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conflict management styles

1 non confrontational style (passive, accommodating) 2 confrontational (competitive) 3 *best* cooperation (collaboration)

Constructive criticism aka corrective feedback

1. descriptive 2 specific 3 positive 4 constructive 5 sensitive 6 realistic

is the goal of your participants to: 1. know info, but not understand it? ________ 2. know and understand info? _________ 3. know, understand, and use info? ______ (Levels of learning)

1. knowledge 2. comprehension 3. application

T or F: presenting information is the same thing as communicating information


How to create immediacy

Refer to trainees by name, lean forward, nod head, gestures, maintain eye contact, self disclose (persona stories)

TIME Learning styles

Reflective: Learners take time to process info, concerned with accuracy/precision Impulsive: quickly process info, complete tasks, less concerned with accuracy/precision

Repeat vs reiterate

Repeat: restate content in same way Reiterate: restate in different ways

A question has

Stem (Statement incomplete) —


Subject matter experts. Have much knowledge, experience in given area


Three or four main points or ideas

what is bridging

accommodates trainee's learning styles when they are having difficulty

Method NA: assessment test

pre-assessment knowledge and skill related to training

training objective

precise, specific outcome you want to achieve.

frances has found excellent resource for training in college textbook on group comm. what is the first st ep before she uses the info?

contact copyright holder to seek permission to use info

6 domains of bloom level of learning

1. knowledge 2. comprehension 3. application 4. analysis 5. synthesis 6. evaluation

copyright laws

1. written permission of copyright holder is necessary when using material that has been published 2 fees may be charged for using info you use to profit 3 make use of public domain: Materials you develop, obtain written permission to use 4 give credit to material written by others

Adult learning principles

1 need relevant training 2 bring experience to classroom 3 internally novitiate to learn 4 know what they need to know 5 problem oriented

stages of facilitated group discussion

1 present stimulus 2 set rules 3 facilitate group interaction

Deciding how to present your information is the training process step described as A. Determining training methods B. Organizing training methods C. Selecting training methods D. Developing training methods E. Assessing needs of trainees


the learning domain that emphasizes learning facts, knowledge, and principles is: A. Cognitive B. Affective C. Psychomotor D. Learning E. Training


Semantic differential

A measure of attitudes that consists of a series of bipolar rating scales with opposite terms on either end Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good

Which is accurate when comparing andragogy to pedagogy?

Andragogy is task or problem oriented while pedagogy is subject centered learning

Andragogy vs pedagogy

Andragogy: teaching adults Pedagogy: teaching children

Define development

Any behavior strategy design restructuring skill or set strategic plan or effort designed to produce growth or change over time.

Which type of material is appropriate to use in pro training session without gaining copyright permission?

Any work or research that is in public domain

Threaded discussion

Ask a question and integrate carefully all responses and follow up question into meaningful and coherent conversations

Asynchronous vs. Synchronous

Asynchronous: not existing or happening at the same time.

A potential problem with a matching exam: A. they are not useful with a lot of content B. they can only be used to access higher learning level C. they can allow students to decipher correct answers through a process of elimination D. they take up too much room


Travis designed two-week training program on managing conflict. His superiors want him to shorten it to one week. Which type of assessment will be most helpful in determining which portion he can leave out to maintain effectiveness? A. pre-test only B. pre/post test C. pre/post test with control group D. Repeated measures



Choices that follow stems

Cognitive, affective, psychomotor

Cognitive=facts Affective=attitude Psychomotor=skills

Define training objective

Concise statement that describes what the trainees should be able to do upon completation of training


Conclude new elements of a lesson and point the learner to what comes next

An effective training plan should:

Connect NA with training objectives. Connect training obj with training methods

Consultation vs. Intervention

Consultation: process of seeking solutions to problems that people and org. face Intervention: taking some action to help client solve problem

Find the problem with the multiple choice item: Which of the following is an advantage of using multiple choice exams? 1. they require minimal time to administer and score 2. they are inexpensive compared to other 3. they are flexible 4. all of the above A. No problem B. Answers are ambiguous C. Negative foil D. There is an incomplete foil


Select answer that describes some disadvantages of using interviews: A. Difficult to ID consistent themes B. More time consuming C. less skill than questionaires D. A & B E. B & C



