Unit 15

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

4 Read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same lines. The board was coming under intense (31) .............. to take action, there seeming to be (32) ............... differences between the two sides in the dispute. The figures the board had were so at (33).............. with what the workers submitted and the issues that divided them so (34).............. that no-one could see how the two (35).............. parties could possibly reach (36).............. It certainly didn't help that, by nature, the leaders of both sides were so fiercely (37) ................. The shadow of (38) ..............and subsequent (39).............. hung heavy over the company. For Bill himself, the spectre of (40).............. loomed large.

(31) PRESS (32) RECONCILE (33) VARY (34) CONTEND (35) OPPOSE (36) AGREE (37) COMPETE (38) LIQUID (39) CLOSE (40) BANKRUPT 31 pressure 32 irreconcilable 33 variance 34 contentious 35 opposing 36 agreement 37 competitive 38 liquidation 39 closure 40 bankruptcy

3 Match a first half (1-5) with a second half (a-e) to make complete sentences. 1 His career took off with two successful films 2 They got engaged in spring 3 He was made skipper last season 4 He took up the post in 1997 ; He set up the company in 1996 a but then he faded into oblivion. b but it folded in 1998. c but within three months he was stripped of the captaincy. d but he broke it off soon afterwards. e but was relieved of his position six months later .

1 a 2 d 3 c 4 e 5 b

f) Underline one or both of the pairs of words on the right that collocate with the words (1-10) on the left. Example: fierce 1 close competition I qpposition 2 voice competition I opposition 3 all-out competition I opposition 4 take on the competition I the opposition 5 strongly competitive I opposed 6 vehemently competitive I opposed 7 a fearsome competitor I opponent 8 raise an objection I a complaint 9 head-on confrontation I difference 10 sweeping condemnation I disapproval

1 competition 2 opposition 3 opposition 4 the competition (where competition means 'all competitors') I the opposition 5 competitive I opposed 6 opposed 7 competitor I opponent 8 an objection 9 confrontation 10 condemnation

1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words. 1 The journalist wanted to interview me and I eventually agreed. consented I .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . the journalist. 2 It appears that the harvest workers think they were maltreated. claim The harvest workers .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .... badly. 3 I could never let myself be photographed in such a situation. induce Nothing would.. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. ... .. like that. 4 I suppose they'll get the message eventually. dare I........................... .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .... .. end. 5 Say the wrong thing and you'll upset him. risk You .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. .... . wrong thing. 6 This must be one of the worst films anyone has ever made. rank This must have been made. 7 Every contribution I made was thought to be unrealistic. dismissed All.. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... .. .. . .. ... realism.

1 eventually consented to being interviewed by 2 (apparently) claim to have been treated 3 induce me to be photographed in a situation 4 dare say they' II get the message in the 5 risk upsetting him if you say the 6 rank as one of the worst films that 7 my contributions were dismissed as lacking

Put the words in brackets in a suitable form in the sentences. 1 There is a lot of friendly.................... between the two teams. (rival) 2 Our ....................are still some way behind us. ( competition) 3 He was implacably.................... to the plan. (opposition) 4 The match was fiercely ....................(competition) 5 His achievement.................... that of the world's greatest runners. (rival)

1 rivalry 2 competitors 3 opposed 4 competitive 5 rivalled I rivals

Fill each. of the numbered blanks <3Q!J!J# with one suitable word. - John D. Martin was born in a little village just outside Chester in the year 1923. In his lifetime he (I)....................up 154 companies, all of which [2)................ out of business and had to (3) ................down with the receivers being (4)................ in and the firm (5) ................. into liquidation. He was declared ( 6)................ in court seventy-nine times and (7)................ up with fifteen suspended prison sentences. Every single one of his ventures (8) , not one (9]................ off.All of his businesses ceased (10) ................within six months of wheels being set in {11) ................any scheme that he tried to (12)................ into practice died a (13)................ 1 Asked late in life why so many projects he had (14)................ life into had had to be (15)................ up, he " replied: 'I quite enjoy getting up and going to bed: it's just the bits in between I've never been able to come to terms with.'

