Ultimate Study Guide - Test I (Period 1 and 2)

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Similarities in the Chesapeake and New England Colonies

- Made up primarily from people from England - under the British Crown - issues with the Native Americans - most people were involved in farming - under mercantilism and the navigation acts - experience some uncivil rest

List/Describe three ways the press influenced the development of the American identity.

1. Language usage, through writing in particular the press would influence the language usage of the readers and in turn influence the public. 2. Political views, where the press could easily influence a political opinion or popularize it by their word choices. 3. Critical Thinkings, articles were written in an argumentative form to make readers thinking critically as well as to engage them with ideas and issues in the culture at that time.

Defend the following statement with 3 pieces of evidence: The spirit of rebellion responsible for the American Revolution began in the First Great Awakening.

1. Made the idea of making own political decisions without authority or landowners and merchants, which would result in the challenge of royal authority. 2. Emotionalism became common during this time period which would be able to serve as tool of persuasion. 3. All colonist, regardless of origin or status, shared common feelings with one another as well as common experiences for the first time.

List three major ways identity and way of life in the colonies differed from England.

1. More religious freedom for the colonies as compared to England. 2. The government system was different in colonies from England, a more representative form of government. 3. There was more social mobility in the colonies compared to England, with the exception of African slaves.

List 3 main differences between the German and Scots-Irish immigrants.

1. The German settled chiefly on the rich farmlands of west Philadelphia while the Scotch-Irish settled along the frontier in the western parts of Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. 2. The Germans respect the British government more, showed by them obeying colonial laws, while the Scotch-Irish had little respect for the British government. 3. The Germans comprised 6 percent of the colonial population, the Scotch-Irish comprised 7 percent of it.

List three ways colonial society differed from modern day society.

1. The major division, while still visible today, in race was a lot mor grander back then. The major factor being slavery. 2. There were fewer middle class workers as compared to back then. 3. Men back then held a lot more power, both economically and politically, than they do now.

Explain 2 reasons the African immigrants differed from the other groups.

1. While the other immigrant groups came her by choice for economic opportunities and for their families, African immigrants came to America, not by choice, but by force. 2. Other immigrants had way more opportunities in the new colonies for economic prosperity while the African immigrants were working slave labour in the south, or free wage earners outside of the South. However, all colonies did pass laws to discriminate against African Americans.

Period 1 ends with the establishment of Jamestown, the first permanent British settlement in North America. Explain why 1607 is a major turning point in United States history.

1607 is a major turning point in United States history because this was the year that the English established their first permanent settlement, Jamestown. Jamestown is important because it is a British settlement, and it was the first British settlement of many that would be founded by the British on their quest to colonize North America.

The Enlightenment

A movement in the 1700's that rejected traditional ways of life and looked for a more rational and scientific way to explain the world we live in It was an emphasis on the sciences and reason to explain things

List 3 main reasons Europeans came to the New World.

Abundance of fertile American land for more food to feed their families. To escape religious persecution and wars. For economic opportunity by becoming a farmer, merchant, or artisan.

To what extent did African slavery differ regionally in eighteenth-century North America?

African slavery differ regionally from colony to colony in the eighteenth century for in Massachusetts they had the first enslavement of "lawful" captives, Virginia had mother's enslavement expanded to their children, and Maryland had Africans regarded as socially inferior, Plantations, Stricter laws compared to other colonies, Life bondage, and expanded to their children from mother.

What do all three regions have in common economically?

All three regions of the colonies, while vastly different in climate, had two things in common economically. This was agriculture and trade. Even though the climate in New England made it harder for farmers to grow crops, they still owned land and tried to profit from that land as much as they can. Also, all colonies traded with other countries, mostly Enlgand, for economic wealth for their colonies and for other goods that they could not grow or maintain in their land.

African & The New World

Ancestor worship Elderly people often held positions of power Africans had slaves (usually temporary) Slaves being traded away from W. Africa started by 8th c. Portugal popularized trade in 15th c. 100K+ slaves to Portugal & Spain between 1450 & 1500 African kingdoms battled in order to capture slaves & make profit Africans=over ½ of all new arrivals to NW from 1500-1800 Most from west coast Viewed by Euros as uncivilized But...had elaborate economic, political, & familial relationships Mostly matrilineal Mostly sedentary/farming

Effect of Slave Trade: Spread of Culture

As result of slave trade, people of African descent spread throughout Americas, Western Europe Spread called the African Diaspora Eventually led to spread of African culture—music, art, religion, food—throughout the Western World

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Between the 1500s and the 1800s millions of Africans were captured, shipped across the Atlantic Ocean, and sold as slaves in the Americas.

Cultures of Central and South America...

Between the years of A.D. 300 to 800, the culture of Central and South America was heavily influenced by three highly developed and different civilizations; the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. The Maya were able to build several remarkable cities. After several centuries of the decline of the Mayas, the Aztecs were able to form a powerful and highly organized empire after them. The Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, had a population of about 200,000, the population of popular cities in Europe. While the Aztecs were busy building an empire in Central America, the Incas based in Peru were also building an immense empire in South America.

