Unit 1, Unit 2a, Unit 2b, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5 -- All Music and Media

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What does FEEL mean for UX?

"Joy of Use"; Interaction reaction, how an app makes you feel when using it

What analogy is used between Radio and Podcasts?

"the music has found its perfect instrument"

Oculus Rift

(acquired by Facebook in 2016) is the most ubiquitous (present or easily found) of all VR platforms

Magnavox Odyssey

- The first video game console for the home - Began selling in 1972 - Based on prototypes built by Ralph Behr in the late 1960- This is what inspired the home console systems that we have today.

What are the three components of Disruptive Technology?

1 - contain an enabling technology, 2 - innovative business model, 3 - a coherent value network must exist

What are some App design Best Practices?

1. Keep it simple and create consistency by using common elements, 2. Be mindful and purposeful about page layout, 3. Use typography to create hierarchy

How do Free Games make money?

1. Monetize the gameplay, set up virtual currency so it does not feel like real money even though it is, 2.Exchange rate in the game is hard to figure out with what it is in real money 3. The entire payment process is easy and painless because they already have your card information 4. They create ways to get tools or conveniences to get ahead or keep going in the game

What are the first 5 steps the hero goes through in the Ordinary World?

1. Ordinary World 2. Call to Adventure 3. Refusal of the Call 4. Meeting the Mentor 5. Crossing the threshold from ordinary to special

What are the top 5 takeaways from this conference?

1. Rise of celebrity podcasters boosts listenership 2. Creator backlash against "walled garden" apps 3.Industry anxiety around maintaining quality at scale 4. Podcasts are still undermonetized — but there is hope! 5. Podcast fans of the future ≠ podcast fans today

Why is solely focusing on location only for a VR experience not always a good thing?

1. The stories they show tend to take audiences to communities in order to show how much people are suffering 2.They simply place a camera in a place that is dangerous or exciting

What goals should you have in mind to when developing your character?

1. give them a purpose, understand their relationship to the game and the world, give them dimensions,

What are some of the aspects a VR experience should focus on besides the location?

1. things people do every day 2.show how they do have terrible things that happen but also show they have a strong spirit too 3. how people survive in spite of their situation 4. understand life through their perspective

Why should you use Design Thinking?

1.It helps organizations learn faster and generate innovative solutions. 2. It can transform the way organizations develop products, services, processes, and strategies. 3. It can develop people's creative potential. 4. It can spur innovation.

What are the final stages in the Ordinary World?

11. Resurrection 12. Return with elixir (potion/medicine/fix)

When and where was the first Arcade?

1890 in at the Cleveland and Cincinnati Arcade Emery

When was the first National Championship and what was it called?

1980 Atari National Space Invaders, Bill Heineman was the winner, he then became a full time program and then became a video game developer

When was the first competitive gaming tournament and who sponsored it?

1980, Space Invaders Championship and it was sponsored by Atari

What year was the great video game crash?


When was the first international tournament?

1984, regional finals in US and Japan, and the finals were in Japan

What is the Nintendo World Championship and when was it held?

1990 Nintendo World Championship

When did mobile gaming first overtake both home game consoles and PC and Mac gaming?


On average, how many apps to people generally use?

30 or less

How many spectators are predicted for 2021?

307 million

How many apps can we generally put up with on our phones?


What steps does the hero go through in the Special World?

6. Test, Allies, Enemies 7. Approach 8. Ordeal, Death, Rebirth 9. Reward, Seizing the Sword 10. The Road Back

Approximately how many podcasts are in production?


In 2006, what was Pac Man's violence rating?

64% violent/ In 1982 no one considered it to be violent.

How many American's are listing and what demographics do these listeners make up?

68 million Americans; Demographics - Age (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z), Gender (Male, Female), Education Level (High School or Less, Some College, Bachelor's Degree, Graduate Degree)

What year did the Real Video Game Panic begin?

982- Thomas Radecki comes back and begins going after video games. He states the video games caused violence in children.

The musical alphabet consists of what seven letters?


The Explorer Archetype:

A character naturally driven to push the boundaries of the status quo and explore the unknown. Strengths: curious, driven, motivated by self-improvement Weaknesses: restless, unreliable, never satisfied

Caregiver Archetype

A character who continually supports others and makes sacrifices on their behalf. Strengths: honorable, selfless, loyal Weaknesses: lacking personal ambition or leadership

Ruler Archetype

A character with legal or emotional power over others. Strengths: omnipotence, status, resources Weaknesses: aloofness, disliked by others, out of touch


A community where the player is an active part of it and works with other toward a common goal. Almost exclusive for multiplayer games.

Independent Game Developer

A company that is not owned by a first party, platform or portal or a publisher, they are independently owned: Example- Valve, Kung Fu Factory, Hello Games

Pareto Principle

A decision-making tool that can help you decide where to begin when you have several tasks or problems.


A device you play video games on

Jester Archetype

A funny character or trickster who provides comic relief, but may also speak important truths. Strengths: funny, disarming, insightful Weaknesses: can be obnoxious and superficial

Jester Examples

A funny character or trickster who provides comic relief, but may also speak important truths. Strengths: funny, disarming, insightful Weaknesses: can be obnoxious and superficial


A grouping of pitches played and heard simultaneously; combination of two or notes played at the same time

Shape Selection

A magic wand tool for selecting specific sections of a sprite.

Innocent Archetype

A morally pure character, often a child, whose only intentions are good. Strengths: morality, kindness, sincerity Weaknesses: vulnerable, naive, rarely skilled


A payment option built-in to apps that allows players to exchange a, usually, small amount of money in exchange for additional gameplay options, levels, character unlocks, cosmetic items, power upgrades, and in-game currency. There is currently a lot of debate surrounding whether microtransactions are necessary for modern game development or they are an unnecessary monetary burden foist upon

The Machine to be Another

A performance art piece that has been traveling around the world that allows you to

What were some of the first recorded sounds being used?

A phonograph playing a baby's cry

The Magician Archetype

A powerful figure who has harnessed the ways of the universe to achieve key goals. Strengths: omniscience, omnipotence, discipline Weaknesses: corruptibility, arrogance

What is sketch?

A program in Processing that you can create drawings using digital graphics

High Fidelity Prototype

A prototype which is quite close to the final product, with lots of detail and a good indication of the final proposed aesthetics and functionality.

Everyman Archetype

A relatable character who feels recognizable from daily life. Strengths: grounded, salt-of-the-earth, relatable Weaknesses: lacking special powers, often unprepared for what's to come

What sound is used to create Bird Flapping its wings?

A sheet or shaking kitchen gloves


A simple setting menu that allows you tweak your composition by adding/removing gridlines, setting opacity, and choosing color format.

Simple Sound

A sound of a single frequency. Sometimes matched to a specific pitch on a musical scale. Has a thin quality.


A story that allows you to live through and drives the player to keep coming back.


A storyboard is a series of drawings meant for pre-visualizing the shots of your project. The sketches are arranged depicting consecutively the important changes of scene and action in a series of shots.


A way you access games that can be used in multiple games

The Sage Archetype:

A wise figure with knowledge for those who inquire. The mother figure or mentor is often based on this archetype. Strengths: wisdom, experience, insight Weaknesses: cautious, hesitant to actually join the action

Approximately how many Americans listen to podcasts?

According to Edison Research's Infinite Dial report, more than half of Americans have now listened to a podcast, and an estimated 32% listen monthly (up from 26% last year).

Hero Archetype Examples

Achilles (The Iliad), Luke Skywalker (Star Wars), Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman), Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)

What is the Three Act Structure comprised of?

Act One with an Inciting Incident Act Two: Confrontation Act Three: Climax and the Resolution

What are the different types of video games?

Action games, Action-adventure games, Adventure games, Role-playing games, Simulation games, Strategy games, Sports games, Puzzle games, Idle games

What was one of the biggest failures of 2019 in regards to microtransactions?

Activision Blizzard, who are currently selling a dot in Black Ops IV for $1.00. This dot is meant for the center of a holographic site to improve your aim as well as look better than the default red dot.

Common Region DOs

Add barriers(negative space) or separators between groups

Common Region Don'ts

Add barriers(negative space) or separators too far between groups and use unnatural barriers(negative space) between groups

Dithering Tool-

Adds a checkerbox effect to a portion of the sprite.


Allows the user to share their creation publicly (please select this in order to share) in their public gallery, save in the browser, or download as a .piskel file.

Layer Styles

Allows you to add effects to individual layers such as drop shadow, inner shadow, bevel, etc.


Allows you to save your creation locally as an animated .GIF or as a single-frame .PNG.


Always display images at their intended aspect ratio to avoid distortion

What is NPR (National Public Radio)?

An American privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization based in Washington D.C.

Who was Thomas Radecki?

An American psychiatrist who was the founder of the National Coalition on Television Violence. He testified in numerous lawsuits against Dungeons & Dragons claiming it caused violence in kids. All of the lawsuits were thrown out of court.


An experience designed to connect the users' problems to your solution

Raster Graphic

An image made up of a rectangular grid of pixels. This type of graphic distorts if you try to enlarge it.

Network Engineer

An individual who manages and maintains a network infrastructure.

What is the Evolution Championship Series? What was the original name?

Annual eSports Competition that started in 1996 as "Battle by the Bay" and focused on fighting games.

What are some popular gaming products?

Apple Arcade released by Apple, Stadia launched by Google, Twitch which was acquired by Amazon

What must an app do for people to continue to use it?

Apps must fulfill a frequent, functional purpose instead of just providing information.

What was created in the 1970s?

Arcade Games

What is Starcade?

Arcade gameshow that started in 1987

Game Designers

Architect everything you experience

Who created the Three Act Structure?


Continuity DOs

Arrange elements/components to form a continuous pattern so that it attracts the user's eyes to follow the elements/components arranged from one to the other

Similarity DOs

Arrange the elements or components that have the same element/attribute/function in one group

What tech innovations are shaping the future of video games?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Non-player Characters (NPCs), Content generation, procedural generation, Analytics on how a player experiences the game, Virtual Reality, Hyperreality-blends virtual and physical reality, Augmented Reality, High Fidelity Graphics,

designed experiences

Artists, designers, and musicians designed what you are engaging in to deliver a specific emotion, aesthetic, or perception.

What are some differences between podcast rookies and podcast veterans?

