The Urinary System Ch 18

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60 times a day

1200 mL of blood passes through the kidneys every minute this amounts to blood being filtered of waste

proximal convoluted tubule

Bowman's capsule opens into the first part of the renal tubule, located in the cortex


End stage renal disease



loop of Henle

a U-shaped structure

minor calyx

a funnel-shaped structure that surrounds the tip of each renal pyramid, collects urine from the ducts of they pyramids


a notch near the center of the concave border of the kidney, through which the ureter leaves the kidney, blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels also enter and exit


a smooth triangular region of the bladder outlined by these openings of the ureters in the bladder, bladder infections tend to develop in this region


abnormally low levels of potassium in the blood


an opening or passage through any part of the body

urinalysis or UA

battery of tests performed on a urine specimen, including physical observation, chemical tests, and microscopic evaluation

blood vessels

because the nephrons are mainly responsible for removing wastes from the blood and regulating its electrolytes and fluid content they are richly supplied with




blood condition


blood in the urine.


condition caused by high concentrations of uric acid in the plasma, the crystals of uric acid get deposited in joints of the hands and feet, causing inflammation and great pain.


consists of millions of microscopic collecting tubules or nephrons

Urinary system

consists of two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and the urea. it regulates the composition and volume of the blood and removes wastes from the blood in the form of urine.


consists of water and solutes that the kidneys either eliminate or retain in the body to maintain homeostasis it is about 95% water with urea, uric acid, some amino acids, and electrolytes. production of 56 mL and hour is considered normal, 30 mL an hour indicates possible kidney failure


excessive and frequent urination after going to bed


forming, producing, origin




inflammation of the kidneys, where the filtration membrane within the renal capsule is infected with bacteria.


inflammation of the urinary bladder, usually caused by a bacterial infection, frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation.


innermost layer of the glomerular capsule is a visceral layer and consist of epithelial cells


instrument used for examining


instrument used to examine lesions of the bladder and uterus


involuntary delay in initiating urination

urinary bladder

is a hollow muscular organ located in the pelvic cavity posterior to the public symphysis

nephron or nephren


maintain blood volume and concentration

kidneys control blood volume by regulating the proper balance in the blood between salts and water.

pH regulation

kidneys control the proper balance of hydrogen ions in the blood, thus helping to regulate the proper pH levels in the body along with buffers in the blood and respiratory system

vitamin D production

kidneys converting vitamin D to its active form calciferol


kidneys filter large amounts of fluid from the bloodstream.

erythrocyte concentration

kidneys produce erythropoietin a hormone that stimulates red blood cells production in red bone marrow.

blood pressure

kidneys produce the enzyme renin which helps adjust filtration pressure

kidney stones

known as renal calculi, composed of the precipitates of uric acid, magnesium or calcium phosphate, or calcium oxalate.

functions of the urinary system

major role is to maintain homeostasis with respect to composition and volume of the blood and body fluids which performs various functions


mineral salts-- sodium, potassium, and calcium, that carry an electric charge in solution


opening, entrance, or outlet of any body cavity


outer area of the kidney




paired organs that are reddish in color and resemble kidney beans in shape, located just above the waist in the parietal peritoneum and the posterior wall, referred to as retroperitoneal. the right one is slightly lower than the left.

K+ or kal




renal failure

result from almost any condition that interferes with kidney function, treated by a procedure called hemodialysis where a machine filters blood taken from an artery and then returns it to a vein.




scant amount of urine production


small thin-walled tube leading from the floor of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body, the opening to the outside is called an urethral orifice located between the clitoris and the vaginal opening or the tip of the penis on a man




stone, calculus


stones in any part of the urinary tract

tubular secretion

substances will move from the plasma in the peritubular capillary into the fluid of the renal tubule

detrusor muscle

the bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle collectively


the body has two each one descending from a kidney down to the urinary bladder, the principal function is to transport urine from the renal pelvis into the urinary bladder

renal columns

the cortical substance in between the renal pyramids


the functional units of the kidney, they regulate the composition and volume of blood and form the urine, it's a microscopic renal tubule, which functions as a filter, and it's vascular component.

glomerular filtration

the glomerulus filters water and certain dissolved substances from the plasma of blood


the inner area of the kidney

Bowman's glomerular capsule

the nephron begins as a double-walled globe, located in the cortex of the kidney, the innermost layer of the capsule known as the visceral layer

tubular reabsorption

transports substances out of the tubular fluid and back into the blood of the peritubular capillary


under, below

uro or uria



urine is expelled from the bladder, commonly known as urination or voiding

glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion

urine is formed by these three processes in the nephron


voiding at frequent intervals

renal plexus

where the nerve supply of the kidney comes from its in the autonomic nervous system. sympathetic neurons using norepinephrine, innervate the blood vessels of the kidneys

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