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Deoxygenated blood enters the heart through which two structures?

1) Superior vena cava 2) Inferior vena cava

comparison and contrast

2 different cases with the intent of making the reader consider the differences/similarities between them

1 Quart

2 pints

Adenine and guanine are purines that have?

2 ring structure

1 Ton

2,000 pounds

1 Kilogram

2.2 pounds

1 Inch

2.54 centimeters


22% of $900 = A. 90 B. 198 C. 250 D. 325 E. 375


22% of $900 = A. 90 B. 198 C. 250 D. 325 E. 375

what is metaphase?

2nd phase of mitosis where chromosomes line up.

Circumference of a Circle


1 Yard

3 meters

how many stages of interphase?

3 stage


3.14 or 22/7

1 Ounce

30 milliliters


35% of what number is 70? A. 100 B. 110 C. 150 D. 175 E. 200


35% of what number is 70? A. 100 B. 110 C. 150 D. 175 E. 200

How many chambers & valves does the heart have?

4 chambers & 4 valves

1 Gallon

4 quarts

Tissue types

4 types of tissue Epithelial-skin, and glandular simple (one layer), statified (two layers) Muscle-smooth, cardiac, skeletal Nervous-nerves Connective-blood, ligaments, bone, cartiladge, fat.

V =


1 Teaspoon

5 milliliters

L =


D =


1 Mile

5280 feet

Photosynthesis Chemical Equation

6 CO2+6H20+Energy>C6 H12 O6+ 6O2


6.02 x 10^23 (one unit of anything)


60 % of 5 is ?

Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll?

660 nm


769+351= A. 960 B. 1,020 C. 4,080 D. 1,120


769+351= A. 960 B. 1,020 C. 4,080 D. 1,120

How many electrons does the valence layer hold?


1 Cup

8 ounces

1 Quart

946 ounces


=-log(aH) =-log (1 x 10 to the -3) =-(-3) =3 aH= [] of H+ ions

organ system

A group of organs that work together to perform a major function in the body.


A group of sentences that forms a cohesive whole due to its similar topic or theme.


A group of words that are related and contain both a subject and a verb.


A group of words that are related but do not contain a verb and a subject together.

what is a alkene?

A hydrocarbon with a double bond


A large molecule fromed by small molecules linked together in a chain like fashion

More than twice as many hydrogen atoms as Carbon atoms

A large saturated hydrocarbon will contain

Diameter of a circle:

A line that passes through the center of the circle, connecting any two points


A list of numbers is shown below. 86, 98, 98, 98, 115, 120, 45, 210, 320. What is the MODE of the numbers shown?


A method of informing that explains something by focusing on how it is similar and different from other things

Operant conditioning:

A method of using rewards to train an animal to perform tasks that aren't inate

What does Lock & Key model mean?

A model for enzyme actions


A molecule that helps an enzyme start a reaction Ex) CoA, FAD, NAD

What is the esophagus?

A muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.

what is a anion?

A negatively charged ion

Define an electron?

A negatively charged particle

what is an electron?

A negatively charged particle

Bowman's Capsule:

A network of capillaries encased in a membrane in the kidney for the purpose of filtration

define a neutron?

A neutral particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom.


A noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. If a sentence contains a verb of being or a linking verb such as be, feel, become, or look, the subject of the sentence is the noun or pronoun being described.

Deoxyribonucleic acid:

A nucleic acid found in all living cells which carries the organism's hereditary information

1,050 mg

A patient is taking 150 mg of a certain prescription every day. How much of the prescription will the patient take during one week?

What does a nucleotide consist of?

A pentose, a phosphate group, & a nitrogenous base

what is a cation?

A positively charged ion

Prepositional Phrase

A preposition followed by a phrase (group of words) usually composed of a preposition, an article, and an object of the preposition, with modifiers added sometimes.

Possessive Pronoun

A pronoun used to indicate ownership.


A protein catalyst

what is an Endothermic reaction?

A reaction that ABSORBS energy in the form of heat

Endergonic reaction:

A reaction yields a net absorption of free energy


A reflection of how close multiple measurements are to one another


A rhetorical mode based in the five senses. It aims to re-create, invent, or present something so that the reader can experience it.

what is an alkane?

A saturated (single bonds only) hydrocarbon


A section of DNA that controls a particular genetic trait on a chromosome

Afferent Nerve:

A sensory nerve that contains processes of sensory neurons and carries nerve impulses to the CNS

Simple Sentence

A sentence that contains only one clause that has a complete meaning, known as a independent clause. They MUST NOT contain any dependent clauses. A simple sentence only needs a SUBJECT and a VERB to be COMPLETE.

the cell cycle

A series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide.


A series of these indicates omission in quoted material


A set of data is shown below. 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. What is the MEDIAN of the data?

Describe a paradigm shift:

A shift in scientific thinking that occurs when the majority of scientists in a field or related fields agree that a new explanation or theory is better than the old one.


A simple sugar that can't be broken down by hydrolysis (glucose, fructose, galactose)

Legends and Keys

A small area that explains the symbols and notations used on the map. legends keys legends and keys

Legend (Key)

A small area that explains the symbols and notations used on the map. The information provided by the legend is sometimes called the "key".


A solution with water as the solvent


A statement of what will happen next in a sequence of events.


A step-by-step pattern. Bulleted or numbered list.

define Lewis structure:

A structural formula in which electrons are represented by dots; dot pairs or dashes between two atomic symbols represent pairs in covalent bonds.

What informational source would help her locate books on civil engineering by this author?

A student is trying to find a book about civil engineering. She has been told the name of an author who is well-known for his books on this topic. She is going to the library and wants to locate any books on this topic, but specifically by this particular author.

what is a compound?

A substance composed of Adams of two or more elements chemically United in fixed proportions

what is an element?

A substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means

what does bolus mean?

A term used to describe food after it has been chewed and mixed with saliva

Compass Rose

A tool on a map showing cardinal (N,E,S,W) and intermediate (NE,SE,NW,SW) directions.

What informational source could she use to help her determine if her driving goal is attainable?

A woman plans to drive from her home in Kansas to her sister's home in California. She is hoping to spend only 2 days driving in her car.


A word for a person, place, or thing.

Root Word

A word in its simplest form, before any affixes are attached.


A word such as by, at, to, or from that gives additional information, usually in relationship to something else in the sentence.


A word that imitates the source of the sound it describes


A word that is used to limit a noun, either indefinite (a and an) or definite (the).

Subordinating Conjunction

A word that joins two or more clauses and makes the clause that contains it depended on another clause, the clause that contains the subordinating conjunction is of less importance.


A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb and indicates when, how, where, why, or how much.


A word that replaces and refers to a noun.


A word that shows an action or a state of being.


A writer's or speaker's choice of words

Active Immunity/Passive Immunity

Active- receives a vaccine causes the body to produce it's own antibodies, passive-does not produce his or her own but receives from another source.. such as breast milk.

Receiving a vaccine against a disease, what type of immunity is this considered?



Adding or subtracting electrons from an atom

Their They're There

Adjective: Belonging to them. : Contraction of they are Adjective: In that place

Whose Who's

Adjective: Belonging to whom : Contraction of who is

Your You're

Adjective: Belonging to you : Contraction of you are

All ready Already

Adjective: Everyone or everything is ready Adverb: By this time

Stationary Stationery

Adjective: Not Moving Noun: Paper for writing letters.

All Together Altogether

Adjetive: Everyone in a group Adverb: Entirely, Completely.

Forth Fourth

Adverb: Forward in place or time. Noun: The element in a series that is next after the third element.

Krebs cycle:

Aerobic metabolic pathway occurring within mitochondria, in which food metabolites are oxidized and CO2 is liberated, and coenzymes are reduced


After passing through the stomac, food continues into which of the following structures.


All systems


Alternative form of genes

Genetic code:

Amino acid sequences

Tidal air:

Amount of air involved during normal breathing

Tidal Air

Amount of air involved during normal breathing.

Complemental air:

Amount of air that can be forcefully inhaled

What is an allele?

An allele is one of two or more forms of a gene or a genetic locus. If an organism has two sets, they are diploid.


An alphabetical listing of key words, phrases, or topics that includes the page numbers on which those items are found within a publication. Is best when the reader must find a reference to a very specific detail.

Reduction reaction:

An atom gains one or more electrons, resulting in a negative charge

What is an atom?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that still remains the properties of an element.

Oxidation reaction:

An atom loses one or more electrons, resulting in a positive charge

Beta Particle:

An electron emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity

What is DNA polymerase?

An enzyme that catalyzes the formation of the DNA molecule

What is a catalyst?

An enzyme that helps to speed up chemical reaction by lowering the energy needed to start a chemical reaction

Logical Conclusion

An idea that follows from the facts or ideas presented in the text. opening sentence topic sentence logical conclusion summary


An ionic substance that has high electrical conductivity


An offspring who has NOT been given the same allele by both parents.


An offspring whose has been given the same allele by both parents

What is an autotroph?

An organism that makes its own food.

The study of the structure of organs and body systems is called?


Gaseous State of Matter

Changing volume, changing shape, low pressure, high temp

Graphic Representations

Charts, graphs, maps,drawings, and photographs.

describe what a hydrocarbons is:

Chemical compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Reduction-oxidation reactions:

Chemical reactions that result in the transference of electrons

Acetylcholine (ACH):

Chemical transmitter substance released by some nerve endings

Difference between eukaryotic and plant cells

Chloplasts....Has both mitochondria and chloroplasts, much larger vacuoles (contain water to maintain proper cell pressure) Plants have solid cell wall.

a harmful example of a catalytic reaction involves the breakdown of ozone by the use of _____?

Chlorine ions


Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: A. Low-density lipoproteins B. Low-density lysosomes C. Level-density lipoproteins D. Level-density lysosomes


Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: A. Low-density lipoproteins B. Low-density lysosomes C. Level-density lipoproteins D. Level-density lysosomes

Define Proximal?

Close to the origin of the body part or point of attachment. (opposite of distal)


Close to trunk


Causes blood that contain infection-fighting cells to rush to the affected area.

Passive transport:

Cell expendes NO energy for movement of substances

Active transport:

Cell expends energy in movement of substances

B Cell

Cell responsible for the production of soluble antibodies.

Helper T cells

Cell that helps cytotoxic T cells and other immune cells.

What are tissues made up of?


Define: Transcription

Cells copy instructions in the DNA into RNA & messenger RNA to the ribosomes


Cells with a membrane around the nucleus

what is CNS?

Central Nervous System; made up of the brain and spinal cord.

What is the Muscular system?

Consists of skeletal muscles, tendons that connect muscles to bones, and ligaments that attach bones together to form joint

What is the Nervous system?

Consists of the brain, spinal cord & nerves & it serves as the body's CONTROL SYSTEM. Once a threat is detected the nervous system activates appropriate muscles or glands to respond.

Nervous System

Consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and serves as the body's control system.

Complex Sentences

Contain one or more dependent clauses

What are peroxisome?

Contain oxidase enzymes that detoxify alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and other harmful chemicals


Contains digestive enzymes that capable of disposing cellular debris and worn cellular parts.

Ventral body cavity:

Contains the structures within the chest and abdomen

Compound Sentence

Contains two or more independent clauses joined together with a coordinating conjunction or semicolon.

What does the autonomic nervous system do?

Controls automatic body functions like heartbeat & digestion

Endocrine System:

Controls some bodily functions (much slower that NS)


Controls the rate of chemical reactions or reations in which atoms react to come to a stable state, increases reaction rate by lowering activation energy c=catalyst, z=product x,y =reactant x+c=xc xc+y=xyc =cz=c+z

What does the sensory-somatic nervous system do?

Controls voluntary actions like talking & walking

Subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9

Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

Multiply by 9/5 then add 32

Convert degrees to Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit


Converts energy of nutrients into ATP energy.


Copy of instructions from DNA to RNA, occurs in G1 phase of cell cycle

Law Primary Source

Courtroom Hearing

What does the Peripheral Nervous System consist of?

Cranial & spinal nerves that extend beyond CNS

Define transverse section? (cross section)

Cut made along a horizontal plane to divide the body into upper and lower regions.

Define Sagittal section?

Cut made along a longitudinal plane dividing the body into right and left parts

The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as?


What part of the cell does glycolysis take place?


Prefix: DIS

Definition: Not Examples: disorganized, disagreeable

Prefix: IN

Definition: Not Examples: invisible, inaccurate

Prefix: UN

Definition: Not Examples: unavailable, unarmed, unattractive

Root: Audio

Definition: Sound Example: audiovisual, audiocassette

Root: Graph

Definition: Written Example: Biographic, calligraphy, mimeograph

Prefix: RE

Definition: again Examples: reacquaint, readjust

Suffix: IC, ICAL,AC

Definition: having to do with Examples: endoscopic, physical, cardiac

Suffix: OR, ER

Definition: one who takes part in Examples: conductor, reporter, fighter

Root: Arch

Definition: ruler Example: archenemy, tetrarch, hierarchical

Suffix: IA, Y

Definition: state or condition Examples: amnesia, democracy

Suffix: OLOGY

Definition: the study of Examples: archeology, bacteriology

Biological Classification

Domain, Kingdom, Phyllum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species Genus and Species in italics, Genus is Capitalized (Did king phillip come over for good soup)

Did King Phillip Come Over For Good Soup?

Domain, Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species


Doris is leaning a 10 foot ladder against a wall. If the ladder hits the wall at exactly 8 feet, how far away from teh wall is the ladder placed on the floor? A. 2 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 Feet D. 10 Feet


Doris is leaning a 10 foot ladder against a wall. If the ladder hits the wall at exactly 8 feet, how far away from teh wall is the ladder placed on the floor? A. 2 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 Feet D. 10 Feet

Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Double bond called alkenes formula= CnH2n Triple bond called alkynes formula-CnH2n-2

Capitalize proper names, titles, and rank or honor.

Dr.Jennifer Rawley, President Lincoln, Queen Mary etc.

Endocrine glands:

Ductless glands that empty their hormonal products directly into the blood

what is Centrosomes?

During mitosis and cell division, spindle fibers are associated with which of the following organelles. Is duplicated during S phase of the cell cycle, just before mitosis.


During which of the following stages of development do individual tissue layers begin to form.

What is tymphanic membrane?


What is cerum?


Royal Milk Tea

Earl Grey Black Tea Slight Citrus scent English tea Very light


Early development of an animal or plant after fertilization

Authors Cultural Belief

Effects the authors opinion and styles.

Four stages of metamorphosis:

Egg, larva, pupa & adult

Ionic Bond

Electrical attraction between ions of opposite charges (one atom taken from the other)

On the periodic table, going from top to bottom, electronegativity bonds increases or decreases?

Electronegativity bonds are highest at the top and decreases going towards the bottom.


Element best for electrical conductor

noble gases are located where?

Elements that are in the farthest right group of the periodic table and are very unreactive.


Emceed Exceed Proceed Succeed


Empty space w/no particles and no pressure

Mechanical energy:

Energy directly involved in moving matter

Law of Conservation

Energy is not lost but rather transferred back and forth between KE and PE. A decrease in PE is an increase in KE and vice versa

Kinetic Energy

Energy of Motion, The amount of energy associated with an objects motion. Increase in velocity results in and increase in KE. Doubling Velocity will cause KE to increase x4

Kinetic Energy

Energy of Motion, The amount of energy associated with an objects motion. Increase in velocity results in and increase in KE. Doubling Velocity will cause KE to increase x4 Ke=1/2 mv2

Kinetic energy:

Energy of motion


Energy required during building phase of metabolism in which simipler substances are combined to form more complex substances


Energy-making reaction in plants

Entertaining Writing

Entertains the reader; fiction novels serve the purpose of entertainment.

Four types of human tissue found in the body:

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, Nervous tissue

What are the 3 types of tissues?

Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

Four types of human tissue:

Epithelial, connective, nervous and muscular tissue

Avogadros's Law

Equal volume of gases contain the same number of molecules.

Avogadro's Law:

Equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules

Atomic Number

Equals the number of protons in an element. Serves as an ordering device for the periodic table Electronegativity decreases as atomic number increases due to greater atomic radius.

what is an atomic mass number?

Equals the total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucleus of a atom.

what anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth?


pathway of food

Esophagus -> Stomach -> small & Large intestine -> Rectum->Anus.


Estimate 23 percent of 200

Changing a liquid into a gaseous form is called?



