Transportasi - Yr5 - 2020-2021
Mereka naik apa?
What do they ride?
Dia naik apa?
What does she/he ride?
Mobil lebih besar daripada sepeda.
Car is bigger than bike.
Saya suka naik sepeda motor.
I like ride a motorbike.
Saya suka sekali naik mobil.
I really like ride car.
Naik sepeda lebih cepat daripada jalan kaki.
Riding bike is faster than walking.
Taksi lebih kecil daripada bis.
Taxi is smaller than bus
Ada sepeda, truk dan sepeda motor. Truk paling besar.
There are bike, truck and motorbike. The truck is the biggest.
Ada kereta api, sepeda motor dan kapal laut. Sepeda motor paling kecil.
There are train, motorbike and ship. The motorbike is the smallest.