Outcomes of the Great Awakening

Birth of deep religious convictions in the colonies New churches built to accommodate new members New Lights Old Lights Colleges founded found to train new ministers Encouraged ideas of equality and right to challenge authority Birth of charity and charitable organizations played a key role in the development of democratic thought as well as the belief of the free press and the belief that information should be shared and completely unbiased and uncontrolled.

Compare and contrast the political development of Virginia to that of New England. Are they more similar or different?

Both the political development of Virginia and New England organized representative forms of government. Virginia had the House of Burgesses while New England had the Mayflower compact. New England was different from Virgina, for they allowed people of the colony to participate in yearly elections of representative jobs. They were also the same for they both had a representative government that coexisted with antidemocratic practices, answered mostly to the king for financial support, and only male property owners could participate in the "democratic" system. They are more so similar, for they both had early adaptations to a representative form of government which soon progressed to more democratic practices.

The Black Legend

Britain, France & other Euro nations attempted to demonize the Spanish empire Cruelty, intolerance Based on Las Casas writing Often fueled by Protestant writers Used as reasoning to attack Spanish ships, forts, etc.

Identify one cause and one effect of Spanish settlement in North America.

Cause: Because of the French's efforts to explore the lower Mississippi river. Effect: The effect is the growth of Spanish settlements throughout Texas to resist their efforts.

The Glorious Revolution in America

Changed the balance of power in England's government. Parliament assumed greater control over the nation and its overseas territories. In 1685, King James II attempted to increase royal control by combining New York, New Jersey, and the New England colonies into the Dominion of New England. He was also appointing Catholics to positions of power & was seen to be favoring Catholicism even though he was the head of the church of England. Colonial governments were disbanded (Sir Edmond Andros)

Chesapeake vs. New England Colonies

Chesapeake: - Immigrants often single males - Cash crops, plantation economy - Swampy, hot, humid - Spread-out farming communities New England: - Entire families emigrated to New England - Small farms, fishing, lumber - Healthier climate, lived longer, larger families - Larger towns, lived closer to one another

Support or refute the following statement: Christopher Columbus was a hero.

Christopher Columbus, while not resembling all noble qualities, should be recognized as an explorer who represents courage and had outstanding achievements,and thus should be called a hero for the European exploration into the new world.

How "American" was colonial art? To what extent does it illustrate the development of a new/different society?

Colonial art wasn't majorly different from European art. Considering that most colonist came from Europe, most of the artists also came from Europe. This means that most of the "American" art was small adaptations to the new culture in the colonies, such as more independence from the British Empire, while still being mixed with European arts and stories. This slowly illustrates the development of a new society, for as time went on American arts slowly became different from Europeans and now longer could the societies be seen as the same.

English in the New World

Colonization viewed as a way to: Create new market Alleviate poverty & overcrowding New resources Religious reasons Protestant Reformation 1517; King Henry VIII est. Anglican Church in 1529 (1509-1547) "Bloody Mary" restores Catholicism, persecutes Protestants (1553-1558) Back to Protestantism w/ Elizabeth I (1558-1603) Catholics vs. Protestants Puritans, Separatists

Outcomes of the Glorious Revolution

Destroyed the idea or divine-right (absolute) monarchy in England The revolution established that the ultimate power in the state was divided between monarch and parliament and the monarch ruled with the consent of the governed A constitutional monarchy was formed with the making of the document known as the English Bill Of Rights No taxes raised or armies recruited without approval of Parliament No subject can be detained without due process King cannot suspend laws on his own Reality... is that the government is run by male property owners Exciting Time! "the rights of Englishmen!"

In what ways was English policy toward Native Americans different from those of France and Spain?

Different from France in that... The biggest difference from English policy towards Native Americans compared to Frances policy was that while the French looked at Native Americans as economic and political allies, the English saw American Indian culture as primitive and "savage". Because of this, the English started to remove natives from their land. Different from Spain in that... The difference from English policy towards Native Americans compared to Spain's policy was that Spain was trying to subjugate over Native Americans, the English wanted to expel them. Since Spain explored South and Central America, they had to conquest the big empires such as the Aztecs and Incas through excessive force and control, such as slave labor. However, the English settled in areas which didn't have huge empires, so they were able to easily move Native Americans out of their settlements.

Compare the social hierarchy of ministers, doctors, and lawyers in the colonial era to the modern era. Why the change?

During this time period, around the 17th century, the ministers were a lot higher in the social hierarchy as compared to doctors and lawyers, for people back then more heavily believed that following the word of the bible was a crucial part in the progress and maintained support of a society. However, in the years leading up to the modern times, religious had a steady decrease in following as more science reasoning came into play and religious theories became debunked. This would explain the increase in doctors and lawyers being placed higher in the social hierarchy. More dependence on advancement and technology then on religious importance.

Effects of the Slave Trade

Estimates of 15 to 20 million Africans shipped to Americas against their will Millions more sent to Europe, Asia, Middle East Human cost enormous Countless died in transit Millions deprived of freedom Descendants doomed to lives of forced servitude Effects profound in Africa Slave raiders captured strongest young—future leaders of societies Divided Africans one from another—some rulers waged wars to gain captives Forced labor of millions of Africans did not enrich Africa

How did European expansion impact Native American society?