Everyone in the bank-including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the fire alarm rang. A. tellers, ran B. tellers:ran C. tellers, had run D. tellers-ran E. tellers' ran"


Everyone in the bank-including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the fire alarm rang. A. tellers, ran B. tellers:ran C. tellers, had run D. tellers-ran E. tellers' ran"

IE Words

Example: Believe, Friend, Grievous, Niece,Siege. Exception: Ancient, Conscience, Efficient, Policies, Species, Science, Society, Sufficient.

EI Words

Example: Ceiling, Conceit, Conceive, Neighbor, Receipt, Receive, Reign, Sleigh, Veil, Weigh. Exception: Either, Foreign, Height, Leisure, Neither, Protein, Seize, Weird.


Express 60/12 as a percentage. A. 0.5% B. 5% C. 50% D. 500%


Express 60/12 as a percentage. A. 0.5% B. 5% C. 50% D. 500%

Topic Sentence

Express the main point of a paragraph, or of a larger text structure. Will appear early in the text structure, usually in the first paragraph. opening sentence topic sentence logical conclusion summary

Expressive Writing

Express's feelings; poetry is usually concerned with evoking a feeling or emotion in the reader.

Celsius to Fahrenheit

F= 1.8 (C) +32

True or False; Epithelial has its own blood supply


Archaeological Primary Source

Farming Tool

Which stays in the stomach longer? Fat-laden chyme or carbohydrate-laden chyme?

Fat-laden chyme


Fetal membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac around the embryo

What is the second line of defense?

Fever, inflammation, phagocytosis, NK cells, interferons, chemotaxis, release of cytokines

How to find the number of electrons found in a neutral atom??

Find the sum of all the raised numbers=the total number of electrons

Periodic Table Quick Facts

First Column alkali family donates 1 electron, 2nd column alkali earth donates 2 electrons 7th column halogens accepts 1 electron for bonding 8th column noble gases resistant to bonding electronically stable (full outer shell) 10 elements on right side are gases 2 liquids mercury, and bromine Number of electrons increases from left to right

what is the stage called when embryonic tissue layers begin to form?



Genetic makeup

Ribonucleic Acid:

Genetic material that assists w/protein synthesis

What is the branch of biology study of heredity called?



Gives rise to the embryonic gut, lining of digestive tract, glands, liver and pancreas.

During which stage of metabolism is glucose broken down to pyruvate?

Glycolysis (end product)

What is glycolysis?

Glycolysis literally means "splitting sugars." Glycolysis yields two molecules of ATP.

Jade Milk Tea

Green Tea Powder Tastes like Japanese green tea ice cream


Green plant pigment found in chloroplast; necessary for pothosysthesis

In the periodic table of the elements are arranged by vertical columns called ?



Growth response of plants to light

What molecule is produced when O2 is reduced by the electrons in the electron transport chain?


How much heat is needs to be removed in order to condense a gas to a liquid? (Formula)

H=-ML h:heat needed m: mass l: latent heat

How much heat is needed to vaporize a liquid? (Formula)

H=ML h: heat needed m: mass l: latent heat

phase transistion

H=MxL mass=grams. L=cal/g

Blood pH increases

Happens during hyperventilation due to less CO2 and an increase in H.


Hardening of the arteries is known as: A. Atheriosclerosis B. Venous narrowing C. Micro-circulation D. Hypertension


Hardening of the arteries is known as: A. Atheriosclerosis B. Venous narrowing C. Micro-circulation D. Hypertension

what is an unsaturated hydrocarbon?

Have at least one double or triple covalent bonds.


Having a lower concentration of solute than another solution


He is as fast as a speeding bullet.

Quoted expresions:

He said, "I will be ready on time."

What circulatory system includes what body structures?

Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels

Structures of the Cardiovascular System:

Heart, blood vessels and blood

Lymphatic System

Helps clean the blood and houses the white blood cells that are involved in protecting the body from pathogens.

Lymphatic System

Helps cleans the blood and houses the white blood cells that are involved in protecting the body from pathogens.

Interpreting the Context

Helps the reader decide which definition is correct and suggest the meaning of a word. interpreting the word interpreting the context interpretation

Urinary System:

Helps to maintain water & salt balances, regulates acid-base balance in blood, removes all nitrogen-containing wastes from body

Capitalize the names on season ONLY if they are personified or are part of a specific event. Otherwise they ARE NOT capitalized.

Heralded in trumpet blare, comes Spring across the threshold in scented frock and maiden hair. My favorite season is summer. I cant wait for the Winter Olympics.

what is a mixture?

Hey combination of two or more substances in which the substances retain their unique identity


High frequency sound waves are known as


High frequency sound waves are known as: A. Fundamental waves B. Overtones C. Consonance waves D. Dissonance waves


High frequency sound waves are known as: A. Fundamental waves B. Overtones C. Consonance waves D. Dissonance waves


High heat low humidity

What is the pressure and temp of a solid?

High pressure, low temp


Hormonal control of bodily functions via endocrine system


Hormone partly responsible for preparing the uterus for the fertilized ovum


Hormones that stimulate female secondary sex characteristics

Perimeter=2l+2w Area=lw

How do you find a perimeter and area of a rectangle?

Perimeter=2l+2w Area=lw

How do you find a perimeter and area of a rectangle?

Perimeter=4s Area=s^2

How do you find a perimeter and area of a square?

Perimeter=4s Area=s^2

How do you find a perimeter and area of a square?

Perimeter=s1+s2+s3 Area= (1/2)bh

How do you find a perimeter and area of a triangle?

Perimeter=s1+s2+s3 Area= (1/2)bh

How do you find a perimeter and area of a triangle?


How is 8/2 expressed as a percentage? A. 4% B. 40% C. 400% D. 4,000%


How is 8/2 expressed as a percentage? A. 4% B. 40% C. 400% D. 4,000%


I am a rainbow.

IE and EI Words

I before e, except after c, or when sounded like a as in words neighbor and weigh.

What is the logical conclusion of the above quote?

I heard that last year there were more than a hundred bike accidents in this city. They just opened a new set of bike lanes on the north side of town, but they're too small and too close to the main traffic lanes,so that won't help. Even worse, I saw a statistic about how bike accidents are much more likely to be fatal than car accidents. Wearing a helmet helps, but not enough. Cars protect you in a thick layer of steel and plastic; bikes just leave you hanging out there in the open.


Identical sets of chromsomes are at opposites ends of he cell. spindle fibers disappear, nuclear membranes reappear, and cytokinesis completes.


If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25


If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25


If Jack needs 2 ½ pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts? A. 2 ½ B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7 ½


If Jack needs 2 ½ pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts? A. 2 ½ B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7 ½


If Sara's current salary is 25,000 per year and she is due to get a 3% raise this year in addition to a 2% cost of living increase, how much will her salary be after these increases take effect?


If Shirts at a garage sale cost 0.75 each how many shirts can Abby buy for $15? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40


If Shirts at a garage sale cost 0.75 each how many shirts can Abby buy for $15? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40


If a circle has the diameter of 8, what is the circumference? A. 6.28 B. 12.56 C. 25.13 D. 50.24 E. 100.48


If a circle has the diameter of 8, what is the circumference? A. 6.28 B. 12.56 C. 25.13 D. 50.24 E. 100.48


If a discount of 20% off the retail price of a desk saves Mark $45, how much did he pay for the desk? A. $145 B. $160 C. $180 D. $210 E. $215


If a discount of 20% off the retail price of a desk saves Mark $45, how much did he pay for the desk? A. $145 B. $160 C. $180 D. $210 E. $215


If a family's total income is spent on teh following expenses: one-fourth for the mortgage, one-eighth for car payments, one-eight for groceries, two-fifths on other expenses and the rest to savings, what fraction of the family's total income goes towards savings?

What is a physical property of matter?

If a property of a substance can be observed and measured without changing it is a physical property

concentration outside is higher than inside.

If a solution is hypertonic, what does this mean?

concentration outside is lower that inside

If a solution is hypotonic, what does this mean?

Suffix for Words Ending in C

If a word ends in C and a suffix beginning with E,I, or Y is added, then the letter K should be inserted following the letter C. i.e. mimic + ed = mimicked

Mast cells:

Immune cells that function to detect foreign substances in tissue spaces; initate local inflammatory responses


In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years. A. will be married for twenty-five years. B. shall have been married for twenty-five years. C. will have been married for twenty-five years. D. will be married for twenty five years. E. will have married for twenty-five years.


In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years. A. will be married for twenty-five years. B. shall have been married for twenty-five years. C. will have been married for twenty-five years. D. will be married for twenty five years. E. will have married for twenty-five years.

Words Ending in -CEED, -SEDE, AND -CEDE

In English there are four words that end in -ceed, and one word that ends in -sede. Other words with the same sound end in -cede.


In a redox reaction the reducting agent will A. Lose electrons and be reduced B. Lose electrons and be oxidized C. Gain electrons and be reduced D. Gain electrons and be oxidized


In a redox reaction the reducting agent will A. Lose electrons and be reduced B. Lose electrons and be oxidized C. Gain electrons and be reduced D. Gain electrons and be oxidized

In vitro:

In a test tube, glass, or artificial environment

Passive Voice

In passive voice, the active subject and the direct object change places, and the subject receives the action of the verb.

Digestion begins where?

In the mouth.


In the presence of oxygen

Text Features

Include formatting, bold and italicized font, indented text, bulleted or numbered list. Text features do one or more of the following 1. add meaning 2. change meaning 3. add clarity For a text feature to be useful it must be applied consistently.

Digestive System

Includes mouth, esophoagus, stomach, small intestine, (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) large intestine(or colon) and anus

Critical Reading

Includes: Carefully analyzing the text, Judging credibility and the author's intentions, analyze material as you read, Consider the text and the authors biases. critical thinking critical reading

How to increase Rxn rates?

Increase the substrate surface area

Distance Scale

Info in the legend that tells the reader how to interpret distances on the map--usually appears as a line with a distance marking. travel scale distance scale distance legend compass scale


Information based on real, provable events, or situations. opinions biases speculations facts

Graphic Representation

Information presented as a: Graph, Map, Chart, Drawing, Photograph. map representation drawing representation photo representation graphic representation

Informative Writing

Informs the reader about some fact or event; newspaper articles often fall into this category.

Flow of oxygen

Inhaled through the nose into the trachea, passing into the left and right bronchial tubes, then into the alveoli, oxygen is then transported by red blood cells into the blood stream.

Sex-linked inheritance:

Inherited traits determined by genes of sex chromosomes

What does CCK do?

Initiates bile release from the gallbladder. Also decreases motility & acid production by the stomach


Instant coffee Creamer + sugar by default ASK FOR ICED/HOT

Maintaining boundaries:

Integumentary system


Introduces or explains a subject, gives ground work information that is necessary for understanding later ideas, or analyzes information objectively.


Introductory words, such as yes and no, are set apart by these

Non-repeating and Non-terminating Decimals, pi

Irrational Number

where is the atomic number located on the periodic table?

Is Located On The TOP Of The Element Symbol. S


Is an OPINION opinions biases speculations cited statements


Is pi a rational number or irrational number?

What is the van Der walls force?

It is a weak force between molecules

Label Reading

It is important for a reader to be able to read and understand labels.

What is the duodenum?

It is the beginning of small intestine and is C SHAPED

what does kinetic theory mean?

It means that even if an object is not moving, the particles that make up that object will still be moving.


Jane started her stamp collection exactly one year ago, and in that time, she has collected 132 stamps. On average, how many stamps has she collected per month? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 20


Jane started her stamp collection exactly one year ago, and in that time, she has collected 132 stamps. On average, how many stamps has she collected per month? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 20

what is the measurement of energy and work?

Joules or calories


K=Celsius + 273.15

kinetic energy

KE= 1/2 (mv)squared

Kinetic Energy


Capitalize geographical locations

Kansas City, Hawaii, Chapman Building, Lincoln Park, Atlantic Ocean, South America etc.

The metals are located where on the periodic table?



LEO...Oxidation loses electrons

Terms like narrative, expository, technical, and persuasive are...

Labels that help the reader understand what to expect from a text.


Layers of fibrous tissue covering and separating muscle

After the left atrium, which valve opens?

Left atrioventricular valve (bicuspid valve/mitral valve)

The mitral and aortic valves are on which side?

Left side

Examples of a Primary Source

Letter, Diary, Painting, Autobiography, Historical Documents, Census, Business Records, Music, Novel, Witness, Newspaper article written at the time

The best buy is from A3 Furniture. This is determined by adding the price to shipping cost for each store, and comparing the totals. Here's the math:

Lighting Superstore 180 + 25 = $205.00 United Lighting 175 + 30 = $205.00 A3 Furniture 170 + 20 = $190.00 Dave's Home Furnishings 200 + 0 = $200.00


Liquid that passes through the pores in a filter


Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids. A. Viscous B. Volatile C. Evaporative D. Transient


Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids. A. Viscous B. Volatile C. Evaporative D. Transient

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

List the different types of rock.


Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base. A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. Green


Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base. A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. Green

What organ produces bile?


Structures of the Digestive System:

Liver, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, small & large intesting and rectum

Capitalize words referring to specific deities.

Lord, God, Osiris, Allah, Poseidon, Zeus etc.

In an redox reaction the reducting agent will?

Lose electrons and be oxidized.

Oxidation Reduction Reaction Leo goes ger

Loss of electrons is oxidation, gain of electrons is reduction. Important types of oxidation reducation reactions are metabolism, photosynthesis, combustion

Cholesterol known as LDL means?

Low Density Lipoproteins

Structures of the Lymphatic System:

Lymp nodes and vessels, the spleen and thoracic duct

what cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive?


Roman numerals

M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50 -when I, X, or C is used to the left of a larger value, subtract it from the larger value -VLD are never used to the left of a larger value or more than one time

Energy Production

Main function of mitochondria in animals.

Reproductive System:

Main purpose is to produce offspring

Reproductive System

Main purpose is to produce offspring. The system consists of the testes, penis, ovaries, vagina, and breasts.

Sentence Fluency

Making your writing readable and smooth, and giving sentences variety.

33 1/3%

Marci is planning ot sell all her shares of a certain stock if their value falls to $30 per share. If the value of the stock is now $45 per share, by what percent would they ahve to fall for Marci to tell?


Mass of an object in relation to its volume


Mass/Volume less volume = greater density if constant

Matter vs. Mass

Matter is anything that takes up space. Mass- is the quantity of matter an object has.

Law of conservation of mass

Matter is neither created nor destroyed

Vital capacity:

Maximum volume of air inhaled or exhaled during forced breathing

Vital Capacity

Maxium volume of air inhaled and exhaled during forced breathing.

Active Transport:

Membrane transport processes for which ATP is provided

Mucous membranes:

Membranes that form the lining of body cavities open to the exterior

Golgi apparatus:

Membranous system close to the cell nucleus that packages protein secretions for export

In the memo above, what is the date of the annual fundraising event?

Memorandum TO: Spanish Club members FROM: Lauren Fitzgerald, Spanish Club President DATE: August 31st, 2009 SUBJECT: Annual Fundraising Event It is that time of year again when we must start planning for our annual fundraising event. This event is one of the most important, if not the most important, events for our club, as it is the source of our funding for the entire year as well as our trip to Spain, which is scheduled for the first week of June. Due to the high level of importance associated with this event, I ask that every club member be actively involved in its planning and implementation. We will have our first event planning meeting on Monday, September 14. At this meeting, we will be gathering ideas for event activities and assigning tasks to club members. We have set the date for the event to be Saturday, April 15. Attendance for the first meeting and all subsequent meetings is required. I look forward to seeing you all in 2 weeks and having a great start to a new year in Spanish Club.

Reactions that contain Oxidation reduction reactions...

Metabolism, Photosynthesis, Metabolism, Combustion

The stair line on the periodic table

Metals are to the left, non-metals to the right. Metalloids are elements in contact with the stair line step.

Define: Chemotaxis

Method by which leukocytes respond to damaged cells

Table of Context

Provides an overview of a document, outlining its basic structure and allowing the reader to quickly look up the section they want to read. Is best for learning the documents overall structure, or finding general sections.

Skeletal System:

Provides support & protection; supplies the framework for muscle tissue and stores minerals

What are the 2 functions of epithelial?

Providing covering & producing secretions

Lymphatic System:

Purpose is to return fluid that has leaked from the cardiovascular system to the blood vessels

What is the end product of aerobic glycolysis?


What does pyruvate mean?

Pyruvate is the molecule that is left over when a cell breaks down glucose during glycolysis.

What do dendrites do?

