TST 232 study

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Which region shown in the map contains the highest mountain in Texas?


Which of the following business situations best illustrates the concept of opportunity cost?

A civil engineering firm cancels several small public contracts in order to have time to work on a large scale contract

The collapse of th4 Soviet Bloc and the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s directly resulted in which of the following?

A decease in military expenditures and the expansion of the European Unions

Which of the following resulted from the public outrage over the practices described in The Jungle?

A legislative act to promote public health

During the early stages of Reconstruction, southern legislatures passed Black Codes, which were generally regarded as?

A new form of slavery in disguise

The text above is an example of which of the following tendencies in American colonial history?

A preference for self-government

If the government decided to lower the market price by imposing a price ceiling at PC, the result would be:

A shortage equal to the difference between Q3 and Q1

Nothing in the Constitution supports the notion that individuals may be asked to suffer otherwise impermissible burdens in order to enhance the societal standing of their ethnic groups. What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 1978?

Admission quotas based on race were deemed unconstitutional

Which of the following continents has much of its landmass on a plateau higher than 3,000 feet in elevation and steep escarpments that fall off rapidly to sea level near its coasts?


When teaching 8th grade students about personal and civic responsibility, which of the following questions should a government and civics teacher encourage students to ask themselves before making important decisions?

Am I aware of the consequences of the decision?

Which of the following United States governments processes is described in the diagram above?

Amending the Constitution

Which of the following is the best example of intrinsic motivation?

Amy studies for an exam because the enjoys learning about the subject matter

Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? Which leader made this statement regarding the renewal of the charter of the Second Bank of the U.S.

Andrew Jackson

The main characteristics of Fascist rule in Italy from 1922 to 1943 were-

Authoritarianism and a corporatist economy

Which of the following indicates the region where maize (corn) was first domesticated?


In which of the following ways did the federal government help reduce economic hardship in Texas during the Great Depression?

By paying farmers to produce less, thereby supporting prices for agricultural products

Experts generally believe that the predominant view of adolescent children in most societies prior to the eighteenth century included the expectation that-

Children would think and behave in much the same way as adults

In its history, Texas has existed in which THREE of the following political entities?

Colony of Spain, Part of Mexico, an independent republic

Which of the following belief systems primarily emphasizes social harmony through the observance of a hierarchy based on age, rank, and gender?


Which of the following was President Roosevelt's primary goal in placing large areas of federally owned lands under the management of the United States Forest Service?

Conserving natural resources for use over many generations

Limited liability is a characteristic of which of the following


Salt domes along the gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana overlay natural reserves of?

Crude oil and methane

Beliefs, behaviors, and objects associated with a society are elements of?


Which of the following violations of the constitution did the supreme court determine was committed in Gideon v. Wainwright?

Denial of due process of law

During the sixteenth century, one result of European exploration and colonization was the

Destruction of the Aztec and Inca empires

One major difference between the constitution and the articles of confederation was that the articles of confederation,

Did not allow the central government to control commerce between states and foreign markets

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" This assertation made conflicted with which of the following political concepts?

Divine right of kings

The text of the inscription suggests that Mesopotamian rulers were most willing to present their military successes as being the result of?

Divine support

The comment above by W.E.B.DuBoise about Booker T. Washington highlights which of the following disagreements between the two African American leaders?

DuBois was an advocate for advanced education of the most capable African American youth, whereas Washington emphasized the importance of trade schools

Which of the following statements best describes the founding of the first permanent English colony at Jamestown, Virginia?

English merchants gathered investors and obtained a royal charter to settle Virginia in search of gold and silver

The political structure of Western Europe during most of the medieval period is best described as a system of:

Fluid alliances among local rulers in the absence of effective central government

For which of the following reasons did France enter into the American Revolution by allying with the American Colonists?

France had been defeated by the British in the Seven Years' War and hoped to weaken the British Empire

George recently graduated from college and is seeking his first full-time job. In economic terms, George's situation is an example of which type of unemployment?


What was the initial reaction of Quanah Parker to the growing numbers of White settlers and buffalo hunters in Texas?

He conducted raids against the white settlements to preserve the Comanche control of the plains

Which of the following accurately describes the major contribution made by Moses Austin to the history of Texas?

He obtained permission from Spain to bring Anglo-American settlers to Texas

"We fought a military war, our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition, our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion" This quotation is most likely from?

Henry Kissinger

Which of the following will most likely gain from an unexpected increase in the inflation rate?

