unit 1-number system and rationals
absolute value -
A numbers distance from zero on the number line. We can use symbols to represent the absolute value of a number. For example, we can write the absolute value of 3 as | 3 | .
a number that has a value greater than 0.
a number that has a value less than 0.
positive number:
a number that is bigger than zero. A positive number can be written with a "+" symbol in front of it, or just as a number. For example, "+3" is a positive number. On a number line, positive numbers represent movement to the right.
negative number:
a real number that is less than zero. Negative numbers represent opposites. If positive represents movement to the right, negative represents movement to the left. Negative numbers are written with a "-" symbol in front. For example, "−3" is "negative 3"
a set of all whole numbers, and their opposites. {....-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}
number line:
a straight line on which every point corresponds to a real number and every real number to a point.
rational number
any real number that can be written as a fraction
the integer denoted 0 means that no value is present. It is neither negative nor positive. A number which is not zero is said to be nonzero.
two integers are opposites if they are each the same distance away from zero, but on opposite sides of the number line.