European expansion impacted Native American societies by being introduced to new plants, animals, inventions, tools, weapons, and diseases. Through being introduced to new plants such as sugar cane and blue grass, and new animals such as pigs and horses, the way in which Native American societies hunted and farmed changed dramatically, especially with horses, which allowed Natives to travel a lot faster when tracking down animals. An example of this being the Great Plains settlements who went from mainly farming to hunting due to trading for horses. With the Columbian Exchange Native American societies were also introduced to new inventions such as the wheel, new tools such as iron implements, and new weapons such as guns. These all changed how efficiently Native American societies did things whether it be for travel, for farming, or for killing. Europeans expansion also negatively impacted Native American societies by introducing new diseases to them, such as smallpox and measles. This resulted in millions of Native Americans dying, and a negative relationship with Native Americans and Europeans.

How did European expansion impact European society?

European expansion in the Americas impacted European societies both economically and politically, as well as introduced them to new plants and food. While in the Americas, the Spanish were able to institute an encomienda system. This allowed for Spanish masters to own Native slaves and profit off of their labour. Spain was also able to send ships filled with gold from Mexico and Peru, which made Spain the most richest and powerful nation in Europe. The introduction of new land to European nations also resulted in a political clash among them. For example, Spain and Portugal were the first European kingdoms to claim territories in the Americas. However, their claims overlapped with one another and the issue had to be resolved by the pope in Rome with the line of demarcation. Finally, with the introduction of new civilization came the introduction of new plants and food. Europeans learned about many new plants and foods such as beans, corn, sweet, and white potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco. This exchanged impacted the food many European societies ate.

French in the New World

Few in population, but strong influence Far in to interior of N. America Fur trading & trapping Jesuit missionaries Adapting native ways, inter-marriage Allies w/ Algonquins, enemies w/ Iroquois

Trade Network

First leg of triangle - ships carried European goods to Africa to be exchanged for slaves. Second leg - Middle Passage - Africans were brought to the Americas to be sold. Third leg - American products were carried to Europe. Some slave traders from Americas sailed directly to Africa, not following triangular route

Effect of Slave Trade: Economics

Forced labor of Africans did enrich other parts of world Labor of African slaves built economies of many American colonies Their knowledge of agriculture contributed to growth of rice industry in southern English colonies

Outcomes of the Enlightenment

Great surge of literacy in the colonies Newspapers and book publications increase Schools are synonymous with new towns and villages Deism, God is the great clockmaker People are born with natural rights Government has an obligation to protect those natural rights Kings have no right to govern people, people empower government

Similarities in the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas

Highly organized societies Extensive trade Created calendars Cultivated crops & had stable food supplies Esp. corn for Mayas & Aztecs, potatoes for Incas

Read Historical Perspectives on page 55. Which viewpoint do you agree with the most? Explain your choice.

I believe in the first viewpoint on the Historical Perspective of Democracy in the early "democratic" governing in the colonies. This is because while there were some forms of representative bodies in government, there were still royal colonies which consisted of a governor being appointed by a king as well as a higher body in a colonies legislature being appointed by the king. Also, in more representative forms of government, only white land owners were able to vote for their representatives leaving a whole variety of different races, sexes, and economic minorities out of the elections. In a true democratic form of government, those chosen to be elected would be chosen through a process where everyone would be allowed to vote, not just a select few.

New Routes...

In 1453 Ottoman Turks blocked a land route to asia after they seized control of Constantinople. Because of this, Europe had to find a new way to rich Asian trade in one of two ways. They could reach Asia by sailing south along along the West African coast, or by crossing the Atlantic Ocean. The Portuguese saw that the first option was more promising, so Portugal's Prince Henry sponsored the voyage that would go around South Africa's Cape of Good Hope. In 1498, Portugal sea Captain Vasco da Gama was the first European to successfully reach India this route. At the same time, Columbus attempted what he mistakenly believed was the shorter route to Asia.

Developing Nation-states...

In the 15th Century, Europe was rapidly changing politically. Small kingdoms were uniting to larger ones, enormous multi ethnic empires were breaking up, and nation-states began replacing these small kingdoms and multiethnic empires. Nation-states are countries in which the majority of people share both a common culture and loyalty toward a central government. The monarchs of these emerging nation-states depended on trade to bring in needed revenues, and depended on the church to justify their right to rule. Monarchs used their power to search for riches abroad and to spread the influence of their version of Christianity to new overseas dominions.

Compare and contrast Jamestown and Plymouth colonies.

Jamestown colonies originally served as a colony for economic gain, while Plymouth colonies was made for people who wanted religious freedom. Also, while Jamestown became England's first royal colony, the Plymouth colonies wanted a church that was independent from royal control. They are similar for they both had early hardships which led to the population of the colonies both dramatically dropping.

