Time Period 1

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Which of the following best describes the origins of the Thirty Years' War?

A combination of religious dispute, ethnic competition, and political weakness in central Europe

Why did constitutionalism undermine rather than strengthen the state in seventeenth-century Poland-Lithuania?

A single negative vote in the legislature acted as a veto, deadlocking parliamentary government.

When he reportedly uttered the phrase "L'etat, c'est moi" ("I am the state"), Louis XIV demonstrated his attachment to what form of rule?


Why did Louis XIV place such immense importance on court ritual at the palace of Versailles?

After his experience with the Fronde, he sought to domesticate the warrior nobles by replacing violence with court ritual.

The leading economic center of early 17th century Europe was...


Which of the following best characterizes the French government's implementation of the new economic doctrine of mercantilism in the mid-seventeenth century?

Arguing that governments must intervene to increase national wealth by whatever means possible, mercantilism in the mid-seventeenth century?

The English civil war of the 1640s led to the emergence of which new religious sects in England?

Baptists, Quakers, and Diggers

Which French Catholic ruler ushered in the French Wars of Religion after a disastrous attempt to play rival factions against one another?

Catherine de Medici

What occurred in Paris on August 24-26, 1572?

Catholic mobs murdered some three thousand Huguenots in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

Seventeenth-century French painters, sculptor, and architects developed which style of art that came to be known as the French national style?


What did Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia give his nobles in exchange for allowing him to collect taxes in their provinces?

Complete control over their enserfed peasants and personal exemption from taxation

What was the name given to runaway serfs and poor nobles who formed outlaw bands in the no-man's-land of southern Russia and Ukraine?


What prompted Phillip II to send his Spanish Armada against England and Elizabeth I in 1588?

Elizabeth's execution of her Catholic cousin Mary, queen of Scots

In 1667, Stenka Razin led a legendary rebellion in Russia against what social and political practice?


The Great Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia who brought his nation through the end of the Thirty Years' War and then succeeded in welding his scattered lands into an absolutist state.


How did the absolutist monarchy of Frederick William of Hohenzollern differ from that of Louis XIV?

Frederick William allowed his nobles more independence than Louis, and he rebuffed the ostentation of the French court, welcoming Huguenot refugees from France.

The events of 1688 when Tories and Whigs replaced England's monarch James II with his Protestant daughter, Mary, and her husband, Dutch ruler William of Orange; William and Mary agreed to a bill of rights that guaranteed rights to Parliament.

Glorious Revolution

Why did King Henry IV declare "Paris is worth a Mass"?

He converted to Catholicism to ensure his control over France, believing that he needed to place the interests of the state ahead of his Protestant faith

Why did the philosophy of the Jewish scholar Benedict Spinoza alarm so many people?

He wrote that God was not influenced by any human action or prayer.

Why did Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan enrage both royalists and supporters of Parliament?

Hobbes favored a social contract as the basis for governmental legitimacy while championing absolutist rule (by either king or Parliament).

For more than 150 years, the Austrian Habsburgs and Ottoman Turks fought over what territory?


Historians have advanced several different ideas about the increase in the slave trade during the seventeenth century. Which of the following factors might explain this increase?

Improvements in muskets, the rising price of slaves, and growing conflict between African tribes made slave capture easier and more profitable.

Which of the following did Louis XIV employ as a counter to the parlements, provincial estates, aristocratic governors, and hereditary officials, many of whom had purchased their offices?


How did the Rump Parliament respond to the execution of Charles I on January 30, 1649?

It abolished the monarchy.

What was the significance of Cardinal Richelieu's decision to aid the Lutheran king Gustavus Adolphus's invasion of the Holy Roman Empire during the Thirty Years' War?

It demonstrated that political interests had come to outweigh religious concerns.

How did the Edict of Nantes, issued by Henry IV in 1598, end the French Wars of Religion?

It granted Protestants a large measure of toleration, such as freedom to worship in specified towns and the right to retain their own troops, courts, and fortresses.

Why was the code of 1649 critical to Russia's political and social development?

It impeded social change by imposing a fixed, inherited, and hierarchical social structure.

Why do some historians view the English civil war of 1642-1646 as the last great war of religion?

It pitted Puritans against those trying to push the Church of England toward Catholicism.

How did the Thirty Years' War affect European civilians?

It resulted in widespread suffering and devastation and led to peasant revolts and even outbreaks of plague.

How did the Peace of Westphalia influence future European disputes?

It served as a diplomatic model for resolving disputes between warring nations, as it brought all parties together to design a settlement.

Why did Phillip II's Spanish Armada carry religious as well as political significance?

It was sent by a Catholic king to defeat the Protestant queen who had beheaded her Catholic cousin.

"Kings are justly called gods for that they exercise a manner of resemblance of Divine power upon Earth.? Which of the following was most likely to agree with this statement?

