Time Signature (4/4 Time)
In 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures, this count is accented in each measure
The distance between two bar lines where notes are grouped by the time signature
Top Number
Portion of time signature that indicates how many counts per measure
Common Time (4/4 Time)
This sign is often used as a substitute to indicate this time signature
4/4 Time
Time signature where there are four beats per measure, and the quarter note receives one beat
3/4 Time
Time signature where there are three beats per measure, and the quarter note receives one beat
2/4 Time
Time signature where there are two beats per measure, and the quarter note receives one beat
Time Signature
Dictates how notes (counts) are grouped together Appears at the beginning, left-hand corner of the composition
Musical symbol that indicates the note should be stressed and played with special emphasis (often louder)
Bar Line
Single vertical lines that separate the staff into measures
Bottom Number
Portion of time signature that indicates what kind of note receives one count
Half Note
The largest note allowed in a single measure in 2/4 time signature
Dotted Half Note
The largest note allowed in a single measure in 3/4 time signature
Whole Note
The largest note allowed in a single measure in 4/4 time signature
True or False? The largest note that can appear in a single measure has a count value equal to the TOP number of the time signature
True or False? The time signature dictates which notes are accented throughout the measure