Theory of Architecture

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What color had long wavelength


Which one of the 4 colors predominates? (white,red,green,yellow)


A philosophy of emphasizing the architectural characteristics of a particular region by either using local forms and/or materials or designing in a manner that develops the potential of the regional style.


Deals with the relationship between the different parts of the whole to the various parts?

Relative proportion

The Architecture of italy during the 15th century, and first half of the 16th century and elsewhere in Europe from the mid 16th century through the early 17th Century, the term refers to the rebirth (renascimento) of a classical taste. _______ shows a return to ancient Roman orders and architectural elements, it followed the Gothic style and evolved into Mannerism in Italy and eventually into the Baroque Style

Renaissance Architecture

A philosophy, popular in the late 18th and 19th centuries, of using earlier styles in the design of new buildings, Major types of revival architecture are the Greek and the Gothic, while a combining of styles was often used to create eclectic design. _______ styles are often designated by the use of the prefix "neo" with a previous historical style, such as "neo-tudor" or "neo-futurist"


when lines, planes and surface treatments are repeated in a regular sequence?


"A house is like a flower pot in which you can root something out of its family life and will bloom"

Richard Josef Neutra

An 18th century style which originated and developed most fully in France, It has extensive, rich architectural decoration, usually light and elegant and employing natural motifs in the ornamentation of rooms.

Rococco Architecture

A philosophy favoring a romantic interpretation of styles, popular especially in Germany in the late 19th century. The major romantic movement, Romantic Classicism, was established by the late 18th century and continued to 1850


A philosophy favoring a romantic interpretation of styles, popular especially in Germany in the late 19th century. The major romantic movement, Romantic Classicism, was establish by the late 18th century and continued to 1850

Saracenic Architecture

A certain proportionate size, extent, or degree, usually judged in relation to some standard or point of reference.


it gives a feeling of grandeur dignity and monumentality?


An underlying organizational pattern or structure for a design. The original scheme for a design presented in the form of a sketch outlining its specific character, to be developed in detail in later studies

Scheme project

A group of Italian Architects, stuccoists, and mural painters who were invited by king francis I of France to decorate his palace at Fontainebleau school, a major influence in Renaissance architectural decoration elsewhere in Europe. Sometimes called the "first school" to distinguish it from a later group.

School of Fontainebleau

It is a theory by Virtue

Semi-Circular Vault

That which the eye identifies, the mind perceives and interprets?


An american style of domestic architecture first used in the late 1870s and popular on both coasts and in the Midwest during the 1880s. It is characterized by the use of shingles on both roofs and walls and an informality and fluidity in exterior wall surfaces. Influences were American colonial buildings and the work of English architects such as R. Norman Shaw and Philip Webb.

Shingle Style

japanese architecture incorporating a writing area into the main room of residence, a plan established in the 16th century.

Shoin Style

To create a likeness or model of something anticipated for testing and evaluation


In the theory of proportion which is not a consideration?


The Official Style of Art and architecture in the U.S.S.R. since the 1930s

Socialist Realism

A russian movement in the 1920's, particularly influenced in the design field; emphasizing the use of geometric shapes and industrial materials


The first theorist who set out to create a totally new system of architectural forms independent of antiquity

Eugene Viollet-le-Duc

A line is ?

2 Points

When the edge of the cube is chamfered, what is done?

Form Articulation

Maximum solar heat factor for walls in warm humid tropics


What is the measurements and study of size and proportion of the human body?


The measure and study of the size and proportions of the human body


to scribe human form or characteristics to non human things or beings


Is the angle of horizon deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard south direction


It means equality


it is evident by a comparison which the eye makes between the size, shape and tone of a various object or part of a competition?


The average rate at which radiant energy from the sun is received by the earth, equal to 430 btu per house per square foot (194 cal per min. per sq. cm.), used in calculating the effects of solar radiation on buildings

Solar Constant

The placing of a building in relation to the path of the sun, either to maximize the amount of heat gained from solar radiation during the coldest months, or to minimize the amount of heat gained during the warmest months

Solar orientation

A graphic depiction of the path of the sun within the sky vault projected onto a horizontal plane

Solar path diagram

Which side of the structure will be exposed to the Sun for approximately 8 months?


