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DPS registration must be renewed


Peer review documents may be shared with ....

Another medical peer review committee without waiving confidentiality protections

Records for a malpractice claim must be submitted within

45 days from a proper request

subpoenaed records for malpractice must be provided in

45 days of request

If a physician believes a patient died from abuse or neglect, you must report in

48 hours

Birth certificates must be filed within

5 days of birth

Need an abortion license if performing more than

50 abortions per year

Must report abortions within any 12 month period if at least

50 abortions were performed

A claimant may not recover damages if negligence is greater than


In a negligence claim that resulted in personal injury, damage or death, the plaintiff may recover damags only if his/her percentage of liability is less than or equal to :


Each TMB violation may not exceed


TMB penalties may not exceed

5k per violation

Schedule II drugs cannot be filled after

7 days

Physician medical records must be maintained

7 years from date of services until minor turns 21 or 7 yrs from last treatment

Physicians are required to retain medical records for

7 years from last treatment or when the patient turns 21, whichever is later

Must retain adult records for

7 yrs from last treatment

Exceptions to confidentiality

A civil action brought by the patient for monetary damages, a criminal prosecution where the patient is the victim and the court determines the records are relevant, to a court, court order or subpoena

Malpractice is

A civil matter

Physician may knowing ly perform a 3rd trimester abortion if

Abortion is necessary to prevent substantial harm to the woman

A physician may treat a minor without obtaining consent when:

Abuse is suspected, there is an emergency

May refuse to give patient's records if:

Access to the information would be harmful to the patient's physical, mental, or emotional health

Must report a peer review action to National Practitioner Data Bank if

Action resulted from formal peer review, adversely affects the physician privileges, concerns professional incompetence or misconduct

Healthcare quality improvement act provides immunity from liability for peer review when:

Action taken was believed to be in the furtherance of quality healthcare, committee has made reasonable attempts to gain facts, physician received adequate notice, action is believed to be warranted by facts known

A license that has been expired for 91 to 364 days has what penalty


Fees for medical records:

$25!for first 20 pages then $0.15/ page thereafter

A license that has been expired for 90 days or less has what penalty


A licensed given surrendered with impairment may be returned if




Test 2


Test 3


Hospitals must retain records for

10 yrs

CME requirements

12 hours formal Category 1, 12 hrs informal

Criminal offense for children, elderly, and disabled

14 or younger, 65 or older, disabled over 14

Mental health records must be made available in

15 days

Medical records must be release within

15 days after receiving consent

Training permit is issued for

18 mos and can be renewed 6 x for 18 mos periods

a minor is a person

18 or younger, not married, and still seen as a minor by the court

TMB has how many members


Statute of limitations on a liablilty suit may begin to run at all of the following:

2 years after wrongful action, 2 yrs from patients knowledge of wrongful action, 2 yrs from when a minor reaches 18

Records for controlled substances must be kept for :

2 yrs

General powers and duties of the TMB

Adopting rules, issuing subpoenas for attendance or medical records,certifying nonprofit health corporations to employ mds

Qualifications for a Special Purpose license

21 yo, hold a license in another state, pass jurisprudence exam, be eligible for licensure in Tx

CME requirements

24 hrs of CME annually, including 12 hr Cat1, 12 hr self study, carry forward of maximum of 48 excess CME hrs from one year to the next, retroactive applications f maximum of 24 CME hrs

Cap in non-economic damages is

250K for each claimant regardless of the number of defendants

Supervision of PA/APRN is limited to


Physician supervision of APRN/PA delegated authority is limited to

3 full time equivalent at all sites

TMB investigates

3 or more malpractice claims in a 5 yr period


3 years

A Declaration of Mental Health is active for

3 yrs

License expires how much time after written notice

30 days

Mental health service providers who suspect sexual exploitation of a patient my a worker must report within

30 days

TMB is required to report to NPDB any sanction within

30 days

TME is required to report disciplinary action to public within

30 days

Medical professional liability insurer is required to report a notice To TMD of a complain or settlement within

30 days of notice or settlement

Practicing medicine in violation of MPA is

3rd degree Felony

An person practicing medicine in violation of the MPA commits a

3rd degree felony

Violation of MPA

3rd degree felony

An abortion of a fetus 16wks or older may be performed at the following facilities

Ambulatory surgical center, hospital licensed to perform abortions

Expert physician panel member must be

Licensed and able to practice medicine in tx

Hospital Governing Board has the authority to

Make rules for membership, approve/deny membership, require board certification, approve PA or APRN's membership

