Theories Exam II: Ch. 7

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Reduced ________ and a greater _______ in one's evolving positive nature lead to other specific outcomes that practitioners often identify as _______ of counseling or psychotherapy.

distortions; trust; goals

the ability to grow in positive directions is available to ____________


Brief Intervention Strategies: Goals 1. The first critical point in developing person-centered goals is that they are set by the ______ as opposed to emphasizing the counselor's _________. 2. The second key point is that clients must be fully aware that goals are ________ and may well _______ as counseling progresses.

1. client; expectations 2. tentative; change

Brief Intervention strategies (ARE/ARE NOT) ideal to person-centered therapy


Who developed Person-Centered Therapy (P-CT)?

Carl Rogers

Rogers' core conditions are essential to the success of _____ modern counseling technique/approach


Some Person-Centered skills that can be effective in cross-cultural settings:

Empathic Understanding Active Empathy The Phenomenological Perspective Self-Exploration Genuineness

Major Construct: People make simple mistakes in ___________ -People attempt to act in response to how they believe ________ would have them act (conditions of worth) rather than trusting their own positive, growth-oriented _______ or their tendency to ________.

Judgement others; nature; actualize

Person-Centered therapy originated from White, European, and American influences that emphasize individuality, self-control, and on-going personal development more than changing the immediate forces impacting individuals. It (MAY/MAY NOT) not be suitable for all cultures.


The __-____ method of data collection became a major influence in the acceptance of Rogers' theory.


most paradigms and standards for how therapists to act (warmth, authenticity, etc.) come from _________—found they were really important to bringing change and building rapport -changed clinical psychology.


whose research has been recognized as some as the birth of psychotherapy research?


The counselor looking for a specific list of things to say, actions to take, or diagnoses to make, (WILL/WON'T) find them in this theory.


According to P-CT, all people are continually attempting to actualize their ____ and more _____ self

best; productive

As individuals become open to their true experiences and more trusting of their own self, they begin to see the _______ to growth that have ______ them

blocks; burdened

When perceived world and sought world of client don't match up, the natural, growth-oriented, self-trusting nature of these people has been pushed into conflict with their ________ world, where they continually look _________ their true selves for decisions.

chosen; outside

The person-centered approach, on the other hand, places therapeutic attention on the _______'s perceptions of difficulties, goals, and treatment directions.


_________ persons are the individuals who trust their view of the world and their ability to act on their basic positive nature. -confident about reacting in the present moment bc of a belief in their organic ability to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate behavior


Brief Intervention Strategies: -Probably the most important action Person-Centered counselors take to meet brevity demands is to introduce the time ________ that counselor and client must work under as soon as possible. -the outcomes of discussions on time ... also create movement toward developing tentative ________ for counseling

constraints -goals

Knowing the _______ of what a client says, along with the _______ behind the words, are the two essential elements of empathic understanding.

content; feelings

What's an example of the kind of techniques that will not be used as true parts of person-centered counseling?

the specific diagnosis and detailed treatment planning that has become a major focus of the mental health field today.

A major reason for person-centered theory's emphasis on the here and now is that reactions between client and counselor can be...

verified, checked, and explored immediately by both participants.

Person-centered theory is much more related to "_____ counselors _____" rather than what _______ they employ.

who counselors are; techniques

Counselors who demonstrate faith in the _______ person, rather than denigrating clients for mistakes of ________, allow clients the freedom to explore their inner world without fear of ________.

whole; behavior; rejection

A P-CT view of human development gives attention to ______ factors that affect development in addition to critical _______ forces

external; internal

A major part of the development process in clients is recognition that they are ________ human beings who are constantly in a _______ process. -This is very different from the belief that one must be _______ in order to be good or loved.

fallible; growth perfect

As client and counselor get to know each other better, an effective practitioner becomes better able to see behind these surface interactions to identify and convey _______ that clients do not even recognize they are expressing.


Successful clients generally become more ________ and _________ in their thoughts and actions as they free themselves from __________ and inappropriately imposed conditions of _______. -They begin to see a wider range of _________ for themselves, gain confidence in the expression of their _________, and are _________ about the new aspects of their lives being opened.

flexible; creative; stereotypes; worth -potential; feelings; enthusiastic

Traditional Intervention Strategies: Being ______: -To be _______, counselors need to look closely at themselves before deciding how to be or what to do. -People cannot be __ and congruent by thinking, saying, or doing what someone else does. -There are as many __ statements or actions as there are people and situations. The right one matches the person you are with your unique situation with the client at a given time.


The first condition in the process of change is the ________ of the counselor. -Clients must perceive that this individual is a ____ person who has feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that are not ______ behind a mask.

genuineness -real; hidden

P-CT can be promoted in ____ as well as in _______ relationships, and practiced widely across different ______ backgrounds (Rogers' international work)

groups; individual; cultural

the degree to which individuals' perceptions of themselves do not match the way they actually are (incongruence) is directly related to ________ levels of anxiety.


