Time Signatures
3/8 Time Signature
3 beats per measure, 8th note gets the beat
3/4 Time Signature
3 beats per measure, quarter note gets the beat
Three beats per bar
4/4 Time Signature
4 beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat
Four beats per bar
6/8 Time Signature
6 beats per measure, 8th note gets the beat
Six beats per bar
What does the top number in a time signature mean?
How many beats are in a bar
Two beats per bar (cut time)
Two beats per bar
2/4 Time Signature
2 beats per measure, quarter note gets the beat
12/8 Time Signature
12 beats per measure, 8th note gets the beat.
Another term for 2/2 time
Cut time
Another term for 4/4 time
Common Time
What does the bottom number in a time signature mean?
What kind of note value/the type of beat