Substance abuse records are

May be released by patient or legal representative, the court, and may not be admitted as evidence in criminal processing

If license has been revoked or subject to disciplinary action by the board

May file an appeal within 30 days of the final TMB decision, file an appeal in the District Court of Travis county

Commissioned or contract surgeons in the military

May not moonlight unless they hold tx medical license

Regarding the practice of medicine, Texas Legislature:

May pass laws about qualifications and discipline, may not give preference to any school, prohibits discrimination between MD and DO


May prescribe anesthesia including controlled substances as delegated by a physician

A blood bank

May report a positive infectious blood test, and give name of donor to other blood banks but may not disclose the disease, must report positive HIV tests to facilities where blood was transfused but may not release donor name, must maintain confidentiality and cannot release records except by law

Organ donation payments to or on behalf of the donor:

Medical costs related to the donation, legal costs related to the donation expenses related to the donation, lost wages of the donor

Under the Consent to Medical Treatment Act, a surrogate decision maker may consent to the following:

Medical treatment

Declaration for mental health treatment

Must be signed by a person> 18, must be signed by the declarant with 2 or more witnesses, is a part of the medical record

Child abuse or neglect reporting

Must report personally in 48 hours

Advertising Board certification must include

Name of certifying board, up to date certification, board is approved by TMB

TMB makes the following available to the public about a physician:

Name, date/place of birth, gender, ethnicity, medical school, board certification

Fee for medical records:

No more than $25 for first 20 pages and $0.15/page plus postage

When writing for psychoactive medications, a physician must:

Obtain patient consent, prescribe with the standard of care, and the medication with least side effects, secure a court order, if indicated, if the patient does not consent

A peace officer can take a breath or blood specimen if

Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, an accident occurred while intoxicated, a death or near death, refusal of voluntary submission

Directive that requires physician signature

Out of hospital DNR

Unprofessional conduct includes

Overcharging, delegation of medical responsibilities to unqualified persons, failing to keep accurate records on narcotics

Newborn testing includes

PKU, hypothyroidism, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Substance abuse records may only be disclosed by

Patient, guardian/parent/conservator, executor of a deceased patient, court subpoena

Failure to obtain consent

Performing surgery on a body part different than stated in the consent, wrong consent, ghost surgery (someone else does the procedure)

what disease must be reported

Pertussis, measles, anthrax, diphtheria, and others, check on it...

TMB may temorarily suspend a license with out notice when

Physician is a threat to public or 3 member panel convenes in person or by phone

Patient transfer laws:

Physician may certify that benefits outweigh risks of transfer of unstable patient and may transfer a patient to a facility that has the capability to treat the medical emergency condition

Informal settlement conference are when:

Physician meets privately with the board

Birth certificate is required and may be filed by

Physician or midwife at birth, administrator of a birthing facility, in the absence of a midwife or physician, the mother or father

Physician may use an agent to communicate an RX by phone when

Physician remains legally responsible, physician must document designation of agents for communicating Rx, physician must provide a copy of the agents to the pharmacy upon request

Physician supervision of RHC requires:

Physician review of 10% of patient records

Hospital have medical liability for the following

Physician services on staff, employees

Who can pronounce death

Physician, nurse, PA

No internet prescriptions of controlled substances b/c

Physicians cannot verify identify, an online questionnaire is inadequate, diagnosis can't be established through use of accepted medical practices.

Qualification for expert testimony

Practicing medicine at the time of the claim, knowledge of standards of care, qualified on the basis of training or experience

What diseases must be reported immediately to state epidemiologist:

Anthrax, diphtheria, measles/rubeola, pertussis

Child abuse or neglect

Any person must report immediately and professional must personally report within 48 hrs

Sexual misconduct includes

Any sexual behavior between a doctor and a patient, sexual gestures or expressions

TMB members are appointed by

Appointed by Governor, confirmed by the Senate

When can an autopsy be performed

Autopsy are performed with: ordered by medical examiner, consent by authorized family member, consented to by the District Attorney

Witnesses for an advance directive must:

Be a competent adult, one cannot be related by blood or marriage, and one cannot be a physician or employee

Licensed physicians may use the following toward CME:

Board certification or recertification, CME hours form a previous licensure period, part-time volunteer service in underserved area

Physicans may be employed by a physician or by an

Certified nonprofit Health Corporation

May not pay cash for donation, but may send

Check 15 days following donation

Non certified medical radiologic technician may perform the following procedures:

