Theology-Chapter 7

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What is extreme unction?

"last anointing" it once referred to the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick being received just before death.

What are two way the sick and suffering might contribute to the community?

-Faith in midst of suffering can serve as strong witness to others -To take better care of oneself

What did the Second Vatican Council embrace

-Historical meanings of the Sacrament of Anointing (as a sacrament of the sick with an emphasis on healing) -As a sacrament of the dying to prepare people for death

What important points did Jesus make about human suffering?

-Sickness is not God's way of punishing us -God loves the sick the same as healthy -God's love is stronger than sickness -God doesn't abandon the sick

The Hebrew people believed that sickness was?

A punishment for their sins

The title Christ means _____ __ and when we are anointed with the ____ of the sick we are challenged to unite _____ with Christ so completely that __ become "the anointed one"

Anointed one oil ourselves we

What is the essential rite of the Anointing of the Sick?

Anointing the forehead and hands of a sick person

Evidence of the Rite of Anointing comes from the ______. At Mass, a bishop blessed the ______, praying that the oil would bring _____ to all anointed with it. A letter of Pope Innocent I offers further written ______ that blessed oil was used

Apostolic Tradition Oil of the Sick Strength Evidenced

How did God show that he shares our suffering?

By becoming a man

What is the purpose of the homily?

Calls all those present to deepen their faith in God's healing presence and faithful love

What are the consequences of becoming unclean?

Could not participate in community worship or prayer

True or False? Only a bishop may bless the oil that is part of the Sacrament of Anointing.

False, any priest may bless the oil that is part of the Sacrament of Anointing. (page 192)

True or False? Jesus directly explained why God allows human suffering.

False. Jesus never directly explained why God allows human suffering.


Final reception of Holy Communion

What does Job reject?

His suffering is caused by his sins

According to Mosaic Laws, how could one become unclean?

If they touched a corpse or a sick person

In the _______ Rite the priest or bishop _____ the sick person and gathered assembly. Those who are ____ may receive the Sacrament of Penance by ______ confession. If there is no confession the priest invites everyone to join the _______

Introductory greets sick individual penitential rite

In the Epistle of St. James, he asks the question________? When we face _______ and suffering we ask _____?These questions can lead a person to begin a search for _____ and lead to a discovery of what in life is really ______ and not

Is anyone among you suffering? illness why God important

The early ______ believed that all suffering directly resulted as punishment for sin called _ _____ _____. They believed that people who were seriously ill or ____ early must have sinned, or their ____ offended God

Israelite Law of Retribution died Families

The _______ lived among peoples of other religions who also looked at sickness as a ___ condition. The sick were _____ by the righteous and were often considered _____ bc they didn't contribute to the well-being of the _____

Israelites moral shunned worthless tribe

The answer to Job's problems was one of conversion. Explain

Job was challenged to put himself in God's place and to see the world and everyone from God's perspective

What is the matter for the Sacrament of Anointing?

Olive oil blessed by a bishop.

During the Middle Ages, the Anointing of the Sick came to be seen as something that accompanied a final reception of _______ and _____

Penance and Eucharist

The ______ immediately follows the Liturgy of the Word

Prayer of Faithful

The new ______ of Anointing of the Sick emphasizes God's __________ for the sick, Christ's _______, and the Church's prayers for the sick person's _________ of health—both physically and _______.

Rite concern healing love recovery spiritually

What is the meaning behind the fourth Commandment

Said adults need to take care of the sick/elderly parents and to not abandon them

Some of the Church's greatest _____ knew what it meant to unite themselves with the suffering of _____. St. _______ of Lisieux was confined to a bed when she contracted _______. St. _______ of Loyola spent many months in bed after he was seriously _______ in a battle.

Saints Jesus St. Therese Tuberculosis St. Ignatius Wounded

In what parable does Jesus explicitly address the need for Christians to care for the sick?

Sheep and goats

Why is the sacrament intended to be celebrated in a communal setting?

Sickness and death affect the entire Church.

The sacrament provides the grace to help those who are sick and _____ as they move from _____-centeredness to _____-centeredness. It _____ them and the entire Church by helping them develop_____ and concern for those who suffer and ___ ___ to them

Suffering Self God Transform Compassion Reach out

We are given the _____ strength to complete our ____ to the death and Resurrection of Christ just as _____ began it. We accept our situation as Jesus once ____ his same lot in the _____ ___ _____

Supernatural Conformity Baptism accepted garden of gethsemane

What is a second effect of the Sacrament of Anointing?