As podcasting grows, the listener base is diversifying. Edison Research looked into data on "rookie" listeners (listening for six months or less) and "veteran" listeners (listening for 3+ years), and found significant demographic differences. Only 37% of veterans are female, compared to 53% of rookies. While the plurality of veterans (43%) are age 35-54, 54% of rookies are age 12-34. Rookies are also 1.6x more likely to say they most often listen to podcasts on Spotify, Pandora or SoundCloud (43% versus 27% of veterans). And social media is an important way that rookies discover podcasts — 52% have found a podcast from video and 46% from audio on social media, compared to 41% and 37% for veterans.

Fifth Generation 1993-1997

Atari Jaguar, DOOM, Sega Saturn, Sony PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Pokemon, Grand Theft Auto

Second Generation of Video Games 1977-1983

Atari VCS 2600, Magnavox Odyssey 2, MUD Gaming, Space Invaders, PacMan

Sage Examples

Athena (The Odyssey), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs), The Oracle (The Matrix)

What sound is used to create rain?

Bacon Frying

What less expensive type of game became popular in 1931>

Baffle Ball Games

What game caused a lot of community outrage because of their microtransactions?

Battlefront II- they promised there would be non and then they added microtransaction for cosmetics and added in pay to win

How can you take back control of your phone?

Be sure to read the policy guidelines, turn off the services like location services when you are not using them, Apps and Permissions, Body Sensors, Personal Information and Privacy, etc

Raster Graphics have the following characteristics

Becomes blurry when scaled up in size, are pictures taken with your camera, screenshot from your phone, a JPEG file on your computer, and are best to use for detailed images, the file size increases when scaled up

Who coined the term podcast and what two words does it come from?

Ben Hammersley - and it comes from the words iPod and broadcast

What is an example of a reluctant hero archetype?

Bilbo Bagging or Katniss Everdeen

Everyman Examples

Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit), Leopold Bloom (Ulysses), Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation), Winston Smith (1984)

Medium fidelity

Black and white digital prototype

What became popular instead of Penny Arcades?

Board games- People could purchase them once and then continue to play them over and over again.

Thunder machine

Brass balls would drop onto a dried hide to to make the vibrations sound like thunder.

What sound is used to create Bones breaking

Breaking celery or frozen lettuce

Who was the first Competitive Gaming Champion?

Bruce Baungart and he won a 1 year subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine

Indie Developers

Can be just a handful of people who put out a game or a single person-Example Matt Makes Games, Zoe Quinn, Jonathan Blow aka Number None


Centers the current layer equidistant from the sides, both vertically and horizontally. <CTRL> centers all layers. <SHIFT> centers all animation frames.


Changes the size of the canvas / allows the user to set a default sprite size.

What are the 3 biggest markets for video games?

China, USA and Japan

Proximity DOs

Close the related elements in a composition to form relevance, hierarchy, organization, and structure

What came after the coin-operated phonographs?

Coin-operated movies

Visual Hierarchy DOs

Combine this technique with the "proximity" design principle Use font types that have a complete font weight type such as Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold, Extrabold, and Black (this will make it easier to create visual and information hierarchies)

Dead Eyes Podcast

Comedian Connor Ratliff was about to begin filming a small role in the Tom Hanks-produced series Band of Brothers nearly two decades ago, when he lost the part because Hanks allegedly thought Ratliff had "dead eyes." This rejection from the nicest man in Hollywood haunted Ratliff and arguably derailed his Hollywood career for awhile. In casual conversation, the celebrities share their own experiences of rejection, a rare insight into the arbitrary, brutal and sometimes bizarre world that is Hollywood casting.

What are the top general topics in podcasting? Please list them from highest to lowest.

Comedy Educational News Sports Politics Gaming Tech SciFi

What started the moral panic?

Comic Books

Who is Marv Wolfman?

Comic book and video game writer, created Blade, wrote narratives for video games

Third Generation 1982-1986

Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Master System, The Legend of Zelda

Sound Designer Collaborators

Composer of original music, Music supervisor, Audio editor, Sound editor, Sound effects designer, Technical sound designer, Foley artist, Staff musicologist, Audio recording engineer

What major development occurred in the 1960s?


Image Layer

Contains graphic components such as photography, clip art, shapes/symbols or colors

What are 5 of the latest mobile UX trends to follow?

Conversational interfaces Personalization in UI Design User Experience Analytics VR/AR Navigation

Game System Designer

Creaqtes systems out of the game mechanics and content, creates process of scoring, leveling, crafting and customization

Focal Point DOs

Create Visual elements that we want to highlight look prominent so it will attract and capture the user's attention

Hit Targets

Create controls that measure at least 44 points x 44 points so they can be accurately tapped with a finger


Create md easy-to-read layout that puts controls close to the content they modify

In order to succeed at making an app, you must...

Create something new, Do something better, Help make tasks easier, Disrupt the system

Design Thinking: Empathize

Create understanding, Learn about the user, Learn about the company, Learn about the competition.


Create understanding. Learn about the users. Learn about the company. Learn about the competition.

Tennis for Two 1958

Created by Willy Higinbotham and it was used to showcase the Donnor Model 30 computer. This was the first video game shown to the public.

Galaxy Game

Created by two Standford students and made it coin operated and put the game in the Student Union. Only two machines were ever made.

Jim Reekes

Created the most famous Apple Sounds-the boot up chord, the camera click and the "Sosumi" beep


Creates a line of selected size.


Creating music for games

Ruler Examples

Creon (Oedipus Rex), King Lear (King Lear), Aunt Sally (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)

In order to be a Sound Designer, you need to know how to use

DAWs- Logic, Fruity Loops, Cubase, Ableton Live, and Pro Tools.


Day to day management of the project of the game, manages the people, involved in all aspects of the game

What have been some of the best podcasts of 2020 so far?

Dead Eyes, Floodlines, Home Cooking, Julie's Library, Oh, Hello: The P'dcast, Phoebe Reads a Mystery, Rabbit Hole, Staying In With Emily and Kumail, Wind of Change, Wind of Change,

What was the first TRULY controversial video game?

Death Race, 1976 It was inspired by the film Death Race 2000 You used your car to run over gremlins but when they died, a cross appeared and so people thought they were humans and not gremlins.

Visual Design Style Don'ts

Debate to determine the color & visual fit Make several design options for each page Change the design style during the design process

Who founded the Video Game Athlete Corporation? What happened to it?

Dennis DeNure found it in 1982. It did not take off.

What are the discipline categories of game development?

Design, Tech, Art, Audio, Production

Level Designer

Designs how players will flow through the experience, determines player progression through the levels, when players will encounter systems, mechanic and new experiences

User Interface (UI) Designer

Designs the state of the game to the player, (HUD, heath, energy) and how the player interacts with the non-gameplay elements (Menu)

OXO or Noughts and Crosses 1952

Developed by Alexander Sandy Douglas and was essential tic-tac-toe on the computer. It was the first computer game to show visuals on the screen.

Mouse in the Maze 1959

Developed by MIT students and had an early version of a graphics game and used a light pen. It was played on a TX-0 Computer

Cathode-ray Tube Amusement Device 1947

Developed by Thomas Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Mann, first experiment in making games with a computer


Digital Audio Workstation

One of Adobe's first products was

Digital Fonts

What is the most common form of high fidelity prototyping?

Digital prototype

What are two gaming-related apps that have seen growth lately?

Discord and Twitch

Visual Hierarchy Don'ts

Distinguish each visual hierarchy using many colors and sizes Use more than two types of fonts/typeface and are not natural in combining fonts


Distribution, manufacturing and get the games into the players hands, have contracts with the First parties, handle the finances and licensing- Examples: EA

What are some maker project examples?

Documentary Film, Design the Ultimate Roller Coaster, The Tiny House Project,

Caregiver Examples

Dolly Oblonsky (Anna Karenina), Calpurnia (To Kill a Mockingbird), Samwell Tarly (The Game of Thrones series), Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)

Continuity Don'ts

Don't hide elements/components that should have continuity


Don't let text overlap. Improve legibility by increasing the height or letter spacing


Drag a circle across the canvas. <SHIFT> maintains a 1:1 aspect ratio.


Drag a hollow rectangle across the canvas. <SHIFT> maintains a 1:1 aspect ratio.

What are some examples of how we use technology in a simple and understandable way with as little training as possible?

Drag and drop, blue hyperlink, iPod clickwheel, pinch to zoom

Rectangle Selection

Draw our a rectangular selection for specific editing.

What is an example of the mysterious sage?

Dumledore/ Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which

What RPG game during 1979 time caused moral panic?

Dungeons & Dragons

Phoebe Reads a Mystery

During quarantine, Judge has found solace in reading whodunits, and she decided to create a new show to share her passion. Every day, Judge reads a chapter from a mystery, including works from Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle.


During the third stage of the Design Thinking process, designers are ready to start generating ideas.

What is known as the worst video game of all time and why?

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial-the game was made in 5 weeks and it was poorly executed. The overall quality of the game was poor. Many copies went unsold and ended up being buried in a landfill in New Mexico.

What do you need to become a Sound Designer?

Education, Practical knowledge of music, Technical skills, Communication, Creative drive

Pros of using Procedural Generation

Efficiency, Cost, Monotony free, Scalability, Compression, Consistency, Reusability, Manageability, Adaptability,


Electronically making the instrument or voice sound like it is in a large room - reverberating

What are the three key elements you need sound to do to create the story?

Emotion, Physical Characteristics, Rhythm and Structure

What are the 5 steps in Design Thinking?

Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test


Erases pixels; based on selected size.

Due to the economic downturn, divide, disillusion and counter culture of the 1970s and the advancement of computers, what were people looking to do that helped support the arcades?

Escapism and they wanted to do something fun

What are Shoutcasters?

Esports commentators

What is Freytag's Pyramid or the Five Act Structure?

Exposition- the start of the story Rising Action- series of conflicts and the crisis in the story that lead to the climax Climax: The turning point or the most intense moment Falling Action: all of the action which follows the Climax Resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads

Why did Mark Zuckerberg's VR cartoon tour of Puerto Rico's destruction receive so much backlash?

Facebook was trying to show the devastation of Puerto Rico and what their company was going to do to help with the recovery. However, this VR experience did not do that. VR is meant to create empathy in people. When you set a cartoon character into the devastation environment, it does not come off as being empathetic.

What are the four benefits of prototyping?

Fail Early- it can save a great deal of cost when developing your app and allows for you to start over/re-design with little to no cost Get Clarity- allows you to play with ideas and solicit feedback before fully investing in developing the software Sell Early- you need to obtain funding by demonstrating the product to investors, executive boards, or even prospective customers Iterate Quickly- you can cycle through multiple drafts before developing software; can create a better product with less time and money; put more effort towards planning stages

What are the 4 keys in mastering the design process?