Chest, spine, abdomen, skull by mobile radiography

For adoption, the person receiving the minor may provide the following to the person possessing the minor:

Child placement fees, medical/legal fees, reimburrsement for medical/legal fees incurred for the benefit of the child

Percentage of comparative liability may be assigned to

Claimant, defendant, settling person, third party

Violation of MPA is a

Class A misdemeanor

Any violation of MPA is a

Class a misdemeanor

Toe tags are for all

Communicable diseases

Barratry offense applies to licensed health rpofessionals and prohibits

Communications to persons who have not requested the communications

TMB is required to investigate

Complaints alleging violation of MPA, Adverse peer review action, three liability claims filed in a 5 yr period

The Treatment Facilities Marketing Practices Act (TFMPA) was passed to protect the public from fraud related to

Private psychiatric care, and chemical dependency

TMB may not grant probation to a physician whose license is restricted due to a felony under the Texas Controlled Substance Act; however, exceptions may be made if:

Probation is in the best interest of the public and the physician

Formal state office of administrative hearings (SOAH) are

Conducted by an administrative lay judge employed by SOAH

Genetic information is

Confidential, can be released with permission of person tested

What must be done for nursing home resident abuse reports:

Confirm oral report in writing within 5 days, reports are immune form lability except when they report in bad faith or report their own conduct, report may be made to a law enforcement agency

Informed consent includes

Procedure, risks/benefits, alternative, consequences for not undergoing procedure

Potential battery includes

Proforming procedure other than procedure for which consent was given, inappropriate touching, procedure performed by physician other than the consenting physician

What agencies regulate controlled substances


Each physician must keep the following records of controlled substances.

Date of purchase, sale, or disposal; name/address of person receiving the drug; expiration date

When pronouncing death

Death at the time life support is removed, death occurred prior to removing life support

TMB disciplinary action

Denial of license, supervision of practice, monetary penalties

Communicable diseases that must be reported immediately include

Diphtheria and plague

Free records for the following:

Disability or public assistance, Veterans applying for assistance, abuse or neglect investigations

A patient leaving the hospital may have a controlled substance under the following circumstances:

Dispensed during hospitalization, In a properly labeled container

Requirement for domestic violence in adults

Document it, provide patient with information on rights and how to contact law enforcement and a shelter,

A physician who submits core credentials

Doesn't have to resubmit at health care entity, must provide updates when the information is no longer active

Negligence law suits must include the following elements:

Duty, Breach of duty or deviation for the standard of care, cause of injury, damages from the event

Involuntary admission to a mental facility may be accomplished by:

Emergency or temporary detention, court ordered, protective custody

Qualification of a medical peer review:

Established by governing body of a health care entity, follow bylaws and a formal process, purpose is promoting quality care

The Medical Practice Act:

Establishes the Texas Medical Board, doesn't apply to physicians serving in the military or public health, authorizes the TMB to grant the privilege to practice medicine in Texas to qualified physicians, protects public safety

TX medical license are renewed

Every 2 yrs with tMB written notice at least 30 days prior to expiration

Schedule II controlled substances may be renewed up to three times:


T/F An advance directive must be notarized


T/F Law requires testing of all healthcare workers for HIV


T/F Medical records include bills


T/F. A physician on whom adversed action is contemplated by surrender privileges in lieu of an investigation or action and thereby avoid report to NPDB


T/F. Complaints to TMB can only be submitted in writing


T/F. Physician may advertise that co-pay may be waived


T/F. Texas Treatment Facilities Marketing Practice Act establishes standards for referral servies for uninsured persons seeking medical servies


T/F: Genetic test results may be subpoenaed for malpractice.


T/F: Physician may supply drugs or supplies to meed a patient's immediate needs if the physician has a pharmacy license:


T/F An attending must verify the POW decisions are consistent with patients wishes


Syphilis , HIV, and hepatitis b are to be done for pregnant woman on

First visit, third trimester, and admission for delivery, requires consent, requires counseling for positive results

An APRN ir a PA may write RXs for controlled substances, except

For 6 months, refills must be approved by the physician

Standing delegation orders apply to the following situations:

For a designated patient population, where patients may not have been examined by the physician, where services are provided by a qualified and trained physician

Special purpose license/telemedicine

Granted to a physician who desires to practice across state lines, subject to MPA and regulation by the TMB

To receive exemplary damages in a malpractice claim

Harm must result from malice, fraud, or gross negligence

Following treatment and testing of newborns is required:

Hearing, PKU, sickling hemoglobinopathy, glactosemia, CAH, hypothyroidism, Ophthalmia Neonatorum prophylaxis

