"There, There" Key Characters and Events

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Plan for robbery team members and roles

Tony - steals the money Daniel - made the guns and operates the drone Octavio, Charles, Calvin, and Carlos - bring in guns and bullets and stand nearby, ready to shoot


*age:* grandparent-aged *relationships:* grandmother to Tony


*character's age:* 21 years old *character's relationships:* works with Octavio and Charles, grandson to Maxine and lives with her *what the character does or is interested in:* drug-dealing *how the character is involved in the powwow:* part of the robbery team *other info about the character:* born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ("The Drome")


*character's age:* in her 40s or early 50s? *character's relationships:* Jacquie and Harvey's daughter *what the character does or is interested in:* head of the powwow committee *how the character is involved in the powwow:* committee *other info about the character:* she doesn't really know a lot about her history and was never able to connect with Jacquie and Harvey until she accidentally met them at the powwow


*character's age:* in her 50s *character's relationships:* half-sister to Jacquie, grandmother? to Orvil, Lony, and Loother and lives with them *what the character does or is interested in:* mail deliverer, has lots of superstitions, doesn't believe children should have privacy, doesn't tell her grandchildren about their history *how the character is involved in the powwow:* comes to the event after Jacquie informs her Orvil, Lony, and Loother are there? *other info about the character:* had a teddy bear named Two Shoes and imagined he talked to her; her mother told her that everyone has stories and they have to tell them


*character's age:* in her late 50s or 60s? *character's relationships:* half-sister to Opal, grandmother to Orvil, Lony, and Loother, mother to Blue (adopted by another family) and Jamie (passed away) *what the character does or is interested in:* substance abuse counselor who's also recovering from her own substance abuse *how the character is involved in the powwow:* Harvey convinces her to come with him? *other info about the character:* she met Harvey when she lived on Alcatraz, and he raped her and got her pregnant with Blue, which is why Jacquie had to put Blue up for adoption


*character's age:* young adult *character's relationships:* nephew to Lucas *what the character does or is interested in:* working on documentary, inspired by Lucas, to capture authentic Native stories; uses $5000 government grant to pay each of the ppl he interviews $200; uses the camera Lucas gave him? *how the character is involved in the powwow:* works on the powwow committee so he can get more stories?

Orvil, Lony, and Luther

*characters' ages:* young adults *characters' relationships:* grandsons? to Opal and live with her, grandsons to Jacquie, sons of Jamie? *what the characters do or are interested in:* *how the characters are involved in the powwow:* they sneak out and go to the event to learn more about themselves/their history *other info about the characters:*

How the robbery actually goes

1. Tony turns on the team and walks away. 2. Octavio grabs the money instead. 3. Charles and Carlos turn on Octavio and threaten him with their guns to give them the money. 4. Octavio gives Charles the money, then starts shooting at him. 5. Charles shoots back at Octavio and hits him. 6. Tony hears the gunshots and starts coming back. 7. Calvin just watches, unable to think, holding his gun up without pointing it at anyone. 8. Octavio keeps shooting at Charles and hits a kid about ten feet behind him. 7. Carlos shoots a few bullets into Octavio's back before getting hit in the head by Daniel's drone and collapsing. 8. Calvin gets shot in his hip and his gut and dies. 9. Tony shoots Carlos a couple of times so that he can't move or get up, while Charles is trying to shoot Tony. 10. Tony proceeds toward Charles, but Tony's gun starts overheating and the trigger gets stuck, so he drops it. 11. Tony gets shot multiple times as runs up to Charles and tackles him. 12. Charles falls to the ground with Tony on top of him and drops his gun. 13. Tony grabs Charles's gun, puts it against the side of Charles's head, and shoots. 14. Charles instantly dies, then Tony lies back and dies.


Dene's uncle gave Dene a camera was going to make the documentary with Dene but died suddenly due to alcohol abuse

the story of Opal and Jacquie's living situations throughout their lives and their mother and uncle

When they were kids, their mother took them to Alcatraz for a few months (?) to participate in the Native American occupation of the island. When they came back, they moved in with their mother's adopted brother named Ronald. They never trusted Ronald, and after their mom died of cancer, things got worse. One night, while Jacquie was sleeping, Ronald was at the foot of Jacquie's grabbing at her ankles. Opal caught him right away and slammed a baseball bat over his head, and she and Jacquie packed up and got out as fast as they could. They went to a shelter, and a year later they were separated.

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