A visual illusion archive artistically, particularly in painting. Fictive architecture and quadratura are two techniques used in Architecture

Trompe L'oeil

a number of things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes or characteristics


A systematic classification or study of types according to structural features.


A phenomenon where the urban temperature is hotter than rural temperature

Urban Heat Island

The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or less of the incident high _____ lightness of the perceived color


Architecture representative of local or regional types and using traditional materials

Vernacular Architecture

Architecture of Great Britain and the United States from 1830 to 1901, named after Queen Victoria. Revival and eclectic philosophies, particularly the Gothic Revival, were a major force in the Victorian period/

Victorian Architecture

"A house is a machine to live in"

Le Corbursier

What is formed when one of four enclosing planes is articulated?

Linear Organization

Uses exotic language of forms

Romantic Architecture

A 19th century style used for prominent country houses in Britain and the United states based on rural italian models, particularly those in tuscany. Characteristics include a low roof, rounded windows, and an informal plan with wings.

Villa Style

The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be


the size or proportion a building element appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size

Visual scale

an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident


What does Bruno Zeri believe in?

Architecture as a soace

what is the size or proportion a building element appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size

Visual scale

If a line acquires the properties of Width, weight and sense of placement. What is it called?


What has length, width and height?


Which color least reflects light?


To form an idea or conception in the mind


"Less is a bore"

Paul Rudolph

An intense effort to complete a design project within a specified time


A production of an original


Who said this "Skill without knowledge is nothing"

Jean Mignot

He is the author of oldest research on Architecture and wrote an extensive summary of all the theory on construction?

Marcus Vitruvious Pollio

The creative ability to imagine or express in an independent and individual manner


What is the 4D of sensory experience in Design?


Why does Chicago build high rise buildings?

The higher the cost of land

Most reflective color


Any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color wheel, such as yellow-green, yellow and yellow-orange


This refers to architecture which is generally conceived, designed and realized?

Design process

Indentifying a problem and its social, economic, and physical context.


"Job done by each design component"

Louis Khan

"Forms follow function"

Louis Sullivan

It has 6 planes, 8 edges

Pentagon Pyramid

What is the space within 1ft and used in furniture design

Social Space

What is the 2D of sensory experience in design?


Of or pertaining to shapes and forms having an intellectual and affective content dependent solely on their intrinsic lines, colors, and relationship to one another


Thought of without reference to concrete reality or a particular instance


a philosophy, particularly widespread during the 19th century, favoring the formal teaching of schools like Ecole Beaux Art in Paris over the independent ideas.


The ability, freedom, or permission to approach, enter or use.


A fortuitous circumstance, quality or characteristic


Having no saturation and therefore no hue as white black or gray


A color produced by combining lights of red, gree, and blue wavelengths

Additive color

"Ornament equals crime"

Adolf Loos

a warm color that appears to move towards an observer giving an illusion of space

Advancing colors

What other factor, aside from temperature, can improve the comfort level ion the interior?

Air movement

Who is not an Art Noveau THeorist?


The angular elevation of a celestial body above the horizon


In architectural interior, which of the architectural material is highly considered to have a highest embodied energy in term of production, transportation and installation on the building


"Maximize the number of..."

Alvar aalto

The state or quality of being susceptible to the uncertainty of meaning or multiple interpretation.


Any feature that provides or increases comfort, convenience or pleasure


A similarity in some particulars between things otherwise dissimilar, specifically, a logical inference based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects then they will probably be alike in other respects.


Separation the whole into its constituent parts or elements, especially as a method of studying the nature of the whole and determining its essential features and their relations.


"Straight line belong to man, the curve one to god"

Antonio Gaudi

An original model or pattern on which all things of the same kind are copied or based


Relating to the architecture or design of a structure. The noun "______________" refers to architecture as a science


Primary and an American style, ________ was popular in the 1920's and 1930's and is characterized by the use of straight and angular lines and a sleekness of design. The term originated with the 1925 Paris Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels.