Households with fixed-rate mortgages

If England can govern foreign lands, co can America. If Germany can govern foreign lands, so can America. If they can supervise protectorates, so can America. The ideas expressed by Senator Beveridge are most consistent with which Unites States foreign policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?


Which of the following was a fundamental change brought about by the New Deal

Increased federal involvement in many areas of the United States economy and society

1733:flying shuttle invented, 1764:spinning jenny invented, 1779:spinning mule invented, These inventions affected the advancement of modern economic systems by?

Increasing textile productions

Which of the following was a major goal of the Populist Party?

Increasing the regulation of large business

Which of the following best describes why New York city surpassed Boston and Philadelphia as a port and economic center in the early 1800s?

Inland connections through the Hudson river and Erie canal promoted trade

How did the United States benefit from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

It acquired extensive new territory rich with minerals

Casablanca, Morocco is situated on the Atlantic coast of the continent of Africa. Which of the following is true about the location of Casablanca?

It is in the northern hemisphere and western hemisphere

Which of the following was an important outcome of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

It provided a process by which the United States could expand by admitting territories as new states of the Union

Which of the following was a significant effect of the Industrial Revolution on labor patterns countries undergoing industrialization?

It typically led to a significant decrease in home-based manufacturing

The inscription supports which of the following conclusions about ancient Mesopotamia?

Its states were often engaged in violent conflicts against one another

Which of the following political theorists is commonly thought to have directly influenced the revolution in late eighteenth-century France and North America?

John Locke

Which of the following was a common feature of the hacienda system established by Spain in its American colonies?

Large acreage belonging to one owner or family, with land worked by many tenant farmers

An important similarity between the Silk Road in the period circa 1-1000 A.D. and the trans-Saharan trade routes in the period circa 500-1500 A.D. was that both routes

Laws facilitated the spread of major world religions beyond their places of origin

A historian researching changes in the economy of South Asia between 600 A.D. and 1450 A.D. would find which of the following resources the most useful?

Ledgers from Muslim merchants operating in the Indian Ocean

Exporting firms typically benefit from a depreciation of their nation's currency because the depreciating currency increases the firms' profits by-

Making their products relatively less expensive in international markets

The purchase of Florida from Spain, the annexation of Texas and the U.S.-Mexican War were most consistent with the United States citizens belief in?

Manifest Destiny

Which of the following most accurately describes the initial contacts between kingdoms in sub-Saharan West Africa and Portugal in the fifteenth century?

Many West African kingdoms traded slaves and gold for goods brought by Portuguese merchants

Increased contact between western Europe civilizations and Asia during the medieval period led to which of the following developments.

Mathematical concepts and theories became more advanced with the exchange of ideas between Christian and Muslim scholars

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the formation and goals of the Chicano movement in Texas and elsewhere in the United States?

Mexican Americans formed a movement baes on political consciousness, ethnic solidarity, and shared culture in an effort to end their subordinate status in American society

As a result of the decline of the oil and gas industry in Texas during the 1980s, the state's economy became?

More diversified

After Texas became independent of Mexico in 1836, there was significant political resistance in the United Sates to the annexation of Texas largely because of?

Northern opposition to the increased representation slave states would have in Congress if Texas became a state

During the eighteenth century, many North American colonists opposed British mercantilism because it?

Placed restrictions on colonial trade outside of the British market

Which of the following is an effect that the Columbian Exchange had upon societies in Asia?

Plants from the Americas became important crops and foodstuffs in Asia

This of the following statements best describes a core belief of the Progressive movement of the early twentieth century?

Problems in society could be addressed by promoting better education, less corrupt governments, and more efficient workplaces

Which of the following is true in a market economy?

Production is determined by consumer choice and profit motive

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) is best known for her role in which of the following?

Promoting woman suffrage

During the Second World War, Texans, like other Americans on the home front, experienced which of the following conditions of challenges and opportunities

Rationing of consumer goods, greater availability of jobs

In the early nineteenth century, most Anglo settlements in Texas occurred in eastern Texas mainly because?

Reliable sources of water for crops and livestock

In response to the devastating hurricane of 1900, what political change did city leaders of Galveston implement that eventually became a model for many cities across the nation?

Replacing the mayor and city council with a city commission

During the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) is considered an important turning point in European history because it-

Resulted in a new balance of power and the emergence of the modern concept of state sovereignty

Which of the following individuals was primarily responsible for developing the first steamboat in the U.S.

Robert Fulton

The senate of the ancient Roman republic differed from the current US Senate in which of the following ways?

