engage in risky behaviors

-Need for sensation seeking -Modeling of deviant behavior by peers -Egocentric beliefs of invulnerability -Exacerbated by collective egocentrism

Summarize the role media and the consumer culture take in adolescent development

-Negative media forces include exposure to violence, sexual, materialistic messages -Competes with messages from family and school -General loss of community and a focus on individualism and material success -Link between viewing TV violence and behaving aggressively for certain individuals has been well researched and is generally accepted -Frequent consumption of media is linked to more sexual partners and earlier sexual initiation -Media images serve as standards for social comparison, molding expectations for normative behavior and amplifying values that may be at odds with those of families and communities. - 11-18 year olds exposed to about 4 more hrs/day compared to 8-10 year olds. -3rd - 12th graders averaged 6.3 hrs/day in 2004, increased to 7.6 hrs/day by 2009. -Exposure higher for black, Hispanic, Asian youth

Describe the role of parenting in adolescence

-Parents have often been advised to let go. -recent research shows parenting remains as important for adolescents as for younger children. - Authoritative parenting linked to better outcomes (warmth - responsiveness) (control - demandingness, close monitoring) - Crowds affiliations can mitigate parenting effects -For better: high achieving peers mitigate low parental involvement, low value for achievement -For worse: low achieving peers mitigate high parental involvement, high value for education.

Frameworklessness; Describe the role of the peer arena in developing identity

-Peers are a source of support, social comparison, attribute substitution or imitation, identification -Borrowing peers' ways of behaving and thinking provides relief from anxiety

Paradox of risk-taking behaviors

-Positive aspects (status-provision) negative aspects (social-deviance)

Historical changes in societal role in adolescent problem behavior

-Problem behavior "socialized" through the 1960s -Increasingly "medicalized" since the 1990s -Reduction in community support systems, organizations -Positive opportunities come with a price tag

Most sexual minority adolescents do not have accurate information

-Provide youth with support, information, and a safe place to explore their concerns -Offering abstinence as only option for teenagers is not defensible from a scientific perspective

Adolescents in stigmatized or disadvantaged groups face additional challenges

-Racial, ethnic identity more salient for minority individuals -Some experience discrimination, cultural intolerance, poverty

Culturally sensitive efforts have been advanced

-Strong African American Families Program -Based on strengthening parent and youth protective services

Coming-Out models of sexual identity

-Two central processes: sexual questioning and disclosure to others -Timing and nature of development highly varied -Empirical base is weak

Identity crisis: truth or fiction?

-more a transitional state, some elements of crisis -outcomes related to earlier psychosocial development, available models and support

Gender and Identity

-more similarity than difference -some evidence girls involved in more relationship related activities -women more likely to assign interpersonal aspects of identity a higher priority

Identity incorporates components of self-concept

-social, academic, and physical self-concept. -variable timing of development in different domains (e.g., vocational, religious)

Issues in the study of racial or ethnic and sexual development

-work largely theoretical rather than empirical, cross-sectional rather than longitudinal -even terms difficult to define -treating groups as homogeneous is problematic -multicultural and multiethnic background increasingly common, often ignored -consider other factors like generational status, immigration history, and nationality in addition

Identify and define 3 parts of a social network

1. A few close friends 2. cliques 3. crowds

5 features of treatment of PTSD

1. Addressing safety 2. Calming by addressing pressing practical needs 3. Supporting self and collective efficacy 4. Bolstering connectedness among survivors 5. Instilling hope


A coping style which has been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women is

Which of the following helpers is most likely to have an implicit "incrementalist" belief about intelligence? a. A counselor who recommends a strategy of academic skill building for a client who is experiencing academic problems. b. A therapist who helps the client adjust to the limitations of his academic ability. c. A school counselor who bases the decision about which career information to provide on the client's intelligence test results. d.A counselor who develops a program to track elementary school-aged children in classes that reflect their academic achievement.

A counselor who recommends a strategy of academic skill building for a client who is experiencing academic problems.

Invincibility fable

A feeling of being invulnerable, even immortal, can be part of this fantasy, perhaps contributing to increases in risk taking at adolescence.

Corpus callosum

A network of fibers that connect the right and left cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Its maturation from early childhood through adolescence contributes to coordination and integration of information and aides in the development of consciousness. (connecting hemispheres)


A state of instability and anxiety unique to adolescents. This state is a result of the body changing in appearance, the emergence of adult sexual needs, hormonal shifts, the expanding capacity to reflect on the future and the self, and increased maturity demands. Increasing affiliation and dependency on peers

Adolescent egocentrism is teens' and older tweens' belief that others are highly attentive to their behavior and appearance. Adolescent egocentrism usually appears around 11 or 12 years of age and tapers off around 15 or 16 years. Encourages individuation through personal fable and imaginary audience. Personal fable is an adolescent's belief that he/she is special and unique. It aids individuation by encouraging the child to think about himself as a separate entity instead of as a member of the family unit. The imaginary audience causes the adolescent to believe that peers are scrutinizing and commenting on his every move. Like the personal fable, this acute self-awareness makes the adolescent focus on himself/herself as a distinct, autonomous being.

Adolescent egocentrism

Cognitive development in regards to constructing ideals

Adolescent egocentrism may contribute to critical attitude toward anything less than perfect.

Personal fable

Another feature of the adolescent's self-focus is the distorted view of their own importance.

Imaginary audience

Because adolescents are so sure others are as interested in them as they are, they can become extremely self-conscious.

Define risky behaviors

Behaviors that constitute a departure from socially accepted norms or behaviors that pose a threat to the well-being of individuals or groups

Cognitive development in regards to formal operational thought

Challenging even for adults Easier to apply in domains of expertise Use of logic and abstract thinking


Constructed own identity; internal locus of control; positive psychological well-being

Crowds vs cliques

Crowds are composed of many cliques. Membership determined by personality and interests, available crowds, and parents' efforts to manage peer relationships. Crowds influence members, but are also selected by members Crowds affiliations can mitigate parenting effects... For better: high achieving peers mitigate low parental involvement, low value for achievement For worse: low achieving peers mitigate high parental involvement, high value for education

Prenatal / environmental

Currently available evidence is strongest for _________ influences on the development of gender identity, and there is no reliable evidence for _________ causes after birth.