Art Deco Style

A style of architecture and decoration popularized in France and Belgium in the 1890's Characteristics include the use of glass and metal, organic and undulating lines, and a non historical and often whimsical mood. It was sometimes called "style ____" after the name of a Paris shop that opened in 1895. Counterparts of _____ in other countries are Jugendstil (Germany), Secession (Austria), Stile Liberty (Italy), and Modernismo (Spain)

Art Nouveau

The exterior organization of structure or surface into is parts and elements


This refer to the manner in which the surface of a form come together to define its shape and volume?

Articulation of form

The late 19th century English decorative arts movement made famous by Williams Morris and Emphasizing quality of design and the use of handicraft products, the term originated with the ____ and _____ Exhibition society, founded in 1888, and is sometimes referred to as the "Craftsman" style

Arts and Crafts Movement

Most elementary means of organizing forms and spaces in architecture?


The period of European Architecture which started in Italy at the beginning the 17th century and was practiced in areas of Germany and Austria into the 18th century. It is based on Renaissance and Mannerist forms and is characterized by a spatial complexity, curved surfaces, and exuberance in the use of color and sculpture. Baroque Buildings in England and France are more restrained. An Individual buildings, which falls outside the baroque period, can also be described as "____" in its characteristics

Baroque Architecture

An arch slide in a straight line?

Barrel vault

of a pertaining to spaces, building, and facilities fully accessible and usable by all people, including the physically handicapped


A german school, founded by Walter Gropius, which brought together a large number of talented designers, craftsmen, and architects between 1919 and 1933. The fame of the _____ is due to its methodology and to the development of a widely accepted functional aesthetic.


An architecture of grand scale based on the historical and eclectic ideas taught during the 19th century at the Ecole des _______ in Paris. The influence of ____ design was particularly great in North America in the early 20th century.

Beaux-arts style

A style of the 1950's emphasizing the use of raw forms of concrete, often heavy and/or dark. The term derives from beton brut (naked concrete) and is known alternately as New


The architect in this area recommends methods of sustainable design and green architecture

Building Environment Certification

A one-story frame dwelling or cottage, often having a veranda, first used in India and popular in England and the United States in the 20th century. One type, associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, is called Craftsman _____


The congress internationaux d' Architecture Moderne, an association of Architects which first met in 1928 in Switzerland and disbanded in 1956. _____ had representatives in west European countries and was committed to functionalist aesthetics.


A clubhouse, historically, a pavilion, lodge, or summerhouse (a type common in the Italian Renaissance), or a place for dancing (especially in the 18th century). In the 20th century. A gambling hall


A movement in Catalonia, Spain, from the late 1880's through the early 1900's focusing on the revival of regional art - the Renaixensa ___ - and the absorption of the new Art Nouveau style, locally called Modernismo

Catalan school

In 1880's where is the concentration of architectural development?

Chicago School

a movement in the mid 1800's and 1890's characterized by its nonhistoricism, the use of steel framing, and the dominance of vertical and horizontal lines. Louis Sullivan was its most prominent Architect

Chicago School

Western European architecture and decorative art, which used Chinese structures and design. The imitative style was most fashionable in the 18th century.


An american movement of the early 1900's inspired by examples of planning at world fairs and favoring a greater use of parks and attractive boulevards and waterfronts in town planning.

City beautiful movement

A movement in the early 19th century particularly in England and the United States based on Ancient Greek and roman models. Specific forms are identified as Greek____, Federal_____, or Roman _______

Classical Revival

It is a mental process by which knowledge is acquired?


A climate classification where that main problem is the lack of head (under heating), or an excessive heat dissipation for all or most parts of the year?

Cold Climate

Architecture of the western hemisphere, which was introduced from Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. In the context of Latin America and the southwestern United States, this means spanish and Portuguese styles; While in the eastern part of North America, Colonial Architecture is either Dutch Colonial, Georgian, or in the New England Style.

Colonial Architecture

Also called the neo-Colonial style, this usually is used in reference to the revival of North American Colonial architecture during the late 19th century.