1 set 2 went 3 shut I close 4 called 5 going 6 bankrupt 7 ended 8 failed 9 rook 10 trading 11 motion 12 put 13 death 14 breathed 15 wound

Tick (./) the correct form of the underlined verbs that completes each sentence. 1 I wouldn't advise any parent to take I taking their children to a zoo. 2 It was so horrible I couldn't bear watching I to watch. 3 I'll never forget to meet I meeting my all-time favourite author. 4 I only just remembered to warn I warning her in time. 5 When his playing career finished he went on becoming I to become a successful chat-show host. 6 You are recommended leaving I to leave your valuables at reception. 7 It is strictly forbidden entertaining I to entertain guests in these rooms. 8 I saw him lose I losing his footing and fall I falling.

1 to take ./ 2 to watch ./ 3 meeting ./ 4 to warn ./ 5 to become ./ 6 to leave ./ 7 to entertain ./ 8 lose, fall ./

4 Which of the verbs above fit in the gaps in the following sentences? Use an appropriate form. a I think this milk has.................. smell it. b It's time the company................. into different areas. c It would be awful if the great turtle were to................. .... d He suddenly................. in the middle of his speech. e Don't worry; the effects of the injection will ................. in a few hours.

4 a gone off b branched off c die out d dried up e wear off

1 Fill the gaps below with the collocating verbs listed. initiate found pass create evoke a ..........................an institution b ..........................an impression c ..........................memories of one's youth d ..........................proceedings against someone e . .......................... a new law 2 Do the same with these items. form arouse instil conjure up embark a ..........................an image of peace and harmony b ..........................feelings of bitterness c ..........................on a solo career d . .. ..........................an alliance e ...........................a sense of responsibility in someone

I a found b create c evoke d initiate e pass 2 a conj11re up b arouse c embark d form e instil

0 Fill each of the blanks with one of the words listed. Write a dash (-) if no word is needed. as like for 1 Accept this ...........what it's worth. 2 Don't let's take anything ..........granted. 3 Accept it ..........a tribute. 4 Consider it .......... done. 5 He was treated .......... a long-lost friend. 6 He'll end up ..........bankrupt. 7 I felt ..........unwanted. 8 He took me ..........a foreigner. 9 Let's treat this ..........a one-off. 10 He'll be remembered ..........a great leader. 11 She'll be remembered above all ..........her smile. 12 He'll be remembered ... ........... no other before him.

I for 2 for 3 as 4 - 5 like 6 - 7- 8for 9 as 10 as llfor 12 like

Fill each of the gaps in these sentences with a correct form of the verb printed in bold and another verb of your own choice. Example: I once met Tom Cruise, who just . ... on the same plane as me. (happen) I once met Tom Cruise, who just happened to be travelling on the same plane as me. 1 It was my English teacher who .........me.........acting. inspire 2 He me . . .. for drama school. encourage 3 However I .........to university instead. decide 4 This .........the right decision. prove 5 I was given parts in several student productions because I.................. as a professional actor in the past. claim 6 This was obviously not true, but I still .......... professionally. long 7 I .........the attention of directors by inviting them to these student productions. hope 8 However, I didn't .........them I only had a walk-on part. dare

I inspired ... to take up 2 encouraged ... to enrol I apply I sign up 3 decided to go 4 proved co be 5 claimed to have worked 6 longed to act 7 hoped ( or: was hoping) to attract I gain I come to 8 dare (co) tell I warn I inform

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. When the Council announced it was (1) ............to build the new by-pass, thousands of local residents (2) ............ joining the protest campaign. Some objected that the plans (3) ............several old cottages being demolished. Others couldn't (4) ............ to see 500 hectares of beautiful grassland bulldozed. Many weren't necessarily against the road; what they (5) ............was not being consulted in advance. But protest is not what it used to be. Within six months most had (6) ............to care. I A suggesting B planning on C proposing D advising 2 A didn't hesitate B contemplated C wanted D were keen 3 A intended B led C resulted D meant 4 A stand B bear C accept D consider 5 A minded B refused C objected D cared 6 A finished B quit C ceased D given

IC 2B 3D 4B 5A 6C I regret to inform you that you've not been short-listed I regret applying for the job now.