Fail often and fail fast, Be able to 'kill' your idea and leave it behind, once an idea is out, everyone owns it, less talking and more making

What are some examples of natural experiences?

Feeling warmth on a nice sunny day, the aroma of a flower, the softness of a cat's fur when you pet it, or the purring feedback you receive from the cat

Atari 2600

First commercially successful video game system (1977) for homes; allowed the owner to purchase individual game cartridges.


Focusing on personas allows for us to envision the needs of the customer, and not other people

What did Foley artists used to be called?

Foley walkers

Who founded the First National Video Game Team and when?

Founded in 1983 by Walter Day. The traveled across the US and Internationally and would ask players to play against them.

What is the Electronic Sports League?

Founded in 2000 and are an eSports organizer and known as the ESL

What is the Intel Extreme Masters?

Founded in 2007, and founded by Intel

What are some Pros of Microtransactions?

Free additional content after launch, it can support a game that you play for free

What are the two arcade games that game out in 1971?

Galaxy Game and Computer Space

What are the different types of Game Designers?

Gameplay Designer -

Why don't they just get the sounds that are made on set?

Generally there is a lot of noise on a set so the recreate it

Raster Graphic programs

Gimp, Photoshop, online editor, paint

What is an example of a mentor archetype?

Glenda the Good Witch or Obi Wan

Vector Graphics

Graphics that use points, lines, curves, and shapes based on mathematical equations to represent images.


Great Roman architect of the time of Augustus (27BC - 14 AD) who wrote 10 books on architecture; used the Greek structure to build theaters.

Similarity Don'ts

Group elements / components that do not have the same element / attribute / function

What was the first video game controversy and when did it first come out?

Gun Fight- 1975 First game that actually showed human death

Why has HQ Trivia become so popular?

HQ Trivia allows users to compete for real money twice a day, every day.

Outlaw Archetype Examples

Han Solo (Star Wars), Dean Moriarty (On the Road), Humbert Humbert (Lolita), Batman (The Dark Knight)

What is an example of the veteran archetype?

Han Solo/ Brienne of Tarth

Lasso Selection

Hand-draw a selection on the sprite.

Home Cooking

Have no idea what to do with the bags upon bags of beans you grabbed in a hurried, panicky trip to the grocery store? Need to bake a cake, but you're completely out of baking powder? Want to join the sourdough-starter trend? They've got you. The combination of Nosrat's unwavering optimism and Hirway's inquisitiveness makes for joyful listening.

Who is Dimitius Ladopoulus and what does he create?

He is an Athens-based motion graphics and visual designer who creates random geometric patterns based on four-sided-forms by implementing an algorithm in the 3D animation program Houdini.

Mark Mangini

He is an Oscar-winning sound designer who has worked on Blade Runner, Mad Max, Warrior, Gremlins, Star Trek, Die Hard, The Green Mile, and Lethal Weapon

Who is Sergio Albiac and what is he known for?

He is known for his use of computer coded algorithms as a tool for the generation of abstract portraiture and visual art.

Who is John Spencer?

He's the co author of the books Launch: Using Design Thinking to Boost Creativity and Bring Out the Maker in Every Student and Empower: What Happens When Students Own Their Learning.


Head Mounted Display

The Brown Box Project 1966

Headed by Ralph Baer who led the team in equipment design- tasked with creating a technology that could play a simulation game on TV that can be used as a training tool for the military

What are some examples of character attributes?

Height, strength, stamina, abilities, dexterity and speed, defenses, movement, senses, skill sets. powers

Physics Engineer

Helps create the movement of the game

What is an example of the Best Friend archetype?

Hermione and Ron

What type of technology offers users immersive experiences?

HoloLens, HTC Vive Pro, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR

What are the two biggest factors in a podcast?

Host and topic

Behavioral Patterns

How much time do they spend online? How do they listen to your podcast? What are their hobbies, their interests? How do they spend their free time?

Why is it important to stay true to your character?

If they act against something that they usually do, you will upset the audience and they feel betrayed.

Vector Graphic programs

Illustrator, Fireworks, Freehand, CorelDraw


Imaginary world. Allows you to step inside a role you wouldn't be able to in real life.


Import other .piskel, .GIF, or .PNG files .

How much has podcasting revenue grown over the past two years?

In 2015, podcasts generated $69 million, 2017 - $220 million

Where do most people listen to a podcast?

In a car while driving

What does the unknown cause people to do?

Increase focus and engage


Individual slices of information that can be stacked or moved independently

What is one of the most addicting apps out there?


What is the IOC?

International Olympic Committee

What does the software, Processing, allow someone to do?

It allows someone to create an algorithm, and the program will loop through it until the program ends.

What are some cons of Microtransactions?

It can give people that pay an advantage, it is not popular with gamers at all

How does Spotify keep its users?

It can put together playlists based on what it knows you already like, essentially repackaging music in a different order or grouped with different artists

Why is a podcast considered a Disruptive Technology?

It created a new niche within the existing market (radio, music, television, etc)


It does page layouts. It allows you to produce and preview documents for magazines, both in print and online across mobile and desktop platforms.

How might VR create empathy in others?

It has the ability to connect humans to other humans and has the ability to change people's perception about others

One is one method that Facebook uses to help its users?

It helps users log into other apps, so instead of creating a whole new account for a new app, the user can keep the same information (username and password) from Facebook

What is the "algorithmic gaze" and what are some examples?

It is the fact that more decision-making power is being given to machines. Some examples are like facial recognition, self-driving cars, and billing in health care.

How does Duolingo keep users coming back

It makes users think they might be missing something important. Upon starting a language course with Duolingo, users have to select a usage goal. The app then tracks how close you are to achieving that goal, and also rewards you for using the app multiple days in a row. If you don't complete your sessions on the app every day, you won't maintain a multi-day streak, which means you won't unlock some sort of reward.

What did the first Sound Design Commission do?

It sought to define the duties, standards, responsibilities, and procedures of a theatre sound designer in North America.

What does GAN stand for and what is it?

It stands for generative adversarial network. It is a process of data input and machine learning involving two artificial intelligence algorithms: a 'generator,' which aims to precisely replicate a pre-existing image, and a 'discriminator,' which determines which input image is authentic.

What was, "The Out Crowd," about?

It was a story that was on This American Life and it was about both sides of the Remain in Mexico policy. It reflects an increased focus on immigration and politics for the show. Reports from the frontlines of the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" asylum policy. We hear from asylum seekers waiting across the border in Mexico, in a makeshift refugee camp, and from the officers who sent them there to wait in the first place.

What did the "The Out Crowd," which was presented on, "This American Life," win and why is this significant?

It won a Pulitzer Prize in their new category, audio reporting. It is significant because it shows the emergence of podcasting as a force in journalism and culture.

What is The Foundry and what kind of technology does it contain for the students at UT?

It's a joint initiative of the UT Libraries and the College of Fine Arts, and it provides access to laser cutters, 3D printers, VR headsets, sewing machines, mills, cameras, etc. just stuff people can create anything with.


It's amplification of sound through various materials

What are the pros of low fidelity prototypes?

It's inexpensive, fast, collaborative, and clarifying

Who started the arcade and what was an actual arcade?

John L. Andem and they were coin parlors for nickel-in-the slots phonographs where people could hear music. They started popping up all over the country.

Adobe was founded in 1982 by

John Warnock & Charles Geschke

Who developed the Hero's Journey?

Joseph Campbell, he felt that all characters go through the same experiences.

Which video game soundtrack was nominated for a Grammy for Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media and who was the composer?

Journey, composed by Austin Wintory

In 1952, Fredric Wetham claimed that comics led to

Juvenile Delinquency.

What are some UI best practices?

Keep it simple and create consistency by using common UI elements, Be purposeful in your page layout, Use typography to create hierarchy and clarity

Design a Flow- DOs

Keep referring to the moment/focus of the big idea Discuss and understand the flow quickly Check and re-order if there is a flow that is still not sequential. Also, understand the information and actions that will be displayed on every page we want to make

Bartle's Taxonomy breaks players down into what 4 types?

Killers, Achievers, Socializers and Explorers


Lightens the hue of the pixel/selection. <CTRL> Darkens the hue of the pixel/selection.

What is an example of a brash hero archetype?


Visual Design Style DOs

Look for design inspiration & styles that match the applications we make based on the categories, patterns, and elements we want to make (ex: "Health" category, "Charts" pattern, "Cards" element) Do a quick analysis of the identity of our brand product to determine color and style design (ex: Health & fertility use a green base and must look clean)

Low Fidelity Prototype

Low fidelity prototypes are used to show the potential final user interface to the client. They are created using pen and paper and are often large drawings that include specific detail unique to the site. Clients/End users can then provide feedback before implementation.

Who were the first professional gamers?

Lynn Reid and Sabrina Osment and they were know as the Gremlin Girls

How did MP3 files and other file formats help with the audio quality?

MP3 files format are defined by the number of bits used for the compression of the music recording before it's burned on a CD.

Magician Archetype Examples

Magician Archetype Examples: Prospero (The Tempest), Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings), Morpheus (The Matrix), Darth Vader (Star Wars)

First Generation of Video Games 1972

Magnavox Odyssey and Atari Pong and Home Pong

What is the International?

Major eSports event that is team based, and they play Dota 2

Indie Publishers

Make a deal with an Indie Game developer and do a revenue share with the developer

Tools Programmer

Make small tools for the entire game


Make sure there is ample contrast between the font color and the background so text is legible

What caused the Video Game to crash in 1983?

Market became flooded with too many games and gaming systems

Why was pinball so controversial at the time?

Mayor Fiorello was convinced it was run by organized crime and was a tool for gambling. He said it was stealing nickels from children and it caused them to become juvenile delinquents

What are the pros of high fidelity prototyping?

Meaningful feedback during usability testing, Testability of specific UI elements or interactions, Easy buy-in from clients and stakeholders

Who changed the course of the arcades and how did he change them?

Mitchel Mark, he made the price 1 penny and they began to take off again because people could afford it. He renamed his business the Penny Arcade.

According to the Gaming Industry Revenue 2019 data, the following made the most revenue.

Mobile gaming

Where do most podcast listeners live?

Most podcast listeners today live in the U.S. or China, but content producers are starting to see significant demand elsewhere.


Moves the current layer. <CTRL> extends the move command to all layers. <SHIFT> applies to all animation frames. <ALT> wraps the image across image boundaries.