RECEIVE stimuli from internal & external environment. Bring stimuli to neurons


RNA to ribosomes

Basal metabolic rate:

Rate at which energy is expended by the body per unit of time under controlled conditions

All fractions, repeating and terminating decimals

Rational Number


Reaction in cells of plants/animals that use oxygen and sugar to produce carbon dioxide, water, energy

How to Identify a Topic Sentence

Read the text; Decide what it is trying to say; Find an early sentence that states that message. how to identify topic sentence how to identify logical conclusion how to identify summary sentences


Receive, interpret and respond to internal and external stimuli via the nervous system

Acid change the color of litmus paper to?


Red Bean Teazer

Red bean blended at bottom add milk option red bean at top, stir before drinking


Red blood cells

Visible part of the spectrum LONG to SHORT

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

Litmus Paper

Red=acidic Blue=Basic

What are the 4 signs of inflammation?

Redness, heat, pain, swelling


Reduction in size or wasting away of organ or cell from disease or lack of use


Release of energy from sugar without the use of oxygen; anaerobic respiration

What does the pyloric sphincter do?

Releases chyme from the stomach into the small intestine


Replacement of destroyed tissue w/same kind of tissue

What is the Reproductive system?

Reproduce offspring- produce male sex cells (sperm) and female sex cells (oocytes)


Reproductive and endocrine system

Difference between RNA and DNA

Ribose(found in RNA) Deoxyribose (found in DNA) Uracil in RNA Thyamine in DNA

The nonmetals are situated where on the periodic table?


After the right atrium, which valve opens?

Right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid valve)

After the right ventricle, which valve opens?

Right semilunar valve (pulmonary valve)

when the right atrium contracts, blood flows through the tricuspid valve and goes where?

Right ventricle

What are the 4 chambers of the heart?

Rt/Lft atrium and Rt/Lft ventricles

Amino acid sequence:

Rules by which the base sequence of a DNA gene is translated into protein structures

Stages of Interphase

S phase, G2, G1


S, G1, G2

What does the bladder do?


Plants Cells

Same as eukaryotic with exception of Chlorplasts and much larger vacuoles


Sarah has a 20 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for $8.32, then how much money does she have left over? A. $3.75 B. $5.45 C. $6.34 D. $7.77 E. $8.12


Sarah has a 20 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for $8.32, then how much money does she have left over? A. $3.75 B. $5.45 C. $6.34 D. $7.77 E. $8.12

Love Potion #6

Secret Recipe GREEN APPLE main ingredient Green Tea (secret: Peach)

Which 2 hormones does the duodenum release?

Secretin & cholecystokinin


Seed leaf that stores food for a plant embryo of seed plants


Semicolons are used to: 1.Separate related independent clauses 2.Separate items in a series if the elements of the series already includes commas 3.Separate the independent clauses in a compound sentence other commas are needed in either of the independent clauses 4.Separate sentences in a series if one or more of the sentences is long. [;]

Following Task

Sets of Directions. Require a sequence of directions to be followed explicitly. Can be in paragraph or list format Write down answer of each step!


Several molecules with same composition but different structures


Sex or germ cell

Convalent Bond

Sharing of Electrons between atoms

What type of writing is this: narrative, persuasive, technical, or expository?

Since the late sixteenth century, the public has had a strange fascination with arctic expeditions. These expeditions are launched for many ostensible reasons: to chart new territory, to conduct scientific research, to search for oil, or simply to have an adventure. Consider the many hardships and tragedies of these expeditions: Franklin's memorable disaster, Shackleton's famous wreck, or the more recent tragedy of the Vladimir Karamenov. Ask yourself: is all this loss of life worthwhile? What real, tangible gains have been made from these expeditions? A few more marks and scribbles on our world maps? A few more frozen, useless islands that now possess explorers' names? The entire concept of the arctic expedition is folly. The subject, and indeed, this entire area of the world,should be abandoned until such time as fully automated research ships can be sent into the polar wastes. Only then, when no human life is at risk, should these dangerous efforts resume. In the meantime, we should not look back at the early arctic explorers as heroes or legends. We should not honor them with statues, plaques, or lengthy entries in our history books. Rather, we should shake our heads at their foolishness, and transfer our admiration to people who have made real discoveries in other, more practical fields of knowledge.

Third Person Possessive Pronouns

Singular: Her, Hers, His, Its Plural: Their, Theirs

First Person Possessive Pronouns

Singular: Mine, My Plural: Our, Ours

Second Person Possessive Pronouns

Singular: Your, Yours Plural: Your, Yours

The three types of Muscle tissue:

Skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle

What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?

Skeletal, cardiac, smooth


Smallest part of an element that still retains original properites of an element


Smooth movement from one point to the next

Solid State of Matter

Solid has fixed shape and volume, high pressure low temp.

Hypertonic solution:

Solution having a lower water concentration than a solution to which it is compared

Primary Source Issue #1

Sometimes the only information available about an event was written hundreds of years after the even was taken, which is NOT a primary source.

Capitalize names of specific organizations, companies, institution and government agencies.

Spanish Club, Ford Foundation, University of Mexico, Department of Defense etc.

Sensory Neurons:

Special nerve cells that transmit impulses from a stimulus to a receptor

Motor Neurons:

Special nerve cells that transmit impulses to the muscles

Culture medium:

Specially prepared nutritious substance used to grow experimental organisms

What is the adaptive immune system?

Specific defense

Problem- Solution

Speech arrangement that explores either the causes or consequences of a problem, then offers a solution that addresses the problem.

Rhetoric Primary Source



Spindle fibers form and the centrioles moves to opposite sides of the cell. Nuclear membrane disappears.


Spleen and thoracic duct

describe STP

Standard temperature and pressure


Steroid hormones released by the adrenal cortex

A consumer wants to buy a lamp. The table above shows price quotes from four online retailers. Which retailer offers the best buy?

Store Price Shipping and handlin Lighting Superstore $180 $25.00 United Lighting $175 $30.00 A3 Furniture $170 $20.00 Dave's Home Furnishings $200 $0 (included in base)

Potential Energy

Stored Energy (think car battery)

are ionic bonds weak or strong?



Study of the function of the organs


Study of the structure of organs and body systems.

A solid to gas conversion is known as?



Substance on which an enzyme operates


Substances that cannot be broken into simpler types of matter.


Sugar formed by the combination of two simple sugar molecules

Phosphodiester Bonds

Sugars forming the backbone of a nucleic acid molecule are linked by these.

Cardiovascular Blood Flow

Superior Vena Cava, Right Atrium, Tricuspid Valve, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Valve, Pulmonary Artery, Lungs (oxygenated) left artium, mitral valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta

list the cardiovascular blood flow:

Superior Vena Cava-> Right Atrium-> Tricuspid Valve->Right Ventricle->Pulmonary Valve-> Pulmonary Artery-> Lungs (oxygenated)-> left artium-> mitral valve-> left ventricle->aortic valve-> aorta



9- Joules

Suppose a 2 Kilogram mass is traveling 3 meters/ second which of the following is the objects kinectic energy

What property of water allows someone to fill a glass slightly above the rim without the water flowing over?

Surface tension (cohesion)

Words Context

Surrounding words, sentences, or paragraphs that usually help to reveal the words meaning. product information summary words context thesis


Suspension of two liquids which are incapable of mixing or attaining homogeneity


Suspension that does not separate on standing

Compass Rose

Symbol that indicates the cardinal directions ( N, E, S, W) compass compass rose rose rose compass

Lymphatic System:

System of thin-walled vessels similar to the blood capillaries, which serve to collect lymph fluid from tissues and organs and to transport the fluid to the venous circulation

Immune system:

System whose components attack foreign substances or prevent their entry into the body

The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates:

Systolic pressure

The top number on a blood pressure reading is?

Systolic pressure


The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light. A. Albert Einstein B. Albert Michelson C. Grimaldi D. Thomas Young


The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light. A. Albert Einstein B. Albert Michelson C. Grimaldi D. Thomas Young


The first part of the test was on chemistry, the second on mathematics, and the third on english. A. on mathematics, and the third on english. B. on mathematics; and the third on English. C. on Mathematics; and the third on English. D. on mathematics, and the third on English. E. on mathematics: and the third on English.


The first part of the test was on chemistry, the second on mathematics, and the third on english. A. on mathematics, and the third on english. B. on mathematics; and the third on English. C. on Mathematics; and the third on English. D. on mathematics, and the third on English. E. on mathematics: and the third on English.


The fixed point on which a lever moves when a force is applied to it


The functional unit of the kidney is known as? A. Medulla B. Glomerulus C. Pyramid D. Nephron


The functional unit of the kidney is known as? A. Medulla B. Glomerulus C. Pyramid D. Nephron


The general subject matter covered by the work.


The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means A. Merry B. Sad C. Somber D. Laborious


The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means A. Merry B. Sad C. Somber D. Laborious

Main Idea

The works specific message, it is the REASON the text was written.


The writers way of moving on to the next topic.

Identify the parts of speech "The Young Boys Enjoy Soccer Practice"

The= Definite Article Young= Adjective Boys= Subject- Noun Enjoy= Verb Soccer= Adjective Practice= Direct Object


These are used to enclose supplementary or explanatory material which interrupts the main sentence

Quotation marks:

These are used to enclose titles of chapters, articles, short poems or stories, song and essays


These books weight a ton.

Government websites, organizational site, and educational institution sites are more reliable because...?

They are websites which provide a non biased approach.


This follows a declarative sentence


This follows accepted abbreviations


This follows an indirect question


This indicates an interruption or an abrupt change of ideas in a sentence


This layer becomes muscle, connective tissue, cartilage, bone, etc.


This layer becomes the epidermis, as well as the brain and other organs of the nervous system.

What is the respiratory system?

This system keeps the body's cells supplied with oxygen & removes carbon dioxide as it is released from cells. the Lungs house tiny air sacs->alveoli

What are organs made up of?



Titles that preface a section of text, it advertises the subject of the text that is beneath it.

What are the 3 main functions of the nervous system?

To provide sensory, motor, & integrative functions


Total number of alleles for a gene in a cell during prophase I of meosis in a diploid organism is.

Define superficial?

Toward or at the body surface.

Define Posterior?

Toward the back of the body (opposite of anterior)

Define Anterior?

Toward the front of the body

Define Medial?

Toward the middle of the body

Define Superior?

Toward the upper end of the body

Air is inhaled through the _____


The respiratory process begins when air is inhaled through the nose and into the what?


Difference between transcription and translation

Transcription- Copy the instructions in the DNA into the RNA. Translation-The protein production of from the processes from RNA messenger.

What is an axon?

Transmit impulses AWAY from cell body of neuron


Transporting oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues via cardiovascular system


Transports blood from capillaries back to the heart.

Cardiovascular System:

Travel system for many substances necessary for the body

What does secretin do?

Travels to the pancreas to trigger release of bicarbonate (neutralizes stomach acid). Also triggers release of pancreatic enzymes that aid chemical digestion in small intestine

What are the 4 valves of the heart?

Tricuspid:Pulmonary Valve ----Rt Side Mitral:Aortic Valve------Lft Side


Tries to get the reader to agree with the author.

Fruit Tea

Tropical flavors PASSION FRUIT + PEACH Real fruit @ bottom (peach,apple,pineapple,lime) Serve w/skewer

Amazon Teazer

Tropical fruit tea BLENDED BOBA (half blended available) already comes with boba!!

True or False: A primary Source can be found on the internet?


True or False: Can something contain more than one label?

True, a piece of work as a whole may have on label, but can contain other elements.

Capitalize the names of nationalities, race, and religions.

Turkish, Caucasian, Christian

Capitalize the first word in every line of poetry and the first word of a complete quotation.

Twinkle, twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high etc.


Two equal ratios

Respiratory System:

Two main functions are to supply cells with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide


Two organisms live in a symbiotic relationshiop frmo which both benefit. This is best described as: A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism D. Conservation


Two organisms live in a symbiotic relationshiop frmo which both benefit. This is best described as: A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism D. Conservation

Endoplasmic reticulum

Two types: smooth and rough...The ER is responsible for moving proteins from one part of a cell to another and for moving proteins to the outside of a cell. A process called secretion.

Identify the elements of fact, opinion, bias, and stereotype in the passage

Two vehicles, a minivan and a pickup truck, collided on Highway 16 at 6:45 p.m. last Saturday. The driver of the pickup truck was thrown from his vehicle and taken to Mercy Presbyterian Hospital, where doctorssay he remains in critical but stable condition. The occupants of the minivan, a father, a mother, and three young children, escaped with only cuts and bruises. Police report that slippery road conditions contributed to the accident. Another contributing factor: the driver of the pickup truck was just 17 years old.

Capitalize words showing family relationship when they are part of a title or used as a proper noun.

Uncle Lewis, Cousin Li, Aunt Margy


Unicellular organisms w/out a membrane around the nucleus


Unit of energy equal to 0.239 calorie


Unit of energy equal to 4.184 joules


Unsaturated Hydrocarbon- Triple bonded....CnH2n-2

Which system activates vitamin D

Urinary System


Use of genetic information to build specific protein molecules. Site of translation of the genetic code of DNA and RNA into the amino acid code or proteins.

Question mark:

Used after a direct question


Used medically as an anit-inflammatory agent


Used to divide a word that won't fit on same line

Quotation marks:

Used to enclose slang words, technical terms or other expressions that are unusual


Used to form new words beginning with self, ex, all, trans and great


Used to separate quoted expresions


Used with compound numbers


Using two nouns and compare or contrast them.

Volume of a cube or Prism:

V= L x W x H or S^3

Volume of a circular cylinder:

V= Pi x r^2 x H

The surface area for absorption in the small intestine is increased as a result of


Superior vena cava

Veins of the upper part of the body are responsible for transporting blood to which of the following areas of the heart

Dying Dyeing

Verb: Ceasing to live Verb: Coloring a fabric

Bear Bare

Verb: To carry or support Verb: To expose

Affect Effect

Verb: To have an effect on. Noun: Something that is brought about by a cause.

Cite Site

Verb: To use as an example; to quote Noun: A location

Active Verbs

Verbs that should an action performed by the subject of the sentence.

Where does oxygenated blood return?

Via pulmonary veins

Where does deoxygenated blood enter?

Via superior & inferior vena cava

Visible Waves by Color Short to Long

Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red

Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids.


What do you call a liquid that evaporates quickly?


Sociology Primary Source

Voting Records

Where is smooth muscle found?

Walls of hollow organs like intestines, blood vessels, bladder, uterus

Capitalize the names of monuments, ships, planes, and awards.

Washington Monument, Mayflower, Tony, Oscar etc.


Water molecules moving down the concentration gradient

Isotonic solution:

Water moves in and out of cell because equilibrium has already been established

Covalent: 2:1

Waters _____ bonding results in a ____ ratio of hydrogen to oxygen.

For a given substance the gas phase is considered to have_____ intermolcular attractions and to exist at ____ temperatures.

Weaker: higher

Capitalize cardinal directions and their compounds when they refer to particular regions.

West Canada the South


What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth? A. Trachea B. Spinal column C. Hepatic duct D. Esophagus


What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth? A. Trachea B. Spinal column C. Hepatic duct D. Esophagus

8 ounces=1 cup 2 cups= 1 pint 2 pints=1 quart 4 quarts=1 gallon

What are the US Measurements for fluid?

8 ounces=1 cup 2 cups= 1 pint 2 pints=1 quart 4 quarts=1 gallon

What are the US Measurements for fluid?

16 ounces=1 pound 2000 pounts=1 ton

What are the US Measurements for weight?

16 ounces=1 pound 2000 pounts=1 ton

What are the US Measurements for weight?

12 inches=1 food 3 feet=1 yard 5,280 feet=1 mile

What are the US measurements for length?

12 inches=1 food 3 feet=1 yard 5,280 feet=1 mile

What are the US measurements for length?

Multiplication: if you have 3^2X3^5=3^7 Division: 4^7/4^5=4^2 Exponenets: (3^2)^4=3^8 *NOTE: in order do this your bases must be the same!

What are the rules for multiplying & dividing exponets?

Multiplication: if you have 3^2X3^5=3^7 Division: 4^7/4^5=4^2 Exponenets: (3^2)^4=3^8 *NOTE: in order do this your bases must be the same!

What are the rules for multiplying & dividing exponets?


What is 60% of 70? A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 54


What is 60% of 70? A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 54

two plates sliding past each other

What is Transform theory?

It is a word that names a person, place or thing. It can be the subject of a sentence and it can also perform other funcitons in a sentence. Example: Dr. Carter will attend this weekend in the ER.

What is a noun?