Marcia's Moratorium identity status

Currently exploring with no commitments ideals, occupations and/or interpersonal relations. Leads to a "constructed identity" which redefines goals from childhood

The main difference between the two is that in the concrete operational stage a child is able to think rationally about objects if they can work with or see the objects. In the formal operations stage they are able to think rationally and do not need the objects being thought about to be present. Concrete operational stage usually occurs between the ages of 7 and 11 years. The formal operational stage occurs later from approximately the age of 11 until adulthood. As a result, the formal operational stage involves more complex cognitive development and ultimately transitions into the rest of a person's life.

Difference between formal operations and concrete operations

Marcia's identity status categories

Diffusion Moratorium Foreclosure Achievement

Identify Marcia's four identity status categories

Diffusion Moratorium Foreclosure Achievement

Describe identity development and changes in adolescents

Ego Identity, as Erikson first called it, serves as the foundation for the behavioral, effective and cognitive commitments to career, relationships and political and religious belief systems that will be made in adulthood.

In one study, young rats exposed to stress vocalized their anxiety. Their mothers, alerted to this distress, responded with diligent caregiving behavior that altered the development of the hippocampus. Which of the following processes or principles does this example demonstrate?


According to Erikson, what are the processes involved in the development of identity?

Exploration and commitment

Which of the following research techniques is an appropriate method for studying cognitive development of individuals during the sensorimotor period?

Habituation paradigm.

Which of the following is the best example of a characteristic form of adolescent egocentrism?

Formal operational thinking

Cognitive development in regards to scientific problem solving

Generate and consider possible solutions; able to grasp the "hypothetical" concept; test each one

Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the onset of menarche?

Girls who are very athletic are likely to have earlier onset of menarche.

Juan, age 15, is Latino. Given his ethnicity, and based on the available research, what would you expect his attitudes to be regarding academic achievement?

He is just as likely as other teens to believe that getting a good education is helpful for future success, but is not as likely to believe that failure in school will limit his future job options.

Dennis is a 17-year-old who comes to a counselor because he feels sexually attracted to males, a situation that is at odds with his religious convictions. Although he has felt this way for a long time, he is still struggling to understand why he is like this. Based upon the information presented in this chapter, what explanation has some research support?

Homosexual orientation is at least partly determined by heredity.

Phillipa's husband, Manuel, is worried about her plan to return to full-time employment when their baby is 6 months old. He is afraid that there will be a negative effect on the baby's attachment to her mother. Phillipa suggests that she and Manuel discuss the pros and cons of day care with a counselor. What would a well-informed counselor advise this couple?

If Phillipa continues to provide sensitive, responsive care when she is with the baby, and if the day care is good quality, then the baby should still form a secure attachment to Phillipa.

How crowd affiliations can mitigate parenting effects

If parents are encouraging a child to achieve in school, then the child is more likely to migrate towards other students working toward the same goals.


Make commitments without exploring alternatives; conferred identity (I believe what my parents told me to believe)

Marcia's Foreclosure Status

Making commitments without exploration. Leads to a conferred identity with a pre-arranged set of ideals, occupations and/or interpersonal/sexual relations

Invincibility Fable

It's a typical day for Tessa, a counselor who works with teenagers. Marcus explains to her that he came to school high on drugs because he can get away with it. He believes his teachers are clueless when it comes to spotting kids on drugs. Which form of adolescent egocentrism might Elkind use to describe Marcus' view of the world?

High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?

Less deviant behavior and drug use among adolescents

Behavioral changes that happen in puberty

Moodiness, conflict with parents, negative affect, and risky behaviors such as violating norms and recklessness. More mood disruptions, more feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment, more extremes of emotion, and less happiness than younger children or adults.

Distinguish identity development among diverse groups and genders

More similarities than differences Women more likely to assign interpersonal aspects of identity a higher priority

What can you reliably predict about normal age-related changes in cognitive functioning in middle adulthood?

Most people need to take a little more time when solving complex problems.


Moving toward future; "what makes me, me"; frequently shifting goals & behaviors - start constructing identity

Frontal lobe

Part of the cerebrum that is situated at the top front part of each hemisphere and controls voluntary muscle movements and higher level cognitive functions (planning, self-control, judgement).

Temporal lobe

Part of the cerebrum that is situated on the sides of each hemisphere and is responsible for auditory processing. The left temporal lobe is especially important in language processing. (language, emotion regulation)

Parietal lobe

Plays a role in interpreting sensory information. Making individuals aware of their limbs is a major responsibility of the parietal lobe. Non-verbal language is processed in this region as well. (integrating information)

Identify primary and secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics: Physical straits directly involved in reproduction, such as the genitalia. Secondary sexual characteristics: Physical traits not directly involved in reproduction, but is indicative of sex, such as enlarged breasts in females and deeper voices in male.

It looks like the hypothalamus is responsible for the beginning of the pubertal process, "The recent discovery of a chemical in the hypothalamus helps us understand what triggers the beginnings of puberty deep inside the brain. This signaling chemical was named kisspeptin.

Pubertal processes begin when certain changes occur in the endocrine system. Which of the following explains the beginning of this process?

Distinguish identity development among racial and ethnic identity theories

Race or ethnicity not yet a salient feature of self-concept in childhood (starts off in moratorium-like stage), but can take on personal significance in adolescence as triggered by experience. Moratorium-like stage may be triggered by experience that thrust issue to the forefront. One consensus: A strong and positive ethnic identity serves as a powerful protective factor

Summarize the emergence of sexuality and sexual development

Sexual pleasure is part of human functioning even in early childhood. On average, children begin to show sexual attraction at adrenarche - when the adrenal glands increase their activity just before puberty, at about age 10. The strength and urgency of the adult sex drive, emerging as a function of puberty, is a new experience to young adolescents. Faced with their increased sexual interest, most adolescents begin to explore their sexuality.

Jasmine, age 16, has just begun an after-school and weekend job at which she expects to work about 10 hours a week. She plans to use her earnings to buy clothes, gas for her car, and to fund outings with friends. Based on research, which of the following is the most likely outcome of Jasmine's part-time employment?

She will have more conflict with her parents and spend less time with them.