Degree of experience a trainee brings to the training classroom

4 types of learning preferences

Diverges: situation rather than action Assimilators: learning that is efficient, logical, precise: Convergers: looking for utility in ideas and theories Accommodators: learn from hands on field experience and trial and error

True/False: in the communication model, the term sender must always refer as a person


True/False: the plus-one technique is when you learn a process by teaching it to one other person


Rhetorical question

A question asked merely for rhetorical effect and not requiring an answer

Showing trainees the final product and breaking it down into various parts is an effective method for training: A. Whole-part learners B. Part-whole learners C. Divergers D. Convergers E. Kinesthetic Learners



A: Analysis D: Design D: Develop I: Implement E: Evaluate Circular model

Mode 4/ Yellow

ACCOMODATORS/WHAT IF open ended problems, quality circles, open ended labs, subjective tests, problems prepared by students, student lectures, student presentations

Mode 2/blue

ASSIMILATORS/WHAT formal lectures, library search, objective test, textbook reading, problem solving by instructor, lectures w/ visual aids, independent research

American society for training and development

ASTD: national association maintains a comprehensive Web site of useful training resources

Set induction

Helps get trainees ready to learn. (Attention getter)

10 essentials for successful org. change efforts:

KEY PLACES: CEO committment, compentent consultants, employer involvement KEY CONDITIONS: trust, perceptions of pain, psychological health KEY FACTORS: accurate data, ownership of data, feedback of data, psychological contract

Keyed response vs distract or

Keyed response: foil that contains correct answer Distrators: incorrect foils

Four laws of learning

Law of effect: responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation Law of frequency: the more times you do something Law of association: connect skills and ideas with ones you are already familiar with Law of readiness: learning is dependent upon the learner's willingness to act and need for learning

PESTLE analysis

Analysis of the external political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors affecting a business

Addie model

Analysis, design, development, implement, evaluation

question types

Leading: question suggest answer Factual Direct: directed at person General: entire group: "what does good customer service mean" Controversial: 2 or more answers "are leaders born or made?" Redirected: returned to group Yes and no: did you attend? why and how: follow up probes for yes and no response Provacative: incite answer "What do you think of "most supervisors drive their employees too hard"

Visual learners

Learn by reading and viewing

Kinesthetic learners

Learn from touching and doing


Letting trainees know what's ahead

Types of intelligience

Linguistic: poet/novelist Logical-mathematical: science/math Musical: composer Spatial: sculptor/airplane pilot Bodily kinesthetic: athlete Interpersonal: salesman/teacher I trappers O'Neal: accurate views of themselves

Which of the following is NOT a design principle for effective Web-based training: Keep it simple Avoid dead ends Make it stinky Chunk it Use levels to organize

Make it stinky

Training objectives should be

Measurable Observable Attainable Specific

Reflective learners

Need time to process info and work with greater care and precisions

Stimulus prompt

Partial statement or question requiring trainees to complete

Law of effect

People learn best under pleasant and rewarding conditions

Kolb: Learning Style

Perception: Process

Mager's 3 characteristics to learning obj

Performance: what should learner be able to do (VERBS) Conditions: Under what conditions do you want learner to be able to do it? Criterion: How well must it be done?

define training

Performing exercise in an organized manner on a regular basis with a specific goal in mind

Organizational development:

Process which attempts to increase Org. effectiveness by integrating individual desire for growth and development with org. goals. Planned change effort which involves total system over period of time related to org's mission

Assessment center

Room/suite of rooms where employees are given performance tests to ID proficiency and weaknesses in their job

Survey or questionaire

Series of written questions or statements for which you seek responses from others to learn about their knowledge attitudes or behavior related to training topic

In a training module that uses _____________, trainees are involved in a decision making process that helps them understand the consequences and quality of their decisions.