Las Casas v. Sepulveda

LC Indians were "truly men," not to be "treated as dumb beasts" "It has been Spain's practice in every land they have discovered to stage a massacre." "Strange cruelties" carried out by "Christians" Indians have been "totally deprived of their freedom & were put in the harshest, fiercest, most terrible servitude & captivity." Recommended use of African slaves S "Barbarians" "Inferior to the Spanish as children to adults" "Half-men" "Do not possess any learning at all." "They have been born to slavery & not to civic & liberal life."

Pre-contact of Europeans

Land bridge from Siberia to Alaska 10K+ years ago Migrated southward from Arctic Circle Native population in Americas in 1491==50-100 million

Slave Codes

Laws in Americas considered enslaved Africans to be property Slaves had no rights, freedoms Slaveholders controlled most conditions under which they lived Often enslaved people endured brutal treatment, abuse

Reasons to explore the new world

Middle Ages (Dark Ages) are over; Renaissance begins Cultural movement Promoted creative thinking & individualism Started in 14th century Improvements in Technology Printing press Gutenberg, 1450 Europeans started to use gunpowder, sailing compass, sextant, bigger & faster ships Religious Conflict Reformation, 1517 Catholics & Protestants hoped to spread their religion Commerce Europe's population had rebounded since Black Death in 1340s Seeking land, new trade routes, & new products Inspired by Marco Polo Nationalism Strong monarchs, centralized nation-states Spain, France, England, & Portugal went from small territories into powerful nation-states Looking to spread power/build empire Looking to increase wealth

Compare and contrast the Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies during the Restoration era.

Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies were alike during the Restoration era for they both were under the English monarch rule and they both had forms of representative government with anti-democratic principles. They were different because they were torn between Oliver Cromwell and King Charles II for ruling them, and the south relied more on the enslavement of Africans and plantations ran by slave labor.

Middle Passage

Middle Passage, terrifying ordeal Captive Africans chained together, forced into dark, cramped quarters below ship's decks Could neither sit nor stand Journey lasted three to six weeks. Ten to twenty percent did not survive

Jobs of Slaves

Most slaves worked on plantations Others worked in mines, in towns, in the countryside Skilled craft workers—carpenters, metalworkers, coopers—continued crafts in Americas Women given domestic duties

Colonies Differences (Geography)

New England: - Farthest North - Cooler Climate; shorter growing season, helped prevent disease, cold weather killed many. - Mostly hills and rocky soil - Natural resources more important than agricultural crops Middle: - Temperate climate; warm summers, cold winters - Landforms; coastal plain, piedmont, mountains - Good harbors - Ideal for agriculture Southern: - Warmest climate; helped colonists survive winter, most climate carried diseases - Broad coastal plain; hilly and forests - Rich farmland, forests, and fish

Colonies Differences (Society)

New England: - Foundation on religion; puritan faith. - "City upon a hill" - Strong sense of faith, family and community - Very strict - Massachusetts; 1st public education - First two colleges; harvard and yale Middle: - Diversity - Religious tolerance - Fast growth; westward expansion, philadelphia was the largest colonial colony. - Social order; merchants (u), craftsmen, retail, businessman (m), sailors, unskilled workers, some artists (l) Southern: - Social order; plantation owners, poor farmers, slaves. - Wealthy was gentry - Tutors or private school - Poor people were homeschooled

Colonies Differences (Politics)

New England: - Mayflower compact: plymouth, elected legislature, gov't of the people - Representative government - Town meetings - Ultimately, power in the hands of the church - Fund. Orders of Connecticut: Gov't power from "free consent of the people". Middle: - Toleration - Indian Treaties - Eventually became royal colonies; governor controls Southern: - House of Burgesses; Jamestown, 1st representative body in colonies. - Eventually became royal colonies

Colonies Differences (Religions)

New England: - Puritan Church - Church central to colonial life - All settlers had to attend and support the Church - Banishment for non-committed Middle: - Great social and religious diversity - Pennsylvania; quakers, religious tolerance - Presbyterians - Lutherans - Mennonites - Jews, New York Southern: - Colonies founded for economic rather than religious reasons. - Exception; maryland, catholic - Planters; Church of England, anglican - Poor settlers; baptists and methodists

Colonies Differences (Economy)

New England: - Relied on the Atlantic Ocean; shipbuilding, trade, fishing. - Triangular Trade Route; traded goods for rum, sugar cane, and molasses, then for slaves. - Key trade port; Boston, MA - Small farms. Middle: - Depended on farming and trade - Staple crops; wheat, barley, rye - Breadbasket colonies - Urban centers like New York and Philadelphia - Ports and diversity - Fur Trade - Some slaves Southern: - Hot and wet; agriculture - Cash crops; tobacco, rice, indigo - Forests; pitch, tar, turpentine - Plantation system, slavery - No major commercial cities

Native American Reaction...