The second effect is suffering, a result of Original Sin. This gives us the strength and fitness of uniting to Christ more closely in illness and approaching death

Define Theodicy

Theological question that tries to connect belief in God's justice with the reality that sometimes good people suffer ungodly deaths

The council of _______ declared that only priests are to be ministers of the Anointing of the Sick


True or False? When a priest is called to administer the sacrament to someone who has already died, he does not administer the Sacrament of Anointing.


True or False? Without the help of the Holy Spirit, suffering will not free a person to love.


Viaticum may be brought to the sick by a deacon or another member of the parish who has been appointed by the local bishop to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful (T or F)


True or False? Jesus defied the local customs of his day and touched the sick and disabled.


True or False? The priest lays hands on the head of the sick person and calls on God to come and fill the sick person with his healing presence.

True. (page 191)

True or False? In the Roman Rite the priest anoints the forehead of the sick person and then the hands.

True. (page 192)

______, a separate liturgical rite for those who are ___, is the person's last reception of the __________. The gift of Lord's Body and Blood near the time of ______ strengthens the person and reminds him of Christ's ________ of resurrection.

Viaticum dying Eucharist death promise

How is the Sacrament of Anointing connected with Baptism and Confirmation

We are also anointed with oil in these sacraments

The purpose of the Liturgy of the ______ is to allow the words of _____ and the witness of the _____ to awaken the _____ of the sick person and the ______

Word Christ apostles faith community

Define apocalyptic writing

Writing that enacts God's justice to after death or an end time

The Sacrament of Anointing is especially appropriate for those who are _________ due to sickness or _______ and may be _________ if the sick person recovers only to have the illness _______ and become more serious.

dangerously ill old age repeated return

Adam and Eve transmitted to their _______ their own wounded nature and loss of original _______ and justice, as a _______ of their sin. As a result of _____ ___, human nature is weakened and ______ to sin

descendants holiness result original sin inclined

Jesus told his ____________ to continue to heal the sick while preaching the saving words of the _______. The _____________ continues to respond to this command and takes care of the _____________ and their needs and offers _________________ for those who are ill.

disciples Good News Church sick prayers

Jesus' _______ anointed and ______ on those who were sick to heal them. In later centuries Christians would gather around and _________ for the sick person and then rub __________ that had been blessed by a _____ on whatever parts of the body needed healing.

disciples laid hands pray oil bishop

The first _______ a person experiences is to be able to _____ of being sick. Through the assistance of _______, through the power of the ______, our soul is healed, and also our body if it is God's ______ and helps toward our _______

grace accept the trials Jesus Holy Spirit will Salvation

There are several spiritual _____ of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Healing _______ takes place as a result of the sacrament and those who _________ in it are always healed in some way. The effects are ________ and real.

graces always participate tangible

Like Jesus, we bring ______ to others in today's _______: in the words of Henri Nouwen, we allow ourselves to become "_______." We can heal others because ________ to suffer and be healed by God's ______.

healing world wounded hearts know what its like love

Instead of a triumphal _______________ general or a powerful __________, Jesus came as a different kind of ________________—the Suffering Servant foretold by _____________. Jesus redeemed us by willingly taking upon himself our sufferings and __________________ for sin.

military king Messiah Isaiah punishment

The Church participates in the _____ of Christ by caring for a sick or ____ person. By uniting ourselves to the ___ ____ ___ when we are sick, we share a ______ to the truth of Christ's _______ and provide an opportunity for the Church to live as the ___ ___ ____

ministry dying Passion of Christ witness Redemption Body of Christ

In the days of Jesus, sick people were still treated as _______. Some of them, especially lepers and those possessed with ____, had to live in the _____ ____ outside city walls and rely on ______. Many of the _____ were forced to beg for alms and _____

outcasts demons garbage dumps charity disabled food

One of the reasons Jesus cured the _______ ailments of others was to show clearly that he was the ______. But his healing also expressed his heartfelt love for _____ _____ and revealed to people the _____ love and compassion for the sick and _______

physical Messiah prophet Isaiah Fathers disabled

Jesus ultimately answered the _______________ about the meaning of suffering through his own ___________. We can now ____________ our sufferings with Jesus' and thus become more like him to contribute to the _________________ of the world.

question Passion and Death unite Redemption

Jesus did not ________ as much about suffering as he _________ on suffering. He treated both the _____________ symptoms of illness as well as the soul by offering _________________. Jesus also ________________ the understanding that suffering is a ___________________ for sin.

say acted physical forgiveness rejected punishment

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