Training objectives are

Specific, precise outcomes you are attempting to achieve

True or False: Since today's workplace sees inc numbers of millennial or generation Y employees it is advantageous to tailor training and development programs to new technologies that this generation are comfortable using


True/False: If you are going to teach someone a skill, you need to know the steps involved in the skill itself


True/False: In bridging, trainees learning style are accommodated only when they are having difficulty


When presenting your training proposal it is important to

Use training proposal document as guide, consider presenting a job talk, ask for training job

Enhance VAK learning:

Visual: Previewing reading assignments, bolded terms Auditory: Join study groups, short presentations on course topics Kinesthetic: create practice test, write out answers in room you will take test

VAK System of learning: 3 ways to perceive

Visual: seeing. Ex: Looking up a word in dictionary, viewing slides, videos, sketch a map Auditory: hearing: Ex: say a word out loud, ask question, group discussion, listen to lecture Kinesthetic: moving. Ex: write out word, field trips, lab sessions, internship, speak only that language

Skill Building Template

What is it Why is it important What is needed to do it How to do it Do it

Likert scale

a numerical scale used to assess attitudes; includes a set of possible answers with labeled anchors on each extreme always odd number strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly dis 54321

_________________ is the degree of liking, appreciation, respect, value that one has for someone


Brenda asked trainees to ID steps in problem solving and discuss enacted problems from a video. which level of bloom's taxonomy of cognitive learning is she asking trainees to utilize


Andragogy vs pedagogy

andragogy: science & art of teaching adults pedagogy: science & art of teaching children

Engagement strategy

any type of communication that encourages trainees to reflect on or interact with information they receive

which type of material is appropriate to use in pro training session without gaining permission of copyright holder or author

any work or research in public domain

Law of readiness

associated with the belief that students learn easier when they want to learn

Types of open/closed questions used for faciliatation

leading, factual, direct, general, controversial, provocative, re-directed, yes/no, why/how

define affect

like, value, respect, behaviors content and you

Method NA: Survey

likert scale, yes no, check list, rank order, multipe choice, open ended

effective trainers use:

matching: preferred learning style Bridging: accommodates trainee's learning styles when they are having difficulty style flexing: accommodates and challenges trainees by learning ways that are different from their preferred learning styles


nonverbal behaviors that communicate feelings of liking, pleasure, and closeness

facilitated group discussion

occurs when a group of three to ten trainees interact with the assistance of a facilitator who guides the discussion toward specific learning objectives

characteristics of organization development

ongoing interactive process data based experience based goal - oriented systems approach teamwork emphasis

objectives have 3 parts

performance condition criterion

establishing nonverbal immediacy

personal appearence, facial expressions (smiling, eye contact), gestures and movement: smooth, limited, use of space should indicate transitions, vocal cues should be loud, reinforcing

types of assessment design

pre/post test pre/post with control group post test only with control repeated measure qualitative assessment designs

Define training ****

process of developing skills in order to more effectively perform a specific job/task

as training progressed, a trainee asked Samantha the facilitator what she considered the best method of setting up an agenda. she responds by asking trainee same question. what type of question is this


One method to verify that published training materials are based on research is to

review material for footnotes/ source of info

evaluations are

brief one page end of training handed in anonymously written by trainer or hiring body tabulated by trainer or hiring body used by trainer and hiring body

define affective learning

changing attitudes, feelings, enhance motivation, value, appreciation

3 domains of learning

cognitive, affective, psychomotor

BAT Behavioral Alteration Techniques

comm strategies intended to control and direct student behavior (ways to get people to do what you want) 2 types: prosocial and antisocial Prosocial: positive. grounded in construtive trainee trainer relationships Antisocial: negative. destrutive

nonverbal immediacy

communicating through body language that you are personable and likeable

Training on soft skills such as comm. skills are high in ambiguity which means

communication behaviors that one person finds effective may not be those that another person finds effect, situational factors or emotional/social cues, there will be more than one way to perform set of behaviors

A _____ ______ is a group of similar individuals who won't be exposed to treatment or training program

control group

3 stage model of training

develop learning obj interpret assesment measuring outcomes

as a trainer

don't assume everyone learns like you do use variety of training methods to tap into all learning styles

Ways to gain attention, motivate audience to listen

example, stats, story, quote, rhetorical ?, cartoon, video clip, demo, analogy

True or False: Exams items over some training content can be included even though they weren't covered in training


True or False: rapid e-learning has content that is fixed or rarely changes whereas traditional e-learning has content that regularly changes


True or False: tell, show, invite, encourage, correct technique for teaching a skill is no longer applicable when designing a web based training


