Trivia Crack Questions

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

In what year did Alaska become a state?


What year did did the Hollywood Universal Studios theme park open?


How many days are in May?


What is the freezing point for water?

32f, 0c

How many chambers does a pig's heart have?


In pool, what ball is black?

8 ball

What does AGL stand for?

Above Ground Level

What famous Greek philosopher was Alexander the Great's tutor?


What is the lion's name in Narnia?


What is everything made up of?


What do lactose intolerant individuals lack in their body?


What is the primary characteristic of type 1 diabetes?

Body stops producing insulin

Where in the body are osmoreceptors located?


What is the most populous state in the US?


Often referred to the locals as "The Cape", this popular tourist destination is the Easternmost point in Massachusetts. What is this cape called?

Cape Cod

What sport uses a mallet, a ball and a post?


What figure skater who is also known for her "camel" skating stunts made a "bob" hairstyle fashionable for women?

Dorothy Hamill

What score would a championship golfer prefer to record?


What science deals with the production, distribution and consumption of commodities?


Which author did Alfred Hitchcock claim inspired his cinema work?

Edgar Allen Poe

What Texas city is near New Mexico and Mexico?

El Paso

What famous composer composed 'Messiah HWV 56'?

George Handel

Who was known as 'old blood and guts'?

George Patton

What causes a snake to shed its skin?


What word describes a person's natural tendency or urge to act or feel a particular way?


Whose tombstone reads, "murdered by a traitor and a coward whose name is not worthy to appear here?"

Jesse James

Who created the iconic guitars, the "Telecaster" and the "Stratocaster"

Leo Fender

Who painted The Baptism of Christ?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who came into office after John F. Kennedy was assassinated?

Lyndon Johnson

What is the largest Hawaiian island?


How is distance in international swimming races measured?


"The Landlord's Game" first patented in 1904, is one of the earliest known version of what popular Parker Brothers board game?


How did hamburgers get their name?

Named after a German town

Who was returned to the underworld after eating pomegranate seeds?


What is the raw material for making diesel fuel?


"Tickle the Ivories" refers to what instrument?


What footballs are said to be made out of?

Pig skin

Which plant do opioids come from?


What color shows anger?


What part of the cell stores proteins?


What does sulfur supposedly smell like?

Rotten eggs

What is the capital of Utah?

Salt Lake City

Who wrote Uncle Shelby's ABZ book?

Shel Silverstein

What is another word for glass?


In the Latin American Revolution, who did Latin America want to gain its independence from?


What work of art was inspiration for a television monster?

The Scream

The award ceremony that honors Broadway Theater annually is called?

Tony Awards

What treaty ended World War I?

Treaty of Versailles

In what famous buildings are rooms named Vermeil, China, Red, Blue, Green and Yellow?

White house

What are hiccups?

Your diaphragm spasming

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