Transcultural 3

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Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Taoism)

-"tao"=way; path; discourse -The view that the universe is a vast indivisible entity; interdependence of all constituents -Five elements critical--wood, fire, earth, metal, and water--they can create and destroy each other

History and It's Current Implications for Health and Illness-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

-2.9 Million People; Constitute about .9% of the total population of the US -Rich cultural heritage -Invaded by outsiders -Moved away from their lands; sent to reservations -"Nations" broken up; loss of land; cultural disruption; numerous tribal groupings; 557 federally recognized tribes in 35 states

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Acupuncture)

-A technique using nine needles applied to specific points of the body (meridians) by trained individuals to relieve specific symptoms -There is a network of meridians in the human body. The meridians (identified as Yin and Yang) extend internally throughout the body -The treatment goal is to restore the balance of Yin and Yang in the body

Other Health Conditions Occurring in Greater Frequency-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

-Alcoholism and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -Injuries: Motor Vehicle Accidents, Inter-Personal Violence, Suicide -Mental Illness -Chronic Diseases; Tuberculosis, Diabetes Mellitus -Overweight and Obesity -Pneumonia and Influenza

Magic or Supernatural Causes Outside the Body-HISPANIC (mal ojo)

-Bad Eye -Due to excessive admiration on the part of another

Views on Health and Illness-POLISH AMERICANS (General)

-Being active, able to perform work, and feeling happy constitute a healthy state -Illness is attributed to disturbance in one of the three components--body, mind, or spirit -Health maintenance includes a happy home, a balanced diet, exercise, adequate sleep, faith in God, dressing appropriately, and being active -Health protection includes personal hygiene, avoiding contact with ill individuals, wearing religious medals -A number of home remedies are practiced among Polish Americans

Significant Ideas/Trends/Changes to Improve US System (Part 1)

-Biological model of disease occurrence; Socio-Cultural Model of disease causation -Focus on risk factors rather than disease -Emphasis on preventive medicine -Developing and strengthening the public health infrastructure

Causes of Illness-HISPANICS (Four Humors and Two Temperatures)

-Blood-Hot/Wet -Yellow Bile-Hot/Dry -Phlegm-Cold/Wet -Black Bile-Cold/Dry -Treat hot with cold -Treat cold with hot

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Chinese Pediatrics)

-Breastfeeding promoted -Smallpox vaccination practiced; vaccination technique different (powder of the crust of a pustule from smallpox patient blown into the nostril of a healthy child through a small tube)

Dislocation of Parts of the Body-HISPANICS (Empacho)

-Caused by a ball of food clinging to the wall of the stomach -Treatment: Massage abdomen, pinch spine, recite prayers

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Habits)

-Charting -The constant use of jargon -Use of a systematic approach and problem-solving methodology

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Part 1)

-Chinese physicians paid when the persons they were taking care of were healthy -Foundations for early Chinese medicine rests in the religion and philosophy of Taoism -Holistic Concept Intricate to Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine -Huang-ti Nei Ching (Yellow Emperor's Book of Internal Medicie, 1628): Dualistic Philosophy; Yin and Yang (powers that regulate universe)

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Part 2)

-Chinese view their bodies as a gift from their parents and forebears. Since a person's body is not his/her personal property, it must be cared for, well maintained, and returned after use -In Chinese medicine, all organs have an aura; for example, in health, the organs look fresh and shiny -The organs through a complex relationship maintain the balance and harmony of the body

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Holistic Concept)

-Close linkages between one organ and others including all surrounding tissues -Integration of human body with external environment (Geographic, social, and other environmental factors)

US Health Care System (Part 2)

-Comparatively less money spent on preventative care -Access Issues (uninsured and underinsured people) -Employer supported Health Care System -"third party" payment mechanism (Health Plan/Insurance Company/Government) -Growth of "managed" care

Dislocation of Parts of the Body-HISPANICS (Caida de la Mollera)

-Depression of anterior fontanelle in infants who are dehydrated -Often considered iatrogenic by people who believe this condition is caused by touching the top of the head