North American tribes were groups distinct from each other, and not apart of a larger body of Native Americans. Because of this, European settlers rarely worried about a unified response. Initially the European goods such as copper pots and guns had motivated the natives to interact with the strangers. However, due to the decimation of their people from the violence and disease of the Europeans, the Native Americans had to adopt new ways to survive. Some tribes allied with one European power or another in hopes to gain support and survive. A number of tribes simply migrated to new land to get away from the slowly encroaching settlers. Regardless of how they dealt with European invasion, Native Americans would never be able to return to life they had known prior to 1492.

Explain one political and one economic cause for Jamestown early struggles for survival.

One economic cause for Jamestown early struggles for survival was the many settlers of Jamestown's who were unaccustomed to do physical work and other settlers who refused to hunt or farm and were only in the search for natural resources, mainly gold. A political cause for Jamestown early struggles for survival was the conflict that erupted between settlers and natives, which caused trade to stop between the settlers and the natives, leaving settlers to starve.

Reasons for the Great Awakening

People felt that religion was dry, dull and distant Preachers felt that people needed to be concerned with inner emotions as opposed to outward religious behavior People in New England can read and interpret the Bible on their own

Spanish Empire in the New World

Phase 1—Discovery & Exploration Looked to get rich Gold & Silver Spain became richest nation in the world Biggest empire in world history by 1600 Largely peopled by natives though Phase 2—Conquest Phase 3—Colonization Agriculture/Land Missions/Catholic Church St. Augustine, FL—1565

George Whitefield

Puritan Minster who used raw emotional sermons to reach all classes of colonists Preached that "good works" and "godly lives" would bring you salvation Forced to give sermons in open areas (revivals)

Spanish Empire in the New World (2)

Set up encomienda system License to extract labor & tribute from Pueblos Suppose to protect & Christianize Indians Often led to enslavement Mines, farm work Decimated native population Led to slaves from Africa

Identify one key similarity and one key difference between societies that developed in Central and South America to those that developed in North America.

Similarity: One key similarity between societies developed in Central and South America and societies developed in North America was the plants that they produced. Originally only found in Central and South America, maize was apart of the fundamental diet for people located in the region. However, as time progressed, maize kept finding its way in North American tribes as it moved northward. Difference: One key difference between societies developed in Central and South America compared to societies that developed in North America is the population density of these different societies. While civilizations in Central and South America, such as the Aztecs and the Incas, were made up of large cities, with some housing hundreds of thousand of people, civilizations in North America were less populated and had settlements consisting of up to 300 people scattered across North America.

Origins of the Slave Trade

Slavery has existed in many parts of the world People forced into slavery came from different walks of life Farmers, merchants, priests, soldiers, or musicians; fathers and mothers, sons and daughters. Beginnings: Shortage of labor in Americas led to beginning of Atlantic slave trade European planters needed workers on sugar, tobacco plantations Native Americans: Planters first used Native Americans; European diseases killed millions 1600s, used indentured servants Expensive to support workers African slaves: Millions forcibly taken to Americas Most from coast of West Africa Some exchanged for firearms, goods Others kidnapped on raids by traders

Living Conditions of Slaves

Slaves had to meet own basic needs at end of workday Cooking, mending, tending the sick fitted in around work for slaveholder Living conditions harsh Physical, degrading punishment inflicted for minor offenses

Dividing the Americas...

Spain and Portugal were the first European kingdoms to claim territories in the Americas. However, their claims overlapped and it led to a dispute between the two kingdoms that was resolved by the pope in Rome. In 1493, his solution was to draw the line of demarcation which would grant Spain all lands to the west of the line and Portugal all lands to the east. In 1949, Spain and Portugal moved the pope's line a few degrees to the west and signed an agreement called the Treaty of Tordesillas. With this, Portugal was able to claim Brazil, and Spain was able to claim the rest of the Americas. However, late other European countries began to challenge these claims.

Spanish Exploration and the Conquest...

Spain owed its existing power in the Americas to its explorers and conquerors called conquistadores. Some famous conquistadors include Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernan Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro. The conquistadors sent ships loaded with gold and silver back to Spain from Mexico and Peru. They increased the gold supply by more than 500 percent, making Spain the richest and most powerful nation in Europe. After seizing the wealth of of the Indian empires, the Spanish instituted an encomienda system, with the king of spain giving grants of land and natives to individual Spaniards. This Natives had to work for their Spanish masters, and in return the Spanish master had to "care" about them. However, with diseases and brutality reducing the native population, the Spanish began to bring enslaved people from West Africa under the asiento system, which required the Spanish to pay a tax to their king on each slave they imported to the Americas.

To what extent did the English Civil War serve as a turning point for the colonies in America, what were the characteristics before and after that time period?

The English Civil War served as a turning point for the colonies in America due to a precedent of unification of colonies when met with trouble, the New England Confederation.Before that time period colonies fought Natives on their own, but after this, colonies helped one another fight and moral and religious change came to England.

Compare and contrast the English model of colonization to that of the French and Spanish.

The English model of colonization differed from that of the French and Spain, for the English brought a tradition of representative government with their colonization. However, they are all alike in the sense that they had a relationship in the New World with the Natives. While the French were able to maintain a better relationship with the Natives, the English differed from this through conflict with the Natives. Also, unlike the Spanish, the English didn't rely on heavily enslaving Natives, for their focus was heavily on North America, where societies were a lot more independent, so the English were able to push the Natives out westward.