Which of the following is an accurate description of the long-term effects of chronic stress on the body? a. The ability of the immune system to fight infection and ward off disease is compromised. b. There are no effects on the immune system, and only short term effects on the cardiovascular system. c. There are no effects on the cardiovascular system, but long term effects on the skeletal muscles. d. There are no lasting effects on the body - when the stress ends all physical systems return to normal.

The ability of the immune system to fight infection and ward off disease is compromised.


The beginning of breast development at the onset of puberty.


The beginning of puberty marked by the first growth of pubic hair.


The beginning of the menstrual function; especially the first menstrual period of an individual.


The generation of synapses or connections between neurons, usually as a result of the growth of axons and dendrites.

Juan is afraid of snakes. Which of the following is likely to best describe how his brain responds when he first sees a snake?

The lower limbic structures like the amygdala can process the sensory input from the snake and trigger a physical reaction to the feared stimulus before the input is processed at a more rational level by the cortex.


The start of sperm development in boys at puberty.

Explain society's role in adolescent problem behavior both presently and historically, including differentiating between broad and narrow socialization

Then: In the 1920s, society viewed deviant adolescent behavior as an expression of youthful energies gone awry. Social deviancy was considered an alternative pathway that some teenagers used to meet normal developmental goals. It was believed that society was responsible for providing more productive outlets for adolescent energies. Now: Contemporary society leans toward perceiving the source of deviancy as something within the individual adolescent

Which of the following is not true with regard to the definition of reactive attachment disorder?

These children behave indifferently, like avoidantly attached youngsters.

Sally, age 28, recently married John, age 45. They would like to have a child, but they are concerned that they may be at high risk to have a child with a chromosomal abnormality, like Down's syndrome, because of John's age. What is their genetic counselor likely to tell them?

They are at higher than average risk for some chromosomal disorders because of John's age, but not for Down's syndrome.

Daniel is very extraverted. He admits that he is not comfortable unless surrounded by other people, and he energetically pursues activities that require the company of others. His cousin Bill, about the same age, is very introverted. Bill is self-reflective and prefers more solitary pursuits. Regardless of their personality characteristics, which of the following is likely to contribute most to their long-term happiness?

They are good friends who are willing to help each other in difficult times.

the majority of gender-minority youth experience both same-sex and other-sex attractions in the process of coming out.

When counseling adolescents who are unsure of their sexual identity, helpers should keep in mind that:

Fourteen-year-old Robyn buys gifts for other members of her family based on what she likes to receive. She doesn't worry about what her family members' preferences are.

Which of the following is the best example of a characteristic form of adolescent egocentrism?

The mistaken assumption that others are as intrigued by and concerned with the adolescent as they themselves are.

Which of the following is the best example of a characteristic form of adolescent egocentrism?

Distraction shortens episodes of depression by shortening the time spent focusing on negative events and thus lessening their intensity.

Which of the following is true with regard to the way coping styles relate to depression?

Achievements increase over time while foreclosures decrease and diffusions decrease or remain the same

Which of these is the best summary of developmental trends in the formation of identity?

It is not true that Yvonne's level of moodiness is due solely to her family circumstances,her social circumstances or her hormonal changes; these risk factors potentiate one another and increase "storm and stress"

Yvonne is a 13-year-old 8th grader who is a new student in an urban middle school. She recently moved into the area with her mother and her three siblings. The family moved to be nearer to Yvonne's grandparents after the breakup of her parents' relationship. Yvonne is tall for her age and is bothered by the looks and sexual comments about her breasts from boys in her school. She has made few friends at the new school. Which of the following is NOT true with regard to Yvonne's level of moodiness?

Based upon the example above, which of the following is not true with regard to Yvonne's level of moodiness?

Yvonne's level of moodiness is likely to increase because she has higher expectations for academic success than her male peers.

In one animal study of the influence of genes on behavior, offspring of rats with genes for low stress reactivity were reared by unrelated mother rats with genes for high stress reactivity. This is an example of

a cross-fostering study.

A group of people characterized by shared traditions, attitudes, values, and beliefs handed down from one generation to another constitute ______________.

a racial group.

Counselors working with young children should know that children as young as ____________ usually show some knowledge of gender-related preferences and activities.

a. 3 years old

Imagine that you are counseling a 6th grader on how to improve her study skills so that she will remember more information on tests. Not only do you teach her some memory strategies, you also encourage her to engage in self-testing so that she will begin self- monitoring, that is, keeping track of how well she is remembering new material. What kind of skill is this kind of self-monitoring?

a. A metacognitive skill.

Which of the following parenting styles is most closely associated with positive outcomes in psychosocial development and school achievement for adolescents?

a. Authoritative.

Brain developments in the adolescent period include which of the following?

a. Continued myelination .

Which of the following is the most important factor in helping young adults avoid a slide into poverty?

a. Education.

Based on research, which adolescent and early adult characteristics are most strongly related to high levels of generativity in middle adulthood?

a. Extraversion and agreeableness.

Parents who give reasons for the rules they set in ways that their children can understand are using what disciplinary method?

a. Induction.

Counselors who do parent training primarily use which approach for this work?

a. Learning theory.

Brenda and Louise are twin sisters who each married 20 years ago. Brenda and her husband run a small piano tuning business. They have had a small, loyal customer base, and their modest but adequate income has not changed over time. Louise and her husband each work for a corporation, and their incomes have steadily increased over the last 20 years allowing them to increase their standard of living. Assuming that Brenda and Louise began their married lives equally happy, and based on their income histories alone, what would you predict about the subjective well-being of Brenda and Louise today?

a. Louise and Brenda are probably still about equally happy

Which of the following is a well-documented gender difference in brain structure?

a. Male brains are more lateralized than female brains.

Surya wants 8-year-old Leila to start her homework. Leila doesn't want to turn off the TV. Surya raises her voice and threatens to take away Leila's TV privileges for a week if she doesn't comply. Surya enters the room and commands Leila to obey. Leila begins to wail, saying that the homework is too hard and that she never understands it anyway. At this point the phone rings. Surya gets absorbed in the call. Thirty minutes later, Leila is still watching TV and another battle ensues. Surya, exhausted from the struggle, take her to bed. This scenario is an example of which phenomenon?

a. Patterson's coercive family process.

Laboratory studies have provided evidence for which of the following statements with regard to emotional reactivity?

a. Positive affectivity is related to higher levels of left prefrontal cortical activity.