Increasing Health Care Costs (Part 1)

-Discourages cost comparisons and comparison shopping -Aging population and increase in chronic conditions -Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases -High cost of technology -Reliance on high technology


-Early settlers came to the US in 1608 to Jamestown, VA -Major immigration between 1870 and 1913 -Most settled around church parishes

Traditional Methods of Healing-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Geophagy)

-Eating clay and dirt (e.g., red clay provides iron) -Eating laundry starch (argo starch)

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 3)

-Elders reversed; care for the old and the young by extended family and community -Death is the passage from one realm of life to another. It is also the passage from the evils of this world to another state -Funeral is a joyous occasion, often followed by a party -Today a combination of beliefs and practices resulting from merging of approaches used by Native Americans and the Whites -Rich tradition of handing down knowledge and skills through generations

Views on Health and Illness-POLISH AMERICANS (Causes of Illness)

-Environmental Factors (e.g., climate) -Poor Diet -Evil Eye


-Envy is considered a cause of illness -Success provokes the envy of friends and neighbors leading to misfortune

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Folk Medicine)

-Faith in the practice and the practitioner (healer or voodoo practitioner) -Practitioners treat everyone fairly and honestly (equality principle) -Popular for non-emergency conditions

Background-ITALIAN AMERICANS (Part 2)

-Father is traditionally the head of the household and the mother is the heart of the household -Interethnic marriages have become very common among Italian Americans -Church and spirituality have a key place in the life of Italian Americans

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Yin)

-Female, negative energy, the force of darkness, cold, emptiness -Matters that are static, internal, downward, descending, dull, regressive, and hypoactive -Inside the body; it stores the vital strength of life -Six fu structures (hollow organs, responsible for excretion)--gallbladder, stomach, intestine, bladder, and warmer -Diseases of winter and spring

Significant Ideas/Trends/Changes to Improve US System (Part 2)

-Focus on molding behaviors earlier in life for good health then and later in life -Sharing control with the customers of health care -Becoming aware of and dealing with gender and racial discrimination in health care delivery -Inclusion of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) into mainstream; Integrative Medicine/Integrative Health Care

History and Implications for Health and Illness-WHITE (Early Immigrant Statistics)

-German (42.8 Million; 15.2%) -Irish (30.5 Million; 10.8%) -English (24.5 Million; 8.7%) -Italian (15.6 Million; 5.6%) -Polish (9 Million; 3.2%) -French (8.3 Million; 3%) -Scottish (4.9 Million; 1.7%)

Views on Health and Illness-GERMAN AMERICANS (Causes of Illness)

-Germs -Stress -Environmental Changes (drafts) -Evil Eye -Punishment from God

Understanding Health Care System in the US (Part 1)

-Health Care-A fundamental right or a privilege? -Health Care-federal or state mandate? -Historical development of the health care system -Public sector based or private sector based or combination?


-Health is a gift from God and should not be taken for granted -Maintain equilibrium with the universe (diet, work, etc.) -Protection of health is achieved with prayer, wearing of religious amulets of medals, and keeping relics at home. Use of herbs and spices as well as exemplary behavior recommended

Views on Health and Illness-GERMAN AMERICANS (General)

-Health is viewed as more than not being ill, i.e., it is a state of well-being with the ability and positive energy, to do the things that one wishes to and is expected to accomplish -Illness is characterized by absence of well-being, body imbalance, or God's desire -Health maintenance includes good nutrition, personal hygiene, food supplements (e.g., cod liver oil), proper clothing for the seasons, clean air, exercise, and hard work -Reliance on home remedies and religious practices for both health protection and health restoration

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

-Health reflects harmony with nature; humans and nature are intricately interconnected -Both human body and earth need to be treated with respect and care -"The land belongs to life, life belongs to the land, and the land belongs to itself" -Cause-Effect relationship for both health and illness -Belief in evil spirits that lead to illnesses; cured by medicine man/woman by treating the evil spirits -Ill effects seen as a result of past actions -Germ theory of disease is not always accepted or approved