It appears that the harvest workers think they were underpaid. claim The harvest workers have been paid enough.

a (apparently) claim not to

Match these sentences with the main points above. 1 I felt something brush against my arm in the dark. 2 I regret to say your progress has been too slow. 3 As for my neighbours, I really can't stand their relentless quarrelling. 4 Vassily didn't mention going to the party tonight. 5 My grandmother could remember having ridden in one of the first cars on the island.

check 1 verb + bare infinitive (5) 2 verb + to-infinitive (polite apology) (4) 3 verb + object + -ing form (3) 4 verb + -ing form (1) e verb + Perfect -ing form (2)

She finally gave way to demands for an interview with the tabloid press. consented Eventually she............... by the tabloid press.

consented to be I to being interviewed

I'm never going to go there again to the day I die. determined I'm........................... as I live.

determined never to go there again as long

Rewrite each of the sentences using the two prompt words given so that it is similar in meaning to the sentence printed before it. Example: What sometimes begins as a minor matter can ultimately lead to a major policy issue. off/up What sometimes starts off as a minor matter can end up as a major policy issue. 1 There is a real danger that many beautiful animals will soon be extinct. strong I facing 2 No one thinks the new law that is being brought in is very good. welcomes I introduction 3 They seem to think that a new supervisory body will solve the problem. creation I solution 4 A special party was held to commemorate when the company was founded. setting-up I celebrated 5 We've only had this situation since Ian's resignation as chairperson. being I stood 6 There's no way this area will be saved unless those buildings are demolished. demolition I save 7 Our local MP was voted out barely six months after he had been voted in. seat I elected

e There is a strong possibility that many beautiful animals are (or: will soon be) facing extinction. 2 No one welcomes the introduction of the new law. 3 They seem to think the creation of a new supervisory body is (or: will be) the solution to the problem. 4 The setting-up of the company was celebrated with I at a special party. 5 This situation has only come into being since Ian stood down as chairperson. 6 Only the demolition of those buildings can save this area. or: The demolition of those buildings is the only way to save this area. 7 Our local MP lost his seat barely six months after he had been elected

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. l The two countries have been . .. ..... for months over the issue of trade. a face to face b at loggerheads c eye to eye d on tenterhooks 2 I find myself at with most of my colleagues on what is the best way forward. a conflict b disagreement c odds d friction 3 The issue of European unity remains a bone of .......... among many political parties. a discussion b controversy c division d contention 4 The over pay that erupted over the summer was both petty and prolonged. a negotiation b disobedience c dispute d talks 5 His ideas on urban regeneration run .. .. .. . . .. to mainstream thought. a counter b against c opposite d deviate 6 I feel I really must take with your assertion that I am overpaid. a dispute b differ c issue d discussion 7 It was a furious argument and they .......... into each other without mercy. a argued b laid c attacked d crashed

lb 2c 3d 4c 5a 6c z b

I suppose you think it's worth keeping you on. yourself I dare . .. keeping on.

say you consider yourself worth

The manager's letter made him think again about how much he was spending each week. reassess He was made .....................expenditure by the manager's letter.

to reassess his weekly

I would not eat shellfish under any circumstances. induce Nothing................ shellfish.

would induce me to eat

Please think again before resigning. reconsider I urge ................in your resignation.

you to reconsider before handing

Read the text below. Use the word (i4 iffiJ # given in CAPITALS at the end of some 1 of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.. When, (O). controversially. the twenty-something dancer married the ageing film star, it was not just the age-gap that was (1) ............................. .According tofriends, 'their marriage started badly and got worse'. 'Their (2) ....................was obvious from the word go,' said one. 'The (3) began on the second day of the honeymoon,' said another. 'The fact that neither spoke the other's language at all well proved a really (4) ............ barrier,' said a third. 'I guess you could say there were (5) differences,' said a neighbour. After a series of monosyllabic (6) .. ........... lawyers were called in to bring things to an end with the minimum of (7),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Some hope! Farcical scenes in which both parties publicly accused the other of impossible (8).............. in a variety of languages gave way to less amusing incidents of open (9) ..................almost unprecedented in Hollywood history, culminating in the fiercely (10).............. young man burning down his wife's $20 million mansion .