Roman senators served lifetime terms

Mt Fuji, Ganges River in India and Mt. Sinai in Egypt have human importance because they are?

Sacred spaces

Which of the following societal changes took place in western Europe during the late Roman and early medieval periods?

Slaves were largely replaced by serfs as agricultural workers

Control of colonies in Jamaica, Kenya and Malaysia gave the British empire ready access to valuable sources of?

Sugar, coffee, and rubber

Which of the following headlines suggests a violation of the rights guaranteed in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution?

Suspect convicted after coerced confession

"My faith in the constitution is whole; it is complete; it is total. I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution and destruction of the Constitution" Texas congresswoman Barbara Jordan gained national prominence after delivering the speech which demanded?

That impeachment charges be brought against President Nixon over the Watergate cover-up

Which of the following is a true statement that helps explain the spread of Buddhism into China after the first century A.D.?

The Buddhist emphasis on classic texts and on avoiding conflict was compatible with Confucian doctrines

Which of the following political parties was active in the 1790s and favored a loose interpretation of the Constitution, a nation bank, and a powerful standing army?

The Federalist Party

How did the United States embargo of oil to Japan contribute to the United States entering the Second World War?

The Japanese government viewed the embargo as an act of war, contributing to its decision to strike against the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor

Which of the following government actions attempted to resolve the issue of slavery in the new territories by allowing residents to vote on the matter?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

Ottawa, Canada and Paris, France are on approximately the same latitude. However, average winter temps are much higher in Paris than Ottawa. Which of the following accounts for the difference in temps?

The North Atlantic Drift moderates the seasonal temp variations of Paris

How did the decision in Marbury v. Madison affect the United States?

The Supreme Court could rule that an act of Congress was unconstitutional

Seasonal temperature variations within the temperate zones of the Earth result primarily from changes in?

The amount of radiant energy reaching the surface of the Earth because of the Earth's axial tilt

Which of the following was the most significant cause of the population trend shown on the graph?

The declining role of the peasantry in central American economics

Which of the following is an advantage that the Texan army had over the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto?

The element of surprise

Which of the following was a responsibility of the Freedman's Bureau in Texas during Reconstruction?

The establishment of schools for African American

Which of the following increased the profitability of long cattle drives through Texas after the Civil War?

The growth of cities in the northern states and the extension of the railroads into Kansas

Which of the following best describes how Japanese industrialization led to a shift in Japan's foreign policy following the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate in the mid-nineteenth century?

The need to secure supplies of raw materials encouraged Japanese leaders to pursue expansionist policies

The Treaty of Versailles is often cited as a cause of the outbreak of the Second World War because

The provisions of the treaty led to hyperinflation and the rise of political extremism in Germany

Which of the following accurately describes the military importance of the Union's victory at Vicksburg in 1863 during the Civil War?

The victory gave Union forces effective control of the Mississippi River

Which of the following is true of the conflicts in Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Darfur in the 1990s and 2000s?

They all involved ethnic conflict incited by governments

Which of the following most accurately describes the main means of sustenance for the Caddo Indians who lived in the eastern part of Texas prior to the arrival of the Europeans?

They primarily raised crops such as corn, squash and beans

Which of the following is the constitutional process for selecting a United States Supreme Court justice?

Through presidential appointment, and confirmation in the Senate

Reasons for founding of the British colony of Georgia included

To create a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and British South Carolina

The Texas constitution of 1876 included the following provisions, governor's term set at two years, reduced powers to appoint officials, legislature required to meet every two years. What was the most important goal of the authors of the Texas Constitution of 1876?

To limit the power of the Texas government in response to perceived abuses under Radical Reconstruction

Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted that the officers and soldiers so quarted and billeted shall be received and furnished with diet, and drink by the owners of the inns, stables, and other houses. Which statement best explains why this act was created by Parliament?

To lower the governments cost of keeping British soldiers in the colonies following the French and Indian War

Which two of the following correctly states reasons that the framers of the Unites States Constitution structed Congress in the manner shown?

To provide less populated states with equitable representation, and to select some representatives by popular vote and some by appointment

The right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years or older, to vote chall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of age. Which of the following amendments contains the text?


Which of the following would most likely be used by a humanistically oriented psychologist as a therapeutic technique in treating clients?

Unconditional positive regard

Which of the following was the first legislative body of elected representatives in North America?

Virginia House of Burgesses

Read excerpt below: Marx and Engels suggest that the bourgeoisie had affected society by? The bourgeoisie has subject the country to the rule of the towns:

decreasing the importance of rural workers in favor of urban workers

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