TSA Statesman Award - General Information about TSA

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

How much must be raised for the American Cancer Society's spirit of Service Award for a Gold Award?

$1000 - $1999 during the year

How much must be raised for the American Cancer Society's spirit of Service Award for a Purple Award?

$2000+ above during the year

How much must be raised for the American Cancer Society's spirit of Service Award for a Sliver Award?

$500 - $999 during the year

What is Tech Days 2020?

12 virtual competitions that are being sponsored by Georgia TSA due to the cancellation of Georgia National Fair 2020

What are the competitions for Tech Days 2020? And when is the due date?

3D Modeling Challenge Architectural Design Chapter T-shirt Design Computer Aided Drafting Microcontroller Challenge Pin Design Program Promotional Brochure Rube Goldberg Challenge Safety Poster Design Space Colony Design TSA Chapter Promotional Video TSA Elevator Speech DUE: October 12, 2020


A gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business

Point of Order

A question raised as to whether proceedings are in order, or in conformity with parliamentary law.

President of the Board of Directors

Aaron Parker

Who is the National TSA vice president officer?

Alexander Loney

Who is the National TSA Sgt-at-Arms officer?

Alyssa Haider

Which service project is the TSA doing?

American Cancer Society's Relay for Life

What is the organization that originally sponsored AIASA?

American Industrial Arts Association

What do the letters "AIASA" represent?

American Industrial Arts Student Association

What is TEAMS?

An annual competition for middle and high school students designed to help them discover their potential for engineering. During this one-day competition, students apply math and science knowledge in practical, creative ways to solve real-world engineering challenges

What is the official TSA dress code?

Blazer: navy blue with official TSA patch Ties: Scarlet red imprinted with official TSA logo Shirt/Blouse: Official royal blue TSA shirt with embroidered logo Pants/Skirt: Light gray Black/Blue Socks (Males only) Shoes: Black dress shoes Sandals: Females only may wear black open toes shoes or sandals

Who is the Georgia TSA 2nd vice president officer?

Carson Schmitt

What does CORE stand for?

Chapter Officer Retreat for Excellences

Who is the Georgia TSA Sgt-at-Arms officer?

Conner Olds

When and where is the National TSA Conference?

Date: June 27 - July 2, 2019 Location: Orlando FL

When and where is the Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference?

Date: March 17-20, 2021 Location: Classic Center in Athens, Georgia

What is the purpose of CORE?

Designed to provide Georgia TSA local chapter officers with an opportunity to develop interpersonal and leadership skills, gain the necessary knowledge and abilities to carry out the duties of their individual offices, and prepare a Chapter Program of Work for the upcoming year

Who is the National TSA reporter officer?

Dhruv Agarwal

National TSA Executive Director

Dr. Rosanne T. White

Who is the Georgia TSA reporter officer?

Elijah Nicpon

What were the four original competitions for students in GAIAC?

Essay Contest Industrial Arts Club Exhibits Contest Scrapbook Contest GAIAC Sweetheart Contest

Where was the first state conference held?

FF/FHA Camp in Covington, GA

Who was the first State Association Director of Georgia TSA

Gayle Silvey

What do the letters "GAIAC" represent?

Georgia Association of Industrial Arts Clubs

Who is the National TSA treasurer officer?

Gowri Rangu

The TSA Creed (2)

Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live. I will accept the responsibilities that are mine.

Who is the Georgia TSA 1st vice president officer?

Hannah Puckett

What does the color white represent in the TSA logo?

High standards, morals, and religious beliefs

What was the GAIAC Creed?

I believe in the dignity of work and that through an understanding and promotion of Industrial Arts, I can develop Leadership, Scholarship and Craftsmanship and so be of greater service to my country and mankind.

The TSA Creed (1)

I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.

The TSA Creed (3)

I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.

The TSA Creed (5)

I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.

The TSA Creed (4)

I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals. Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability.

Who is the Georgia TSA state officer?

Kush Bhatia

TSA Motto

Learning to Lead in a Technical World

Who is the Georgia TSA treasurer officer?

Marcus Mesis

When is the Fall Leadership Conference being held at?

November 2020 (virtually)

What the Georgia TSA's Mailing Address?

P.O. Box 2304 Acworth, GA 30102

Who is the Georgia TSA secretary officer?

Prabhanjan Nayak

What was the GAIAC motto?

Pride in Progress

Who is the National TSA secretary officer?

Priya GUpta

Who was the state supervisor of Industrial Arts Education and the first State Club Advisor when GAIAC was formed?

Raymond S. Ginn

What is due by the registration deadline of February 19th?

Registration for State Conference Outstanding Student Applications Tommy Pitchford Scholarship Applications State Officer Candidate Forms Board of Directors Applications Posted Pre-Conference Competitive Events

Where is the National TSA Headquaters?

Reston, Virginia

Who were the two men in charge of Georgia AIASA once it was nationally chartered?

Sam Powell & Harold Quinn

Who is the Georgia TSA president officer?

Sarah Lewallyn

Who is the National TSA president officer?

Sean Kuehn

Order for officers of the formal business meeting

Sgt-at-Arms, Reporter, President, Secretary, Treasurer, 1st Vice President, & 2nd Vice President

Georgia TSA Executive Director and State Advisor

Steve Price

Who became the State Association Director of Georgia TSA in 2012?

Steve Price

What do the letters "TSA" represent?

Technology Student Association

What does the acronym "TEAMS" represent

Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science

Treasurer officer symbol

The Balanced Budget

Reporter officer symbol

The Beacon Tower

Vice President officer symbol

The Five-Pointed Star

2nd Vice President officer symbol

The Four-Pointed Star

President officer symbol

The Gavel

Sergeant-at-Atms officer symbol

The Hearty Handshake

Secretary officer symbol

The Pen

What is the purpose of TSA Technology Honor Society?

The TSA Technology Honor Society recognizes students for their efforts in academic studies, in leadership, and in services to their school and community


The official record of the proceedings at a meeting of society, committee, or other group

What does the color blue represent in the TSA logo?

The sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technological world

What does the color red represent in the TSA logo?

The strength and determination of technology education students and teachers to obtain that goal


To end a meeting

What are the goals of the Technology Honor Society?

To motivate TSA members to work to improve and maintain high academic marks. To promote the undertaking of leadership roles in school and community organizations. To promote participation in service activities that benefit a school or community. To recognize student concern for chapter, school, and community.

Table a Motion

To postpone the discussion of something during a meeting

What is the annual conference theme?

Together Toward Tomorrow

Privileged Motions

Urgent matters that must be dealt with immediately, even if they interrupt pending business.


a formal step to introduce a matter for consideration by a group


a list of meeting activates in the order they are to be taken up


to refrain from casting one's vote

What's the website URL for Georgia TSA?


What's the website URL for National TSA?


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