True/False: a question where no specific structure is offered to frame respondent's response is a focus group


as kirk went through his training, he commented to trainees that if they don't understand concepts, they would not be successful. this is

feedforward message

training assessment/eval is

formative: eval takes place during program design and development summative: eval conducted to determine extent to which trainees have changed as a result

training goal

general statement of what you want to accomplish high level statement of purpose for training program

verbal immediacy

identifies and projects the speaker's feelings and makes the message more relevant to the listener

effective delivery is ______________


Communication characteristics

inescapable, irreversible, complicated, emphasizes content and relationship, governed by rules

training content sources

internal source: what you already know external: research, knowledge, experience you dont have

types external sources

internet, library, expert (professionals, educators, reference librarians) , commercial (training books, manuals)

what is a task analysis

step by step outline of behaviors and knowledge that are needed to perform desired behavior

SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses (internal), opportunities, threats (external)

What is a needs assessment?

systematic method of determining what skills and deficiencies are needed to design effective training program

3 types of task analyssi

task analysis attitude changing skill building

define psychomotor learning

teach people behaviors or skills. Training focuses on this domain.

learning styles are

the ways individuals perceive, organize, process, remember information.

when planning training session, olga's content outline begins by covering research and theory on symbolic convergence in teams. what is the issue

training content outlines should emphasize skills.

True or False: blended training occurs when a trainer mixes and matches training methods, tech, delivery systems to meet needs of trainees/organizations


True or False: triangulation uses quantitative and qualitative measuring designs to assess training effectiveness


True/False: Effective trainers evaluate how effectively their training was received


True/False: children approach learning subject by subject where adults approach learning problem by problem


True/False: effective method of assessing needs is to observe trainees at work


True/False: type of survey design that compares perceptions of co-workers, supervisors, customers/client is a 360 questionnaire.


The E of e-learning refers to:

use of computerized software, custom software, cds, dvds, internet

establishing verbal immediacy

use you, us, we pronouns actively involve trainees in discussion personal experience/examples address by first names ask questions, inquire feelings

cone of learning

we remember (AFTER 2 WEEKS) 10% of what we read 20% hear 30% see 50% see + hear 70% say 90% say + do

goal has two parts

what and why

Attitude changing template

what is it why care about it why is it important how to recognize and accomplish it what to do in different situations

a useful NA will answer:

what performance issue needs to be addressed who is target audience general content receptive learners are to content what is learners level of skill or knowledge why is this important how much time is avail.

Tanisha has gathered material on conflict management. what does the book mention as one of the important considerations for helping to evaluate material

whether info helps you achieve your training objectives

Role play

Encourages participants to act out unfamiliar roles, attitudes, behaviors to practice skills and apply what they learned

Law of association

Every new fact, idea, concept, behavior is best learned if we can relate it with something we already know

E*D*I*T method (Experiential activity)

Experience the activity Describe experience Infer what trainees have learned Transfer experiences and new knowledge and behaviors to trainees personal/pro lives


Experience: ask trainees to participate in experiential activity Describe: ask trainees to describe experience using descriptive not evaluative language Infer: ask trainees what they learned Transfer: ask participants how they will use new knowledge

External vs. Internal Comm. consultant

External: Best when org. needs data in specialized area, office are too expensive to hire a permanent full time in house consultant, org. is unwilling to make a career path commitment for a full time staff member, when job must be done quickly Internal: best when introducing new tech, problem is small enough to use people who already have expertise, credibility, problem doesn't require independent viewpoint, org. has no money *internal: to org., already employed *external: need someone outside who is unbiased

T or F: A needs asssement is a step by step outline that describes skills you are teaching


Variable used to select training methods

Trainees Learning objectives Advantage/Disadvantage of each method Level of comfort

Experiential activity

Trainees develop and practice skills together under direction of trainer

How does training compare to org. Development?

Training is narrower in focus

Training VS Education

Training: Develop skill for task, DOING, specific level of skill attainment, CLOSED SYSTEM, performance levels to perform job, each step is prescribed Education: Impart knowledge, KNOWING, comparison to others knowledge level, OPEN SYSTEM, Knowing info, open ended approach

brian is guiding a discussion on an activity and asks: how do you see yourself using this info in your life? which stage of EDIT did he facilitate?