Hazan and Zeifman (1999) asked 6- to 17-year-olds questions about attachment needs. They found that peers met some attachment needs during childhood or early adolescence, but that peers did not fulfill other attachment needs unless they became romantic partners. Which of the following attachment needs were shifted to peers even for the youngest children in this study?

a. Proximity maintenance.

Most theories of racial, ethnic or sexual identity include which of the following ideas?

a. Realizing the significance of race, ethnicity or sexual orientation plays a critical role.

Social skills training programs are interventions in which children are taught specific, discrete behaviors that can facilitate effective social interactions, like making eye contact and asking appropriate questions. Assessments of these interventions indicate that they have modest success in improving peer acceptance. Which of these is the best description of a major shortcoming of these intervention programs?

a. Socially unskilled children are already perceived in biased ways by peers, and that perception is not being addressed by the intervention.

Brain growth during adolescence appears to be influenced by the hormonal changes of puberty. What effects do these hormonal changes seem to have?

a. They affect the onset and offset of genes that influence cortisol levels.

Which of the following statements about Tim's self-esteem is most accurate?

a. Tim's global self-esteem is likely to be high because he excels in an area of importance to him.

Which of the following approaches would you recommend Tim's teacher use with him?

a. Try to help Tim gain a more realistic perspective about his weaknesses in math and help him learn the skills he needs to succeed.

Alex is 22 months of age. He knows that he should not play with his food at the dinner table, but he sometimes still does so. His parents can usually redirect his behavior with simple reminders about what he should be doing. What is happening cognitively to help him grow in self-control?

a. With repeated experience, Alex is constructing representations of standards for everyday behavior that serve as guidelines for behavior.

In an assessment of peer relationships, Fred was rarely selected by classmates as someone to play with or to do a class project with. But Fred was also rarely selected as someone whom classmates would refuse to play with. Fred is an example of

a. a neglected child.

One factor that promotes self-esteem among minority group members is

a. a strong and positive racial or ethnic identity.

Stanley is 7 years old. His parents are quite concerned about his school progress. Although he has begun to learn to read, he reverses some letters when he writes. Based on research, Stanley's school counselor should tell his parents that

a. brain development can be quite uneven in childhood and as a result, it is not unusual for children to show poor performance in isolated skills.

Studies of interventions intended to increase creativity show that creativity ________ . a. can be increased, but only if the environment supports and rewards creativity b. can be increased, but only in individuals with above average intelligence c. is easily increased and the increases persist d. cannot be modified by training

a. can be increased, but only if the environment supports and rewards creativity

Finding the "best" solution to a problem illustrates ________ . a. convergent thinking b. divergent thinking c. naturalistic intelligence d. logical thinking

a. convergent thinking

Carla, a bright, energetic 8-year-old, has lost four gloves during the past few weeks. Her mother is annoyed at the need to keep replacing gloves. Carla notices that her little brother is amused that Carla is in trouble, and she formulates the theory that her brother is stealing the gloves just to get her into trouble. Carla is convinced that she is right. She refuses to entertain her mother's suggestion that Carla is often so distracted that she does not keep track of her possessions. Carla is displaying a form of

a. egocentrism.

Studies of American schools indicate that as children move out of elementary school into middle and junior high schools, instructional practices are characterized more by ____________ than they were in the earlier grades.

a. emphasis on discipline and teacher control

Among the important differences between adult-adult attachments and child-adult attachments is the

a. greater degree of symmetry in adult-adult attachments.

In middle childhood and early adolescence, cliques serve the purpose of

a. helping to establish one's identity and meet needs for acceptance.

Friendship, according to Selman, requires balancing

a. intimacy and autonomy.

Counselors need to recognize that girls' antisocial behavior in late childhood

a. is likely to include non-confrontational relational aggressive behaviors.

Biological females with two X chromosomes are sometimes born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which causes their external genitalia to appear more like those of a male. They may be misidentified at birth and raised as males. If the correct identification is not made before age 3, physicians often advise parents to continue raising the child as a boy, because the child's gender identity may be difficult to change after age 3. The experiences of CAH girls and other gender atypical children have helped demonstrate that

a. social assignment is a powerful influence on gender identity.

When working with youth whose racial or ethnic heritage is biracial or multiracial, counselors are likely to find that

a. the majority of adolescents identify with the minority category of their racial or ethnic identity.

The more you know about a particular domain of knowledge,

a. the more easily you can learn new information in that domain.

Rita is in the gifted program at her high school. According to research, which of the following is most likely to describe her? a. well-adjusted b. socially immature c. unhealthy d. highly popular

a. well-adjusted

Which task is considered to measure crystallized intelligence? a. word comprehension b. memory for unrelated words c. verbal analogies d. geometric relationships

a. word comprehension

Sexual attraction begins at

adrenarche, just before puberty.

Cross-cultural research findings indicate that

age-related changes in personality traits are consistent across different cultural groups.

Day care researchers have identified a dose-response relationship between the amount of time spent in day care and the age of entry into day care and which later outcome?

aggression and neediness at school age

Jacob, age 13, gets a laugh from the whole school orchestra when he imitates the music teacher, who is out of the room. The next day, Jacob's friend Brad boasts at lunch that "Jacob and I really got a laugh out of the orchestra at practice yesterday." Brad is identifying with Jacob and appropriating Jacob's accomplishment as his own. This example illustrates one kind of

attribute substitution.

Some parents of adolescents are going through their own "perilous transition." What proportion of American parents report strong feelings of powerlessness, rejection, and personal regret when their children become adolescents?

b. About 40%

Mr. Sanderson is a 1st grade teacher. He believes in fostering children's tolerance for others, encouraging fairness, and promoting cooperative behavior. One of his classroom jobs involves leading the lunch line to the school cafeteria, a coveted role among the students. Vanessa has been line leader of the week. It is now the last day of the week and Mr. Sanderson asks Vanessa to allow Jeremy, a brand new student, a chance to lead the line. Mr. Sanderson is upset with Vanessa when she refuses because he feels she is not being kind. What is the best explanation for Vanessa's behavior?

b. At this age, Vanessa can engage in needs-based reasoning but may still have difficulty weighing the needs of others against to her own.

Becky was part of an infant attachment study when she was a baby, participating in a strange situation test with her mother. Later, as a young adult, Becky participated in an attachment interview assessing her adult representation of her attachment to her mother. Based on other studies of this kind, which of the following findings is likely?

b. Becky's infant attachment status is likely to be predictive of her adult attachment category.