It is a word that names a person, place or thing. It can be the subject of a sentence and it can also perform other funcitons in a sentence. Example: Dr. Carter will attend this weekend in the ER.

What is a noun?

A prime number is a number that has exactly two different factors: itself and one. Prime numbers cannot be negative numbers, 0, or 1. The six smallest prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.

What is a prime number?


What products are obtained with CH4(g) burns completely in an excess of oxygen? A. CO and H2O B. CO and C C. CO2 and H2O D. CO2 and CO

What is a chemical property of matter?

When a chemical change must be carried out in order to observe and measure a property then the property is a chemical property.

When is the parasympathetic nervous system active?

When a person is eating or at rest

When is the sympathetic nervous system active?

When a person is excited or scared

Collecting Information

When asked what the "best" choice is take all given information into consideration. product information collecting information representation

Qualitative measurement:

When description or qualities are reported

When is food bolus?

When food passes through the esophagus & into the stomach

Quantitative measurement:

When numerical results are used


When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? A. Telophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase


When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? A. Telophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase

How is a compound made?

When two or more different types of atoms bind together chemically


Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? A. Golgi Apparatus B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes


Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? A. Golgi Apparatus B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes


Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law? A. PV= knT or PV=RnT B. V=kT C. PV = k D. KTV =PR


Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law? A. PV= knT or PV=RnT B. V=kT C. PV = k D. KTV =PR


Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action? A. Lock and Key model B. Enzyme interaction model C. Transformation model D. Transcription model


Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action? A. Lock and Key model B. Enzyme interaction model C. Transformation model D. Transcription model

Recording qualitative observations

Which of the following is considered least useful in conducting quantitative scientific research.


Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? A. Archimedes' principle B. Charles' law C. Boyle's law D. Anderson's principle


Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? A. Archimedes' principle B. Charles' law C. Boyle's law D. Anderson's principle


Which of the following is needed for cellular waste recycling


Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas? A. Volume B. Mass C. Pressure D. Particles


Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas? A. Volume B. Mass C. Pressure D. Particles


Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys? A. Secretion B. Reabsorption C. Transport D. Filtration


Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys? A. Secretion B. Reabsorption C. Transport D. Filtration


Which of the following is the term given to multiple forms of a gene that are produced by mutation


Which of the following organisms is considered an invertebrate? A. Cat B. Starfish C. Eagle D. Platypu


Which of the following organisms is considered an invertebrate? A. Cat B. Starfish C. Eagle D. Platypu


Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45? A. 0.045% B. 0.45% C. 4.5% D. 45% E. 0.0045%


Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45? A. 0.045% B. 0.45% C. 4.5% D. 45% E. 0.0045%


Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true? A. Enzymes are catalysts. B. Almost all enzymes are proteins. C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH. D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions.


Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true? A. Enzymes are catalysts. B. Almost all enzymes are proteins. C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH. D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions.

Authors Purpose

an author's reason for creating a piece of work, the purpose may be to explain/inform, entertain, or persuade.


an enzyme to begin protein digestion


an organism that cannot produce its own food


an organism that is capable of producting its own food

Third Person point of view

an unknown narrator, tells the story, they will reference the thoughts or actions of other characters.

What is an atom with a negative charge?

anion (- ion)


any of the alternative forms of a gene

what does matter mean?

anything that has mass, and it takes up space

choosing an appropriate source

appropriate means two things: information should be to the point and should be credible or authoritative


are a mixture of metallic and non-metallic properties that may accept or donate electrons readily.

what is metalloids?

are element with properties that fall between those of metals & nonmetals


are pore forming proteins that cancer and virus and cells that cause them to rupture (lyse)


are rows


are the body's resonse to viral infection and prevent replication of the virus after 7-10days


are the powerhouses of the cell because they are the locations where the cellular fuel ATP is poduced. Cristae memberanes inside the series of the folds where enzymes are stored. The enzymes on the cristae help convert sugar into ATP to power the cell.

what carries blood away from the heart?


family on periodic table

as atomic radii get larger, electronegativity gets smaller

Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom..

atomic number

Cystalline Order

atoms arranged in a highly ordered state (solid) form.

what does cystalline order mean?

atoms arranged in a highly ordered state (solid) form.

Covalent bond:

atoms linked together by sharing valence electrons


atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in each element

If there is an increase in electronegavity, there will be an increase in what?

attraction for bonding electrons

Define deep?

away from or below the body surface (opposite of superficial)

Define distal?

away from the center of the body, origin, or point of attachment (opposite of proximal)

Area of a Parallelogram

b x h

dependent variable

based on the output

saturated hydrocarbons

basis for petroleum feuls

what is the reason the atomic radius increases and electronegativity decreases?

because the further the electron is from the nucleus, the less attraction it has to the nucleus.


beliefs based on personal judgments, rather than indisputable facts

semi colon

between 2 related independent clauses

Define Intermediate?

between medial and lateral

Structures of the Skeletal System:

bones, cartilage, ligaments and joints

skeletal system consists of?

bones->cartilage->ligaments & joints.


both include hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous

Nervous System consists:

brain,spinal cord,and nerves


bulleted or numbered list

irrational #

cannot be written as fractions: square roots, cube roots, and pi

Alveoli are tiny sacs surrounded by what?


Arteries are blood vessels that transport blood away from the heart and to the what?


what serves as the location for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide fluid and nutrients within the body?


What are veins?

carries blood from the capillaries back to the heart (02 poor)

What is an atom with a positive charge?

cation (+ ion)


cells that form a new organism via sexual reproduction.

Stem cells

cells that have been undifferentiated. Totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent cells are three type of stem cells.

What does Fusion mean (melting) ?

change from solid to a liquid

Digestive System Mouth

chemical and mechanical breakdown of food through tearing and chewing of food and release of enzyme saliva helps breakdown carbohydrates

what is an Exothermic reaction?

chemical reactions in which energy is released or produced such as in combustion

define mastication


ozone broken by

chlorine ions

What are the bronchial tubes are lined with?


Hepatic System:

circulation in which the hepatic portal vein carries dissolved nutirents to the liver tissues for processing

The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula: C=Pi*D

circumference of a circle

The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula: C=Pi*D

circumference of a circle

what does Oxidation mean?

class of redox reactions in which the oxidation number increases, any reaction in which oxygen combines with another substance is oxidation.



What are bar graphs or histograms used for?

compare frequencies of an event histograms are for continuous events bar graphs are for noncontinuous events


completely single bonded, saturated, =CnH(2n+2)

If a solution is hypertonic, what does this mean?

concentration outside is higher than inside.


concentration outside is higher that inside (water move out of cell to establish equilibrium)


connects one nerve cell with another over a fluid filled gap called a synapse transmission happens over 90 meters per secon

The conclusions should be?

consistent with the hypothesis

what is the Digestive system?

consists of all organs from mouth to the anus involved in the ingestion and breakdown or processing of food.

What is Integumentary system?

consists of skin, mucous membranes, hair & nails. This system also serves as a barrier to pathogens & helps regulate body temperture.


consists of surrounding words, sentences, or paragraphs that usually help to reveal the word's meaning


contain a single set of chromosomes..

Diploid Cells

contain two sets of chromosomes ....In mammals all cells are diploid except gametes. THe other is a twin chromosome called a homologous chromosome.

Define ventral body cavity?

contains all the structures within the chest & abdomen.


contains digestive enzymes that are capable of disposing cellular debris and worn cellular parts.

Define dorsal body cavity?

contains the cranial cavity and spinal column

Dorsal body cavity:

contains the cranial cavity and spinal column

G2 phase

continued protein synthesis and cell growth in preparation for cell division.



Name two types of bonds:

covalent (sharing electrons) & ionic (electrical attraction between opposite charges)

Name two types of bonds

covalent, ionic

Define frontal section? (coronal section)

cut made along a longitudinal plane that divides the body into front and back regions.

Personal Judgements

decisions that refer to actions in which individual preferences are the main considerations

Left to right

decreasing atomic radius, increasing ionization energy

what do nerve cells have?

dendrites that receive stimuli from the internal and eternal environment.

That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up.



developmental stage 9 weeks to birth

The bottom number on a blood pressure reading is?

diastolic pressure


different words with identical meanings


digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine systems


double helix unwinds, mRNA made, helix closes and mRNA to ribosome

G1 and G2

during these gaps between mitosis and DNA synthesis the cells DNA is available to transcript RNA


during which of the following stages of interphase is mRNA synthesized.


e- go toward oxygen; max density at 4 celcius is 1g/mL; high specific heat; high heat of vaporization

evaporation vs. vaporization

e=high heat, low hum, fast movement; physical collisions at surface of liquid; cooler system v= occurs thru phase transition from liquid to gas; breaks physical bonds of liquid H= M x L


found in DNA


found in RNA

On the periodic table, electronegativity bonds increase how?

from left to right electonegativity increases.


gametes reproducing their DNA; genetic variability; all cells are diploid but gametes; goal is to halve chromosomes; gives rise to 4

Waves lengths short to Long

gamma ray, x-ray, ultra-violet, visible, infrared, microwave, radio

what does deposition mean?

gas to solid


general subject matter being covered by the work. (broad term--depression, mental health, psychology)


granstrointestinal tract does the obsorption of water primarily occur.

Nerve Cells

have dendrites that receive stimuli from the internal and e xternal environment and bring those stimuli to the neurons for interpretation


have only one ring in the DNA strand, thymine and cytosine. uracil in RNA.


have transitional properties between metals and nonmetals they are found next to the stair step line on the periodic table.


have two rings in the DNA (adenine and guanine)


headings that appear below other headings within the same category--appear in smaller type so they can be distinguished.

Veins are blood vessels that transport blood from the capillaries to the what?


jéjunum and illeum

help with bowel movement

properties of water

high polarity->hydrogen bonding-> cohesiveness-> adhesiveness ->high specific heat->high latent heat and High heat of vaporization

logical conclusions

idea that follows from the facts/ideas presented in the text--it does not need to be factual or true

Cultural Beliefs



im right


imbalance of electrons and protons creates a Ion.


imbalance of electrons and protons, cause an atom with negative or positive charge

what does aural mean?

in or of the ear

glycogen is stored....

in the liver


increase from left to right

Villi and Microvilli

increase the surface area within the small intestine, increasing the area from which absorption can take place.

percent changes

increase: orig-new/orig * 100 decrease: new-orig/orig * 100


info based on real, provable events or situations.

Distance Scale

info in the legend that tells the reader how to interpret distances on the map--usually appears as a line with a distance marking

distance scale

info in the legend that tells the reader how to interpret distances on the map--usually appears as a line with a distance marking

digestive functions:

ingestion, mastication, deglution, digestion, absorption, peristalsis, defecation

excision repair

inspect DNA for chemicals and UV rays


introduces or explains a subject, gives groundwork information that is needed to understand later ideas, analyzes information objectively

Golgi Apparatus

involved in the packaging and transport of proteins in the cell, including protein secretion. works hand in hand with the ER in protein movement and processing.


is a measure of of hydrogen activity..Acids have higher hydrogen activity therefore higher pH

Excision Repair

is a mechanism used remove mutagens (outside sources of altered DNA...ex sunlight damaging DNA) Excision Repair inspect the DNA for this type of damage and attempts to remove it. DNA polymerse will then generate a new correct DNA strand.

Inductive Reasoning

is a method of arriving at general principles from specific facts.

Detuctive Reasoning

is a method whereby conclusions follow from general principles

Nitrogenous base

is a molecule found in DNA and RNA that encodes the genetic information in cells. Five bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil.

What does hypothesis mean?

is an idea or explanation that you then test through study and experimentation

Organic Chemistry

is connected with the study of hydrocarbon structure.

Define deductive reasoning:

is general principle which leads to a specific conclusion.

Radius of a circle:

is the line segment connecting the center of the circle to any point on the circle

Smooth muscle:

is under involuntary control

purpose to entertain

keep the reader interested--plays and novels

What is the energy of motion called?

kinetic energy

Area of a Rectangle

l x w

Volume of a Cuboid

l x w x h

where are metals located on the periodic table?


what does freezing mean?

liquid to a solid

what does vaporization (boiling) mean?

liquid to gas

Structures of Digestive System:

liver,pancreas,esophagus,stomach, small/large instestine, rectum


make up a nucleic acid that consist of a pentose, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base.


manufacture proteins for the cell from the RNA messages.

what is exocytosis?

materials are exported out of the cell

define digestion

mechanical and chemical breaking down of food

inductive reasoning

method of arriving at general principals from specific facts

Asexual reproduction:

method of reproducing from one parent by means of mitosis

deductive reasoning

method whereby conclusions follow from general principals

organs repair themselves through a process of?


valves on the left side of the heart

mitral and aortic


modifies a verb, adjective


more protein synthesis and cell growth to prep for division

complex sentences

more than 1 subject and verb


most ciritcal stage; when individual tissue layers begin to form


most critical stage of development, stage of individual tissues begin to form

where does the digestive tract start and end?

mouth to anus

What is the pressure and temp of a liquid

much higher temp & high volume

Eukaryotic cells

much larger than prokaryotic, plasma membrane, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi appratus, vesicles, vacoule, lysome, mitochondria, nucelus, nucleolus,


multiple forms of a gene that are produced by mutation

what does heterotroph mean?

must feed on other organisms to obtain nutrients

Structures of the Respiratory System:

nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea bronchi & lungs


needed for cellular waste recycling


negative or positive charged atom..imbalance of protons and electrons.


negatively charged subatomic particles around the nucleus (orbital shell)


nerve cells that receive stimuli from the internal and external environment and bring those stimuli to the neurons.

Gray matter:

neural tissue of the brain and spinal cord that contains nerve-cell bodies as well as nerve fibers


neuron process that carries impulses away from nerve cell body


no nuceleous, contains nuceloid condensed DNA of the cell, ribsomes, cytoplasm, plasmids (contain small amount of DNA) flagella on the outside, cell wall, plasma membrane

What are more likely to form a covalent bond, metals or nonmetals?



occurse through phase transition=alteration of physical state between solid, liquid, and gas. Occurs by breaking the physical bonds within the liquid.

simple sentences

one subject, one verb

germ cells

only ones to pass mutations


opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make fair, unclouded judgments or decisions

Duedum Jejunum Illeum

order of the small intestine


organism that can produce it's own food.

List the hierarchy of human body (largest to smallest)

organism, organ system, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms


organisms that can not produce their own food.


organs produces bile that begins the breakdown of fats.


oversimplified opinions that do not count for individual differences, but are about an entire group of people or things.

Allergy (hypersensitivity):

overzealous immune response to an otherwise harmless antigen

Acid-base balance:

pH of blood is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45


pH=-log (1 x 10 -3), pH= 3

Sensory-somatic nervous system

part of the PNS that consists of 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs for spinal nerves and associated ganglia, that controls voluntary movements, such as walking and talking.

Autonomic nervous system

part of the PNS, controls automatic body functions such as digestion and heart beat. Sympathetic nerves (active when a person is scared or excited.) Parasympathetic nerves (when is person eating or at rest)

technical writing

passes along precise info usually about a specific topic and usually is in a formal/semiformal style

technical writing

passes along precise info usually about a specific topic and usually is in a formal/semiformal style- can list


passes along precise information, usually in a formal/semi formal style

Area of a Circle


Volume of a Cylinder


Important water properties

polar molecule (causes high surface tension) universal solvent no standard electronegativity value PH 7 (Neutral) boiling point is: 100 celcius freezing point is: 0 celcius

Peripheral Nervous System:

portion of NS consisting of nerves and ganglia that lie outside of the brain and spinal cord

define a proton?

positively charged particle inside the nucleus

T cells

primarily responsible for recognizing nonself cells. It is a lymphocyte that triggers the action of other lymphocytes. Destroys the non self cells.

scientific approach

problem ID, ? asking, hypthesis, data/experiement, analysis, conclusion

problem solution

problem then solution

what does condensation mean?

process by which gas changes to a liquid

define absorption

process of taking digested nutrients into circulatory system

what does the pancreas do?

produces enzymes for digestion, It secretes juices that raise the pH of the small intestine

mixture of acids and bases

produces water and salt NOT a oxidation reduction reaction

Pronoun Antecedent Agreement

pronouns and antecedents must agree in number and gender

Liberates OH- insolution

property of bases

what is the skeletal system?

protects and supports body organs, and provides frameworks the muscles use to cause movement. Blood cells are formed within bones. Bones store minerals.

Parts of an atom

proton electrons neutrons

what are the smaller bits of matter within an atom?

protons, neutrons, and electrons


provides a way of looking up various topics by listing the names, topics, and ideas mentioned in a text followed by the page numbers it can be found on

table of contents

provides an overview of a document, outlines the basic structure and allows the reader to quickly look up what they want.