James I of England

"That the pretended powers of suspending of laws or the execution of laws by regal authority without consent of Parliament in illegal. That levying money for or to the use of the Crown for pretense of prerogative without grant of the Parliament for longer time or in other manner than the same is illegal." The provisions above from the English Bill of Rights were enacted in response to...

James II's attempts to dominate Parliament

The Tories and the Whigs invited the Dutch ruler William of Orange and his wife, James II's daughter Mary, to invade England in 1688 after...

James produced a male heir whom Parliament feared would be reared as a Catholic

What caused the mass exodus of Moriscos from Spanish territory to North Africa between 1609 and 1614?

King Phillip III expelled them in retaliation for their revolt forty years earlier in which some fifteen hundred Christians were killed

Disgruntled soldiers in Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army who in 1647 wanted to "level" social differences and extend political participation to all male property owners.


French king who in theory personified absolutism but in practice had to gain the cooperation of nobles, local officials, and even the ordinary subjects who manned his armies and paid his taxes.

Louis XIV

The emblem above was used as a symbol for which of the following?

Louis XIV

What did Louis XIV's palace at Versailles symbolize both to his subjects and to foreigners during his reign?

Louis's success in reigning in the nobility and dominating Europe as well as a style that was imitated around the world.

What was distinctive about the visual arts in seventeenth-century Dutch society?

Middle-class people supported visual arts to an unprecedented degree, and Dutch artists were among the first to sell to a mass market

What were the three principal entities in central and eastern Europe in the mid-17th century?

Muscovy, Ottoman Empire, and Poland

Seventeenth-century women became the most prolific authors of what form of writing?


What was established in Brandenburg-Prussia under Frederick William of Hohenzollern to aid in communication?

One of the first state postal systems in Europe

What 1571 event ended Turkish dominance of the Mediterranean Sea?

Philip II's naval victory at Lepanto off the Greek coast

Which of the following regularly allowed women to preach in 17th century England?


What was one of Louis XIV's first goals when he assumed direct control as king of France?

Reigning in France's unruly nobles

After the conclusion of the Thirty Years' War in 1648, what largely disappeared as a major cause of was among European states?

Religious differences

How did the breakdown of constitutionalism, the violence of the Cossack revolts, and a Russo-Polish war affect religious toleration in Poland-Lithuania?

Religious toleration ended, as Jews fled to shtetls and Protestants fled Catholic reprisals for their support of Sweden during the war.

Leader of the 1667 rebellion that promised Russian peasants liberation from noble landowners and officials; he was captured by the tsar's army in 1671 and publicly executed in Moscow.

Stenka Razin

What does Moliere's play The Middle-Class Gentleman reveal about seventeenth-century manners?

That the middle classes were imitating the aristocracy's manners ad tastes.

What country was the English Navigation Act of 1651 primarily intended to damage?

The Dutch Republic

Why did France join in the Thirty Years' War in 1635, more than twenty years after the war began?

The French king Louis XIII hoped to profit from Spain's troubles in the Netherlands and from the Austrian emperor's conflicts with Protestants in his empire.

Which European ruling family had lost a significant amount of political and economic power by the end of the seventeenth century?

The Habsburgs

The 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz marked the beginning of the decline of what empire?

The Ottoman Empire

How did Ottoman attempts at state consolidation differ from European attempts at state consolidation?

The Ottomans relied on Turkish settlement of new territories, backed up by military control.

The Thirty Years' War ended in 1648 after the signing of which of the following documents?

The Peace of Westphalia

What compelled Charles I to call a session of Parliament in 1640 after refusing to do so for eleven years?

The Scots' invasion of northern England over being forced to use the Book of Common Prayer

A French Catholic writer Michel de Montaigne broke with staunch Protestants and Catholics by endorsing what controversial belief?

The ancient doctrine of skepticism, which held that total certainty is never possible

What was the role of the arts in Louis XIV's regime?

The arts were used as a political tool to enhance Louis's prestige and were even treated as a branch of the government.

Seventeenth-century absolutism and constitutionalism were political responses to which of the following developments?

The fear of disorder and breakdown that was the legacy of the French Wars of Religion

What were the consequences of Louis XIV's revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685?

The rights of all Calvinists were revoked, their churches and schools were closed, and they were forced to convert to Catholicism, leading thousands to flee the country.

What divided the northern and southern provinces of the Netherlands even after they drove out the Spaniards in 1576?

The southern provinces remained largely Catholic and French-speaking and were suspicious of the strict Calvinism of the northern Dutch provinces

Who was the titular head of the Dutch Republic's decentralized constitutional state?

The stadholder

How did European rulers justify the growth of state authority and the expansion of government bureaucracies in the wake of the Thirty Years' War?