Communicable diseases that must be reported in one working day includes

Hep A, rubella, tularemia, q fever

A treating physician without a medical license and in a state contiguous to Texas may order:

Home health services, Hospice services

NPDB information may be disclosed to

Hospitals/entities at application for staff privileges and every 2 year after, licensing boards

May delegate to a CRNA


A physician in rural settings may provide dangerous drugs to

If drugs are labeld, sold at costs, and sold during the course of treatment

Death under 6 years old due to MVA must be reported to medical examiner or justice of the peace in what time frame


If no liability insurance you must file a report to the board in

In 30 days

EMTALA applies when an individual who

In any ambulance and needing exam and tx for emergency medical condition, in the hospital other than the ER in need of treatment for emergency condition

If informed consent is obtained properly then:

In the event of a claimed filed in relation to a List A procedure, a jury is advised that a rebuttable presumption exists in the favor of the physician

Standing delegation orders should be

In writing, dated, signed by physician;an evaluation of competence, specify any experience, training, or educational requirements for those who perform that order

Physician must provide a way for patients to voice complaints

Including complaint information on forms, applications, permanently displaying a sign in english and spanish, including complaint information in bill

A Rehabilitation Board Order

Is a non-disciplinary private action

Who can consent for minors

Texas Youth Commission for a child committed to it, parent/guardian, court with jurisdiction

Positive HIV tests may be release to without consent to

Texas department of state health services, tested person's spouse, partner notification program of the Tx department of SHS

Who can employ physicians

Texas professional association, HMO, professional limited liability, nonprofit health corporation

What organizations may employ physicians

Texas professional association, certified nonprofit health corporation, HMO

Medical Practice Act requires liability insurers to report to the Board within 30 days after receiving a complaint filed in a lawsuit: If a physician doesn't cary insurance

The physician is personally responsible for notifying the Board regarding the claim or complaint filed against the physician

TMB may place a disciplined physician on probation under any board orders or action except:

The physician poses a threat to public safety

A non-certified medical radiologic technician who is an RN or P may give contrast when:

The supervising physician is physically present

A physician may not perform an abortion on a unemancipated minor unless

Tries to notify parents 48 hrs prior to, a court order permits abortion without parents consent, it is necessary to prevent death or bodily injury

T/F. An advance directive is effective without notarization


T/F. Physicians may not practice through a professional corporation


T/F. Physicians who practice through a professional corporation may be subject to disciplinary action and the corporation may be guilty of illegal practice of medicine


When a physician moves his practice he must request in writing a modification of DEA registration and have it approved prior to the effective date of the move:


Violation of TMB rule is a violation of MPA

Type of violations: no CMEs, No complaint number, no drug records/logs, charging excess fees

Must retain minor records

Until minor reaches 21 or 7 yrs from last treatment

TMB may limit advertising by

Use of unsubstantiated claims

Standing delegation orders are:

Used in underserved areas, used at primary practice sites, used when PA/APRNs provide primary care to patients under supervision from a physician, used by pharmacists accepting delegated drug management

Patient with serious mental condition posing a threat to self or others may:

Voluntary admission, or Emergency detention

Physician-patient relationship

Voluntary and arises when a or requests and is supplied information or services;a mutual agreement

The agent for POA may not consent for

Voluntary inpatient mental health services, abortion, etc

Physician must certify to health department a medical indication for 3rd trimester abortion

Within 30 days

A physician may challenge a TMB action in state district court:

Within 30 days of the Boards final action on a board order

Physician must provide medical records for malpractice liability claims

Within 45 days of the proper request for the record

Medical certification of death which occurred due to a medical condition must be made

Within 5 days of receiving death certificate

If u permanently surrender your license

You can never reapply


a part of the executive branch of government, has 19 members appointed by the governor, May not establish a fee schedule

TMB may suspend or revoke a license if a physician is...

a threat to public safety

An anatomical gift can be made by/on:

a will, a drivers license, donor card with 2 witnesses, document signed with 2 witnesses

if at time of death the patient had a communicable disease the physician is required to

affix a body tag, preferably on the great toe

Temporary license is issued

after passing jurisprudence exam, does not have a number, may be used to apply for controlled substance registration along with DEA registration, is valid until TMD approves full licensure or renews a temporary license for 180 days