Brief Interaction Strategy: letting the client know about the constraints and any issues that may be associated with it in affecting the therapy process -be upfront and work honestly from that point

honest interactions

develops as clients take control of their lives rather than following the direction of others who have been running their lives -notion that client has power to control their own future

internal locus of control

Words, behaviors, feelings, and beliefs are selected to _______ the specialized view of the world held by each individual. -________ background and ________ factors play major parts in how individual perceptions of and reactions to can become very different.

match -cultural; environmental

Core belief in which human beings are viewed by the person-centered theorist as always striving to obtain the ________ amount from themselves in movement toward ___________

maximum; actualization

Asking the client to believe or act in a way that "everyone knows is right" becomes the counselor's _________, based on his or her own _________ view, rather than some ultimate "______."

opinion; phenomenological; fact

Person-centered counselors MUST believe in the 4 key principles if they are to help clients recognize and accept their _____ ______

own abilities

Actualizing tendencies are necessary to approaching ______ problems


the problem with traditional assessment of mental health categories in P-CT is that these conceptualizations encourage .... to identify the problems and the direction of treatment.

people other than the client

The core of person-centered theory is a set of beliefs about _______ and ___________ rather than a series of programmable ______ and ________ techniques.

people; relationships; verbal; behavioral

The Person-Centered approach was a major deviation from the ______ and _____ models for working with people that were predominant in the early part of the 20th century.

psychoanalytic; behavioral

Roger's new emphasis changed the role of the counselor from an individual who only ________ the content of client statements to one who _______ the client's underlying emotions in client words and through the ______ relationship. Therapeutic or helping relationship is envisioned as one of person-to-person

reflected; identified

Rogers was a major innovator in the development of _______ techniques for counseling, psychotherapy, and person-centered theory


According to P-CT, people are fully _______ for their lives and inherently motivated to ________ themselves. -The responsibility for personal behaviors and the choice to change them were seen as belonging ______ to the individual

responsible; improve -fully

Rog believed therapy room fostered _____, positive regard, nonjudgmental environment; -therapist must create this, and until its there the patient cant ______

safety; -grow

There is a _______ foundation for the general acceptance of Rogers' basic concepts as necessary, if not sufficient, conditions for counseling success. -Most recent research has been on these _____ conditions, which are widely believed to be Rogers' _____ factors.

scientific -core; common

Traditional Intervention Strategies: Truly genuine relationships let clients see relevant parts of counselors' phenomenological worlds as well as their own. Appropriate ______-_____ allows clients to compare their views of the world with the view of another individual whom they have come to trust and value as a significant human being.


Although person-centered counseling has been found to have value throughout the most ______ diagnostic categories, there are treatment issues that are likely to make it less effective as the _______ technique.

serious; primary

Rogers felt that people were dictated by ______ and _____, trying to please others, so actions aren't in line with their actual goals and desires -wanted to ________ people

shoulds; oughts -empower

Rogers' research and teaching tool that gets the most use today is the _____ ______ and ________ of sessions with clients.

tape recording; transcribing

(6) Traditional Intervention Strategies Include:

-Being Genuine -Active Listening -Self-Disclosure -Reflection -Immediacy -Personalized Counselor Actions

Brief Intervention Strategies: -

-Constrains introductions -Goal development -Group work -Honest interactions

Brief Intervention Strategies:

-Constraints introduction -Goal development -Group work -Honest interactions


-develop ground rules of what's ok/not ok in the group; creates respect of each participant and their respective comfort levels. -Facilitates sharing, respect and feeling of comfort; demonstrates his own vulnerability as a therapist; doesn't walk in with ego, says he's excited and apprehensive bc he doesn't know -this makes him authentic and is modeled in person-centered therapy -allows other people to express their vulnerability, makes it ok for others to feel apprehensive and nervous as well, normalizes the feelings -his intensity makes a strong point that she feels really lonely

Limitations of P-CT: -theory may suffer most from fact that it appears so ______ to learn -supportive nature of P-CT is often misinterpreted to mean that one should not be __________ with clients. -A great deal of _____ in the positive motivation and abilities of oneself and one's clients is required of the person-centered counselor. Such ____ in people and a process is not easy to provide in all circumstances. -Person-centered practice requires a great deal of personal _______, understanding, and awareness, as well as a willingness to act on this information. There are ____ techniques or activities to fall back on if the counselor does not have, or cannot act on, this information about the helping relationship.