Why is music one of the most powerful soundscapes?

Music is easily recognizable and we often associate things with music (memories, feelings, etc..)


Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Ethics in VR

Needs to focus on why the story is being told, not just how it is being told

What types of emotions tend to trigger people to do something?

Negative (bored, lost, dissatisfied, lonely, depression)


Networking and social events for gaming

Seventh Generation 2004-2011

Nintendo DS, XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, Minecraft, Skyrim,

Fourth Generation 1989-1991

Nintendo Game boy, Sega Genesis, Windows PC Games, Nintendo Super NES

Is an app every really Free?

No, they still use your information and data and sell it to other parties

Computer Space

Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney in 1971, coin operated and it was the first mass produced arcade machine

What are some problems people can have when they spend too much time gaming?

Not enough sleep, not interacting with people, self-esteem

The Wire: Way Down in the Hole

Now hosts Van Lathan and Jemele Hill have now given us a great excuse to rewatch what many believe to be the greatest television show of all time: The Wire. Be warned: This podcast is full of spoilers, but it's worth it. Their recurring "file away for later" segment brings attention to astonishing foreshadowing you probably missed.

Five steps of User Research

Objectives, Hypotheses, Methods, Conduct and Synthesis

When was the first video game tournament?

October 19, 1972 and it was called the Intergalactic Spacewar Olympics and it was held at Stanford

Explorer Examples

Odysseus (The Odyssey), Sal Paradise (On the Road), Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn), Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)

Staying In With Emily and Kumail

On the podcast, the couple shares the daily trials of isolation—like accidentally dropping a glass of water onto their beloved Nintendo Switch. When she's not cracking jokes, Gordon offers ways to manage feelings of depression and anxiety. Their chemistry and care for one another, and their loving banter, buoys this podcast above other celebrity shows.

How does sound affect us Cognitively?

One's productivity can be greatly affected by sounds (people talking loudly, busy streets, dogs barking, sirens)

What are the 7 Most Common Podcast Formats?

One-on-one interview Solo commentary Panel (guest interview or discussion) Nonfiction narrative story-telling Fictional story-telling Hybrid Repurposed Content

What are 6 elements you can include in your podcast?

Opening - a quick optional musical intro Introduction - pivotal moment that will hook your listeners Segue - a vocal or musical transition from one part to another Topic - a brief talking point Conclusion - Final thoughts and closing remarks, option to thank guests, sponsors, audience, etc. Closing - a quick optional musical outro

Culture of Games

Organizations that represent the culture- make voters more aware

Project Manager

Organize the project and make sure the job gets done on time


Own creativity and self expression. For example, creating character resembling player's own avatar.

Third-Party Developers

Owned by publishers and can develop for any platform- Examples- Activision, Warner Bros Games, BioWare, EA, Vicarious Visions

First Party Developer

Owned by the Platform/Portal Manufacture -they can also own other developers too- Examples: Microsoft Game Studies, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Nintendo

What are two popular techniques that are used for low fidelity prototyping?

Paper prototyping and Clickable wireframes

What is Passagen (2010)?

Passagen is an augmented sculpture that shows how a process as complex as 3D projection can be achieved with a board as simple as Arduino.

What is one reason microtransactions are killing the gaming industry?

People do not want to pay to win

What is a professional gamer?

People who are paid to play and compete in video games

What is a Whale in gaming terms?

People who will pay hundreds to thousands of dollars on apps

What game was considered to be controversial in 1940?



Player enjoys memorable audio-visual effects and it stimulates the senses.

What has been the trajectory of the spending for podcasts ads?

Podcast ad revenue has been scaling quickly, with $480 million in spend last year and a projected $680 million this year.

Cons of Procedural Generation

Possibly efficiency (depends on what you are creating), Cost (depending on if you create your own system or use one that is already made), Control, Manageability- again, it depends on what you are creating

Simplicity DOs

Presenting information that is strong and clear


Produce a product. Test it. Redesign it. Test again. It is iterative.

Why is it important to iterate?

Provides user feedback, catch problems earlier, improves your work, created efficiency and saves time in the long run

Who were the first people to receive credit for Sound Design?

Prue Williams and David Collison

User Experience (UX) Designer

Psychological approach to how players experience and perceive the game, analyzes balance, perception and feedback, focuses on interactions between the player and the game

Pong Video Game

Put out by Atari, Pong could keep score and had sound, highest grossing arcade game of its time

When was the first big money tournament and what game were they playing?

Putt Putt $10,000 Pac-Man Tournament

Focal Point Don'ts

Putting too many focal points that cause visual distraction and will make users confused

Podcasts essentially came from or sprang forth from


What is Radiolab?

Radiolab is a public podcast from the New York Public Radio.

Paint all Pixels

Recolor every pixel with the same color.

Lover Archetype Examples

Romeo and Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Noah Calhoun (The Notebook), Scarlett O'Hara (Gone With the Wind), Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Rabbit Hole

Roose set out to prove that YouTube's algorithm, designed to keep people watching, led to the political radicalization of disillusioned or lost young people who got sucked into toxic virtual worlds on the platform. Roose is now spinning that story into a longer podcast about how the internet has transformed our culture and politics by recommending videos, social media posts and search results that pull us in different ideological directions and then feed us with content that makes us feel vindicated for forming those views in the first place.

Rotate Counter-clockwise

Rotates the sprite 90 degrees counter-clockwise. <ALT> rotate clockwise. <CTRL> will apply the rotation across all layers. <SHIFT> will apply the rotation across all animation frames.

Virtual Human Interaction Lab

Run by Jeremy Bailenson at Stanford University, they are working on an Empathy Project where they can design and test VR projects that can teach empathy

Vector Graphics have the following characteristics

Scaling does not affect their quality, best for logos, text and illustrations, file size does not increase when scaled up

Sixth Generation 1999-2003

Sega Dreamcast, SIMS, Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft XBOX, Nintendo Gamecube, Call of Duty

Color Picker

Selects a color from the canvas and makes it the current color selection.

Proximity Don'ts

Separating related elements and bringing together unrelated elements Similarity

What is one of the most popular podcasts of all time?

Serial (downloaded 340 million times)

Heather Olsen

She is an Emmy-nominated Sound Designer who has worked on Star vs The Forces of Evil and Trolls

Julie's Library

Since shortly after quarantine began, Oscar winner Julie Andrews has been crawling into a closet soundproofed with pillows in order to host story time for kids 10 and under. As Andrews makes her way through her personal collection of children's stories, her dulcet voice is bound to soothe rambunctious people stuck at home, whatever their ages.

What is another reasons apps might start dying out?

Smaller apps will become part of social media and mobile wallet ecosystems.


Software that is created for free use by everyone

What were the issues with using procedural generation in the Daggarfall video game?

Some of the dungeons did not include a door that would allow players into other worlds, everywhere a player went ended up looking similar to other places, few characteristics were given, it was too repetitive,

What is a game developer?

Someone who works on developing the game

What is the difference between Sound Design and Music Production?

Sound Design is generating sounds, effects, SFX, environment recording, processing, layering, and synthesis, A sound design project begins from scratch, or rather from your library, from which you select elements to construct some entirely new sonic experience Music Production is about creating some kind of musical form, for example a song, music production also often involves creating soundtracks for ads and movies or music for cinematic cutscenes and showreels — but refers more to when you're working with musicians to interpret and crystalize their music, rather than building something from raw elements.

non-diegetic sound

Sound, such as mood music or a narrator's commentary, represented as coming from a source outside the space of the narrative.

How does sound affect us Behaviorally?

Sounds can affect how we behave by making us more relaxed like music in a retail store or they might distract us, like the sound of a drill on construction

What did Aristotle notice about sound?

Sounds could be heard better on harder surfaces.

As theatre started to move indoors and became more realistic, what sounds were they having to create?

Sounds had to create the atmosphere, reproducing pistols, clocks, horses, fanfares, or alarms; but also sound was now being used for symbolic effect of the supernatural and to help create drama.

Complex Sound

Sounds that consist of two or more frequencies. Occur when simple sounds combine (or interfere) with each other.

Who are some major contributors in the podcast industry?

Spotify, Gimlet Media

App Flow Don'ts

Start designing immediately without clear flow and with the random flow Don't understand what you want to make Too long discussion

What are some tips to becoming a Sound Designer?

Start small, Be patient, Work as a freelancer, Create your own sound library, Expand your skill set, Expand your skill set

What is the League of Legends World Championship?

Started in 2015

Portal Examples

Steam, EPIC, Origin

What was the first cartoon with synchronized picture and sound?

Steamboat Willie

Who won the first big money tournament?

Steve Hair

What sound is used to create Punches?

Sticking a knife in vegetables (cabbage or lettuce)

What is an example of bad user experience and the feelings that can be associated with it?

Stressful, Confusing, Slow, Distracting, Inefficient, Tedious, Inconsiderate, Unusable

What is the The Maker Mindset?

Students need to be able to engage in iterative thinking, critical thinking and creative thinking. They need to know how to solve complex problems.

Second Party Developers

Studios that have exclusive contracts with platform manufacturers-make content specifically for them. Examples: Bungie, Ready at Dawn used to be, Hal Laboratory

Paint Bucket

Takes a contiguous selection of pixels and recolors them according to color selection. Does not work for single diagonal pixels.


Takes the current selected layer and duplicates it across all animation frames.

What system did the app Uber disrupt?

Taxi service

What are some techniques of Dadaism?

Techniques of Dadaism included collage, photomontage, assemblage and "readymades," in which already manufactured objects are viewed as objects of art. Perhaps the most famous readymade piece is Fountain by Marcel Duchamp. This famous sculpture consists of a seemingly ordinary piece of plumbing presented upside-down, asking viewers to interpret the artists message about the idea of art itself.

What industries include Sound Design?

Television & Film, Music, Games, Software & Technology

Text Size

Text should be at least 11 points so it's legible at a typical viewing distance without zooming

Why did The Beatles sue Apple

The Beatles' record label was named Apple, so when Steve Jobs decided to name his company Apple, he promised that the budding computer company would never get involved with music. Then, Apple added support for audio recording and Midi, a set of technical standards used to connect musical instruments to computers. So, the Beatles sued.

The Creator Archetype

The Creator A motivated visionary who creates art or structures during the narrative. Strengths: creativity, willpower, conviction Weaknesses: self-involvement, single-mindedness, lack of practical skills

What event caused the Penny Arcades to have trouble again?