How did the Enlightenment threaten the English empire?

The Enlightenment threaten the English empire for as people became increasingly smart, whether it be on ideas or technology, they also became more aware of their rights and began to ask for reasoning with the British government. As the rise of the printing press and opinions became more public, the threat of an American revolution became a lot more apparent. The Enlightenment of the colonists in the Americas would eventually lead to the English empire, a huge threat to the power that the English empire tried vigorously to hold on to.

French Policy...

The French saw American Indians as potential economic and military allies, for they were looking for furs and converts to Catholicism. The French maintained good relations with the tribes they encountered and were able to build trading posts through the St.Lawrence Valley, the Great Lakes region, and along the Mississippi river. At these posts, they exchanged French goods for beaver pelts and other furs collected by American Indians. The French posed as less of a threat to the native population than other Europeans, and even some French soldiers assisted the Huron people in fighting their traditional enemy, the Iroquois.

How effective were Native Americans in overcoming the negative aspects of European policies?

The Native Americans weren't at all effective in their attempts to overcome the negative aspects of European policies. Due to Native settlements in North America being spread out, the tribes weren't able to unify together to fight back, and English policies were able to easily remove natives from conquested land. Also, due to the inability of Native Americans to cure the European illnesses brought over from the Columbus Exchange, many Natives died and were less strong in numbers compared to the British.

Compare the importance and opportunity of education in the North to that in the South. Why were these two regions so different when it came to education?

The North put far more greater emphasis on education as compared to the south. These two regions became vastly different from one other, especially on education, for they both had different ways in which their economies ran. Because of the growth of transportation, manufacturing, and trade cities in the North grew much more in numbers and alterations. In contrasts, the southern colonies didn't have as great as an emphasis on public education for they mainly focused on education through homes, not taxed-funded or public schools. This is the first colleges, higher education, were established in the North. More economic opportunities in trade, more cities, more people, more opportunities for jobs, more opportunities to have education for those jobs.

Improvements in Technology...

The Renaissance period in Europe caused an outburst of Artistic and Scientific activity from the 15th century to the 16th century. Technological advancement from the Renaissance period allowed for Europeans to make advancements from existing Countries. Some inventions include gunpowder (invented by the Chinese) and the sailing compass (adopted from Arab merchants who learned about it from the Chinese). Europeans also made major improvements in ship-building and mapmaking, as well as the invention of the printing press, which aided to the spread of knowledge in Europe.

Religious Conflict in the Renaissance Era...

The Renaissance was also a time of Religious Conflict. In the 8th century, Islamic invaders from North Africa, known as Moors, rapidly conquered most of what is now Spain. However, over the next several centuries, Spanish Christians reconquered much of the land previously taken by Moors and they setted up several independent kingdoms. Two of the largest kingdoms united when Isabella, queen of Castile, and Ferdinand, king of Aragon, married in 1469. In 1492, with the leadership of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Spanish were able to take down the last Moorish stronghold in Spain, the city of Granada. This was known as the Catholic Victory in Spain. In the same year, the monarchs also funded Columbus on his first voyage. With the uniting of Spain under Isabella and Ferdinand, the conquest of Granada, and the launching of Columbus, it signaled to the rest of Europe new leadership, hope, and power for Europeans who followed the Roman Catholic faith.

Spanish Policy...

The Spanish who settled in Mexico and Peru encountered the Aztec and Inca empires. The Spanish used the Aztecs and Incas as laborers in their own empire, and many of them died because of forced labour. Since most people coming from Spain consisted of only men, explorers and soldiers intermarried with natives as well as with Africans. Africans were captured in Africa and forced to travel across the ocean to provide slave labor for the Spanish colonist. A rigid class system developed in the Spanish colonies, one dominated by pure-blooded Spaniards.

Identify the causes of the sources of discord in early New England? Which ones were the most threatening and to what extent were they handled correctly?

The cause of the sources of discord in early New England was individuals who popularized beliefs, the colony that tolerated diverse beliefs and served as a refuge for many different beliefs, the forming of the New England Confederation, and King Phillip's War. The ones that were the most threatening were the New England Confederation and King Phillip's War. New England's Confederation was a retaliation to the threat of attack from American Indians, the Dutch, and the French, so it handled the attacks well and it showed that colonies were able to take unified action against threats. However, King Phillip's War wasn't handled as well because even though the colonists were triumphant, thousands of men on both sides were killed and New England settlements were destroyed.

Identify the causes and motivations of the British mercantile system. Which one is most significant? Why?

The causes and motivations of the British mercantile system was to enrich Great Britain, to grow wealth and self-sufficiency, increase political power and private wealth without the reliance on other empires. The main important motivation of the British mercantile system was achieving self-sufficiency, for this helped lead the colonies to a dependent self-governing structure.

Explain how and why colonies of the world's most powerful empire developed unique, independent system of governing.