Colonial Revival

a phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individual perception of hue. saturation and lightness for objects and hue, saturation and brightness for light sources


An arrangement or pattern of colors conceived of as forming an integrated whole.

Color scheme

A circular scale of the colors of spectrum, showing complementary colors opposite each other.

Color wheel

The use of color


The two decades after 1818 during which more than two hundred Greek and Gothic Revival churches were built in England under the supervision of the ____ appointed by Parliament

Commisioners era

What color system is identified by two adjacent colors and its opposite in the color wheel?


What do you call the arranging of parts or elements into proper proportion or relation so as to form a unified whole


A mental image or formulation of what something is or ought to be, especially an idea generalized from particular characteristics or instances


It is a comparison showing differences, the opposite of similarity


To form an artistic or ingenious manner


What VOC (volatile organic compound) that can affect the quality of air inside the building?-

Cooking inside the building

The ability to transcend traditional ideas, patterns, or relationships and to initiate meaningful new ideas, forms, or interpretations.


A standard, rule, or principle on which a judgement or decision may be based.


What will you provide in a room to best generate air movement

Cross ventilation

It has 6 planes, different orientation?


Which figure is said to be the most stable?


"make no little plans, they have no magic to stir man's blood"

Daniel Burnham

Designating a color having low lightness and low saturation, and reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.


An assumed, given, or otherwise determined fact or proposition from which conclusion may be drawn or decisions made.


English Gothic Architecture during the late 13th century and first half of the 14th century, known for its richness of decoration, extensive ribbing, and use of ogee curves in tracery and arches. The decorated style followed the early English style, preceded the perpendicular style, and itself has two phases, the Geometric and the Curvilinear, It was revived in Great Britain in the 19th century.

Decorated style

To concieve, contrive, or devise the form and structure or a building or other construction


A concept for the form, structure, and features of a building or other construction, represented graphically by diagrams, plans, or other drawings.

Design concept

The purposeful activity aimed at devising a plan for changing an existing situation into a future preferred state, especially the cyclical, iterative process comprising the following phases: initiation, preparation, synthesis, hypothesis, alternative, draft, evaluation, action, implement, and reevaluation.

Design process

To form in the mind by new combinations or applications of existing ideas or principles


A combination of two analogous colors and their complementary colors on a color wheel?

Double complementary

Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other. such as red and green and purple-red and yellow-green

Double complementary

The correspondence between the sensory experience of bodily presence and movement, and the size, shape and proportion of space

Dynamic fit

The pattern of change, growth, or development of an object or phenomenon


What is the manner of arranging and coordinating the parts of a composition so as to produce a coherent image?


Careful, thrifty, and efficient use and management of resources


"Function influence but does not dictate form"

Eero saarinen

"Beauty grows from necessity, not from repetition of formulas"

Eliel Saarinen

Architecture in the second half of the 16th century, representing the beginning of Renaissance architecture in England. Named for Queen Elizabeth I, it exhibits ornamentation such as strap work and Mullion Decoration.

Elizabethan Architecture

A similarity in some particulars between things otherwise dissimilar, specifically, a logical inference based on the assumption that if two things are known to be alike in some respects then they will probably be alike in other respects.


An applied science concerned with the characteristics of people that need to be considered in the design of devices and systems in order that people and things will interact effectively and safely.

Ergonomics (human engineering)

A rough sketch done at the beginning of a project, comparable to a written outline for a literary work.


The play of the mind through which visions are summoned, especially mental inventions that are whimsical, playful, and characteristically removed from reality


A type of reinforced concrete invented and used by Peter Luigi Nervi


Painting depicting architecture features so realistically that they look 3-dimensional. This form of illusionism was popular in the 16th and 17th centuries particularly in Italy.

Fictive Architecture

Color that reflects more light


Which color signifies purity and authority


The natural or proper action for which something is designed used or exists


The most important kind of character in architecture is that which result from the purpose of the building or reason of erection?