3 functions of the nervous system

provides sensory motor and integrative functions Reacts to stimuli maintains homeostasis


pulls air into the body during inspiration


purpose to halve the number of chromsomes. This takes place in games or fertilized egg.

electromagnetic waves

radiation waves characterzied by electric and magnetic fields. short to long= gamma, x, UV, visible, inafred, microwave, radio wave long to short= ROYGBIV

What is the pressure and temp of a gas?

random movement, high temp & low pressure

rational #

real # that can be written as a fraction, terminating decimal, or repeating decimal


receiving a vaccination against a particular disease results in which of the following types of immunity.

Litmus paper turns...

red for for basic solutions

colors listed longest to shortest wavelength.

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. ROY G BIV

latent heat

related to heat needed to cause a phase transition

Digestive Stomach

release of enzymes to further breakdown food, protease (protein digestion) intrinsic factor, hydrocholoric acid increased absorption of b12, mechanical churning of stomach breaks down food and turns into chyme

Explain the digestive stomach.

release of enzymes to further breakdown food, protease (protein digestion) intrinsic factor, hydrocholoric acid increased absorption of b12, mechanical churning of stomach breaks down food and turns into chyme

What does the colon do?

removes water from the waste that remains

Germ Cells

reproductive cells that give rise to sperm and ovum... these are the only way mutations will be past to another generation if it is in germ cell.


ribosomes produce proteins based on the instructions received from the transcription.

Genetic code:

rules by which the base sequence of a DNA gene is translated into protein structures

Area of a Square


Volume of a Cube


Define midsagittal section?

sagittal section made down the median of the body


same bondage but different geometrical shapes can alter the the properties (explosive vs poisionous)


saturated hydrocarbons...single bonds CnH2n+2


semifluid mass of partially digested food enters into the duodenum 2 hormones are released secretin and cck which intiates bile release.

What is chyme?

semifluid material mixes with secretion of the stomach glands. 2 hormones are released, secretin and cck, which initiates bile release.

Stimulus Receptors:

sensory organs that respond to stimuli

what is the Endocrine system?

serves to control body functions. Gland in the endocrine system secrete hormones that travel through the blood to organs throughout the body.

what is a covalent bond?

sharing of electrons between atoms

What are line graphs used for?

show changes over a period of time or compares the relationship between two quantites

line graphs

show changes over a period of time or compares the relationship between two quantites

line graph

shows changes over a period of time or compares the relationship between two quantities

Punnet square

shows what genotypes are possible in the offspring

"read between the lines"

simply means drawing inferences,conclusions,and making predictions.


small area on a map that explains the symbols and notations used on the map


small body within the nucleus and functions to produce ribosomes that get moved to the cytoplasm to make cell proteins.

absorption of food occurs where

small intestine

what does sublimation mean?

solid to gas


spell out numbers, fractions

Plyoric Sphincter

sphincter releases chuyme from stomach into small intestine.


stage of development that individual tissue layers begin to form.

Anatomical positions are?

standard position where the body is facing forward. feet are parallel to each other & the arms are at the sides with palms facing forward.


steroidal or amino acid-based molecules released into the blood that act as chemical messengers to regulate specific body functions


storage unit of the cell.

what does potential energy mean?

stored energy waiting to be used later


stores glycogen, major part of metabolism, decomposition of red blood cells, plasma protein synthesis, detoxification, hormone production, produces bile

Are covalent bonds weak or strong?



structural and functional unit of the kidney


student and pupil


study of how traits are transported form parent to offspring.


study of how traits are transported from parent to offspring.


subjects that a written work frequently bring up--despair, hope, redemption--more like topics. they are concepts or ideas that appear in the book multiple times


subjects that a written work frequently touches upon. ideas or concepts the book comes back to again and again


subtratction of heat

summary sentence

sum up the point made earlier in the text, driving home the message so the reader cannot forget--often found at the end of the paragraph, section, or chapter. Can provide closure

summary sentences

sums up the point of the earlier text that drives the message home. instead of reiterating the topic, it draws a conclusion based on the topic

substrate molecular surface

surface acted upon by an enzyme may effect reaction rate

Breathing properly requires the presence of this compound that affects the surface tension of alveoli in the lungs


S phase

synthesis of new DNA; before and after synthesis there are gap periods G1 and G2

define ingestion

taking in foods


taxonomic specific


tells a story or relates a chain of events

narrative writing

tells a story, or relates a chain of events

Capitalize the main words in titles of books, poems, plays, articles, musical compositions, chapters of books, etc.

the New York Times, A Tale of Two Cities, Computers for Dummies, The Phantom of the Opera etc.

what does heat vaporization mean?

the amount of heat required to rais the temp of

atomic mass

the average mass of all known isotpes of an element.

what does the parasympathetic do?

the division of the autonomic nervous system that calms the body, conserving its energy

purpose to inform

the document talks about some fact or event--newspaper articles

purpose to persuade

the documents tries to sway reader to a particular view point--persuasive writing

DNA Polymerse

the enzyme the speeds up the reaction of DNA synthesis

what is the urinary system?

the excretory (urinary) system helps maintain the water & electrolyte balance in the body. regulates the acid-base balance in the blood. removes other cellular wastes.


the first section of the small intestine-releases two hormones: secretin and cholecystokinin.(CKK)

what do chemical reactions rates depend largely on?

the frequency of contact with the catalysts


the general subject matter covered by the work

what does evaporation mean?

water changes from liquid to gas

define peristalsis

wavelike movement that propels the food through the digestive system.

Are hydrogen bonds weak or strong?


Define analysis:

weather of not it supports the hypothesis


when examining electronegativity values, which of the following atoms will form the least polar bond with Hydrogen

when is a atom said to be electrically neutral?

when the number of electrons that it contains is equal to the number of protons it contains. Since protons are positive and electrons are positive they cancel each other out.


where bile is stored

Incomplete Dominance

where the dominant and recessive genotypes interact to produce an intermediate phenotype, a mix of two traits.


which fo the following types of bonds is primarily responsible for base pairing in complementary strands of DNA

77 neutrons and 114 electrons

which of the following indicates the number of neutrons and electrons for a neutral istope of iridium (Ir) that has a mass number of 191


within bronchial tubes that are tiny hairs to help clear the airway by removing unwanted matter from the lungs


within the nucleus produces ribosomes to make cell proteins.


write 2/3 as a percent


x-n=a or x-n=-a


x-n>a or x-n<-a

absolute value equation

|x-3|=5 x-3=5 & x-3=-5 ____________________ |3x-2| > 7 3x-2 > 7 & 3x-2<-7

absolute values no nos

|x-n|= negative NS |x-n| < 0 NS |x-n|, neg NS |x-n|>0, all real numbers |x-n|> neg number, all real numbers

1 Pint

2 cups

What is are vacuoles?

"containers" or holding units in animal cells for water and organic substances.

circulatory system

(aka cardiovascular system) This system works as the transportation highway for the body. It consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. It transports substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients in the body.

what is saturated hydrocarbon?

(alkane) is composed of a single bond and is saturated with hydrogen


(like a bargraph but touching-continuous) bar graph- used to compare the frequencies of an event- noncontinuous

Hot Grass Jelly

(spoon) (boba,red bean,taro,mix bean) ALWAYS ASK

Hierarchy of Human Body Structure

(top) Organism, Organ system, Organs, Tissues, Cells, Molecules, Cells.


******* cant be limp 1000,500,100,and 50

Give two reasons scientific research is dependent on technology?

1) Modern instruments give precise data 2) Generates graphs that provide logical conclusions

Kelvin Temp

-273 degree C, based on waters triple point



what are lysosomes?

-intracellular digestion

DNA exists as double helix, RNA exists as a single stranded string of nucelotides.


Hydrogen bonds make up the helix struture of DNA


The larger the atomic radii the higher the ionization energy


stages of interphase...?


Kelvin scale

0'C=-273 KelvinK-273= C / K= C+ 273


0K=-273 C triple point of water (temp/pressure water exists at solid, liquid, gas)

I =


1 Milliliter

1 Cubic Centimeter


1 double bond CnH2n

What is Cell Theory?

1) All cells arise from preexisting cells. 2) Cells can carry out the processes of life. 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together.

Name the four valves in the heart

1) Aortic 2) Pulmonary 3) Bicuspid 4)Bicuspid (aka mitrial valve)

List 6 parts o effectively communicate a scientific argument (Scientific Method):

1) Identify a problem 2) ask a question 3) develop hypothesis 4) data collection 5) Analysis 6) Conclusion

Name 3 steps of forming a hypothesis:

1) Identify a problem 2) ask a question 3) formulate a hypothesis

What are two reasons for conducting scientific investigations?

1) Identify a problem 2) create a solution

How does a scientific argument change over time?

1) If subjective bases are found in an argument 2) if the results can't be duplicated.

how does electronegatvity change as atomic number increases within a group?

1) It decreases 2) because of the increased distance between the valence, electron and the nuclei

How do the number of electrons change moving down a group in the periodic table?

1) The number of electrons and filled electron shells increase. 2) The number of valence electrons remain the same 3) electrons are found further from the nucleus because the number of filled energy shells increase

explain chemical reactions:

1) an event that alters the chemical make-up of an atom 2) may cause an imbalance 3) the imbalance produces a positive or negative charged atom.

how is an atom's charge uniquely identified?

1) by it's protons & electrons 2) neutrons don't contribute to the charge

what does a catalysts mean?

1) controls the rate of chemical reactions 2) reactions can be increased by the use of promoters 3) reactions can be reduced by the use of inhibitors

Give an example of an investigation that has led to radically new designs that improved the quality of life?

1) creation of prosthesis 2) mechanical organs

How do you test a hypothesis?

1) identify the variables involved 2) create a plan of action that involves observation and experimentation

Without mathematics, scientific research would be impossible, explain why this is true:

1) mathematics removes uncertainty 2) Provides sound conclusion 3) creates advancement in science.

what is electronegativity?

1) measure of an atoms attraction on electrons in a chemical bond. 2) the greater the elctronegativity the greater the atoms attraction for bonding electrons

Steps for data collection:

1) observation 2) Measurement 3) samples 4) organization

define a "charge"

1) refers to the positive or negative distribution within it. 2) total number of protons & electrons 3) neutrons DO NOT posses a charge

What are the states of matter?

1) solid (fixed shape & volume) 2) Liquid (fixed volume BUT changing shape) 3) Gas(changing volume & changing shape)

Why are experiments repeated?

1) verify results 2) to increase the likelihood that the results are not random

M =


1 Kilogram

1,000 grams

1 Kilometer

1,000 meters

1 Gram

1,000 milligrams

1 Liter

1,000 milliliters

Simple Hydrocarbon Pre-fix Naming

1-Meth* 2-Eth* 3-Pro* 4-But* 5-Pent 6-Hex 7-Hept 8-Oct 9-Non 10-Dec

Three Stage Purchase Process

1. Decide qualities that are important 2. Get product information to compare against list of qualities 3. Sort through product information and decide which product or retailer best matches the desired qualities.


1. Enclose supplementary or explanatory material that interrupts the main sentence. [()]

1 Ounce

2 Tablespoons

Suffixes for Words Ending in E

1. If a word ends in a silent E and the added suffix begins with a consonant, then keep the letter E when adding the suffix. 2. If the word ends in a silent E and the added suffix begins with a vowel, then drop the letter E when adding the suffix.

Suffixes for Words Ending in Y

1. If a word ends with a Y preceded by a vowel, keep the y when adding a suffix. 2. If a word ends in Y preceded by a consonant change the Y to I before adding a suffix.

Suffixes for Words Ending in a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Pattern

1. If a word has one syllable and ends with a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern, then double the final consonant before adding a vowel. i.e. Bag+age= baggage 2. If a word has more than one syllable, but the accent is on the last syllable, then double the final consonant before adding a suffix that beginning with a vowel. i.e. compel +ing = compelling

Words Ending in -TION, -SION, or -CIAN

1. If the root word ends in -T, then the suffix -TION can be added. 2. If the root word ends in -S, then the suffix -SION can be added. 3. If a word names a person, then it should end in -CIAN

Words Ending in -ABLE, or -IBLE

1. If the root word is a complete word, then add -ABLE. (If the root ends in E, drop the E before adding -ABLE). 2. If the root word is not a complete word, then add -IBLE

Words Ending in -ANCE, -ANCY, -ANT, or -ENCE, -ENCY, -ENT

1. If the suffix is preceded by a hard C or G sound, then the suffix is -ANCE, -ANCY, or -ANT. 2. If the suffix is preceded by a soft C or G sound, then the suffix is -ENCE, -ENCY, or -ENT.

Identifying Appropriate Sources

1. Should be to the point, specific to the question 2. Credible or Authoritative


1. To form a possessive case of a noun or indefinite pronoun that doesn't end on S, add an apostrophe and an S. 2. To form the possessive case of a plural noun that ends in an S, it is generally considered appropriate to add only the apostrophe. 3. Plural nouns that do not end in an S form the possessive by adding an apostrophe and an S. 4. Use an apostrophe in certain expressions of time. 5. Use an apostrophe to pluralize letters, numbers, and words that normally do not have plurals. 6. Use an apostrophe to show omission of letters or numbers as in contractions or dates.

Steps fof the Scientific Method:

1.Problem Identification 2. Ask Question 3.Hypothesis 4. Data Collection 5. Analysis 6. Consclusion


1.Used to divide a word that would otherwise be incomplete on one line. 2. Create compound words. 3. Go between Numbers [-]


1.prophase-SF/centrioles move to opposite sides 2. metaphase- chromosome alignment 3. anaphase- chromosomes separate; start cytokinesis 4. telophase- chromosomes at opposites...

Area of a Triangle


Area of a Trapezoid

1/2h(a +b)

Volume of a Pyramid

1/3 (Area of the base) x h

X =



10 is what percent of 50

1 Centimeter

10 millimeters

C =


1 Meter

100 centimeters


11. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62


11. What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62

How many elements are there?

117 elements, 94 of which occur naturally on earth

1 Foot

12 inches

What does the sensory-somatic nervous system consist of?

12 pairs of cranial nerves & 31 pairs of spinal nerves & associated ganglia


12. A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a A. Stringed instrument in the harp class B. Percussion instrument C. Wind instrument in the wind class D. Rhythmical percussion device


12. A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a A. Stringed instrument in the harp class B. Percussion instrument C. Wind instrument in the wind class D. Rhythmical percussion device

1 Gallon

128 ounces

percents %%%

15% of 500 is what -0.15 * 500 25% of what is 8 -.25 * X=8 what percent of 250 is 10 -X * 250=10

1 Pound

16 ounces

1 Mile

1760 yards


18 is 50 % of what number

What is the highest group or family in the periodic table?

18 which is the noble gases


1x 10^4

Which nitrogenous bases are purines?

A & G

Area of rectangle:

A = L x W

Area of square:

A = S^2


A blood protein that is converted to fibrin during blood clotting

DNA polymerase

A cell uses which of the following as the first line defense against mutations during DNA replication

what is an ion?

A charged atom

What is a covalent bond?

A chemical bond formed when two or atoms share electrons.

What is an ionic bond?

A chemical bond that's formed when an atom transfers and electron to another Atom

Exergonic reaction:

A chemical reaction that yields a net release of free energy

Protein catalyst:

A chemical that changes the rate of a chemical reaction in living tissue without itself being chemically altered

Pie Chart

A circular chart divided into triangular areas proportional to the percentages of the whole

Independent Clause

A clause that has a complete meaning.

Dependent Clause

A clause that is make dependent or incomplete because of the addition of a subordinating conjunction.

Alpha Particle:

A cluster of 2 protons and 2 neurtons emitted from a nucleus in one type of radioactivity


A compound the yields H+ ions in solution


A conducting substance that connects an electrolyte to an external circuit


A deliberate omission of words expressed through [...]


A descriptive work that modifies a noun or a pronoun.


A figure of speech comparing two unlike things using like or as


A figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated


A final decision reached by reasoning

what is a substance?

A form of matter that has a definite or constant composition and distinct properties

what is chlorophyll?

A green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants, algae, and some bacteria


A group of bacteria cells


A group of children listed the number of brothers and sisters they each have. The list is shown below. 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5. What is the MODE of the numbers shown?


A group of letters added to the beginning of a word that modifies or extends the words meaning.


A group of letters added to the end of a word that modifies or extends the words meaning.