(0) CONTROVERSY (1) CONTEND (2) COMPATIBLE (3) AGREE (4) SURMOUNT (5) RECONCILE (6) CONFRONT (7) HARMONIOUS (8) OBSTINATE (9) HOSTILE (lO)COMPETE (1) contentious (2) incompatibility (3) disagreements (4) insurmountable (5) irreconcilable (6) confrontations (7) disharmony (8) obstinacy (9) hostility (10) competitive

In the extract from a composition below, decide if the underlined phrases are correct. Correct them when necessary in the spaces below, or put a tick (/') in the space if no correction is needed. The first has been done as an example. I (1) dread thinking what will happen if global warming continues at the present rate. I (2) remember to go on beach holidays when I was a child and although it was hot I don't (3) recall it to be as hot as it has been for the last year or so. Temperatures ( 4) continue to soar and scientists (5) anticipate it to get worse. (6) I dislike them talking like this and (7) recommend to ignore them completely, though every day we (8) watch the debate become even more heated than a Greek island.

(2) remember going (3) recall it being (4) ./ (5) anticipate it getting (6) ./ (7) recommend ignoring (8) ./

Underline the words or phrases that can complete each sentence. One, two or all three options may be possible. 1 This old jacket of mine is............. out. a wiped b faded c worn 2 Our organisation was............ in 1960. a found b set up c founded 3 I think we should.............. this new policy of co- operation. a embrace b adopt c introduce 4 Enthusiasm for the playschool scheme simply............. a went out b petered out c dispelled 5 These old buildings next to the river should be ................. down. a scrapped b pulled c knocked 6 This painting ................. an atmosphere of almost total tranquillity. a reminds b conjures up c evokes 7 Nobody could quite believe the matron's .................. ... a dismissal b resignation c sacking 8 My best friend was................. out of the team. a kicked b dropped c sacked 9 In zoos many animal species are ................. in captivity. a made b bred c produced 10 Farmer John's been ................. cows for nearly forty years. a breeding b giving birth to c growing

(underline:) I c 2 b c 3 abc 4 b 5 bc 6 bc 7 abc 8 a 9 b 10 a

0 Rewrite each of the following sentences with the prompt words given. You will need to change the form of some of the words and add others. 1 It is unfortunate that some newspapers have claimed he has lied and cheated. his I misfortune I brand I cheat I newspapers 2 The government claims the information is top secret. According I information I classify I top secret 3 Some people might have thought from the way he behaved that he was arrogant. manner I could I interpreted 4 In more than one novel, writers have used pigs to portray political leaders. several I politicians I depicted 5 A failed musician, Noel thought he would have a go at being an actor. Having I as I musician I try I luck I actor

0 It is his misfortune to have been branded (as) a cheat by some newspapers. 2 According to the Government che information is I can be I must be I should be I has been classified as top secret. 3 His manner could have been interpreted as arrogance. 4 In several novels politicians have been depicted as pigs. 5 Having failed as a musician, Noel thought he would I decided to try his luck as an actor.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Example: We're not asking you to work overtime without extra pay. expected You're not expected to work overtime without being paid extra for it. 1 I could never be persuaded co pose for a photo like that. induce Nothing would . ... . . .. . . . ... ..in such a pose. 2 He requested the judge to take into account the fact that he had at no time lied to the court. honesty He asked the judge for . ... . . .. . . . ... .. consideration. 3 I don't chink the two sides have been communicating at all well. breakdown There seems .. . ... . . .. . . . ... .. . between the two sides. 4 My neighbour is looking after the house while I'm away. eye I've arranged for my neighbour . . ... . . .. . . . ... .. . my absence. 5 Many people think that Pacino is one of the finest actors of his generation. equals Pacino is . ... . . .. . . . ... .. his contemporaries. 6 I don't chink exercise is at all useful. total I consider exercise . ... . . .. . . . ... .. time. 7 I don't see why you have to be so unfriendly to all ofus. hostility Need .. . . ... . . .. . . . ... .. single one of us?