Functional character

Any of the dimension determined by bodily position and movement,as reach stride or clearance

Functional dimension

An architectural philosophy emphasizing the uses of a building and its parts and revealing its structure and materials. It emerges in the 20th century and was a major principle in the International Style.


A movement in the first decade of the 20th century, particularly in England and later Germany, to a build suburban communities in which civic buildings, residences, parks and agricultural areas are planned.

Garden City Movement

An 18th and 19th century landscaping style emphasizing an informal picturesque quality, sometimes referred to as "gardenesque" and widely known as the "English Landscape Garden" (Ie Jardin anglais, der engllische Gartin, Il giardino inglese). It is indirect contrast to the highly planned French formal garden

Garden style

What traditional method for getting proportion and balance is being illustrated in the image?

Golden section

A late 18th and 19th century movement in Europe and North America, continuing into 20th Century in the church and collegiate architecture. It was used for public and domestic buildings and was widely discussed from both a spiritual and an archaelogical point of view.

Gothic Revival (Neo Gothic)

In town planning, a band of parks or open land which has been protected from development


A series of points multiplied in uniform distances from each other and carried out in uniform distances


There is a colonnade which consists of identical columns. What type of system arrangement?


It has two or more intersecting sets of parallel lines with regular spacing and produced geometric patterns with regular space fields in between as a result of the intersection

Grid form

Relating to or based on the sense of touch


A sequence of numbers of reciprocals of which an arithmetic progression

Harmonic Progression

A series in which the terms are in harmonic progression

Harmonic Series

The late 20th century term for a design or interior with shapes, materials, and surfaces reflecting the latest developments in Technology

High tech

Having human or animal figures as decoration


A philosophy of using the past historical and architectural features. Since the decline of the Beaux-Arts style and the beginning of the Modern Movement, there has been little expression of ______


The property of light by which the color of an object is classified as being red yellow green blue or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors


The size of proportion of a building element or space, or an article of furniture, relative to the structural or functional dimensions of the human body

Human scale

what is the size or proportion of a building element or space. Or an article of furniture relative to the structural or functional dimension of the human body?

Human scale

The though or notion resulting from mental awareness, understanding or activity


A concept, much discussed in Italian Architectural treatises of the 15th and 16th centuries, of planning cities, most having radial plans and few actually realized. The philosophy reemerged in 1900 with the garden city, the city beautiful, and the New-Town movements.

Ideal City

The sensory experience of bodily position, presence, or movement derived chiefly from stimulation of nerve endings in muscles, tendons and joints.


In the design consideration with regards to spatial part which is not a consideration?


"Modern Architecture need not be western"

Kenzo Tange

Natural light and Ventilation should be prioritized for the


What is the least reason why the interior is hot and warm in a tropical climate?

Landscape pavers are spaced too far apart

The angular distance north or south from the equator of a point on the earth's surface, measured in degrees along the meridian passing through the point.


The creation of an illusion of something by means of decorative or artistic techniques such as perspective.


The faculty of forming mental images or concepts of what is not present to the senses or perceived in reality


A style, first identified by this term in the 1930's. that was functional, nontraditional, and non-regional. The ______ is widely recognized at the time of the 1932 International Exhibition of Modern Architecture in New york and was practiced worldwide in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s

International Style

The power of faculty of knowing without evident rational thought and inference


The term means "youth style" and comes from the journal Jugend.


If a point is extended, it acquires length and direction. What is it called?


The angular distance east or west on the earth's surface, measured from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England to the meridian of a given point and expressed either in degrees or a corresponding difference in time.


A style in European architecture of the late 18th and 19th centuries, showing a formal or correct use of elements and on over-all severity of form, somewhat as a reflection against the more expressive Rococco style of the 18th century.

Neoclassical Architecture

A style in the architecture of Italy in the second half of the 16th century and to a lesser extent elsewhere in Europe ____ falls between the Renaissance and baroque periods and uses classical elements in an unconventional manner


The size or proportion of something relative to an accepted standard of measurement

Mechanical Scale

The great circle on the earth's surface passing through both geophysical poles


A style associated with a group formed in Tokyo in 1960, emphasizing the organic relationship between individual buildings and between different parts of an urban area.