Research indicates a history-graded effect for cohorts of children and adolescents growing up in the United States today. Which of these is the best description of this effect?

b. Children and adolescents experience higher levels of anxiety than individuals in previous generations.

Yvonne is a 13-year-old 8th grader who is a new student in an urban middle school. She recently moved into the area with her mother and her three siblings. The family moved to be nearer to Yvonne's grandparents after the breakup of her parents' relationship. Yvonne is tall for her age and is bothered by the looks and sexual comments about her breasts from boys in her school. She has made few friends at the new school. What does this example illustrate about the ease of the adolescent transition for early-maturing girls like Yvonne?

b. Early-maturing girls are more likely to be rejected by girls who are less mature.

For helping professionals who assume an attachment perspective in their therapeutic approach to clients, what is expected to be the primary mechanism of change?

b. Establishing a therapeutic bond that functions as a secure base.

Mrs. Brown has tried to explain to her 3-year-old daughter, Maya, that Maya must stay at the babysitter's house while her mother goes to work. Maya cries each day during leave-taking. Mrs. Brown is embarrassed by this, especially because the babysitter seems to disapprove. The babysitter thinks that Maya should be more considerate toward her mother. Which is the most developmentally appropriate course of action?

b. Explain to the babysitter that Maya can't understand yet why her mother has to leave her and ask that the babysitter be patient with her.

Crystalized intelligence is the ability to use your mind actively to solve novel problems. a. True b. False

b. False

The three intelligences proposed by Sternberg are creative, practical, and academic. a. True b. False

b. False

Which of the following is the best example of a characteristic form of adolescent egocentrism?

b. Fourteen-year-old Erika buys gifts for other members of her family based on what she likes to receive. She doesn't worry about what her family members' preferences are.

Brendt has finished 6th grade in his elementary school, and is beginning 7th grade at a junior high school. According to research on school transitions, what is most likely to be true for Brendt?

b. His academic achievement in 7th grade would probably be better if the transition from elementary school began after 8th grade.

As a toddler, Joey loved to "dance" with his mother and his sisters, twirling around the house to music. By age 5, Joey refused to dance anymore, saying that dancing was for girls. His mother felt that he really wanted to dance but that he just wouldn't. How would a cognitive theorist explain Joey's attitude toward dancing?

b. Joey is intrinsically motivated to engage in behaviors that he believes are consistent with his gender.

Mark, a 47-year-old man, is very shy. He has difficulty interacting with others because he feels awkward and does not easily express his thoughts and feelings. He is a relatively successful artist who lives alone in a rural Southern state. Mark also remembers being very shy as a child. Which of the following is not a likely explanation for the continuity of Mark's personality over his life span?

b. Mark's parents did not try to make him more outgoing.

Rasheed is a 19-year-old college student whose family is making financial sacrifices to pay for his education. So far, his grade point average is not high enough to allow him entrance into the pre-med program, the course of study he intends to pursue. He also works part time as a youth counselor, a job he really likes. He is considering changing his major to education. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which category would you assign to Rasheed with regard to his vocational identity?

b. Moratorium.

Which of the following is true of American teenagers' knowledge of HIV/AIDS?

b. Only a minority are well-informed and understand the risks of unprotected sex.

When peers and parents both support academics, adolescents tend to be successful students. When peers and parents are at odds on the importance or value of academics, which of the following is most often true according to research?

b. Peers' attitudes are likely to have the most influence on the adolescent's academic performance.

Sasha, a 3-year-old girl, was having difficulty settling down at bedtime. She ran around her house, trying to make her parents catch her before getting into bed. Sasha's behavior awakened her baby sister, asleep in the next room. John, Sasha's father, felt pushed to his limit and he screamed at Sasha to stop and threatened her with a spanking. In this example, which of the following statements is true with regard to internalization of standards?

b. Sasha's father did not support her internalization of rules of behavior because she only complied out of fear.

Karina and her friend Joanna began their college careers at a competitive ivy league school and they both had high grade point averages and high test scores in high school. Yet, both of them are having a hard time getting good grades as freshmen. They find the amount of reading and the performance requirements to be so demanding that each of them has had D grades on exams. Now in their second semester, Karina is digging in, working harder, and starting to have more success, while Joanna seems discouraged and is considering giving up. Which of the following is most likely to be true of Joanna?

b. She displays a helpless pattern.

Experimentation with deviant or risky behaviors (drug use, vandalism, sex, truancy, etc.) in adolescence is

b. typical of this age group and can be considered statistically normative.

Which of the following is true of aggressive children?

b. The may be well-liked if they have strengths in areas like sociability and cognitive ability.

Problem drinking and drug use is part of the lifestyle of many young adults. In a longitudinal study of 33,000 people, what was the typical course of these behaviors?

b. They begin to decline when adults reach their mid-twenties.

Kindling-behavioral sensitization describes

b. a process of increasing sensitivity to stressful triggers.

Counselors should know that the period between the ages of 15 and 24 years is

b. a time when depression rates are at their peak, with the highest prevalence of any time in the life span.

Studies of people who are bereaved, whether due to death of a loved one or due to their own spinal cord injuries, show similar results regarding the relationship between initial distress and later coping. Compared to other bereaved individuals, people who show the highest levels of initial distress

b. are less effective in coping with their loss in the long run.

Counselors who work to improve children's social relationships are concerned with developing friendship skills. According to Selman, friendship skills can be defined as

b. behaviors such as appropriate assertiveness, eye contact, and good communication with peers.

Both Sam and Suzanna, age 11, are having trouble making friends. A counselor assesses each of them for social interactive skills and discovers that Sam has poor perspective-taking skills for his age. Suzanna actually has good perspective-taking skills, but she fails to use these skills effectively when interacting with others. In Selman's terms, these two children show different levels of ____________ but similar levels of ____________.

b. competence / performance

The parents of Abe, age 14, are concerned that he is watching violent movies and playing violent video games with his friends. You can advise them that

b. exposure to media portrayals of violence are related to teenage aggressive behavior.

Counselors who use attachment based family therapy (ABFT) with troubled adolescents and their families

b. have alliance building individual sessions with parents and with the adolescent to provide safe haven and empathy.