Millenials/Gen Y

82-02. Close with parents. "Special" goal and team oriented. Focus on achievement

results of data

1 analyze 2 use 3 report data

training process **** STEPS ****

1 analyze org. trainee needs 2. analyze training task 3. develop objectives 4 organize content 5 determine methods 6 select resources 7 complete training plans 8 deliver training 9 assess training process

steps to managing conflict

1 anticipate problem. 2. use conflict management skills 3 reduce possibility of conflict 4

evaluating credibility

1 be confident 2 well marinated in material 3 authentic 4 responsive to comments and needs 5 polished 6 open to new perspectives 7 professional 8 prepared 9 on time 10 relevant

Look at this objective. Label condition, performance, criterion "Given a computer with MS word software" ____1_______ "Be able to write and print out a one page resume" __2__ "With no errors in spelling, grammar, or puntuaction" 3_

1 condition 2. performance 3 criterion

planning delivery of training

1 consider trainees needs 2 consider environment 3 psychological training environ. (rules, policies, history)

2 types of assessments after training

1 evaluation survey 2 posttest or assessment of whether trainees learned what you wanted them to know believe or do.

3 training approaches

1 matching: trainee learning styles are accommodated. 2 bridging: trainee learning styles are accommodated only when having difficulty 3 style-flexing: trainee learning styles are accommodated and challenged.

Match the tool (A. Web 2.0 or B. Rapid Training) with the tool kit: 1. Social Networking _______ 2. Surveys ______ 3. Wikis _____ 4. Podcasts _____ 5. Glossary pages ____ 6. Online Forums ____ 7. Screencasts _____ 8. PowerPoint converter ____ 9. Templates _____`

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B

match concept with examples: A. Rhetorical question B. Stimulus prompt C. PTI D. Journal 1. "will someone review the purposes of an agenda" 2. a provocative and personal question that doesn't require an answer 3. asking trainees to write about experience that relates to training topic 4. respond to "what is that concept," "why is that concept important?" "how do you see yourself using that concept?"

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C

Match the advantage with the training method: A. Lecture B. experiential activity C Facilitated Discussion 1. Can engage all trainees 2. Can encourage group members to share 3. economical 4. increase trainee self-confidence 5 safe environment for honest opinions 6. encourage group members to learn from each other 7. increase trainees' ability to transfer content 8. controllable 9. flexible

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A

Match the type of traning delivery with description: 1. _______ Trainer directed and combo of online/face to face 2. ______ Self directed/trainer directed and delivered fully online 3. _____ synchronous, trainer directed and delivered face to face 4. ______ asynchronous, self-directed and delivered mostly online A. traditional classroom B. Web/video conference C. Web based D. Distance education

1. B Web/Video 2. C Web based 3. A Traditional classroom 4. D Distance education

Match disadvantage with training method A. Lecture B. experiential activity C Facilitated Discussion 1. become emotional/destructive if out of hand 2. Can be artificial 3. can bore trainees 4. can be trainer centered 5 easily lose focus 6. perceived as threatening 7. dominated by one outspoken trainee 8. encourage passive learning 9. underdeveloped 10. gimmicky

1. C 2. B 3. A 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 B

Lecture: Method training

1. Create relevance 2. Organize content 3. develop schema (note aid) 4. Build in redundancy 5. Be immdediate 6. Engage trainees (stimulus prompts (focus on idea), rhetorical questions, PTIs, journaling)

Blooms 6 levels of learning

1. Knowledge (our class) 2. Comprehension (our class) 3. Application (our class) 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

3 Types of Methods of training

1. Lecture 2. Experiential activity 3. Facilitated group discussion

Match the example with type of exam question: 1. Behavior on this training program were bad 1 2 3 4 5 good worthless 1 2 3 4 5 valuable 2. I considered the content to be valuable 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Neutral Strongly agree 3. Which following aspects did you learn most about, put in order 1 most learned through 3 least learning ___conflict management ___ anticipating trainee problems ____ misbehaviors

1. Semantic Differential 2. Likert Scale 3. Rank order

How to help trainees from getting lost in lecture

1. Signposts: verbal/nonverbal message that tells trainees where they are in lecture 2. Internal review/preview: remind trainees where they've been and where they're going 3. Chunking: chunk in meaningful way 4. Mnemonic devices: acronym, ADDIE model 5. Schema: organization system of information

Determining Key Content

1. Title training session 2. Task analysis or Skill building template or Attitude changing template

criteria to judge internet sources:

1. accountability "Who" 2 accuracy of info 3 objectivity (biased? profit?) 4 date (recency) 5 usability (easy accessed?)