An object, activity, or idea used in place of another to suggest a likeness between them.


Less is more

Mies Van Der Rohe

What to make the small space become bigger?


A full sized model of a building or structure, built accurately to scale for study, testing or teaching.


A miniature representation, usually build to scale, to show the appearance or construction of something


An example serving as a pattern for imitation or emulation in the creation of something


With beginnings in Europe in 1900, "modern" architecture is that which is functional, rational, and non-historical. A second phase of modernism occured in the 1930s, also the time when the Modern Movement gained acceptance in the United States with the onset of the International style. (Sometimes used interchangeably with "international modern"). In the 1960s and 1970s, a turning away from these values has been identified as Postmodernism.

Modern Movement

a unit of measurement used for standardizing the dimensions of a building materials or regulating the proportions of an architectural composition


Having only one color or exhibiting varying intensities and values of a single hue


A scandinavian movement of the first decades of the 20th century, particularly strong in Sweden, which showed a taste for the informal and the vernacular

National Romanticism

Relating to or based on the sense of smell


Architecture with shapes and structure based on natural forms and usually blending with the landscape. Theoretical interest in organic design- began in the 19th century and is best demonstrated in 20th century buildings, above all by Frank Lloyd Wright

Organic Architecture

What do you call the systematic arranging of interdependent or coordinated parts into a coherent unity or functioning whole?


"Nothing that is not practical can be beautiful"

Otto wagner

He used forms inspired from nature, especially plants

Owen Jones

A revival style based on the buildings and publications of the 16th century architect Andrea Palladio marked by the ancient roman architectural forms. It was most popular in 18th Century England, particularly because of the publications of Lord Burlington, and is sometimes called Palladan Classicism


Every new or established theory applied


The Over-all concept for an architectural project


it has 6 planes, 8 edges

Pentagon Pyramid

What is the space within 3ft and used in furniture design

Personal Space

a kind of character that came from the influence of ideas and impressions related to or growing out of past experience

Personal character

What is the individual space which is dynamic. it changes its dimension, stress and anxiety can result from intrusion?

Personal space

The variable and subjective distance at which one person feels comfortable talking to another

Personal space (Personal Distance)

the faculty of seeing things in their true relations or of evaluating their relative significance


a particular stage in a process of change or development


One of French theorist who are critical of Italians

Philibert de L'orne

Introduced the element of discovery

Philip Johnson

Sustainable design, Which would be the best option for an alternative energy source for which the building to use?

Photo voltaic cell system

A philosophy of landscape architecture in England in the late 18th and Early 19th centuries characterized by the use of buildings of various styles - often asymmetrical - as focal points. _____ taste is based upon the informal, sometimes rugged, and "sublime" scenes depicted in French Paintings.

Picturesque Movement

The French term for piles extending above grounds (stilts) used to support a structure, thereby creating open space at the ground level.


When a point is duplicated many times in sequence in a number of rows, What is formed?


A sculpture-like quality


What form is non-directional?


Having or exhibiting a variety of colors


Which is not a vitruvian rules of aethetic form?

Post Modernism

A trend, appearing in the late 1960s, away from the functional aesthetic of the international style and the severity of Brutalism, and favoring a return to historical references and individualized and emotionally satisifying solutions in Architecture design.

Post modernism

Actual performance or application of principles as distinguished from theory


A movement in the American Midwest during the early 1900s which focused on the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and is so far his "Prairie House" plans-

Prairie School

A fundamental and comprehensive law, truth, or assumption governing action, procedure, or arrangement.


systematic series of actions or operations leading or directed to a particular end


a procedure for solving a problem, as a statement settling forth the context, conditions, requirements, and objectives for a design project.


An early and typical example that exhibits the essential features of a class or group and on which later stages are based or judged


In hot-dry climate, what solution is recommended to improve the comfort level of the interior?

