Trainer Certification- Final Exam

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A facilitator would best be defined as which of the following

A Trainer who uses outcomes that are "High Level" and always MAS, A Trainer who guides learners to make connections between pieces of information

What does the '10' represent in the "60/20/10" Model?

A facilitator should never speak/lecture for more than 10 minutes at a time

Which level of Kirkpatrick would comparing UWM's total loan quality score to the total number of CI hours Underwriters have attended fall into?


Which level of Kirkpatrick would comparing the number of CI hours United Shore team members receive for the year to United Shore's overall team member retention rate?


Put the levels of the Kirkpatrick Model in order from 1 - 4 high to low

Results, Behavior, Learning, Reaction

Which of the following is the best example of the 1st level of the Kirkpatrick Model?

Running into a learner and asking them what they enjoyed about the training

You have called on a learner in one of your trainings to answer a question but the learner clearly doesn't know the answer and you can tell they feel a little "on the spot." What is the proper way to handle the situation?

Say, "It's okay, you don't have to answer the question. Why don't you call on someone else to help you out and see if they know the answer?"

Which of the following is NOT a facilitation best practice? All of the answers are correct Get learners up and moving Make learners do more work than facilitator Make the learning "social" Share engaging stories & analogies

Share engaging stories & analogies

What is the "6 by 6 rule" in regards to PowerPoint slides?

Slides should never have more than 6 bullets per slides and 6 words per bullet

Which of the following is the best description of a United Shore Trainer?

Someone who boosts the knowledge or skills of others

What is an outcome?

Something a learner should know or be able to do when walking away from a training

When a Trainer begins an ILT, which of the following statements most closely represents the types of things the Trainer should be doing to set proper classroom expectations with their learners?

State the Outcomes of the training and remind the learners of the things that should / shouldn't happen in the training

What are some qualities of great visual aids?

They relate to the learners, They don't "overload" the learner, They support the outcomes of the training, They are easy to understand

All United Shore training should be designed and trained to achieve which of the following?

To develop team member skills, To reproduce quantifiable business results

What is the purpose of having a peer review and provide feedback on Training Content?

To make sure the training is aligned with Training Team standards, To ensure that the training is focused not on the Trainer but on the learners

What is the main purpose of having your Client review and provide feedback on Training Content during the Development phase of ADDIE?

To verify the purpose of the training and ensure it is aligned with the Client's vision

What is Blooms Taxonomy used for

Tool that helps create outcome with appropriate verbs for learners to accomplish during a training

Which of the following most closely defines the purpose of having transitions in a Course Design?

Transitions allow the Trainer to seamlessly flow the training from one topic to another

Which of the following verbs should you avoid when writing Outcomes?

Understand, Comprehend, Be aware of

As discussed in Trainer Certification, which of the following options are pro tips for giving feedback to another Trainer?

Use "I" statements that describe how you reacted to the training (e.g. "I was impressed with..." or "I was confused by..."), Avoid statements that are judgmental (e.g. "You could have been better at..." or "You did that part wrong."), Smile! It helps exude kindness, friendliness and sympathy with the person you are giving feedback to

Which of the following is the best example of the 4th level of the Kirkpatrick Model?

Using data & metrics to calculate the business impact of the training

Which of the following learner mindsets might include passive or escapist behavior?

Vacationer mindset

Upon being asked a question by a learner during an ILT, the Trainer should do which of the following first?

Verbally paraphrase the question or repeat it verbatim

What variables are considered in deciding the appropriate training delivery method for a training?

Volume= number of outcomes Scope= number of team members Complexity= difficulty of outcomes

Which of the following options would be the most effective Training Delivery Method for walking a learner through specific steps on EASE or EDGE?


As discussed in Trainer Certification, which of the following most closely resembles why we Pilot a training prior to rolling it out?

We want to ensure that the training activities work to the desired effect and that the time allocated/directions for the activities are effective, We want to ensure that the training flows well and the Content is explained in an effective manner

What does WIIFM stand for and what is its purpose?

Whats in it for me; how to get learners to buy into the training

When is the best example of when a Trainer should use an "Energizer" during a training?

When learner energy or participation is low

What is the primacy and recency effect?

refers to the fact that we are better able to recall information presented at the beginning and end of a list

As discussed in Trainer Certification, what are some best practices for writing transitions in the Facilitator Guide portion of the Course Design?

use transitions to move seamlessly between topics, Use transitions as an opportunity to provide mini-WIIFMs to learners

Which of the following is NOT one of Kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation:


When would be the most appropriate time to use the 60/20/10 Model?

When allocating time in an ILT training

What level of blooms is when learners remember previously learned information?


What score does a Trainer/ID need to earn on a Training CI Team evaluation in order to earn the status of "Bell Ringer"?