TRAINING PROCESS STEPS ******************

1. analyze org. / trainee needs 2. analyze training task 3. develop training objectives 4. organize training content 5. determine training methods 6. select training resources 7. complete training plans 8. deliver training 9. access training process CIRCULAR

5 steps to easy objectives

1. conduct NA 2. ID training goals 3 Determine key content 4. require level of learning 5. write learning training obj.

6 steps to a NA

1. define need 2. ID info 3. Select data collection method 4. collect data 5. analyze, confirm data 6. prepare report

Improving learning and problem solving skills

1. develop learning and work relationships with people whose learning strengths and weaknesses are opposite yours 2. improve fit between your learning style and kinds of learning problem solving you face 3. practice and develop learning skills in weakness areas

3 successful techniques for lessons

1. establish readiness to learn: needs and desires for success 2 change methods of presenting information (Stimulus) 3 tie ribbon around lesson by summarizing content, describe how skill can be used, pointing trainee towards whats next

verbs to use under each domain of learning

1. knowledge: cite, count, define, ID, select, label, list, match 2. comprehension: associate, compare, distinguish, discuss, give, interpret, paraphrase 3 application: apply, calculate, compute, demonstrate, produce, show, solve, tabulate 4 analysis: analyze, break down, point out, illustrate, group, distinguish, select, separate 5 synthesis; arrange, categorize, reconstruct, plan, outline, generate, design 6 evaluation: appraise, assess, compare, justify, grade, rank, test, verify, validate

no time or money to do Formal NA?

1. make first training event of training session a NA about trainees experiences 2. contact trainees prior and ask what they'd like to learn\ 3. ask person who hired you to share trainee needs, interests, attitudes 4. asking arriving trainees about background/interest in topic 5. ask attending what they'd like to learn 6. develop pre session questionaire to cover background, experience, expectations

5 andragogy assumptions

1. need to see meaningful relationship of what they are learning to lives/experiences 2. will use own experience and info in classroom 3. tend to be self and internally motivated 4. self directed and know their learning deficiency 5. problem/task centered

4 criterion for training obj

1. observable: did or did not occur 2. measurable: accuracy of performed behavior 3. attainable: realistic? 4. specific: guidelines to describe what they should do. MOAS.

Facilitated Discussions: Method training

1. present stimulus 2. set group rules 3. facilitate group interaciton

3 models of consulting

1. purchase: consultant/client est. relationship, client diagnoses/prescribes, consultant intervenes, client terminates relationship *cheapest, most popular 2. doctor-patient: consultant/client est. relationship, consultant diagnoses/prescribes, consultant/client intervenes, client terminates relationship 3. process/consultation: consultant/client est. relationship, consultant/client diagnoses/prescribe, consultant/client intervene, consultant/client terminate relationship *entire process together

Setting levels of learning

1. select most appropriate level 2. ensure levels are consistent with training goal 3. remedy inconsistency by adjusting levels of learning 4. ensure natural progression through levels of learning

Four methods of needs assessment collection methods

1. survey questionaires 2. interview 3. observe 4. assessment test (ex. eye doctor, pop quiz).

3 types of templates for determining key content:

1. task analysis (cognitive, facts) 2. skill building (psychomotor, skills) 3. attitude changing (affective, attitudes)

organization for training

1. teach skills in chronological order 2. teach simple skills before complex

Every skill must do 5 steps **

1. tell 2. show 3 do 4 practice 5 review

research on learning indicates that we retain

90% of what we say and do

Generation order

1925-42: Matures 43-60: Baby boomers 61-81: Generation X 82-02: Gen Y/Millenials

You must change activity/lecture talking every ____ minutes

20 ****

the amount of time you should spend talking about 1 thing

20 min


25-43. Work hard, sense of duty, sacrifice, what is right, work quickly

Baby boomers

44-60. Value personal fullfilment, optimism, buy now pay later, crusade for causes, support equal rights, work efficiently

Experiential activity: method training

5 stages 1. planing the learning objectives 2. preparing by brainstorming 3. present info 4. unpack experience (EDIT) 5. assess learning objective acheivement *Know how to stage role plays and conduct case studies*