A blogger has just tried a new allergy medication called Allergone, and is reviewing it based on his personal experiences. Identify which statement(s) contains only facts, without a trace of the blogger's opinions.

A) Last year, Pharmaceutical Insider magazine reported that Allergone faced a bumpy approval process. However, Allergone got approval in March and hit the shelves in early May. B) Allergone comes in three different dosages. The pill that is 10 milligrams is yellow and is the lowest available dose. The pill that is 20 milligrams is white and works best for most people. The pill that is 30 milligrams is pale pink and is too strong for most patients. C) Considering all the other excellent allergy medications on the market, Allergone will struggle to find an audience. D) Allergone is produced by a reputable, high-quality medication manufacturer in Iceland.

A cook wishes to learn some new recipes. Which of the following sources would provide them?

A) Store Web site: "Kitchens 'n Things" B) Web site: "The Happy Baker's Culinary Reviews" C) Printed Sales Catalog: "The Savvy Chef" D) Book: "50 Delicious Southwestern Dishes"

water soluable vitamins


Area of a Circle:

A= Pi x r ^2

Area of a triangle;

A=1/2 b x h

DNA Codons

ATCG Pairs with TAGC Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine

DNA Codons.

ATCG Pairs with TAGC

RNA Codons

AUCG Pairs with UAGC Uracil, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine


Accede Antecede Concede Intercede Recede Retrocede


Accepts electron to produce more negative ion.

Commonly Misspelled Words

Accidentally, Accept, Accommodate, Accompanied, Achieved, Across, Address, Aggravate, Aisle, Allot, Allotted, Alright, All Right, Amateur, Annual, Anxiety, Apparent, Appearance, Appropriate, Arctic, Argument, Arrangement, Association, Attendance, Auxiliary, Awkward, Bachelor, Barbarian, Barbarous, Barren, Beggar, Believe, Beneficial, Benefited, Biscuit, Brilliant, Business, Cafeteria, Calendar, Candidate, Career, Carriage, Ceiling, Cemetery, Changeable, Changing, Characteristic, Chauffeur, Colonel, Column, Commit, Committed, Committee, Comparative, Comparatively, Comparison, Compel, Compelled, Competent, Competition, Completely, Compulsion, Conceivable, Conceive, Conception, Confident, Conqueror, Conscience, Conscientious, Conscious, Contemptible, Convenient, Coolly, Course, Courteous, and so on. Please see Table 4.11 in TEAS V Study Manual for full list.

how is the periodic table formatted?

According to atomic number

Root: Bio

Definition: Life Examples: biochemistry, biodegradable


Appear bellow other headings within the same category. It covers a piece of the larger topic.

what does condensation mean?

Gas to Liquid

What principle is this? "An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object."

Archimede's Principle

Passive Verbs

Are Comprised of be plus a past participle that shifts the action of a sentence from the subject to the object of the sentence.

Cited Statements

Are FACTS opinions biases speculations cited statements


Are subjects that a written work frequently touches upon. Themes are ideas or concepts that the book comes back to again and again.


Beliefs based on personal judgement, rather than on indisputable facts. opinions biases speculations cited statements

Common Subordinating Conjunctions

Because, though, although, as, as if, when, while.


Arrangement of words in phrases and sentences

Arteries, Veins, and Capillaries

Arteries-transport blood away from the heart to the capillaries Veins Blood vessels that transport blood from the capillaries back to the heart. Capillaries-tiny blood vessels that transport blood from the arteries to veins withing the body also serves as site fro 02 exchange.

what are arterioles?

Arterioles are the smallest arteries

Hardening of the arteries is known as?


Adrenergic fibers:

Any of the fibers that transmit impulses to other nerve cells, smooth muscle, or gland cells by norepinephrine


Any standard instrument of measurement that has marking at established intervals.

When the left ventricle contracts, blood flows through the what?


What is another name for the left semilunar valve?

Aortic valve

Summary Sentences

Appear at or around the end of the text structure, they can be used to drive the message of the text home recapping the topic. They also provide closure to a text. Some will draw a conclusion based on the text topic. opening sentence topic sentence logical conclusion summary

What is the logical conclusion of the above text?

As most readers are aware, our city has been struggling over the last several years to keep downtown businesses thriving. Locals often report that access issues prevent them from shopping downtown. Last week the city of Clarion reported in their local newspaper that the addition of two new parking lots in their downtown area increased the surrounding business revenue by 7% in the last year. It is also well known that Moville and Clarion are similar in terms of population and city characteristics. Moville is currently looking for ways to increase downtown revenue and is open to the public for suggestions.

What inferences or conclusions can the reader make about the excerpt above?

As of this morning, the president's approval rating decreased by 3%, which indicates that citizens are not pleased with the work he has done since he took office. The president has had 2½ years to work on his agenda with nothing to show for it. He has not met any of the goals he proposed while running for office.Furthermore, his actions have led to increased unemployment rates, increased poverty rates, a struggling economic system, and a failing educational system.

how to identify logical conclusion

Ask yourself: Assuming that everything I just read is true, what follows? or Based on the ideas in the text, what is the authors point? how to identify topic sentence how to identify logical conclusion how to identify summary sentences


Atom or molecule with a negative charge.


Atom or molecule with negative charge

Define Electronegativity:

Atom's ability to attract and hold electrons.

Atomic Number, Mass Number, Atomic Mass

Atomic number- # of protons, Mass Number- # of protons and neutrons, Atomic Mass-average of mass of all the known isotopes of an element.

As you move down a group (column)

Atomic radius increases...because number of outer shells increases (amount of total electrons but the valence electrons are always the same in the group)

What are molecules made up of?


Kinetic Theory

Atoms are always in motion

what are isotopes?

Atoms containing the same amount of protons and electrons but different amounts of neutrons


Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs into the left?



Attraction between similar molecules

Example of adhesion:

Attraction between water molecules and molecules that make up the inside of a xylem tube

What are the 2 parts of the PNS?

Autonomic & sensory-somatic

What does distal mean?

Away from the body


Away from trunk

Longyan Tea

BLACK TEA Usually hot


Bacteria-(both Eubacteria and Archaebacteria) Contains Cell Wall. Contains Nucleoid no nucleus.

If an employee named Ellen Johanssen reads the office memo above, what should she do?

Birthday Party for Bill Time: 3 p.m. Friday Place: Break Room This will be a potluck. The fridge in the lower level should be open, so store anything perishable in there. We'll handle it the usual way - if your last name starts with S to Z, ask Melissa what to bring. A to G, ask Jason; H to R, ask Tom. Let's try not to skip out early this time. Plan to be there for at least an hour, if at all possible. Also, sorry to say: No alcohol.


Blood vessels that conduct blood flow away from the heart and into circulation

Define: Arteries

Blood vessels that transport blood away from the heart to the capillaries

Litmus paper that is blue will stay blue in the presence of a base?


base change the color of litmus paper to?


Define: Interferons

Body's response to a viral infection & prevent replication of the virus. Also activates macrophages & NK cells

Nervous System:

Bodys control system; detects internal and external stimuli and activates appropriate response

Ionic bond:

Bonds between positive and negative ions

What are some examples of connective tissue?

Bone, cartilage, adipose, blood vessels

What is the first line of defense?

Both physical & chemical barriers (skin, mucous membranes, digestive enzymes)

what portion of the kidney filters?

Bowmans Capsule

What does the Central Nervous System consist of?

Brain & spinal cord


Brain and Spinal cord located in the dorsal cavity

Central Nervous System

Brain and spinal cord

Structures of the Nervous System:

Brain, spinal cord, nerves and sensory receptors


Branching air passageways inside the lungs


Branching neurons that transmit the nerve impulse toward the cell body

Digestive system:

Breaks down food to allow nutrients into blood for circulation through the body


Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? A. Potassium B. Plasma C. Surfactant D. Sodium Chloride


Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? A. Potassium B. Plasma C. Surfactant D. Sodium Chloride

Carbon dioxide

By products of cellular respiration is used by autotrophs in the production of glucose

Which Roman numerals are used to subtract?

C, I, X

Cellular Respiration Formula

C6 H12 06+ 6 02> 6 H20 + CO2 +Energy

Cellular Respiration Formula

C6 H2 06+ 6 02> 6 H20 + Energy

cellular respiration formula

C6H1206->CO2 + H20+ ENERGY (released)


C8 H14

Fahrenheit to Celsius


Circumference of a circle:

C=2 x Pi x r

The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula:


logical conclusion

Can be illogical when viewed on its own. topic sentence logical conclusion summary


Can come in the form of details, or examples that clearly explain the topic.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart to the?


Gas exchange occurs in which of the following tissue?


What are capillaries?

Capillaries are the exchange vessels. They are microscopic and have only one wall—tunica intima—allowing substances to pass through quickly.

what is the byproduct of cellular respiration used by autorophs to produce glucose?

Carbon dioxide


Carry blood away from the heart

what does prostaglandins do?

Carry out vasodilation, vasoconstriction, uterine contraction.

What are arteries?

Carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart

Root: Therm

Definition: Heat Examples: exothermal, endothermic, geothermal


Clumping of foreign cells; induced by corsslinking of antigen-antibody complexes




Colons are used: 1.After a complete statement in order to introduce one or more directly related ideas 2.After a salutation in business letter 3.Between hours and minutes in time notation 4.Between chapter and verse in biblical references [:]


Comparison of two numbers by division

what is an isomer?

Compound with same atoms, but arranged differently


Concentration outside the cell is lower than inside cell (water moves out of cell to establish equilibrium)

Define: Deductive reasoning

Conclusions follow from general principles

Define inductive reasoning:

Conclusions formed from specific facts

When a substance from a gaseous to liquid form, it is called?


what is Lymphatic system?

Consists of lymph nodes and lymph vessels that carry lymph (a clear fluid right in antibodies). The spleen, thymus, and the tonsils are made of lymphoid tissue. It supports the immune system by housing and transporting white blood cells to and from lymph nodes. This system also returns fluid that has leaked from the cardiovascular system back into the blood vessels.

Lymphatic System

Consists of lymph nodes, lymph vessels that carry lymph, the spleen, the thymus, and tonsils, are made up pof lymphoid tissue. It supports the immune system by housing and transporting white blood cells to and from lymph nodes.

Muscular system:

Consists of only skeletal muscles to produce movement

Distance Formula


Chrosomes: genes Genes: _______

DNA Genes are the subunit of chromosomes. DNA is the subunit of Genes.

S Phase

DNA double helix unwinds with the help of enzymes. Breaks the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs and separates the bases from their complementary partners. The exposed bases pair with new complementary bases that are then synthesized incto a new complementary strand with the help of an enzyme called DNA polymerse. Happens on both sides, two new strands are formed.




Dark roasted oolong tea w/milk Slight coffee taste w/Creamer

What is the author's purpose for writing the above text?

Dear Sean, Congratulations on winning the State High School Football Player of the Year award. It is an incredible accomplishment - one that you will treasure forever. Your tremendous motivational drive and superior athletic skills were apparent to us right from the start, and we are tremendously pleased that the award voters saw exactly what we saw in you. Looking ahead, we can see even greater things in your future. Your choice of college will have a profound effect on exactly how great those things are - so we hope you're still planning to visit our campus this spring. We have a fun day of activities planned for you. By the time it's done, we think you'll agree that Eastern Reserve University is the perfect place to continue your winning tradition. Best Regards, Bill Meehan, Athletic Director Eastern Reserve University

Historical Primary Source

Declaration of Independence

Suffix: ISM

Definition: Belief in Examples: nationalism, activism

Root: Chrom

Definition: Color Examples: monochrome

Root: Ortho

Definition: Correct Examples: orthodontia, unorthodox

Root: Geo

Definition: Earth Examples: geometry, geode, geologic

Root: Terra

Definition: Earth Examples: terrace, terrarium, extraterrestrial

Root: Ped

Definition: Foot Examples: backpedal, millipede

Root: Morph

Definition: Form Examples: endomorph, isomorphic, morphine

Types of Context Clues Include

Definitions: The definition of the unfamiliar word is given in the sentence. Descriptions: A description of the unfamiliar word is given in the sentence. Example: Examples of the unfamiliar word are given in the sentence. Synonym: A synonym of the unfamiliar word is given in the sentence. Antonym: A antonym of the unfamiliar word is given in the sentence. Comparison: A comparison is used in the sentence that helps give meaning to the unfamiliar word. Contrast: The unfamiliar word is contrasted to known words or phrases. Explanation: The unfamiliar word is defined in the sentence through an explanation of a situation.


Delivers enzymes to the small intestine

physiology of the heart

Deoxygenated blood is pumped into the right side of the heart via superior and vena cava, the blood flows into RA contracts then pumps into triscuipid valve into RV then contracts into the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery, then pulmonary veins into the LA, through mitral valve, into LV. LV in aortic valve into aorta into the entire body.

A gas to solid conversion is known as?



Describes or modifies someone or something in the sentence

what pulls air into the body during inspiration?


Which happen during inspiration?

Diaphragm contracts

Which happen during inspiration?

Diaphragm contracts- lowers

Passive transport:

Diffusion-transfer of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration


Digestive and urinary system

Ingestion & digestion:

Digestive system & cardiovascular system


Disease causing microorganism


Distance and force multiplied together indicate? A. Power B. Joules C. Work D. Energy


Distance and force multiplied together indicate? A. Power B. Joules C. Work D. Energy

Fraction to decimal:

Divide numerator by denominator

Transverse section

Divides body into top and bottom

Sagittal section

Divides the body into right/left sides

What should the reader conclude about this brochure?

Do you want to increase your IQ dramatically in just one short month? Become smarter by following my simple brain-energizing program. This program includes daily mental exercises, nutrition and fitness guides, and daily vitamin and nutrient supplements, all of which will help boost your IQ. With five easy payments of $19.99, we can guarantee that you will impress your friends and family with your new-found intelligence in just four weeks.

Biological Classification System

Domain Kingdoms Phylum Order Family Genus Species

Steps to reduce DNA mutations

First Step: DNA polymerase performs proofreading of new synthesized strands. Second: Mismatch pair if two bases are mismatched then it is removed and replaced with the correct base.

Primary Sources

First hand records of events, theories, opinions, or actions.

Liquid State of Matter

Fixed volume, changing shape, weaker bonding, high temp, high pressure.

what element has the highest electronegativity?


Assuming all roads traveled are either east-west or north-south roads only, which direction is the final destination relative to the starting location?

Follow the directions below to determine the location of the final destination from the original starting point. Step 1. Start off going west on Clinton Drive. Step 2. Turn right on Parkway Boulevard and travel 2 miles. Step 3. Turn left to merge onto Highway 59 and travel 5 miles. Step 4. Turn right onto the 151st Street exit. Step 5. Drive 7 miles and take another right at Jefferson Avenue. Step 6. End at 491 Jefferson Avenue immediately following the turn.

What new word has been spelled?

Follow the numbered instructions to transform the starting word into a different word. 1. Start with the word "THE." 2. Add the letter "O" to the beginning of the word. 3. Add the letter "R" to the end of the word. 4. Add the letter "N" to the beginning of the word. 5. Add the letter "A" to the beginning of the word.

Digestive System Fast Facts

Food expelled through anus, absorption of food occurs through the small intestine, colon removes water from waste, liver produces bile, pancreas delivers enzymes to small intestine.

Weaker: higher

For a given substance the gas phase is considered to have_____ intermolcular attractions and to exist at ____ temperatures.

Osmotic pressure:

Force produced by the pressure of water diffusing through a semipermeable membrane

Capitalize the names of historical events or documents, months, days, special events, and calender items.

French Revolution, Atlantic Pact, August, Sunday, World Series, Prom, Christmas Eve, Labor Day etc.

during which of the following stages of interphase is mRNA synthesized.


mRNA is synthesized during what interphase?


During what stage of interphase is mRNA synthesized?

G1 phase

what phase does centrosome replicate?

G2 interphase

During which metabolic stage is glucose broken down to PYRUVATE?


What organ stores bile?

Gall Bladder

Name Electromagnetic Waves Short to Long

Gamma Ray Xray Ultraviolet Ray Visible Infared Microwave Radiowave

Short to long wavelengths

Gamma ray, x ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave, and radio waves

List eletromagnetic waves from short to long:



Gas exchange occurs in which of following tissues? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Skin


Gas exchange occurs in which of following tissues? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Skin

Correctly identify each of the following elements as either a topic, a theme, a main idea, or a supporting detail. 1. Microchips are increasingly manufactured in a few giant Asian factories. 2. A few large factories versus many small factories 3. Technology and industry 4. The new Asian factories can be trusted to keep major brands' secrets.