A person who perceives neutral events as containing aggressive or threatening meaning is said to possess a

b. hostile attributional bias.

For an adolescent engaging in risky behavior (e.g., alcohol use), one strategy that counselors can use is to introduce dissonance into the discussion. Before a counselor can do so effectively, she must

b. interview the teen about his or her own current beliefs and expectations.

In a study of children from elementary school to young adulthood (Mahoney, 2000), participation in extracurricular activities for at least a year was associated with high rates of graduation and low rates of criminal activity if the student's

b. peer group also participated in the extracurricular activity.

Some research shows that cultural values and goals shape the kinds of discipline that parents use with their children. One example is that Puerto Rican mothers wanted their children to recognize their obligations and connectedness to others; their goals for their children were more ____________ than the goals of European American mothers.

b. sociocentric

Perry's theory holds that the college experience fosters cognitive development because

b. students are confronted with a diversity of beliefs and values which they must accommodate.

Despite the disagreements among theorists about the existence of a fifth stage of cognitive development, nearly all agree that

b. thinking about adult real-life problems tends to become increasingly relativistic.

Children like Fred seem to be

c. choosing not to participate very actively in peer activities.

Negative reinforcement is best described as

b. when some unpleasant stimulus is avoided or removed, strengthening the behavior that allows escape from the unpleasantness.

What is the "two-pronged approach" to helping adolescents with their behavioral, social, or academic problems?

c. A focus on reducing risk factors while also enhancing protective factors.

In a study of relationship satisfaction and stability over a 3-year period, which of the following types of partnerships was the most likely to break up?

c. Anxious-ambivalent man with avoidant woman.

Roberto, at 15, is finding that he loves to take chances. He enjoys the sensation of being on the edge of danger, whether he is trying a new drug, or riding in a car at top speed with his friends. Roberto was well-behaved, outgoing, and happy as a younger child. If you were his counselor, what would you tell his parents about his current experimentation with deviant behavior?

c. Closer parental monitoring can help reduce the deviant behavior and protect Roberto from harm.

Beth comes from a working class family. Since her father is disabled and unemployed, Beth needed to take a full-time job right after high school to help her mother provide for two younger children. Fortunately, she got a job as a receptionist in her uncle's real estate business. The secretarial skills she learned in high school help pay the family's bills. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which placement would you assign to Beth with regard to her vocational identity?

c. Foreclosed.

Paula is a client who demonstrates highly anxious tendencies. She broods over perceived mistakes, worries about how others view her, and feels that she never meets her own high expectations in ways that satisfy her. Her counselor can conclude that Paula probably also has which of these other characteristics?

c. High levels of sensitivity to stress.

Research on job satisfaction indicates which of the following?

c. How well personality characteristics match the demands of a job is an important ingredient in job satisfaction.

Who rejects the idea of measuring intelligence with a single score, arguing that there are many distinct intellectual abilities? a. Louis Thurstone b. Charles Spearman c. Howard Gardner d. Raymond Cattell

c. Howard Gardner

It's a typical day for Tessa, a counselor who works with teenagers. Marcus explains to her that he came to school high on drugs because he can get away with it. He believes his teachers are clueless when it comes to spotting kids on drugs. Which form of adolescent egocentrism might Elkind use to describe Marcus' view of the world?

c. Invincibility fable.

Jeremy, a 2nd grader, is in the counselor's office because he hit another boy on the playground. He tells the counselor that he knew the other boy was about to hit him first. He was just "getting back" at the other student. The counselor tries to help Jeremy control his aggressive behavior by explaining that the other boy didn't intend to hurt him. Given what you have learned about social development, which of the following is your best recommendation for the counselor?

c. Jeremy probably doesn't have a good understanding of another person's intentions at this age. The counselor should assess the quality of Jeremy's perspective-taking and structure the intervention accordingly.

A counselor is concerned about a clients' self-esteem. Which of the following provides a research-based rationale for this concern?

c. Low levels of self-esteem are related to negative attributions about one's self, which are related to depression.

Regarding measures of well-being and happiness, how do older people (over 65) tend to fare in comparison to young or middle-aged adults?

c. Most aspects of well-being improve for older adults, except for purpose in life and personal growth.

Which of the following has the lowest correlation with scores on intelligence tests? a. high school grades b. years of education obtained c. college grades d. grade school achievement

c. college grades

Which of the following therapeutic approaches is designed to help children develop their perspective taking and friendship skills?

c. Pair therapy.

For counselors who work with families that include children of different ages, which of the following statements is true?

c. Parents need to be flexible as children get older and adjust their rules and expectations to developmentally changing competencies and needs.

To understand parent-teen conflicts, it can be helpful for the counselor to understand the parents' and teen's views of parental control. For example, teens often consider some aspects of parental control legitimate but not others. Which of the following kinds of rules governing behavior are teens most likely to feel that parents should not control?

c. Personal rules.

Peter, who is an aggressive 11-year-old, is referred to the counselor because of a recent episode of fighting on the bus. When asked to explain what happened, Peter said that he had to sit next to a girl who was laughing with her friend across the aisle about the "stupid kids in school." Enraged by this, Peter pushed her head into the window. What is the most likely explanation for Peter's aggressive reaction?

c. Peter has a hostile attribution bias and assumed the girls' mean comments were about him.

Juan is a fearless 4-year-old and one of the most active children in his day care center. He eagerly climbs the playground equipment and seems to have little fear of getting hurt. Juan often wanders away from his mother in stores, preferring to explore the interesting sights rather than wait patiently by her side. Juan's mother is exasperated with his behavior and fears for his safety. Based upon the research, what advice could you give her?

c. She should remember that Juan will be more likely to comply if she explains the rules and reasons for her worries.

Which of the following traits best characterizes popular children across a wide variety of cultures?

c. Sociable and helpful.

Which of these is the best summary of developmental trends in the formation of identity?

c. There is a general decline in foreclosures and diffusions over time while achievements increase over time.

Sabrina and Bethany are both members of the same crowd in high school, which means that

c. They share interests, attitudes, behaviors, and appearance characteristics.