A court may impose santions for frivolous claims or unnecessary delays on who:

all attorneys, the plintiff and the defendant

A court is required to report convictions of what type within 30 days

all convictions, felonies, misdemeanors, fraud, abuse

Advance directives must

are effective indefinitely, may be revoked orally, in writing or by a physical sign at any time regardless of mental capacity

Hospitals are required to query NPDB

at application for privileges and every 2 years

A physician's obligation in a physician-patient relationship includes:

bilateral agreement, provideing medical services as required until another physician's services are secured, not unilaterally terminating relationships when medical services are needed

Telemedicine requirements

board certified in speciality, pass jurisprudence exam, actively licensed in other state without issues

non certified radiology techs may do the following exams

bone density, CXR, spine, extremities, abdomen

A Pharmacist may manage drug therapy for a patient:

by physician order, with patient consent and if laboratory tests are required

A physician patient relationship may be terminated if :

by the patient at an time, by the physician after reasonable notice to the patient

A malpractice case is a

civil matter

Under the Medical Power of Attorney, the agent does not have authority to

consent to withholding care related to comfort measures

Texas advance directive

directive to physician, out of hospital DNR, Medical POA, Declaration of Mental Health treatment

Drug testing can be taken without consent when:

driving while intoxicated, a death or near death due to accident, peace officer orders the test

Power of Attorney valid

during the time period a physician certifies that the declarant lacks competence, and is effective indefinitely unless the declarant specifies an expiration date

The Good Sameritan Act applies to

emergency services provided by an off duty health professional at the scene including use of AED

At least one witness signing Advance directive must not be

employee of healthcare facility providing care, a person entitled to any of the estate, related by blood or marriage, the designated agent

A person with mental illness cannot be denied admission because the person suffers from

epilepsy, alchololism, mental deficiency

What cannot be sued to deny/curtail privileges

failure to belong to a medical society

Before performing an abortion, you must notify patient of

father's liability, available medical assistance, medical risks of procedure

Confidentiality of alcohol or chemical dependency is protected by

federal law

Fetal death certificate

for a fetus is at least 20 wks

TMB may disclose information

for disciplinary hearings, to physician licensing authorities, under court order, for research purposes as long as confidentiality is maintained, to texas workforce compensation commission

Abortion on Minors who:

have parental consent, emancipated monor, with attempt to notify parent/guardian 48 hr prior to procedure, upon order of a judge to bypass parental notification


if for private homes, hospice, long term care facilities, must be witnessed by 2 people and signed by physician

Physician impairment can be due to

illness, drunkenness, drugs, mental/physical condition

Unless it is an MVA the death of a child under 6 must be reported to medical examiner

immediately following death

Physician must report all abortions performed in the

in a licensed abourtion center or physician's office

DEA and DPS registrations must be

in each office setting if practicing in more than one location


is informal, allows legal counsel and witnesses

APRN, Pas may prescribe schedule III, IV, V drugs for what period

less than 90 day prescription

If physician refuses to comply with directive:

life sustaining treatment for 10 days until transfer to another physicians care, refusal must be reviewed by ethics committee

Physicians may not delegate prescriptive authority of PA/APRN for

more than 1 hospital or 2 long term care facilities

Extent of exam required to provide adequate medical screening

must be beyond initial triage, determine the existence of a medical emergency

A show of compliance for informal settlement conference may be used to expedite complaints. The TMB

must notify physician of the ISC, provide statement of issues, provide rules, provides regulator provisions at issue

What requires an advance directive

no one can require an advance directive

The rehabilitation Order is

non disciplinary and a private order, exempt from open records law

Using steroids for body building, failure to monitor drug levels, administering sub-therapeutic doses of a medication is:

not consistent with public health and welfare

A blood bank report for stats purpose may

not include any identifying information

Who can pronounce death

physician, nurse, PA

Precipitating causes of malpractice include:

poor records, criticism of colleagues, poor bedside manner, ghost surgery

Physician supervision of a rural health clinic includes

presence at RHC every 10 days, signing a log at the conclusion of each visit, availability by phone

Sample drugs must be:

provided at no cost to physician, delivered to the patient at no costs, properly labeled, not repacked

Hospitals may be liable for negligent acts of hospital based physicians like:

radiologist, ER doctors, anesthesiologist, pathologist

Complaints may be received by

registration forms, bills, a sign must be in plain view

Advance directives must be witnessed by two people who are not

related (blood/marriage), don't work in facility where being treated, not a declarent to the estate

Anti kick back laws prohibit:

remuneration for referral, recommending/arranging purchase of medical equipment, accepting rebates or forgiveness of debt

