The Philippine American War

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What was founded that included William Bryan, Mark Twain, and Andrew Carnegie in 1899?

Anti-Imperialist League

Who was the most well known who flipped to Filipino side?

David Fagan

Many of the American soldiers sent to fight were _________

African Americans

When did Philippines finally gain full independence?

July 4, 1946

What 3 reasosn did US keep Philippines?

Military, Economic, and Social Darwinist

Many defected to the _________ side


Much like the Cubans, _____ had been fighting the Spanish. Who led them?

Filipinos, Emilio Aguinaldo

US launched a ________ attack against the Spanish fleet in Philippines. Was it successful?

naval, yes

Some soldiers questioned their _____ treatment by white officers and lack of ______ back home

poor, civil rights

President McKinley believed them not ready for "______ _______" racist, he wanted to "_____ and civilize and _________ them.

self government, uplift, Christianize

Did US grant independence to Philippines? If not then what?

bought from Spain for 20 million

In brutal war US placed Filipinos in ____________, Filipino casualties included ______ soldiers and _______ civilians

concentration camps, 20,000, 200,000

Legacy of Philippine-American War: _____ and cruelty; _______ of US values; The Philippines would remain an important _____ based for US through WWII

death, hypocrisy, naval

When was the Spanish defeated?


War cost US _______ and ______ soldiers dead

400 million, 5,000

What was the goal of yellow journalism?

US to get the Spanish out of Cuba

Who promised Filipinos Independence but then killed ____ Filipino soldiers (feb 4, 1899)

United States, 2

As a result of victory, what 2 things occurred?

Philippine Declaration of Independence, Aguinaldo declared 1st president

Who became one of America's most important allies?


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