0 induce me to be photographed I to have myself photographed I to let myself be photographed 2 his honesty to be taken into 3 to have been a (total I complete) breakdown in communicacion(s) 4 to keep an eye on the house in 5 thought by many to have few equals among 6 (to be) a total waste of 7 you show such hostility towards every

Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase. 1 I didn't remember........ the play before until the very last scene. 2 I don't anticipate your ..............than a few minor problems with Paper 3. 3 If the boss goes ..................himself under so much pressure, he'll crack before long. 4 I resent ..............all the menial tasks to do by my immediate superior. 5 I don't mind you............. me as long as you remember to pay me back. 6 You can't stop your ...............grey, so why worry? 7 My dear old mother regrets never ................to drive. 8 He won't tolerate his employees................ in jeans. 9 Have you ever considered ...............your ears pierced? 10 We watched the two men in handcuffs ................. away by the police

1 having seen (seeing is possible) 2 having more 3 on putting 4 being given 5 borrowing money from 6 hair going I turning 7 having learnt (learning is possible) 8 coming to work I turning up for work 9 having I getting 10 being led I taken I hurried

f) Fill each of the blanks below using a suitable phrase that each contains one of these words . year recover effect pesticides light get 1 Tragically. this is a disease very.................... from. 2 In which ....................Nations founded? 3 Billions of insects and small animals are wiped . ... ....................every month. 4 The new law will come.................... as from January 1 next year. 5 More cynical members of the committee don't think our scheme will see ....................day. 6 We remain unconvinced that the project will ever ...................... ground.

1 few people I animals recover 2 year was the United 3 out by pesticides 4 into effect 5 the light of 6 get off the

Change the verb in brackets to a to-infinitive or -ing form as appropriate. Add any other preposition that is needed. 1 Have you ever considered (move) to York? lt is considered (be) one of the nicest cities in England. 2 I like (leave) home before 8.15 in the morning. I don't like (sit) in traffic when I know I could be doing something useful at work. 3 I'm rather afraid (bring) the subject up with her because I'm afraid (upset) her. 4 As you're so keen (follow) fashions, you'll probably be keen (visit) this exhibition. 5 I regret (inform) you that I already regret ( enrol) for this course. 6 Fortunately I remembered (bole) the door, but to be honest, I don't remember (do) so. 7 She stopped (shout) for a moment and he stopped (have) a cigarette. 8 This guitar needs (tune) and you also need (do) something about your piano.

1 moving to be 2 to leave sitting 3 to bring of upsetting 4 on following to visit 5 to inform enrolling 6 to bolt doing 7 shouting to have 8 tuning to do

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Example: The police think her disappearance is a serious matter. treated Her disappearance is being treated as a serious matter by the police. 1 I have never thought it was wrong to steal from the rich. regarded I have ....... .... . . . . . . .. . . a crime. 2 When they made me captain, I got the shock of my life. selected I never dreamt .. ....... .... ....... ..... captain. 3 People generally consider Monet to be the father of Impressionism. thought Monet ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... Impressionism. 4 Whatever you do, don't talk of me as a no-hoper. dismissed On no ....... .... ....... ....also-ran. 5 This is a souvenir we'd like to give you of the time you have spent here. memento Please accept . . ....... .... . . . . . stay here. 6 Did they seriously believe this device would deter other countries from invading? act Was it seriously ....... .. ....... ...... against invasion?

1 never regarded stealing from the rich as 2 of being I I would be selected as 3 is generally thought to be the father of 4 account should I be dismissed as an 5 this (souvenir) as a memento of your 6 believed this device would act as a deterrent

Tick (.I) the options that can complete each sentence; in some cases both are possible, in others just one. 1 My Iittle nephew proved/ proved to be quite a handful throughout his stay. 2 I once dared / dared to let my pet rabbit into the house. 3 Do you need to / Need you be so aggressive all the time? 4 Lying behind the sofa, I hardly dared / dared to breathe. 5 My parents never let us / let us to watch Star Trek when we were young. 6 Can you help me/ help me to get the washing in? 7 My teacher says I need /I need to concentrate on my pronunciation. 8 We were made / made to go out of the room when the programme started.

1 proved ./ i proved to be ./ 2 dared to./ 3 Do you need to ./ I Need you ./ 4 dared ./ I dared to ./ 5 let us./ 6 help me ./ I help me co ./ 7 need to./ 8 made to .I

2 Fill the gaps in these sentences with a word that should rill one of the gaps A-E in the table above. a I'm afraid I completely lack any sort of ..................... instinct when it comes to sport. b I think he will find that his..................... in the second round is made of sterner stuff. c There was a long-standing ..................... between the sisters. d In my view, football can never..................... athletics for sheer excitement. e The two ..................... captains were both shown the red card.