Microchip Production There was a time - as recently as the 1990s - when dozens of factories produced microchips. Large American and European brands designed the microchips, and then produced the chips in their own, highly guarded factories. (They did not trust anyone else to have the necessary secrecy, know-how, or quality control to manufacture their products.) Meanwhile, these heavyweight brands competed with dozens of no-name Asian factories producing microchips of their own. Both the name-brand chips and the no-name chips found their way into thousands of products: computers, cordless phones, microwaves, and answering machines at first; then, more recently, into ever-growing numbers of cellular phones and digital cameras.Recent years have shown a trend toward microchip consolidation, with manufacturing centered on a few giant, modern Asian factories, many in Taiwan. Many of the smaller factories - both no-name and name-brand- have shut down. In their place, the gleaming new mega-factories produce silicon chips for a vast array of brands. Major American and European brands have experienced the convenience of allowing these factories to manufacture their chips, rather than investing the cash, time, and labor to build factories of their own. These days, it is not uncommon for two bitter rivals, their products directly in competition with one another, to have their products manufactured side-by-side on the assembly lines of the same Taiwanese chipmaker.At first there were concerns about confidentiality and quality. Could these independent factories be trusted with a major brand's newest products and secrets? Could they produce microchips that demanded a high degree of precision? The answer, learned from the experiences of the past decade, has been a resounding "Yes." The major brands have largely given up their factories, and have wholeheartedly embraced the new model of subcontracting chip production. The world's computers, cellular phones, and digital devices may still have American, European, or Japanese brand names, but the guts of those devices are almost always made in independent factories, often based in Taiwan. What does the future hold? One new development is that Taiwan's largest factories have started producing their own products, in addition to continuing to manufacture products for established foreign brands. In the coming decades, the manufacturing clout of the mega-factories, combined with their growing engineering know-how, may turn the mega-factories' home-grown products into new household brands. The future looks bright indeed for the largest chip manufacturers.

What is the main cellular structure involved in respiration


powerhouse of a cell is?



Mitosis and cell division, spindle fibers are associated with which of the following organelles.

Define: Chyme

Mixture of food, chemicals, enzymes in the stomach

Golgi apparatus:

Modifies proteins destined to become part of cellular membranes


Molecular attraction between dissimilar molecules.

What are cells made up of?


Facilitated diffusion:

Molecules are diffused across a cell membrane by special proteins called carrier proteins



Digestion begin here?


What does the digestive system consist of?

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum), large intestine (or colon), anus


Movement of plants in response to stimuli

Percent Increase Formula

New Value - Original Value ---------------------------------- x 100 Original Value

Journalism Primary Source

Newspaper Article

What is a major component of Amino Acids?


Honey Chrysanthemum

No caffeine - very light +Honey to enhance flavor Very sweet!

What is purpose of this text?

Mr. Grundle's New Leaf Blower Mr. Grundle purchased a new leaf blower and set the box out in his yard. He attempted to pull open the heavy packaging with his hands, but failed. Then he brought scissors, but the heavy material proved too tough for him. Finally he decided to bring out a hacksaw. When he was finished, the box lay in tatters all across the lawn. After the mess was cleaned up, Mr. Grundle set to work with his new purchase. He strapped the blower on his back, aimed at a leaf pile, and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. He removed the leaf blower and began a 20-minute examination of the device. Finally he decided that he should probably add gasoline. Ten minutes later, Mr. Grundle's driveway was a river of spilled gasoline. He did manage to get a bit of it into the leaf blower, though. Finally he got the gasoline cleaned up, and the leaf blower strapped onto his back again. It was time for another try. This time the device roared to life, and leaves went flying every which way. Mr. Grundle was initially pleased with the effect, but less so when he noticed that the leaves were hard to control. They blew and scattered all across the lawn; he needed to be more careful about where he aimed. Finally, after pushing leaves around for half an hour and making a bigger mess than he started with, Mr. Grundle finally began to get the hang of his new machine.Unfortunately, at that very moment the blower ran out of gas. Mr. Grundle took the blower into his garage, emerged with a rake, and proceeded to rake his lawn. The next day, neighbors were surprised to see a shiny new leaf blower sitting in his trash can.

What do cells in stomach lining secrete?

Mucus for lubrication, an enzyme to begin protein digestion (protease), HCl, intrinsic factor (increases absorption of B12)


Muscle that bears the major responsibilty for effecting a particular movement; a prime mover


Muscular system used in Cardio, digestive, reproductive, urinary & respiratory systems

House Blend Milk Icee

NO TEA/CAFFEINE +strawberry and mango (new flavors) All 3 add ons = 50c more one add on = double that ingredient

First Person point of view

Narrator tells story from his/her point of view and refers to him/herself as "I" and uses words such as "my", "we", or "our". This narrator may be an active character or observer.

Respiratory system consists of?

Nasal cavity->pharynx->larynx->trachea->bronchi->& lungs

what is the functional unit of the kidney?


Peripheral Nervous System

Nerves that extend beyond the brain and spinal cord.

Responds to environmental change:

Nervous System

Bowman's Capsule

Network of capillaries encased in a membrane in the kidney for purpose of filtration.

Pituitary Gland:

Neuroendocrine gland beneath the brain that regulates gonads, thyroid, adrenal cortex...


Neutral Sub atomic particles in the nucleus of an atom

Which are more likely to form covalent bonds metals or nonmetals?

Nonmetals I'm more likely to form covalent bonds the nettles since it is more difficult for nonmetals to liberate an electron electron sharing takes place when one species encountered another species with similar electronegativity


Nonprotein substance associated with activating an enzyme, typically a vitamin


Nonspecific defensive response of the body to tissue injury, including dilation of blood vessels

What is the innate immune system?

Nonspecific type of defense

PH Levels

Normal=7 Lower than 7= Acidic Higher than 7=Basic

Connective tissue:

Normally has its own blood supply

Council Counsel

Noun: A body of people assembled for advice. Noun: Advice

Capital Capitol

Noun: A leading or governing city Noun: A building that houses a states lawmakers

Descent Dissent

Noun: A slope that angles downward. Noun: Disagreement

Ascent Assent

Noun: A slope that angles upward. Noun: Agreement.

Altar Alter

Noun: A structure used in worship Verb: To change

Complement Compliment

Noun: An element that completes Noun: A remark of appreciation

Principal Principle

Noun: Chief or Leader Noun: A belief or rule of conduct.

Literature Primary Source


The atomic number equals the number of

Number of protons

Atomic Number:

Number of protons in nucleus

Atomic number:

Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

path of food through the body


Hierararchy of the structure of the Human Body


Dominant traits:

Occurs when one allele masks or suppresses the expression of its partner

Direct Dialogue

Offers a more specific perspective, the reader can see the exact words someone says.

Non-metals are located where on the periodic table?

On the right side of the periodic table.


One haploid set of chromosomes with the genes they contain

An opinion poll asked sports fans to guess which football team would win a college bowl game: Midland State University or Southeast Central University. Following are the responses of four people who picked

One of these four respondents revealed a bias. Which one was it? A) "Their quarterback won the Heisman Trophy, and their defensive line was rated 'superb' by the local paper." B) "The sportswriters picked the other team to win, but they're wrong so often. I tend to put my money on the guys they say will lose." C) "All the sportswriters say they're a 'lock' to win, so I'd imagine they're the heavy favorites." D) "Their running back just returned from an injury, so that's one more player they can put on the field."


One of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling

Quotation Marks

Open and close a quotation.


Opinions or beliefs that affect a persons ability to make fair, unclouded judgement's or decisions. facts blanket judgements biases stereotypes

Ions in a compound are attracted to each other because they have?

Opposite charges


Organic compound formed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Hierarchy of Human Body Structure

Organism, Organ system, Organs, Tissues, Cells, Molecules, Cells.

What are organ systems made up of?



Organs repair themselves through a process of? A. Meiosis B. Mitosis C. Cellular differentiation D. Transformation


Organs repair themselves through a process of? A. Meiosis B. Mitosis C. Cellular differentiation D. Transformation

Music Primary Source

Original Score

Percent Decrease Formula

Original Value - New Value ---------------------------------- x 100 Original Value


Ovarian structure consisting of a developing egg surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells; colloid-containing structure of the thyroid gland


Oversimplified opinions that do not account for individual differences, about an entire group of people or things. facts blanket judgements biases stereotypes

High frequency sound waves are known as?


The coenzyme NAD/NADH is involved in what type of reaction?


The coenzyme NAD/NADH is involved in which of the following types of reactions?


The end products of photosynthesis are?

Oxygen & Glucose


Oxygen-transporting component of erythrocytes

What does the respiratory system supply to the tissues of the body?

Oxygenated blood

proton, neutron, electron

P&N mass=same P=2000 more massive than e-

Perimeter of a square:

P= 4 x s

Perimeter of a rectangle:

P=2L x 2W

Perimeter of a triangle:


Potential Energy


potential energy


PH formula

PH=-log(Ah) a difference on the PH scale is 10

In the classified advertisement above, how many weeks old do the Yorkshire Terrier puppies need to be before they are ready to take home?

PUPPIES FOR SALE 4 Labrador, 6 Maltese, and 5 Yorkshire Terrier puppies need to find a good home. The Labrador pups are 8 weeks old and will be getting their first round of shots and will be ready to go at10 weeks; they are $200.00 each. The Maltese pups are 12 weeks old, have had their shots, and are ready to go now; they are $300.00 each. The Yorkshire Terrier pups are 6 weeks old and won't be ready to go home for another 5 weeks; they are $350.00 each. All puppies have beautiful coats and are already very socialized and lovable.

what formula indicates the ideal as law?


Golgi apparatus:

Packages enzymes into lysosomes for cellular use

Art Primary Source



Part of cell that do not possess a membrane. They are aggregates of proteins and RNA and they do not possess a membrane.

Y-linked Genes:

Passed from father to son

X - linked Genes:

Passed from mother to son


Passes along precise information, usually about a specific topic, and usually in a formal or semi-formal style.

In the periodic table, the elements are arranged by atomic number in horizontal rows called?


elements are arranged by atomic number in horizontal rows called?



Peripheral nervous system autonamic nervous system-controls body functions like heart beat, and digestion sensory somatic nervous system 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves controls actions like walking and talking

Persuasive Writing

Persuades the reader to a particular viewpoint.


Phenotypes are seen due to the production of ___ from the genotypic code found in the cell nucleus

Structures of the Endocrine System:

Pineal, Pituitary, thyroid, thymus and adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries


Placement of bacteria onto a culture medium


Plant cell structures containing light-sensitive chlorophyll

Properties of Water

Polar molecule, covalent bonding between hydrogen and oxygen, standard for acid base neutrality ph 7, low electrical conductivity, Max density 4degree C (standard density), Melting point 0, Boiling point 100 degrees C, High heat of evaporation, Universal Solvent.

Political Science Primary Source



Positively charged sub atomic particles. Found in the nucleus of an atom.

what is the unique connection between PE and KE?

Potential energy can be used to produce an objects motiion, which is kinetic energy.

What is mitochondria?

Powerhouse that makes energy! Does this by "burning" glucose and oxygen to make ATP. It is where cellular respiration takes place in animal structures.

To Too Two

Preposition: Indicates movement or intent Adverb: Also Adjective: Something that has two units

Primary Source Issue #3

Primary Sources are often ambiguous and fragmentary, making them difficult to analyze.

Primary Source Issue #2

Primary sources may not always be accurate, especially if the source contains someones perception of the event.

Interest formula:

Principal x rate x time

What are the 6 steps of the Scientific Method?

Problem identification, question asking, hypothesis development, data collection/experiment, analysis, conclusion


Process of breathing in


Process of cell duplication-daughter cells receieve same nuclear material as original cell

What do NK cells do?

Produce perforins (pore-forming proteins) that target cancer & virus cells. Perforins cause cells to lyse

Meiosis Stages

Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I. Followed by Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II.

Four Stages of Mitosis

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase


Protective cell type common in connective & lymphatic tissue and certain body organs

Integumentary System

Protects internal tissues from injury,waterproofs the body, and helps regulate body temp. Also serves as a barrier.


Protein synthesis

Define: Translation

Proteins are made by ribosomes from the information & sent out to the entire cell

The atomic number equals the number of what?

Protons (aka atomic number)

Product Information

Take all information given into account, do not leave anything out. Always add up all possibilities before answering. product information collecting information representation

Taro Milk Tea

Taro powder + taro puree on bottom (Big straw for pieces of taro)

What are the accessory structures of the digestive system?

Teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder

Indirect Dialogue

Tells ABOUT what someone said.


Tells a story, or relates a chain of events.

blanket judgements

Tend to be Opinions NOT Facts cited statements blanket judgements biases stereotypes

Cranial nerves:

The 12 nerve pairs that arise from the brain

1. What portion of this text could cause a reader confusion? 2. What is the next logical header that would come after "Blue"?

The Color Spectrum • Red • Cool Reds • Warm Reds • Orange • Light Oranges • Dark Oranges • Yellow • Deep Yellows • Painting with Yellows • Green • Primary Greens • Pastel Greens • Blue • Vivid Blues • Faded Blues

What is the organizational pattern exposed by the headings and subheadings above?

The Great Philosophers 1. Socrates A. Biography B. Major Works C. Historical Impact 2. Plato A. Biography B. Major Works C. Historical Impact 3. Descartes A. Biography B. Major Works C. Historical Impact 4. Kant A. Biography B. Major Works C. Historical Impact

What type of writing is this: narrative, persuasive, technical, or expository?

The Russian icebreaker Vladimir Karamenov attempted a scientific expedition to the Arctic Circle in 1954.It was an ill-fated trip; after countless delays and obstacles, the ship was stuck in the ice and abandoned by the crew. Only about half the crew survived the experience. What lessons were learned from this expedition? How could such a tragedy be avoided? For one thing, the trip began far too late in the year. The trip would have been reasonably safe at the height of summer, but the ship got a late start, and autumn had taken hold by the time the ship neared its destination.More supplies could have been taken. A larger ship packed with more fuel and more food, and with fewer crew members to consume that food, could have waited out the winter and freed itself the next spring. The wait would have been tedious, but the cost in human life would have been minimized, or eliminated.Finally, a second ship could have accompanied the Vladimir Karamenov. Then, if the lead ship became stuck, the rear ship could have halted, attached chains to the stuck ship, and then towed it back into safer waters.

define deglutition

The act of swallowing food.

what is Ionization?

The amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom

what is mass?

The amount of matter in an object

What does mass mean?

The amount of matter or "stuff" that makes up an object.


The aural component of balance is critical for postural control during ambulation. Aural means related to the A. Eyes B. Ears C. Nose D. Hands


The aural component of balance is critical for postural control during ambulation. Aural means related to the A. Eyes B. Ears C. Nose D. Hands

what is an atomic mass?

The average mass of all the isotopes of an element

what is an atom?

The basic unit of an element that can enter into a chemical reaction


The bouncer's countenance discouraged brawls. Countenance means A. Message B. Presence C. Expression D. Strength


The bouncer's countenance discouraged brawls. Countenance means A. Message B. Presence C. Expression D. Strength

Preposition Mnemonic "box"

The boy can sit "on" the box, "by" the box, "above" the box, "below" the box, "around" the box, or "near" the box. This does not account for: "to" and "from"'

what happens to a cell if it is hypertonic?

The cell shrinks because of the movement of fluid outside the cell.

what happens to a cell if it is hypotonic?

The cell swells because of the movement of fluid inside the cell.

what is evaporation?

The change of a liquid to a gas


The chromosomes align midway along the spindle fibers.


The chromosomes begin to separate from their daughters. Cytokinesis begins.

Alkali metals:

The colum of elements from lithium to francium

What does mitosis mean?

The division of normal body cells for growth and repair.


The emission of subatomic particles from a nucleus


The end products of photosynthesis are ____ and _____. A. Oxygen and Glucose B. Glucose and Nitrogen C. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide D. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose


The end products of photosynthesis are ____ and _____. A. Oxygen and Glucose B. Glucose and Nitrogen C. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide D. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose

How many chambers does the heart have & what are the names of the chambers?

The heart has 4 chambers. 1-Right Atrium, 2-left Atrium, 3-Right ventricle, 4-Left ventricle


The history of a given word, or its origin.

Cumulative Sentence (loose sentence)

The independent clause of the sentence comes first and is followed by modifiers that further develop the initial idea.

Scale Reading

The information obtained from a numerical scale.


The making of a noun from a verb, adverb, or adjective.

