Tidwell Chapter 4

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What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

- To win southern support, he suggested dropping the Missouri Compromise's ban on slavery. - allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether to allow slavery (popular sovereignty)

4 provisions terms of the Compromise of 1850

1. Allow California as a free state 2. Divides Mexican session into 2 territories 3. Bands slave trade in Columbia, cant buy or sell trades 4. Fugitive slave act which makes it a federal crime to aid a fugitive slave

2. Did Scotts temporary stay in free areas entitle him to freedom and was it still valid now that he was back in Missouri?

His temporary stay in a free area doesn't give him his freedom since he is in Missouri, a slave holing area.

3. Is the Missouri Compromise constitutional?

That part of the compromise that eliminates slavery in the LA territories violates a portion of the 5th amendment of the constitution which prohibits depriving a person of their property without die process which eliminates the portion of the compromise which states the 36'30' part

1. Is Dread Scott a citizen of the US and entitled to suing the courts?

The court says that dread is a slave and since slaves were never intended to be citizens, Scott doesn't have he right to use the federal court system meaning they will throw his case out and he is still a slave.

Explain how the Dred Scott case contributed to the sectional divisions within the U.S.?

These decisions would aggravate the sectional differences of the nation by giving pro-slavery states ammunition to uphold their stance on the legality of slavery and it would outrage the anti-slavery states by its callow disregard of human rights and its voiding of the Missouri compromise.

What brought about the need for the Compromise of 1850?

• Kentucky senator Henry Clay introduced a plan that would preserve the balance of power and allowed California to enter the Union as a free state and would've thrown out the balance of power in the senate to the Free States.

Who are the 4 candidates of the election of 1860 and what is their stance on slavery?

•Abraham Lincoln; Republican- opposed the expansion of slavery •John C. Breckinridge; Democratic- the effect of slavery finally made itself felt on this national institution. . •John Bell; Constitutional Union- Composed of conservative members of the moribund Whig and Know Nothing parties, the Constitutional Union party denounced the major parties for inciting sectional divisions, and appealed for a popular, patriotic rallying to the cause of the Union. (IDK) •Stephen A. Douglas; Democratic- wasn't to ignore it. Puts out popular sovereignty.

Who were the 3 candidates from the major parties in the election of 1852? What was the major issue?

•Franklin Pierce- democratic, WINS election - ignores slavery •Winfield Scott- Whig- Ignores slavery •John P. Hale- Free soil- Expresses his opinion that slavery should be abolished •Issue: Slavery, The Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act, both the Democrats and Whig supports the Compromise and free Soil Party condemned the Compromise.

Who were the candidates in the 1856 presidential election and what was the major issue?

•James Buchanan- Democratic (WINS)- Ignores slavery, popular sovereignty •John C. Fremont- Republican- Opposed to the act cause It might appose slavery •Millard Fillmore- American - Ignore slavery - Vice president who took over after Taylor died Issues: Slavery- Kansas-Nebraska Act, Bleeding Kansas

How would John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry VA further divide the U.S.?

•John Brown was planning a raid on the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, to get guns for a slave revolt. Brown and his followers easily captured the arsenal but failed to start a revolt. •It was supposed to be the signal for all slaves surrounding the area to revolt and rejoin with Brown to begin a revolution to end slavery •The revolt didn't take place and Brown and his followers weren't killed in the fight but were captured. Brown was tried for treason and found guilty •Southerners point the raid out as an example of abolitionist support of brown and his bringing violence to the country and southern states, reaffirming their right to secede from the union if their constitutional rights were to be continuously trampled upon.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

•Stephen A. Douglas wanted northern route that would make Chicago a railroad way to gain a more populated area and organized the lands into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska.

Why did the Kansas-Nebraska Act create such strong controversy?

•The Kansas-Nebraska Act made Kansas Territory the center of the struggle over slavery. •It would cancel out a potion of the Missouri Compromise and cancel out slavery in an y unorganized area of the LA purchase above 36' 30'.

How will the Illinois Senate election of 1858 impact the future of the United States?

•The senatorial election of 1858 will have an impact of the US that will cause the US to split. - The campaign in Illinois will see Stephen Douglas run against Lincoln. IN the campaign, Lincoln will rise to national attention for his views on slavery and for how close he will come to winning the election against the top supporter of popular sovereignty, Senator Stephen Douglas. - Lincoln will state his belief that slavery shouldn't be allowed in the new territory of the US though he didn't say it should be banned.

What is the response of the South to the election of 1860 and which state will lead the response?

•Upon the election of Abraham seven southern states will secede from the union. •Lincoln will abolish slavery throughout the US •South Carolina will lead the other states out of the union in 1860.

Who were the 3 candidates from the major parties in the presidential election of 1848? What was the major issue in the election and what was each candidate's stance on this issue?

•Zachary Taylor- of the Whig Party, ignores the issue of slavery. (WINS) 2nd president To die in office. •Martin Van Buren- of the Free Soil Party, speaks out against slavery. •Lewis Cass- of the Democratic Party, proposes popular sovereignty. - Issue- Slavery in the new territories

What was the Dred Scott case, explain it and state how it contributed to the sectional divisions within the U.S.?

•a slave, sued for freedom, arguing that living on free soil made him free. •the Court ruled against him, saying that there are 3 issues that need to be decided: 1. Is Dread Scott a citizen of the US and entitled to suing the courts? 2. Did scots temporary stay in free areas entitle him to freedom and was it still valid now that he was back in Missouri? 3. Is the Missouri Compromise constitutional?

What was the Crittenden Compromise?

•proposed by Kentucky Senator John Crittenden and rejected by Lincoln •An attempt of the US to reconcile the differences between states and bring the states back to the union •Didn't pass

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