The Great Depression

What example does David Cohen's lecture use as an example to describe the Hero's Journey?

The Hobbit

How does the IOC feel about video games in the Olympics?

The IOC previously expressed concerns that violent video games and other explicit content could run counter to Olympic values. Strategy games based on corporate intellectual properties and shooting games with militaristic violence could be tricky territory for the IOC and its diverse membership.

What are the two halves of the Hero's Journey?

The Ordinary World and the Special World

What happened in 1893 that caused the coin-operated phonograph and movies to become less popular?

The Panic Depression-people could no longer afford the price

What event impacted our country in 1964 and the gaming industry?

The Vietnam War- The military was looking for games for training purposes.

What is the Action Phase and what are some examples?

The action phase is the simplest behavior done in anticipation of a reward (something as simple as a scroll on Pinterest or a quick search on Google or pushing the play button on YouTube)

What does the app Hooked do to its chat stories to keep users?

The app delivers fictional stories — either romances or mysteries — in the format of a text message conversation, and tapping the screen delivers the next message in the conversation.

Gameplay Designer (Mechanics)

The create the pieces of the gameplay that make up the game, actions of the game(running, jumping), create the rules of the game

Bill Hanna and Joe Barbara

The created Tom & Jerry and made and recored many of the sounds. They eventually opened their own studio and in 1960s they started selling their sound library

Why is 2020 a blockbuster year for mobile gaming and apps?

The current pandemic has caused an increase in both mobile gaming and apps.

What is the data collected used for?

The data helps apps improve the user experience, choosing the correct route for you, etc. The data is also sold to 3rd part apps.


The distance between two notes

Wind of Change

The episodes divert into tales of how the government has leveraged Howard Hughes, Nina Simone and an entire fake film crew to execute its missions. (Remember the movie Argo?) While these may feel like diversions from the main thrust of the series, the joy of this podcast is getting lost in the mystery.

What is one element in mobile games that can cause them to become addictive?

The escapism element- "Any gamification platform is explicitly designed to make you want to not put it down and is designed to [stimulate the] reward pathway in your brain which can suppress your perception of time," Dr. Joseph F. Chandler, assistant professor of psychology at Birmingham-Southern College tells NBC News BETTER.

What does the Two Dots app use to keep you interested?

The game's developers frequently change the color of its app icon, and any change will catch your attention and make you want to see what else is new

Internal Trigger

The information for what to do next is informed through an association in the user's memory (people, places, emotions, situations, routines)

External trigger

The information for what to do next within the trigger


The intelligence of the characters within the game itself that are not controlled by the players.

Cartoon characters and sound do not have to obey the________

The laws of physics

What caused the video game market to crash?

The market became over saturated with a lot of companies trying to get in on the market and they began creating poor knock off versions of new releases. People began to lose interest due to the poor quality.

First Parties

The people who actually manufacture or develop the portal that the games are going to be accessible on or for

What is the Reward phase?

The phase where you finally get the reward you have been anticipating and you satisfy your desire for that thing that will make you happy

What is the Democratization of Technology?

The process by which access to technology rapidly continues to become more accessible to more people. New technologies and improved user experiences have empowered those outside of the technical industry to access and use technological products and services. Examples: Processing, Tesla Patents, Arts and Entertainment, 3D printing

The Hero Archetype:

The protagonist who rises to meet a challenge and saves the day. Strengths: courage, perseverance, honor Weaknesses: overconfidence, hubris

Moral Panic

The reaction by a group of people based on exaggerated or false perceptions about crime and criminal behavior

The Outlaw Archetype:

The rebel who won't abide by society's demands. Strengths: independent thinking, virtue, owes no favors Weaknesses: self-involved, potentially criminal

Why is listening to a podcast considered to be an effective tool in education?

The retention rate of auditory learning is 2x higher than reading, and 4x higher than attending a lecture.

The Lover Archetype:

The romantic lead who's guided by the heart. Strengths: humanism, passion, conviction Weaknesses: naivete, irrationality

Oh, Hello: The P'dcast

The series parodies mystery podcasts like Serial and promises to delve into the life and death of Princess Diana, but actually takes wild diversions into the biographies of their characters, George St. Geegland and Gil Faizon. It's the funniest thing to happen to podcasting since the start of quarantine.


The show immerses listeners first in the flooded streets, then in the Superdome, where people were left without food or water, a potent reminder that when a disaster—any disaster—hits, it's the poor who disproportionately suffer.

User Interface (UI)

The visual elements of an program through which a user controls or communications the application. Often abbreviated UI.

What did they use to make sounds before there was multi-track or mixing?

The were performed live and in one take


Their goal is to accumulate status, loot, and points by winning the various battles within in the game; they tend to follow the game's rules (unlike the killers).

What are the cons of high fidelity prototyping?

There are higher costs associated

The market for audio production is growing because

There is an ever-growing number of startups, businesses, and creative producers use interactive content on their websites, apps, ads, and showreels — and sound design is an integral part of all these

Narrative Design

They are NOT a writer- they integrate narrative into all aspects of the game-not an entry level position, they look at art, animation, audio, writing , gameplay

What is Arduino and what do they do?

They are an Italian company that has manufactured the most inexpensive and easy-to-use microcomputing boards as well as kits for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) electrical engineering and robotics.

What do journalists attribute to the podcasting boom? What has caused more people to listen?

They attribute the boom to the ubiquity of smartphones, time spent in transit, and online music services.

How did Penny Arcades try to change after the Great Depression?

They began incorporating Pinball games but they were very expensive to buy. Many arcades did not want to invest the money.

How does a MIDI connect to the Open-Source concept?

They both provide a common piece of hardware as a foundation to build upon.

What did Hana-Barbara do in the 1950s?

They combined real world sounds, instruments, and contraptions.


They create the bones/joints for the animators which helps determine how much the character moves

UI Artist- User Interface Artist

They create the menu icons and the interactions

Engineer of Video Games

They design the systems and how it works- game engines

How did CD-ROMs revolutionize video game soundtracks?

They did not need to do real time synthesis

Why don't they release character sheets to the public?

They don't want the user to know because they slowly release the information out about the character

How do our smartphones and apps track us and use our data?

They have sensors monitoring where we are, what we are doing and using.

Why do games use bright colors and certain sounds in their games?

They help to make the game addictive.

How did Disney create their sound effects?

They hired a drummer and inventor to record all their sounds live on set.

How does Arduino make a disruptive product when it comes to technology?

They make normally very expensive products easily accessible to most of the market and their consumer base.


They take the architecture if the game of the engineers and build the program


They want to discover the systems that govern the function of the game world, understand their technicalities and uniquenesses, and learn how to take advantage of them.


They want to form connections with other players by telling stories,sharing tactics, and working together within the game.

How did Warner Brothers change with the times and add sound effects to their cartoons?

They would manipulate and alter existing sounds in order to reuse them


They write the code/instructions to the program of what to do/instructions

Third party applications

Third-party applications are elements of any service which aren't produced by the host service but by another company or individual. Widgets are often created and managed by other services. All third-party applications have terms of use that are separate to the main provider's, and these should be carefully checked, particularly when the application requires you to give access to the data and to friend connections you have on a social networking service.

What happened to comic books during this time?

This brought on a moral panic and comic books were not policed at this time. Comic books were starting to be banned and burned. Parents did not want their children to have comic books.

Spacewar 1962

This helped to change everything. It was the first shooter and space game. The graphics were the best of its time. Computer labs were all over the country in colleges which jump started the video game progress.

How does the phrase, "How might we..." help with the design process?

This helps you and your team stay in the Problem Space of Design Thinking and use research to inform designs as possible solutions.

Pen Tool

This is the main drawing tool in the program. Pixel sizes can be adjusted in one of four sizes from the size selector just above the tool.

Text Layer

This layer allows you to add text to your image and change the font, color and size of text.

What did the Senate investigation hearing lead to in regards to comic books?

This led to a comic book code that was self regulated. If they did not want their comic books to be banned, they had to follow this code.

Duplicate Layer

This will create a duplicate copy of whatever layer you are on

What technique in Tinder is used to get people addicted?

Tinder has a format where users swipe left on someone you don't like and swipe right on someone you're interested in. Much like social media apps, Tinder utilizes the variable ratio schedule concept — the slot machine tactic — to encourage you to keep swiping, just in case the next person is your soulmate

Innocent Archetype Examples

Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol), Lennie Small (Of Mice and Men), Cio-Cio-san (Madame Butterfly), Buddy the Elf (Elf)


To give your sprite some depth and contrast, you can make use of shadows, highlights, and variation in lighting. Shadows can be used to distinguish foreground and background, give the illusion of depth and emphasize certain areas.

Who is Tom White and what does he do/create?

Tom White is a lecturer in computational design at the University of Wellington in New Zealand whose art depicts the world, not as humans see it, but as algorithms do. In late 2017, he started making a series of prints called "The Treachery of ImageNet." It mainly looks like a haphazard arrangement of lines and blobs to the human eye. But to algorithms, it's how they would see the actual program.

Why is having so many apps on your phone a bad thing?

Too many apps slow down your phone. They take up memory space, run background processes, and constantly check for push notifications even when not in use.

Simplicity Don'ts

Too many elements that are not needed in a competition (this will make the experience very confusing and bad for the user)

What are some ways you can keep your mobile gaming under control?

Track your screen time, create time limitations and set an alarm, match the time you spend on screen with In Real Life time

True or False Esports has blossomed into a multi-billion dollar international industry.


App Tools- Don'ts

Try out new tools & takes time to learn Set tools in the middle of the process Try out features that are not needed

What are the cons of low fidelity prototypes?

Uncertainty during testing and Limited interactivity


Urge to explore game world and uncover the new.


Urge to master something. Boosts a game's replay ability. Not to be confused with difficulty.

Touch Controls

Use UI elements that are designed for touch gestures to make interaction with your app feel easy and natural

App Content DOs

Use real content or something similar Fill with relevant content

Vertical Mirror Pen

Useful to create a symmetrical effect when composing.

What is an example of good user experience and the feeling that can be associated with it?

Useful, Usable, Learnable, Desirable, Accessible, Communicative, Satisfying, Shareable


User Experience, the ways that infrastructure affects a user's enjoyment or frustration levels, this is equivalent to an operating system

UI Programmer

User Interface- take the design and the art and create the flow and function

Types of Research Methods

User Interviews, surveys, focus groups, usability tests

What are the different types of research methods you can use?

User interviews User surveys Focus groups

Why is User Testing Important?