Provide smaller openings to introduce natural ventilation

The study of the symbolic and communicative role of the spatial separation individuals maintain in various social and interpersonal situations, and how the nature and degree of this spatial arrangement relates to environmental and cultural factors


A comprehensive design concept developed in 1918 by Amedee Ozenfant and Le Corbusier in reaction to Cubism, favoring simplicity and a machine Aesthetic


What does a triangle with one long side when inverted in a y-axis


Ceiling or wall painting that creates an Illusion, a technique commonly practices in the baroque period by artists called quadraturista


A style of domestic architecture popular from the 1870s through the 1800s in England and the United states. Strictly speaking, the Queen Anne was a revival of the simple vernacular architecture forms used in England in the early 18th Century. The term is also used for houses based on Elizabethan and Tudor Models, Particularly in the United States.

Queen Anne Style

An Italian branch of Modern Movement of the 1920s and 1930s, known in italy as the Movimento Italiano per I'Architectura Razionale, or MIAR

Rationalist Movement

Having objective, verifiable and independent existence as opposed to be being artificial or illusory


The faculty or power of comprehending, interfering, or thinking in an orderly, rational way,


a style, practiced particularly in California during the 1910s and 1920s that reuses the Colonial styles that were introduced by Spanish settlers to Latin America and the Southwestern United States during the 17th and 18th centuries. This is sometimes referred to as the SPanish Revival or Spanish style.

Spanish Colonial Revival

Meditation or reflection on a subject or idea, resulting in a conclusion inferred from incomplete or inconclusive evidence


The correspondence between the size and the posture of human body and a building element or article of furniture

Static fit

A dutch group of artists and designers who came together in 1917. Architecture associated with the movement shows a non-subjective, geometrical style emphasizing space and using primarily colors.

Stijl De

any of the dimensions of the human body and its parts

Structural dimension

An aesthetic concept applied to literature and art popular in England and France during the 18th century. Sublimity was discussed along with Beauty and was an ideal in Landscape design and the use of nature


Subtracting a portion of a forms volume to create another?

Subtracting transformation

Characterized or produced by removal of a part or portion without destroying a sense of the whole


A color produced by mixing cyan, yellow and magenta pigments. Each of which absorbs wavelengths

Subtractive colors

In articulation, there are certain changes in material color and texture. This is done by removing the corner and articulating it thru change of material or lighting the form so as to produce tonal differences of form?

Subtractive form Cluster

A style of Japanese Architecture showing the influence of the traditional teahouse, including the use of unfinished materials to create a natural effect.


The time of the year, on or about June 21, when the sun reaches its northernmost points on the celestial sphere, marking the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere

Summer solstice

In articulation, there are certain changes in material color and texture. This is done by removing the corner and articulating it thru change of material or lighting the form so as to produce differences of form?

Surface Articulation

When you apply colors to the surface of an object, what is done?

Surface Articulation

The study of creative processes, esp. as applied to the stating and solution of problems that involves free use of metaphor and analogy in informal interchange within a small group of diverse individuals.


Combining of separate, often diverse parts or elements so as to form a single or coherent whole. Discovering constraints and opportunities, and hypothesizing possible alternative solutions.


What is the 5D of sensory experience in design?


Relating to construction or building


The pattern of behaviour associated with defining and defending a territory or domain


Abstract thought or speculation resulting in a system of assumptions or principles used in analyzing, explaining, or predicting phenomena, and proposed or followed as the basis of action


What is the 1D of sensory experience in design?


What is the 3D of sensory experience in design?


A combination of three colors-forming an equilateral triangle on a color wheel


In a color wheel, a color scheme composing of 3 colors adjacent to each other?



Wind direction of amihan

The time of the year, on or about December 21 when the sun reaches its southernmost point on the celestial sphere, marking the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere.

Winter Solstice

In terms of material production and transportation which of the following flooring materials as considered to have the lowest carbon footprint

Yard timber-

What color represents hunger and energy


The reason for which something exists or is done, made or used


an international group of architects who organized in the mid 1950s, introducing new ideas to CIAM at its 1956 meeting, and consequently influencing the breakup of the congress

team 10

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Ethics & Insurance: Producer's Responsibilities to the Insured

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DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis #2: DNA Replication

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