Molar Mass:

The mass in grams of a substance

Periodic Sentence

The meaning or point of the sentence is delayed until the end, usually in the form of an independent clause.

Second Person point of view

The narrator tells the story using the pronouns "You", "Your," and "Yours" to address a reader or listener directly.


The negative electrode at which oxidation occurs


The next step or logical conclusion that is not actually written in the text, it is deduced by the reader based on information that IS in the text.

Direct Object

The noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb and answers the question whom or what.


The noun that a pronoun refers back to.

Object of the Preposition

The noun, pronoun, phrase, or clause to which the preposition refers.

On the periodic table of the elements are listed from left to right according to?

The number of electrons

Attributive Tag

The part of the sentence that indicates who said a direct quote, is followed by a comma, and the quotation marks open and close the direct dialogue,

Point of View

The perspective from which an author writes

Define chemical bonding?

The physical forces that join or connect atoms together


The positive electrode at which reduction occurs

compass rose

a symbol found in most legends that indicates the cardinal directions


The process of breathing out


The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as? A. Cytokinesis B. Photosynthesis C. Cytosynthesis D. Cytoplasmosis


The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as? A. Cytokinesis B. Photosynthesis C. Cytosynthesis D. Cytoplasmosis


The propulsion of food through the gastrointestinal tract.


The reason something happens and the result of it happening.


The remaining of products of digestion that are not absorbed are transported to the colon. Absorption of water occurs in the colon, and the storage and formation of feces.

The tricuspid and pulmonary valves are both on what side of the heart?

The right side


The row of elements below the periodic table


The separation of two words or phrases in a series of three or more. [,]

Historical Context

The setting and circumstances in which a literary work is written or an event occurs.Historical contexts affects what is written and how it is written.

What type of writing is this: narrative, persuasive, technical, or expository?

The ship ran aground on a great slab of ice. It had smashed its way almost to the Arctic Circle, but could press no further. It made a terrible grating sound as it slid up ontothe ice: it was the sound of absolute finality. We knew we could not break free. We settled down to wait; we had no choice. We ran the ship's engines to produce heat, and whiled away the days with card games and old magazines. But days turned into weeks, and soon the reserves were low. We had neither the fuel nor the food to keep this up indefinitely. On the third week the captain made his decision: we loaded up the sled dogs and set out across the ice. We were apprehensive about leaving the ship, but we also knew that we could not stay. Every man - even those who professed no religion - prayed like a saint as we rode our sleds off into the gray distance.

Integumentary system:

The skin-Protects & waterproofs body; helps regulate body temperature

what is a molecule?

The smallest division of a compound that can exist in a natural state

Text Structure

The structure of the text or how the author chooses to organize the text.


The study of how traits are transported from parent ot offspring; aka-heredity

Free energy:

The thermodynamic quantity measuring the tendency of a reaction to proceed


The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: A. Diastolic pressure B. Transient pressure C. Optimum pressure D. Systolic pressure


The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: A. Diastolic pressure B. Transient pressure C. Optimum pressure D. Systolic pressure

Topic Sentence

The topic of the given at or near the beginning of a paragraph

Circumference of a circle:

The total distance around the circle


The transformation of a solid directly to a gas without an intervening liquid state

Charles' Law:

The volume of a gas varies directly with temperature

Boyle's Law:

The volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure

Word Structure

The way in which the parts of a word are arranged together.


a type of sugar

Related to nouns, pron ouns are small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not become repetitive. Common pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them, my, mine, your, yours, his, her hers, its our, ours, their, theirs

What is a pronoun?

small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not become repetitive. Common pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them, my, mine, your, yours, his, her hers, its our, ours, their, theirs

What is a pronoun?

A three-sided figure with angles that up to 180 degrees.

What is a triangle?

This is where the action of a sentence takes place. The verb will say or do something about the condition of the subject. There are several kinds of verbs, past, present, and future.

What is a verb?

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun. For example: The ANOREXIC patient stated that she had lost 20 punds.

What is an adjective?

Adverbs modify a verb. (remeber a verb is where an action takes place) For example: The obese patient stated that she had RECENTLY lost 20 pounds.

What is an adverb?

Adverbs modify a verb. (remeber a verb is where an action takes place) For example: The obese patient stated that she had RECENTLY lost 20 pounds.

What is an adverb?

1) All Cells arise from preexisting cells 2) Cells can cary out the processes of life 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together.

What is cell theory?

1) All Cells arise from preexisting cells 2) Cells can cary out the processes of life 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together.

What is cell theory?


What is endocytosis?


What is exocytosis?

The energy of motion.

What is kinetic energy?

rock transformed by heat and pressure

What is metamorphic?

Read the following note that was found in factory worker's locker: Hey Bill - I've really been enjoying working on the third shift. It's very quiet and very relaxing. The pace is a lot slower than what you're used to on the second shift. I really think you'd like it. By the way, I have an appointment on Thursday. Can you trade your shift with mine that day? You'd get to work third shift and see what I'm talking about. Thanks, Jack

What is the author's purpose for writing the above text?

Two plates moving against or toward each other

What is the convergence theory?

Two plates pull apart from each other.

What is the divergence theory?

Slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Slope Intercept Formula: Y=mx+b M=Slope B=Where the line crosses the Y-axis

What is the formula for the slope of a line? What is the the Slope intercept formula?

Slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Slope Intercept Formula: Y=mx+b M=Slope B=Where the line crosses the Y-axis

What is the formula for the slope of a line? What is the the Slope intercept formula?

1 meter= 1,000 millimeters 100 Centimeter 10 decimeter 1/10 decameter 1/100 hectometer 1/1000 kilometer

What is the metric unit of measurement for Length?

1 meter= 1,000 millimeters 100 Centimeter 10 decimeter 1/10 decameter 1/100 hectometer 1/1000 kilometer

What is the metric unit of measurement for Length?

1 liter= 1,000 milliliter 100 Centiliter 10 deciliter 1/10 decaliter 1/100 hectoliter 1/1000 kiloliter

What is the metric unit of measurement for fluid?

1 liter= 1,000 milliliter 100 Centiliter 10 deciliter 1/10 decaliter 1/100 hectoliter 1/1000 kiloliter

What is the metric unit of measurement for fluid?

1 gram= 1,000 milligrams 100 Centigrams 10 decigrams 1/10 decagrams 1/100 hectograms 1/1000 kilograms

What is the metric unit of measurement for mass?

1 gram= 1,000 milligrams 100 Centigrams 10 decigrams 1/10 decagrams 1/100 hectograms 1/1000 kilograms

What is the metric unit of measurement for mass?

The mitochondria can be thought of the "powerhouse" of the cell because of their ability to produce the energy needed for life. This is accomplished by carrying out the process of aerobic respiration. Mitochondria have an inner membrane and outer membrane. The folds in the inner membrane are called cristae and are packed with proteins needed for the electron transport chain to carry out its function.

What is the mitochondria?

The mitochondria can be thought of the "powerhouse" of the cell because of thier ability to produce the energy needed for life. This is accomplished by carrying out the process of aerobic respiration. Mitochondria have an inner membrane and outer membrane. The folds in the inner membrane are called cristae and are packed with proteins needed for teh electron transport chain to carry out its function.

What is the mitochondria?

5% or .05

What is the percentage of 1/20?

20% or . 2

What is the percentage of 1/5?

55% or .55

What is the percentage of 11/20?

15% or .15

What is the percentage of 3/20

45% or .45

What is the percentage of 9/20?

cooled magma

What is: igneous?


What products are obtained with CH4(g) burns completely in an excess of oxygen? A. CO and H2O B. CO and C C. CO2 and H2O D. CO2 and CO


a white, insoluble protein


Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true? A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation. B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels. C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla. D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever.


Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true? A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation. B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels. C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla. D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever.


Which of these percentages equals 1.25? A. 0.125% B. 12.5% C. 125% D. 1250% E. 1250.5%


Which of these percentages equals 1.25? A. 0.125% B. 12.5% C. 125% D. 1250% E. 1250.5%


Which physical characteristic of a solution may indicate the presence of a transition element? A. Its density B. Its color C. Its effect on litmus D. Its effect on phenolphthalein


Which physical characteristic of a solution may indicate the presence of a transition element? A. Its density B. Its color C. Its effect on litmus D. Its effect on phenolphthalein


Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll? A. 500 nm B. 550 nm C. 660 nm D 485 nm


Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll? A. 500 nm B. 550 nm C. 660 nm D 485 nm


Will help defend the supporting sentences and provide a conclusion.


Without the presence of oxygen

Context Clues

Words surrounding an unfamiliar word that can help in discerning the meaning of the unfamiliar word.

Coordinating Conjunctions

Words that join two or more words, phrases, or clauses so that each conjoined element is equal. FANBOYS=for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Distance and force multiplied together indicates?

Work (far --distance and hard--force )

Osmanthus Oolong Tea

Yellow flowers (tiny) Roasted w/oolong tea

Precent increase formula

[(new value-original value)/original value] x 100

Percent decrease formula

[(original value-new value)/original value] x 100

Cells : molecules

____ are higher taxonomic level of organization then _______?

What is an element?

a Substance that contains only ONE type of atom.

describe transition of matter

a change from one state (solid, liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition.


a complete set of DNA for an individual that contains all genes


a conclusion that is not actually written in the text, but is deduced by the reader based on the info written in the text.

define Experimentation involves comparing what?

a control group vs. experimental group. Both groups represent the population. The experimental group is different by only 1 variable.


a fertilized egg that begins dividing to produce a mass of cells


a gap phase between the S phase and mitosis. DNA double helix unwinds to expose the bases. RNA bases pair with their complementary partners on the DNA to form the messenger RNA strand. Once the entire genes is copied to the mRNA the double helix closes and the mRNA exits the nucleus, taking the info to the ribosome.

Chlorine ions

a harmful example of a catalytic reaction involves the breakdown of ozone by the use of _____?

Action Potential:

a large transient depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve fiber

Phosphate group

a molecule in the backbone of DNA and RNA that links adjoining bases together.

what is a neutron?

a particle that has no charge and that is inside the nucleus

historical context

a piece in which the time and place it was written in will influence the work in some way. Can affect what is written (content) and how it is written (style)

What is a proton?

a positively charged particle found in a nucleus


a protein molecule that is released by a plasma cell and binds specifically to an antigen; an immunoglobulin

Authors Position

a standpoint or attitude that the author holds towers an idea

Pythagorean Theorem:

a^2 + B^2 = C^2 Hypotenuse is denoted by letter C

Inferior to the diaphragm?

abdominal and pelvic cavities.


able to kill bacteria

small intestines

absorption of the nutrients takes place through finger like projections called villi.

how does each row (period) of the table chart display elements?

according to the increased number of orbital shells.


action then result

sympathetic nervous system

active when a person is scared, fight or flight

Parasympathetic nervous system

active while at sleep or at rest

Subject Verb Agreement

agreement in number between a subject and a verb. If the subject is singular, the verb is singular. If the subject is plural, the verb is plural.

Urinary System

aka excretory system: Maintains water and salt balances

Saturated Hydrocarbons

alkanes most basic structure for hydrocarbons, single bond formula=CnH2n+2 Ethane C2H6

An alternate form of a gene is called?


explain Redox reaction:

also called: electron transfer occurs when electrons move from one atom to another changing the charge of the Ion

ionization energy, potential

amount oof of energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion.

what is an alkynes?

an Unsaturated hydrocarbon containing a triple bond


an animal or plant in the early stages of development after fertilization.

from left to right across a period in the periodic table, what property changes?

electrons are added to the outer shell->increasing electronegativity-> increasing ionization energy-> protons increase->nuclear charge increases->decreasing atomic radius

define defecation

elimate waste through anus

what is ionization potential?

energy required to remove and electron from a neutral atom, increases up and to the right


engulfing of pathogens by white blood cells

Name the four types of human tissue found in the body:

epithelial, nervous, connective, and muscular

Atomic Mass Number

equals the total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucleus of an atom

purpose to express feelings

evoke emotion out of the reader--poetry

supporting details

explain the main idea, without these details the main idea would not be supported

expository writing

explains a subject, gives groundwork info that is necessary for understanding later ideas, or analyzes info objectively.

topic sentence

express the main point of a paragraph--usually the paragraph will start with the topic sentence. Usually explained by sentences following it.

topic sentence

expresses the main point of a paragraph/work, then it goes on to back it up

DNA polymerase

first line defense against mutations during DNA replication

primary source

firsthand records of events, theories, opinions, or actions. Often come in form of published/unpublished document, recordings, artifacts, or on the internet. May not always be accurate

Supporting Details

flesh out and explain the main idea.

dividing fractions

flip 2nd fraction

description structure

form of text structure that usually tends to describe or characterize a person, thing, or idea.


form of text structure where info is bulleted or in number lists

comparison-contrast structure

form of text structure where the author presents two different cases with the intent of making the reader consider the differences b/w the 2. Usually presents an action and then the effects

problem-solution structure

form of text structure where you present the problem in one paragraph and the solution in another. Or put them both in one paragraph but written in different fonts

text features

formatting devices like bold, italics, indent, and bullet/number lists. They add meaning, change the meaning, or add clarity and should be applied consistently

scale reading

the info obtained from a scale that shows its results along a numerical scale (pounds, degrees,etc)

Articulation (joint):

the junction of two or more bones

when the right ventricle contracts blood flows into the Pulmonary artery and the into where?

the lungs.

purpose of writing

the main reason for writing a particular piece


the method by which the leukocytes(white blood cells) respond to damaged body tissues. This is accomplished in part through cytokines, chemical messengers that are released by damaged tissues. Diapedesis, which is the process of white blood cells squeezing through capillary slits in response to cytokines, followed by cellular adhesion molecules (CAMS) guiding the white blood cells to the site of the infection.

Elements are listed from left to right according to?

the number of electrons

what distinguishes one atom from another?

the number of protons

What is an atomic number?

the number of protons/electrons that an element has (ex. Carbon's number is 6: it has six protons; it has six electrons.)

increase of 33.3 %

the percent of change for $3 to $4

what happens to PE of an object when it's height from the ground doubles?

the potential energy doubles


the process of smooth muscle contracting to propel food down towards the colon and anus.

Inhaled air travels from the trachea into what structure?

the right & left bronchial tubes

G2 interphase

the shortest phase (organelles and molecules required for cell division are produced)

triple point

the temperature and pressure at which water wil lco exist as a solid, liquid, and gas. 273.16

Mass number

the total number of protons and neutrons found wihtin the nucleus of an atom.

Authors Intent

the universal message the author attempts to communicate in his or her work of literature

independent variable

the variable that is put into the set of data

text structure

the way in which a given text is organized--it makes the text easier to read and emphasize the author's points. Place related info in close proximity or in an established layout

main idea

the work's specific message, the reason the text was written--written more as a sentence or statement to prove something

main idea

the work's specific message. the reason the text was written

supporting details

these flesh out the main idea and explain it. details.

how do hydrocarbons bond?

they bond together with strong covalent bonds in chains or rings to form the backbone of organic molecules

The diaphragm separates?

thoracic and abdominal cavities

superior to the diaphragm is the?

thoracic cavity. (chest cavity)


three steps G1, S, G2 G1 dna double helix unwinds rna bases pair with dna to form messenger strand S dna helix unwinds with of help of enzymes,hydrogen bonds break and two complementary strands are formed. G2 continues cell growth and protein synthesis


titles that preface a section of text. they advertise the subject of the text found beneath them and make it easier to skim for a particular topic

Why do you collect data during the scientific process?

to test the hypothesis in a controlled environment

describe what a mass number means?

total number of protons & neutrons found in the nucleus of the atom.

Define Inferior?

toward the lower end of the body. (opposite of superior)

Define Lateral ?

toward the outer sides of the body (opposite of medial)


transport proteins in and out of the cell

valves on the right side of heart

tricuspid and pulmonary


tries to get the reader to agree with the author

compound sentences

two or more subjects and verbs and joined with coordinating conjunction or semicolon


types of bond primarily responsible for base pairing in complementary strands of DNA

Milliequivalent per liter:

units used to measure electrolyte concentrations of body fluids


unsaturated hydrocarbon-double bounded CnH2n


unsaturated, contains double bond, CnH(2n)


unsaturated, contains triple bond , CnH(2n-2)


urine is stored

Covalent bonding

usually happens with atoms with similar electronegativity.


usually in the middle of a paragraph, describes


very large the control center that contains the cells genetic material and directs all activities of the cell.

What type of writing is this: narrative, persuasive, technical, or expository?

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