Unit 10: Personality

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Regarding the self-serving bias, psychologists who study the self have found that self-affirming thinking

is generally adaptive to the individual because it reduces shyness, anxiety and loneliness

People given little control over their world in prisons, factories, schools, and nursing homes experience

learned helplessness.


nail biting or thumb sucking in an anxiety-producing situation

Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Freud?

oral; anal; phallic; latency; genital

a major criticism of trait theory is that it

overestimates the consistency of behavior in different situations.

reaction formation

overzealous crusaders against "immoral behaviors," who don't want to acknowledge their own sexual desires

Questionnaires covering a wide range of feelings and behaviors designed to assess several traits at once are called

personality inventories.


personality inventory


personality structure that correspons to a person's conscience

Id is to ego as ________ is to ________.

pleasure principle; reality principle

Some contemporary researchers are focusing their work on

promoting positive aspects of life


providing self-justifying explanations for an action

Sigmund Freud called his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques



saying you drink "just to be sociable" when in reality you have a drinking problem

Our______ consists of all the thoughts and feelings we have in response to the question, "Who am I?"


For humanistic psychologists, many of our behaviors and perceptions are ultimately shaped by whether our ________ is ________ or ________.

self-concept; positive; negative

Athletes who often privately credit their victories to their own prowess, and their losses to bad breaks, lousy officiating, or the other team's exceptional performance are exhibiting

the self-serving bias.

Our self-focused perspective may motivate us, but it can also lead us to presume too readily that others are noticing and evaluating us. This is called

the spotlight effect.


the unconscious repository of instictual drives

With regard to personality, it appears that

there is little consistency of behavior from one situation to the next but significant consistency of traits over the life span

Projective tests such as the Rorschach inkblot test have been criticized because

they have low reliability and low validity.


thinking someone hates you when in reality you hate the person


thinking your child could not possibly be taking drugs


a projective test consisting of a set of ambiguous pictures

Factor analysis

a statistical technique that identifies clusters of personality traits

The text defines personality as

an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.

According to Freud, defense mechanisms are methods of reducing



disguising an impulse by imputing it to another person

The humanistic perspective on personality

emphasizes the growth potential of "healthy" individuals.

Albert Bandura proposed the social-cognitive perspective, which

emphasizes the interaction of our traits with our situations.

Critics of humanistic psychology have suggested that this theory fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for


Which two dimensions of personality have the Eysencks emphasized?

extroversion-introversion and emotional stability-instability

According to Rogers, three conditions are necessary to promote growth in personality. These are

genuineness, acceptance, and empathy.

collectivist cultures

give priority to the goals of their groups

Collectivist cultures are characterized by members

giving priority to group goals.

Reaction formation

switching an unacceptable impulse into its opposite


test consisting of a series of inkblots


the conscious executive of personality

Which of the following places the greatest emphasis on the unconscious mind?

the psychoanalytic perspective

Brad Bushman and Roy Baumeister found that when criticized, people with unrealistically high self-esteem

worked harder to do better the next time.

Which of Freud's ideas would not be accepted by most contemporary psychologists?

Development is essentially fixed in childhood

Neo-Freudians such as Adler and Horney believed that

Freud placed too great an emphasis on sexual and aggressive instincts.

Which of the following is a major criticism of the social-cognitive perspective?

It focuses too little on the inner traits of a person.

According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following defense mechanisms buries threatening or upsetting events outside of consciousness?


What did Abraham Maslow call the process of fulfilling our potential?


What do we call the ability to control impulses and delay gratification?



a child who is angry at his parents and vents this anger on the family pet

Research on locus of control indicates that internals are ________ than externals.

better able to cope with stress

Recent research has provided more support for defense mechanisms such as ________ than for defense mechanisms such as ________.

reaction formation; displacement

Children's TV-viewing habits (past behavior) influence their viewing preferences (internal personal factor), which influences how television (environmental factor) affects their current behavior. This is an example of

reciprocal determinism.


redirecting impulses to a less threatening object

According to Carl Rogers, when we are in a good marriage, a close family, or an intimate friendship, we are free to be spontaneous without fearing the loss of others' esteem. He called the accepting attitude that enables this freedom

unconditional positive regard.

In studying personality, a trait theorist would most likely

use a personality inventory.

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