Review of immunization history is

repressibility of treating physician, failure to do so does not subject the physician to liability

Delation must be

safely performed by individual, does not violate a statue, within the scope of sound practice

Texas Anatomical Gift Act, who may authorize donation

spouse, adult child, either parent

TMB has authority to:

subpoena records, documents and/or attendance of individuals, adopt rules for licensing and disciplining physicians, receive and maintain confidential documents

Supervision of delegated prescriptive authority in the primary practice site requires:

supervisory review of practice is based on education and experience of APRN or PA

T/F If accidental exposure to blood or body fluids you must test

suspected infected person

The TMB may not

suspend specialty board certification (but TMB can: suspend license, require supervision, require treatment for psychiatric illness)

All pregnant women must have blood taken for

syphilis at first visit and upon deliver, HIV at first visit, 3rd trimester, and upon deliver, Hep b at 1st visit and upon delivery

A minor may have the disability of minor removed if

texas resident, 17 or older, or at least 16 and living apart from parent/guardian, self supporting

A Minor may consent if:

texas resident, 17 or older, or at least 16 and living apart from parent/guardian, self supporting, with armed services, for treatment for reportable infectious diseases

Health care entity is not required to report to TMB if

the action is limited to less than 30 days

Final decisions on hospital staff privileges are made by

the governing body

Physician may prescribe narcotic for intractable pain if

the intractable pain and pain management are documented

A mental health directive may be executed by:

the person if over 18 or emancipated, only

The Directive to Physician executed by an individual concerning withholding or withdrawing life sustaining procedures is effective when:

the person is determined by the attending physician to be in a terminal or irreversible condition

If an autopsy is later determined to be invalid

the physician is not liable for damages

A minor may consent to treatment when

treatment of communicable disease, addition/dependency, sexual abuse

TMB must disseminate information to physicians:

twice a year

APRN, Pas may prescribe for child less than 2 if

under consultation with delegating physician and documentation of same in the medical record

Advance directives are valid

until revoked

Hospitals granting privilages are required to query the Data bank

upon application for privileges and every 2 years after

Physicians are required to provide requested profile information

upon application, at renewal, upon information changes

Minimum patient relationship needed to prescribe narcotics

verification of identity, establish diagnosis, discuss treatment risks and benefits, availability for follow up,

TMB may discipline a physician for

violations of TMB rules

Must update TMB profile

when any change occurs

If Medical Power of attornery conflicts with Deirective to physician, the following controls

whichever instrument was excecuted later in time

A death certificate must be filed

within 10 days of death

Physician must notify TMB of information changes (address/name)

within 30 days

Physician delegation to a pharmacist

within pharmacy laws, does not include drugs not prescribed by physician unless provided for in a protocol or order, require availability for consultation, requires physician to provide daily medical care and supervision if needed

TMB disciplinary actions:

Public reprimand, required participation in education or counseling

The general statutory consent form for the following procedures:

Radiation therapy, hysterectomy

Texas Prohibition on Solicitation of Patients prohibits:

Remuneration of referrals by health care providers to any other health care provider

For Elder abuse, the physician is required to:

Report immediately to the texas departmnt of family and protective services

ECT rules

Requires consent, must be older than 16, and if older than 65 must be notified that etc may cause injury/death

Following disciplinary action the board must report the following actions:

Restriction, suspension, revocation

HIV tests are made available to

Spouse, CDC, state health department

Practicing medicine without a license and causing harm is a

State jail felony

Payment on a liability claim must be reported to:

TMB and national practioner Data bank

A parent of a mentally retarder child over 12 may consent to the donation of a kidney to a family member


T/F A physician has information the patient may hurt himself or others, the physician must report to authorities, no exception for confidentiality


T/F A suspension of 30 days or longer must be reported to TMB


T/F An advance directive is active until revoked


T/F Drowning, spinal cord injuries, TBI, must be reported to TDSHS


T/F Failure to review immunization records can result in disciplinary or civil action


T/F False information given to TMB is tampering with government record


T/F Physicians may not practice through a professional corporation


T/F. A Physician on call has liabiity uner patient transfer laws if he or she fails to appera within a resonable time to provide stabilization treatment


T/F. An inquest may be requested by the ME to determine cause of death


T/F. HIV test may be released to a spouse


T/F. Protection from liability for a non-physician provideing information to a medical peer review committee in good faith without malice


T/F. Schedule II inventory records must be separate from other records


T/F: Schedule II-V controlled substances may mot be refilled more than 6 months after day of issuance and may not be refilled more than 5 x


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