2 a A competitive b B opponent c D rivalry d E rival e C opposing

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. Example: The less about this, the better. That's easier than done! He is to be one of the richest men in the world. said 23 I think it's probably a question of .. ...... .. .. over matter. I don't suppose he would .. ...... .. .. if you borrowed his bicycle. I don't .. ...... .. .. standing down, if you think that's best. 24 I didn't realise we were expected to go in .... ...... .. .. dress. I really don't.. ...... .. .. sitting through that film again. Do you .. ...... .. .. making up a foursome? 25 I think you may have to act peacemaker. .......... a point of principle, I think it's Mary who should speak first. I see this .. ...... .. .. a final chance for peace 26 He naturally felt .. ...... .. at being rejected for promotion. This latest brand of coffee is slightly.. ...... .. for my taste. The plan for the new ring road has met with .. ...... .. opposition. 27 I don't think the agreement will work in its present.. ...... .. . The four countries ...... ...... .. ....The United Kingdom. What.. ...... .. of alliance do you envisage? 28 Let's try and make sure the slate is.. ...... .. clean. If we're not careful, this species of owl will be .. ...... .. out. I'm afraid my opponent .. ...... .. the floor with me. 29 He dried.. ...... .. at a crucial moment in his speech. I think I'll sign .. ...... .. for another yoga course. I'm sure business will pick.. ...... .. in the new year. 30 We made profits of £5 million this year as.. ...... .. to £2 million last year. I am totally................... to any changes in the law regarding trespass. Would you have................ the re-introduction of the death penalty?

23 mind 24 fancy 25 as 26 bitter 27 form 28 wiped 29 up 30 opposed

2 Circle a letter A, B, C or D that best fills each numbered gap. It never (8) ................................to amaze me how many films are (9) ................................ by the critics as a load of rubbish but go on to achieve considerable commercial success, flying in the ( 10) ................................of such criticism. In fact it is the exception rather than the ( 11) .. ................................ .... . .. . when critics and cinema goers see (12) ................................ . 'Titanic', 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' and 'Pearl Harbour' for example, met with quite a lot of media (13) ................................ but all three (14) ................................at the box office like few others have before. It (15) ................................ the question: what is a quality film? How can one film be (16) ......................as a 'classic' and another as a 'turkey', What (17) .....................as 'a great film'. Meanwhile, the rivalry among studios has never been more ( 18) . ...................... . . . All of them will happily spend millions of dollars on a 'happening' to (19) ..................... their film in an attempt to (20) ..................... their potential audience into buying their ticket. They will also spend millions to try and (21) .....................damaging rumours about their stars and (22) .....................them as heroes on a level beyond any other human being on the planet. 8 A stops B ceases C ends D finishes 9 A considered B complimented C counted D panned 10 A face B wind C variance D plane 11 A acceptance B rule C reception D law 1 2 A at loggerheads B on tenterhooks C face to face D eye to eye 1 3 A disagreement B competition C hostility D reprisal 14 A took off B petered out C broke off D dried up 15 A lifts B puts Crises D raises 16 A categorised B called C thought D qualified 17 A qualifies B names C acts D serves 18 A intensive B opposed C intense D all-out 19 A branch out B launch C shoot off D put up 20 A brainwash B start up C put ou1 D consign 21 A reject B disperse C annihilate D dispel 22 A count B expose C promote D double

8 B 9 0 10 A 11 B 12 D 13 C 14 A 15 D 16 A 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 A 21 D 22 C

SECTION 4 Competition, opposition, disagreement 1 COLLOCATION A number of verbs and adjectives collocate with competition and opposition: We encountered fierce competition in the opening stages of the tournament. The market economy is designed to stimulate competition. The proposal to allow heavy lorries on the narrow road met stiff opposition. The scheme aroused I came up against considerable opposition. Local residents voiced their opposition to the scheme. • We can also use some adverb I adjective collocations to describe competition and opposition: My youngest son is fiercely competitive. I am vehemently opposed to any alteration of the original proposals. 1 Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the most suitable word listed. a My father was .. ..... . opposed to my decision to join the army. i extremely ii formidably iii bitterly b Unfortunately we are facing competition from our rivals. i arm-breaking ii cut-throat iii one-armed