4.75 out of 5, (95%)

What is the 60/20/10 model?

60 is the length of a typical United Shore training 20 is the length of an instructional block 10 is the max amount of time a facilitator should be speaking

Which of the following is the best description of the major difference between a "Revisit" (part of the CAR Model) and a "Revisiter" (a type of activity)?

A "Revisiter" can be used at any time in a training and tests the learners knowledge of previously learned information. A "Revisit" allows learners to build critical thinking skills and to put what they just learned into their own words.

What is the major difference between a Peer Review and a Client Review?

A Peer Review ensures the training is aligned with the Training Team and company standards, a Client Review ensures the training meets the needs of the intended audience and provide the sign off on the training

As discussed in Trainer Certification, what option most closely identifies the biggest difference between levels 2 & 3 of the Kirkpatrick Model?

A learner can walk away from training with an increase in knowledge but if that doesn't translate into on the job behavior, the effectiveness of the training might be jeopardized

Which option most clearly identifies the biggest difference between Levels 3 & 4 of Kirkpatrick?

A learner's behavior may have changed as a result of attending the training but that doesn't mean that the training resulted in a change for their team or the company as a whole

What is one major difference between a presentation and a facilitation?

A presentation is a technique used when a Trainer transmits information to learners and they do most of the talking and doing, a facilitation is a technique used when a Trainer uses the CAR Model to guide learners to their own understanding of the content and they allow learners to do most of the talking and doing

When building a "presentation" style ILT, which of the following are true?

A presentation only uses "low-level" outcomes, A presentation can have Outcomes that are not MAS

What level of blooms is when learners can break info into simpler parts and compare things?


When chunking out instructional blocks (CARs) for an ILT training, ideally how long would each CAR last? (regardless of if you are using "low-level" Outcomes or "High Level" Outcomes)

20 minutes

A Training CI team member has just finished evaluating a classroom facilitation. How long do they have to complete their written feedback and meet with the Trainer to go over the feedback?

2 business days

When building an ILT with only Knowledge or Comprehension level Outcomes, what is the target number of Outcomes you should include in your training?

2 per hour

When chunking out Instructional Blocks (CARs) for an ILT training, ideally how long would each CAR last? (regardless of if you are using "low-level" Outcomes or "high level" Outcomes)

20 minutes

According to the Training Playbook, when designing a training and determining the best Training Delivery Method for a particular training which of the following factors should an Instructional Designer use to make their decision?

How many Outcomes the training will achieve, How many team members need to be trained, How difficult the content/skills will be for learners to apply and retain

List each step of the ADDIE model and what occurs in each

A: Analysis. Training request comes in and a needs analysis is performed- first start to determining outcomes D: Design. Cement outcomes and the type of training- "Blueprint" D: Development. Put together material- build stage. I: Implementation. Put training into action. E: Try to determine if training was successful.

Which portion of the MAS Model specifically refers to the fact that the Outcome must use a verb from Bloom's Taxonomy


What is the purpose of a course design?

Acts as a blueprint or guidebook

Which of the following places could the Training CI Team go to find Course Designs, Training Documents or PowerPoints to evaluate?

All of the answers are correct

What are a few ways Trainers can empower learners in the classroom?

Allow learners who are SMEs on class topics explain concepts to other learners, Give learners classroom "jobs" to involve them in their own learning, Involve learners with activities that apply the knowledge/skills learned in the training

"High-level" Outcomes include which of the following Bloom's taxonomy levels?

Analysis, Evaluation, Application

Which United Shore team members are eligible to have their trainings evaluated by the Training CI Team?

Anyone who has graduated from the Trainer Certification workshop

What level of blooms is when learners can apply the knowledge to actual situations?


Name examples of training delivery methods

ILT, CBT, Walk me, Veyond, Job aid, Email, Coaching, Etc.

What are the types of non-relevant activities?

Icebreaker and energizer

As discussed in Trainer Certification, which of the following is the BEST way to positively manage a classroom?

Incorporate a lot of activities!

Which level of Kirkpatrick do the Training Coaches on the Training CI Team spend most of their time operating within and focusing most of their efforts?


How should an Instructional Designer or Trainer go about constructing their WIIFM for a training?

Incorporate the WIIFM into the opening activity, Create a WIIFM that is learner focused, Create a WIIFM that is fun and engaging

In an ideal world, how long should each portion of an instructional block (CAR) be?

C= 7 mins, A= 10 mins, R= 3 mins

Why would a Trainer give classroom "jobs" to a few of his or her students?

Classroom "jobs" give learners a sense of pride and importance Classroom "jobs" help the Trainer maintain control and management of their classroom Classroom "jobs" help the Trainer keep their learners engaged because they are more actively involved in the training All of the answers are correct

What level of blooms is when learners demonstrate understanding of facts or can explain it to someone else?