User testing is a usability technique that helps you gain very valuable insights from your users regarding why and how they use your products. The very preparation for the tests will help you to better understand who your users are and what they are trying to achieve with your product.

Why are podcasts still undermonetized?

Using data from Nielsen, IAB and Edison, we calculated that podcasts monetize through advertisements at only $0.01 per listener hour — less than 10 times the rate of radio. Podcast monetization per listener hour has increased over the past year, up 25% by our calculations, but still substantially lags all other forms of media. Unlike many other forms of media, the dominant distribution platform (Apple Podcasts) has no ad marketplace. Creators have historically had to approach brands themselves or sign with podcast networks to construct custom ad deals, and the "long tail" of podcasters were unable to monetize. The second major hurdle in monetization is attribution. Podcasts have historically monetized through direct response campaigns — a podcaster provides a special URL or promo code for listeners to use when making a purchase. However, many people listen to podcasts when exercising or driving, and can't write down the promo code or visit the URL immediately. These listeners might remember the product and make a purchase later, but the podcaster won't get the attribution.

App Content Don'ts

Using dummy text Use language and terms that are difficult for users to understand Make users get lost and make wrong decisions

Limited Palette

Using less colors will tie the piece together and unify the work. Also, the smaller the palette, the easier it is to manage.

App Tools- DOs

Using tools that are easy to get, easy to learn, easy to use, and familiar Using tools that can be used on various platforms such as Windows, Mac, or even Android and iOS

high resolution

Very clear in appearance and has a relatively large file size.

What is a counter argument to using VR to create empathy?

Virtual Reality, no less than film or photography, is framed by its maker's perspective. (We experience what they want us to experience.)

What are the basic characteristics of high fidelity prototyping?

Visual design, content, and Interactivity

What are the basic characteristics of low fidelity prototyping?

Visual design, content, interactivity


Visuals, sound, space, and design coming together to create an emotional response

Who started the international arcade scoreboard database and what was the name?

Walter Day and Twin Galaxies Arcade which he owned.

How do people mostly discover podcasts?

Westwood One survey in fall 2018 found that 60% of podcast listeners report discovering shows via social media, where celebrities and influencers have huge existing audiences to push content to. Word of mouth in the 2nd largest way they find out about podcasts

Life aspirations and Preferences

What are their goals in life? What challenges are they facing when working towards their goals?

Product Demand

What problem they have that you can solve? How much would they be willing to spend on a solution? How urgent is the solution to their problem?

Who is Jenny Holzer?

Whether questioning consumerist impulses, describing torture, or lamenting death and disease, Jenny Holzer's use of language provokes a response in the viewer. While her subversive work often blends in among advertisements in public space, its arresting content violates expectations.

Implied Narrative

While never directly telling the audience the narrative, the designer creates encounters and components that imply a narrative, giving the audience pieces of the narrative that they must work out the meaning of for themselves.

Before you ask people to test, what are the two questions you need to ask?

Who do we invite to participate? Which user flows do we test?

A Player Persona clarifies who is in your target audience by answering the following questions:

Who is my real audience? What are the current behavior patterns of my players? What are the needs and goals of my users? What is the player type of my player?

Eighth Generation 2012-2017

Wii U, PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE, GAT V, Nintendo Switch,

What are some tips to remember when writing your podcast script?

Write You Script for Speaking, Paint Pictures with Your Words, Keep It Concise, Give Yourself Flexibility, Make It Your Own

What is the Marv Wolfman Approach?

Write the name of the character and then begins asking questions about the character and begin to answer them

Platform Examples

XBOX, PS, Nintendo

Was pinball eventually banned?


How are cartoon sound effects different from live action sound effects?

You are only given the dialogue, there is no immediate picture to it

How can you know what an app is allowed to track?

You can look in Settings and permissions and choose what the app is allowed to access.

As a sound mixer, what is your most important tool?

Your ears

Creator Archetype Examples

Zeus (The Iliad), Dr. Emmett Brown (Back to the Future), Dr. Moreau (The Island of Dr. Moreau), Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)


a DVD and Blu-ray disc authoring package for professional producers that comes as part of Adobe Premiere.

Kelton Sears

a GIF artist who uses video and animation to create an animated comic called Trash Mountain.

What sound is used to create Burning of a cigarette ?

a cellophane or saran wrap ball being released

Problem Statement

a clear, concise description of the issues that need to be addressed; helps focus the team on what the task is on hand

What is a makerspace?

a collaborative work space inside a school, library, or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring, and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools. These spaces push the boundaries of innovation and creativity and can lead to endless possibilities.


a collection of tiles that work together like building blocks for game levels.

Lospec Color Palette

a database of palettes for pixel art


a developed process or series of steps that must be followed, and which usually has an endpoint where the process stops.

Iterative Design

a methodology that positions your work as a living project that you should regularly tweak and improve upon as you go, rather than building it in one fell swoop and being done for good. Think of it as a continuous cycle of creating (prototyping), testing, and making adjustments and refinements.

User Experience (UX)

a particular discipline of design, centered around the psychology of the end-user - or the player - and their behaviors, thinking processes and capabilities. It is where the science of the player meets the art of game design.

Design thinking-

a person-centered approach that designs experiences to delight the customer


a project conceived by the USC School of Cinematic Arts World Building Media Lab, in collaboration with the tech giant Intel. The goal? To create an AR experience that prefigures and prophesies what the future of storytelling might look like. "Leviathan points to a future in which video games and cinema are fused in order to create new experiences. And while the integrated world of Leviathan is impressive in its own right, it also illustrates that folkloric practices will continue to be revolutionized in the near future."

What is a leitmotif?

a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation


a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.


a repetitive act that a particular individual performs


a research project on new creative languages through graffiti and projection mapping.


a series of drawings meant for pre-visualizing the shots of your project. The sketches are arranged depicting consecutively the important changes of scene and action in a series of shots.


a small image that works as a puzzle piece for tiled game design.

sound cue sheet

a sound tech's guide for all sound cues

What is a makerspace?

a space designed and dedicated to hands-on creativity," he explains, "and the key thing there is they're actually making something. a space designed and dedicated to hands-on creativity," he explains, "and the key thing there is they're actually making something.

What is adaptive music?

a technique of audio implementation which is changing the way we create and hear soundtracks in games

How as VR's usage changed in the past few years?

a technology used to train soldiers for war, to one that claims to "amplify" the voices afflicted by war, and to affect "world influencers" who might be able to stop said wars.

VFX Artist

a type of animator that creates firs effects, water, explosions


a video tool for the cut-and-edit guy before sending off the footage to the production team. It isn't for editing; it is for screening clips and organizing them.

On of the most important thing for any musician or sound designer is to have a

a vision of what they want to create

What is a synthesis pattern?

a waveform which can take multiple shapes and is used to create sounds

What are some benefits of using technology?

accessibility, inclusiveness, education, innovation and creativity

How does Physiological Sound affect us?

affects your hormone levels, brain waves, heartbeat, etc.

What are some examples of physiological sounds?

alarm, car honking, sound of the air conditioner, heater, computer, etc.


align text, images and buttons to show users how information is related

User Experience (UX)

all aspects of a person's interaction with a software application, including actions, responses, perceptions, and feelings

What is linear navigation?

all users can use and navigate through the app the same way

Narrative Design through Sound

allows us to feel that space, and provide the narrative context to both space and actions The sound of the fan from your computer? A slight hum from an air conditioner or heater? The creaking of settling walls? Noisy pipes? Every space has its own unique sounds, all of which tell a narrative about that space.

What is a listener's avatar or persona?

also called marketing or buyer personas; listener avatars are fictional characters that represent your ideal clients.

Dax Norman

an Austin based artist who splits his creative practice between two-dimensional looping animations and interactive three-dimensional video game animation, as well as teaching 3D Digital Art at the University of Texas in the School of Design and Creative Technologies

What is a walkthrough?

an analytical step by step approach to study apps and games to build a more detailed case study and analysis. It is meant to be a closer look at the game intended purpose, hidden cultural meanings and how it the game guides users and shapes their gaming experience.

Experience Design

an approach that centers on people's experiences to drive the design and features of your products, processes, environments, and strategies.

Sound Design

an art of creating a soundscape for a movie, game or any other creative production

What is a Stepper?

an electric motor which converts the mechanical movements of the object into data that are then processed by an Arduino board using a function called "AccelStepper"


an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening.

What is "This American Life"?

an influential radio program and podcast that focuses on a theme for the week and puts together stories on that theme


an instance absorbed through observation and/or interactivity that we take notice of and impacts us in some way

What is Processing?

an open-source programming language; incredibly versatile, easy to learn and gain access to the necessary software to begin programming right away

Design Thinking: Define

analyze your observations and synthesize them in order to define the core problems


any group of eight notes; next highest or lowest pitch of the same note

Sound Designer

any sound you hear in a game that is not music- wind blowing, etc.


are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay.

User Personas

are developed using data gathered from user surveys, interviews. etc. They identify the users goals and needs, as well as their pain points and frustrations. They help create empathy during the design process.


are the emergent behavior that arises from gameplay, when the Mechanics are put into use.


are the emotional responses evoked in the player

Sound Design

art of creating an aural environment for audiences

Subversive Art

art that is a revolution in itself that serves to overthrow or undermine art of now or the past.

Tech Artist

artist/coder or programmer- they develop the tools for the artist so they can work within the system

Flash Builder

based on Eclipse to create a development environment that increases efficiency in deployment for mobile and desktop web applications.

What is a bit?

binary units of information (true or false - 0 or 1)

What are some examples of Psychological sounds?

birds chirping, orchestral music,

Porting Engineer

build a system to convert the game from an XBOX to a PlayStation, etc.

To make a podcast, all you have to do is?

buy a mic, install a recording program on your laptop, and start talking.

What are the two parts of the relationship customers have with the product?

buying or downloading it using it


can be used to create a cartoon, comic, an interactive interface, or even a game.

Split ends

changing the sound and image at different times can make the sequence flow more smoothly

What two factors made the podcast revolution inevitable?

cheap to make, and easy to distribute

Triad Chords

chord made of three notes

User Persona

clarifies who is your target audience be answering the following questions: Who is my real audience? What are the current behavior patterns of my users? What are the needs and goals of my users?

What is an interface (UI) kit?

collection of graphic files and resources that can help designers with the task of building UIs for their applications

What is a negative persona?

complete opposite of your ideal client; person that will never buy from you - because nothing you can offer is appealing to them, their lifestyle, or their particular situation.


connection to the game, as a whole, despite constraints. Comfort allows for tuning out.