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Moxibustion)

-Heat is used to restore the proper balance of Yin and Yang -Heated pulverized wormwood is applied to specific meridians in the body -Most useful during labor and delivery

US Health Care System (Part 3)

-Heavily dependent on technology -"Tertiary Care" Orientation -Enormous private sector participation in provision of care -Powerful advocates and lobbyists -Increasing attention paid to "medical errors"

Increasing Health Care Costs (Part 2)

-High cost of hospitalization -Salaries of health care professionals -High price of pharmaceutical agents -Practice of "defensive medicine" -Curative focus; "end-of-life" care

Increasing Health Care Costs (Part 3)

-High expectation on the part of consumers ("now and here" care) -Second and third opinions for the same problems -Consumers less aware of cost issues pertaining to services -Expensive social programs (Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) -Medical errors and lawsuits with no caps

History and It's Current Implications for Health and Illness-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 2)

-Human dignity sacrificed and destiny determined for these purposefully displaced individuals -Newer immigrants include those who have come to the US voluntarily from African nations, the West Indian islands, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica -The family often has a matriarchal structure. Women headed single-parent families common. Large and strong extended family networks usually present

Common Problems in Health Care Delivery (Part 1)

-Identifying appropriate care at a reasonable cost -Choosing among different options for medical care -Understanding the process and procedures in care provision -Finding out what went wrong in medical care


-Immigration to the US began in the 17th Century -Texas has been the most popular destination for German Immigrants -Most are Catholics, Lutheran, or Methodists

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Diagnoses of Disease Conditions)

-Inspection comprises of examining the tongue, listening and smelling, and asking questions -Palpation includes feeling the pulse

Indian Health Service

-It is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives -Situated within the Department of Health and Human Services -The provision of health services to members of federally recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes. This relationship was established in 1787 -Responsible for providing health services to American Indiana and Alaska Natives -MISSION: Raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level -GOAL: Ensure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to the American Indian and Alaska Native people


-Italian American's are very expressive in vocalizing their symptoms and this may lead to greater attribution of psychosomatic illnesses to them -Certain types of anemia (favism-due to enzyme, G6PD; Thalassema) are more common among Italian-Americans -Communication barriers (including language) may affect health care provision -Seek detailed explanations (oral or written) for their health status and health care

Views on Health and Illness-ITALIAN AMERICANS (General)

-Italian Americans may also believe in the evil eye (malocchio) for less serious illnesses or curses (castiga) for serious (and fatal) illnesses. Curses can be punishment from God for bad behaviro or attributed to evil persons -Terminal illness and death are believed to be the result of God's will. Death often is not discussed between the dying person and the family members -Bottling up of emotions is considered unhealthy -Healing involves prayers and rituals that have strong religious basis (faith in God and the saints)

Health Care Reform and Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act 2010

-Key focus; Access, Cost, Quality, Continuity, and Comprehensive -Shift from "competition" versus "regulation" to "managed competition" -Increased government regulation -Multi-tiered health care system based on ability to pay for services


-Limited number of trained professionals -Spatial Distribution is sparse -Access to services is a major problem

Causes of Illness-HISPANICS (Part 2)

-Living and inanimate objects (food) possess the characteristics of hot and cold to varying degrees (hot and cold do not refer to the temperature, but are descriptive of the object itself) -The notion of what is hot and what is cold varies from person to person -The classification plays an important role in understanding disease causes and treating them

Current Health Issues-AFRICAN AMERICANS (Part 1)

-Low income and reduced access to the health services -Tendency to self-treat illnesses -Physician consulted only when symptoms become severe -Seeking health care can be a demeaning or humiliating experience -Visits to health care facilities could instill a sense of powerlessness and alientation

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Yang)

-Male, positive energy that produces light, warmth, and fullness -Matters that are dynamic, external, upward, ascending, and brilliant -Surface of the body; protects the body from outside forces -Five ts'ang viscera (solid organs, responsible for secretion)--liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidney. The heart and the liver are considered the "noble organs" -Diseases of summer and fall