SECTION 4 Pre-practice I c bitterly 2 b cut-throat

0 Match the first part (1-8) of each sentence with the most appropriate ending (a-h). Example: 0 i (0 My four-year-old son can't bear) 1 I only have to mention 2 The problem is he dreads 3 Oddly enough, he absolutely adores 4 Some friends advised me 5 Somehow I didn't fancy 6 Strange as it may seem, I didn't want to risk 7 I didn't think he would appreciate 8 I dread

a doing this. b swimming and playing around in water. c washing it and he goes and hides. d to think what happens to my friends' children. e dropping him on his head in the bath. f to hold him upside down while washing the shampoo off. g having a bruise on his head instead of water in his eyes. h the water getting into his eyes. (i having his hair washed.) le 2h 3b 4f 5a 6e 7g 8d

a The police are ........this case as murder. b My lecturer .. .....the point I made as irrelevant. c This thing can ....... a frisbee. d This must ......as one of the worst performances any prime minister has ever given. e The pretender to the throne was eventually .. ...as an imposter. f He's widely......... now as the best goalkeeper in the world.

a treating b regarded I dismissed c double I function d rank I count I rate e exposed I denounced f regarded I acknowledged

Match these sentences with the five main points above. 1 He claimed to be the rightful heir to the throne. 2 They pretended to have met before. 3 I'm waiting for you to make up your mind. 4 Tell me what you know and I'll let you go. 5 I absolutely forbid you to see that man again.

check I verb + to be (2) 2 verb + Perfect infinitive (3) 3 verb + for + object + to-infinitive ( 4) 4 verb + bare infinitive (5) 5 verb + object + to-infinitive (1)

Which of the sentences below is not correct? I Their music has been classified as rechno-rock. Z An outsider has emerged as the frontrunner in the presidential elections. 3 The President dismissed the attack as irrelevant. 4 The Prime Minister acted as virtual Head of State during the President's recent illness. 5 Many important businessmen act as kings when they become successful.

check 5 (correct: act like kings)

Fill each of the blanks in the following sentences with one of the words listed. Make any necessary changes to word formation. More than one answer is sometimes possible. Example: It was a world-class field and the competition was formidable I intense I fierce. stimulate intense brush violent raise formidable object fierce meet beat come up against l I would like to.......................... a couple of objections to the scheme. 2 The local residents are ..........................opposed to the plans to widen the road. 3 It seems we are.......................... competition from several other companies for the contract. 4 As a team, they are.......................... competitive. 5 They played so well they simply ..........................aside all the competition. 6 There is.......................... competition in the motor industry. 7 We ..........................stiff opposition in the next round. 8 We.......................... Real Madrid three-two in the final. 9 The Government's policy is to..........................competition and therefore economic growth. 10 You can't really have any serious ..........................to my going away for the weekend, can you?

e 1 raise 2 fiercely I violently 3 coming up against i meeting 4 fiercely I intensely I formidably 5 !,rushed 6 intense I fierce 7 met I came up against I are going to meet I are go-ing to come up against I will meet I will come up against 8 beat 9 stimulate IO objections

8 Underline the options that can complete the sentences. One, two, or three options may be possible. 1 He has been ...............as the third man in the affair. a named b published c termed d identified 2 You ought to............... this as an opportunity to better yourself. a view b regard c define d think 3 When he came to power, he was ...............as a saviour. a thought b considered c hailed d classified 4 At a pinch this sofa could ...............as a bed. a double b act c serve d practise 5 Could you ................as a 'Don't know'?' a notify me b put me down c note me down d write me up 6 ................ a friend. a Consider me b Think of me as c Regard me d Make me as 7 In many caricatures and cartoons he was............... as a donkey. a described b portrayed c depicted d treated 8 He emerged............... from his ordeal. a a better man b unscathed c as a hero d as undefeated 9 I don't think he'd ...............two weeks as a commis waiter here. a qualify b last c end up d keep 10 I can never............... as 'madam'. a name her b think of her c refer to her d call her

e (underline:) 1 a d 2 a b 3 c 4 ab c 5 b 6 ab 7 b c 8 ab c 9 b 10 b c

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