The colonies under the British Empire served as a relationship fo the Ruler, the British Empire, and the subject, the Colonies. This served a s a direct and frequent involvement of Britain to the colonies through the laws they implemented, mostly on trade. This situation allowed colonists to establish more democratic regimes, or a unique independent system of government, as opposed to the British way of governing.


The contact between Europeans and the original inhabitants of the Americas resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a transfer of plants, animals, and germs from one side of the Atlantic to the other for the first time. Europeans learned about many new plants and foods such as beans, corn, sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco. The Europeans also contracted a new disease, Syphilis. Europeans introduced to the Americas sugar cane, bluegrasses, pigs and horses, as well as the wheel, iron implements, and guns. They also brought in several germs and diseases, such as smallpox and measles. Millions died, with a mortality rate of 90%, which even wiped out entire tribal communities. The Columbian Exchange permanently changed the entire world.

Explain how cultural interactions between colonizing groups, Africans, and American Indians in the colonial era impacted the development of American colonial identity.

The cultural interactions between colonizing groups, Africans, and American indians in the colonial era impacted the development of American colonial identity of a country of mixed races. With importation of Africans into the American colonies for labor, the African population for the American colonies boosted. As well as the pushing of American Indians westward as the Europeans expanded resulted in a land that held 3 different racial identities; European whites, African blacks, and American natives. Although they all lived in the country, their relationships still weren't great, and human interactions between different races weren't friendly. Because of the racial tension in the colonial era, and the diverse races in America during the colonial era set up the precedent of a country with a diverse group of people, but a diverse group that didn't always get along.

To what extent was the defeat of the Spanish Armada a turning point in American history?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada was a huge turning point in American history mainly for the reason that it set up the English colonization of North America. After the Spanish defeat, the English were then perceived as a major naval power, a title that would heavily impact how the rest of the world would see the English's role in the race for the worlds super power, and the race of the colonization in the New World. The Spanish Armadas defeat would be an effect on the English colonization in North America.

What was the impact of the Catholic victory in Spain and the European Reformation on North America?

The impact of the Catholic victory in Spain helped fund the voyage of Christopher Columbus, for after the monarchs of Spain were able to conquest the last Moorish stronghold, the superpower of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain were given the opportunity to fund Columbus voyage in the hope of more economic, political, and religious power. The European Reformation that caused several religious conflict among Catholics and Protestants had an impact on Europeans traveling towards North America, for they went to North America seeking religious freedom, and not unnecessary wars caused by religion.

Identify the key difference between Viking voyages of the 12th century to that of Columbus in the 15th century.

The key difference between the Viking voyages of the 12th century to that of the Columbus voyage in the 15th century was the lasting impact caused by Columbus's exploration compared to that of the Vikings. One reasoning behind this being that Columbus actually made contact with different civilizations across the Atlantic, the Vikings did not.

Languages of Natives...

The languages of American Indians were very diverse. American Indian languages consist of more than 20 language families. The ones mostly used were Algonquian in the Northeast, Siouan on the Great Plains, and Athabaskan in the Southwest. These 20 language families included more than 400 distinct languages.

Identify the major causes for the establishment of slavery in the Western Atlantic World? Which of those was the most significant, why?

The major causes for the establishment of slavery in the Western Atlantic World was the shortage of available labor force due to the American Indian population dying out, the need for more expansion into the Americans, the need to become a world superpower and exploit the human resources and natural resources of the new land, as well as a need for developing settlements. The most significant of these is the need to become a world superpower for European nations, for this is what drove them into the need of economic, political, technological, land, and societal development. In order for this to happen, they would need to have several labor forces. This is where the slavery of American Indians and African Americans came from, the need of expansion.

Cultures of North America...

The native societies located throughout North America were smaller and less sophisticated compared to native societies in Central and South America. One reason for this was because of the slow cultivation of corn northwards from Mexico. The most popular and complex societies in North America had disappeared by the 15th century, for reasons not well known. When Columbus did reach North America, most people who lived in North America lived in semi permanent settlements with around 300 people in each settlement. These settlements would have men make tools and hunt with them, while the women gathered plants and nuts or grew cops such as corn, beans, and tobacco.

How did new technology enable Christopher Columbus to dominate the "New World?"

The new technology created through the Renaissance period was the key to his domination in the "New World". Some inventions included the sailing compass which helped people navigate on voyages, the improvements in ship-building which made ships more large and durable, and the invention of the printing press which helped inform other Europeans of Columbus's accomplishments.

Explain the political, economic, and cultural impact of the British mercantile system.

The political impact of the British mercantile systems was having a strong economy that helped monarchs keep and maintain strength and power for their country. The economic impact of the British mercantile system was the control of shipping lanes which would allow the British to trade with the world. The cultural impact of the British mercantile system came a cultural exchange of the new world and the old world.

Period 1 begins with 1491. If the American Indian population in what is now the United States was nearly 10 million before 1492, why is the United States population in modern times only 2 to 3% American Indian?