Concept Artists

create a concept that will create characters, props, landscapes, lighting, depth, placement

Formatting Content

create a layout that fits the screen of an iOS device. Users should see primary content without zooming or scrolling horizontally

3D Modeler

create buildings, characters, equipment, props, weapons

Game Artists

create everything you see, collaborate to bring the designs into reality

Mathematician of Game Development

create the math of the game pertaining to experiences, the level your are on, your energy and how they all change

active experience

created specifically by interacting.

3D Animator

creating the movement of the characters

What does LOOK mean for UX?

credibility, trust, harmony, mood

What were recordings eventually replaced with in theatre?

crew of effects people


determines the basic 'pain-points' of pet owners when it comes to preparing a homemade diet

Feelings Wheel

developed by Dr. Gloria Willcox was designed to "help you identify the original main emotion you are experiencing and connects this with other linked groups of emotions, which branch off from the central circle.


each repetition of the design, you learn something that I can use for the next iteration


emotions, opinions and human behavior

Holistic Sound Design

encompasses dialogue, music, and sound effects

What are examples of an active experience?

engaging in a conversation, drawing a picture, playing a sport, or playing a video game.

What changed in creating sound in the 1920s?

engineers figured out how to record sound and synchronize it


et of notes within an octave arranged by their pitch; used to form melodies and harmonies

Narrative Design through Visualization

explain where, when and what it is (example: in the woods, when is based on how things appear differently during each season, and what has happened or is happening to that environment. You can tell how flooding or a storm may have had an impact on the foliage, or a recent fire, or maybe a split tree from where lightning struck. These become the natural design for this environment.


expression of design intent; allows designers to present their designs and see them in action; (digital) - simulation of the final interaction between the user and the interface

Sound Designers work in what following fields?

film and TV production—as well as live theater design, audiobooks, radio and podcasting, and video game creation.

Sketch wireframes

first drafts and should include basic UI components

Quantitative Research

focuses on data and hard numbers and seeks to gather objective information through testing, analytics, polls, questionnaires, etc. It asks How many users are behaving this way and How much of an issue is this?

Quantitative research

focuses on data and hard numbers; seeks to gather objective information


functionality, intuitively, predictability

Game Writer

game dialogue, on-screen text, characters, creates the story


games that allow us to express our dominance over others and let us demonstrate our superiority over others in some way.

What is the overall goal/purpose of The Foundry?

gives students a broad range of tools for students to pursue original creative research across disciplines.

Splash screen

graphical control element consisting of a window containing an image, a logo, and/or the current version of the software


handles asset management. Or in other words, it is an organizer for photos and designs within the Adobe Creative Suite.

How does delaying the information you see, like when you open Twitter and you see the white bird for a few seconds help create addiction in users?

hat delay, those few seconds where you're not sure what you're going to see, is enticing. You may be rewarded with new Tweets, or you may see things you already read yesterday. You don't know what you're getting, and it keeps you coming back for more.

Who is Vic Berger and what does he create?

he edits pictures and videos of politicians and kind of amplifies the awkward moments to make light of the people who try to make themselves look a certain way to the public.

Why is conducting research important?

helps create design that are truly relevant to your users, creates designs that are easy and pleasurable to use, and it helps to understand your user experience design

Demographic Information-

here were they born? Where do they live? How old are they? Are they married? Do they have kids?

How are Arduinos used in education?

hey are used to combine play, creativity, and education in a harmonious fusion. Students can discover how electrical engineering works in a narrative setting, thus making the logic of coding seem much easier.

How do they use Instagram Stories to keep you addicted?

hey contain fun face filters, animations, and stickers that can be customized to your location or current temperature. Stories are also housed at the top of the screen, but periodically show up in the middle of scrolling through your feed as well, and once you're watching one person's Story, you're automatically shepherded into the next person's Story without ever even leaving the interface.

Why have podcasts thrived as a medium?

hey offer connections to human voice over a variety of topics.

What were two major technological limitations DAWs had to bypass?

high price of storage space and low processing speeds

Currently the app market is in a state of

high supply and high demand

Ai Weiwei, Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn, 1995

hinese artist and activist who produced a multifaceted array of creative work, including sculptural installations, architectural projects, photographs, and videos. Ai countered by saying "General Mao used to tell us that we can only build a new world if we destroy the old one." It was a provocative act of cultural destruction in reference to the erasure of cultural memory in Communist China, an anti-elite society that carefully monitored access to information, especially about its dynastic history. In its literal iconoclasm and spotlight on hypocrisy, this smashed vase embodies the central message Ai would continue to explore

What does fidelity mean in regards to referring to a prototype?

how it conveys the look-and-feel of the final product

What is a hybrid of a platform and a portal?


Organizations for Game Development

igda (international game developers association), esa (entertainment software association), ESRB- rate games and evaluate them, Games for Change, Extra Life, Gamers Outreach

How does the variable-ratio schedule keep you addicted?

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses, people know they will be rewarded but they do not know when- this keeps people addicted


is a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It's a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality.


is a graphical element like an ideogram and/or a carefully arranged typeface that together forms a trademark or a brand. An effective logo should be simple, memorable, timeless, versatile and appropriate, so let's take a look at some examples.

What is Mobbin?

is a hand-picked collection of latest mobile design patterns from apps that reflect the best in design.

Style Tile

is a one-page design guide that includes fonts, colors and interface elements. It capture the essence of brand visuals in a condensed form.


is a visual representation of a concept or action. We use icons to bridge the understanding of abstract analogies and practical use. They help us understand and recognize concepts with just a graphic representation, instead of a long written work that might otherwise be pretty hard to grasp.


is oriented for web and mobile application development. It can make just about any graphics interactive, and it allows you to create both wireframes and object behaviors.

Procedural Generation

is two big words for one simple thing: the creation of data by computers. It is usually used to create content for video games or animated movies, such as landscapes, 3D objects, character designs, animations, or non-player character dialogue.

What is spotting the show?

is used in the motion-picture and video production industries to refer to the process of deciding where within a film the musical score and sound effects will be located, a process often referred to as "spotting for sound".


it draws from the actual material of the concrete world and builds upon it, re contextualizing the world by either adding or modifying what is actually there. It tends to use portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, or wearable devices rather than headgear that blocks out the external world entirely. Google Glass or Microsoft HoloLens would also classify as this. For example, a shark is now sitting on top of your desk in the classroom.


it is a graphical version of Notepad++. It highlights syntax and shows you a rough preview of what your code will look like at the same time.

Why is the straw considered one of the best inventions?

it is simple, cheap, and required no training to use

What are the podcast aesthetics of This American Life that has made it successful?

it sounds very similar to an actual public-radio program

What is the purpose behind creating a negative persona? -

it will help us avoid this person completely: focusing on your ideal customer is the first step, but you have to realize that by realizing that you may be catering to the negative persona - you can save some money

What is the purpose of a makerspace?

it's more about engagement and mindset.

Design Thinking: Test

iterative; Produce a product - test it, Redesign it - test it again

What is Pinokio?

lamp + 6 servos + a webcam; tries to always watch what's going on and respond to the environment around it, All interactions and behaviors generated procedurally with Processing and Arduino, MDDN 251 Physical Computing, and Project 2 Animatronics.

What is Dribble?

leading destination to find and showcase creative work and home to the world's best design professionals; great site to see what other designers are doing and to get some information

Why is Design Thinking important?

learn faster, generate solutions, transform the way products are developed, develop creative potential, spur innovation

Media Encoder

lets you save media for almost any screen or device. It supports multiple formats, including FLV, F4vV, and H.264. Media can simultaneously be saved in multiple outputs for optimal playback on a variety of resolutions and devices.

What created the sound in silent films from the 1890s-1920s?

live orchestras

What were some of the major advancements in technology in regards to sound design?

long-playing records were replaced with reel-to-reel tape Dolby Noise Reduction (DNR) was introduced in 1966 and became an industry standard to a cleaner sounding quality of recorded music. By the end of the 1970's cassette tapes outnumbered all disc and tape usage By the end of the 1980's the compact disc and Digital Audio Tape (DAT) became the popular mode of playback In 1992 Sony came out with the MiniDisc player (MD) and theatres immediately picked it up for playback

What are some examples of leitmotifs that are used?

mainstream examples - Imperial March from Star Wars (associated with Darth Vader) and the Chocobo Theme (associated with chocobos in Final Fantasy); Peter and the Wolf (Russian symphonic fairy tale)

What does using silence do?

makes the audience pay attention or can create tension in a scene

Psychological Sound

makes us feel emotions, Auditory experience; the act of hearing something

User flowchart

mapping out the flow of the app (to the solution) will force us to see each step the app must take

The benefits of user research are

minimizes assumptions, teams learn fast and iterate rapidly, helps builds products and experiences that users enjoy

What is the difference between a simple podcast and a more professional podcast?

more polished, has theme music, sound effects, professional editing, etc.


motivated by power, competition, exploiting game system to one's advantage


movies with sound, beginning in 1927

Why were programming methods a limiting factor to creating sound?

music engines they had to deal with were restricting the notes' pitch and length while having no intuitive visual interface to input the notes.

How does Snapchat keep users addicted?

napstreaks: a "streak" is a counter within the Snapchat app that keeps track of how many consecutive days you and a friend have sent a Snap. If you don't Snap the person within 24 hours, the streak dies.

In regards to sound, what occurred in the 1930s?

new audio technology came about they started using props to make the desired sound effect


noise generating devices developed by futurist Luigi Russolo

What was one limitation of gaming consoles when it came to sounds?

number of circuits dedicated to sound synthesis. This meant that consoles could only play a certain number of notes simultaneously.

Most podcasts are themed around

one particular topic

Disruptive Technology

one that creates a new niche in an existing market that eventually disrupts the existing market by redefining or even displacing established market leaders Example- Uber disrupted the taxi cab services Podcasts disrupted the radio, music, television

Projected Narrative

one that the audience creates themselves when going through the experience.Designers can use this to give their audience the tools to create their own story through the experience, making it a more unique and personal experience for every individual user.

Why is there concern about adding ads to podcasts?

others worried that it may kill what makes podcasting special. They're particularly concerned that podcasts may go the way of online video, with annoying, generic, low CPM ads. Podcast hosts typically read their own ads, and are often true fans of the product — they share personal stories instead of reciting brand talking points.