They carefully cultivated their royal images in order to outwardly demonstrate their authority.

What was the significance of the Church of England's Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, which were issued in 1563 under the authority of Queen Elizabeth I?

They combined elements of Catholic ritual with Calvinist doctrines.

Why did Louis XIV persecute the Jansenists and drive them underground?

They followed their individual consciences over the requirements of the church hierarchy.

How did European peasants and colonized subjects resist attempts to reform popular religious rituals?

They gave their own interpretation of religious festivals and combined Christian symbols with their own.

In what ways did governments become involved in the sciences during the seventeenth century?

They saw science as a means to enhance their prestige and invested monetary and social resources in scientific research.

What was the purpose of Louis XIV's expansion and professionalization of the French military?

To expand French power in Europe and increase France's territorial holdings on the continent.

What was one of the chief goals of Ivan the Terrible and his successors?

To secure direct access to the Baltic Sea and a port directly connected to the sea lanes of western Europe

Dutch ruler who, with his Protestant wife, Mary, ruled England after the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

William, prince of Orange

Why did the Dutch Republic develop a policy of religious toleration?

With its decentralized government and diverse population of Protestants, Catholics, and Jews, religious toleration was the most practical option

Parliament offered the throne jointly to William and Mary on the condition that they accept...

a bill of rights making Parliament a full partner in state governance.

Religious change in the 17th century Netherlands led to...

a great vitality in intellectual and artistic life

Although John Milton's Paradise Lost explores the fall of Adam and Eve, it can also be seen as...

a response to the turmoil of the English civil war.

A system of government in which the ruler claims sole and uncontestable power.


The series of revolts in France known as the Fronde broke out when Cardinal Mazarin...

arrested his opponents for demanding that the parlements be given the right to approve new taxes.

Between 1649 and his death in 1658, Oliver Cromwell...

became highly unpopular for his dictatorial behavior, which included abolishing Parliament, raising taxes, and persecuting dissenters.

A network of state officials carrying out orders according to a regular and routine line of authority.


A seventeenth-century style of painting and architecture that reflected the ideals of the art of antiquity; in this style, geometric shapes, order, and harmony of lines took precedence over the sensuous, exuberant, and emotional forms of the baroque.


A system of government in which rulers share power with parliaments made up of elected representatives.


In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the poor were no longer perceived as deserving of charity but as...

criminals and degenerates in need of moral reform through harsh discipline.

During the upheavals of the civil war in England in the mid-seventeenth century, the fledgling English colonies in North America...

developed their own representative governments and consistently resisted English attempts to reaffirm royal control.

Although Tsar Alexei of Russia fashioned his model of absolutism after his western rivals, his government was distinctive in its...

direct intervention in daily life, including decrees regulation tobacco and alcohol use and even the care of household pets.

The cartoon above from 17th century England is an attempt to ridicule...

fighting between royalist and parliamentary armies during the English Civil War

By the end of the Thirty Years' War, the balance of power in Europe...

had shifted away from the Habsburg powers toward France, England, and the Dutch Republic

Of the following, which was the most important result of the Peace of Utrecht?

it ended the efforts of Louis XIV to dominate continental European politics

The economic doctrine that governments must intervene to increase national wealth by whatever means possible.


By agreeing to Parliament's demand for a Petition of Right in 1628, Charles I...

promised not to levy taxes without Parliament's consent.

The career of Cardinal Richelieu as chief minister of France...

reflected a new belief in raison d'etat, or the primacy of the state's interest above all else

When Louis XIV's wars with much of western and central Europe finally ended with the Peace of Rijswijk in 1697, Louis...

returned much of what he had seized since 1678, with the exception of Strasbourg.

French king Louis XIV's 1685 decision to eliminate the rights of Calvinists granted in the edict of 1598; Louis banned all Calvinist public activities and forced those who refused to embrace the state religion and flee.

revocation of the Edict of Nantes

The French Fronde is best described as the...

revolt over increasing centralization of royal power

In 17th century western Europe, marriage patterns showed a tendency toward...

romantic love as the major factor in choosing a spouse

An informal gathering held regularly in a private home and presided over by a socially eminent woman; these gatherings spread from France in the seventeenth century to other countries in the eighteenth century.


The doctrine, originated by Hugo Grotius and argued by both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, that all political authority derives not from divine right but from an implicit contract between citizens and their rulers.

social contract

In opposition to Hobbes, John Locke in his Two Treatises on Government used the concept of a "social contract" to...

support his argument for constitutionalism

Louis XIV admired and modeled himself after...

the ancient Roman emperors

Which of the following was the most important assumption underlying the economic philosophy of mercantilism?

the wealth of nations was limited and needed to be carefully preserved

Maira Sibylla Merian was fairly typical of the many seventeenth-century women artists who were celebrated for...

their sumptuous still lifes.

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