-simple -confrontational -trust -knowledge; few

(3) Treatment issues:

1. Biological bases of behavior 2. Learning specific skills (must be taught by counselor) 3. Client motivation (those lacking might not find P-CT useful)

Empathic understanding has two important tasks that practitioners must accomplish to make it a useful construct:

1. Understanding 2. Accurately conveying that understanding

***The process of change through the helping relationship is guided by the presence of three basic conditions:

1. genuineness 2. acceptance and caring 3. empathic understanding

***The person-centered perception of people is based on 4 key beliefs:

1. people are TRUSTWORTHY 2. people move innately toward SELF-ACTUALIZATION & health 3. people have the INNER RESOURCES to move themselves in positive directions 4. people respond to their uniquely perceived (PHENOMENOLOGICAL) world

2 principles of human dynamics: 1. People always have much more ________ than they use most of the time. 2. It is in the _______ where success is found more than a preconceived _______

1. potential 2. journey; goal

Roger's ______-Centered Therapy (1951) was a culmination of a decade of practice and research in which Rogers expanded his concepts and renamed his approach.


Major construct: _________ World of the Client May Not Approximate the World _______ -People come to counseling for help because of difficulties evolving from the fact that the world they _______ is not in close proximity to the world they would naturally _____ for themselves.

Perceived; Sought -perceive; seek

idea that the movement toward autonomy and self-actualization provides INDIVIDUALS, rather than outside persons (e.g., parents, counselors, therapists, teachers), with the primary motivational strength behind development.

Personal responsibility

Traditional Intervention Strategies: Rogers used his own thoughts and personality in many creative ways, just as all quality person-centered counselors do. - These are the aspects of therapy that appear as metaphor, humor, confrontation, and at times even interpretation or directiveness. this refers to...

Personalized Counselor Actions

The second condition in the process of change is _______ and ________ provided by the counselor -allows clients to be less anxious about their perceived weaknesses and the prospect of taking risks. -reduces degree of stress and fear in relationship; less hiding by client

acceptance; caring

The ability to gain full understanding of client thoughts, experiences, emotions, and worldview, along with the ability to communicate these effectively to the client are primary requirements for breaking down the expected barriers and misconceptions in cross cultural counseling thru

active empathy

Traditional Intervention Strategies: Active _____ -Acquiring information is only the first part of ___ ____. Practitioners must then _______ the content and feelings of clients back to them for their listening to have action value. -"I hear you saying . . ." -"So you are feeling . . ." -"You seem to be feeling . . . because of . . ."

active listening -reflect

These 3 basic conditions (genuineness, acceptance/caring, empathic understanding) provide the necessary environment that allows individuals to implement their ________ tendencies.


Self-exploration, genuineness, and active empathy implemented effectively allow for the implementation of cultural ___________ necessary for cross-cultural counseling to be successful


low personal anxiety occurs when the perceived self is ________ with actual experiences (congruence).


Why was Person-Centered theory developed?

bc Rogers wasn't stoked on psychodynamic perspective and behavioral approaches

Roger worked with client populations ranging from normal to extremely disturbed (schizophrenic patients), which encouraged him to ___________ the use of his ideas to include ____ people

broaden; all

A practitioner's actions are focused around providing the _________ of genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathy in the relationship.


there are often strings attached to the regard and love offered by others, referred to as __________ of _______ -can move people away from using their own best judgment to make personal choices and promote an alternative method that requirers taking actions based on the presumed desires of others.

conditions of worth

The person-centered approach to counseling or psychotherapy implies great ________ in each client. -This arises out of a belief that all people have INNATE ________ and ability to grow in _____ ways.

confidence -motivation; positive

Major construct: _______ in the ________ is based on the belief that people are innately good and continually seeking a fully functioning experience in the world even as they make mistakes. -person-centered clients are treated as ________ human beings who are able to grow and ________ regardless of the nature of their difficulties.

confidence in the client -effective; succeed

The field of counseling or psychotherapy in the 1920s and 1930s relied on techniques that were highly ________, probing, and analytic as well as *unsupported by _______ _______.* Rogers presented ________ counseling and psychotherapy in his work. He also made a clear call for a more _______ approach to research, on both his nondirective and other more directive, techniques.

diagnostic; scientific research -nondirective; scientific

The person-centered view recognizes that events will be perceived ________ by different people in a ______ way.

differently; unique

In the process of change, new levels of self-confidence allow for the _________ of protective masks and for accepting strengths and weaknesses as aspects that are both _____ and _______ over time.

dropping; real; changeable

super important to reflect back _______ as well as _______; they may not be able to recognize their own emotions w/o this step

emotions; content

Major Construct: ____________ ____________ is critically important to the person-centered approach, because it is the counselor's perceiving of the client's phenomenological world.

empathic understanding

The idea that counselors must set aside their own beliefs and enter the client's world so that they can understand is an example of...

empathic understanding

The third condition in the process of change is the practitioner's _______ _________ of the client -this deep recognition of the client's internal frame of reference must be successfully communicated to the client in order to be effective.

empathic understanding

refers to the understanding of the client's world from the client's point of view.