Black Muslims-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 2)

-May avoid pork-based insulin -Fasting encouraged -Self-help and assisting others strongly encouraged -Dress codes exist in certain sects for both men and women

Understanding the Health Care System in the US

-Mix of curative and preventive health care services -Mix of specialist and generalist providers -Use of auxiliary health care personnel -Five key issues to consider: Quality, Access, Cost, Continuity, and Comprehensiveness

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Traditional Healers)

-More known about male physicians -Specific restrictions in dealing with women patients who were not family members -Women physicians, midwives, and female shamans did exist; feared for what they knew about life, death, and birth

US Health Care System (Part 1)

-Most Expensive Health Care System in the world -Increasing per capita expenditure on Health Care -Maximum per capita expenditure on Health Care among industrialized nations -Best "Medical Care System" (no universal agreement) -Focus on "medical care" rather than "health care"

History and It's Current Implications for Health and Illness-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 1)

-Most members of the present Black American community have their roots in the African continent -The first black people came earlier than the pilgrims -Majority are descendants of people who were brought to the US as slaves from the African continent (over 4 million between 1619 and 1860 brought in as slaves) -When slavery was practiced, family members separated from one another, and people were removed from their roots and culture


-Motion in the hand -Stargazing -Listening

Cultural and Communication Issues-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

-Nonverbal communication is important; often they observe the provider and say very little -Not used to extensive questioning common in Western Medicine -Use of low tone of voice -Not used to note-taking (have a rich tradition of oral history) -Conceptualization of time is different

Current Health Issues-ASIAN (Mental Illness)

-Not accorded the same attention as physical illness -Stigma associated with mental illness -Family expected to care for the mentally ill -Mental illness often expressed in somatic terms -A sense of hopelessness associated with mental illness; seek health care at late stages of the illness

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 2)

-One has the power to influence one's destiny and that of others through knowledge and behavior -No separation of a person into mind, body, and spirit -Illness due to primarily demons and evil spirits -Since these evil spirits acted on their own, the human body has to get rid of these spirits -Traditional healers, usually women, were very knowledgeable about herbs, roots, and inoculation against smallpox using cowpox crust

Background-ITALIAN AMERICANS (Part 1)

-Peak years of immigration were between 1901 and 1920 -Italians formed neighborhood enclaves in big cities (such as Little Italy in New York City and North End in Boston) -Family plays a central role in the life of the individuals and the communities

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Herbal Remedies/Herbology)

-Planting, harvesting of herbs (time of day; season), and preparation (single/mixed) are all important to effectiveness of the herbs -Preparation of the same herb varies for different conditions -One of the more popular herbs--Ginseng

Common Problems in Health Care Delivery (Part 2)

-Poor communication with health care providers -Institutional and personal prejudices in health care -Underinsured or uninsured

Current Health Issues-ASIAN (Access Limited By...)

-Poverty for recent immigrants -Unfamiliarity with western systems of medicine -Over-reliance on traditional systems of medicine

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-AFRICAN AMERICAN (General)

-Prayer is the most common method of treating an illness -Laying on of hands, rooting (usually a woman is consulted to identify the source of illness and prescribe appropriate treatment), voodoo, and magic rituals are other methods of treatment

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Customs)

-Professional deference or adherence to the pecking order found in autocratic and bureaucratic systems -Hand-washing -Employment of certain procedures attending birth and death

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Likes)

-Promptness -Neatness and Organization -Compliance

Health Care Providers-AFRICAN AMERICAN

-Proportional (i.e., in proportion to the demographics) representation of Black Americans in the health care profession is usually low -Health Care providers must pay careful attention to the cultural background, religious foundations and practices, beliefs and customs, social support systems, and the importance of the extended family

History and It's Current Implication for Health and Illness-HISPANIC (General)

-Refers to people who were born in or whose ancestors came from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, Spain, and other Spanish-speaking countries and who now make home in the US -Origin perhaps dates back to late 1500's or early 1600's -A number of them who came early helped build missions and worked on farms