Tim is doing poorly in math. Although he knows he's not a very good math student, it does not concern him greatly. He spends most of his time after school playing hockey, a sport at which he excels. Tim's 5th grade math teacher tries to motivate him to stay after school for tutoring, but Tim doesn't want to miss hockey practice. Furthermore, he reasons, two of his teammates have even lower marks in math than he does. Which of the following statements about Tim's self-concept is most accurate?

c. Tim's self-concept reflects some understanding of his strengths and weaknesses.

Which of the following discipline methods is most likely to in generate both immediate compliance and very high levels of anxiety?

c. Withdrawal of love.

When do individuals generally establish a characteristic level of intellectual performance that will follow them into their later life? a. infancy b. early adulthood c. adolescence d. childhood

c. adolescence

Studies of peer groups indicate that children's conformity to peers can best be described as resulting from

c. both peer influence and selection of similar peers.

Studies of age-related changes in intelligence suggest that ________ . a. there is no appreciable decline in intelligence b. all abilities decline at the same rates c. cross-sectional studies overestimate age-related differences d. cohort effects are unimportant

c. cross-sectional studies overestimate age-related differences

In adolescence and early adulthood, males and females begin to spend more time in mixed-gender groups. Studies of who has more influence on the outcome of problem solving in mixed-gender groups indicate that

c. females have a disadvantage because males do less turn-taking and are more domineering

Counselors working with school-age children and adolescents need to recognize that gender identity continues to develop in these years. Among the important findings from recent research is that girls tend to feel

c. less content with their gender than boys.

By middle childhood, boys' choices of companions tend to be based on shared interests, whereas girls' choices of companions tend to be based more on

c. personality.

A counselor helping a young adult client with procrastination must recognize that this problem can have many sources. In young adulthood, one common developmental source is

c. poor self-management skills.

Participation in after-school activities sponsored by school or community organizations is

c. positively related to academic achievement.

Currently available evidence is strongest for _________ influences on the development of gender identity, and there is no reliable evidence for _________ causes after birth.

c. prenatal / environmental

In his approach to couples therapy, Gottman encourages couples to recognize relationship problems that are the result of differences in temperament and attitudes (e.g., different approaches to money) as chronic and inevitable, much like chronic physical ailments that come on as we get older. This approach is similar to ____________, one of the adaptive mechanisms described by life span developmental theorists.

c. regulation of loss

Anna is a 44-year-old divorced mother of two teenagers. Anna's father, who lives alone in a nearby suburb, has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Anna needs to take her father to and from medical appointments while she tries to manage the demands of her own full-time job. She goes to the employee assistance counselor at work for help in coping with the demands of her situation. The counselor understands that the demands on Anna are too great given her available resources, a phenomenon called

c. role strain.

According to research on adult partner selection, secure individuals tend to select ____________ individuals as partners.

c. secure

Based upon research on Perry's theory, helping professionals should provide ____________ for dualists and ____________ for multiplists.

c. support / challenge

When counseling adolescents who are unsure of their sexual identity, helpers should keep in mind that

c. the majority of gender-minority youth experience both same-sex and other-sex attractions in the process of coming out.

A positive emotional style

can be cultivated by everyone.

Roberto, at 15, is finding that he loves to take chances. He enjoys the sensation of being on the edge of danger, whether he is trying a new drug, stealing snacks from the local convenience store (snacks he could well afford to purchase), or riding in a car at top speed with his friends. He frequently looks to his friends before he tries something new, reasoning that if his friends aren't worried about the consequences, then he need not worry either. His reasoning reflects

collective egocentrism.

Reflective clinicians often absorb the tenets and techniques associated with major theoretical approaches to counseling and then interpret and organize them in ways that are useful for their own work. This aspect of reflective practice is an example of


The belief that individuals create their own knowledge by interpreting new experience in the light of past experience is a fundamental proposition of


A surgeon would score particularly high on which aspect of Gardner's theory? a. interpersonal b. linguistic c. naturalist d. bodily-kinesthetic

d bodily-kinesthetic

Colin is applying for the pre-med major. Colin worked in the health science area for several years before returning to college. He is very serious about doing well in school. According to Marcia's categories of identity status, which placement would you assign to Colin with regard to his vocational identity?

d. Achieved.

Becky is struggling to learn her alphabet letters. Her kindergarten teacher, frustrated by failed attempts to teach her, says to Becky, "All the other girls and boys can write most of the letters and you can't even say their names." The teacher believes she is motivating the child to work harder by comparing Becky to the others. Which of the following predictions is most consistent with Cooley's theory of self-development?

d. Becky will incorporate her teacher's negative evaluations into her construction of her own sense of self.

Which of these statements reflect findings from research on gender differences in identity formation?

d. Both males and females focus on the construction of an identity and the establishment of intimacy simultaneously.

For counselors who work with abused and maltreated children, which of the following statements draws an appropriate conclusion from research on social cognition and friendships?

d. Counselors should pay attention to the social world of these maltreated children, because those who can make a best friend have a good chance of improving their self-esteem.

According to research by Baltes and colleagues, in which decade is the growth of wisdom likely to be greatest?

d. From 15 to 25.

Jasmine, age 16, has just begun an after-school and weekend job at which she expects to work about 20-25 hours a week. She plans to use her earnings to buy clothes, gas for her car, and to fund outings with friends. Based on research, which of the following is the most likely outcome of Jasmine's part-time employment?

d. Her greater work time will negatively affect her school achievement.

In the scenario described in question 14, which behavior is most likely to increase next time?

d. TV viewing.

Which of the following has the greatest potential to interfere with mature critical thinking and reflective judgment?

d. Lack of metacognitive ability.

High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?

d. Less deviant behavior and drug use among adolescents.

Marie has a 2½-year-old daughter. The babysitter has been calling her daughter "naughty" and "a bad girl" when the child is uncooperative. The babysitter says that the little girl doesn't understand what she is saying so it doesn't matter. Marie is unsure about what to do. Based upon information presented in this chapter, what would you say to Marie?

d. Marie should find some way to stop this before these labels become part of her daughter's developing self-understanding.

Before using cognitive therapies with children, which of the following is an important area of cognitive skill that clinicians should assess in their young clients?

d. Metacognitive skill.

What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens?

d. Moving troubled teens to a new school so that they are separated from at-risk peers.