User flow

path taken by a prototypical user on a website or app to complete a task, or user journey

Qualitative research

primarily exploratory research; seeks to understand subjective matters


produce a number of low-cost, low-fidelity prototypes based on ideas generated during the previous phase.


program or piece of software that is made for smartphones (mobile)

What is UIBundle?

provides high-quality web and mobile resources for free to designers, agencies and companies around the globe.


put together the research you have created and gathered during the empathy phase. You will analyze your observations and synthesize them in order to define the core problems that you and your team have identified up to this point.

What are examples of a passive experience?

reading a good book, listening to a lecture, watching a movie or TV Show, or simply observing something happening in front of you.

Design Thinking: Ideate

ready to start generating ideas

What are traditional approaches to Sound Design?

recording, manipulating and mixing various audio files to create new sounds that are meant to create a certain mood


refers to environments that are fully generated by the technology, usually blocking out the concrete world completely to facilitate total immersion into the virtual world. Experiences tend to take place in controlled settings, in which the room can be cleared of any potential dangers or obstacles and the participant's safety is guaranteed. For example, you can go swimming with sharks.

Degrees of Freedom (DoF)

refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional space


represents the skeletal framework of the app; arrange interface elements for functionality

What does a Sound Designer do?

responsible for the palette of sounds that will be experienced by a consumer of cinema, television, live theater, radio, podcasts, audiobooks, or video games.

What are some examples of projects that have been created with Arduino?

robotic arm, motion censored lamp, finger print scanner for your garage door to open

3 degrees of freedom

rotation about three perpendicular axes, often termed pitch, yaw, and roll

Music Modes

scales derived from a parent scale; seven music modes (each is a slight variation of a scale); the main difference is the root note used to build the scale

Arcade games started to add a _______________monitor so people could watch the players play without having to crowd around them.


Qualitative Research

seeks to understand subjective matters (emotions, opinions, human behavior) and asks Why are users behaving this way and How do I solve this for users?

Immersive experience relies specifically on what 4 senses?

sight, sound, touch, and scent/smell

natural experience

simply occurs without the involvement of direction or thought


small payments, typically paid for products or services purchased online

Why is one-handed navigation slowly being phased out?

smartphones are larger today and using one hand to navigate is getting harder for the user to do

In the beginning, games were designed to be __________________ but they also were __________.

social experience and

Real sounds

something that would be a natural part of the scene

sound bridge

something you use to link two scenes together

acousmatic sound

sound one hears without seeing its originating cause

contrapuntal sound

sound or music that seems strange in comparison to the scene we are seeing.

What are the two main elements that had a significant impact on the video game industry and ultimately the soundtracks of games?

storage capacity and processing power

Narrative Design

storytelling using sight, sounds, design, and our senses to create an intentional immersion in a designed experience.

While designers conceive the idea for interactive experiences, the user dictates the ___________________________ of those designs.


Why are celebrities getting into podcasting?

talent agents now consider them to be an important part of a well-rounded content strategy, podcasting is a way of connecting with fans that is "much more intimate than social media." Podcasts also help celebrities find a new audience.

What are three tips Spence gives in managing a makerspace?

talk with students ahead of time, co-construct guidelines and procedures with students, and to build in moments of silence for reflection.


technique that is designed to slightly blur pixels to make them blend smoothly into each other so fine details can show up better.

Key signatures

tell you what notes in a scale are sharp or flat; also help you identify the key of a song (tonal center)

What is the primary goal of building a prototype?

test designs and product ideas before creating the real product - success is directly related to whether you test it or not

What platforms control most of the listenership?

that Apple Podcasts and Spotify control more than 70% of listenership.


the Photoshop of vector art, also known as resolution-independent graphics.

"Clouds Over Sidra"

the U.N.'s first virtual reality documentary, follows a young Syrian refugee named Sidra who lives in a refugee camp in Jordan

ambience or ambiance

the background sounds that set the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation

Nir Eyal

the bestselling author of "Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products" and "Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life"

What is an 8-bit machine?

the combination of 8 bits offers 256 possible outcomes


the default flip is vertical. <ALT> will flip the sprite horizontally. <CTRL> will apply the flip across all layers. <SHIFT> will apply the flip across all animation frames.

Design Thinking: Prototype

the design team will now produce a number of low-cost, low-fidelity prototypes based on ideas generated

2D Background Artist

the environment


the experience of oneness. It's having shared experiences, relateable feelings, or similar ideas. It is the feeling of belonging to something greater than oneself.


the go-to image editing and manipulation software used by almost everyone in the industry. It excels in working with raster (bitmap) graphics and is capable of producing highly detailed compositions.

What is one way Instagram keeps people addicted to their app?

the habit-forming nature of taking pictures and videos, the immediate payoff of pretty filters, the intimacy of building a social network, and push notifications

How did Ben Burtt create the saber sound in Star Wars?

the hum of an old projector and the picture tube of a television (the humming transmission). To get the movement sound, he took another microphone and quipped it by, which created a doppler shift.

What is the Concept of Social Reciprocity that LinkedIn uses?

the idea that "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine;" With LinkedIn, when someone sends you an invitation to connect — directly below the invitation is a list of people that you, in turn, could connect with. LinkedIn turns your unconscious impulses (to 'add' a person) into new social obligations that millions of people feel obligated to repay

What is Podcast Movement?

the largest annual industry conference, for three years, and have watched the conference grow along with the industry — reaching 3,000 attendees in 2019.

After Effects

the leading program in the video compositing industry since the '90s. It is used for adding visual effects to videos or animations like lightning strikes, glowing eyes, and lightsabers.

3D Environment Artist

the make objects within the environment and can place them individually

What are some examples of what a makerspace might look like?

the materials might look different throughout the year, depending on the type of learning that's happening at the time. Sometimes it might include things like cardboard and duct tape, and other times it might consist of items like laptops, microphones, and green screens. A makerspace can take the form of a mobile cart that can be shared between classrooms, a set of stations that students rotate between, or a variety of materials and equipment that live in various parts of the classroom, accessible to students when the need arises.


the micro controller development board that will be at the heart of your projects. It's a simple computer, but one that has no way for you to interact with it yet. You will be building the circuits and interfaces for interaction, and telling the micro controller how to interface with other components.

Who is Banksy and what kind of art does he create?

the most famous graffiti artist and has turned the art world upside down. Banksy's artistry lies in his ability to use humor and sardonic wit to trick viewers into contemplating the underlying seriousness of his messages about capitalism, advertising, politics, and humanity. It is this very sense of innocent whimsy coupled with daring, glaring truths about our times that lift him to a role as potent social mediator all under the guise of art.

What are the two main elements in audio production for a video game?

the music and the sound effects including dialogues.

What is mixing?

the natural arrangement of the music and sound effects

Immersive Experience

the perception of being in one place when you are actually in another. It is essentially the suspension of reality, even if just for a few moments.

passive experience

the perception you gain from simply viewing, you are not physically engaging in the occurrence.

6 degrees of freedom

the player is free to move forward/backward (surge), up/down (elevation), and left/right (strafe). Often this accomplished by the use of external sensors that help to track the headset. This type of movement helps with VR sickness.


the process of converting high-resolution models into something much smaller that can be used for animation.

What is flashing or "flashing the board" ?

the process of setting up an Arduino board by saving code onto the microprocessor (the brain of the board) that instructs the Arduino board how it is supposed to behave when it gets instructions from specific programs - like Processing.

User Research

the process of understanding the impact of a design on an audience

User research

the process of understanding the impact of a design on an audience.


the process where you- generate ideas and solutions through various types of sessions

Texture Artist

the skin of the character (eyes shine, pores in the skin, the hair, etc.)

Foley Artist

the sound editor who creates or adapts and dubs onto the sound track various ambient or special sound effects.

room tone

the sound present in a room, or at a location before human occupation.


the sound room. Useful for editing audio, it can be used to edit and mix sounds or fine-tune and re-master soundtracks.


the study of how humans respond to sound as a physical phenomenon

music theory

the study of how music is put together; a study that allows us to understand the language of music; a set of guidelines and practices used to recognize the different ways to express emotions with sound


the style, arrangement, and appearance of text


the technique of blending colors together. It essentially helps to add a smoother transition between two colors.

Disruptive Innovation?

the transformation of an expensive complicated product into something much more affordable and accessible, allowing many more people to use the product or service. (TurboTax)


this art movement consisted of artists who rejected the logic, reason, and aestheticism of modern capitalist society and expressed their discontent with violence, war, and nationalism.

What mechanical devices were developed during the 17th-18th-19th Century ?

thunder Runs, Thunder Sheets, Wind and Rain Makers


tilting forward and backward


tilting side to side


to move forward/backward


to move left and right


to move up and down


turning left and right

What has brought eSports to a spectator event?

twitch- people did not have to go to the event, they could stay at home and watch


two-dimensional bitmap object that functions independently and is rendered separately from the rest of a scene within a video game.

What is a port?

used for any and all connections that need to be made between itself and external components and hardware; e.g. - a mouse, a keyboard, bluetooth, and external harddrives


used for color grading images.

Acrobat X Pro

used for creating robust PDF files. It lets you set backgrounds, foregrounds, and isolate or resize individual pages.

Prior to the DAW, how was music made?

used of tape machines to record their music and mixing had to be done entirely by hand in real-time.

Premiere Pro

used to edit and cut video tracks, and then export them in the desired format. The project panel allows you to grab individual clips and add them to a timeline to create a movie.


used to help you understand your user and are based on assumptions of what we think our users are like and are fictional characters that represent real users


user interface, the basic infrastructure that is used to navigate within the realm of technology, this is equivalent to an operating system


uses data to gather information such as testing, polls, questionnaires, analytics- anything that provides actionable data

The main method that Skyrim VR uses for movement is

using a visual indicator and allowing the user to make short 'teleportations' to a new location


usually drawings and illustrations

What does User Interface (UI) focus on?

visual components, sensations, and interactivity

voice leading

ways in which chords are connected

Emotional vs. Rational Characteristics

what are their values? How do they make decisions?

What are examples of Designed Experiences?

what you think and feel when watching an animated GIF (passive) to listening to a moving piece of music (passive) to what you engage in when playing a video game (active)

Direct Narrative

when the designer isn't leaving the narrative conclusions up to the player, but directly communicating it to them.


when the music exactly matches the action on the screen

VR sickness

which is often some combination of nausea, upset stomach, headaches, sweating and vertigo, akin to motion sickness.

Why are personas in podcasting important?

you can't create a high performing marketing message without understanding your clients and creating this helps you understand and create a better product

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