Generation X

61-81. Live with uncertainty. Consider balance important. Live for today. Save. Every job is contract

Aural learners

Auditory learners. Learn by hearing and speaking

Education can be described as A. developing skills to more effectively perform job/task B. imparting knowledge/information C. develop list of skills D. Knowing about subject E. Prepare lesson and teach subject


Roberto approaches the training experience as a problem-solver. He likes analyzing problems and testing theories. How does text suggest you might work best with Roberto? A. Present traditional lectures B. Introduce new problem solving processes C. Conduct experiments D. Use buzz groups E. Give him objective test


Mode 3/Red

CONVERGERS/HOW homework problems, demonstration lecture, guide labs, objective tests, example problems worked by students, computer aided instruction, individual reports


Change in individuals due to interaction of individuals and their environment which fills a need and makes them more capable of dealing with their environment

Mode 1/green

DIVERGERS/WHY motivational stories, journal, simluations, subjective tests, group problem solving, socratic lecture, role playing

Highlight info

Empathize certain content


Form of oral interaction structured to gather information

Feedforward message

Message telling trainee how info is to be processed. "If you don't understand this stage of conflict, you're not going to be successful in managing conflict" or "what i'm about to tell you is incredibly important"

Deep practice

Mindfully practicing a skill by chunking it up repeating it then feeling how the skill should be performed

Learning Modes 1-4

Mode 1: Why Divergers Mode 2: What Assimilators Mode 3: How Convergers Mode 4: What if Accomodators

Law of frequency

More often you practice a trained behavior, the more likely you will use the behavior accurately

Method NA: Interview

Opening, body, closing

Trainers are __________ ______________ _____________ which means: ___________________________

Organizational change agents Organizational change: process where organization moves from current state to more desirable state (A - B)

Administering assessment instrument both before and after training session is

Pre/post test. Design

Training method

Procedure you use to present content training

Training methods

Procedures used to present information and demonstrate behaviors you want trainees to learn

Define communication

Process of acting on information

Training is described as

Process of developing skills in order to more effectively perform a specific job or task

Define training

Process of developing skills in order to perform a specific job or task more effectively

Human communication

Process of how we make sense of the world and share that sense with others by using verbal and nonverbal messages to create meaning

Define education

Process of imparting knowledge or information


Process of offering insight advice research or experience based intervention strategies to help org achieve its goals more effectively


Quest/incomplete statement

Open ended question

Question where you provide no structure for respondents response

be able to draw and know : Communication process model

SITUATION ---------message------------> Sender <---------channel------------> Receiver <---------feedback------------ *interference* SITUATION

Law of learning

Statement that describes the conditions that must be met in order for trainees to learn

360 survey method

Survey that can be effective in NA. Seeks info from employee, employees colleagues, and those who may be subordinate to employee and supervisor. Gathered from all perspectives.


Whole part learners need this. A way to organize the big ideas before ready to receive detailed information

INFORMATION learning styles

Whole part learners: big picture Part-whole: small details/parts before big picture

Whole part learners vs part whole learners

Whole part: top down. Prefer to have big picture before moving into details Part whole:bottom up. Prefer to examine parts of big picture

Impulsive learners

Work quickly and with less determination. Complete accuracy less important than getting a quick overview

what is style flexing?

accommodates and challenges trainees by learning ways that are different from their preferred learning styles

affinity-seeking strategies

behaviors designed to increase interpersonal attractiveness 1 equality 2comfortable 3 conversational rule keeping 4 dynamism 5 elicit others disclosure 6 facilitate enjoyment 7 optimism

define learning

change in individuals due to interaction of individuals and their environment which fills a need and makes them more capable of dealing with environment

relational power vs affinity seeking

relational: granted to instructors by students who like and respect them affinity seeking: individuals attempt to get others to like and feel positive about them

mario began his trianing by introducing the topic and beginning with explaining his skills. what strategy did he omit?


define cognitive learning

remembering facts, knowledge, principles, theories

Last step in NA: Report

reports focus on findings from analysis of data collections. narrative and quantifiable data presented in summary form. training objectives and content derived from this report. focus on trainee knowledge, skills, attitude deficiency.

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