Another major contribution of Rogers was there being a major emphasis on _______ ________, unlike psychodynamic therapy -Rogers felt psych was a _____ that deserved ________ support

empirical evidence -science; empirical

Traditional Intervention Strategies: -Many of the most powerful interactions are those in which the content and feelings involved relate directly to the _________ situation between the client and the counselor; in other words, they depend on _________.

immediate; IMMEDIACY

When people act based on perceptions of what others think is right, and the results of their actions are not personally fulfilling or effective, this conflict is termed...


The GOAL of person-centered counseling is movement from ___________ to _________ -this identifies the cornerstone person-centered goal for people who are having psychological or sociological difficulties.

incongruence; congruence

Core belief that people have _____ _________ -the actualizing tendency provides the _______ for positive development in people -people have the motivation to grow in positive directions

inner resources -motive

In P-CT, clients view assessment and treatment plans as a ______ oriented task in which counselor works with client toward goals.


The greatest misconception among new practitioners is that simplistic ______ and _____ is all the person-centered counselor does. -The rigid reaction to this concept of an evolving and personalized theory was a major frustration to Rogers throughout his professional life.

listening; reflecting

The person-centered foundation of ______, ________, and _________ clients remains essential to developing and maintaining the necessary therapeutic alliance that allows a wide variety of brief intervention techniques to succeed

listening; understanding; validating

The discussion of clients with serious _____ ______ can be problematic for person-centered counselors who generally find that traditional assessment and assignment of mental disorder categories (ARE/ARE NOT) not useful to treatment.

mental health -ARE NOT

Counselors who accurately reflect content and feelings act like a _____ by helping clients see what they are expressing so that clients can revise and expand ________ of themselves based on counselor reflections.

mirror; perceptions

However, ________ ways of making choices become confused as the developing person recognizes that other individuals may provide or withhold ______ based on how well the person ________ values and behaviors set by others.

naturalistic; love; assimilates

Major Construct: According to the phenomenological approach,... -each client will have a ________ perspective, ________ from the counselor's

no 2 people see the world exactly alike -unique; different

Rogers saw all individuals as having inherent qualities that made ________ possible -attempting to change basic personality characteristics, or behaviors, (WAS/WAS NOT) necessary.

nurturing -WAS NOT

In Rogers therapy, he believed all people desire & deserve ____________, and he wants them to come to a ________ conclusion ab what's best for them -not a lot of _________ in Roger's therapy

nurturing; personal -direction

Fostering the natural growth of the bean is analogous to how one applies _______-________ theory to counseling and psychotherapy. -The client has all the necessary, but as yet unfulfilled _________, for attaining greater self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-growth, self-satisfaction, and self-actualization. -The practitioner's task is to provide the essential growth _________ of a genuine human relationship where acceptance, caring, and a deep understanding of the client are developed and communicated effectively to the client.

person-centered -potential -conditions

Therapeutic or helping relationship is envisioned as one of _____-___-_______


Rogers was a major promoter of ______-_______ ____, where individuals worked together for the purpose of self-_______ing growth rather than toward a more limited goal of ________ psychological illnesses. -International work

personal-growth groups -actualizing; overcoming

Rogers believed people saw the world from their own unique perspective, which is referred to as a __________ perspective


The __________ perspective of person-centered counseling in many ways parallels the multicultural worldview concept, where both emphasize that people view the world differently, thus requiring counselors to learn about the client's world as fully as possible


A meta-analysis of studies on experiential therapies, the bulk of which were person-centered, showed _____ effects across a wide range of disorders.


Counselors interested in implementing person-centered theory must look first to _________ and their ________ of others rather than to what specific __________ ought to be performed.

themselves; perceptions; behaviors -No Two People See the World Exactly Alike -Empathic Understanding -People Make Simple Mistakes in Judgment -Confidence in the Client -Perceived World of the Client May Not Approximate the World Sought -Congruent Individuals Trust Their Worldview

Brief Intervention Strategies: Group Work -P-C group counseling allows additional _____ to more ______ -the better the counselor, the more clients seek their services -shown to be effective in providing core conditions for group members & produces positive therapeutic outcomes -

time; people

Core belief of person-centered therapy that person-centered counselors must treat their clients as ________, or there will be no reason to allow them to take a leadership role in the helping relationship.


Individuals who are given _______ ________ _______ by significant people in their lives receive recognition of their positive nature, including their motivation, and ability to become increasingly effective human beings. -these individuals continue trusting themselves as positive human beings

unconditional positive regard

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