Traditional Methods of Health Maintenance and Protection-AFRICAN AMERICAN

-Reliance on self for health maintenance and protection; little contact with physicians for these purposes -Nutrition (three meals a day), clean environment, rest, cleansing of body (through use of laxatives) were considered important for maintaining health -Use of Asafetida around the neck to prevent the contraction of contagious diseases -Combination of sulfur and molasses is rubbed on skin at the start of a new season to reduce susceptibility to illness -Copper or silver bracelets worn around the wrist as a means of health protection

Black Muslims-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 1)

-Religious beliefs influence lifestyle -Life is considered precious -Belief that a person is what he or she eats -Avoid pork product (unclean), soul foods (black-eyed beans, kidney beans, etc.-meant for animals)

History and It's Current Implications for Health and Illness-ASIAN

-Rich diversity constituting this group -14.7 Million People; 4.8% of the population -Early settlers came in as laborers (Chinese) (Railroad building) -Japanese internment during World War II -Asian Cultures are Diverse

Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act 2010

-Signed by Obama on March 23, 2010 -Implementation began occurring following a timeline

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Beliefs)

-Standardized definitions of health and illness -The omnipotence of technology

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Home Remedies)

-Sugar and turpentine by mouth to get rid of worms -Poultices to fight infection -Herb Teas (Sassafras tea to treat colds) -Salt and pork (salt pork) placed on a rag to treat cuts and wounds -Hot lemon water with honey to treat colds -Raw onions on the feet, wrapped in warm blankets, used to break fever -Garlic placed on the ill person or in the room to remove the "evil spirits" responsible for the illness


-Sweat lodges, Herbal Preparations, and Special Rituals are particularly popular -The Basis for therapy lies in nature, hence herbal remedies used

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Dislikes)

-Tardiness -Disorderliness and Disorganization

Causes of Illness-HISPANICS (Part 1)

-The Body's Imbalance ("hot" and "cold" or "wet" and "dry") -Brought to Mexico by Spanish priests and fused with Aztec beliefs -Disruption of body's four humors (fluids) leads to disease (dates back to Hippocratic theory of disease)

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Practices)

-The maintenance of health and the protection of health or prevention of disease through such mechanisms as the avoidance of stress and the use of immunizations -Annual physical examinations and diagnostic procedures such as Pap smears

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (The Pulse)

-The pulse is considered to be storehouse of the blood -Six different pulses, three in each hand. Fifteen different ways of characterizing the pulses; seven piao (superficial) pulses and eight li (sunken) pulses -Pulse diagnosis requires a lot of practice and is an important component of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Methods of Healing-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Voodoo-Gris-Gris)

-The symbols of voodoo -Good gris-gris: Powders and oils that are pleasantly scented (e.g., love powder, love oil, luck water) -Bad gris-gris: Oils and powders with a foul odor (e.g., anger powder, war powder) -Flying devil oil (olive oil + cayenne pepper) -Black cat oil (machine oil)

Traditional Methods of Healing-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

-The traditional healer is the medicine man/woman -Know the intricate interrelationships between humans and nature -Determine cause for ailment, then treat using special ceremonies -Importance of trance as method to identify and communicate with the spirit -Oral history through storytelling (enables people to seek and see connections with the past)

History and Implications for Health and Illness-WHITE (General)

-The white population has diverse and multiple orgins ever since the first settlers came to the shores of New England -It is very complex to describe the various characteristics of ethnic groups that constitute the whites in the US -1980 Census was the first one to inquire about ancestry -2000 US Census data shows that Whites account for 75.1% of the total population

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Part 1)

-Traditional views on health and illness stems from the African belief about life and nature of being -Life is a process rather than a state -Energy force, rather than matter, constitutes the nature of a person -All things, living and dead, influence one another -Health is harmony with nature; Illness is a state of disharmony

Current Health Issues-ASIAN (General)

