Unit 13

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What are six articles to be places on a cart outside an isolation room?

Gloves, Masks, Gowns, Goggles or face shields, Plastic bags marked for bio-hazardous waste, Plastic bags for soiled linens

When handling splashing fluids, what PPE should be worn?

Gown, gloves, mask, goggles

When entering the airborne precautions room, what mask should you apply?

HEPA or N95 respirator

Where should the respirator be removed when you have finished working in the airborne precautions room?

In the anteroom or immediately after you leave the patients room

During a shift change a nurse has an exposure. This means they came in contact with an infectious object or person. What should you do?

Tell the person and the supervisor

State the sequence for removing PPE

1. Gloves 2. Wash hands 3. Goggles or face shield 4. Gown 5. Mask 6. Wash hands

List seven precautions when handling soiled linens

1. Handle linen as little as possible 2. Fold the dirtiest side inward 3. Do not shake 4. Do not place soiled linen on the floor or table top 5. Bag linen before leaving the room 6. Keep soiled linen separate from general linen 7. Transport soiled, wet linen in a leak proof container

List three respiratory hygiene/ cough etiquette practices tat patients should be instructed to follow to prevent the spread of infection

1. Staying 3 or more feet away from others 2. Containing all respiratory secretions; wearing a mask, if tolerated 3. Covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing

State the sequence for applying PPE

1. Wash hands 2. Gown 3. Mask 4. Goggles and face shield 4. Gloves

List at least 5 situations when gloves should be worn

1. When contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, etc. 2. If you have cuts or open sores on your hands 3. When doing routine cleaning procedures 4. When doing patient care 5. When assisting in procedures

Name the type of bag that is used for the transport of specimens

A bio-hazard plastic bag

What are three types of transmission-based precautions?

Airborne precautions, Droplet precautions, and contact precautions

Isolation is the responsibility of _______

All of the staff; nurses, doctors, etc.


An infectious disease that is easily transmitted to others

Where is PPE removed when leaving the contact precautions room?

At the doorway to the patients room

Name two ways of sterilizing an item

Autoclave- uses steam and pressure to kill organisms Tape- special tape is put on materials. If it is sterilized then it will have stripes on it

Hand Hygiene

Avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces. When hands are visibly dirty or soiled, wash hands with soap and water. If your hands are not visibly soiled, then decontaminate hands with an alcohol based hand rub.

What should be done with the face mask when leaving the room of a patient who is in the droplet precautions?

Before you leave to go out into the hallway you should remove and discard the mask


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Entryway to AIIR room




Eye protection that is always worn with a mask



What is the purpose of the hand held UVGI?

It's purpose is to disinfect smaller places or areas

When entering the room of a patient who is in isolation for chickenpox, what PPE should you apply?

N95 Mask, Gloves, and Gown

Does the UVGI light remain on 24 hours a day? And does the radiation emitted from the bright UVGI harm patients or staff members eyes?

No. And no, the lights are monitored so they wouldn't affect the patients and staff.


PPE that covers the uniform. To protect the skin and prevent contamination of clothing. Wear for direct patient care. Remove and perform hand hygiene before exiting.

Mouth, nose, and eye protection

Protect the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth during procedures and patient care activities/ splashes of blood, etc.


Protective hand coverings. When contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, etc. remove after contact with a patient or their environment. Don't wear the same pair of gloves for more than one patient. Change gloves after your hands move from a contaminated body site to a clean body site


Separate ill patients from others


Spreads long distances in the air on dust and moisture

When transporting a patient somewhere else, should you or the patient wear PPE?

The patient should wear the PPE

What must be done before these items are used? stethoscope bathtub shower chair wheelchair

They need to be disinfected and sterilized

What should you do when caring for non-disposable equipment from a contact precautions unit?

They should be left in the isolation room. If equipment must be shared, clean and disinfect it.

What are three ways communicable diseases may be spread?

Through upper respiratory secretions by airborne and droplet transmission, By contact transmission with feces or other body secretions and excretions, Through draining wounds or ineffective material such as blood on needles

What are three reasons for wearing gloves?

To avoid picking up a pathogen from a patient, To avoid giving patients pathogens that is on your hands, To avoid picking up a pathogen from a patient or the environment and carrying it to another patient on the hands

Should you allow hand sanitizer to dry before doing something?

Yes, you should and the hand sanitizer is flammable

Explain what to do with food not eaten by a patient in isolation

You flush it down the toilet. All food except with bones which will go in the waste container

When setting up a sterile field, you reach over to place it on a towel. The nurse tells you the setup cannot be used and you must discard it and restart. What did you do wrong?

You have to restart because you reached over the field. You should NEVER reach over a sterile field.

You see and airborne precautions sign on someones door. You are assigned to serve his breakfast tray. What should you do?

You should apply the N95 mask or a high level respirator

When removing the bed spread what should you do?

You shouldn't shake the linen because it can spread pathogens

if you are a bigger person but there is only small sized gowns, what do you do?

You use two. One in the front and one in the back

Aerosol generating

a face shield that fully covers the face

State the measures that are to be taken to care for vital equipment used with the patient in isolation

a. Equipment should be dedicated to the patient b. It must be cleans and disinfected before use with another patient

Gloves should be used whenever there may be contact with__________

blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, or non-intact skin

medical asepsis

clean technique, practice to reduce the number of microbes

Breaks in the skin of a health care worker should be immediately treated by___________ and applying ___________

cleaning and applying an antiseptic, covered, and reported to your superior


containers for contaminated items. carefully discard/ dispose of sharps. discard all potentially infectious materials in the proper container.


droplet precautions

Second and third shelf or drawer on the bedside table

emesis basin, wash basin, soap and soap dish

Always rinse the bar of soap after use


You should use water-less hand cleaner if your hands are visibly soiled


Body fluid precautions used only for patients with infection?

false, always assume that they could be infectious

It is the soap that actually removes microbes from hands

false, it is the friction

Autoclave is used to disinfect equipment

false, it is used to sterilize

Do standard precautions eliminate the need for any other isolation?

false, standard is used for isolation, isolation trumps standard

To be effective, a gown should ______ correctly

fit/ cover


human immunodeficiency virus

The contaminated gown should be folded ______ before you dispose of it in the proper receptacle

inward, away from the body

______ pressure air flow is used in airborne precautions room


A2 room

negative isolation room

Disposable equipment is used only_________

once and then discarded


soiled themselves, before changing linen you should wear gown and gloves

______ precautions are used any time contact with blood, body fluid, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, or non-intact skin is likely


What is the type of precautions that is used in all situations in which care providers may contact body fluids?

standard precautions

To be effective, a mask must cover both _____ and _____

the nose and the mouth

Transmission-Based Precautions

to prevent the spread of infection by interrupting the way in which the disease is spread.

The purpose of wearing a mask and gown in the isolation unit is to __________

to protect your nose and mouth and cover skin and clothing. It protects them from pathogens

First shelf or drawer on the bedside table

toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and hairbrush, denture cup

All patients are considered potentially infectious


Washing hands breaks the chain of infection



ultra-violet germicidal irradiation- uses ultraviolet light in the room air or the air duct. the purpose is to disinfect rooms after patients have been discharged

What is considered bio-hazardous waste?

used needles, blood, urine, feces, body fluids

What are seven secretions and excretions that are potentially infectious?

vomit, urine, vaginal secretions, feces, mucus, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid

Should health care workers avoid touching counters when wearing gloves?


What should you do when handling dirty linen?

you should hold it away from yourself making sure it doesn't touch your uniform

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