In the Primary Mental Health Project begun in 1958 in Monroe County, New York, 1st graders were evaluated in a variety of ways in order to determine which early risk factor might predict later maladjustment. Of all the assessments done on those first graders, which one was the best predictor of mental health problems later?

d. Nomination by peers for negative roles in a class play

According to research on self-concept in children, which of the following aspects of self-concept is most closely tied to overall level of self-esteem?

d. Physical appearance.

Ms. Jackson, a middle school counselor, is concerned about the special problems girls face at adolescence. Consider the research evidence for gender differences in self-esteem at this period of development. Which of the following interventions would be most productive?

d. Provide opportunities, modeling, and support for both girls and boys to select courses and activities that could be considered non-traditional with regard to gender.

It is generally a best practice for counselors to approach working with youngsters who demonstrate anger, noncompliance, and aggression in which of the following ways?

d. Provide structure and a clear set of guidelines for appropriate behavior while seeking to enhance social competence.

A counselor is running a parents' group when the topic of spanking as a disciplinary technique is raised. What is the most accurate statement based on research that the counselor can offer?

d. Spanking may gain immediate compliance, but it does not aid development of self-regulation and it may increases a child's aggressiveness.

Which intrapersonal process seems to be serving to enhance Tim's self-esteem?

d. Tim's downward social comparison.

Which of these is the best definition of relativistic thought according to Perry?

d. Weighing evidence and deciding upon the most defensible alternative.

Which of the following is not true with regard to Yvonne's level of moodiness?

d. Yvonne's moodiness is likely to increase because she has higher expectations for academic success than her male peers.

Research on mate selection indicates that people choose mates on the basis of all of the following characteristics, except for

d. agency.

Counselors need to be aware of social and cultural trends in adolescent behavior. For example, surveys of 8th to 12th graders in 2009-2011 showed that

d. alcohol and tobacco use by teens have both decreased.

When a parent is classified as "dismissive" on the basis of an attachment interview assessing the parent's attachment to early caregivers, that parent's baby is most likely to have an attachment to the parent that is classified as

d. avoidant.

Studies of brain activity during the early adult years suggest an increased capacity for

d. behavioral and emotional control.

The internalization of rules and standards of behavior is most closely associated with the development of

d. conscience.

Researchers believe that the key characteristic that explains the therapeutic benefits of cognitive therapy is

d. decentering oneself from one's negative thoughts.

A "skills first" approach to mental health problems refers to an approach that

d. enhances competence in order to bolster self-esteem, because feeling good is seen as a by-product of doing well.

Memory is to some degree reconstructed. This accounts for the phenomenon of

d. false memories.

The number of different ideas an individual can generate is called ________ . a. crystalized capacity b. fluid ideation c. convergent production d. ideational fluency

d. ideational fluency

Fluid intelligence is to ____________ as crystallized intelligence is to ____________.

d. mechanics / pragmatics.

In which field does creative productivity peak in the 60s? a. mathematics b. physical sciences c. poetry d. philosophy

d. philosophy

The term ____________ refers to the description of a person's attributes, whereas the term ____________ refers to how a person feels about those attributes.

d. self-concept / self-esteem

People are generally motivated to evaluate themselves favorably in relation to others. This tendency is called a

d. self-enhancing bias.

One way to assess children's status among their peers is to ask each child in a classroom to choose which other children he or she would most like to sit next to or to do various things with, and which other children he or she would least like to do these things with. This technique is called

d. sociometry.

Ms. J. participated in an attachment interview assessing her relationship to her early caregivers. Her transcript revealed lapses in logical thinking, especially when she talked about traumatic memories. She would most likely be categorized as

d. unresolved.

Studies of American schools indicate that as children move out of elementary school into middle and junior high schools, instructional practices are characterized more by ________ than they were in the earlier grades.

emphasis on discipline and teacher control

Children who demonstrate a strong, early preference for clothing, toys, and activities of the opposite gender, who prefer to interact with opposite sexed peers in the middle years of childhood, and who experience discomfort with their gender may be identified as having

gender-identity disorder.

The quality of a children's attachments has been found to affect

how children respond to new social situations.

Marcia's Achievement identity status

involves both exploration and commitment

Children who suffer severe protein and calorie shortages at any age may experience stunted growth, a protuberant belly, and extreme apathy. This severe starvation syndrome is called


Marcia's diffusion category

lacking exploration and commitment of ideals, occupations and/or interpersonal relations

growth spurt

large and rapid increases in height and sexual dimorphism

In end-of-life-care, the "double effect" refers to

medication that is given to relieve pain even when this may also result in death.

The ability to use language to communicate effectively by using well-organized narratives primarily depends upon the development of ____________ skill.


An attempt to forestall the development of problems by promoting health and wellness in the general population is called

primary prevention.

Counselors who work with young children to enhance their mental health should take an active role in

providing support and information for parents.

Stage theories of development typically describe ____________ changes in behavior, cognition, or social relationships. A. quantitative b. incremental c. qualitative d. cumulative


In Bronfenbrenner's model, proximal processes refer to a.independent changes in mental processes. b. favorable developmental conditions that are more likely to exist in one particular stage of development than in another. c. reciprocal interactions between an organism and its immediate environment. d. indirect influences on an organism.

reciprocal interactions between an organism and its immediate environment.

A coping style which has been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women is


Basic emotions such as _____________ can be observed in young infants, but self-conscious emotions such as ____________ only emerge in childhood.

surprise and fear / embarrassment and pride

Developmental researchers use the term "goodness of fit" to refer to

the match between the caregiver's responses to a child and the child's temperament.

Theories of development differ from opinion primarily because

they are based on scientific research.

Identity vs. Role Confusion - must go through this "crisis." A specific challenge or task that asserts itself at a particular point in development. Individuals make choices and have experiences that bring them closer to "identity achievement" or experience identity confusion or "diffusion."

to Erikson, what are the processes involved in the development of identity?

According to Vygotsky, language is one product of shared understanding among members of a social group and may be considered a ____________ that facilitates learning and thinking.

tool or sign

It takes a village in regards to adolescents

○ Successful adolescent development is a function of interrelated risk and protective factors -Many influential systems touch adolescents' lives - Broad view is critical in evaluation and treatment ○ Goal of building resilience while addressing risk -Limit exposure to harm; restrict availability of alcohol or tobacco, monitor activities, provide alternatives - Construct healthy and attractive alternatives -Take the social and cultural context seriously; transforming social world of adolescents into a healthier place will take team effort

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