The origin of humans and early human societies

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Homo sapiens first appeared approximately

200,000 years ago

Why is it difficult for historians to study early human societies?

Before the advent of writing, historians had fewer and less detailed resources to work with.

Agriculture had an advantage over hunting and foraging because it:

Improved the regularity and efficiency of food supplies.

Which of the following periods would correspond least to the author's description?

Paleolithic Period

What is one piece of evidence that supports the theory that humans crossed to the Americas via the Bering land bridge?

Spear points similar to those found near Beringia were found in New Mexico.

Which of the following arguments regarding the relationship between polished stone tools and the emergence of agriculture is most defensible?

The emergence of polished stone tools and agriculture were probably related, but whether one caused the other is unclear.

Artifacts are best described as

objects made by humans.

One reason for increased human cooperation and group organization during the Paleolithic was that:

It allowed for division of labor and specialization to better exploit resources.

Which of the following was a direct effect of the development of agriculture in the regions shown on the chart?

Development of complex civilizations. Explanation: Complex societies and civilizations flourished in areas where agriculture was viable -- large crops of food could support larger numbers of people.

Why was the invention of writing in early civilizations significant?

It allowed elites to communicate messages clearly over distances and time. Explanation: Writing gave elites in government the power to convey messages to people in their kingdom.

Aridity hypothesis

the expansion of the savannah was a major driver of hominin evolution

In the Neolithic era, how did stone tools change?

they became smaller, sharper, and more specialized.

Archaeologists have confirmed that the birthplace of humankind was in


Why did cities lead to the creation of governments?

Cities concentrated people and resources, which created demand for methods of protection and regulation. Explanation: As populations and resources grew, people wanted to control those people and resources and keep them safe.

Based on the map and your knowledge of world history, which of the following best describes how Paleolithic humans migrated between continents?

In small groups of people that could move quickly and easily. Explanation: Early humans lived and traveled in small bands that could pick up and move easily, which was useful when searching for food by hunting and foraging.

An archaeologist could best use these 12,000-year-old stone tools as evidence of which of the following?

Increasingly sophisticated stone technology. Explanation: The way these tools were made reflects an increasingly sophisticated human-made technology; archaeologists would be interested in how this evidence compares to stone tools at earlier times.

How did the discovery of human fossils and tools at Jebel Irhoud affect existing theories of human migration?

It potentially placed the first Homo sapiens in a different location, and much earlier in time, than previously thought. Explanation: This discovery suggests that Homo sapiens possibly arose in north Africa, not in East Africa, as previously thought. It also suggests that that homo sapiens could have arisen far earlier.

Evidence for the widespread use of language by humans during the Paleolithic includes:

Long-distance travel and trade, and the organization of complex social and cultural structures

Which of the following most likely explains the rise of agriculture in these different regions?

Migration and adaptation due to environmental changes. Explanation: Agriculture became a more viable form of food production when the ground warmed sufficiently for people to be able to plant crops. Agriculture emerged independently in a variety of regions that people migrated to over time, such as Mesopotamia (the Near East) and the Andes.

What can the discovery of musical instruments and cave paintings tell us about Paleolithic humans?

That they had cultural practices and beliefs, but not specific details.

What major historical process caused the changes described in this passage? "In cities, people created a whole new range of ideas and structures that came to be called "civilization" (from the Latin civitas, for city) by Western historians. Among the characteristics of "civilization" usually cited are: storage of food, development of a priestly caste, central authority, nonagricultural specialists, social stratification, increased trade, development of writing, tribute forcibly collected from outlying farmers, development of soldiers and standing armies, monumental public works, and increased gender inequality." From: Cynthia Stokes Brown, Big History from the Big Bang to the Present (2012).

The Neolithic revolution. Explanation: The development of food production led to the rise of cities and civilizations, which were associated with the changes described in the passage. That means that the Neolithic revolution was a cause of the rise of cities, and, accordingly, caused many of the changes associated with the rise of cities.

