Unit 14: The Modern World

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WWI happened during _____


who is Duchamp?

A French-American artist who is the founder of Dada

what 3 things are going on the painting Les Demoiselles d' Avignon?

Abstraction, Cubism, and Primitivism.

the poem Second Coming is by who


Who is Magritte?

a Belgian surrealist artist who fits with Dada

Who is Mondrian?

a Dutch painter who attempts to paint mathematics

who was Braque?

a French artist who developed the art style called Cubism

Who is Kandinsky? what is he influenced by?

a Russian artist; Theosophy

who was Chagall?

a Russian-French artist

Who was Picasso?

a Spanish artist

What is Guernica other than the name of a painting?

a city that was destroyed to test new technology

Chagall experiments with what?

a code of color; He assigns values to different colors to see if there aren't other ways to communicate we haven't' thought about yet.

Persistence of Memory is by who?

a famous painting by Salvador Dali

What is Theosophy?

a movement that tried to inject moral rationality into society by painting Mathematics.

What is happening in the painting the Green Violinist?

a violinist; he is swept up in his music. As he performs his music all that matters to him is the music and the experience of living in the music. Above him is a more youthful figure with the same color connection as the violinist floating through the air, maybe the soul or spirit set free by the music as the rest of the world just falls away from the violinist. The costuming and the setting here influenced by Chagall's childhood growing up in a Russian Jewish village.

who is Yeats?

an Irish poet

Dali is influenced by who?

an important social scientist, Sigmund Frued.

What is Surrealism about?

dreams, it's about the subconscious mind

The poem Second Coming is an example of what?

iconography in literature

What is Cubism?

means presenting the same object at different angles

For Chagall the color green is the color of what?

mysticism, intense religious experience that can't be communicated in ordinary language.

The world had never seen what in WWI?

never seen this kind of devastation, the bloodiness and destruction.

What does Dadaism mean?

not believing in anything

What does Dada mean?


Abstraction in Les Demoiselles d' Avignon represents what?


What can you do in a lot of Picasso's paintings?

read the painting from left to right

what does abstraction mean?

shapes and colors that don't seem to refer to a real object

In Violin and Pallete, the artist Barque reminds us what?

that it depends on how we look at it

The violinist has a green face and a green right hand but the left hand is not green symbolizing what?

that our culture doesn't know how to communicate effectively.

Chagall is convinced what?

that part of our problem as a culture is that we aren't communicating effectively.

Chagall was heavily persecuted by who?

the Soviet Union

What is symbolized by the Primitivism in Les Demoiselles d' Avignon?

the development of human life

who is Dali?

the founder and the central figure of a movement called Surrealism

Who is Frued?

the founder of Psycho Analysis and in a lot of ways the founder of Psychology

In Les Demoiselles d' Avignon the rest of the painting represents what?

the hope for the future to get back to nature

For Frued what is important?

the mind that thinks about thinking

The poem Second Coming is the best example of what?

the modern mind, the best illustration of the Western mind at the end of WWI

Picasso called Guernica what?

the ugliest painting he ever painted

In Violin and Pallette painting cubism is represented in what?

the violin

What did Duchamp do at an attempt of humor?

took Mona Lisa and drew a mustache and goatee with the letters LHOOQ at the bottom of the painting

Violin and Pallette is a painting by who?

Georges Braque

What does Mondrian do in the painting Color Planes in Oval?

He assigns mathematical values, rather he assigns values of color and location and size and shape to different mathematical values and then works a math problem and as those values come up in the math program that tells him where to put the brush and what size and shape to make the image on the canvas.

Several Spheres is a painting by who?


Man with a Newspaper is by who? and is an example of what?

Magritte; French humor

the painting Green Violinist is by who?

Marc Chagall

Color Planes in Oval is a painting by who?


Guernica is a painting by who?

Pablo Picasso

Les Demoiselles d' Avignon is a painting by who?

Pablo Picasso

In the painting Guernica, Picasso says the bull represents _____


Picasso was influenced by _______ for a time during his career.


Mondrian is influenced by what movement?


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