The reason behind the American Indian population in the United States decreasing dramatically from 1491 to the year 2000 is mainly due to the Columbian Exchange, which brought European diseases to Natives, and as a result millions of Natives died from these diseases. Other reasons behind the American Indian population decreasing is the massacres done to Indian tribes by Europeans during the early 15th centuries.. However, this didn't have the biggest impact on American Indian population, but it was still brutal.

Explain why there was so much conflict between and among so many religious groups.

The several different religious groups located in the 13 colonies caused lots of several conflict among religious groups, for many people saw their religion as the only true one. It gave followers of a religion some entitlement issues and it made them think of others as inferior or uneducated. Something that could have such an influence on people and their choices made could easily make others do questionable things, some of those things including religious persecution.

Explain the significance of the difference between Central /South America and North America.

The significance of the difference between Central and South American civilizations compared to civilizations in North America was the population and power of these different tribes. If Empires such as the Aztecs and the Incas existed in North America, the Europeans would have a much harder fight, or even a defeat. However, due to the way North American settlements were built, with each settlement containing up to only 300 people, the Europeans were less worried about North American settlements.

Period 2 begins with 1607 and ends in 1754. As the colonies increased in number, size, and power during this Colonial Era, the population of the eastern seaboard changed. Based on your knowledge of history and the data in the graph at right, explain three reasons for the demographic shift in the Chesapeake. (Chesapeake colonies include Virginia and Maryland)

The three main reasons for the demographic shift in the Chesapeake colonies is because of the natural resources found in these colonies, the settlers' emphasis on agriculture, and the demand for labor which was satisfied with the trade of African slaves. With the number of new resources in the New World, many European nations set off to discover these resources. With the British mainly colonizing North America, these Chesapeake colonies gained a sharp incline in population for white nationality, mostly people of British origin. Also, with the need of expansion and development of settlements, these Chesapeake colonies would rely heavily on agriculture for economic wealth, and with more money for these colonies, more people came. However, white people weren't able to rely on themselves for agriculture, so they enslaved hundred of thousands of Africans to work for them, explaining the shift in numbers for the black population in Chesapeake colonies on this time-line.

How did Britain influence the developing colonial economy?

They hundred growth in manufacturing for the colonies on agriculture ans well as profited on resource trade from the colonies. They would veto any legislation that would possibly hurt the English Merchants, so they served as a sort of hindrance on the colonies economic success.

How did transportation impact colonial regions differently?

Transportation impacted colonial regions differently, for the most productive way to transport goods such as crops was through water, such as the ocean. SInce colonies located in New England had more access to water transportation they had way more economic opportunities than colonies in the South which would result in New England being more prosperous.

English Policy...

Unlike the Spanish, the English settled in areas without large native empires that could be controlled as a workforce. In addition, many English colonist came in as families rather than as a single young man, so marriage with natives was less common. In Massachusetts the English and the American Indians coexisted, traded, and shared ideas. American Indians taught the English how to grow crops and hunt in the forests. They traded with various furs and manufactured goods as well. But the English had no respect for American Indian cultures, and they vied them as primitive or "savage". In return, American Indians saw their way of life threatened as the English began to take more land to support their ever-increasing population. The English then began to expel the natives rather than subjugate them.

List three main effects of Europe's expanding trade in the 15th century.

a. Caused the rise of slave trading of Africans by the Europeans, and with it the rise of slave labour. b. Caused the European kingdoms, empires, and nation-states to become more powerful with more revenue from trading. c. Caused the confusion for Columbus that crossing the Atlantic Ocean is a route to get from Europe to Asia, even though a whole other continent was it it's way.

List 3 pieces of evidence that support the alternate view. (Christopher Columbus, while not resembling all noble qualities...)

a. Columbus was only a good navigator who was a self-promoter who exploited opportunity. b. Columbus was not the first person to explore America, only the first to conquer it. c. Columbus was a religious fanatic in the European Christian tradition who sought to convert the American natives to Christianity and liquidate those who resisted.

What were three chief features of the Spanish empire in America?

a. Establishing permanent settlements throughout America. b. The Christianization of American Indians. c. Usage of force against American Indians for labour.

In what ways did native peoples transform North American environment before European colonization? (list)

a. The Northeast Settlements caused lots of bad soil for the land due to their excessive amounts of farming the people in this region did. b. Varying North American Settlements adopted the plant, Maize, from Central and South America. Tribes used this plant in their foods a lot and it became one of their major diets. c. Several different natives were able to construct tools for farming and hunting with the sources provided to them, even before Europeans stepped foot onto their land. d. Some settlements, such as the Southwest, were able to construct two-story buildings, which allowed for more space for their population.

Identify three major consequences of European contact with American Indians?

a. The introduction to diseases to American Indians that later resulted in millions of them dying. b. The enslavement of American Indians for work labor. c. American Indians forced to change their location due to European settlers.

List 3 pieces of evidence to support your answer. (Christopher Columbus, while not resembling all noble qualities...)

a. What drove Columbus was the challenge of the unknown, not greed for gold, or ambition to conquest. b. Positive results came from Columbus exploration into the Americas such as the development of democratic institution in the colonies and later states. c. His explorations established a permanent point of contact between the old world and the new world.

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