Why was it difficult for early humans to cultivate land prior to the end of the last ice age?

The soil was too cold and hard to break up with stone tools.

Taken together, the two images depict which of the following continuities in world history?

Use of wheels for technical innovation. Explanation: Pottery was used as an innovation for both military engagements and for things like food storage.

Which evolutionary theory suggests that early hominids adapted more easily to dry climates?

the aridity hypothesis.

What was the relationship between agriculture and cities? Civilized life is secure life. At the most basic level this means security from the sudden destruction that village communities might suffer. Civilized life gives the feeling of permanence. It offers regularity, stability, order, even routine. Plans can be made. Expectations can be realized. People can be expected to act predictably, according to the rules. The first cities were able to attain stability with walls that shielded the inhabitants from nomads and armies, with the first codes of law that defined human relationships, with police and officials that enforced the laws, and with institutions that functioned beyond the lives of their particular members. City life offered considerably more permanence and security than village life. From: Kevin Reilly, The West and the World: A History of Civilization (New York: Harper Collins, 1989).

Agriculture provided a larger and more predictable food supply, which allowed for larger, more permanent settlements. Explanation: Hunting and gathering cannot support dense populations. Agriculture allowed for a lot of food to be produced in a smaller area, which meant more people could live in an area.

What development was most important in allowing some people to specialize in activities other than food production?

Agriculture. Explanation: As agriculture took off and supported a larger population, more people could specialize across a variety of activities and work roles.

What's the difference between carbon dating and stratigraphic dating?

Carbon dating places fossils or artifacts in time by measuring their radiocarbon content; stratigraphic dating relies on the layers of earth surrounding those fossils or artifacts.

Paleolithic ("Stone Age") refers to the fact that during this period humans:

Began using stone tools to manipulate their environments.

According to the passage, what best describes the changes that occurred after the development of food production? Once people had developed food production to the point of being able to store surpluses, the human population began to grow more rapidly; from 8000 to 3000 BCE it increased from 6 to 50 million. Some people began to live in cities of 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants. In cities, people created a whole new range of ideas and structures that came to be called "civilization" (from the Latin civitas, for city) by Western historians. Among the characteristics of "civilization" usually cited are: storage of food, development of a priestly caste, central authority, nonagricultural specialists, social stratification, increased trade, development of writing, tribute forcibly collected from outlying farmers, development of soldiers and standing armies, monumental public works, and increased gender inequality. From: Cynthia Stokes Brown, Big History from the Big Bang to the Present (2012).

Civilizations emerged, which introduced more regimented social structures, which decreased social equality and limited people's freedom. Explanation: Society became more stratified, and institutions of authority like government and military limited people's freedom and exacted tributes.

Which of the following evidence would best challenge the author's argument that agriculture resulted in a worse diet than foraging?

Data comparing average stature (height) from Mesopotamia in 20,000 BCE to Mesopotamia in 5,000 BCE. Explanation: Stature could definitely be impacted by nutrition. We believe agriculture developed in Mesopotamia around 11,000 years ago. Comparing stature in the region before and after the development of agriculture could challenge or provide evidence for the author's claim (although there could be many other causes for any change in stature).

Which of the following claims about hominids would this passage provide evidence for? "Knowing how to use fire may have helped the early humans who left Africa 50,000 to 60,000 years ago to cope with colder conditions in Europe. It may also have given them a big advantage over the resident Neanderthals they encountered. By 35,000 years ago the Neanderthals, a sub-species of human whose own origins were in Africa, were mostly extinct." From The Telegraph, Article on Stone Age humans (2009).

Early human groups exchanged information and technology with one another. Explanation: Early humans traveled in small groups, but it's likely that they shared information with one another because so many humans learned the technology of fire.

What was one risk of living in cities?

High population densities made it easier for diseases to spread. Explanation: With more people living closely together, it was easy for disease to spread.

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