-Unhappiness with diagnostic tests, drawing of blood, reluctance to undergo surgery, unfamiliarity with hospitals and ensuing isolation -Language barriers -Withdrawal and silence misperceived by Health Care providers -Family comes before self; seeking health care for self seen as selfish behavior

Traditional Methods of Health Maintenance and Protection-ASIAN

-Use of amulets (idols or Chinese character painted in red or black ink on a yellow paper) to prevent evil spirits -Jade is considered to be the most precious of all stones because it is associated with fertility, health, immortality, wisdom, power, victory, growth, and food. Jade charms are popular

Traditional Methods of Healing-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Voodoo or Doudou-General)

-Vodoo refers to the God, the sect that practices this method, members of the sect, the priests and priestesses, the rites and practices, and the teaching -Voodoo based on magic (white magic is harmless; black magic is dangerous) -Popularized in the US by the arrival of Blacks from West African coast -Use of different colored candles (white=peace; red=victory; pink=love, yellow=driving off enemies; brown=attracting money; black=doing evil work and bringing bad luck) -Voodoo practitioners attribute special powers to Catholic saints or relics (e.g., Saint Michael, Saint Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Health Personnel-ASIAN

-Well represented in the US Health Care System -Chinese systems of medicine are getting popular in the US

Views on Health and Illness-ITALIAN AMERICANS (Causes attributed to Illnesses)

-Winds and Currents -Contagion and Contamination -Heredity -Supernatural or Human Causes -Psychosomatic Interactions

Current Health Issues-AFRICAN AMERICANS (Part 2)

-Wounds from segregation, racism, and neglect take a long time to heal -Institutional racism, provider miscommunication, stereotyping, and prejudice when present further aggravate the problem -High rates of morbidity (illness) for both physical and mental conditions and mortality (death) -Special health conditions: Sickle Cell Anemia (inherited autosomal recessive disorder). Some have the trait (carriers) and some have the disease

Traditional Views on Health and Illness-ASIAN (Yin and Yang)

-Yin and Yang are in opposition and also in unison -Yin and Yang regulate themselves to promote the normal activities of life -Illness results from the disharmony of Yin and Yang, with excesses of one and deficiencies of the other -The head stores knowledge, the back is the home of the chest, the loins store the kidneys, the knees store the muscles ad the bones store the marrow

Detriments of Health Status

1-Genetic and socio-demographic factor: Age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, income, occupation, religion, place of residence, etc. 2-Individual and family factors: Beliefs, habits, values, practices, culture, religion, etc. 3-Health Care System Factors: Availability, accessibility, acceptability, and affordability 4-Health Care Provider Factors: Provider culture

Strong Emotional State-HISPANICS (Susto)

An illness arising from fright. This leads to loss of soul, which now leaves the body and wanders freely

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Bleeding)

Bleeding using leeches is to remove heat from the body; leeches used

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Cupping)

Cupping is applying a small glass that has been emptied of air to the person's skin. This brings the blood and lymph to the body's surface and improves local circulation. The aim is to remove cold and damp evils from the body and/or to facilitate blood circulation


Language barrier among older immigrants

Traditional Methods of Health Restoration-ASIAN (Massage-Tui Na)

Massage, a therapy based on pushing and pulling, is a manual acupuncture point stimulation used in treatment of orthopedic and neurological conditions


Mexican Americans, Spanish Americans, Latin Americans, Latin, Latino or Mexican; An umbrella term that identifies all Americans of Mexican descent


No unusual health problems particular to German Americans is known

Current Health Care and Social Problems-AMERICAN INDIAN AND ALASKA NATIVE

Poverty, harsh environmental conditions, undernutrition, and high infection rates are common

Traditional Methods of Healing-AFRICAN AMERICAN (Healing Powers of Religion)

Strong belief in the special powers of spiritual healers/practitioners of a religious faith

The Health Care Provider's Culture US (Other)

The expectation of recovery no matter the cost or consequences of therapy

Magic or Supernatural Causes Outside the Body-HISPANIC (General)

Witchcraft or possession legitimizes acting out bizarre behavior or engaging in incoherent speech

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