What is the CAR model?

Content 7 Activity 10 Revisit 3

You are building a 30 minute ILT training that has a 5 minute Opener and 5 minute Closer/End on it. If the training consists of all low-level Outcomes, at least how many activities should be included in the training?

Correct Answer: 3 Explanation: # of Instructional Blocks + 2 = # of activities needed

You are building a 3 hour ILT training that has a 5 minute Opener and 15 minute Closer/End on it. If the training consists of all low-level Outcomes, how many instructional blocks (CARs) should be included?

Correct Answer: 8 Explanation: # of Instructional Blocks = (Time of Training - (Time of Opener + Time of Closer)) / 20 minutes

Which of the following types of trainings/items can the Training CI Team evaluate?

Course Designs, PowerPoints, Facilitations

How long is a course? A workshop? A curriculum?

Course= 8 or less Workshop= 8-40 Curriculum= 40 hours or more

In an ideal world, which of the following roles are responsible for vetting out training requests and assisting in evaluating whether the desired Outcomes of the training were met?

Instructional Designers

Which of the following examples best represents the 3rd level of the Kirkpatrick Model?

Determining what percentage of team members on the floor are correctly using a new process that was taught to them in training 3 months ago

In which portion of the ADDIE Model is the bulk of training material created?


What types of things should a Trainer be doing while preparing for an ILT training?

Ensure all printed Training Content is present, Think of questions that learners may have so the Trainer can have potential answers ready

What level of blooms is when learners can make or defend judgments?


As a Trainer, which "type" of learner should you leverage to help motivate other learners in a classroom?


Which of the following would be effective ways to engage and manage a learner with a "disruptor" mindset?

Give them a classroom "job" Set expectations at the beginning of training Use activities All of the answers are correct

What is the purpose of having visual aids in a training?

Helps provide learners with additional clarity on the content, Helps learners make connections to the content

What are some examples of questions you should ask during a needs analysis?

How do we measure the success of this training? What should this training accomplish? What is the learners perceived value of this training? What is the rollout date?

In relation to ADDIE, which of the following best describes the purpose of the Evaluation portion?

It allows us to analyze the value of the training and the effectiveness of the entire training process

What is the purpose of a Needs Analysis?

It helps determine whether a training is needed and what type of training would best meet the desired Outcomes of the training

Which level of Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation shows the Training Team how much knowledge learners left the training with or how much the learner's knowledge increased as a result of attending the training?


Which level of Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation shows the Training Team how much knowledge learners left the training with or how much the learner's knowledge increased as a result of attending the training?


During your facilitation for 24 team members, you overhear one learner whisper to another learner, "This class is a waste of our time." Which of the following would be the most appropriate action to take?

Make it a point to involve the learner throughout the rest of the training then have a 1:1 conversation after class regarding the comment made.

Which portion of the MAS Model specifically refers to Trainers being able to verify that the training Outcomes were achieved?


What is a MAS outcome and what does each mean?

Measurable= the outcome must have a number tied to it and verify that learners can do that thing during the training (activity) Accountable= must use a blooms verb Skillbased= must be relevant to the job, need to knows vs. nice to knows

What is the ADDIE model used for?

Model used to create and design trainings

What are characteristics of a WIIFM?

Occurs early (within first 10 mins), learner focused, should not be too obvious

What are the components of a good question in a needs analysis?

Open ended (not yes/no), specific, identifies business level results, determine desired outcomes, determine measurements of success

What are the types of relevant activities?

Opener, learning activity, revisiter, closer

What is the O-CAR-E model?

Opener= 5min CAR= 20min CAR= 20min End/closer=15min

Which of the following can a Trainer do to set up the training environment for success?

Place visual aids around the entire room, Play music and greet learners as they enter the room

What are some best practices when creating or using Activities in an ILT training?

Provide clear and easy to understand directions, Get the learners up and moving, Shoot for 4 Activities / hour

What are some examples (as discussed in Trainer Certification) of classroom management techniques that can be used in a training environment?

RARC-ing, Activities, Activities, Activities, Competition, Giving your learners classroom "Jobs"

Which of the following is the best example of the 3rd level of the Kirkpatrick Model?

Reaching out to business area Leaders to ask if there has been a change in behavior with training attendee(s)

Which of the following is the "lowest difficulty" level in Kirkpatrick's 4 levels?


What level of blooms is when learners can create new ideas/solutions


Which of the following are considered to be "high-level" Outcomes?

Synthesis, Application, Evaluation, Analysis

When conducting a pilot, the majority of your audience should consist of whom?

Team members / leaders from the business area

When conducting a pilot, the majority of your audience should consist of whom?

Team members and Leaders from the business area

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